With original submissions still unavailable we are going to allow players to post their character portraits in this gdb thread.
The thread is for the artwork that players create or have commissioned, the kind of artwork we'd normally put on the website but are currently unable to. (Note, this is not the place to put RL pictures of people who look like your character concept etc).
To help keep things streamlined and on track please keep the following rules online:
- Post character portraits for your own characters only
- Do not post character portraits of any PC that is still alive in game
- Do not post character portraits for any PC that was in game within the last year
Rules for this forum must be followed in any discussion of these character portraits.
Additional expectations and rules for this subforum:
• Discussion should be centered around the submission. This can cover the events of the submission itself and discussion of that character (most submissions are about specific characters and specific events).
• While discussing the plot or characters of the submission is fine, make sure that your post revolves around the scene or the character(s)--not your character or stuff that happened that is vaguely related to it. In general, the more that the discussion deviates from the specific submission, the less likely it should be there.
• If you desire to specifically discuss your own character's exploits, we encourage you to work on your own original submission. Once the tool is ready we will let you know!
• No discussion of a PC that is (or may be) alive, period.
• If the PC has passed within the past year, it still may not be discussed, period.
• Off-limits topics:
◦Ongoing plots.
◦Magick system, magickal plots, or mechanics thereof that are not in the public documentation or in the public website.
◦Code mechanics.
Will this thread / submissions call remain open indefinitely? I have a portrait I'd like to submit that isn't a year old yet.
The intention is to have this thread open until we have a viable way to receive and post original submissions on the website. Of course if everyone ignores the rules, flames, or otherwise turns this thread into the thread of doom - no promises.
Well! Uh ... bit old but I don't really have anything I'm happy about with subsequent characters yet so ... :) I'll start you off with some sketchy colored pencil.
Byn Trooper Andra, the lithe, sharp-clawed female. I later heard her approval slipped through and she should have been a special app, but I was quite content with aesthetically mutated. She got a chronic Tuluk player like me into the Byn, which was an experience I appreciate. Was in the Northern unit of the time, and one or two more since, when I returned to her after wandering off from here for a while. *squints at patch* ... Nope can't tell which it is here.
Biscuits unlinked all of the really good character portraits!
Be nice. - D
I work on my character's portrait while they're alive, and they rarely end up finished. You can kind of tell which were the products of a few months, and which I had over a year to work on. I present to you all:
Sherris Keshmar, Winrothol Cavalier:
(http://i.imgur.com/lObAM1F.jpg) (http://imgur.com/lObAM1F)
Koatl "Spark" the Sun Runner:
(http://i.imgur.com/iyVs980.jpg) (http://imgur.com/iyVs980)
Lord Templar Takharion Jal:
(http://i.imgur.com/my6aZzq.jpg) (http://imgur.com/my6aZzq)
Finally, a portrait I commissioned from Ourla.
Onyxi and Pebble:
The eye on the Winrothol one creep me out, Valeria. It's something of an "I know what you did and I am not afraid of you. I might just decide to do something about it." sort of look.
I also like the templar one. He looks kinda like Ian McShane.
Valeria's Winrothol kinda looks like Katherine Heigl
[Image moderated by Valeria, it doesn't really comply with the revised rules posted by Adhira. Sorry!]
Why don't you smile for once, miss??
Quote from: James de Monet on October 19, 2014, 06:22:04 PM
He looks kinda like Ian McShane.
It's almost like that was my model ::)
I get more of a Dolph Lundgren (http://static.mensfitness.co.uk/sites/mensfitness/files/styles/article_main_wide_image/public/dolph-lundgren.jpg?itok=kRHPxNNL) feel from Tak, at least from his portrait here. An underweight Dolph.
Here's a sketch of Yish from a while ago in ball point, where a fairly high class party turned into a boxing tournament in Allanak.. I think it all kicked off when someone asked why he didn't appear to be carrying a weapon, his reply was somewhere along the lines of "Don't worry, I could kill you with my fingers."
