Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: wizturbo on October 20, 2015, 08:12:01 PM

Question: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?  Please vote Yes or No first, and select any subsections that you feel should apply.
Option 1: Yes
Option 2: No
Option 3: (Subsection) Yes - in the AoD, but not as coded soldiers
Option 4: (Subsection) Yes - in House Tor (should the clan ever be reopened to non-nobles)
Option 5: (Subsection) No - things are fine as is
Option 6: (Subsection) No - they shouldn't even be allowed in House Oash
Option 7: (Subsection) Yes - Something similar to the Conclave for ungemmed mages
Title: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: wizturbo on October 20, 2015, 08:12:01 PM
No discussion please.  Just vote.

Especially want to hear votes from people who generally don't post!
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: Armaddict on October 20, 2015, 09:50:47 PM
Quote(Subsection) Yes - in the AoD, but not as coded soldiers

Why is that a yes when that's actually how it pretty much is already?
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: wizturbo on October 20, 2015, 09:56:39 PM
Quote from: Armaddict on October 20, 2015, 09:50:47 PM
Why is that a yes when that's actually how it pretty much is already?

Some Gemmed can be loosely affiliated with individual Templars, but they are never afforded clanned status.  That means no OOC communication tools like the clan forum, no automated pay systems/food/real estate, etc.    

If you vote for "Yes - in the AoD, but not as coded soldiers" you're voting for Gemmed being actually part of the AoD clan in some capacity, but not having crim-code related advantages that true soldiers enjoy.  I'm also not advocating that these Gemmed have the same social standing as a soldier, they're still Gemmed, but affiliated Gemmed.
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: Armaddict on October 20, 2015, 10:04:16 PM
Quote from: wizturbo on October 20, 2015, 09:56:39 PM
Quote from: Armaddict on October 20, 2015, 09:50:47 PM
Why is that a yes when that's actually how it pretty much is already?

Some Gemmed can be loosely affiliated with individual Templars, but they are never afforded clanned status.  That means no OOC communication tools like the clan forum, no automated pay systems/food/real estate, etc.    

If you vote for "Yes - in the AoD, but not as coded soldiers" you're voting for Gemmed being actually part of the AoD clan in some capacity, but not having crim-code related advantages that true soldiers enjoy.  I'm also not advocating that these Gemmed have the same social standing as a soldier, they're still Gemmed, but affiliated Gemmed.

I accept that.  I would also request the addition of 'Yes - Something similar to the Conclave for ungemmed mages.'

Edited:  And the 'Yes - House Tor' also bugs me, because like I said in the other thread...Tor is closed to mundanes, which I hate.  Tor Scorpions are my favorite soldiers in the game.  I'd like to see the clan opened first as it is, before discussing whether or not there should be mages in it.  That was what I meant in the other thread, if that didn't come across.
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: BadSkeelz on October 20, 2015, 10:09:01 PM
Quote from: wizturbo on October 20, 2015, 09:56:39 PM
Some Gemmed can be loosely affiliated with individual Templars, but they are never afforded clanned status.  That means no OOC communication tools like the clan forum, no automated pay systems/food/real estate, etc.    

If you vote for "Yes - in the AoD, but not as coded soldiers" you're voting for Gemmed being actually part of the AoD clan in some capacity, but not having crim-code related advantages that true soldiers enjoy.  I'm also not advocating that these Gemmed have the same social standing as a soldier, they're still Gemmed, but affiliated Gemmed.

I voted for that option as well.

And for the record, AoD clanned status has been afforded to at least two 'gickers in recent memory... but they were Exceptional 'Gickers.

Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: wizturbo on October 20, 2015, 10:16:55 PM
Quote from: Armaddict on October 20, 2015, 10:04:16 PM
I accept that.  I would also request the addition of 'Yes - Something similar to the Conclave for ungemmed mages.'

Added.  Although I'm not sure if people who've already voted can go back and add this to their vote?

Quote from: Armaddict on October 20, 2015, 10:04:16 PM
Edited:  And the 'Yes - House Tor' also bugs me, because like I said in the other thread...Tor is closed to mundanes, which I hate.

Adjusted the verbage to reference that this would only apply if the clan was reopened to non-nobles.
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: Bushranger on October 21, 2015, 02:08:10 AM
What I would like to see is Staff stop over-emphasizing the hatred people are supposed to feel about gemmed.

