Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: nessalin on August 10, 2015, 07:43:46 AM

Title: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 10, 2015, 07:43:46 AM
August 10th, 2015

Banking Changes
-Fee is now on deposit
-Nobles pay no fee (in their city)
-Nobles are addressed by title (in their city)
-Templars pay no fee (in their city)
-Templars addressed by title (in their city)
-GMH Creation of GMH Family clans (House Kurac Family, House Kadius Family, House Salarr Family, House Nenyuk Family)
-GMH Family members pay 1/2 tax of other commoners
-Minimum deposit required when fee is in effect (2,000 or more combined value of deposit + balance)

Banking Changes discussion thread (,49823.0.html) for this release

Forage Changes
-Subguild Grebber can now forage food.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 13, 2015, 10:41:10 AM
August 13th, 2015

Starting Locations
-Pointing to Labyrinth now takes new characters to the Labyrinth starter shops room.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 17, 2015, 07:32:56 AM
August 17th, 2015

Armor Damage
-Armor can now be damaged by natural weapon attacks (sting, pinch)
-All material types have values associated with their how much damage it takes to break them

Craft Tool Degradation
-Craft tool degradation now takes place after the delay.  This is to keep tools from degrading before the craft attempt is made.
-Tools now only degrade on failed craft attempt.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 07, 2015, 07:13:08 AM
September 7th, 2015

Armor Repair
-Refactor of code for readability/maintainability
-Unused code removed
-Now takes all material types into account (was roughly 15 years behind)
-Materials leather, gwoshi, and skin can be used to repair each other.
-Materials bone, isilt, and duskhorn can now be used to repair each other.
-Armor items of similar type (see above) can now be used to repair each other.
-Much (much) harder to destroy a piece of armor through failed repairs.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 24, 2015, 10:59:25 AM
September 24th, 2015

Movement, and all it entails.
-This is entirely a code refactor release, there should be no perceived change to users
-Several hundred lines deleted (much of it commented out code, or ifdef'd code from 10-15 years ago)
-Some best practices added
-Much of this simplifying code for future work and terraforming to make the code base habitable for future developers
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 28, 2015, 01:04:04 PM
September 28th, 2015

Wine sip messages:
-Updated wine sip/taste messages

Harness/Unharness removed
-Feature had been commented out for ... a very long time, while adding complexity/fragility to the code.
-Roughly 800 lines removed across multiple areas
-Code simplified where risk was low to continue terraforming for future developers.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 02, 2015, 12:10:02 PM
October 2nd, 2015

Crash bug fixed
-Uninitialized variable was causing game to crash.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 05, 2015, 01:03:12 PM
October 5th, 2015

Code cleanup, movement related
-Updated variable names to be meaningful
-Removed unnecessary (as opposed to unused) variables.
-Removed ambiguity from ride to increase developer intent, made its return values constants for readability.
-Moved the repeated code into its own functions.
-Changed raw values to constants to improve readability.
-Converted clumsy code to more appropriate comparisons, reducing amount of code.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 12, 2015, 12:32:23 PM
October 11th, 2015

-Throwing now checks to see if your character should fall.
-Shooting now checks to see if your character should fall.
-Anything that knocks you out makes you fall.
-Falling makes you stop hiding.
-Falling based on non-movement actions now consolidated into one place. Previously each placed performed it's own check, in different ways.
-Verified that +climb gear works, contrary to player beliefs.
-Verified that climbing tools (separate from +climb gear) works, contrary to player belief.

-Anything that knocks you out makes you stop hiding.

Discussion Thread about these changes (,50004.0.html)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 26, 2015, 08:39:02 AM
October 26th, 2015

-Combat initiates a falling check (as it was supposed to in prior release, this may be an on-going issue as new ways to start combat are identified).
-Modest climb bonus for each free hand (not counting hands holding climb tools)
-When using a climbing tool, climb message will now indicate that the tool is helping.  (climb tools are not the same as items that give a bonus to climb)
"Using a coil of hemp rope, you carefully climb west."
-When a leader goes into a falling room, non-flying followers will stop.  Message will include sector type for most outdoor sectors.  This can be expanded in the future.
"You notice the hills give way to a hazardous fall, and stop following a warrior from team A."
-Message sent when climbing with both hands full (and neither hand is holding a climb tool).
"Struggling with a jeweled iron dagger and a hooded lantern in your hands, you carefully climb west."

Discussion Thread found here (,50056.0.html)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 02, 2015, 08:30:06 AM
November 2nd, 2015

-Consolidation of repeated code in single place
-Nearing the end of movement related code cleanup
-Should be no apparent changes, but the code is healthier than it was before.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 29, 2015, 10:41:16 AM
November 29th, 2015

- Subguilds are now handled the same as guilds/races for account settings.  This means staff can set the options for extended subguilds on accounts after approval and the option for that subguild wills how up during character creation.  The option can be set as one time use or permanent. (A future release will tie these values to karma levels, which will hopefully eliminate a lot of the process around extended subguild request/auto approval/staff setup).
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 30, 2015, 12:36:32 PM
November 30th, 2015

-Added nosave climbfollow, which will let characters follow leaders into falling rooms.
-Mounts will now follow characters into falling rooms.
-Characters will only get the message about now following their leader into a falling room when they are in the same room as the leader.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 14, 2015, 07:55:10 AM
December 14th, 2015

-Weapons that are type Razor or Knife can now be used for skinning.
-Garbage text that was appearing during character creation when selecting subguild cleaned up.
-Three new liquid types added.
-Food items will now age
 -Food items only age when in the game (meaning your food is fine while you're logged out)
 -Food items will not age when held by an NPC merchant
 -Food items will last 192 games hours / 36 RL hours before turning to dust.
 -Food items will get the word 'lightly-spoiled' added to their sdesc and keywords when they have 3 game days left (purely cosmetic at this time)
 -Food items will get the word 'spoiled' added to their sdesc and keywords when they have 1 game day left (purely cosmetic time)

Discussion thread about food aging can be found here:,50250.0.html (,50250.0.html)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 15, 2015, 07:35:29 AM
December 15th, 2015

-Added a new foodtype mushroom
-Added a way for builders to set preservation values on foods (salted, smoked, pickled, preserved, and a few generics that are catch-alls as the system is fleshed out)
-Added a flag for making foods infinite.  This may not be a long term option, but is something we'll try out for very special cases to see what the results are.
-Extended how long foods will last after it was pointed out foods were decaying too quickly, simple multiplication error, feel free to file reimbursement requests if RP-foods were lost
-Items in rooms that are indoors (or in items, or in people's inventory) have their chance of aging each hour reduced by 15%
-Items in rooms that are dark (or in items, or in people's inventory) have their chance of aging each hour reduced by 15%
-Added a container type that will preserve food (reducing chance to age each hour by 15%)

The above chances are cumulative, currently the maximum chance of reducing aging per hour is 45%, which would close to double the age of items in ideal conditions.
Containers that preserve food only apply the bonus once, meaning you cannot nest a preservation container inside another preservation container and get 30%.

Discussion thread about food aging can be found here:,50250.0.html (,50250.0.html)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 16, 2015, 07:03:05 AM
December 16th, 2015

- Food times that represent living things will note age (such as insects)
- Using the 'assess' command on a container that preserves food now returns, "It is meant for storing food."
- Eating food that is lightly spoiled gives a message and only gives half the usual hunger points.
- Eating food that is spoiled gives a message and only gives one quarter the usual hunger points.
- Preserved foods (salted/smoked/etc...) reduce the chance of aging by 20-30% depending on the flag
- Add a very slight amount of variance to how food ages, the result being 4 steaks skinned from the same corpse will not expire on exactly the same hour (but probably very close)
- Excluding food that is intentionally meant to last forever, all food will have a slight chance to age, no matter how many bonuses are piled up.

- While we always strive to keep the game stable, this release does include some risk.  If the game starts crashing we'll roll back to yesterday's release.

Discussion thread about food aging can be found here:,50250.0.html
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 17, 2015, 08:45:04 AM
December 17th, 2015

-Can no longer craft with spoiled items (defined as items having 8 IC hours left before they go poof)
-Upped base rot time from 36RL hours to 48RL hours
-Each food flag gives a different resistance to aging, in relative order
-Assessing a food item will now tell you which of the food flags above have been applied to it.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 18, 2015, 07:35:50 AM
December 18th, 2015

-Fixed a typo in the message displayed when using assess on a food item to check it's preservation status
-Staff can now pause aging on a food item until a PC picks it up (to be used for things like eggs in nests, fruits in bushes/trees, or staging areas for plots where food should wait for a PC to arrive)
-Foods now age relative to their food type.  The aging rate previous to today is the rate at which meat will age, everything else has a factor of that rate.  At the high end is dried-fruit, which will last for at least 9 RL days, up to 20 when indoors/darkness/preservation container.  These values are adjustable with a reboot, but should be adjustable without a reboot in the near future.  Expect them to change regularly as we find the sweet spot.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 18, 2015, 09:52:38 AM
December 18th, 2015

-Fixed a bug in this release where all item types, not just food, were having their age checked to see if they could be used in crafting.  Now only food will have its age checked.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 19, 2015, 10:21:02 AM
December 19th, 2015

-Refactor of the food aging code, cleaning up debug code, consolidating duplicated code.
-Food ages faster in
  -Rooms that are heavy with vegetation
  -Rooms that are light with vegetation
  -Rooms that have been ashed/defiled in
-Food ages slower
  -In rooms affected by spell restful shade
  -Outdoors are low sun
  -Outdoors at sundown
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 20, 2015, 08:39:17 AM
December 20th, 2015

-Fixed a bug in the fill command, where emptying a poisoned drink container into another wouldn't remove the poison flag from the now empty drink container.
-Fixed a bug in how single use extended subguild settings weren't saving on the account.
-Insect foods should no longer be automatically, or unpredictably, too spoiled for crafting.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 21, 2015, 08:44:25 AM
December 21st, 2015

-Some minor refactoring/deleting of old code
-Moved food data (maximum age, hunger, thirst, taste, etc..) into the database where it can be reloaded without a reboot
-Built a webpage for Admins & Producers to manage food data without having to touch the database directly
-Added two new customizable values to food types, the words used to indicate 'lightly-spoiled' and 'spoiled'
-Cosmetic changes to online object creation commands for staff
-Any closed container, in a room (not held, not in inventory, not nested somewhere in inventory or held) will be almost as effective as a preservation container
-Added 'who c' as an option back into the game.  It is now a clan job.  It is entirely up to clan staff to decide if their clan could make good use of it.

The daily reboots should end with the ability to tweak food aging without code changes.  Thanks for being patient and being polite in your reimbursement requests.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 22, 2015, 08:20:14 AM
December 22nd, 2015

-Fixed issue where clan leaders were able to self promote the whoc job: promote me whoc arm of the dragon
-Fixed issue where some non-clan members were showing up in the who c listings.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 28, 2015, 09:33:58 AM
December 28th, 2015

-Moved liquid data into the DB/out of the code, meaning additions and changes to liquids will no longer require a reboot
-Improved staff commands related to working with liquids during creation
-Updated the code used by staff to set up patrolling NPCs
  -Fixed a bug that would cause them to do nothing roughly 1/3 of the time
  -Cleaned up messaging to be less spamming/more informative for staff
-Minor change to material types to improve clarity for builders when selecting one for objects
-Small fixes in code to improve readability, reduce compiler warnings, improve logging
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 05, 2016, 01:09:51 PM
January 5th, 2016

-Spell disabled while we look into updating it (if it affects you, you'll know when you cast it)
-Removed debug messages from patrol NPCs that were inadvertently being seen by players
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 18, 2016, 08:38:58 AM
January 18th, 2016

-Taste message when sipping now comes out of the DB, had overlooked this in previous update.
-Color message when looking in a container/sipping/drinking now comes out of the DB, had overlooked this in previous update.
-When race specific taste message is blank for liquids, the non-race taste message is now sent.   
-Race check was backwards for thirst/hunger/drunk backwards on drinks, fixed.
-Update to object creation command for staff.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 18, 2016, 08:35:15 PM
January 18th, 2016

-Web tool completed allowing Admin+ to create/edit liquids (color, taste messages, race values, etc...). 
-Storyteller+ can use the same tool to get a better sense values associated with liquids rather than trial an error with the creation tools.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 25, 2016, 08:40:23 AM
January 25th, 2016

-Ability to use specific weapon type vs specific race type is now correctly read/written to characters.  Previously the first and last combinations were unusable.  This may result in a slight decrease (or increase) in combat vs specific race types (using specific weapon types) as a result of using the correct values, until skills level out through more combat.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 01, 2016, 07:34:49 AM
February 1st, 2016

-Updates to npc/room/obj creation commands for staff.
-Stilt Lizard added as a coded race
-Spell removed a few weeks ago re-added
-Junk, wen typed with no argument, will no longer junk the first item in a character's inventory
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 15, 2016, 08:14:25 AM
February 15th, 2016

-Online creation commands updated to reduce penalty for typos
-Crashbug fixed in staff command
-Changes made to how offense, defense, weapon proficiency, and two handed increase

-Subguild options now update when karma changes
-Account subguild options will be updated on next character login
-Changes to subguilds
--General Crafter removed, characters with 'General Crafter' will be converted to 'Crafter'
--Clayworker removed, characters with 'Clayworker' will be converted to 'Crafter'
--Stonecrafter removed, characters with 'Stonecrafter' will be converted to 'Crafter'
--Scavenger removed, characters with 'Scavenger' will be converted to 'Outlaw'
--Acrobat removed, characters with 'Acrobat' will be converted to 'Outlaw'
--Rebel removed, characters with 'Rebel' will be converted to 'Outlaw'
--Tinker removed, characters with 'Tinker' will be converted to 'Jeweler'
-New Subguilds added
--Bounty Hunter
-Sorcerer subguilds have had their number of spells roughly doubled.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 16, 2016, 11:20:01 AM
February 16th, 2016

-When creating a character, players can no longer select both a karma guild AND a karma subguild.
-When creating a character, players can no longer combine Mul/Half-Giant with a magicker subguild.  Error message will indicate the need to file a special application.
-Formatting cleanup on the subguild selection menu of character creation.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 25, 2016, 11:53:53 AM
February 25th, 2016

-Subguild menu options changed from a-z,A-Z to a-z,aa-zz.  This is to prevent typos when selecting subguild (such as typing 'a' when the player meant 'A')
-In-game creation tools for staff updated to be more helpful.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 08, 2016, 10:45:34 AM
March 8th, 2016

-Infinite light sources will no longer be pre-pended by "very dim", allowing staff to describe them however they like.
-Some fixes related to sorcerer subguilds so they're treated like sorcerers in legacy code.
-Stubbed in some work for future releases.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 21, 2016, 04:24:38 PM
March 21st, 2016

-Full elementalist guilds are no longer an option when creating a character.
-16 elementalist subguilds added, with varying levels of karma. (,50864.msg934826.html#msg934826)
-Upon logging in to the game, then back out again, accounts will be updated with options based on karma.
-Removed a handful of old staff commands that were deprecated by other systems and hadn't been used in perhaps 20 years.

-Updates to information visible to staff while switched into NPCs
-Labyrinth starting location equipment setup fixed.
-Updates to in-game staff chat channels
-Update to repair messaging so the character doing the repair gets correct information about the state of the material being used to perform the repair.
-Draw can now be used with the syntax, "draw X es"
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 22, 2016, 11:14:05 AM
March 22nd, 2016

-Character edit/approval tool for staff updated.
-Subguild elementalists now (correctly) regenerate mana
-Character update on login no longer incorrectly applies legacy options
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 23, 2016, 08:35:09 AM
March 22nd, 2016

-Selecting 'o' from the main menu should now display subguild options on an account.
-Character approval e-mails for elementalist subguilds should now contain starting spells and their symbols
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 02, 2016, 09:56:14 AM
April 2nd, 2016

-Look changes
  -Look <character> now treated as a hemote, includes any emotes attached to the command, and can be spotted with watch the same as hemote
  -Look <direction> shows items of sufficient weight.
  -Look <direction> does not show empty description for hidden items.
-Skill Setup changes for characters
  -Fixed issue with skill set up on characters for guild/subguild/race/starting location
  -Boosted psi skills on newbies
  -Fixed issue with languages getting correctly set by race
-Fix to messaging in disarm fumbling.

-Updates to forage to account for all the subguilds changes, lately.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 03, 2016, 10:59:51 AM
April 3rd, 2016

-Cleaned up/improved game logging
-Bug fixes to direction sense

-Continued getting elementalist subguilds to act like elementalist guilds
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 11, 2016, 10:50:15 AM
April 11th, 2016

-Fixed crashbug in a magick spell.

-Staff can now set more granular difficulty values on door locks.
-Builders an now set exits to be transparent (meaning they can be seen through when closed, but not walked through or thrown through)
-Fixed crashbug related to picking up books with bad data in them.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 26, 2016, 09:20:20 AM
April 26th, 2016

-Update to templar cast messages

-Bugfix for transparent exits that was allowing shoot/throw to work through them
-Addition of templar specific subguilds
-Informational updates to staff commands
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 09, 2016, 11:27:56 AM
May 9th, 2016

-Changes allowing staff to further customize NPCs
-Updates allowing staff to further customize spells
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 17, 2016, 11:29:27 AM
May 17th, 2016

-Characters can no longer barrier while in combat.
-Dispelled creatures no longer take their items with them, but will now drop inventory/equipment onto the ground.
-Some code to keep default items in a default state.
-Improved ability of staff to more readily tell where player created NPCs came from (animate dead, mount, etc...)
-Generic code clean up (consolidation of repeated code, removal of unused code, etc...)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 23, 2016, 01:30:58 PM
May 23rd, 2016

(Nessalin and Tenebrius)
-Replaced a long broken (17 years?) staff command that will help manage the object database.

-Added or updated ~20 staff help files related to staff commands
-Updated a dozen or so staff commands to give better feedback on their function & operation so staff are better informed about their use/what they're doing
-Removed some old staff commands & associated code that were 20-odd years out of date/no longer relevant.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 13, 2016, 10:23:06 AM
June 13th, 2016

-Updated the way the code tracks who created an NPC/OBJ making it easier for javascripts to work with the information.
-Added code to allow and support the creation of custom scents
-Update to staff commands making them more informative and fault tolerant
-Refactor of magick spell code
  -Improved logging when errors/unexpected behavior occurs.
  -Improved messages for players of casters when errors/unexpected behavior occurs
  -Cleaned up various, longstanding typos
  -Removed blocks of commented out/unused code
  -Fixed some anti-patterns
  -Flagged areas that need future work/expansion to bring spells in line with overall magick system
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 21, 2016, 11:26:16 AM
June 21st, 2016

-Some spell failure messages improved, previously the caster got no, or an ambiguous response, leading to confusion.
-Fixed a bug with the new custom scent code.
-Updated staff command to work on offline characters
-When shops are closed, the merchant's long description will be updated to indicate so
-A command has been opened up for players of casters, the Symbol command (
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 05, 2016, 10:55:47 AM
July 5th, 2016

-Slight change to how skin works allowing builders to create skinnable items that can in turn be skinned. Meaty matryoshka dolls.

-Messages for 'change opponent' have been updated
  -Fixed a bug where the wrong sdesc was sent (apparently long standing)
  -Added better feedback for failures (instead of 'them', the sdesc of the failed target, instead of 'no one here' actually display what was typed, etc...)

-A trial system for calculating arrow damage rather than using static values in an attempt towards normalization.
  -Items now have a quality, although for the time being only arrows make use of the value. Arrow damage will rely largely on its quality (other factors are also taken into account)
  -Arrows have had their weight capped to catch mistakes (some very long standing)
  -Updated staff tools/documentation to give guidance on arrow values.

-Address some outstanding TODO items from a previous refactor of the spell code
  -More fire damage spells will apply the 'burned' appearance to equipment worn by targets (if of the appropriate material type)
  -More fire damage spells will damage armor worn by targets (if of the appropriate material type)
  -Finished implementation of a spell started by anonymous donor possibly a decade ago.
  -Minor touchup to help differentiate elementalism from sorcerer and templar magick.
  -Non-living/magickal characters given immunity from spells that should only work on living creatures, helping illustrate their supernatural status.
  -Fixed messaging in several spells that had the message to caster/to victim/to room mixed up.
  -Long list of general code cleanup (improving readability, making better use of existing code, some error trapping to fix crash bugs).
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 12:43:33 PM
July 11th, 2016

-New wear locations added, items will be updated as time goes by to reflect this change (credit to Akariel for the drive on this project, testing it, and providing feedback).
-Fixed bug with flee where fleeing up always caused failure to climb (credit to Seidhr for driving this issue and providing repro steps/verifying fix)
-Added new tool type and updated crafting tools to allow for its use in creating/editing recipes.
-Arrows used as melee weapons now have a chance to shatter derived from their quality.
-Fixes to Load/Unload command
  -Removed lumps of 15 year old code that was never finished
  -Not specifying what to load will no longer grab the first item in a character's inventory to use, instead will generate meaningful error message.
  -Fixed grammar/typos in error messages.
  -All error/success messages now include the items being used, rather than 'that', 'it'.
  -Fixed issue where a bad crossbow being loaded required staff to intervene, crossbow will now fix itself.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 11, 2016, 11:16:08 PM
July 11th, 2016

-Hotfix deployed to fix issue with wear locations that were crashing us on some characters (me) entering the world.  This is a temporary fix - the side effect will be some characters may notice their previously worn feet items are in their inventory rather than worn after leaving/re-entering the game.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 26, 2016, 10:43:11 AM
July 26th, 2016

-Added some logging & debugging around the throw command, which has been unstable lately.
-The acceptance letter for the water creation subguild now correctly lists the spells and symbols they start with
-Fixed messaging bugs in the flee command, related to striking an opponent attempting to flee combat.

-Wear Location updates (Driven by Akariel)
 -nose/lips/eyebrow/tongue now have a location 'on face' rather than 'face', which will be use for things that cover or alter the appearance of a face
 -things that go on the eyes now have their own location and flag for items.  No more wearing sunslits on eyebrows.
 -Fixed bug with feet and under-feet.
 -Changed order of equipped items to make more sense.
 -Cannot wear socks on top of socks
 -Fixed messages for trying to wear something on locations that are already filled.

-Sunslits only give bonus when worn on the 'eyes' location.

-Changes to peek and locations (Driven by Brokkr)
 -Cannot peek finger locations if hand location is worn
 -Cannot peek toe locations if feet/under-feet location is worn
 -Cannot peek nipple locations if body/trunk location is worn

-Craft changes (driven by Rathustra)
-Craft will now provide a numbered list when no target recipe is provided.
-Craft will now indicate the skill needed for each recipe on the list.
-Craft will now indicate the relative difficulty needed for each recipe on the list.
-Craft will now take a number as an argument (as long as it is started with the # symbol)

 > 'craft pickle into'
 You could make...
    1) a sliced pickle. [pickle making, difficult]
    2) a diced pickle. [pickle making, effortless]
    3) a pickled pickle. [pickling, manageable]
 > craft pickle into #3
 You pickle that pickle into a pickled pickle.

-Analyze command will give similar output to the craft list, indicating the skill required and the relative difficulty.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 28, 2016, 12:07:02 PM
July 28th, 2016

-Fixed a crash bug in analyze when character did not have the skill required to craft the recipe
-Fixed bug in craft <items> into #N where the items would be consumed if there was a problem with crafting (such as typo in the number specified)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 29, 2016, 12:48:53 PM
July 29th, 2016

-Fixed (hopefully) an intermittent crash bug we've been experiencing in throw for the past few weeks.
-Under-feet now have an object flag as well as a wear location, meaning all the oddness around what can/cannot be worn on/under feet should be resolved.  There will some time while items are updated with the correct flags.
-Objects that can be worn on eyes now correctly identified as such using the assess command.
-Eyes location now has higher priority than most other locations when not specifying where to wear something (i.e. 'wear sunslits' or 'wear all')
-Minor changes to how some commands work for staff to make life easier.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 01, 2016, 10:56:12 AM
August 1st, 2016

-Crashbug fixed.
-Some typos fixes.
-Prioritized 'belt' higher than 'waist' for the wear command.
-Some refactoring to split code into smaller chunks
-Updates to staff commands making them easier to understand and use
-Updates to what will break hide
  -'examine' will no longer break hide
  -'change' will no longer always break hide
    -never break hide
      -language, ldesc, tdesc, mood, accent, locdescs, objective
    -may break hide
      -'change opponent' - only if successful, meaning correct syntax, valid target
      -'change hands'
        -only if successful, meaning correct syntax, valid target
        -Will use sleight of hand skill check to stay hidden
-Craft List will now display if recipe requires a fire.
-Craft List will now display if recipe requires a tool.