This was my inspiration for Dakiah aka Rhiri:
[Another image moderated by Valeria. Someone reported this as from DeviantArt rather than a player-created piece, so it no longer complied with the revised rules for the thread. If that's not the case, please put in a complaint/appeal request. Apologies!]
Ignore the gun on her shoulder. She didn't have a gun. She was a ranger who hung out with the wrong kind of people. Her demise was a sad one, but Rath was awesome and gave her ending an appropriate closure.
And this was Lei, my Jaxa Pah elf. Credit goes to Briarfox for this one:
Obscenely low-wisdom Errigson managed to survive 10 IG years. Credits to Briar.
Yuri was inexplicably one of my longest lived characters despite being designed from the ground up to be assassinated by someone from the Bardic Circle
Meet Tuluk's worst musician.
My former Kadian worker bee, Ixen. If Nexi wants to post the full pic of them both together she's more than welcome to. Not sure who she got to do the image of the twins for us, but I've adored it for years, now.
She was my very first character and I loved every confusing, dramatic, angsty, high-fashion moment of it. I strongly suspect that you're all loons for preferring Allanak, merchant is the best class in the whole game, and that making dresses trumps killing beasties.
I want to see Narf's guy in Evoru's red dress
It's a terribly, terribly expensive dress. For a few weeks I missed that dress more than I missed my character. ;D
I remember Nexi and Ixen and Sherris when I played my badass Khalyat (Khal). It was a lot of fun in Tuluk during these times! ;D
I think there's a portrait of Khal floating around somewhere by Greasygemo.
I had one but it's lost. Though it's some here on the forums but in the mod section.
Bead, Elder of the Akei ta Var, portrait by Ourla. Previously posted in the other portrait thread.
Bead was my first desert elf and my first Drovian. She was active in 2007 and 2008, and was thrown straight into the elven politics of the Elan Pah Alliance. It was very rewarding trying to balance her between seeking deeper knowledge of her elemental magicks, her tribe's place and fate in Zalanthas, elven politics, the End of the World plots, and her own desire to stay connected to the more mundane side of reality. My favorite times with this PC were when sitting around with friends and/or tribemates, talking about mysteries, desires, fears, philosophy, hopes. While not very old, she was often regarded as a wise and level-headed elder who willingly admitted she knew much but didn't understand half of that which she knew.
In true Armageddon tradition, she was betrayed by a close friend and died a brutal, fiery death. The murder scene itself took up towards two hours to play out before the Mantis head. I missed her for a long time afterwards.
Here's the full image of Nexi and Ixen from back in the day. Briar was the talented artist behind this :)
Also, as a funny side note, I nearly had a heart attack making Ixen's red outfit. I was horrified I would ruin the INCREDIBLY expensive materials it was crafted from.
Awesome KankWhisperer, can you tell us anything about the character?
Miss the twins! One of the craziest rp things ive done with a soldier happened to Calistyrr with Ixen. Loved Nexi! X. I wish I had a picture of that big dumb bearded blonde, the closest rl comparison I could find was...
[Image moderated by Valeria. It didn't look like an original photograph, so I removed it. Sorry! Please see the forum title, "Original Submissions Discussion."]
Just needed to be bigger, and his beard to be also braided.
Just a reminder here as some moderation has happened: this thread is for original artwork pertaining to your character, artwork created or commissioned by players.
Quote from: CodeMaster on October 23, 2014, 02:37:57 AM
Awesome KankWhisperer, can you tell us anything about the character?
He was a throw away character who lived for far too long. He was always involved in ridiculous adventures and would have been fun if long life wasn't so tragic. Also, father of Pebble, the baby dwarf shown above. Was searching for kanks per his face tattoo.
Would he point to his face and ask people "Have you seen one of these lately?"
He would point to it when they asked what one looked like.