Yes, they're bad and evil and we don't like them. We get it staff but if things were as bad as you keep saying to us then why do you animate places like the Vivaduan temple having NPC mundanes in the courtyard trying to buy some healing for their sick children? Hiring a gemmed for a job is like hiring a hooker with no teeth. The job gets done, and perhaps better than a good looking hooker could do it, but you really don't want folks to know you've hired them.
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: nauta on October 21, 2015, 02:17:33 AM
Quote from: Bushranger on October 21, 2015, 02:08:10 AM
What I would like to see is Staff stop over-emphasizing the hatred people are supposed to feel about gemmed.

Yes, they're bad and evil and we don't like them. We get it staff but if things were as bad as you keep saying to us then why do you animate places like the Vivaduan temple having NPC mundanes in the courtyard trying to buy some healing for their sick children? Hiring a gemmed for a job is like hiring a hooker with no teeth. The job gets done, and perhaps better than a good looking hooker could do it, but you really don't want folks to know you've hired them.

Especially Vivaduans: They don't even need to use their mouths.
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: CodeMaster on October 21, 2015, 02:35:57 AM
Quote from: Bushranger on October 21, 2015, 02:08:10 AM
The job gets done, and perhaps better than a good looking hooker could do it, but you really don't want folks to know you've hired them.

Magick really does feel like something forbidden and dangerous in this game,  which is absolutely to its credit.  I don't feel like the hate and/or taboo are overemphasized.  I also don't know if it's as much staff as it is vocal (but well-meaning) players who might feel like they're being robbed of seeing the dire consequences that should go hand in hand with flirting with the dark side.

But like you say, I think it's accurate that people with sick children and life threatening conditions are going to consider the magick option.  Magick is also the only feasible route to true power in Zalanthas, and the corruption brought on by magick is one of the game's central themes.

Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: The Silence of the Erdlus on October 21, 2015, 07:30:37 AM
I chose yes: all except the Conclave option, because from what I've gathered on the GDB and in-game, allowing unclanned gemmed to congregrate into organizations of power has led to some OOC consequences that were eventually remedied by staff (basically, said clans were closed.)
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: Lizzie on October 21, 2015, 08:00:23 AM
I was gonna post something pertinent to the discussion but realized it might be better to be the change in the game itself, and not play the game on the GDB. Here's hoping.

Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: Delirium on October 21, 2015, 09:24:42 AM
Quote from: wizturbo on October 20, 2015, 08:12:01 PM
No discussion please.  Just vote.

Especially want to hear votes from people who generally don't post!

Ahem. Just a gentle reminder.
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: Inks on October 21, 2015, 07:31:32 PM
But...he instantly broke his own rule..

They could be afforded recruit status right now with only the go ahead from staff needed and 0 code changes.
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: CodeMaster on October 21, 2015, 11:20:01 PM
(Some light discussion has got to be fine, wizturbo... this isn't the general voting board?!)

I'm probably nuts but I kind of view being gemmed as a role for elementals.  It feels like saying there should be more clans for people who want to play mercenaries (which would be cool, don't get me wrong, but there are other things to play than a sword-for-hire).
Title: Re: Poll: Should Gemmed have more roles available to them?
Post by: Jave on October 22, 2015, 01:45:44 AM
Quote from: Bushranger on October 21, 2015, 02:08:10 AM
What I would like to see is Staff stop over-emphasizing the hatred people are supposed to feel about gemmed.

Yes, they're bad and evil and we don't like them. We get it staff but if things were as bad as you keep saying to us then why do you animate places like the Vivaduan temple having NPC mundanes in the courtyard trying to buy some healing for their sick children? Hiring a gemmed for a job is like hiring a hooker with no teeth. The job gets done, and perhaps better than a good looking hooker could do it, but you really don't want folks to know you've hired them.

Bold added by me to highlight what I'm responding to.

I'm not sure where you got the idea that staff have the position you seem to think they do.

But just to clarify: As a concept, people being wary and hateful towards a group or an individual while still turning to them when times are desperate seems uncomplicated to me.

Aren't human beings in the real world rife with examples of people going to witches when they're desperate to cure their sick child, only to turn around and persecute the same witches they were pleading for help from when the crops don't grow a month later?

I was recently playing Dragon Age Inquisition by EA Games and in that world as well elves are second class citizens and so are mages. I was playing an elven mage as the main protagonist and in the course of the story line it was highlighted several times that the world turns to mages and elves when they need a solution to a problem, only to turn around and bite the hand that fed them when the winds change.

I thought this was a pretty common narrative.