You could make...
   1) a hamburger from that. [cooking, effortless, needs a fire, needs a spatula]
   2) a baked potato from that. [cooking, effortless, needs a fire]
   3) an apple from that. [cooking, effortless]
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 22, 2016, 11:16:44 AM
August 22nd, 2016

-Fixed bug where character's trying to throw an item in EP that shared a keyword with the item in ES got a message that only primary equipped items can be thrown.
-Refactor of poison code, please report oddities such as wrong poison being transferred to food/drink/weapon, or from food/drink/weapon to victim.
-Fixed two crash bugs related to shooting in/out of wagon items.
-Characters now automatically unhitch mounts when they are knocked out (similar to dropping all EP/ES items).
-Updates to staff commands related to building.
-Improved logging around character death for staff information.
-When using the view command on an item that is armor, the player will no longer see the 'too small'/'too large' message twice.
-Arrows can now be lit off of torches and campfires, increasing their damage nominally for a short period of time.  When the first goes out the arrow will be blackened, resulting in it doing slightly less damage, and preventing it from being lit again.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on September 05, 2016, 08:10:16 AM
September 5th, 2016

- The duration of peraine poison sometimes would instantly wear off when successfully delivered.  This will no longer happen.
- Minor change to mul character generation for a bug that would allow their origin to be set to the wrong location.
- When failing a bash and being in contact or with a barrier up it will now properly cease the psionics, just like all other combat.
- Minor bug fix to some magick because some code wasn't doing everything it should have.  This should not impact any characters.
- Fixed a typo in one of the skellebain echos.
- Fixed an effect in dispel magick that wasn't being removed as it should have.
- Added a feature for 'count' to be able to use 'count <item> <container>' while you are wearing the container.

- Adding some additional logging to help find an issue with an open bug.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 12, 2016, 11:08:56 AM
September 12th, 2016

-When an arrow becomes lit, by whatever means, any poison on it is removed.
-Vials can now be used to administer cures and poisons to victims using either the use or pour commands.  This will preclude wishes asking to shove a tablet into the mouth of someone who is sleeping/paralyzed/subdued.
 -The victim is unconscious (small chance they will choke and spit it up)
 -The victim is paralyzed (small chance they will choke and spit it up)
 -The victim is subdued (chance to resist)

> use vial warrior
> pour vial warrior
> pour vial in warrior
> pour vial on warrior
> pour vial into warrior
> pour vial onto warrior
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 19, 2016, 11:00:17 AM
September 19th, 2016

-Fixed bug that blocked last week's release (,49825.msg961536.html#msg961536), the features of which should now be available.
-addkeyword command will no longer break concentration (such as crafting)
-addkeyword command will no longer break hide
-knock command on an open door will no longer reveal true sdesc to other side when hooded.  (knocking on a closed exit will still say 'Someone')
-Can no longer make/roll/break tents while mounted.
-Can no longer make/roll/break tents while in combat.
-There is now a 1 second delay attached to using make/roll/break on a tent.
-Updates to messages for tents (typos, line returns, etc...)
-Using make on a tent in inventory now returns message that the tent must be dropped, first.
-make command now returns 'Make what?' when no arguments are given.
-make command now returns contextual messages based on input, including the suggestion that the user may have meant the craft command.
-Tweaks to staff commands to improve flexibility.
-Tweaks to logging for staff use.

-Groundwork code for future projects.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nergal on October 03, 2016, 07:39:44 AM
- Clan-restricted apartments can now also be restricted by rank in a clan
- Pickable plants are now able to bear thorns that damage the player if unavoided
- Pickable plants are now able to be poisonous on contact to inexperienced herb-gatherers
- Pickable plants are now able to bear poisonous thorns that damage and poison the player if unavoided
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on October 15, 2016, 09:08:16 AM
October, 15th 2016


Discussion here (,51822.msg964540.html#msg964540):

Update: Patched in a couple of bug fixes this morning. As far as we know everything should be complete.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on October 19, 2016, 06:14:47 AM
October 19th, 2016

- Fixed another crash bug that cropped up with the read/write changes.
- Fixed that annoying problem that many (all?) MUSHclient users have where when you first connect the it seems to not understand the option chosen.
- Fixed a few minor typos.
- Fixed the formatting on a staff command that wasn't giving proper carriage returns so it was hard to read.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on October 24, 2016, 06:11:09 AM

-Changes to 'who c' as it relates to psi powers.
-Bugfix to the repair spell related to power levels.
-Crashfix in crafting for items that aren't actually craftable.
-Consolidation of code related to poisons making them easier to update/expand.

-Fix to bug with lock picks.  They are working properly again.
-Fix to bug where Bloodburn wouldn't apply the correct effect.  This also is working again.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Rathustra on November 10, 2016, 04:40:59 PM
Not an official release note but:

-Rope Making has been removed from the game. All rope crafts (all 5 of them) have been rewritten to use craft skills that suit their materials. No guild gets rope making anymore.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on November 25, 2016, 06:19:39 AM
November 25th, 2016


Added the following features:
-Added a fully customizable system to allow the display of colors within the game.
-Added the ability for 256 color capable clients to use any of that color palette.
-Added the ability for the player to add as little or as much color as they like (or disable it).
-If VT100/ANSI is not on in the main menu, all color features are disabled.
-Added a default color template that is off by default.
-Added 19 categories of color for player use, see below. (foreground and background).
-In these categories are included 5 combat specfic categories to highlight hits and misses to your character, hits and misses to your victim and combat in the room that doesn't involve you.
-Added 7 addition categories of colors for staff use, like comm channels, logging and monitoring (foreground and background).
-Added the ability to export your color setting to a list of commands to recreate them, share them on the GDB or save them for future use.
-Ability to view the current color settings and available categories.
-Ability to view all the colors available (color palette).
-Added feature that copies staff color settings to the NPC when animating for a consistent look/feel.
-This change was throughout much of the code: 48 files were changed, 4622 lines inserted and 2468 deleted.

Here is the list of categories for players and staff (can set foreground and background):
-say - Messages generated by the say command regardless of target.
-shout - Messages generated by the shout command.
-tell - Messages generated by the tell command regardless of target.
-whisper - Messages generated by the whisper command regardless of target.
-room_name - Room names when moving and looking.
-room_exits - Room exits when moving and looking.
-psionics - Messages generated by psionics, dream and feel.
-ooc - Messages generated by the ooc command.
-sing - Messages generated by the sing command.
-talk - Messages generated by the talk command.
-wish - Messages generated by the wish command.
-object - Objects in the room and various places (not likely all objects yet)
-char - PCs and NPCs in rooms and various places (not likely all yet).
-emote - Messages generated by the emote command.
-combat_charhit - Combat targeting and hitting your char.
-combat_charmiss - Combat targeting your char but missing.
-combat_victhit - Combat targeting and hitting your victim.
-combat_victmiss - Combat targeting and missing your victim.
-combat_room - Combat in room but not targeting you at all.

Valid colors:
-These are the colors you can add by name, you can also add them by number (0-255).
-black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, bblack, bred, bgreen, byellow, bblue, bmagenta, bcyan and bwhite (the b<color> is for bright color).

-You can see the whole color palette by typing 'change color palette'.
-You can set the color settings to off by typing 'change color none'.
-You can set the default color palette by typing 'change color default'.
--I am totally up for changing the palette if staff and/or players have better ideas for the default
-You can see your current setting and category options by typing 'change color'.
-You can make an export list of your current color setting by typing 'change color export'.
-You can change the category color by typing 'change color <category> <color name or number>'

List of 256 color supported clients from wikipedia (not a complete list please check client documentation for compatibility):

Click here for discussion thread. (,51973.0.html)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on November 28, 2016, 06:33:43 AM
November 28th, 2016

- Removed underline from system message.  It is just bolded now.
- Fixed 18 canned socials (like chuckle, cough, grin etc) to be colored as emotes.
- Some instances of putting and object in an object should now color as objects.
- Staff using send will now color as if it were a wish.
- Staff using the echo command will now color as an emote.
- Some instances of sitting at and standing from a table should now color as char.
- Listing at merchants will no longer choose random colors.
- Packing and unpacking mounts should no longer be flagging as random colors.
- Resting a beetle should no longer be coloring as charhit category.
- Mounts should now be colored like PC/NPCs when looking and walking.
- Preface for the 'weather out' text will no longer be colored with the wrong category.
- Moving in 'blinding sands' text should no longer be colored as psionics.
- change color fg_monitor and bg_monitor (staff command) will no longer show up in the 'change color export' list for players.
- 42 files changed, 5295 insertions(+), 5286 deletions(-)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on December 05, 2016, 08:24:43 AM
December 5th, 2016

-Fixed bg_emote not saving issue.
-Fixed thousands of places where colors could randomly display as the wrong category.
-Added the correct coloring to 'look room'.
-Fixed a bug where skellebain room names would sometimes not display.
-Fixed bug where you could use 'look room' to get around the effects of skellebain.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 12, 2016, 08:17:01 AM
December 12th, 2016

-General code cleanup
-Added messages to mount emotes

Note: Put in a fix for misbehaving mounts.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on December 18, 2016, 06:33:46 AM
December 18th, 2016

-Added criminal code to Luir's Outpost.
--Added a flag so staff can set NPCs to not arrest if they have another job.
--Soldiers in Luir's, Allanak and presumably Tuluk will now return to the location they grabbed the criminal after drop them off at jail.
--Soldier's communication updated slightly for use in Luir's.
--Luir's jailer will notify the correct authorities if someone is in the jail cell.
--Similar to Allanak, criminals in Luir's will be stripped of their weapons.
--Similar to Allanak, Prisoners will be automatically fed at any time they are starving/severely dehydrated in the cell.
-Reading and Writing in public will now be a crime.
--If you are a local noble or immune to the laws you will remain immune to this crime.
--Possession/buying/selling of reading and writing instruments is not a crime.
--Those who could tell the crimes of a criminal (e.g templars) will see 'literacy' as the crime.
--Please be aware those who have Read/Write (great merchant houses included).
--Reading and Writing to IG messages boards will not flag you as a criminal.
--If you are flagged as a criminal for Reading/Writing in public it will not enter the in game editor.
-The feature allowing you to target books/scrolls by keyword if it is titled, works once again.

Added: Patched in a bugfix making it so when reading scroll/book you must have a book/scroll and have the ability to read the text on the book/scroll before it would flag you a criminal.

Discussion can be found here (,52063.msg972671.html#msg972671)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 16, 2017, 10:22:19 AM
January 16th, 2017

-We're moving towards dynamic crafting recipes.  Meaning that recipes will no longer be constrained by exact objects.  An example being two logs in the game needing two separate recipes to be turned into planks.

-First instance of dynamic crafting is how tablets and vials are made.  The craft command can now be used in place of the brew command to create cures and poisons.  While the same recipes will work for craft that worked for brew, the results will be slightly different in three ways.
  -The resulting will be a mushy item that in turn can be brewed into a tablet or a vial.
  -Because the system is dynamic any vial item will be usable.  We will be adding in new vial items over time.
  -The resulting mushy item (and its downstream tablets and vials) will have a color that is a combination of the items used to make it, rather than randomly selecting one of the items used to make it.  Specifically if you combine a red & blue item, you will not get a red OR blue item, you will get a purple item.

-Second instance of dynamic crafting is that items can now be dyed different colors without requiring a new item to be made.  Using the craft command with a dye item and the dyeing skill to a non-dye item will give players the ability to create a new item.
-As with cure/poison crafting colors can be combined.  Applying blue dye to a shirt will result in a blue shirt.  Applying red dye to a blue shirt will result in a purple shirt.  Combining colors that don't mix will result in 'gray'.

-Changes to shootable weapons.
  -Bows, crossbows, slings, and blowguns have separate skills for use
    -archery (same skill as prior to this change)
    -crossbow use
    -sling use
    -blowgun use
    -must use their own ammo type called 'arrow'
    -delay on load, no delay on shoot
    -Strength and stamina check only checked on load
    -Must use their own ammo type called 'bolt'
    -no delay on load, delay on shoot
    -Must use their own ammo type called 'bullet'.
    -Must use their own ammo type called 'dart'.
-The DB and items saved into the game have been updated for shootable weapons and their ammo.  Items on your characters have not.  If your shootable weapon or its ammo are not working correctly wish up for a new version of the item(s)

-Fixed a lot of vague/incorrect messages around the load/unload commands

-new race, Kagor, added with information provided by Akariel
  - (

-Code clean up
-Improvement to staff's character approval tool
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 18, 2017, 10:05:22 AM
January 18th, 2017

-Fixed a bug in dynamic crafting (dyeing, tablet, vial, cure) where the character's ldesc was not cleared after crafting was completedly.
-Cure vials no longer go away when drunk/used/poured, instead an empty version is left behind for re-use.
-Characters can look at a vial to see if it is empty or has a cure/poison in it.  Note: this is looking at the item not IN it (yet).
-vials no longer go away when drunk/used/poured (on ground or target or on food or on drink con)
-Fixed an issue with cure/poison crafting to give it more feature parity with brew.

-Fixed a bug in book title keywords.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on January 19, 2017, 06:39:12 AM
January 19th, 2017

-Fixed a minor bug with assess text with bows/crossbows.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 20, 2017, 09:20:31 AM
January 20th, 2017

-Fixed some typos in messages with shooting blowguns, crossbows, and slings.
-Fixed a bug in cure/poison crafting where not all colors were recognized.
-General technical debt.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on January 21, 2017, 06:38:44 AM
January 21th, 2017

-Fixed a bug in crafting where in some cases it was no longer possible to 'craft item item into #' due to a syntax issue.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 22, 2017, 07:11:25 AM
January 22th, 2017

-Fixed bug in the taste command where it didn't work on drink containers.  Now calls the sip command as intended long ago.
-Messages when assessing herb items now displays only required text.  Sometimes extraneous text was sent.
-Updated taste messages so item sdesc is always sent to indicate what is being tasted.  For some things it was only sending 'It' or 'That'
-Some bullet proofing against future crashes.
-Added rules around what can be dyed based on material type, item type, and other criteria.  Meaningful error messages should be provided when attempting to dye an undyeable item.
-Crafting herbs now performs a skill check to see if it would even be possible before displaying impossible recipes options
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on January 23, 2017, 06:23:29 AM
January, 23rd, 2017

-Output when using the 'assess' command on objects has been updated
  -Now displays the material the object is primarily made out of
  -Format updated to (hopefully) be a little cleaner)
  -bow/crossbow/sling/blowgun now say what they are and what kind of ammo they use
  -arrow/bolt/bullet/dart now say that they are ammo and what kind of weapon they need
  -Fixed long standing bug where some skinning weapons would say they were usable for skinning twice
-Added things made from GEM, GLASS, CERAMIC, SALT, and FUNGUS undyeable.

-A great deal of ground work for upcoming projects.

(Akariel, Rathustra)
-Blowgun use, sling use, and crossbow use have been added to primary guild skill trees.  These skills should be added to your character upon logging in if you're supposed to get them.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on January 30, 2017, 07:07:46 AM
January 30th, 2017

-Cure items can now be assessed.  (New help entry for 'cure' should help explain the output)
-New spell added to all elementalist subguilds (should get skill at login, there is a helpfile for it, as well.  Much help from Akariel)

-More prep work for future projects.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 30, 2017, 10:18:00 AM
January 30th, 2017

-Fixed a bug in the messages for trample where sometimes the attacker's unmodified sdesc appeared (only to them) to be revealed

-Submitted several new combat messages that the code can choose from for greater variety.  These are things like kick, bash, backstab, and so on.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 06, 2017, 07:26:32 AM
February 6th, 2017

-Cosmetic changes to the spell added last week.
-Character approval e-mails for elementalists now include symbols for spell added last week.
-Items worn on torso can now be set to also cover pelvis.  Will let this bake for a week before doing a bulk update of the DB to fix legacy items.
-Expanded javascript hooks into the game code.
-Generic code updates to improve quality of life for future coders.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on February 13, 2017, 06:26:09 AM
February 13th, 2017

-Bulk update of items in DB that should get the long body flag (dresses, gowns, etc...) based on criteria provided by Akariel.
-Fixed typo in acceptance letters for elementalists.
-Fixed bug that allowed dyeing of food items if the order of the food and dye items were in correct order.
-Updated messages in bartering so that dyed objects have the correct sdesc when listing/buying/selling in shops.
-General refactoring and deletion of unused code.
-Fixed odd messages when stealing items out of a character's worn container item.
-Fixed odd messages when mounting a hitched mount in the dark.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on February 23, 2017, 12:48:50 AM
February 23, 2017

-Enabled HTTPS for to ensure no information is being sent clear text over the internet.
-Enabled HTTPS for to ensure no information is being send clear text over the internet.
-Updated some server side settings to fix a vulnerability.
-Updated firewall rules to be more restrictive, should see no difference with this change.
-Numerous minor code tweaks on the website to make the HTTPS changes seamless.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on February 25, 2017, 07:59:13 AM
February 25th, 2017

-Added the ability for characters to draw illustrations on books/scrolls. This is not reading/writing.
-Drawing skill added (crafting skill) but maxes at advanced unless certain in character circumstances are met. (Yeah, find out IC)
-Added the ability for characters to gain the skill drawing when drawing illustrations.
-Multi-paged books/scrolls have the ability to have any combination of illustrations and writing if you have the appropriate skills.
-Modification to the 'draw' command to allow characters to draw illustrations.
-Modification to the 'look' command to allow characters to look at illustrations.
-Added an account flag to disable the ability to draw illustrations if it is abused.
-Drawing still requires a writing implement and something to write on (book/scroll etc).
-Added the ability for character to gain RW skill points based on some limiting, realistic and complicated circumstances.
-Note: This doesn't allow you to 'pop' RW like another language.  That still requires the proper RP/Logs and staff approval.  But after the first skill is given this will allow natural gain to work.
-Looking at a book will now show it's age based on the RL date it was created.  This includes all books created over the years. Staff have the ability to override this age as needed per object.
-Freed up some unused values on book/scroll items.
-Fixed a few longstanding bugs to some staff command output.
-Fixed a difficult to find and horribly annoying bug where some mistyped staff commands would cause the game to lag for about 10 seconds.
-Added some functions for use of updating objects with the appropriate illustration flags.

-Acceptable use for illustrations:
-Similar to scribble, illustrations are not to have any written words in them.
-Illustrations are to be descriptions of what was drawn and NOT ASCII art.
-The details of the acceptable use of illustrations is in the 'help illustration' help file.
-Note: This uses the same back end code as Read/Write meaning that it records character/account/time and we have the ability to remove/modify misuses holistically.

Discussion thread can be found here (,52262.0.html).
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on March 06, 2017, 06:31:15 AM
Release notes:
March 6th, 2017

-Bugfix to read/write where some characters in some circumstances might have it indicate the item was written in an unknown language.
-Update staff tool to allow searching additional content of books/illustrations.

-Bugfix while poisoning darts to have it behave properly like poisoning all other weapons.
-Update to staff side command to add recent changes to object values.
-Bugfix to address a rounding error for some items with regards to container capacity.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on April 10, 2017, 06:21:21 AM
Release notes:
March 10th, 2017

-Additional Bugfix to address an issue with regards to container capacity.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on April 17, 2017, 06:24:54 AM
April 17th, 2017

-Bugfix to some capitalization when putting objects into a full container.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on June 05, 2017, 06:26:33 AM
June 5th, 2017

-Fixed bug that was allowing items affected by Imbue Totem to be hold the affect permanently.
-Fixed a bug with a staff tool that was causing items to go missing, sometimes, when setting up NPCs.
-Fixed a bug that prevented staff from being able to work with NPCs consistently.
-Blowguns no longer break hide when fired.  Reloading DOES break hide, however.
-Bandage is now a timed affect rather than an instant hit point boost.

Who can be bandaged?
-Anyone with more than some slight wounds.

Who can bandage?
-Anyone can attempt to bandage, and have a chance, but only those with the skill will gain on failure.

What affects bandaging success?
-The quality of the bandage.
-How injured the patient is.
-Bandaging yourself is harder than bandaging others.

What happens on failure?
-Healers with the bandage skill may see an increase.
-Patient's may suffer some additional damage, the amount of which decreases as the skill of the healer increases.

What happens on success?
-The patient gets a timed affect on them that
   -Increases their rate of healing.
   -Prevents them from bleeding to death.
   -At high effectiveness (a factor of bandage quality and healer skill) heal from wounds that normally require sleep
   -At high effectiveness, remove bloodburn poison

What is the affect like?
-Bandages will last roughly a day, a little longer when applied by skilled healer.
-The effectiveness of a bandage will remain at its applied level unless lowered by activities (running, climbing, combat, ...).

What makes bandages fall off?
-Existing bandages are removed when a new one is applied.
-When duration expires, message is sent to the patient.
-When hit points regenerate to their maximum, message is sent to the patient.
-When effectiveness is reduced to zero through activities (running, climbing, combat, ...), message is sent to the patient.

How to inspect bandages?
-Assessing a bandage item gives an indication of how well suited it is to the healer's skill.
-Looking at a bandaged person shows only that they are bandaged.
-Assessing someone that is bandaged shows...
    -Without bandage skill, only that they are bandaged.
    -With bandage skill:
        -Rough idea of how long the bandage will stay on.
        -How effective the bandage currently is
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 05, 2017, 09:03:34 PM
June 5th, 2017

-Hotfix deployed to fix the issue with regenerating stamina points that blocked the earlier release today.
-Bit of clarification - when shooting a blowgun, when hidden it will not start combat.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on July 04, 2017, 09:54:52 PM
July 4th, 2017

- Fixed two bugs that may be causing crashes due to some bandage related items.
- Fixed bug causing crashes when looking/reading a book that was written/read by someone else without them looking/reading it.
- Fixed a bug where if you are falling and how they interact with some Whiran spells.
- Fixed a bug where the tribal backpack getting assigned the wrong capacity at character gen.
- Change to stables: When mounts are stabled they aren't rested until three IC hours pass.
- Major changes to karma:
--Modified the account_index table in the DB to add current_karma and last_karma_regen columns. (completed)
--Added karma_options table to store karma options data in the DB. (completed)
-Minor fix to char revision with regards to Tuluki Tattoos.
-Bug fix to karma refactoring ensuring that the timing of karma regen works as expected.
-Modified staff tools for karma related changes.
-Modified all karma related functions to insert/delete from the DB instead of account flags.
-Modified character generation to allow for more than 64 subguilds and look in the DB for that information.
-Reformatted the character generation subguild choice, slightly.
-Added the ability to pick all subguilds available in character gen.
- Added code to only display options you have available to make the UI scroll a little less.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on July 05, 2017, 12:53:43 PM
July 5th 2017


- Bugfix for staff command related to karma changes.
- Bugfix to verify that accounts are saved just after karma adjustments.
- Multiple bugfixes for bandage code to mitigated against possible crashes.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on July 10, 2017, 06:18:18 AM
July 10th 2017


- Room messages for diseases should no longer display for people who are not visible (hidden, invisible, ethereal, etc...)
- The unhitch command will now take the argument 'all', unhitching all mounts your character has hitched to them.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 11, 2017, 06:47:51 AM
July 11th 2017


- Fixed a crash bug in vial crafting.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 12, 2017, 06:14:18 PM
July 12th 2017


- Fixed a crash bug in "unhitch all".
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 14, 2017, 07:46:32 AM
July 14th 2017


- Fixed a crash bug in crafting.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on July 17, 2017, 06:16:46 AM
July 17th 2017


- Fixed typos in crossbow loading.
- Fixed a bug in crafting where existing recipes were sometimes pre-empted by dyeing and would generate errors.
- Added chase command (see help chase)
- Updated follow code so that the game is aware of what type of following is being perform
  - Hitched - Leader has hitched mounts which stop following with unhitch.
  - Normal - Leader is aware of follower, follower will stop following at leader's instruction (unhitch)
  - Shadow - Leader is (usually) unaware of follower, but cannot lose them with unhitch if they become aware of them.
  - Chase - Leader is aware of follower, but cannot lose them with unhitch
- Updated unhitch code
  - unhitch mounts (all hitched mounts (not followers, not shadowers, not chasers))
  - unhitch followers (all followers (not mounts, not shadowers, not chasers))
  - unhitch all (all followers and mounts (not shadowers, not chasers))
-Updated help files related to this release
  - (
  - (
  - (
  - (
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on July 24, 2017, 06:28:43 AM
July 24th, 2017


- Ability to toggle on and off emphasis with 'change color emphasize'.
- Added account data to store preference of how you want to see the emphasized text.
- Text surrounded by '/' can now display as italics.
- Text surrounded by '*' can now display as bold.
- Text surrounded by '_' can now display as underlined.
- Text (/, *, _) will display as typed for characters with emphasis disabled.
- Text can be stacked with multiple symbols allowing for italics, bolded and underlined emphasized text.
- Symbol stack order doesn't matter, though if you don't 'close' the emphasis it will leave the rest of the line emphasized. Eg, /_*Bolded underlined and italics/*_ would work fine.  While _underline whole line would underline the entire line.
- This emphasis includes all text that can also be colored but does not include targets PCs/NPCs/Objects.
-- Example: 'emote looks around at /everything/.' would have everyuthing in italics while 'emote looks down at _~pants_.' would not work at all. Though 'emote Looking _dejected_, @ looks at the stain on ~pants.' would underline dejected.
-- Note: In testing not all MUD clients implement all these ASCII escape codes, see note below.
- When setting 'change color default' emphasize is enabled but can be toffled off with 'change color emphasize off'.
- Current characters will likely need to enable this feature with 'change color emphasize on'.
- Items that bolded before including combat now once emphasizes as before if you have opted to enable 'change color emphasize' enabled.
- Allows for 'change color emphasize on|off|bold|italics|underline' to determine how you want these items emphasized.
-- Note: this is the same feature where the sdesc/you/your etc. were bolded prior to the color changes being implemented.
- Changes to the stabled mount stamina/health regen.  Now it calculates how many minutes of the 30 minutes (3 IC hours) have elapsed and give the appropriate amount of stamina/health to the mount.
- Minor bug fix to some specific circumstances for skill search.