Esmenetta "Esme" al'Dekarjiza
Art by Briar (http://www.armageddon.org/original/author/Briar)
Wow that one is so amazing. I love the green.
Quote from: Tiktak on October 24, 2014, 03:28:22 PM
Esmenetta "Esme" al'Dekarjiza
10/10 would fade again.
Quote from: Is Friday on October 24, 2014, 04:16:51 PM
Quote from: Tiktak on October 24, 2014, 03:28:22 PM
Esmenetta "Esme" al'Dekarjiza
10/10 would fade again.
I LOVED Esme. Tiktak is a great player.
And the portrait is great, too. :-[
Greg, (Sidar), my generally hated drunk. Thanks Ourla.
Sewn, my rinthi gemmed Krathi. Thanks Briar.
Dammit. I gotta find a damned artist.
There's been a few up there, Briarfox did awesome work, Ourla as well.
I used to post things under 'Kelen', a Borsail drawing (See my name) and a couple stories.
I was 17 when some of that stuff was posted! Seems like a lifetime ago... Oh wait... My 'dead' list is longer than that so ::) Maybe a few.
What a great time to play in Tuluk, there were tons of great characters around, then. I had a blast with everyone.
Artwork by Briar.
Portrait of an event, not a character, but...
(http://i.imgur.com/wjMmwwI.png) (http://imgur.com/wjMmwwI)
The Wrack of Tyn Dashra
Artist Unknown
After an Allanaki Original
Oil on Canvas
22nd Age
(Click, then click again, to see full size)
Only character I ever had a portrait done for - Anthinius Oash sitting in the original Azure Dragon by BISCUITS.
(http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/Whantwhant/Anthinius.jpg) (http://s719.photobucket.com/user/Whantwhant/media/Anthinius.jpg.html)
ehh. wouldn't.
James has permission to post that painting (which he painted). Just for the record!
Quote from: Decameron on November 05, 2014, 10:38:53 PM
Only character I ever had a portrait done for - Anthinius Oash sitting in the original Azure Dragon by Ourla.
(http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/Whantwhant/Anthinius.jpg) (http://s719.photobucket.com/user/Whantwhant/media/Anthinius.jpg.html)
I once had an emote fight with Anthinius's NPC guard when I was a noob. What a great PC. :)
Oh, I mean, wouldn't as in, wouldn't bang. The portrait is superb.
EDIT: wait hold on i confused myself
Great work. I've never tried getting any artwork done for any of my characters. I had a white haired bynner that I had a picture of from some site that you get to mix and match stuff to make faces .... And although it was what my character was modeld after, it wasn't very Arm themed.
I want to get some character art done :(
Quote from: Eukelade on November 05, 2014, 11:09:13 PM
James has permission to post that painting (which he painted). Just for the record!
Heh, you have a lot of faith in my manual skills, Eukelade.
I most certainly made that image, but if I could paint like that for real, I wouldn't need photoshop. That's all digital I'm afraid. (It only says "oil on canvas" for the same reason it says "22nd age". ;))
I'm aware of your preferred medium. But digital painting is still painting. :)
My sekrit santa present from Ourla, circa 2012. A tribal elf hunter surveying her lands.
It also came with Ourla's love in the form of an orange slip of paper, which I still have aswell.
Figured it belonged here, ;D
Quote from: Decameron on November 05, 2014, 10:38:53 PM
Only character I ever had a portrait done for - Anthinius Oash sitting in the original Azure Dragon by Ourla.
(http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/Whantwhant/Anthinius.jpg) (http://s719.photobucket.com/user/Whantwhant/media/Anthinius.jpg.html)
I'm confused...isn't the bottom corner signed Megan Lara (i.e Biscuits)?
Either way, great portrait.
If I ever had to be artistic and not just crafty, it would be some crayon stick figure.
It would not be good.