Note: During testing some older versions of clients (mushclient etc) weren't 100% compatible with these changes.  It is suggested if you find any oddities with bold, italics or underline not displaying as you expect please start by upgrading to the latest version of your client.

Note about ANSI Color bold:  The way that bolding works is by flagging the 'bright' version of the color.  This only works on the base primary colors (0-7). To see these colors type 'change color' and look at the first few entries.  0-7 are the primary colors while 8-15 are the bright versions.  If you want combat bold highlighting to work you will need to use these primary colors as foreground colors.  Italics and underline work with all colors.

7/24/2017: Major bug with rent/offer mounts at stables fixed.  There may still be lingering issues.  If you mount is out of the stables and it has iow health/stamina for the time being, please wish up and let us know.
7/25/2017: Patching in a bug where combat text is a little garbled for accounts that have VT100/ANSI disabled.  This should be live around 7/25/2017 at 6 AM server time.

Discussion thread is here (,52734.0.html):
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on July 29, 2017, 10:58:39 AM
July 28, 2017


-Fixed the bug that was causing mounts to come out of the stable at absurdly low stamina.
-Fixed a long standing bug that wasn't applying the correct height and weight to a mount when bringing them out of the stables.

Update: On next reboot (likely 7/30/2017 early AM):
-One bug was fixed and another was created for stable code.  This will be fixed on next reboot.
-Formatting issue on all 'nicked' combat messages will be fixed.
-Minor formatting issues with some output of the change color emphasize have been fixed.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 07, 2017, 07:45:55 AM
August 7th, 2017

-Fix to allow the */bold emphasis character to be used as at the beginning of an input.
-Fix to no longer strip out the *'s when viewing a hidden NPC/Character.
-Fix to no longer strip out the * when looking at an NPC/Character that is invisible.
-Additional additions to color categories that are exempt from emphasis (like character sdescs/room names etc).

-Changes to how the size of exits work in the game, making life easier for staff to adjust the world in response to player suggestions.
-Changes to show wagons, skimmers, and some races interact with shallow and deep silt rooms with regards to visibility, movement, and falling.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 14, 2017, 09:57:42 AM
August 14th, 2017


-Fixed a bug that prevented PCs from drinking cure vials.
-Fixed a bug that blocked poisoning food/drink items.
-Fixed (hopefully) a bug that was allowing NPCs to attack while hidden without initiating combat (but would, at least, un-hide them)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 04, 2017, 07:51:20 AM
September 4th, 2017 (Monday)


-Fixed a bug that prevented missile weapons from poisoning targets.
-Fixed a bug that prevented erdlus from emoting randomly.
-Fixed a bug that caused non-alcoholic drinks to be drinkable even when 'full' of thirst.
-Character inventory should no longer reverse itself between logins.
-Room contents (in save rooms) should no longer reverse between reboots.
-'scan status' and 'listen status' will no longer break concentration.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 13, 2017, 07:07:50 AM
September 13th, 2017


-Fixed a staff command that make confusing echos to players.
-When using the pick lock skill, the command will now perform all checks (holding picks, valid exit, etc...) before the delay is applied.
-Typing 'prompt' alone will now output your character's current prompt settings.
-Prompt will now take %p as an argument to indicate that Scan is active (when Scan is turned off nothing is displayed).
-Prompt will now take %P as an argument to indicate that Listen is active (when Listen is turned off nothing is displayed).
-Fixed a crash bug in crafting.
-Tools now degrade slower.  Note that tools only degrade on failed craft attempts.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on September 25, 2017, 06:41:39 AM
September 25, 2017


-Fix to the drawing skill to allow the skill to progress to it's intended skill level in some circumstances.
-Change to a staff command to address occasional lag issue.
-Change to psionics skill coloring to remove the psionic color category where applicable.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on October 23, 2017, 08:53:13 AM
October 23, 2017


-Addition so that containers cannot be dyed if there's something in them.
-Addition so that drink containers cannot be dyed if there's liquid in them.


-Modification to make it so a character wouldn't be 'caught' when latching and unlatching their own gear. 
-Modification to add more detailed logging with regards to criminal behavior.
-Removed a minor debug log related to learning to read and write.
-Modification to templar's casting messages and related bug with some magick.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 30, 2017, 09:57:18 AM
October 30th, 2017 (Monday)

-Allanak's gates will now be opened/closed depending on the time of day after a reboot.  This should fix the issue where the game would reboot during IC daytime but the gates would be closed.
-Fixed an issue with newbie gear containers having a broken capacity value, resulting in them not being able to hold anything.
-Fixed a bug in assess of items that cover chest and pelvis reporting as only covering chest.
-Fixed a bug with some poison liquids not actually causing poison.
-Some code changes related to staff clarity on game mechanics.

-Wagons can now be damaged by staff.  In the future there will be ways for the environment, NPCs, and PCs to damage wagons.  Damaged wagons:
  -Move slower
  -Give different movement echos, inside the wagon, that should indicate how damaged the wagon is
-Wagons can now be repaired by staff and NPCs.  In the future there will be ways for PCs to repair wagons.

-At staff discretion wagons, and wagon like items (tents, villages, buildings, etc...), can be open/closed, lock/unlocked, picked.  For the most part this should result in leave/enter working like other exits in that when closed they will block look/throw/shoot/and so on.  This is an on-going project
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 02, 2017, 11:07:15 AM
November 2nd, 2017 (Thursday)


-Fixed a bug that prevented cloaks from closing.  They should now close correctly.
-Fixed a bug that prevented closed cloaks from covering items worn on trunk.  Items worn on trunk should now be covered by closed cloaks.
-Fixed some bugs in staff side tools.

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 11, 2017, 10:26:50 AM
November 11th, 2017 (Saturday)


-database work for upcoming guild changes
-code support for upcoming guild changes
-bugfix in character creation that associated with upcoming guild changes
-bugfix in how offense / defense was calculated
-bugfix for some locations not being covered by closed cloaks
-bugfix for some locations weren't checking if covering item was invisible
-added new location descriptions (tattoo/scar/etc...) for
-bugfixes/message fixes around open/close/lock/unlock/pick wagon items
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 13, 2017, 12:56:29 PM
November 13th, 2017 (Monda)


-bugfix with restrictions on new guilds and selected subguilds
-bugfix where code for riding with 0, 1, or 2 hands free as applied to the new guilds was bleeding over into current guilds.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 14, 2017, 02:58:24 PM
November 13th, 2017 (Tuesday)

-Fixed an issue where new guilds were unable to hide or sneak in cities when they should have been able to.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 16, 2017, 01:34:29 PM
November 16th, 2017 (Thursday)

-Smoothed out some logic on who gets wilderness quit.
-Updated logic on city/wilderness hunt/hide/sneak/forage food for new classes.
-Removed lumps of code that haven't been used in 20 years.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 23, 2017, 10:41:01 AM
November 23rd, 2017 (Thursday)

-Fixed a crashbug in some staff commands.
-Fixed a crashbug in quit command
-Fixed a bug where some character applications got in a stuck state and could not be approved/declined.
-Added to NPC logic so that some NPCs will retreat to a specific room to heal when they are injured.  Configurable on a per NPC basis by staff.
-Updated shooting bows/loading crossbows so there is a (small) chance to break them when the character is significantly stronger than the bow/crossbows pull value.  This is to encourage characters to seek out weapons that better match their character.
-Spice now decays.
  -On the ground - fastest
  -Inventory/Equipped - slower
  -In a container - slower, yet
  -In a spice specific container - slowest
  -On a logged out character - does not age
  -On an NPC merchant - does not age
-Spice items will have updated sdescs and keywords as they decay, similar to food decay.
-Fully decayed spice cannot be sold/shaved/sniffed/used with make.
-Fully decayed spice have no coded use and will 'crumble to dust' after 16 IC days.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 29, 2017, 01:22:14 AM
November 29th, 2017 (Thursday)

-Updated some issues with spice aging to match (hopefully) the original math that was intended.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 08, 2017, 05:17:56 PM
December 8th, 2017 (Thursday)

-Fixed an issue where spice would be too old to sniff when it was not.  This should fix existing items in the game.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 10, 2017, 12:43:12 PM
December 10th, 2017 (Sunday)

-Bugfix with regards to movement in a fringe case (falling, casting fly, then moving).
-It now properly removes the falling condition meaning you can move and not still fall while flying.
-Modification to the reel echoes to be inline with other combat echoes. (e.g. different echoes for
  hitting char, hit char, and people in the room).
-Applied the proper color profile to each of the above combat situations.
-Bugfix for odd behavior when targeting global items (staff tools and at least one spell).

-Fixed bug where spice items would be considered older than they actually were and block
   -being made into smokeable items.
   -being smoked
   -being shaved
-Fixed bug where spice items would be considered older than they actually were for determining
    value by NPC merchants.
-Fixed bug in how subguild options were set on accounts by staff.
-Armor/Clothing tailors
   -Will now increase their time/cost for dirty items that they are capable of cleaning.
   -Will not increase time/cost for things they cannot clean.
   -Will now charge more for silk items.
   -Separate tickets for Armor and Clothing tailor.
   -Fixed some weirdness around how the ticket was found.  Can now 'offer N.<item>' rather than being
      required to type, literally, 'offer ticket' and having the code always taking the first ticket it found.
-Armor/Clothing tailors will no longer provide a new item if the ticket is held between reboots.  In
  the past when a character had an item re-sized or repaired by an NPC and the game rebooted before
  the ticket was turned in a new item would be created rather than the original item.  This resulted
  things like armor being restored to new, rather than having dents, and clothing having stains
  that could not normally be cleaned removed.  The before/after state should be maintained even
  between reboots.
   -This should also fix the issue where the time/cost quoted when the item is offered to the tailor
    differ from when the ticket is offered to the NPC.
   -This should also fix the issue where sometimes the wrong item would be returned to the character
    turning in their ticket.
-Armor tailor bug fixed where armor that was re-sized would have the # of armor points provided
  increased/decreased proportionally.
-Fixed a few fringe bugs on staff side when dealing with item creation.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 11, 2017, 02:15:33 PM
December 11th, 2017 (Monday)

-Updates to staff commands to speed things up
-Pipes no longer let you smoke 'rock hard' spice items.
-Pipes now give better messages when used incorrectly.
-Pipes no longer intercept 'smoke' commands meant for other items.
-Turning ethereal during combat now takes you out of combat.
-The brief command now has a 'taste' option
  -sip/taste commands always display taste messages, regardless of 'brief taste'
  -eat/drink will display taste messages if 'brief taste' is off
  -eat/drink will NOT display taste messages if 'brief taste' is on
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 16, 2017, 04:36:06 PM
December 16th, 2017 (Saturday)

-Fixed a bug in spice shaving with how age was determined for the piece shaved FROM.
-Fixed mistake in how sdesc was formatted for aging spice.

-Updates to NPC actions
   -NPCs will no longer pick up items that are being guarded.
   -NPCs will no longer steal from unconscious people who are guarded.
   -NPCs will the bandage skill and bandages in their inventory will try to bandage friendly characters
     (NPCs and PCs, alike) who are below 50% hit points and are not in combat.

-Added the command 'threaten'.  When Character A (raider) threatens Character B (merchant)
   ...the code gives the raider a chance to attack when the merchant performs certain actions (flee,
   wield, move, stand, mount, cast, shoot, throw, load, draw, ready (but only if fails sleight of hand
   ...the code blocks the raider from performing certain actions (hide, sap, backstab).
-Added the skill 'threaten'.
   -Currently even those without the skill have a 35% chance to initiate combat when a character they
   are threatening performs an intercepted action.
   -Currently there is no way to increase the skill.  The skill is in the play-test phase so we'd rather
     people not focus on improving the skill.
   -Currently no guild/subguild has the skill.  This is likely to change in the next few days.
-More details about syntax can be found here
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on January 30, 2018, 05:43:24 PM
Januaty 30th, 2017 (Tuesday)

-New reach has been added to all casters.  See 'help magick reach' for more information.  You will be able to see the more detailed reach help if you have the reach in your skills list.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 02, 2018, 09:53:25 PM
February 2nd, 2018 (Friday)

-Fixed a bug with where not all poisoned arrows were attempting to poison their targets.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 05, 2018, 01:54:44 PM
February 5th, 2018 (Monday)

-Corpses and decapitated heads should now persist between reboots (in save rooms) and in
  player character inventories, between logins.  They still degrade, however.
-Fixed a bug with mekillot combat where damage was being reported, but no damage was being applied.
-Bug fix for how NPCs save their subguild.

-Fixed bug where corpses could no longer be skinned.
-Fixed bug where game would crash on corpse-related staff command.
-Fixed bug where NPCs lost some clan affiliations.

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 06, 2018, 01:49:26 PM
February 6th, 2018 (Tuesday)

-Corpses can once again be packed on mounts.
-The code will now look in both primary and secondary hands for keys and key rings.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 08, 2018, 10:13:51 AM
February 8th, 2018 (Thursday)

-Undressed PC races will now have 'naked' added to their sdesc.  Undressed is when your character is not
  wearing something on locations LEGS, PELVIS, ABOUT, or a BODY LONG item
  (like a dress, which is worn on body, but covers legs).
-NPC Combat fixed.  NPCs will go back to wielding/drawing weapons, kicking, bashing,
  backstabbing, sapping.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 12, 2018, 02:15:03 PM
February 10th, 2018 (Saturday)

-Staff now have more granular control over how skill trees work for guilds/subguilds.  Namely the value
  at which skills branch can be set manually rather than being a value slightly below max.  This will allow
  some skills to branch early even though they have a relatively high maximum value.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 17, 2018, 04:41:34 PM
February 17th, 2018 (Saturday)

-Update to staff commands.
-Update to how skill trees work for greater flexibility in creating/adjusting guilds and subguilds.
-Staff can now make corpses last for an infinite time/until reboot instead of decay
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 12, 2018, 12:44:01 PM
March 12th, 2018 (Monday)

-Quality of life improvements to staff commands.

-Fixed a crash bug in drink/sip commands.
-Fixed a bug in the steal code where using pre () and post [] emotes would make the command unable to find the target object in the room.
-Fixed a bug in dynamic keywords on items (bloodied, dusty, etc...) where they could not be used with '.'.
  ex. Such as 'a bloodied shirt' count not be picked up with 'get bloodied.short'.  It can, now.
-Added new material types to help builders better flesh out the game.
-Cure items can now be analyzed to determine what types of herbs went into making them (provided the character has the skill to make that cure)
-Taste messages for herbs slightly modified to more closely match how they are described in the analyze command.

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on March 18, 2018, 10:15:15 AM
March 18, 2018 (Sunday)

-Fix to how objects are displayed in some situations.  It now should display the correct object description.
-Fixed a bug related to staff manipulating a corpse item causing a crash.  This should no longer happen.
-Fixed a crash bug where they was an overrun because of long object descriptions when using the list command at a vendor.

-Various behind the scenes updates to allow us to use parameter files to fuel settings that are hard coded in the code.  This will allow changing those parameters more easily.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 20, 2018, 10:58:42 AM
March 20th, 2018 (Tuesday)

-Excised the last bits of the old brew command.  Craft is now used for poisons and cures.
-Fixed a crash bug in the 'plant' command
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 01, 2018, 10:42:30 AM
April 1st, 2018 (Sunday)

-Fixed a crash bug.
-Updated staff commands.
-Added some new object values for builders to use.
-Added staff notifications for in-game events so we can stay up to date on what's happening.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 09, 2018, 12:26:35 PM
April 9th, 2018 (Monday)

-The pour command can now be used to pour liquids into the mouths of unconscious, paralyzed, and subdued
  characters.  This feature is a result of seeing players attempt it in the game and not having it work the way vials do.
-The save command will now give a warning if it is provided with arguments while still saving the player's character.
  This is a result of seeing players type things such as 'save board' and 'save room' under the impression the command
  does anything except save their character.
-Fixed a crashbug in a staff command
-Fixed a bug where it was possible to enter the game with 0 stun while still conscious.
-May have fixed a bug with tailor cost estimates.
-Fixed a bug in messages sent when shooting a crossbow while holding an item in secondary hand.


-Fixed a minor spelling error with regards to notes/illustrations.
-Updated messages and some bugs with regard to karma spending/regeneration.
-This will now properly message upon login when you regenerated a karma and how many karma you have available.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 16, 2018, 08:44:18 AM
April 16th, 2018 (Monday)

-Fixed a bug in a staff command.
-Expanded functionality of a staff command.
-Added 'hack' skill/command devised by Brokkr (

-Fixed a bug in the interaction between falling and having the fly spell dispelled.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 13, 2018, 10:07:09 AM
May 13th, 2018

-Fixed a crash bug in staff command.
-Fixed bug where sometimes new characters would enter the game asleep.

-Added some new code related to the new guilds.
-Added new NPC behavior control for staff.
-It is now easier to ride with two hands full with shields (based on shield use skill)
-Fixed an issue with guard code that was slowing the game down.
-Fixed a bug related to resting a mount during combat and then getting free movement.
-Fixed some bugs in hack
  -Can no longer revive mortally wounded people by using hack on them.
  -Hack no longer puts victim into sitting position.
  -Hack now gives attacker lag on miss.
  -Hack no longer improves vs sleeping/mortally wounded/paralyzed targets.
  -Hack no longer initiates combat vs mortally wounded/paralyzed targets.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 20, 2018, 11:32:05 AM
May 20th, 2018 (Sunday)

-Fixed a crash bug in craft that has been plaguing the game for years.
-Fixed a bug in hack that lead to attacker getting a lot more lag than was intended.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 27, 2018, 11:34:33 AM
May 27th, 2018 (Sunday)

-Added in the riposte skill and command (largely the work of Brokkr, I only coded it)
-Continued work on craft crash bugs.  The ones fixed last week only opened us up to other bugs that were further down the chain.
-Added %c to prompt options to show current stance.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 28, 2018, 12:46:08 PM
May 28th, 2018 (Monday)

-Fixed typos & message bugs in the riposte code.
-Fixed a bug in calculating success of riposte attempt.
-Riposte will now only counter attack with wielded slashing weapons
  rather than all wielded weapons. When wielding a club(bludgeon) and
  a sword(slashing), only the sword will be used in the riposte counter
-Riposte can now only be used in combat (rather than sending a message
  that it can only be used in combat but setting the character into
  riposte stance, anyway).
-Added staff logging for riposte to help with spotting errors.
-Can no longer unhitch chasers by name (previous this behavior was only
  blocked on unhitch followers/mounts/all).
-Detect Poison spell will now work on the results of the items created
  by the craft recipes that used to be a part of the brew command.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 02, 2018, 02:53:56 PM
June 2nd, 2018 (Saturday)

-Fixed bug in dual wield caused by fixing crash bug in riposte.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 03, 2018, 10:02:57 AM
June 3rd, 2018 (Sunday)

-Minor tweak to criminal system in Luir's Outpost
-Assessing corpses will no longer display that they are made of obsidian.
-Characters who cannot see can no longer hunt (blind, sandstorm, dark, etc...)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 10, 2018, 12:50:08 PM
June 10th, 2018 (Sunday)

-Fixed crash bug.
-Fixed bug that caused riposte failures to show up as combat success color.
-Updates to staff commands.
-Finished spell started 20-odd years ago.
-Updated some older spells to work with new code.
-Updated luirs crim code with regards to merchant house family members.
-Added subguilds for beta testing.
-Added separate skills for listen_city and listen_wilds.
-Can no longer listen in a sand storm (while outdoors).
-'listen status' now gives feedback on if it is too windy to listen.
-'listen status' now works with new listen skills to indicate if character is in ideal environment for their skill
  (legacy listen skill works in any environment so it gives no message based on environment)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 18, 2018, 08:31:00 AM
June 18th, 2018 (Monday)

-Fixed a bug in staff command.
-Chance to listen is now modified by wind speed rather than weather condition.
-Output of 'listen status' updated to give relevant messages based on wind speed.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on July 03, 2018, 07:12:41 AM
July 3rd, 2018

-Added all new 15 class options in character generation and when displaying character options.
-Removed 6 old guilds from character generation and displaying character options.  These can still be played as normal just not chosen in character generation.
-Changed wording in character generation from guild/guilds/subguilds to class/classes/sub-classes.  This isn't done everywhere yet but will be changed over time.
-Added Custom Crafter as a zero karma sub-class choice. (help Custom Crafter)

-Current Karma level no longer goes negative when a player enters the game with an application that would subtract more than their max karma.
-Options shown to players when looking at the 'O' option or in character generation now show only options lining up to their current karma instead of their max karma.
-Options shown to staff when looking at accounts line up with options for the account's current karma instead of max karma level.
-When regenerating current karma (over time) it now correctly recalculates and posts the accounts available options for players and staff.
-Fixed minor formatting issue when displaying new classes in class options and character generation.

Special thanks to all the staff and players that help create, modify and test the new classes.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on July 05, 2018, 12:03:30 PM
July 5th, 2018:

-Bugfix implemented to properly display new class options to older accounts that haven't converted via logging in a current character.
-Added text to the Show Options (O) menu to show the player what their current karma and max karma are set to.
--Note: The options always display your current options and when you regenerate karma it notified you upon login updating your current options.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 05, 2018, 06:08:00 PM
August 5th, 2018 (Sunday)

-Staff now have slightly more granular control over how classes/subclasses are configured.
  from: "Alas, you cannot go that way."
  to: "You cannot go '%s', there is no exit that way."
-New options in prompt (
  -'R' displays drunk level.
  -'u' displays hunger level.
  -'U' displays thirst level.
-When sleeping the wake command will now wake up your character regardless of what is typed after the command.
-Hunt now displays "You..." to the player rather than their character's sdesc.
-Examine command will once again display contents of corpses.  This was a bug introduced when corpses got their own item type.
-Sheathe command messages updated (example at end of post)
  -To include what the player typed when items cannot be found and to use sdescs of items when they are found but there's an error.
  -Expanded the error messages around trying to sheathe a weapon into a targeted location rather than screaming, "Sheathe it where??"

Trying to sheathe an item you don't have wielded changed from
"You don't wield that weapon."
"You don't have 'beerkeg' wielded to sheathe."

Trying to sheathe non-weapon items changed from
"That's not a weapon."
"A red-stained beerkeg is not a weapon."

Trying to sheathe a weapon that has been flagged as un-sheathable has been changed from
"You can't sheathe that."
"A red lightsabre is not the kind of weapon that can be sheathed."

Things too large to sheathe on belt changed from
"That weapon is too large to hang on your belt."
"A red lightsabrte is too large to hand on your belt."

Trying to sheathe a bow on your belt changed from
"You can't sheathe that on your belt."
"You can't sheathe bows like an oak longbow on your belt."

Trying to sheathe small items on your back changed from
"That weapon is too small to wear on your back."
"A blue lightdaggre is too small to wear on your back."

Trying to sheathe it in an item that can't be found in your characters list of equipped/worn items:
"Sheathe it where??"
"You aren't wearing a 'fannypack' to sheathe a red lightsabre in."