As a side note, I'm glad everyone is following the rules in this thread and it hasn't been locked. I've been waiting and waiting to be able to post a portrait of a past character and I have a little less than two weeks to continue waiting.
Yeah, not that I'm an expert artist-knower, but that does look like Biscuit's work.
Oh Anthinius. My nemesis. ;D
Quote from: Is Friday on November 05, 2014, 11:11:00 PM
I once had an emote fight with Anthinius's NPC guard when I was a noob. What a great PC. :)
Pretty sure that Decameron never played a non-great PC :) (and yes, I have a major RP crush on Decameron).
Quote from: Nyr on November 06, 2014, 10:00:25 AM
Yeah, not that I'm an expert artist-knower, but that does look like Biscuit's work.
Quote from: manipura on November 06, 2014, 09:11:15 AM
Quote from: Decameron on November 05, 2014, 10:38:53 PM
Only character I ever had a portrait done for - Anthinius Oash sitting in the original Azure Dragon by Ourla.
(http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/Whantwhant/Anthinius.jpg) (http://s719.photobucket.com/user/Whantwhant/media/Anthinius.jpg.html)
I'm confused...isn't the bottom corner signed Megan Lara (i.e Biscuits)?
Either way, great portrait.
If I ever had to be artistic and not just crafty, it would be some crayon stick figure.
It would not be good.
As a side note, I'm glad everyone is following the rules in this thread and it hasn't been locked. I've been waiting and waiting to be able to post a portrait of a past character and I have a little less than two weeks to continue waiting.
Yep, I am an AWFUL person for not double-checking that. It's been years and I thought to myself, Ourla, yeah that sounds familiar. Double-checked. Definitely Biscuits. Sorry about that, and edited in the original post! Whoops!
Quote from: Adhira on November 06, 2014, 11:59:24 AM
Oh Anthinius. My nemesis. ;D
You saw nothing! I wasn't here! <Covers his art protectively>
Quote from: Malken on November 06, 2014, 12:02:54 PM
Quote from: Is Friday on November 05, 2014, 11:11:00 PM
I once had an emote fight with Anthinius's NPC guard when I was a noob. What a great PC. :)
Pretty sure that Decameron never played a non-great PC :) (and yes, I have a major RP crush on Decameron).
D'aww. <3
He sure loved fountains.
I remember Anthinius! Bastard.
Compliments to Briar.
Palimus Tor (left) and his trusted Scorpion, Kazar, who died (by obvious method) in the Copper War. Palimus was a little shorter and stockier than the picture shows, but I still just get seriously impressed by it. Thanks to the player of Kazar for having it drawn.
Way back when I played a d-elf. Someone a few months after the PC was force-stored, sent me this drawing he/she had commissioned w.o my knowledge. Thought it was it's pretty neat and he/she sorta got mdesc and sdesc pretty spot on at the time.
Lusts for Blood of the Soh Lanah Kah
I don't know who the artist is / was.
Lusts was a pain in Kahrii's ass. That's an awesome picture!
Oh hey I was in the Soh when Lusts got offered up
Quote from: Dakota on November 12, 2014, 06:04:18 AM
Way back when I played a d-elf. Someone a few months after the PC was force-stored, sent me this drawing he/she had commissioned w.o my knowledge. Thought it was it's pretty neat and he/she sorta got mdesc and sdesc pretty spot on at the time.
Lusts for Blood of the Soh Lanah Kah
I don't know who the artist is / was.
I can't remember if I was in Fangs or Soh when she was around, but the picture is seriously awesome. It's almost like Dark Sun pro artwork.
The Red Fang were out of the picture before Lusts for Blood was in-game.
Brynn, by far one of my favourite PCs, my first merchant and my longest lived character, in terms of days played.
One of the guys at Dman's gym is a professional artist and this was part of my birthday present last year. He doesn't play Arm but Dman gave him Brynn's description and the description of a bunch of things she almost always wore and this is what he came up with.