Trying to sheathe it in an item that isn't a sheathe
"Sheathe it where??"
"A star spangled fannypack cannot act as a sheathe for a red lightsabre."
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 12, 2018, 04:33:55 PM
August 12th, 2018 (Sunday)

-offer command updated to give a better error messages
  -You do not have a 'pickle', try offering an item that you do have.
  -You do not have an 'apple', try offering an item that you do have.
-pour command updated with better success/fail messages
-fill command updated
  -with better success/fail messages
  -accepts optional "with" or "from" between the two items (i.e. "fill waterskin from tun" is the same as "fill waterskin tun")
  -Now requires player specify what they are filling their item from.  Previously this was looking for the first drink container in the room and using that, when non was specified.  This kind of ambiguity can lead to confusion and problems.
-drink updated
  -with better success/fail messages
  -accepts optional "from" before the item to drink from (i.e. "drink from bottle" is the same as "drink bottle")
-empty command updated with better success/failure messages
-Coded a new race.
-toss added
  -can toss small items in inventory/equippped.
  -tossed light items remain lit
  -tossed lit light items will light up target room if it was previously dark
  -tossing lit light items will darken current room if the item was the last lit light item
  - (
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 26, 2018, 08:34:59 PM
August 25th, 2018 (Sunday)

-toss command updated to work with wagons
  -'toss <item> out' is a valid when used inside of wagon items.
  -Can now toss items into wagons
   toss <item> into <wagon>
   toss <item> in <wagon>
   toss <item> <wagon>
-pack and unpack no longer work if you cannot see the mount.
-Fleeing mounts now buck their rider, rather than leaving their rider in an odd
  mounted-on-something-not-in-the-current-room state.
-analyze command messages updated
  -For characters without the skill the game no longer pretends the command does not exist.
  -Messages now include the name/sdesc of the item, as appropriate.
  -List of qualities about the item now indented.
  -Handles no argument better than it did before.
  -Includes argument in error messages
  -Error message for object not found now specify it is only looking in character's inventory
  -No longer returns an empty string in some instances
-The follow, guard, and watch command now accept the following arguments
  to stop them:
  -me, none, off
-whisper error messages updated
  -Whispering to someone that cannot be found now includes the argument in the error message.
  -Whispering without a message now includes the sdesc of the person being whispered to in
    the error message.
  -Target now gets message about failed rescue attempts.
  -Updated other messages to include name/sdesc instead of 'them'/'they'.
-give command updated
  -Character now gets a message when someone else fails to give them an item because they're
    carrying too many items.
  -Character now gets a message when someone else fails to give them an item because they
    cannot carry that much weight.
  -Error messages have 'it' replaced with the item's sdesc/name as appropriate.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 04, 2018, 04:13:25 PM
September 4th, 2018 (Tuesday)

-NPCs below 1 hit point will now heal the same way players do.
  -Will benefit from being bandaged, etc..
  -Have a chance to bleed out.
-NPCs above 0 hit points will continue to heal as they always have, at
  a faster rate than PCs
-keyword command updated to take 'all' as an argument where normally
  a container would be.  This will search through all objects in the room
  in addition to inventory, equipment, and items in the room.
-The messages from being unable to contact another character have been
  updated in two instances.
  -When using the in-game editor (aka CREATING):
    That character is CREATING (writing a message on a board or in some other
    way using the OOC editor), try again in a little bit.
  -When the target is unconscious:
    Their mind is present but sluggish, likely they are asleep.
-When a character dies a message will be sent to anyone in contact with them that
  is different from the message sent when the person logs out.
-Updates to how staff can configure (sub)classes.
-skin command messages updated
  -Error for wielded item not being a valid item to skin with now includes sdesc
    of that item rather than 'that'.
  -Error when the body to skin isn't found changed to include what the player
-put command messages updated
  -Drastically (hopefully) improved messages for putting coins into/onto objects.
  -Improved messages for putting objects into other objects.
  -Removed a few dozen lines of code from failed projects that were junking up
    the command, making it difficult to work with.
-change hands option updated
  -Trying to change hands while sleeping now gives a message rather than a blank response.
  -Trying to change hands with both hands empty now gives an appropriate error message.
  -Can change hands even if one of them is empty.
  -When only one argument is provided and error is displayed asking which hand should
    that location be changed with instead of a generic error.
  -Providing invalid locations when changing hands now results in messages for the
    unrecognized arguments (first, second, or both) including what was originally typed.
    Rather than "What hand is that?".
  -'change hands' with no argument will attempt to change hands with whatever the
    character has wielded.
    -wielding etwo weapons (ep & es): Swap their locations
    -Wielding one weapon
      es : swap to etwo
      ep : swap to etwo
      etwo : swap to ep
  -Successfully changing hands in combat gives opponents a chance at a free attack.
    ('successfully' meaning items were changed between hands.  There is no chance
     at a free attack if something when wrong changing hands)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 16, 2018, 10:24:58 AM
October 16th, 2018 (Tuesday)

-Fixed a bug with how the two handed skill is gained (or not gained)
-Fixed a bug in how karma regenerates

-Slowed down spice aging at Akariel's request.
-Changed how spice ages at Akariel's request
  -Ages fastest on ground, in inventory, when equipped
  -Ages slower when on furniture or in containers
  -Ages slowest when in a spice kit
-Added new material type Sandcloth
-Added new Subguilds with information from Brokkr
  -Master Woodworker
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on October 23, 2018, 08:04:00 AM
October 23rd, 2018 (Tuesday)

-Fixed a bug that caused sandcloth armor to be too easily damaged in combat.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 23, 2018, 11:06:31 AM
October 23rd, 2018 (Tuesday)

-Fixed a bug that caused sandcloth armor to be too easily damaged in combat (for real this time, hopefully)
-Sandcloth should now become 'ragged', not 'cracked' when it takes damage.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on October 29, 2018, 07:38:44 PM
October 29th, 2018 (Monday)

Not a real code release, but subclass/extended subclass skills were adjusted today to new values I have been promising/threatening. I'll be double checking over the next couple of days to ensure the help files are all accurate to these changes.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on October 31, 2018, 05:44:50 PM
Help files for mundane subclasses / extended subclasses should now be correct.

If you don't see the new extended subclasses, but have the karma for them, it is likely your karma needs to regenerate to be able to see them.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 03, 2018, 10:09:44 AM
November, 3 2018 (Saturday)

-Fixed a bug with displaying a couple subguilds in character generation.
-Fixed a bug with stablehands in a very fringe case that could give the character negative coins in their inventory.
-Fixed a bug with the dispel reach that was dispelling room effects it shouldn't have.
-Fixed a display issue in character generation where Armormaker was displayed as Armor Crafter.
-Added the ability to choose 'A' as a gender in character generation (androgynous). (
-Modified staff tools to take account of the new gender.

-Updates to skills, spells, etc... where item material matters to account for sandcloth.
-Fixed bug with toss that would allow tossing items anywhere in your equipment list.  If you are wearing items that aren't in your hands it will indicate you must remove it first.
-Fixed a bug related to some bows/crossbows getting automatically flagged incorrectly.
-Fixed a bug related to poison spell and how it applies to weapons.
-Fixed a bug related to application of poison and allowed poison to be applied to equipped weapons.
-Fixed a bug related to tailoring and applied colors to the item tailored.
-Fixed a bug making tailoring have very high or low coin values (positive and negative).
-Fixed a bug with tailoring where the item's weight sometimes would be calculated improperly.
-Fixed a bug in analyze wherein the code would stop looking for recipes when it encountered one that would produce an error.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 11, 2018, 09:04:13 AM
November 11, 2018

-Fixed display issue in character creation when picking androgynous gender.

-Fixed a bug that could cause gender to be set improperly.
-Fixed edge case bug in casting spells.
-Fixed typo related to androgynous gender.
-Fixed memory leak in staff command.
-Upped character aliases to 100.
-Updated shout messages
  -When the wind gets loud the gender is removed from shout messages, becoming 'someone'
  -Those with high listen skill will have a chance to still determine gender
-When lighting arrows, people in the room will see that the arrow has been lit, not just the character lighting the arrow.
Title: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on November 12, 2018, 06:24:26 AM
November 12, 2018

-Re-added code for karma regeneration fix.  It seems I didn't merge it properly the last time.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on November 18, 2018, 07:56:42 AM
November 18th, 2018 (Sunday)

-Fix a fringe case where the banker would talk about the deposit tax at one rate but charge another rate.
-Fix for a staff character approval edit tool that could, in some circumstances, cause the subclass to be changed to archer.
-Addition of a new 3 karma magick subguild, more information to come soon.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on December 10, 2018, 12:04:36 PM
December 10, 2018 (Monday)

-Fixed an issue with a spell that wasn't targeting properly.
-Fixed a minor grammatical error that we would see while monitoring characters on the staff side.
-Fix for an issue with back end data related to how a character is checked for needed updates and backwards compatibility.  This should resolve the errant Karma Option notification when logging in as well as issues with being stunned in the Hall of Kings after first logging in.  If you see this issues please feel free to put in a bug report.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on January 17, 2019, 09:27:05 PM
January 17, 2019 (Thursday)

-Various fixes across the code where androgynous gendered characters weren't being described properly.
-Fixed grammar issues regarding androgynous gendered characters.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 21, 2019, 02:19:20 PM
January 21st, 2019 (Monday)

-Mount names will stick on mount between logging out/logging in for mounted/hitched mounts.
-Mount names will stick on mount between renting mount/offering token.
-Getting a mount from a stablemaster will cause your character to attempt to auto-hitch it (this will only fail if your character already has the maximum number of mounts hitched to them).
-The mount naming (title <mount> <name>) code should now give better feedback (error and failure messages).
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 27, 2019, 11:11:43 AM
January 27th, 2019 (Sunday)

-Mount race now shows up by looking at ticket.
  "It has the image of a %s etched onto it."
-If the character looking at the ticket is the one that named the mount they
  will see the name on the ticket.
  "You think this is the ticket for your mount, '%s'."
-Clan specific stables now use the new code that persists mount names on tickets.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 06, 2019, 11:35:45 AM
February 6th, 2019 (Wednesday)

-Fixed a crash bug
-Fixed another crash bug
-Continued changes to mount stables
  -Only supports 'rent' and 'offer', no longer supports 'give'.
  -Now have to use full syntax for tickets.
    offer <token> <stablemaster>
  -The name (first keyword) of a token is now used in the message when a
    stable master gives the object to a character or takes the object from a
   -A message to the character is sent about the stablemaster giving the
    token to the character which contains the sdesc of the token so the
    player immediately knows what that shop's tokens look like.
  -Changed most the 'says' by the stablemaster to 'tells'
    a) Make it clear to others in the room who the NPC is talking to.
    b) Keep the language code involved for scrambling/learning.
  -Changed the rest of the says to echos that only the PC wills see
    because they were issues of syntax or bad keywords.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 12, 2019, 06:17:38 AM
February 12th, 2019 (Tuesday)

-Bugfix in staff command.
-Updates to staff tools.

-Bugfix with missile weapons vs magick armor spells.
-Bugfix in mount sellers.
-Changed behavior of some NPCs in the presence of magick.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on February 14, 2019, 04:01:37 PM
February 14th, 2019 (Thursday)

-Additional fix for karma regenerate incorrectly resetting the regenerate date.
-This should now behave as designed in all cases instead of most cases.
-Added additional logging for regenerate validation.

-Bugfix for a staff command.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on February 18, 2019, 07:17:15 AM
February 18th, 2019 (Monday)

-Updates to Gortok combat actions.
-Rescue command will not apply a delay when no one is fighting the target.  If there is no one to rescue the target from you will get a message saying so and no delay will be applied to your character.
-Updates to staff control over material taxes.
-Continued updates to how mounts interact with magick.
-Can now assess room to see the condition of visible, non-mount, characters.
  See the help file for more information:
  - (
-Movement speed is now displayed on arrival into a room.
  -Running shows has "runs in"
  -Walking/Sneaking show as "walks in" (for the time being, may re-visit this later)
-Can now use ~ep, ~es, ~etwo in place of objects in emotes.  See helpfile for more information:
  - (

-Added ability to enable ANSI color in character generation.
-Added logic on new character login if ANSI color is enabled on the account to set the default color palette.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 20, 2019, 04:19:46 PM
February 20th, 2019 (Wednesday)

-Added starting location/set up details for clan in The Ancient Place of Kings
-Forage will now error out before applying command delay. (hands full, mounted, etc..)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 12, 2019, 06:59:51 AM
-Characters will no longer get crim flagged for unlatching things in their inventory.

-Arrival messages ("runs in from the north") now use the same race movement messages as departure messages ("runs north").  i.e. snakes "slither"
-smoke ( command
  -now accepts command emotes, i.e. smoke (coughing lightly) [with bloodshot eyes]
  -echos spice-specific odor to smoker as well as to room.
-make ( command
  -now accepts command emotes, i.e. make (coughing lightly) smoke papers pinch [with bloodshot eyes]
-shave ( command
  -now requires an equipped knife to shave spice (anything that qualifies as a skinning knife, or spice tools)
  -now requires a target item as a parameter.  syntax: shave <item>
  -can shave items equipped, in inventory, in room
  -now accepts command emotes, i.e. shave (coughing lightly) brick [with bloodshot eyes]
  -shaving the last grain off of a knot results in two grains (instead of a grain sized knot which can't be used)
  -improved errors messages to make it clear to player which items they're interacting with
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 18, 2019, 10:03:26 AM
March 18th, 2019 (Monday)

(Nessalin and Nathvaan)
-Fixed crash bug with looking at books.

-Updated the 'wall' spells to damage/kill those thrown through them.
-Fixed bug (in code that was supposed to fix this bug) in shaving the last grain off a knot of spice.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 10, 2019, 05:25:37 PM
April 10th, 2019 (Wednesday)

-Shops will now maintain their # of coins between reboots.
  (if a merchant has 50 coins when the game reboots they will have 50 coins when the game comes back up)
-Wagons will now leave/arrive instead of sneak/walk/run/fly
-Large scale automated update to armor items based on the work lead by Shabago.    This should standardize normal armor values but also allow us to tweak things in the future without untold hours of work.  Human tweaking of values of armor items will be on going as needed.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 11, 2019, 09:22:19 AM
April 11th, 2019 (Thursday)

-Mounts should stop randomly capitalizing the first letter of their sdesc.
-Fixed crash bug.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 12, 2019, 04:05:38 PM
April 12th, 2019 (Friday)

-Fixed bug in staff command
-Ethereal creatures will no longer attack tents.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 14, 2019, 04:13:36 PM
April 14th, 2019 (Sunday)

-Shops now maintain inventory between reboots.
  -This includes their unique values such as bloodied, dyed colors, and state (damaged armor, aged food, etc...)
-There is now always a small chance to dodge.  This should help address the issue of
  hitting a false cap on weapon skills and offense.  Many thanks to Brokkr for digging through
  the math on this and providing a solution.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 16, 2019, 06:27:47 PM
April 16th, 2019 (Tuesday)

-Fixed crash bug
-Game now reads race data out of the SQL DB rather than text files.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 17, 2019, 05:29:11 AM
April 16th, 2019 (Tuesday)

-Changes to allow race properties (from the SQL DB) to determine their abilities rather than so much of it
  being hard coded. This actually fixes several aspects to races that were never addressed.  Hopefully more
  of this in the future will give staff more flexibility and options in creating new and updating old races without
  requiring the intervention/assistance of a developer.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 21, 2019, 06:55:26 AM
April 21st, 2019 (Sunday)

-Updated text in some of the acceptance e-mails sent when a character is approved.

-Bugfix to corner case corpse aging.
-Moved several, previously hard coded, properties of races and moved them to the DB where they can now be configured without requiring a code change/reboot.
-Natively ethereal creatures will now leave behind ethereal corpses rather than corporeal ones.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 28, 2019, 10:29:25 AM
April 28th, 2019 (Sunday)

-Fixed a bug in the 'keyword' command that could reveal buried items.
-Fixed a bug in pouring vials into subdued people, vial now truly empties if the vial is wasted.
-Made pouring vials into subdued people easier after some testing.
-Fixed a bug in merchants valuing damaged armor differently when buying and selling.
-Fixed a bug in skellebain to correctly dismount characters who fall down as a result of the poison.
-Changed how sunslits work so their use is predictable by staff and verifiable by players.
  -There are now two distinct types of sunslits items, those worn on face and those worn on eyes
  -Wearing both does not double the bonus
  -The bonus now applies even when the character does not have the skill (in the past it wasn't predictable if it would or would not)
  -Wearing a face/eyes location sunslits will give a message that a bonus is being applied.
  -Assessing a face/eyes location sunslits will give a message that the item will protect the character's vision along with which location they should be worn on.
  -Updated sunslits 'eyes' items in the game so they (should be) universally wearable on eyes, es, on_belt, in_hair, about_throat (they will only give benefit when worn on eyes).

n.b. If your sunslits item (either face or eyes) do not assess as such please wish up asking to have your item replaced with a updated version that has the correct values set on it.

> assess mask
You assess a staff sun mask... is primarily made of wood.
...can be worn on the head.
...can be worn on the face.
...will protect your vision when worn on your face. is very light.

> wear mask head
You place your staff sun mask on your head.

> rem mask
You stop using your staff sun mask.

> wear mask face
You fasten your staff sun mask across your face.
Wearing a staff sun mask protects your vision in a storm.

> assess sunslits
You assess a pair of staff sunslits... is primarily made of wood.
...can be worn in one's hair.
...can be worn on the eyes.
...looks like it will fit you.
...will protect your vision when worn over your eyes. is very light.

> wear sunslits hair
You put your pair of staff sunslits in your hair.

> rem sunslits
You stop using your pair of staff sunslits.

> wear sunslits eyes
You fit your pair of staff sunslits over your eyes.
Covering your eyes with a pair of staff sunslits protects them from harsh weather.

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 09, 2019, 09:02:13 AM
May 10th, 2019 (Friday)

-Fixed abusable bug

-Added to JS integration with the game engine, allowing more functionality from scripts
-Doubled the time a skinned item will last before 'sinking into the sands'
-Added a nosave option for 'receive' which will determine if your character will accept other's giving them items
-Poison can now be assessed
  -to say, "It is poison!"
  -Same rules for assessing poisoned weapons will now display to characters with the correct skills what color the poison is

Update: This was rolled back but is now back in production.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 14, 2019, 08:29:46 AM
May 14th, 2019 (Tuesday)

-Fixed crash bug
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 02, 2019, 11:50:05 AM
June 2nd, 2019 (Sunday)

-Heavy refactor removing ~2,100 lines of code.
-Added new spell (Thanks to Akariel, Brokkr, Shalooonsh for input)
-Fixed bug in corpse weight.  Corpses, empty ones, should now weigh as much as the character they
  were created from.
-Mutilated corpses should now include their race type (humanoid, mamal, lizard, insect, spider, snaked, etc...) in
  their sdesc, ldesc, and description.
-Exits can now be set to represent ladders, which require at least one free hand to pass up/down through,
  although two free hands make the travel faster.
-Riding out of room messages updated
  -A red-haired dwarf rides a circus beetle west, at a walk.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 25, 2019, 10:33:45 AM
June 25th, 2019 (Tuesday)

-Fixed text formatting and incorrectly recycled messages for wall spells.
-Imbue Totem updated to have flags match messages.  Messages updated where needed.
-Soldiers now more selective about who they consider a criminal based on race and race-type.
-Fixed a performance issue in a spell that was causing some lag when cast.
-Miscellaneous updates to staff commands.
-Can now assess books to determine how many pages they have.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 26, 2019, 11:52:30 AM
June 26th, 2019 (Wednesday)

-Messages for salvage command updated
  -Error message when object not found now include what keyword the user typed.
  -Error messages for containers that must be emptied first now include the sdesc of the container item.
  -Success message for starting salvage now includes sdesc of the item that will be salvaged.
-Misc updates to staff commands and building options.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 01, 2019, 01:17:16 PM
July 1st, 2019 (Monday)

-Two drov subguilds added at 3 karma.
-Options should appear on account after successfully logging in with a character.
-Options should appear in character creation when option is on account.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on July 01, 2019, 01:22:35 PM ( (

Two new Drovian subclasses have been added and are now available for play.

A Nilaz subclass was added awhile ago, but was never officially announced.  So consider this that announcement, if you haven't noticed it hanging around for the last few months.

Much like the changes to the other four elemental subclasses, the re-appearance of Drovian and Nilazi elementalists can be taken IC.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 29, 2019, 07:29:31 AM
July 29th, 2019 (Monday)

-Fixed crash bug
-Update to staff commands
-Fixed bug where sip/drink were not displaying the same taste messages for race specific
-Fixed bug where sip/drink were not using the correct hunger/thirst/full values for race
  specific messages
-Changed how liquids work such that Delves and Celves now use the same values for race
  specific drinks
-May have fixed the bug with tailors where ridiculous high numbers were sometimes displays
  (hat tip to Nathvaan for this fix)
-Fixed bug in the close command where command emotes involving characters/objects in the
  room would result in error messages after closing the exit.
-Improved NPC intelligence here and there.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 01, 2019, 08:58:38 AM
August 1st, 2019 (Thursday)

-Improved logging to help track down bugs/crash bugs.
-Aliases are now alphabetized
-Fixed intermittent lag issue (hopefully)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 22, 2019, 10:31:32 AM
August 22nd, 2019 (Thursday)

-Fixed crash bug in hunt.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on September 03, 2019, 05:43:25 PM
September 3, 2019 (Tuesday)

Not a code release, but a policy shift some folks might want to know about.

-Artisans, Dune Traders and Fences are now allowed to custom craft.

Toss me a request if you are one of the handful of folks that have combined one of these classes with the subclass "Custom Crafter" and we'll talk, since while other classes will still get benefit from this subclass, these three classes no longer will (since everything is duplicative).

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 09, 2019, 10:33:27 AM
September 9th, 2019 (Monday)

-Added colors to objects in analyze to add clarity to what object is needed for crafting.

-Fixed bug in hunt that caused bloody foot prints to show up incorrectly.
-Fixed bug in bash that was blocking skillgains for some scenarios
-Changes to
  -how templars cast spells
  -what others see when templars cast spells
-Gith are a little smarter
-Updates to staff commands for managing clans
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 10, 2019, 09:13:47 AM
September 9th, 2019 (Monday)

-Fixed bug with casting some spells as a templar fixed.
-Fixed bug where
  -Could not look at possessions of others (look gith's helmet)
  -Could not look at illustrations (look book 1)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 11, 2019, 10:26:21 AM
September 11th, 2019 (Wednesday)

-Pipes now use, and respond do, the same syntax as spice tubes
-Smoking pipes now use command emotes (same as spice tubes)
-(If your pipe is broken please wish up to have it replaced with a new one)
-Formatting of using the ASSESS command on a LIGHT item updated to be more consistent.
-Assessing a LIGHT item that is NON-refillable now indicates how used up it is.
-The REPAIR command now does all of it's error checks before applying the delay
  -too damaged to repair
  -not damaged enough to repair
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 11, 2019, 10:53:54 AM
September 11th, 2019 (Wednesday)

-Fixed intermittent bug where books could not be written to that had become reproduceable.
-Fixed crash bug (hopefully)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 11, 2019, 12:19:02 PM
September 11th, 2019 (Wednesday)

-Fixed crash bug.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 16, 2019, 10:08:34 AM
September 16th, 2019 (Monday)

-Updated pipes will now smoke all non-tube spice items.  This fixes a bug where some spices could not be smoked.

-Damage taken by characters now creates a wound on the character that represents the kind of damage that dealt the wound.
-When the code does not have information about the type of damage dealt the would is described simply as a 'wound'.
-Wounds have words describing how much damage the wound currently accounts for.
-As characters regain hit points their wounds go down in value and become less severe.
-Wounds on a character can be viewed with the assess command using the verbose option
  -assess -v <character>
  -Only the top 5 wounds will be displayed
-When a character is fully healed all remaining wounds will be removed.
-When a character dies the corpse that results will have all of the characters woulds transferred to it.
  The top 5 wounds can be viewed by looking at the wounds.
  -look corpse's wounds
-Ldescs now display 'wounded' instead of 'bleeding' to make it a bit more generic.

Wounds help entry (
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 21, 2019, 09:35:13 AM
September 21st, 2019 (Saturday)

-Bugfix for how game handles manifested vs unmanifested magickers.