I don't know if the picture can be enlarged or anything after it's posted [tech skills (novice)] but it's incredibly detailed. You can see all the individual hairs on the quirri hide halter and the scales on the snakeskin pouch etc. One of my favourite things about this picture is the rings she's wearing. The one on her index finger is the one she designed for her mate, if you look at the details you can see the individual leaves and swords carved in it.
She was also my first and only character to really spend the bulk of her time in Tuluk, she wasn't inked but one of the things she wanted more than anything was to get citizenship. Alas, the end came before that long process was completed.
CLICK HERE, THEN CLICK THE PICTURE TO SEE THE DETAILED VERSION OF THE PICTURE ABOVE (http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb475/singlehart/Elf_character.jpg~original)
That picture reminds me of how sad she seemed and the sad story she told before mantis head.
Oh sheesh, that breed.
I wanted to kill her so many times, but really, she was an amazing character from what I did see of her. I wish I had at least one character in all that time that got to really interact with her on any level besides 'Gosh, it's a breed. Ew.'
Yeah... so I'm an art geek, I guess. The level of detail on the little pouch is ridiculous.
She's hot...Uh I mean... You know, for a filthy breed.
I enjoyed having a character that was able to interact with her. She was a fun character.
Quote from: KankWhisperer on November 18, 2014, 07:24:14 PM
That picture reminds me of how sad she seemed and the sad story she told before mantis head.
At that point, there were very few people left who would have really, really cared about hearing that story. One thing I was really glad for was that she did have the chance to share it, at least with one person.
Quote from: Dakota on November 12, 2014, 06:04:18 AM
Way back when I played a d-elf. Someone a few months after the PC was force-stored, sent me this drawing he/she had commissioned w.o my knowledge. Thought it was it's pretty neat and he/she sorta got mdesc and sdesc pretty spot on at the time.
Lusts for Blood of the Soh Lanah Kah
I don't know who the artist is / was.
I remember playing a Whiran that had a lot of back and forths with Lusts and another Soh. Probably the of most engaging long term conflict with another single PC that I've ever had. Good times.
Two Moons, Howls at Death, Pack leader of the Red Fangs and bringer of their demise. With his trophy-spear, dull black gems and demon-skull mask.
Soon to add, Two Moons standing alongside Claw and his mentor, Lash.
Two Moons is the reason I'm still playing this game.
My newbie self didn't realize half elves couldn't join the AoD and after being tossed out the gates by a militia sergeant and wandering into the salt flats to die, Two Moons found my breed, got him a mount, and sent him on the journey that led to him becoming my longest lived character to date.
Quote from: manipura on November 19, 2014, 09:11:00 AM
Quote from: KankWhisperer on November 18, 2014, 07:24:14 PM
That picture reminds me of how sad she seemed and the sad story she told before mantis head.
At that point, there were very few people left who would have really, really cared about hearing that story. One thing I was really glad for was that she did have the chance to share it, at least with one person.
She sure told me some sad stories. My PC went berserk when she died, threatened to kill the guy who escorted her, and got kicked from the outpost, then fell in the gith trench. Good times!
Quote from: Majikal on November 19, 2014, 11:37:07 PM
Two Moons, Howls at Death, Pack leader of the Red Fangs and bringer of their demise. With his trophy-spear, dull black gems and demon-skull mask.
Soon to add, Two Moons standing alongside Claw and his mentor, Lash.
Also, for those Red Fang interested (also a particular dwarf, Po), send me the mdesc of your characters and what you'd like them to be wearing and I'll say if I can't get a tribal gathering put together.
Quote from: Dakota on November 12, 2014, 06:04:18 AM
Way back when I played a d-elf. Someone a few months after the PC was force-stored, sent me this drawing he/she had commissioned w.o my knowledge. Thought it was it's pretty neat and he/she sorta got mdesc and sdesc pretty spot on at the time.
Lusts for Blood of the Soh Lanah Kah
I don't know who the artist is / was.
Heh, wasn't she the one that cut my PC's still-beating heart out?
Good times. :)
Quote from: Qzzrbl on December 05, 2014, 02:42:46 AM
Quote from: Dakota on November 12, 2014, 06:04:18 AM
Way back when I played a d-elf. Someone a few months after the PC was force-stored, sent me this drawing he/she had commissioned w.o my knowledge. Thought it was it's pretty neat and he/she sorta got mdesc and sdesc pretty spot on at the time.
Lusts for Blood of the Soh Lanah Kah
I don't know who the artist is / was.
Heh, wasn't she the one that cut my PC's still-beating heart out?
Good times. :)
That would have been her. Most the witches she ended up with that treatment (or were fed alive to anakore).
Moderated a post. Please do not post character portraits that have not been gone and dead for a bare minimum of a year.
This is the closest I've ever had to a "character portrait."
I believe this was the image I had for Bytal. A bynner I believe or I planned to be. But then I have his history being from Allanak and my notes indicate a lot of northern people, so either I got something confused as I took notes on everything and didn't organize much.
(http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx260/Isis776/Oashnoblesmall.png) (http://s761.photobucket.com/user/Isis776/media/Oashnoblesmall.png.html)
I am planning on doing Fale, Borsail and Tor next. Mainly because I currently hate my old Fale Noble and Aide pic. I was hoping to have them all done before "Githmas" but I will be traveling the next couple weeks and wont have time to finish the other 3. I could have worked the background harder but I am not feeling it :P Also, I am already on to re-vamping my old Fale pic -enjoy!
That is fully leveled badassery.
;D Thank you! Totally accepting ideas/impute on Tor
That's awesome. Are you doing every noble house or just working your way through Allanak?
Been resisting posting "'Dat ass."
[Image moderated by Valeria. I realize it might have been intended as comment on another post, rather than a character portrait, but it's keep the images in this thread portraits. Thanks!]
Here's a portrait Briar made for me of a Sun Runner of mine a few years back. It ended up much prettier than she really was. Her facial scar description was pretty horrific.
Quote from: HavokBlue on December 19, 2014, 11:38:34 PM
That's awesome. Are you doing every noble house or just working your way through Allanak?
Noble houses...We will see from there. Someone asked if I was doing the northern ones as well..I haven't decided yet. Though honestly I really don't mind doing free stuff for the site. I am stable enough now to do Character Portraits in exchange for donations to Armageddon as well.
The burned, scarbound dwarf. Byn sergeant of a couple years ago. Went by Stump. Had a true name that only a few knew.
I've been roleplaying for 20+ years and Stump was my favorite of the characters I've played.
He was my favorite because most who interacted with him would probably find him a robotic, unfeeling dwarf, but he was inwardly capable of a huge range of emotion and his mind was constantly hyperactive.
I've played some evil bastards, but Stump was the most dangerous due to how inhuman he was. It was always fun to inhabit his alien personality. He was at different times brilliant, confused by the simplest aspects of humans and their society, heartless, capable of pure love, fearlessly loyal, and monstrously, ruthlessly betraying.
Haven't been able to make a character I enjoyed as much. Trying to is what restarts the call of Crackageddon at times.
Thanks to Greasygemo for the artwork
I like how he used to assign you an exact value in coins of what you were worth.
Quote from: KankWhisperer on December 20, 2014, 04:43:46 PM
I like how he used to assign you an exact value in coins of what you were worth.
Haha, yes, good memory.
It was funny when a bunch of runners would die and Stump would turn to a human Trooper that was friends with one or more of the dead and say something like, "Why are you making that face? Four of them died but we could have lost seven and come out ahead. Mount up. We are leaving."
Pretty sure his real name was "Burnt-as-Krath" :P
Quote from: Large Hero on December 20, 2014, 04:09:42 PM
The burned, scarbound dwarf. Byn sergeant of a couple years ago. Went by Stump. Had a true name that only a few knew.