-Characters can now get tattoos on all 10 fingers ( (request from Shalooonsh)
-Character generation now has a higher minimum starting age such that players can no longer
  select ages below adulthood for their race.
-Wounds now track their original and current damage separately so that when displaying the
  wounds there is some text to indicate if the wound is fresh, started healing, or mostly healed.
  (healed wounds are removed from the character, as such they are not displayed)
-Threaten command now takes arguments. (request from Brokkr)
  -syntax: threaten <character> [bluff|bash|subdue|kill]
  -when no option is specified command defaults to the 'kill' option.
  -the bluff option will result in no action being taken when the threatened character performs
    an action that would normally a threaten response.
-Fixed some bugs in threaten command (
  -success calculations
  -skillgain logic
  -when multiple characters threaten a single character
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 29, 2019, 10:18:39 AM
September 29th, 2019 (Sunday)

- Karma regeneration has been simplified.  An account will regen one karma every 30 days, calculated upon character login.
- Removed some communication to the player on character login that is now redundant.
- Added communication to the player on character login indicating an approximate number of days (within ~1-day margin) until karma regen.
- Added communication to the player on login to indicate current spendable and max karma.
- Bugfix for a significant lag bug in two spells.
- Subclass Wind Tempest now requires 3 karma to play.  Previously it was 2 karma.
- Subclass Wind Illusion now requires 2 karma to play. Previously it was 3 karma.
- All mundane extended subclasses have been moved to 1 usable karma required to select in character generation.
- All mundane extended subclasses do not use any karma when selecting them.
-- Your usable karma is not deducted the 1 point when choosing these subclasses:
--  Apothecary, Cutpurse, Grebber, Majordomo, Rogue, Master Trader, Master Chef, Master Potter, Master Tailor, Slipknife, Minstrel, Master Jeweler, Master Weaponsmith, Master Armorsmith, Master Crafter, Master Woodworker, Aggressor, Berserker, Bruiser, Lancer, Roughrider, Reaver, Protector, Outdoorsman, Marksman, Swordsman and Wastelander.

- Fixed a bug in gaining skills related to spell reaches.
- Fixed a bug in bash skill not gaining on failures.
  - Thanks go out to Draugr and Brokkr for repeated testing and help to reproduce the issue.
- NPCs will stop hunting when in the same room as their target.
- Glyph spell will now persist power level (and thus damage) between reboots/logouts.
- NPC intelligence has been updated with regards to combat.
  - NPCs will once again use (most) missile weapons, if they have the skills and the weapons,
    on targets in adjacent rooms.
  - NPCs will travel further to attack a target they have been in combat with than how far they
    would travel as a result of only being aggro.

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 07, 2019, 10:24:22 AM
October 6th, 2019 (Monday)

-Fixed a bug in half-elf tracks, they now leave tracks corresponding to the race they picked to look the most like in char gen.
-Fixed a bug in blowgun/dart damage, now capped at 1hp as intended.
-Fixed a bug that allowed sitting at tables during combat.
-Fixed a bug with wounds where all bugs were showing up as minor.
-Adjusted skill gain rate for kick.
-Kiyet are now slightly smarter.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 13, 2019, 11:25:36 AM
October 13th, 2019 (Sunday)

-Fixed bug in gith behavior with regards to weapon selection.
-Fixed bug with NPC behavior with regards to being shot from 2 rooms away.
-Updated NPC behavior when attacked while blind.
-Small update for dyeing code.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on October 15, 2019, 04:14:08 PM
October 15, 2019 (Tuesday)

Not really a code update, but something folks probably want to know about in the same vein.

-Peraine poison objects will now decay over time.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 21, 2019, 10:49:33 AM
October 21st, 2019 (Monday)

-Fixed a bug where NPC ldescs weren't updating after performing some actions, so it appeared they were perpetually doing something.
-Fixed a bug in messaging when changing the speed of your mount, extended fix into feature for other movement speeds.
-Fixed a bug in that prevented NPC templars from casting some spells.
-Fixed a bug in how some nouns are pluralized.
-Fixed a bug that allowed stunned people to continue fighting back and blocking attacks with shields.
-Added feature allowing staff to better customize how items look when they are dyed or undyed.
-Changed how NPCs react to being shot depending on...
  -how wounded they are
  -if they are set as aggressive
  -if they are an intelligent race.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 22, 2019, 09:45:56 PM
October 22nd, 2019 (Tuesday)

-Fixed a crash bug that's been hitting us hard over the week with a great deal of help from Shabago.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Shalooonsh on October 26, 2019, 03:05:49 PM
October 26th, 2019 (Saturday)

Noticed two long standing spells which could use some beautification.  Provided improved visuals for both.  Changes now live.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 11, 2019, 01:13:01 PM
November 11th, 2019 (Monday)

-Fixed crash bug in stealing things off the ground.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 11, 2019, 02:10:04 PM
November 11th, 2019 (Monday)

-Fixed crash bug in craft resulting from fixing memory leaks.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 16, 2019, 12:20:49 PM
November 16th, 2019 (Saturday)

-NPC hunt/flee speeds (should?) be better.
-Converted objects to persist more values in player/obj/zone files.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on December 11, 2019, 04:28:58 PM
December 11th, 2019

-Adjustments to sorcerer subclass spell trees
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 16, 2019, 10:26:36 AM
December 16th, 2019 (Monday)

-Last karma regen date should now correctly be recorded when using staff commands.

-Furniture wagons (such as skimmers, for silt) can now be piloted into wagons
  -syntax: pilot <target wagon item>
-Furniture wagons (such as skimmers, for silt) can now be piloted out of wagons
  -syntax: pilot out
-Updated messages around climbing while levitating/flying with no free hands
-Updated logic so non-humanoids will no longer try to wield items that end up in
  their inventory (more more dual wielding carru, sorry)
-Spell timers wearing off on items that have already had the affects dispelled will
  no longer give wear off messages as through the affects were still running.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 19, 2019, 08:40:19 AM
December 19th, 2019 (Thursday)

-Fixes to summoned NPCs when their spell wears off.
-Merchants should no longer buy things that are obviously magickal.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 28, 2019, 10:38:36 AM
December 28th, 2019 (Saturday)

-Fixed a few crash bugs in spells.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 21, 2020, 11:27:19 AM
January 21st, 2019 (Tuesday)

-Fixed an issue where the resize tailor was charging to repair armor but not always repairing it.
-Fixed some legacy code that was returning 'male' for all non-female genders (male, neuter, androgynous)
-Fixed threaten so it will now trigger on kick attempts.
-Fixed threaten so it can no longer be blocked by guards who are not in the room.
-Removed duplicated messages characters involved in threaten /guard interactions were getting.
-Climb messages now used for arrival message similar to what was previously only used for departure messages.
-Exposed various bits of the C code to the JS library.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 28, 2020, 10:24:14 AM
January 28th, 2019 (Tuesday)

-Fixed a pair of crash bugs in the tent code.
-Fixed a bug in the dye code that prevent tools (regardless of material type) from being dyed.
-Tent items now preserve their environmental/player changes between being rolled up / unrolled and set up.
  -stains (burned, torn, ripped, stained)
-Name of room inside tents (which was always based on rolled up tent sdesc) now includes colors/stains
-Better failure messages when trying to set up a tent to help understand why a given room is unsuitable
  (inside, in city, etc...)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 12, 2020, 10:00:27 AM
February 12th, 2019 (Tuesday)

-Expanded object colors
-Fixed bug where (null) would appear in room's list when looking from another room (i.e. 'look west')
-Fixed bug with detecting magick auras correctly
-Fixed typo in subdue/release
-Updated a spell to better take advantage of updates to game engine since it was first written
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 24, 2020, 11:06:08 AM
February 24th, 2019 (Monday)

-Fixed crash bug in crafting.
-Typos and functional updates for a spell
-Paralyzing hidden things will no longer let them remain hidden in combat.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 02, 2020, 10:50:56 AM
March 2nd, 2020 (Monday)

-This release is about 'carts', which are land-based skimmers / small wagons.
  -carts help file (
-Carts can be player crafted (more on this in the near future).
-Carts are the same as skimmers in that...
  -characters can sit and stand on them
  -items can be placed on them
  -when they move from room to room they bring the items/characters with them
-Carts are different from skimmers in that...
  -they save their location between reboots (as wagons do)
  -they require mounts be harnessed to them to move, with some values saved
    -attributes (str/agl/wis/end)
    -stats (mvs, hps, stun)

-Things to be careful about...
  -Things on the cart are NOT saved between reboots, currently.
  -Things packed on harnessed mounts are NOT saved between reboots, currently.

-Harness now works for carts.
  -syntax: harness <mount> [to] <cart>
  -unharness help file (
-Unharness now works for carts.
  -syntax: unharness <mount>
  -Must be pilot (first occupant) of cart.
  -harness help file (

-Looking at room shows all mounts on a single line after cart.
-Looking at cart now shows its mounts (and name if looker is mount owner)
-Assessing a cart now shows how many yokes are used/unused, and mounts and
  their rested level.  Number of yokes limits maximum number of mounts.
-Carts are always displayed to room except when ridden
-Cannot mount something while standing/sitting/sleeping/resting on furniture.
-Cannot mount or hitch something that is harnessed to a cart.
-Cannot pack/unpack things that are already harnessed.
-Cannot harness creatures with inventory/packed items on them.
-Trying to use unhitch on harnessed creature, 'Did you mean unharness?'
-When trying to hitch something to an object, ask if they meant harness.
-Passengers are now seen to 'ride' ride in/out of room on cart.
-Pilot is now seed to 'drive' in/out of room on cart.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 07, 2020, 01:19:53 PM
March 7th, 2020 (Saturday)

-Tripled how much mounts attached to carts can pull.
-Cannot harness hitched mounts (unless it is hitched to you, in which case the mount is unhitched automatically)
-Mounts leaving the room without the cart don't break carts anymore.
  (flee, summon, hands of wind, fear, etc...)
-Increased rate at which virtual characters buy items from shops
-Staggered out some resource greedy tasks the game performs rather than having them fire all at once creating lag spikes.
-Added some metrics to code execution to help track down future lag spikes.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 10, 2020, 10:29:46 AM
March 10th, 2020 (Tuesday)

-Fixed some bugs with how cart weight was calculated, should resolve issues of mounts being too weak to pull carts.
-Fixed bug in pack command that would generate incorrect messages if a character in the room shared a keyword
   with the item being packed onto a mount.
-Fixed a bug where, when crafting cures, equipped items could be destroyed as part of crafting.
-Fixed a bug where, when piloting a cart in/out of a wagon the mounts were not being moved with the cart.
-Pilot now takes two arguments
  -"rest" and "stand" which force the mounts to change position as indicated.
  -Assessing the cart will show "(resting)" after mounts that are resting.  Standing mounts do not have their position
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 17, 2020, 11:04:48 AM
March 17th, 2020 (Tuesday)

-Fixed a crash bug in the cart code
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 04, 2020, 06:55:50 AM
April 4th, 2020 (Saturday)

-Skimmers, Carts, and Wagons now interact with wall spells
-Fixed bug when assessing wagons
-Better messages when player cannot pilot a cart or skimmer in a given direction
-Wagons can now be piloted into and out of villages, out posts, etc...
-Piloting in wagons made much less spammy for the pilot
-Added a to-room message for piloting so others can tell who is piloting a wagon
-Fixed typos in disarm messages.
-Fixed typos in assess -v <char> w.r.t. height/weight
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 05, 2020, 01:02:32 PM
Scheduled release for April 5th, 2020 (Sunday)

-Fixed (hopefully) a long standing crash bug in hunt.
-Improved skill gain rate for crafting mash/tablet/vial.
-Fixed message when threaten fails to stop a victim.
-Races can now make use of multiple attack types (i.e. scorpions can now sting/pinch/pinch instead of just sting)
-Mekillot attacks now interact with wall spells.
-Fixed edge case where carts would duplicate.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on April 05, 2020, 04:36:13 PM
Helpfile Added:

-Helpfile added intended to clarify IC circumstances around Tuluk closure (
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 21, 2020, 11:29:51 AM
April 21st, 2020 (Tuesday)

-Fixed a bug that kept characters from being able to unharness mounts from some carts.
-Fixed a bug that kept characters from being able to rest/stand harnessed mounts that were too tired.
-Fixed a bug in how gemmed casting was restricted.
-Fixed a bug that presented characters with gender 'androgynous' as 'person' instead of 'figure' when hooded.
-Updated follow/chase/shadow, guard, and watch to universally accept the following arguments to stop their respective actions.
  -'me', 'off', 'self', 'none'
-Updated things Javascript can do.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 10, 2020, 11:25:54 AM
May 10th, 2020 (Sunday)

-Threatening someone you are guarding now causes you to stop guarding the target, first.
-Guarding someone you are threatening now causes you to stop threatening the target, first.
-Fixed messages with guard blocking threaten so that
  -the right characters are displayed in the right order.
  -the modified sdesc is displayed (hooded, masked, etc..) rather than the true sdesc
-Command emotes for opening doors are no longer sent to the opposite side.
  This is because it was generating errors as a result of the characters and
  objects visible on one side of the door were not always visible on the
  other side of the door.  Leading to both an OOC issue (errors) and and IC
  issue (those on the other side of the door gaining information that they
  should not have access to).
-Expanded Javascript insight into what the game engine is doing.
-Added options for staff to flag armor items worn on head as covering features
  and if those items have a movable part to raise/lower, such as a visor, faceplate,
  or veil.
  -Player commands for this are raise/lower <item name>, 'visor', or the name of the
    movable part.
    > raise visor
    > raise faceplate
    > raise helmet
  -When face is covered by a full helmet, or helmet with lowered covering, characters
    will be penalized for actions that rely on the senses. They will get a message about the
    face covering making their attempt more difficult.
  -When raising/lower a visor while attempting to do something the player will get a message
    that their action just became easier or more difficult if it is affected.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Nathvaan on May 10, 2020, 07:55:09 PM
May 10th, 2020 (Sunday)

(Nathvaan)  Special thanks to Oryx for all the work put in on this project!

- Added command 'feed' to allow for feeding and caring for one's mount.
- Based on how well they are fed will determine the increase in their stamina regeneration.
- Mount races have three different categories of foods.
- Foods they prefer to eat, foods they find acceptable and foods they will eat begrudgingly.
- All other foods they will refuse to eat.
- Mounts will eat more food based on their size.  The larger the amount the more they need to eat to gain the benefit.
- Most mounts will now automatically graze for food to feed themselves when they are in certain areas that are considered their natural habitat.
- Grazing will also provide some stamina regeneration bonus to a lesser degree than feeding one's mount.
- Mounts should only graze when they are standing and not carrying a rider.

- See 'help feed' for details.

As always, reporting issues and providing feedback (pun intended) is appreciated as we look to create other related features.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 11, 2020, 09:59:44 AM
May 11th, 2020 (Monday)

-Full helm and helms with visor down now display
  -gender (if non-androgynous)
  -templar status (if wearing a templar robe)
  -'half-giant' if character is one
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 13, 2020, 09:27:49 AM
Wednesday May 13th, 2020 (Wednesday)

-Soldiers retain 'soldier' in their sdesc after lowering visors.
-Fixed to catch the last of the templars so they have 'templar' in their sdesc even with face coverings
-Made masks work more like helms, in that templar/half-giant/soldier/gender are still exposed after wearing one.
-Expanded areas that hooded items can be worth for more variety
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 18, 2020, 09:53:35 AM
May 18th, 2020 (Monday)

-Fixed bug in some ethereal code.
-Fixed newly introduced bug with sdesc not being revealed in lower hood message
-Made some staff commands more informative
-Updated 'quit'
  -quit is now blocked when riding or have hitched mount that is summoned with gear packed on it, since the gear will be lost.
  -quit is NOT blocked with summoned creatures unless they have gear on them.
  -'quit test' will inform player if their mount or any hitched creatures would block them from quitting due to being summoned and having gear packed on them.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 20, 2020, 10:01:53 AM
May 20th, 2020 (Wednesday)

-Fixed the broken message for lowering hoods.
-Updated kruth code.  In addition to back end changes, players can now deal cards to everyone at the table or whatever furniture item they're on.
  -deal deck table N (where N is the number of cards to deal to each sitter)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 26, 2020, 09:28:19 AM
May 26th, 2020 (Tuesday)

-Fixed a bug in steal where it wasn't treated paralyzed targets consistently.
-Fixed a bug that prevented some from gaining guard skill on failure.
-Fixed a bug in falling while riding that could result in bad position/riding status combo..
-Feed updates.
  -Reduced feed command delay.
  -fixed bug where some races did not have default messages.
  -fixed bug where food would disappear despite mount refusing to eat it.
  -updated some messages/grammar.
  -Command emotes are no longer applied to pre-delay messages.
  -Command emotes now over-ride post-delay messages unless the mount does not eat (for any reason).
  -Same spells that prevent characters from being able to mount, now also prevent them from being able to feed.
-Updated staff commands to be more informative.
-Moderate refactoring for future developers.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 01, 2020, 11:40:29 AM

-Various typos / messages sent to correct characters.
-Fixed a bug that caused some skills to pop up / go away on skill list due to uneven application of skill gain logic.
-New staff command to speed things up.
-Fill command now works with command emotes.
-Names of toes/fingers are now the same for location descriptions and equipment locations.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Shalooonsh on July 16, 2020, 10:32:25 AM
House Kasix mount breeding ranch has been de-virtualized.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 23, 2020, 11:13:37 AM
July 23rd, 2020 (Thursday)

-Fixed some crash bugs.
-Contracting someone now echos their modified sdesc (the hooded figure) rather than their true sdesc (the blue-eyed disc-jockey)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 07, 2020, 01:10:51 PM
August 7th, 2020 (Friday)

-Fixed crash bug.
-stat command will now display the modified sdesc (what is displayed when initiating contact)
  of the character your character is in contact with rather than their unmodified sdesc (what is
  displayed when sending a message).
-Fixed a bug preventing pseudo death from working correctly.
-Fixed a bug related to reroll & switched NPCs
-Fixed some inconsistencies in targeting rooms with spells.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Wychokka on August 13, 2020, 06:56:40 AM
Nessalin has helped us make some adjustments to the "Directions" command (, so that it's a little more inclusive for the Labyrinth - this covers south-side new players getting there from Allanak proper, and an addition for those calling the 'rinth their hometown. Hurrah!
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 22, 2020, 02:36:09 PM
August 22nd, 2020 (Saturday)

-Update to staff commands, making them more informative.
-Migrated some data stored in flatfiles to the SQL DB.
-Another fix for using a bug that allowed opening hidden/secret doors.
-Updates to Tuluki crim code.
-Expanded options for item creation.
-Updated code generated messages mentioning 'gypsy'  to use other terms.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 23, 2020, 05:26:59 PM
August 23rd, 2020 (Sunday)

-Fixed a long standing, recurring crash bug.
-Fixed a bug in mount eat messages.
-Aliases changed from a limit of 60 characters to 230 characters.
-Fixed some logging issues.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 20, 2020, 03:01:29 PM
September 20th, 2020 (Sunday)

-Scars, tattoos, and other location descriptions now show up in the web-based bios tool for viewing previous characters.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 21, 2020, 12:51:56 PM
September 21st, 2020 (Monday)

-playing time, age, height, weight, guild, subguild, and race now show up int he web based bios tool for viewing previous characters.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 21, 2020, 06:11:40 PM
September 21st, 2020 (Monday)

-fixed bug where mount tattoos were showing up on characters in the biographies web tool.
-updated text on biographies web tool to display weight as 'ten-stone' rather than 'stone'.
-starting location and hometown are now displayed on the biographies web tool.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 18, 2020, 12:18:46 PM
October 18th, 2020 (Sunday)

-Karma should regen on all accounts every RL hour, removing need to log in with a character to update karma options.

-Fixed a crash bug in staff command.
-Fixed bug where victim of riposte was receiving the victim message -and- the room message.  Should be less spammy for victims.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on December 06, 2020, 05:01:32 PM
December 6th, 2020 (Sunday)

-Fixed bug in stealing things from ground.
-Fixed bug when stealing from shadow/blur/etc... would reveal their name
-Fixed bug in displaying mounts harnessed to carts
-Fixed bug in summoned creatures being spammy
-Fixed bug in gathering values
-Fixed bug that kept threaten from triggering on etwo as it does on ep and es
-Fixed bug where talking at tables with an embedded emote could result in spammy (and pointless) error messages
-Fixed bug in pointing to locations for some clans
-Fixed bug in how 'earthquake' spell targets characters in room
-Updated staff command to extend usefulness
-Added coded support for expanded list of clans
-Added code to flag/fix items with out of bounds stats
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 19, 2021, 01:29:28 PM
January 18th, 2021 (Monday)

-Fixed a combat message when shooting darts out of a blowgun.
-Fixed a repeated message in the jail code.
-Added a QoL improvement for clan banking.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 18, 2021, 08:44:16 AM
April 18th, 2021 (Sunday)

-Added a new command 'remember ('
-The 'hack (' command can now be used while mounted at a small penalty based on ride skill.
-Fixed a bug where non-closeable wagons could be closed from the inside, but not opened (or closed) from the outside.
-Fixed a bug where using negative numbers in a craft recipe would result in the ingredients being destroyed.
-Fixed a bug where secret exits could be discovered by moving against them during bad weather.
-Fixed a bug in mount regen based on feed status that was resulting in, effectively, unlimited stamina
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 25, 2021, 10:30:02 AM
April 25th, 2021 (Sunday)

-Tweaks to improve stamina regen rates on fed mounts
-Fed mounts will regen stamina when standing up (at slower rate than resting)
-Bugfixes to javascript engine
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 02, 2021, 12:43:42 PM
May 2nd, 2021 (Sunday)

-Words in caps will no longer be language scrambled.  i.e. say apple APPLE would scramble as 'wokok APPLE'
-Contact no longer applies stun penalties when already in contact or when using barrier
-Updated some staff commands and building options
-Entering/Leaving Riposte stance no longer reveals true sdesc
-the 'remember' command no longer breaks concentration

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on May 02, 2021, 01:32:05 PM
Just a note on one of the changes that went into today.  As "help say" has been changed to reference:

QuoteWords in capitals will not be scrambled by the language code.  This is intended to be used for proper nouns, but usually names.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 09, 2021, 02:22:39 PM
May 9th, 2021 (Sunday)

-The messages sent to room when feeding mounts has been simplified to (hopefully) be one line.
-True short description of guarded targets is no longer sent when they leave the game, should now
  display their modified short description (i.e. the hooded figure)
-Updated game logging.
-mul rage and other affects that make player characters attack now show up in the stat command's output.
-Mounts can now be poisoned by feeding them poisoned food (when the mount's race makes them
  susceptible to that type of poison)
-output from the craft command that displays possible crafts has been updated for readability
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 16, 2021, 10:28:24 AM
May 16th, 2021 (Sunday)

-Players will now get a wear off message when the combat timer wears off.
-combat noquit status can now be put into the the prompt with %q.
  prompt help file (
-Craft command should now consistently print "-none-" for recipes that do
  not require a tool, instead of sometimes printing empty string.
-Fixed a bug where some missile weapons did not send message to room,
  victim, or character when they would miss.
-Open command when used with an invalid exit should no longer force characters
  to drop items they are lifting.
-The language code will no longer scramble on capital letters.
-The language code will disable on '<' and enabled '>', allow players to enclose
  proper nouns and words pronounced phonetically in <> to turn off the language
  say helpfile (
  tell helpfile (
  shout helpfile (
  whisper helpfile (
  ask helpfile (
-The list command's output has been changed to a grid, similar to the recent change for craft
-The list command will now take a location argument allowing players to see only
  the items a merchant is selling that cover a given wear location.
  list helpfile (

Converted old cactus DMPL scripts to new javascripts, updated with modern classes/subclasses.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 18, 2021, 09:42:12 AM
May 18th, 2021 (Tuesday)

-Updated crafting system to better preserve colors of ingredients to results.

-Craft lists updated (again)
  -Should now be 80 columns
  -Recipes are sorted alphabetically by skill name
  -Recipes groups by skill have a header line for that skill.  This adds to the vertical size of the list but allows for longer recipe names while keeping things at 80 columns.
  -Recipe names are truncated to fit into the list so as not to break 80 columns.  To craft these users will need to use the craft blah into #N syntax.  We will be reducing the names of long recipes over time so that they fit.

-Shop lists updated (again)
  -Should now be 80 columns
  -Updated the list of locations the player can specify with the 'list <npc> location' syntax
    -removed one that are (mostly) for code use and would not make sense IC
    -removed underscores
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on May 23, 2021, 11:33:04 AM
May 23rd, 2021 (Sunday)

-Assessing a weapons
  -No longer requires weapon skills to see what kind of weapon is being assessed
  -Updated some of the messages to be less...odd.
-Listing in shops
  -Fixed an ages old crash bug.
  -formatting tweaks
  -some location filter values weren't working correctly, fixed.
  -added 'es' and 'ep' to location that can be filtered. n.b. that this will include many
    items such as helmets that are flagged to be held in one hand for RP and other reasons.
-Crafting can now take 'with' an an argument to indicate what skill to filter crafts on
  -"craft skin with leatherworking"
  -When no crafts are found while using the 'with' filter, error message tells player
    which skill they were filtering on, but found no crafts.
  -When no skill could be matched with input, error message tells player what they typed
    and that there is no skill by that name.
  -When the skill found is not a crafting skill, error message tells players that is not
   a crafting skill
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 20, 2021, 11:14:02 AM
June 20th, 2021 (Sunday)

-Moved craft recipe data to SQL.
  -This has already resulted in improvements to the quality of the recipes by making it easier to identify/remove duplicates, bad recipe titles, tool values, etc...
  -This will doubtless mean some oddities in crafting while we work through bugs.
-Updates to staff tools
-Spells now have a chance to have critical success / failure.  This is driven by JS on the backend which should let us update/expand how criticals work.  For now they are very basic and bland.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 15, 2021, 10:30:39 AM
July 15th, 2021 (Thursday)

-Our first post-migration release
-Fixed a crash bug in combat (identified with tools that weren't available on the previous server)
-Containers-in-containers should go back to saving between reboots.
  -Save rooms will not see this fix until items are nested in other items because previous uptimes overwrote their saves
  -non-save rooms should see containers-in-containers as they were before the migration, because their saves were never over-written
-Fixed various bugs related to writing values to the DB
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 19, 2021, 07:23:00 PM
July 19th, 2021 (Monday)

-Fixed a pair of crash bugs
-Steal command no longer auto-fails.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 29, 2021, 09:54:32 AM
July 29th, 2021 (Thursday)

-Fixed a bug in staff commands
-When trying to follow someone into a room where mounts cannot go, while you are mounted,
  now gives a failure message alone, instead of a success message followed by a failure message.
-NPCs will no longer wait until fully healed before standing up (they will still rest/sit for a while, however)
-Updated NPC actions so allanak templars will cast all their spells and not mutter/miscast some of them.
-Items that previously showed up as poisoned, but would never poison a target or lose their poisoned
  status should now both poison and lose their poison status.
-Hopefully fixed the long standing bug where some NPCs would have an ldesc of "Is standing here."
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 01, 2021, 12:56:01 PM
August 1, 2021 (Sunday)

Fixed two scripts that conflict on the look command.  Namely the ones where you can pick fruits and the one where you pull from items.  If they were attached to the same thing, one overwrote the other.  They should now both display correctly.  However, I still have to go modify the objects so it will take some time before the results are obvious.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 01, 2021, 02:25:31 PM
August 1, 2021 (Sunday)

-fixed crash bug
-gortok (and other ldescs) should not get weird updates while in combat/stunned/critically wounded/etc..
-improved staff command
-fixed charging NPCs to acknowledge more spells
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 17, 2021, 11:56:25 AM
August 17, 2021 (Tuesday)

Updated the script on mineral deposits so that you can look at them and get a general feel for how much is left.  Also added an echo when the deposit is completely used and removed from the world so you're not left wondering.  All the main mineral deposit objects have been updated, but it could take a bit of time for the "old" ones without the update to cycle out.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 22, 2021, 10:31:00 PM
August 22, 2021 (Sunday)

-Fixed issue with not all commands going through for users running Mudlet.  (hopefully)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on August 25, 2021, 11:57:18 AM
Thanks to Halaster, we have a new program that will add and remove shade to rooms based on the time of day.  So its not funky if you see shade disappearing or being somewhere you've never seen before.

They also added it to 50 rooms.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on August 30, 2021, 10:13:16 AM
August 30th, 2021 (Monday)

-Fixed a bug in how javascripts handle poisoning characters
-Fleshed out scripts for spell critical success / failures

-Fixed a crash bug in NPC behavior.
-Expanded NPC behavior to be more diverse.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 01, 2021, 09:32:04 AM
September 1st, 2021 (Wednesday)

-Updates to critical success/failure scripts on spell-casting
-Added a gain timer to relationship to the land modifers

-Fixed crash bug in magick system
-Fixed bug in reroll that had the potential to boost stats
-Fixed bug in crim flags related to reading in public for Tuluk
-Fleshed out script support for interacting with the magic system, mostly in service to the crit fail/succ system.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 12, 2021, 10:56:26 AM
September 12, 2021 (Sunday)

-Added / Updated scripts for spell critical success/failure.
-Updated a Nilazi spell to do new things

-Fixed a long standing bug in NPC movement that would cause them to stop wandering in specific situations.
-Tweaks to supporting code for spell critical success/failure.

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on September 12, 2021, 09:05:17 PM
September 12, 2021 (Sunday)


The skill changes feedback was asked for on the GDB are live.  If your current character class has an added skill, an Admin+ will need to manually set it for you.  All other changes should happen organically.

-Kick level required to branch disarm reduced.

-Bash level required to branch disarm reduced.

-Added Scan skill. (Stalker/Miscreant/Laborer level at max)
-Increased max Subdue level to master (max).

-Sneak/Hide increased to master (old ranger levels)
-Backstab increased to Enforcer/max level.

-Increased Scan skill to master (max).
-Sneak/Hide increased to master (old ranger levels)
-Added Search skill at master.

-Reduced Steal skill.  Still falls within master.

-Increased Steal skill to max (previous Miscreant level).
-Increased Hide (to old Pick Pocket level)
-Increased Sneak (to max)

Majordomo Subclass
-Increased Scan skill to master (Stalker/Miscreant/Laborer level at max)

Bard Subclass
-Added Scan skill to master (Stalker/Miscreant/Laborer level at max)

Rogue Subclass
-Added Search skill at advanced

Wastelander Subclass
-Added Scan skill to master (Stalker/Miscreant/Laborer level at max)
-Added Search skill at advanced
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 19, 2021, 01:35:14 PM
September 19th, 2021 (Sunday)

-Tuluk now an option for new players.
-New players can only start in their home town.

-Changed error message when using the remove command for something your character is not wearing to
  be specific.
  Instead of,
      "You aren't using it."
  The player will see,
      "You aren't using a 'banana'."
      "You aren't using an 'apple'."
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 26, 2021, 11:27:19 AM
September 26th, 2021 (Sunday)

-Psionics now use focus points instead of stun
  Focus Points help entry (
  Prompt help entry (
-Hitting 0 focus results in a dazed or dumbstruck state until recovered, during
  which the character cannot take any action.
-Can emote while at zero focus
-Smelling salts can be used to bring a target out of the dazed state

-Fixed a bug where money items in containers lost their weight after the character
  holding the container logged out/back in again
-Fixed formatting bugs in craft recipe lists
-Fixed bugs in craft output not showing all skill headers
-Fixed a bug where dual wielding while riding in a storm allowed risk free skill
  gains of direction sense
-Tamed mounts harnessed to carts will now remain tamed after a crash/reboot.
-Focus points now show up on infobar (which has been reformatted a little to
  make it all fit)
-Flee failure messages changed to better indicate the cause of the failure
-Updated messages when releasing subdued victims depending on their awake status
-Silt Horrors now swim through the sea of silt rather than climb, meaning they
  can no longer fall in combat.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 26, 2021, 07:37:44 PM
September 26th, 2021 (Sunday)

- increased focus regen rate by a third
- amount regenerated randomized a bit

-Increased focus minimum, regardless of WIS
-Updated some messages around being dumbstruck/recovering from dumbstruckery
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on September 28, 2021, 04:06:52 PM
September 28th, 2021 (Sunday)

-Fixed bug where someone would retain contact while being dumbstruck
-Animals such as mounts cannot suffer from dumbstruckeriness

-fixed crash bug.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 03, 2021, 12:07:52 PM
October 3rd, 2021 (Sunday)

- Focus added to newbie / default prompt
- Fixed some color issues with psionics
- Updates to various psionic abilities
- Contact now always returns "someone" on first contact:  "You contact someone with the Way"

-Peek now always succeeds against mounts.
-Improved messages around the lock command when used on objects to include the sdesc of the item, not just 'it', 'that', 'thing'.
-Improved messages around reroll options/error messages.
-Made error messages around furniture more informative to help players and staff.
-Updated game logging around deaths.
-Fixed bug in newbie set up where objects were being put on the wrong body location.
-Fixed bug where players would incorrectly get message, 'You can quit now.', during combat.
-Fixed bugs in facade cast success rate and target awareness of spell (stat, look self)
-Fixed bugs where NPC ldescs were not updating to correctly reflect what they were doing (in combat, position changes, etc...)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 07, 2021, 08:36:29 AM
October 7th, 2021 (Thursday)

-Hopefully addressed some of the issues around storage rooms and how their definition of full can change while
  sorting items.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 18, 2021, 11:16:14 AM
October 18th, 2021 (Monday)

-Minor fixes to a few spells
-Fixed inconsistencies in how magickal protections are stacked

-More control over how shops work for staff
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on October 24, 2021, 11:06:13 AM
October 24th, 2021 (Sunday)

- Updates to some spells to add more flavor and atmosphere
- Fixed text and color related bug for psionicists
- Stalkers now have all the old Ranger bonuses to ride and charge
- Stalkers, Scouts, and Outdoorsmen now have old Ranger bonuses to navigating difficult terrain
- Certain poisons will now prevent NPC's from gaining stamina
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on November 07, 2021, 10:33:23 AM
November 7th, 2021 (Sunday)

- Can now use who command while dumbstruck
- Psioinic skill bugfix
- New players (accounts with no characters) can only pick Allanak / Tuluk as their origin in chargen
- Added a parameter to eat so you can "eat steak all" and it will consume as much as possible, which means either the entire thing, or enough to fill you up.  It still works with eat emotes, so you can:  eat stew all (Like a Bynner)

- Wandering NPCs will no longer move through hidden exits.
- Can no longer 'rest' a mount that is already resting.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 21, 2021, 09:39:17 AM
November 21st, 2021 (Sunday)

- Stuff with magickal reaches
- A new spell
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 28, 2021, 09:56:11 AM
November 28th, 2021 (Sunday)

- Fixed bug with Allanaki jailer
- Added 4 subguilds:  Drov Touched, Elkros Touched, Elkros Vigor, and Elkros Havoc
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 13, 2021, 08:57:34 AM
December 13, 2021 (Monday)

- NPC's now regenerate Focus (they were not before)
- Hands of Wind spell modified to greatly reduce wait delay that victim's suffer
- NPC merchants/bartenders can now give discounts based on the buyer's clan
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 26, 2021, 02:32:21 PM
December 26, 2021 (Sunday)

- 2 New Spells
- Cosmetic overhaul to spell Burrow.  Be sure to take time to smell the roses!  Special thanks to Katima for doing all the writing!

- New guild and subguild for specific scenario
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on January 02, 2022, 05:23:05 PM
January 2nd, 2021 (Sunday)

-Updates to psionics to make failures less obvious.
-Update to magic

-Blowgun updates
  -Can use in either ES or EP.
  -Can use with something else held in the other hand.
-Missile weapon udpates
  -Error when trying to shoot while having a missile weapon in EP and ES at the same time (creates ambiguity about what to shoot)
  -Using in ES (except bows) reduces chance to hit, and sends message to let player know.
  -Removed repeated messages.
  -Fixed typos.
-Analyze updates
  -Recipe ingredients now appears on an indented list, no longer repeats the recipe name for each ingredient
  -Gives feedback on items as they relate to the crafting system
    -When there is no recipe for the item.
      -"A bone helmet cannot be crafted."
    -When the character is not in the clan needed to craft the item (does NOT display tribe name)
      -"You aren't in the required clan to craft a bone helmet."
    -When the character does not have the skill needed to craft the item (displays skill name)
      -"You need the 'armor making' skill to craft a bone helmet."
    -When the character does not have a high enough skill to craft the item (displays skill name)
      -"Your 'armor making' skill is not high enough to craft a bone helmet."
    -Displays what skill name is used to craft the item.
      -"A bone helmet could be made with the 'armor making' skill, using..."
-Using 'rest' or 'sleep' with a non-existent target item no longer breaks the watch command (matching how
  the 'sit' command already works).
-The feed command now lets the mount have a save vs poison before applying the the poison value on food.
-When chasing or shadowing someone and a character loses sight of their quarry, they will stop chasing or shadowing.
-When changing position on an item when in darkness, the sdesc of the item will now be displayed instead of empty string.
-Character's that fall off their mounts should no longer end up in an odd state of still being mounted while also not mounted.
-Bug fixes to how NPC merchant coin values are persisted.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on January 23, 2022, 11:50:11 AM
January 23nd, 2021 (Sunday)

-Bugfixes for Tuluki templars
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 06, 2022, 11:21:45 AM
February 6th, 2022 (Sunday)

-new spell added

-fixed bug with messages when unpacking due to keyword confusion
-fixed bug with messages when countering bash
-fixed bug with messages when using get all while inventory is full
-fixed bug with teleport & hitched mounts
-fixed bug with information displayed on karma options menu
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on February 13, 2022, 01:38:46 PM
February 13th, 2022 (Sunday)

- Fixed bug where Tuluki nobles weren't getting a bank fee discount
- Removed mount debug messages
- Expanded JS functionality
- 3 new spells (2 previously partially done by Nessalin)

-Fixed long running crash bug
-Fixed data bug causing crashes and weird behavior in building
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on February 20, 2022, 01:26:27 PM
February 20th, 2022 (Sunday)

- Expanded JS functionality
- 1 new spell
- update to another new spell from last week

-Fixed 2 crashbugs
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on February 27, 2022, 06:06:46 PM
February 27th, 2022 (Sunday)

- Bugfix for a spell
- Added subguild None and change subguild options.  See,57740.msg1073618.html#msg1073618

- Things that are item type plant can now be salvaged into fibers for crafting.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 02, 2022, 04:34:51 PM
March 2nd, 2022 (Wednesday)

- fixed a crashbug
- fixed a bug with a spell
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 06, 2022, 10:37:26 AM
March 6th, 2022 (Sunday)

- fixed a bug with the interaction between two spells
- Expanded JS functionality
- now when you hide you will unhitch your mounts

- fixed a bug with a psionic skill
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 13, 2022, 12:20:47 PM
March 13th, 2022 (Sunday)

- a new race
- fixed bug with change subguild where if you picked the 1-karma master weaponsmith it was apply the 0-karma version
- fixed a bug with a spell
- fixed a crashbug with a staff-only command
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 20, 2022, 10:02:55 AM
March 20th, 2022 (Sunday)

- Fix to stats introduced in June of 2021.  See this post for more information:,57828.0.html
- Added new subguild:  Nilaz Void
- Updates for the rolecall secret project

-Herbs now age over time.
  -Herbs last for one RL year
  -Herbs only age when in a a room (or in an obj in a room, no matter how deeply nested)
  -Herbs do not age when on a character (or in an object on a character, no matter how deeply nested)
  -Herbs have 'wilted' added to to their sdesc and keywords when half aged.
  -Herbs have 'desiccated' added tot heir sdesc and keywords when 2/3 aged.
  -Age has no affected on usefulness in brewing or crafting.
-Fixed bug in dyeing that allowed colors to be removed from items with some combinations.
-Added new dyeable colors
-Added new dye color combinations mostly related to shading (red+black is crimson, red+white is pink, etc..)
-Fixed output from craft for the dyeing skill so it isn't all jacked up.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on March 27, 2022, 12:25:56 PM
March 27th, 2022 (Sunday)

-Bugfix in NPC movement.
-race specific code updates

-Bugfixes and improvements in staff commands
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Shalooonsh on April 01, 2022, 10:30:59 AM
Release Notes pertaining to next game code update:

Racial Rebalancing:

   * Humans, as the dominant race, shall receive extra coins on game entrance.  This pertains to all free humans with a hometown in a major city such as Allanak or Tuluk.  This will not apply to Luir's Outpost humans, tribal humans, or those in the 'rinth.

   * Dwarves, as a former slave race, now receive an extra point or two of endurance  or extra skill points depending on birthplace.  Southern dwarves receive endurance, northern dwarves receive extra points to woodworking and stonecrafting.  In order to keep dwarves in line with racial requirements, they will now receive stat decreases if they do not implement the kill or rescue commands at a minimum of every thirty RL minutes.

   * City elves, as a current downtrodden race, are going to start with half of whatever starting coins they would have normally rolled, but will receive 4 free throwing knives, a knifebelt, footpads, and 1 stolen good from a noble house.  Additionally, if their hunger level ever reaches full they will gain the lethargic effect, slowing reflexes and movement speed.

   * Desert elves, as a wild race, will now lose 50% of their current movement points if they pass through a room with the words "Gates" in the room name.  If they enter a room and then immediately go back the same direction, this effect will not apply.

   * Muls, when they rage, will default to the least armored target in the room as their primary target.  Additionally, they will no longer have a hit point meter available via prompt, infobar, or even use of 'score' command while in a rage.

   * Half-giants can now pick up a 'corpse' item and use it as a two handed bludgeoning weapon.  If they have a person in a 'subdued' state, they also count as carrying a shield, and all blows that would be blocked normally by a shield will apply instead to that subdued PC or NPC's hit points.  This does not apply to VNPCs.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 03, 2022, 10:41:19 AM
April 3rd, 2022 (Sunday)

- Fixed a bug with change subguild where selecting the 1 karma master armorsmith gave you the 0 karma armor maker subguild
- Added a feature when buying from shops, you can specify buy <item> <vendor> me, and it will size the item specifically for you.  Help buy updated.
- Added a feature that will allow staff to customize sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset messages on a per room basis if desired.
- Fixed a bug with Character Creation menu for certain scenarios

- Fixed multiple bugs with staff commands
- Added multiple new staff commands
- Fixed crashedbug
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 10, 2022, 10:14:19 AM
April 10th, 2022 (Sunday)

- Fixed bug with staff monitoring command
- City elves now have a bonus to running in the city, base cost is 1 stamina unencumbered
- Added ability for staff to customize shade messages on a per room basis if desired
- Split 'natural' and 'magickal' shade and darkness.  Magickal darkness is a little more potent now

-Fixed crash bug
-Fixed bug in languages saving on character
-Updated room persistence to ignore ephemeral values
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on April 27, 2022, 09:29:55 AM
April 27yth, 2022 (It's Wednesday, my dudes)

-Improvements to staff commands.
-Bug fixes to calculations for shop buy/sell costs
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Shalooonsh on May 01, 2022, 04:47:09 PM
Following changes are taking place:

Bartenders have been revamped.  Here and there you'll see price changes, and the Cenyri bartender got a facelift.  Menu options might be different in a couple places, and if you're used to ordering "the usual" then you will want to check price before you do.

Much of this is due to the brilliant work of Nessalin in revamping the drink system.  Basic/necessary liquids like water and ale should be pretty much priced at the same level if not a bit less in public taverns.

And this is where the news gets bad for you high falutin snobs:

Specialty liquors such as wines and rare whiskeys are now priced accordingly.  If you think they're too expensive, you probably need to get more money.  This should hopefully help put forth the idea that a nice bottle of wine is actually a really good gift, like it should be.

Additionally, taste messages were updated for a load of northern liquors which did not have them, including but not limited to:

jaluar wine
japuaar wine
petoch wine
reynolte dry
dark ale
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on May 16, 2022, 09:05:00 AM
- expanded Javascript functionality
- backend ground work for upcoming poisoning updates
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on May 22, 2022, 10:18:35 AM
- bugfix to a psionicist skill
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 05, 2022, 12:34:17 PM
June 05, 2022 (Sunday)

- Fixed a bug with a spell
- Poison code refactoring to prepare for further updates - no actual game changes (yet)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 12, 2022, 10:05:55 AM
June 12, 2022 (Sunday)

nessalin & Halaster
- Expanded values on objects to make room for future projects

- Fixed bugs with 3 spells
- Added pemote to the allowed list of commands you can perform while Dumbstruck
- Added the first round of "background_use_ok" flag.  Currently only added/removed by staff via request, but it lets staff easily know who has it turned on.  Removed automatically upon death of a character
- Guarding a mount will attempt to prevent someone else from hitching or mounting it, if you pass a guarding check

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on June 19, 2022, 08:39:22 AM
June 19th, 2022 (Sunday)

-Added feed messages to a critter that was missing
-Fixed a bug where feeding didn't always work
-Quadrupled rate at which kick skill progresses

-Fixed memory issues
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 03, 2022, 11:07:04 AM
July 3rd, 2022 (Sunday)

- Fixed bug with Identify spell
- Poison update adding onset timers, poison decay on weapons, and potency.  No gameplay changes yet, but this gets us ready to start adding those

-Improvement to staff commands
-Fixed a bug in dye messages showing up in the main description of dyed items.
-Game can now be more granular in duration of character affects
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 10, 2022, 10:35:13 AM
July 10th, 2022 (Sunday)

- poison updates -,58086.msg1078862.html#msg1078862
- vials (cure and poison) now append the liquid color to the sdesc, such as:  a tiny, glass vial of blue liquid

-fixed crash bug
-improvements to staff commands
-non-humanoids should no longer open/close doors

** This was rolled back on Tuesday July 12.

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 17, 2022, 08:57:59 AM
July 17th, 2022 (Sunday)

Halaster / nessalin
- July 10 release crashes fixed, and added back in

- Advanced Poisons bugfixes/updates
      - "You feel very sick..." happens when a poison kicks in, not when an onset does
      - Disabled aging timers on all poisons except Grishen
      - Pouring water on weapons to remove poisons should work properly now
      - Can now analyze poison mashes to see ingredients (based on skill level)
- New clan-specific subguild

- Fixed several memory leaks
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: nessalin on July 24, 2022, 10:20:26 AM
July 24th, 2022 (Sunday)

- Fixed bug that allowed crafting with a broken tool (and crashed the game)
- You can no longer run and hide at the same time - this was an unintentional behavior before that allowed it
- First wave of advanced brewing put in place, for grishen only
        - Potency added - the primary determination is your brew skill, with a minor bonus from poisoning skill
        - You can assess items that are poisoned and get an idea of its strength based on your poisoning skill
        - You can assess items that are cures and get an idea of its strength based on your brew skill

-Fixed bug in pilot lag calculations
-Fixed bug in magick armor stacking
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 25, 2022, 08:55:10 AM
July 25, 2022 (Monday)

- Updated hide / run change so that hiding while running will now slow you down, instead of block you from hiding.  It will make you sneak if you have that skill, otherwise it will make you walk

You speed up to a fast run.
You slow down and start sneaking.
You search for a good place to hide.
You attempt to hide yourself.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 31, 2022, 09:11:32 AM
July 31st, 2022 (Sunday)

- Tweaked timers further on poison and cure decays.  Note that no cure decays are live, and only grishen decays for poisons, as of now.
- Added in-game logging for poison-related changes to help staff better see what's going on
- Fix a bug with brewing advanced poisons
- Addition groundwork for future features of advanced poisons
- Desert elf endurance change live, see,58287.0.html

-Fixed bug in staff commands
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 07, 2022, 09:48:28 AM
August 7, 2022

- fixed bug with Nilazi spell
- fixed bug with color of a psionicist power
- updated Hall of Kings starting gear for two tribes
- fixed bug where recently loaded poison objects lost potency too quickly (within a few minutes)
        ** If you lost poison objects due to this, feel free to submit a reimbursement request **
- Next round of poison/cure updates, see,58086.msg1080077.html#msg1080077
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 14, 2022, 10:28:02 AM
August 14, 2002

- Assessing an arrow now shows quality if you have either A) the fletchery skill at all, or B) archery skill at high apprentice.
- Assessing a bullet now shows quality if you have either A) the fletchery skill at all, or B) sling use skill at high apprentice.
- Maximum duration of skellebain capped at a reasonable timeframe
- Potency level for poisons and cures will only show for Grishen, for now, to avoid confusion, because Grishen is the only poison using it currently.
- Fixed issue where if you logged out with a poison object it reset to bloodburn.
          - ** If you lost a poison object due to this, put in a reimbursement request **
- Next update to poisons:,58086.msg1080333.html#msg1080333

Hotfix August 14, 2022

- Fixed a bug where every hit of every weapon was poisoning people, regardless of whether or not the weapon was poisoned.  Stupid missing brackets...
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 21, 2022, 09:53:25 AM
August 21, 2022

- You can now unhitch a mount from someone who is sleeping
- Fixed several cases where you could add more poison objects to poisons to get them higher potency.
- Fixed a couple of cases where you could add more mashes to cures to get them higher potency.
- Updated Terradin to be an advanced poison
- Updated Terradin to be an advanced cure
- Custom cure messages based on the type (only for grishen, terradin for now)
- Custom poison messages based on the type (only for grishen, terradin for now)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 28, 2022, 10:39:27 AM
August 28, 2022

- fixed an issue where someone re-using a vial in advanced cures would say you can't craft it
- attemped fix on a crash bug
- fixed an issue with poisons and drinks
- added Generic/Bloodburn poison to advanced poison/cure system
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 31, 2022, 09:08:37 AM
August 31, 2022 (Wednesday) - mid week release due to scheduling conflict and we cannot do one Sunday

- Fixed bug with multiple 'wear off' messages for Bloodburn
- Fixed bug with Bloodburn not properly stacking, causing people to suffer much more quickly than intended
- Methelinoc added to new advanced poison system
- Peraine added to new advanced poison system
- Heramide added to new advanced poison system
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on September 18, 2022, 09:39:46 AM
September 18, 2022 (Sunday)

- Added the ability to add shapes to tablets.  Pill presses in the near future
- Added the ability to have vials be transparent or not.  This gives staff the option on whether a type of vial will display its color contents or not (some are clear, some are not)
          - ** If you have any vial that no longer show their liquid in the sdesc, wish up or fill out a request and I'll replace/fix them **
- Fixed bug with Terradin where NPC's might die right away
- Added Plague to the new cure/poison system
- Added Skellebain to the new cure/poison system
- Fixed "Poison Recovery" in stat command to more correctly apply when it should
- Added "Cure" to the list of affects you will see in the stat command.  Poison is there, so Cure should be too.
- Added and Fixed some staff-side information and commands related to poison
- Updated all magickal spells related to poison to work with the new system
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 02, 2022, 10:01:47 AM
October 2, 2022 (Sunday)

- Fixed an issue where poison and cures were not properly decaying.  They really do now.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 16, 2022, 10:12:23 AM
October 16, 2022 (Sunday)

- Removed karma timer system, see post here:,58528.msg1081914.html#msg1081914
- 3 new subguilds for special purposes
- 1 new spell
- fix to poison timers that hopefully resolve a crash issue

- when stealing from someone it now considers the victim's steal skill, meaning if you're good at stealing it helps you be more aware of it happening to you
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 23, 2022, 09:34:25 AM
October 23, 2022 (Sunday)

- new clan-specific subguild
- updated starter options for a couple of clans
- code changes for sorcerers in preparation for relaunching them
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 30, 2022, 09:44:14 AM
October 30, 2022 (Sunday)

- fixed a random crashbug on removing objects
- fixed the bug where cures were not properly applying
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 06, 2022, 08:24:53 AM
November 6,  2022 (Sunday)

- Tweaked the damage on generic (bloodburn) poison down a little, particularly for lower levels
- Doubled how long it takes a poison to degrade if it is the "wild" version (glands, plants directly picked)
- Fixed rare crashbug with updating timers
- Fixed a bug in the target of messages in Cure Poison
- Scan and Listen now show up in stat while active
- First pass on weapon damage standardization, which is just the underlying code with no DB changes
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 13, 2022, 09:43:32 AM
November 13, 2022 (Sunday)

- Spells that wear off and should be seen by the room will be now.  For example, if you had the spell Butterfly Wings and you see "Your wings go away" at the end of the spell, the room will now too.  This is not true for spells where others would not notice.
- Changed so that being affected by Generic (Bloodburn) no longer blocks stamina regen - Grishen does that already.
- Changed so that being affected by Skellebain blocks mana regen
- Poisons delivered via blowgun now have a decently faster onset than any other delivery method.