I've been roleplaying for 20+ years and Stump was my favorite of the characters I've played.
He was my favorite because most who interacted with him would probably find him a robotic, unfeeling dwarf, but he was inwardly capable of a huge range of emotion and his mind was constantly hyperactive.
I've played some evil bastards, but Stump was the most dangerous due to how inhuman he was. It was always fun to inhabit his alien personality. He was at different times brilliant, confused by the simplest aspects of humans and their society, heartless, capable of pure love, fearlessly loyal, and monstrously, ruthlessly betraying.
Haven't been able to make a character I enjoyed as much. Trying to is what restarts the call of Crackageddon at times.
Thanks to Greasygemo for the artwork
I'm pretty sure Stump was the only PC I've sent in two separate kudos for. He is the standard all other dwarves are set to in my mind now.
Quote from: tiptoe on December 20, 2014, 11:32:34 AM
Here's a portrait Briar made for me of a Sun Runner of mine a few years back. It ended up much prettier than she really was. Her facial scar description was pretty horrific.
Did my PC against the gates of Red Storm. Murdered her a week after her child was born.
Quote from: Case on January 03, 2015, 07:12:13 AM
Quote from: tiptoe on December 20, 2014, 11:32:34 AM
Here's a portrait Briar made for me of a Sun Runner of mine a few years back. It ended up much prettier than she really was. Her facial scar description was pretty horrific.
Did my PC against the gates of Red Storm. Murdered her a week after her child was born.
My character named a kid of hers after this character. She was epic on so many levels.
Captain Hawk of the Silt Verrin
Unique Details To Notice:
- Allanaki templar's robe
- Borsail slave tattoo on the right side of his neck (see link below)
- T'zai Byn sergeant sleeves
- Borsail signet ring worn on right hand
- Tuluki citizenship tattoo on back of left hand
- Silt horror breastplate and tower shield
- Facial scar
- Stylish rantarri boots
- Some things have been changed to comply with the forum rules
Look here for more detail: Captain Hawk (http://i.imgur.com/mdUqpui.jpg)
PS: Hope there are no hard feelings, but somebody's got to play the villan. ;)
Hawk is Ballenar.
I regret not seeing if I could troll him over the way to flipping out and killing all of his magickal friends :P
I remember encountering Hawk early in his life as an SLK and finding him a pleasure to interact with.
I can still vividly picture Hawk standing on the horizon, watching Kahrii and Lusts for Blood dancing around Anya's body with anakore howling in the distance.
Pretty cool, man. My dude gave Hawk those boots to appease a gypsy girlfriend. I'm pretty sure you remember that PC. Later, I watched him die. I can't say which dude I was in that scenario ... yet. All around badass PC, had a lot of fun with you.
PS: Hope there are no hard feelings, but somebody's got to play the villan hero. ;)
Fight the power.
Hawk: I was hoping to have an interesting ongoing dynamic with him while playing my Kuraci mul Widow. Alas, random death. :(
I was almost part of his crew, once. But I stupidly decided to stick with my clan (which the PC hated so very much by its end). He was around to watch most of the crew filter out. Wonderful RP all around, though I imagined him darker, in my head.
I liked going from bitter enemies to a grudging alliance. He left deep footprints in the sand.
Quote from: Is Friday on March 02, 2015, 06:39:01 PM
Hawk: I was hoping to have an interesting ongoing dynamic with him while playing my Kuraci mul Widow. Alas, random death. :(
Even your muls are female. :o
Loved Hawk.
Quote from: Delirium on March 02, 2015, 06:46:14 PM
He left deep footprints in the sand.
Ran into him across several PCs, one if which pissed his pants once he realized who was speaking to him.
Got to play one of his mul first mates, and sadly died to going AFK in an opportune place, the most un-epic way to die in Armageddon (and one of the most common for me).