Oleupata (woo, new coder!)
- rework of the Immolate spell to reduce total time, but increase damage per 'tick'
- a few other spells interact with Immolate - experiment to find out!
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 14, 2022, 08:58:22 AM
Hotfix November 14, 2022 (Monday)
- removed room wear off message for Armor and Invulnerability
- bugfix with new weapon categories
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 20, 2022, 10:14:41 AM
November 20, 2022 (Sunday)


- bugfix for Preserver/Defiler spell gain
- bugfix for new weapon categories not returning proper damage
- Poison/Cure updates:
          - Vial is no longer destroyed on a failed brew attempt that uses vials
          - Additional breakdown of potency/strength on poison/cure for people with high skill
          - Significantly lowered skill required to get max strength on tablets
          - Added a considerable amount of time for tablets to decay.  This puts a max tablet at about 7.5 RL months to fully decay.
          - Can no longer poison something if the poison object you're using is inert.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 27, 2022, 10:41:45 AM
November 27, 2022 (Sunday)

- Updated a couple of spells wear off messages
- Updated new weapon categories to display properly in assess command (weapon type, if it can be used for skinning)

- Possible bugfix for erroneous messages in tracks seen via hunting
- Tweaked affects of heramide
- Limited Defiler to gather land, and Preserver to gather self (Note that the other 4 paths of magick can do either one)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 04, 2022, 10:05:38 AM
December 4, 2022 (Sunday)

- Wagons now make sounds to adjacent rooms as they move.  Does not apply to carts or skimmers.
- Added flippable weapons to the new weapon system
- Back-end fixes to remove blockers on Ataraxis's web development

- Multiple typos fixed in the code
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 11, 2022, 09:58:34 AM
December 11, 2022 (Sunday)

- While affected by mul rage, characters cannot use the commands eat, drink, taste, sip, smoke, or sniff

- NPC's will no longer regenerate health while affected by bloodburn
- More work on new weapon project
- New material type for magick weapons
- Fixed spell wearoff room message for nilazi spell
- Analyzing an object will show you all the recipes you know (skill, clan membership) that it will appear in, even if it's not the only object.  Be warned, it could be spammy!
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on December 11, 2022, 10:17:07 PM
With the changes to analyze, will no longer be supporting mastercraft recipes in Player Clan (this is a specific clan used at certain stages of the player clan process).  Since everyone in that clan can now analyze and craft such recipes and the output doesn't tell them it is locked into that generic clan.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 13, 2022, 09:00:35 AM
December 13, 2022 (Tuesday)


- adding paging to analyze output
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 18, 2022, 09:42:33 AM
December 18, 2022 (Sunday)

- Fixed bug with applying skellebain poison to weapons
- Fixed bug with applying poison to new style weapons

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Added grouping by clan to analyze
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 24, 2022, 09:45:18 AM
December 24, 2022

Zorkbob the Inhaler

- bugfix to dyeing, under the hood
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on December 30, 2022, 06:25:58 PM
December 30, 2022

-Changed a handful of items created by magick
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on January 01, 2023, 10:42:18 AM
January 1, 2023 (Sunday) - Happy New Year's


- tweaks to values for new weapon categores
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on January 08, 2023, 10:25:08 AM
January 8, 2023 (Sunday)


- Converted about 98% of all weapons to new system
- Made it require admin+ to create old-style weapons so if new staff come on board later, they won't inadvertently make an old style weapon
- Fixed long-standing bug where if you type change hands ep etwo you could wield a 2-handed weapon in your ep
- Assessing a weapon will display quality if you have an appropriate skill, at any level:
          SLASHING requires swordmaking or slashing weapon skill
          CHOPPING requires axemaking or chopping skill
          PIERCING requires spearmaking or piercing skill
          STABBING requires spearmaking or piercing skill
          BLUDGEONING requires clubmaking or bludgeoning skill
- Updated assess arrows to be on same scale as weapons (it just added 2 more levels of detail)
- Half-giant's can now pick drov_touched and elkros_touched


- Fixed bug where new weapons didn't work with backstab
- Fixed bug where new weapons didn't work with shaving spice

Hotfix 2

- Fixed sap, hack, riposte, behead to use new weapon types.

Hotfix 3

- Fixed bug with weapon skills not adding to combat.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on January 09, 2023, 08:55:37 AM
January 9, 2023 (Monday)


- Fixed a few more cases of code looking for old weapons values, such as with disarm, and some combat.
- Fixed NPC decision making (what weapons they prefer) from old values
- Other obscure scenarios in the code that look for old weapon values fixed
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on January 10, 2023, 08:43:21 AM
January 10, 2023 (Tuesday)


- Fixed damage for sap and backstab to account for new weapon types
- When viewing (view) an item in a shopkeeper's list, it will now tell you if it's only useable by half-giant's.
- Fix to underlying damage to some weapons
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on January 11, 2023, 06:09:02 PM
January 11, 2023 (Wednesday)


- Fixed issue where people with very low strength were getting triple penalized when using 2-handed weapons.  This was an existing bug for years apparently.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on January 22, 2023, 09:57:46 AM
January 20, 2023 (Sunday)

- fixed bug with specific materials
- updated staff tool to help with setting new weapons

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on January 29, 2023, 09:59:49 AM
January 29, 2023 (Sunday)

- Fixed bug where grishen would give a message even when it was completely nullified by cures, despite not actually doing any harm to the character.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on February 05, 2023, 10:05:31 AM
February 5, 2023 (Sunday)

- Removed old chance for weapons to shatter in combat.  Replaced with a very specific scenario where some low quality ones have a tiny chance to shatter in combat.

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed one cause of wagon/tent/stall/etc duplications

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on February 12, 2023, 09:52:34 AM
February 12, 2023 (Sunday)

- Bugfixes to web-based character application tool that is in alpha testing

- Bugfix with a nilazi spell
- Added new 'tavern' flag for rooms, more detail to come later
- Code cleanup/refactor for combat to prepare for upcoming combat changes, more detail to come later

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- The quality of a tool now affects how much it's bought/sold for

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on February 19, 2023, 10:11:50 AM
February 19, 2023 (Sunday)

- Fixed bug where darts were unable to be poisoned again after use
- Fixed a missing linebreak in riposte echo
- Fixed a bug where templars were using the wrong calculations for ride
- Scavenger NPC's will no longer pick things up if a PC is in the room.  Meaning, you shouldn't have NPC's grab your bag off the ground, unless you leave the room
- Another attempt at fixing a crash bug related to time, with a consult with cAse
- Tavern flag finished.  Any room you see that says "Tavern" will do the following:
       - Throwing/shooting into a tavern suffers a severe penalty to success.  If you're IN the tavern, there is no penalty
       - Improved Language Learning - double the speed, and twice as likely to 'pop' a new language
       - Taverns treat crimcode as if a soldier is there - meaning if you fail something, your are guaranteed to get flagged as a criminal
       - Using the PSI command only consumes 2 focus

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed a bug where certain tools would not be sellable by NPCs.
- Carts should now persist between reboots
- Cart mounts should no longer duplicate in save zones
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on February 26, 2023, 01:30:50 PM
February 26, 2023 (Sunday)

- Fixed bug where poisoned spice lost it's poison when rolling into a joint.
- You can now shoot mounts and poison them
- You can now pour vials on mounts to cure them of poison

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed a crash bug
- Cart updates
        - they now properly save across reboots and shouldn't duplicate their mounts
        - other under-the-hood fixes/enhancements to carts
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 05, 2023, 09:24:59 AM
March 5, 2023 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler

-Can no longer pilot carts while in combat
-Carts speed limited by the slowest mount harnessed to them
-Wagon speed calculations changed, they are now faster
-Analyze command will take a skill filter argument
  gives the same error message when character does not have skill as when skill does not existt
  syntax: analyze <object> <craft skillname>
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 12, 2023, 10:41:01 AM
March 12, 2023

Zorkbob the Inhaler

- Wish no longer takes a target argument, wishes are visible to all staff
            Example:   wish Hey my inix exploded!
- Staff's name is automatically displayed to mortals when sending to them, but can be overridden
- Fixed bug in riposte so it sends modified (hooded, etc) sdesc rather than true sdesc
- Fixed bug with a spell
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 19, 2023, 10:26:41 AM
March 19, 2023 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Dropping something while drawing a weapon no longer makes the draw fail
- Getting disarm attempt reversed now provides chence for skillgain, as it is a failure
- Difficulty messages for craft shown via analyze now use same calculations as actual crafting
- Reformatted output when crafting
- Changed difficulty messages and percent chance of success to better convey the challenge
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 26, 2023, 09:32:59 AM
March 26, 2023 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Updates some starting options for a few tribals
- Can now provide 'clan' argument with analyze to show only recipes that require clans that you are a member of.  Does not interfere with skill filer
          analyze branch clan
          analyze branch clan woodworking
- Cleanup of a couple of staff commands

- Fixed some confusing messaging on a couple of psionic skills

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on April 02, 2023, 10:09:48 AM
April 2, 2023 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed long standing bug in the spell 'dispel magick'
- Fixed bug in starting locations where languages were being applied incorrectly.
- Fixed long standing bug in how books work.
- Fixed long standing bug in how skill values are calculated and displayed to staff
- When a skimmer is piloted, those standing will no longer have a chance to fall
  off, only a chance to be forced into a sitting position.
- When on a skimmer or cart and an item is dropped it will attempt to land on the
  cart or skimmer, provided there is room.  Otherwise the item will be dropped
  into the room.

- Poison resistance tweaked so that Dwarves are harder to poison than other races, per documentation
- Poisons converting from onset to active no longer echo repeatedly to the player because this was causing confusion.

- Combat overhaul, see,59208.0.html
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on April 09, 2023, 09:37:29 AM
April 9, 2023 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Corpses from silt creatures will now float on silt when they die
- During character creation, choosing a full guild elementalist for guild does not block the player from picking a karma subguild

- Fixed a series of crash bugs
- Added framework for a new mechanic with certain Nilazi magicks
- Bugfix with an agility-based combat calculation
- Assessing a weapon (and viewing in a shopkeeper's inventory) will now give you more information about its affect on combat.  For example:

     You assess an obsidian longsword... is primarily made of obsidian.
     ...if used two-handed it will not slow you down at all.
     ...if used in one hand it will slow you down a little.
     ...seems to be a slashing weapon of below average quality. is very light.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on April 16, 2023, 09:18:11 AM
April 16, 2023 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed issue with 'universal corpse' showing up in rooms
- Fixed issue with some script incompatibilities

- If a weapon weighs less than 5, it won't slow you down no matter what in combat
- REMOVED the combat damage penalties for low strength characters
- Fixed some issues with low-end damage numbers
- Improved some staff-related information gathering on characters
- More crash fixes
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Ath on April 20, 2023, 09:56:11 AM
April 16, 2023

- Updated Mekillots to not be as constipated, poo mounds should be more often found on Salt Flats.
-- poo mounds can be worked with tools like any deposit:  use shovel mound
-- some objects in mounds can be broken open:  break <object>
-- buyer of said poo is in Northeastern section of Allanak Bazaar
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on April 23, 2023, 09:22:46 AM
April 23, 2023 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Can no longer dispel Allanaki elementalist gems
- Fixed a poison bug
- Fixed a bug with armor points loading with the wrong default amount

- Fixed a crashbug with a Nilazi spell
- Increased gain of the skill Hack to be the same as other combat skills like kick
- A notification is sent to someone when they branch a skill
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on April 28, 2023, 04:33:31 PM
April 28, 2023 (Friday)

- Changed Jal salt seller to optimize for full bags of salt, rather than minimally filled bags of salt.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on April 30, 2023, 10:31:06 AM
April 30, 2023 (Sunday

- Elementalists spending time around Nilazis will find their days becoming unpleasant sometimes
               - Unmanifested Nilazi's have nothing to fear
               - Unmanifested elementalists also have nothing to fear
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on May 07, 2023, 09:49:48 AM
May 7, 2023 (Sunday)

- Tweak to Elementalists and Nilazi interactions
- Updated sap so that you can only use staff and smaller.  Mauls and bigger are too big.
- Increased command input length from 256 to 300.  This means you can have 44 more characters on emotes.
- Firebreather spell can now be cast in combat
- Fixed bug so that NPC's no longer heal health, stun, stamina while in combat
- Fixed bug with riding calculations for full guild elementalists
- Updated multipliers for stun and health damage for the following:
        - lowered stun damage multiplier for waist location by 62.5%
        - lowered stun damage multiplier for piercing/stabbing weapons by 31.8%
        - lowered stun damage multiplier for bludgeoning weapons by 16.7%
        - raised stun damage multiplier for chopping weapons by 60%
        - lowered health damage multiplier for wrist location by 40%
        - lowered health damage multiplier for waist location by 25%
- Added a rare mount to the feed system
- Desert elves now have a minimum of 1 stamina loss in the city, instead of 0
- Added feature where in combat you can type "assist clan" or "assist tribe" and it will have you assist the first person in your clan that you can see.
- Updated 'after' delay on threaten command to go down as skill level goes up

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed bug where certain light objects would last forever but shouldn't
- Fixed bug where damaged armor was sold at much higher prices than it should
- Fixed bug where coin weight was slightly different in packs vs in inventory
- Updated statistics logging (number, locations of players) for future use
- Fixed typo in damage message from 'torn' to 'tear'
- Can no longer hunt in rooms where you cannot see
- Added the word 'tool' to crafting messages that tell you what tool type is required
- Fixed issue with some affects flags
- Fixed a crash bug with falling
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on May 14, 2023, 10:52:01 AM
May 14, 2023 (Sunday)

- Fixed missing wear-off message for a Nilazi spell
- Fixed bug with Nilaz/Elementalist interactions
- Thryzn now available as 1 karma option - note these still require approval before hand, they're just like desert elves now
- Combat delay between attacks normalized to be more consistent. Large variations are still possible, but less likely.  This should result in slightly more consistent, faster attacks.

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed bug with 'pack' command showing improperly formatted list
- Fixed crash bug with shopkeepers
- Introduced Global DB Variables, which will allow staff to modify game certain mechanic values without reboots
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on May 21, 2023, 10:11:21 AM
May 21, 2023 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Tweaks to the Global DB Variables

- Code to support denied applications being edited or deleted for the web application process

- New instance of SimRaider deployed.  What could it be?!
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on May 22, 2023, 08:54:50 AM
May 22, 2023 (Monday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed to some Javascript functions
- Numerous bugfixes with Steal command
- Bugfixes to Glyph and Snare spells
- Fixed situation with note objects where an uninitialized array could be paged to a player causing garbage lists
- Fixed crash bug with Shadow Punch spell

- Fixes submission validation to allow submission when there's a denied application
- Removes Tuluki citizenship tattoos when resubmitting denied application (so they can be re-applied, put somewhere else, or not exist if origin in changed)

EDIT:  Removed the Shadow Punch fix for now, as it was causing an issue with combat.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on May 28, 2023, 09:40:39 AM
May 28, 2023 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed a few cases where true sdesc was being shown when it shouldn't have been
- Fixed bad messaging in a couple of spells
- Re-released the Shadow Punch fix, this time fixing it.

- Changed 'new' on armor condition to be 'scuffed'.  New was misleading as it meant slightly damaged.
- Fixed crashbug when a staffer used the behead command
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 03, 2023, 09:56:31 AM
June 3, 2023 (Saturday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- converted a threaded staff command into a SQL query as a prototype for future work

- Improved how aggressive code and npc_brain code interact
- Some code for a world plot (oooo, mysterious)
- Reversed armor repair so that lower skill can repair easy stuff, masters are needed for highly damaged armor
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 17, 2023, 11:05:16 AM
June 17, 2023 (Saturday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Need one hand free to pilot things now, unless your skill is at high advanced
- Cannot engage in combat while piloting a skimmer/cart
- Update to staffing tools
- Background work for updating some materials

- Sped combat up a little, on average it should be 3 seconds quicker between swings for everyone.  Max time between swings reduced to 36 seconds.
- Fixed crashbug with staff command
- Subguild updates - see,59537.0.html


- Fixed bug where if you had a subguild that received a new skill, it wasn't being added to your list automatically
- Fixed bug where the 3 new subguilds weren't showing up on your account (you have to log in first for them to show up)
- Updated assess to show you that you can still use a bow when it's a little higher than your strength but you can still use it.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 24, 2023, 09:33:09 AM
June 24, 2023 (Saturday)

- tweaked two-handed skill to make it gain faster - it was too slow since the combat update
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 02, 2023, 09:31:34 AM
July 2, 2023 (Sunday)

- added new material for a quest
- more detailed logging when a player goes idle

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Cleaned up and removed some old code
- Fixed a bug with staff monitoring tool
- No longer get message when you outrun 'someone' you cannot see
- Can no longer outrun ethereal followers
- No longer shown message when person you're guarding dies, anymore.  This is to
     address seeing the true sdesc of who you're guarding when they die, but also
     the OOC info that the person you're guarding has died when you aren't in the
     same room to see it.
- Separated tattoo visibility from item visibility, and expanded it for tattoo locs that got added but weren't handled correctly
- Fixed the weirdness with BACK slot revealing tattoos when it shouldn't have been
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 08, 2023, 09:41:34 AM
July 8, 2023  (Saturday)

- Weapons can now have a secondary material that determines their damage.  So you could have a wooden spear with a bone tip.  NO weapons have been updated to this, that will be an ongoing project.  Assess weapons will show something like " is primarily made of bone with some obsidian."
- Strange Psi messages are now blocked via Barrier

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed additional bugs in revealing tattoos. All tattoos that are revealed are now outputted.
- Range of a certain Tuluki Templarate power restricted to Tuluk.
- Periods are no longer stripped from the end of emote targets.

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 15, 2023, 01:56:10 PM
July 15, 2023 (Saturday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- minor code cleanup in various spots
- bugfix in a couple of Krathi spells
- various changes to psionics (for psionicists, not everyday users)
- bugfix with a memory issue with strings
- rolling dice on a table will now show the results to everyone sitting (previously it would only show to people sitting at the table)
    - standing at the table
    - sitting at the table
- cure Poison spell now properly removes all instances of Skellebain
- can no longer form chains of characters subuding each other
    - subduing someone will force them to release whoever they, in turn, may be subduing
- fixed bug with Invulerability spell not always being removed properly
- NPCs will now try to hack in combat if the conditions are right (i.e. they have the skill)

- Game code needed for new account creation tool
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on July 19, 2023, 11:18:38 PM
July 19, 2023 (Wednesday)

-when we changed subclasses, I forgot to add the flags that would enable certain abilities
  -today I enabled those abilities
  -affected subclasses are caravan guide, mercenary, nomad, wastelander, outlaw, outdoorsman
  -it was the new abilities these subclasses have in their helpfiles that they did not have before the change that were added
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 22, 2023, 08:54:25 AM
July 22, 2023 (Saturday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed nasty bug with covering tattoos
- Expanded options for building clothing items
- Fixed bug with staff command
- Backend update to mounts
- Fixed crashbug
- Removed some old, unused code concerning doors
- Bugfixes on 3 Krathi spells
- Corpses created by spells (i.e. fireballed to death) now have scents based on damage type
- Descriptions of corpses created by spells (i.e. fireballed to death) have descs that give clues to how they died

- Removed extraneous logging staff side
- Elementalists riding a magickal mount of their element can ride with both hands full (doesn't matter if 2-handed or dual wield or what) as long as their ride skill is at least journeyman.  No other skill checks required.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 29, 2023, 09:19:56 AM
July 29, 2023 (Saturday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed contact message bug when target is in an immortal room
- Signal to the player if they are in a misflagged immortal room
- Fixed rare bug with a Drovian spell
- Improvements to pathing enemies
- Fixed bug in forage where lower forage skill resulted in rarer items found
- Simplified logic for determining rarity of items found with forage
- Fixed crash bug
- Fixed some bugs when pointing in The Ancient Place of Kings

- Further updates to account creation tool
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 05, 2023, 08:56:44 AM
August 5, 2023 (Saturday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- fixed issue with staff logging
- fixed bug with reading

- fixed issue with staff command
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 12, 2023, 11:51:47 AM
August 12, 2023 (Saturday)

- back end updated to character application
- Web based Character Application tool can now show the skills, perks, and branching of guild/subguild choice.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 19, 2023, 09:34:56 AM
August 19, 2023 (Saturday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- fixed issues with Identify spell
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 26, 2023, 09:46:07 AM
August 26, 2023 (Saturday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Added ceramic and clay to the possible taxable material lists for shopkeepers and cities
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Brokkr on August 31, 2023, 08:20:50 PM
August 31, 2023 (Thursday)

-Finished a review of all component items
  -Quite a few that were .01 stones in weight are now heavier.
  -Brought back some components that have been out of circulation.  Including some new crafting recipes.
  -Implemented some functionality that has been in for a couple of years but not utilized (have fun finding out what it is!)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on September 02, 2023, 09:31:39 AM
September 2, 2023 (Saturday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed typo in analyzing bandages
- Analyzing bandage now matches how the bandage skill works, w.r.t. telling the
   player if the bandage is better than their character could make use of with their
   bandage skill.

- Updated (made more difficult to use) an old Drovian spell, and put it back in the game
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on September 10, 2023, 10:04:00 AM
September 10, 2023 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Removed a material type, added two new ones to help with shop values & taxes
- Fixed bug in starting gear
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on September 16, 2023, 10:13:55 AM
September 16, 2023 (Saturday)

- Fixes to MSSP implementation.
     - MSSP MININUM AGE set to 18.
     - Discord variable added to MSSP (
     - Fixed MSSP Subgenre

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Severed heads will now keep the same weight between logging out and back in again
- Added logging of PC deaths to a spell.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on September 23, 2023, 09:07:40 AM
September 23, 2023 (Saturday)

- Fixed an issue where escaped muls could be mistakenly be given bendune and tribal accent (instead of southern accent), and fail to be automatically incriminated
- Fixed issue with (upcoming) account registration web tool

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Updated a staff command
- Added sytrax to weapon calculations as its own set of numbers
- A new poison has been added
- New Skellebain echoes have been added
- Krathi spell modified to be more effective

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on September 30, 2023, 11:01:22 AM
September 30, 2023 (Saturday)

- Fixed a bug with an Elkros spell

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Various backend bug fixes

- Fixes to our MSSP implementation
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 07, 2023, 08:42:57 AM
October 7, 2023 (Saturday)

- converted Hall of Kings to new javascript, enabling staff to update and make changes much more easily and on the fly
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 09, 2023, 10:54:06 AM
October 9, 2023 (Monday)

- fixed a crash bug
- updated player version to adjust karma

- Drovian and Vivaduan subguilds (excluding touched) are no longer selectable without specapp.
- Full guild Water and Shadow elementalists are selectable in character generation for the appropriate karma.
  -- Full guild Vivaduans are 2 karma, and full guild Drovians are 3 karma.
  See this post for details:,59929.0.html
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 15, 2023, 02:37:56 PM
October 15, 2023 (Sunday)

- Fixed crash bug with a particular psionic ability

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed a couple of bugs with staff commands
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 21, 2023, 09:54:00 AM
October 21, 2023 (Saturday)

- multiple memory leak and crash bug fixes
- debug support for javascripts

- clean up some logs that staff see

- Fixed typo in display of singular items (think coins)
- Fixed a bug with scroll/book titles and keywords
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 28, 2023, 02:53:43 PM
October 28, 2023 (Saturday)

- Adding the ability for the game to send messages to the Discord server.
- Wishes will now be sent to a staff Discord channel.
- Tektolnes will notify #general when the game starts ups.

- Creatures that naturally poison will now have a limit on how much they can do so, based on size

- Rationalizing interactions with ethereal objects
- No falling damage whilst ethereal

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- fixes to staff commands
- fixes to npc_brain

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 04, 2023, 10:04:10 AM
November 4, 2023 (Saturday)

- Fixed an issue with skills not showing in the character creation web tool.

- Fixed a bug with aggressive flag
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 05, 2023, 09:06:44 AM
November 5, 2023 (Sunday)

- Fixed crash from poisoned darts
- Fixed performance issue with NPC AI routines
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 11, 2023, 10:13:36 AM
November 11, 2023 (Saturday)

- Fixed memory leaks in common NPC and player actions

- Thryzn can no longer choose full guild elementalists in character creation

- Ethereal bug fixes
- Fixed a small bug in new account creation
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 15, 2023, 09:10:54 AM
November 15, 2023 (Wednesday)

- Improvements to the performance of the code causing the recent lag

- Fixed some unintended dispel magick side effects.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 18, 2023, 09:32:04 AM
November 18, 2023 (Saturday)

- Improved file I/O performance
- Fixed common intermittent crash bug
- Fix crash related to logins

- Ethereal bug fixes
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 23, 2023, 08:43:00 AM
November 23, 2023 (Thursday) (Gobble Gobble)

- Implemented auto code formatting

- Fix to intermittent crashes
- Fixed a couple of memory leaks
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on November 24, 2023, 08:42:15 AM
November 24, 2023 (Friday)

- Fixes intermittent crashes
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 02, 2023, 08:59:46 AM
December 2, 2023 (Saturday)

- Removed the ability to check if people are online by using contact in a certain way
- Removed the ability to check if people are online by casting certain spells

- Bug fix for a psionic skill.
- Look room shows visible people who are riding invisible mounts.
- Various bug fixes to look room.
- Reduced trample command delay for some of the cases in which no trampling happens ("You aren't riding").
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 03, 2023, 02:43:30 PM
December 3, 2023 (Sunday)

- Look room no longer shows you your own mount (reverts unwanted change from previous fixes).
- Bugfix for a nilazi spell.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 08, 2023, 10:18:49 AM
December 8, 2023 (Friday)

- Fixed crash bug with a Nilazi spell and the flee command
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on December 23, 2023, 09:37:18 AM
December 23, 2023 (Saturday)

- Add functionality for changing the current game date (for Seasons).

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Codified certain scripts that run to fix objects.  It's now hard-coded instead of having scripts automatically fix them every pulse.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on January 13, 2024, 09:29:26 AM
January 13, 2024 (Saturday)

- Bugfixes to aging
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on January 27, 2024, 08:36:11 AM
January 27, 2024 (Saturday)

- Staff building commands are now sent to a (staff) Discord channel for better oversight, auditing, and tracking.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on February 03, 2024, 09:56:41 AM
February 3, 2024 (Saturday)

- tweaks to staff building commands send to Discord
- added the Save flag for rooms, which will allow staff to designate -any- room as one that saves its contents regularly.  This will allow us to no longer be required to only use specific zones for this.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on February 17, 2024, 09:44:55 AM
February 17, 2024 (Saturday)

We'll still be doing release notes, so people can see code progress that's being made.  The newsletter will give more details, as needed, and will focus on all aspects of the changes, not just code.

- new skill 'camping'.  Will enable wilderness folks to create a campsite to create temporary quit-safe rooms, and a spot that gives increased regen rates.  More work to be done, but the basics are in.

- updates, tweaks, and bugfixes to the Save flag

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- new feature, clan relationships. More info to come later
- can no longer pick a lock that is broken
- purged code of clan specific values that are gone forever (special ball of light for Conclave, etc)
- updates to lock/unlock
      - now respect all the Wall spells
      - require dropping lifted items to lock/unlock
- doors are now given default keyword of 'door' if staff forgot to add a keyword, and fixes all bad ones
- closing doors now triggers guard code, the same way as opening doors
- removed all zone privs for staff - meaning all staff now have access to all zones
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on February 24, 2024, 09:44:44 AM
February 24, 2024 (Saturday)

- city elves now treat road the same as they do city for movement purposes, which means 0 base move (instead of base 2 for road) and -1 bonus when running (minimum of 1).  So a city elf running on a road with medium encumbrance would lose 3 per room (was 6).  A city elf walking on a road with light encumbrance would lose 1 per room (was 2).
- framework for 'new magick project'

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- work on 'new magick project'
- added the ability to draw mana from other sources when casting, in certain situations
- purged some old, unused code
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on February 25, 2024, 10:23:14 AM
February 25, 2024 (Sunday)

- improved ability for staff to understand what npc's spawn where

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- player corposes and 'unique' npc corpses will now take 3 RL days to decay
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 11, 2024, 10:29:48 AM
March 11, 2024 (Monday)

- tweaks to camping, but mostly on hold while waiting on player feedback
- subguild elementalists now have the same max skill penalty as sorcerers.  Which is a 30% reduction in max combat/weapon skills, and a %15 reduction in max stealth skills.  This does not affect starting skills or gain rates, just max. It affects all skills regardless of whether they're guild, subguild, or racial.  It also affects the 'touched' magickal subguilds.  None of this applies to full guild elems.

- updates to javascript engine to work better with the pilot skill

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- changed message for Immortal rooms when trying to cast, to make it clear that it's an OOC reason, to "This room is flagged for Game Staff use which blocks magick use."
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 13, 2024, 06:49:59 PM
March 13, 2024 (Wednesday)

- based on feedback, removed Touched subguilds from the elementalist subguild changes above, so their skills will not be affected
- updated database and code with karma values for guilds, subguilds, and races to provide a single source for in-game and web-based character applications (first step in moving to 10 point system)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- characters can now create a shared banked account with others, without the need for a clan.  It's not using your personal account, it's creating a new account that's shared with others
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on March 23, 2024, 09:46:02 AM
March 23, 2024 (Saturday)

- added basic functionality for a new style of magick  (work on new magick project for Seasons)

- Code for a mundane plotline.  (work on a new mundane system for Seasons)
- Small command-priority fixes.
- Tweaks to Discord logging.
- Additional debug logging.
- Other bug fixes
- Bugfix for object creation.

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- added 2 new spells for a new style of magick  (work on new magick project for Seasons)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on April 03, 2024, 07:56:39 PM
April 3, 2004 (Wednesday)

- fixed a crashbug on a staff command
- more work on secret magick project
- changed "Poison Recovery" to be "Poison Symptoms" as that is a more accurate description.  It shows up in stat when someone is suffering a side affect / symptom of being poisoned.
- removed "Poison" from the stat command if someone has an Onset.  It will only show up when the poison becomes active.  However, Detect Poison will still show if someone has an Onset waiting.
- onset times of ALL poisons cut in half (they take affect more quickly)
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on April 12, 2024, 10:21:29 AM
April 12, 2024 (Friday)

- fixed a staff command crashbug.  Nothing like a new batch of ST's to find crashbugs for us
- implemented the new 10-point karma system, converted accounts.  See,52604.msg1099451.html#msg1099451

- fixed an issue with npc duplication
- misc bugfixes
- more code updates for a mundane plotline

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- tweaks and fixes to the banking system
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on April 20, 2024, 09:02:07 AM
April 20, 2024 (Saturday)

- Carved out exception for climb in the sorc/subguild elem skill nerf (climb isn't nerfed like sneak/hide)
- Created alerts for staff when someone with 0 karma logs in to help identify new players

- misc bugfixes

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- bugfixes and improvements to behind-the-scenes clan system
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on April 27, 2024, 08:31:27 AM
April 27, 2024 (Saturday)

- Skill gain timers now have a secondary stat (for many skills) that influences how often you can gain a skill.  See this thread for details:,60327.0.html
- Removed Tuluk and Luir's from starting options
- Continued work on sekrit magick project
- Tweaked stats so that they don't just truncate when converting from a float to an int, they use ceil().  This will mean that new characters will see a couple of stats at 1 point higher than they used to, most of the time.  It also means penalties from aging won't be quite as bad as before.  Technically, you could argue they were being robbed before, and this is fixing it.  For example, before due to the math the final number might be 13.87, but because it is a float being used by an int, it would just truncate the decimals, so 13.87 would be 13.  It now uses a ceiling, so that 13.87 will be 14 (also, a 13.05 would become a 14, it's ceiling, not round).

- New craft features for [REDACTED]
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on May 05, 2024, 03:27:31 PM
May 5, 2024 (Sunday)

- more work on sekrit magick project

- Fixes and Changes to room and NPC saving
- Added new materials for plotlines
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on May 26, 2024, 12:09:20 PM
May 26, 2024 (Sunday)

- Updated web character app for 10 karma points

- Fixed a crashbug in flee

- additional debug info added to help with crashes
- tweaks to new [redacted] system
- various memory corruption fixes attempting to solve frequent crashes
- changes to NPC saving and builder commands.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on May 29, 2024, 07:15:11 PM
May 29, 2024 (Wednesday)

- fixed a couple of issues with various files and Makefiles so that the game will compile on a newer OS
- removed an old, outdated automatic process
- fixes to for compatibility with apartments and simraider for the new Save room flag

- fixed a rare crash bug
- added a "where" command that shows how many visible PCs (one, a couple, a few, etc) are in each local tavern
- create internal tool for helping to find duplicate npcs
- misc bug fixes with zone saves
- another fix towards eliminating npc duplicating

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- made it so staff cannot accidentally attach the same script on the same command multiple times
- misc. staff command fixes
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 02, 2024, 10:51:07 AM
June 2, 2024 (Sunday)

- Bug fixes for code supporting a mundane plotline
- Add a new city code

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- under-the-hood updates to banking
- updates to some staffing commands
- improvements to setting up shopkeepers for staff
- request tool changes from,60422.0.html
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 05, 2024, 09:58:18 AM
June 5, 2024 (Wednesday)

- updated casting for Elementalists to reflect an IC change to the world.  When a spell is lower skill it has a slightly higher chance to crit fail.  When it is higher skilled, it has a slightly higher chance of crit success.  Power level doesn't affect crit chances.
- fixed a bad echo in the donate command
- added a new sector type for seasons plotlines

- Add some useful info to a staff command.
- Update weapon stats for a few materials.
- Update the season 1 start date. At "2024-06-15 00:00:00" (server time) it is "Year 1770 (year 76 of age 23), month 1, day 1".
- worked on some staff commands in regards to fixing npc dup's
- New crafting features for seasons plotlines

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- some work on a secret magick project
- some more work on another secret magick project
- updates to banking
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 09, 2024, 08:53:49 AM
June 9, 2024 (Sunday)

- fixed crashbug in staff command
- removed steal as an automatic skill for city elves, replaced it with sleight of hand
- city elves now have an innate bonus to climb checks, even if they don't get the skill

- updated junk command so you cannot junk metal items
- crafting tweaks
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 10, 2024, 05:44:46 PM
June 10, 2024 (Monday)

- fixed a bug where characters were aging 50 years if they used the web-based character.  This is not Armageddon: Geriatric Gladiators

- bugfix to camping

- added the learn skill.  see:
- In the skill command, indicate unbranched skills and spells with ".." after the name.
- In the skill command, indicate skills that have gained in the last few hours with "+" after the skill level. Doesn't show gains for "scan", doesn't show gains from the learn command (which is basically OOC/offline learning), doesn't show gains for skills at "master".  See

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- fixes and updates to banking
- fixes and updates to sekrit magick project
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 14, 2024, 11:34:07 AM
June 14, 2024 (Friday)

- attempt at a fix for a rare crashbug
- updated 'directions' command for Allanak and the Labyrinth

- bugfix to 'where' command being wonky

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Fixed the main page time, it should display correctly now
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 15, 2024, 10:20:36 AM
Jun 15, 2024 (Saturday)

Zorkbob the Inhaler
3 new helpfiles added:
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 16, 2024, 09:18:28 AM
June 16, 2024 (Sunday)

- Fixed a bug where combat wasn't displaying to watching.  This is why you couldn't see combat in the arena and fighting pits on Saturday

- fixed the bug that crashed us on Saturday
- In skill sheet, show recent skillgain indicator ('+') for spells as well as skills.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 17, 2024, 11:18:12 AM
June 17, 2024 (Monday)

- Some fixes for new crafting skill.
- Add "room" option to teach command. ("teach room piercing weapons")
- The teach command bypasses skill timers but not in-character impairments.
- Teachers are limited to three successful lessons per day. (If nobody learns from you, it doesn't count as a lesson.)
- The learn command now works on skills like "ride" that you can learn without getting them through your class/subclass.
- Bandaid for Sunday's crash.

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- Wagons now know what direction they are pointing, based on the last direction they
  were piloted in, this only applies to n/s/e/w/, not up/down/out/into
- Wagon direction saves between reboots.
- Wagons can now have a new value 'observation', this is a room where characters can look
  out in a direction with the syntax: look out <dir>
- stat now shows who you are donating mana to
- stat now shows who is donating mana to you
- mana sharing now deducts mana from donors
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 18, 2024, 11:05:05 PM
June 18, 2024 (Tuesday)

- added 6 new upstairs apartments on Miner's Road in Allanak
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 20, 2024, 09:42:32 AM
June 20, 2024 (Thursday)

- Fixed multiple bugs with armor repair, making it gain a little bit faster, and making it work as expected now:
When armor is lightly broken - Low skilled armor repair can fix it.
When armor is heavily broken - You need to be highly skilled to fix it.
When you fix it, you take raw material and patch it up.  It will use up some of the raw material.
The more broken it is, the more raw material you need.

- fixed a bad echo with teach room
- The game will attempt to quit PCs who are idle for more than 60 minutes. This is for their own protection.
  - PCs in a quit room will quit normally. PCs elsewhere will "quit ooc" if possible.
  - We now warn PCs on login if their last quit was a "quit ooc" (since this prevents you from using quit ooc again until you have quit normally).
  - You'll get a warning with a beep at least five minutes before you're forced to quit.
  - If you can't quit (normally or OOC), your PC will stay in the game but we'll continue to warn + beep every five minutes.
  - As before, hunger/thirst timers stop ticking after 60 minutes idle time.
  - Idle time is now measured as time since the last command or typo you sent. Pressing RETURN or sending whitespace doesn't count.
  - Idle time is measured in seconds on the clock rather than iterations through the game loop.

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- minor drawback to max-mana for a short period of time when sharing mana - doesn't happen when you type assist, but only when the mana is drawn and used
- improved feedback to a few staff commands
- fixed a crashbug from earlier in the week
- fixed another crashbug from earlier in the week

EDIT:  It was on Thursday not Friday, I forgot what day it was.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 22, 2024, 08:48:41 AM
June 22, 2024 (Saturday)

- possible bugfix for a recent crash
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 22, 2024, 07:36:57 PM
June 22, 2024 (Saturday)

- updated: help mana (
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 26, 2024, 10:03:45 PM
June 26, 2024 (Wednesday)

- swapped a starting spell and a tier 2 spell for full guild Drovians so things would make more sense.  To any drovians who haven't branched any starter spells, you should see another spell show up.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on June 28, 2024, 08:50:19 AM
June 28, 2024 (Friday)

- reduced skellebain max timer to 20 minutes from 40 minutes.  It's still possible to suffer from it more than 20 minutes.  20 minutes is from the very last time you're poisoned.  So if you get poisoned with it, and then 10 minutes into that you get poisoned with it again, the 20 minute timer can start over.  Still, this should reduce the total time suffering from the poison

- crashbug fix
- another crashbug fix
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 02, 2024, 08:02:55 AM
July 2, 2024 (Tuesday)

- multiple updates to a sekrit magick project
- Drink containers now show an estimated capacity when assessing, just like regular containers
- when casting with the 'nil' reach, all spell-casters (except templars) will see a random affect instead of a simple "Ok.".  This is to provide you with a 'hook' for roleplaying while casting, something you can react to (or not if you so chose) to break up the monotony of casting with 'nil'.

- Add a staff command for debugging.
- Learn command tells about how long until the next time it can be used. (one/a couple/etc. hours/days).
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 06, 2024, 08:04:55 AM
July 6, 2024 (Saturday)

- Don't show '+' on skill sheet after a failure when the skill is already maxed.
- various bugfixes with build process
- "where" command (player version): include players in tavern-adjacent rooms in the count for the tavern room, unless behind a closed door
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 10, 2024, 12:32:56 PM
July 10, 2024 (Tuesday)

- increased wildlife numbers in the south
      - scrab and beetles up about 33%
      - jozhal, chalton up about 50%
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 13, 2024, 10:33:07 AM
July 13, 2024 (Saturday)

- more work on a sekrit magick project
- updates and additional messages to Nil casting

- Small staff-side improvements to shop management.
- Features for a new crafting skill.
- Add a new tool type.
- Tweaks to some crafting devices.
- Typo fixes.
- Added 'Seif Akir make'
- Tweak the shop item buying limit from 4 to 5, and to increase frequency of 'virtual' sales

Zorkbob the Inhaler
- new staff command to help with drink containers
- tweaks to tents, not allowing them to be made in tunnels
- tweak to lockpicks, see,60728.0.html

HOTFIX 1:  fixed a bug with casting
HOTFIX 2:  fixed a bug with tents
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 20, 2024, 09:04:40 AM
July 20, 2024 (Saturday)

- simplified some calculations regarding armor repair that should make it easier to use and have less issues
- fixed another bug in armor repair that wasn't allowing certain materials to repair it
- work on an upcoming feature

- behind the scenes work cleaning up code
- Tweak for a mine capacity calculation.
- Increase the amount of skill awarded by the learn command at lower skill levels
- Hacking around a possible crash bug
- Added some logging/test code for tracking down bags that mysteriously have extra contents

Zorkbob the Impactor
- work on an upcoming feature
- behind the scenes work cleaning up code
- enhancements to some Krathi spells
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 23, 2024, 01:07:41 PM
July 23, 2024 (Tuesday)

- updated Water Touched and Fire Touched subguilds spell list.  See this post:,60791.0.html
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on July 27, 2024, 08:20:01 AM
July 27, 2024 (Saturday)

- Some shop-related code for upcoming plotlines.

Zorkbob the Installer
- updates to a couple of staff commands
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 03, 2024, 08:25:28 AM
August 3, 2024 (Saturday)

- reduced maximum 'innate' hide and sneak, see,60826.msg1107089.html#msg1107089

- Fix a bug causing objects to load incorrectly in certain circumstances.
- New facet for a krathi spell.
- Crash fix x2

Zorkbob the Exhaler
- new material type
- fixed random compiler warnings
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 09, 2024, 10:03:06 AM
August 9, 2024 (Friday)

- Half-elves are supposed to have an innate ability to tame mounts once the skill is high enough, but there was a bug preventing this.  Fixed.
- crashbug fix

- crashbug fix
- another crashbug fix

Zorkbob the Inquiring
- various bugfixes
- Changes to Create Food added, see here:,60868.0.html
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 12, 2024, 10:28:45 AM
August 12, 2024 (Monday)

- added Master Brewew subguild, see,60883.0.html
- added master_brewer as an option to change subguild
- fixed a bug with backstab and sap where they were doing WAY too much damage.  Basically due to the combat overhaul last year, they were adding str and agil bonuses before multipliers, which was not intended.  I did leave in the agil bonus, so the net result is that people with average-and-up strength (humans, dwarves, etc) will see backstab return to what it was in the past.  Weaker but high agil people will see a minor boost to these skills.
- added the option for 'room' as a target for Dispel Magick
- tweaked damage on copper weapons

Zorkbob the Instigator
- update to a staff command to help make sure weapon quality stays sane
- tweaked Create Food so it will be more filling based on power level.  Mon should be enough to totally fill up a human

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 17, 2024, 09:04:47 AM
August 17, 2024 (Saturday)

- added helpfile

- various bug fixes

Zorkbob the Entertainer
- new templar-only spell
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 18, 2024, 05:42:15 PM
August 18, 2024 (Sunday)

- added helpfile
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 24, 2024, 10:58:14 AM
August 24, 2024 (Saturday)

- tweaks to a staff command
- new Rukkian spell for ongoing plotlines
- New trial code path for saving room contents to SQL
- Fix a forge crash
- tweaks to save room code
- Tweak the numbers for a class of crafting tools

Zorkbob the Eliminator
- updates to backend system for wagons

EDIT:  This release has been rolled back due to crashes.  We are back on the August 17 release.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on August 31, 2024, 08:38:30 AM
August 31, 2024 (Saturday)

- August 24 release live again.

- started a new project/skill

- various backend bugfixes
- fix for a couple of crashbugs
- tweaks to some staff side tools

Zorkbob the Exhumer
- various backend bugfixes

EDIT:  Rolled back.  And that's the record for the fastest release rollback!
EDIT:  Roll back rolled back, so it's not rolled back now.
EDIT:  Rolled back the roll back of the roll back, so it's back on August 17 release again.  We'll leave it like this for a while.
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on September 05, 2024, 08:59:54 AM
September 5, 2024 (Thursday)

- patch that 'should' stop the previous crashes that caused the rollbacks
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on September 07, 2024, 10:41:12 AM
September 7, 2024 (Saturday)

- Added tattooing and Tattoo Artist.  See,60962.0.html

Zorkbob the Extrapolator
- doubled number of available cflags from 32 to 64
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on September 14, 2024, 09:06:41 AM
September 14, 2024 (Saturday)

- Improved profiling for the game loop, so we can get a good handle on how much lag is present and why.
- Performance tweaks
- Crash fix

Zorkbob the Includer
- Fixes to Create Food spell
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on September 22, 2024, 09:56:27 AM
September 22, 2024 (Sunday)

- forge fixes
- bugfix to staff command

Zorkbob the Installer
- bugfix on staff command
- update to other staff commands

Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 02, 2024, 07:54:26 AM
October 2, 2024 (Wednesday)

- "Where" command no longer breaks concentration (thanks for the bug report!).

Zorkbob the Irrigator
- Cannot salvage items that have no_junk flag applied
- Fixes to ethereal flags
- Fixed crashbug on javascript
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 06, 2024, 08:58:23 AM
October 6, 2024 (Sunday)

- Full Guild Elementalists (only) can stack magickal protections once again, providing it's their own spells.  Sorcerers, subguild mages, and templars still cannot.

- crash fix
Title: Re: Release Notes
Post by: Halaster on October 20, 2024, 09:49:58 AM
October 20, 2024 (Sunday)

Zorkbob the Infamous
- made it easier for staff to set flags on sentinel npcs so that they can still be shot with arrows.