Some Sun Runners I drew when I played my last d-elf a couple years back. She wasn't well-known or anything, but he lasted quite awhile.
My favorite sneaky and her brother, also from a couple years back. I wish I had a bigger version so I could color it in Photoshop. :(
Can you comment on the medium, Ourla? I like your work.
There is way to blow it up in Adobe..I do it all the time.
But don't you lose res?
No you adjust all that..depending on how small the image is. There should be a number of tutorials online to show you how to play with the size safe. If its REALLY small like a thumb nail best thing you can do is trace over it with a wacom tablet in Adobe. Once your line is work in a Adobe you can mess with the size all you want.
I'll just leave this here.
(Image moderated out by valeria. Please see this post (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,48225.msg849573.html#msg849573) for the rules about images in this thread. Thanks!)
That was a close one, I almost saw a visual interpretation of a possibly-recently-alive PC
but, like, what if the picture is of a dude/babe you recently banged and it's not very flattering?
people need time
I use PerfectPictureResize. It's free to try, you can buy it for like 15 or 20 bucks but to get a version that comes with a photoshop plugin it costs 50 bucks.
Because I never posted any pictures of Elrum "Banished" Irofel and it's been like 2 years and no where else would care *sniffle*
This was drawn by an artist from the Armageddon community. I no longer have the e-mail to remember who but if it was you please PM me so I can properly credit you (I think it may be Briarfox)
Drawn by WildGiller this is Elrum and Izari
Drawn by WildGiller this is Elrum and his only daughter
The first one looks like Briarfox's style.
That definitely looks like BriarFox to me. Ourla has a different style (it's looking at me from my desktop right now).
Found pictures of Sum Elek of the Liran Tamar family role I did. All Artwork by Forbis. Pretty sure that might exhaust the Armageddon commissioned artwork I have laying around.
20 minutes into bards and chill when suddenly you see the Legion dragging off another employee
Lord Chancellor Tithian, Usurer of House Kassigarh
sketch by an RL buddy, work in progress
Quote from: williamson on March 02, 2015, 02:49:29 PM
Captain Hawk of the Silt Verrin
Unique Details To Notice:
- Allanaki templar's robe
- Borsail slave tattoo on the right side of his neck (see link below)
- T'zai Byn sergeant sleeves
- Borsail signet ring worn on right hand
- Tuluki citizenship tattoo on back of left hand
- Silt horror breastplate and tower shield
- Facial scar
- Stylish rantarri boots
- Some things have been changed to comply with the forum rules
Look here for more detail: Captain Hawk (http://i.imgur.com/mdUqpui.jpg)
PS: Hope there are no hard feelings, but somebody's got to play the villan. ;)
Wow, nice picture. I hadn't seen this yet. I saw Hawk with a few different characters but I'll always remember the last view I got
with Larry the Byn Sergeant. I'm assuming those are his sleeves.
And to think, he almost had Hawk in a trap during the early days.
Damn Stump!
(http://i.imgur.com/Yjdd5fj.png) (http://i.imgur.com/Yjdd5fj.png)
Senior Patron Raleris Winrothol, by James de Monet
(click for bigger image)
... I'd always suspect that Raleris was a deep character with a twisting tale that no one could possibly understand. He was Tuluki afterall...
But who could have guessed he was the Big Boss of Armageddon? Mind blown. :o
Well, he did have that one-eyed legendary soldier thing going for him.
Quote from: Cutthroat on September 21, 2015, 07:12:57 PM
Well, he did have that one-eyed legendary soldier thing going for him.
Eheeheehee... wait, maybe I'm the only one who thinks that sounds dirty.
The best part of being a drovian and spying on Raleris was to watch him stash his wife NPC in the Estate's closet after he was done with her hehehe
Raleris was a Tuluki fixture and I was actually sad when he was killed :(
Quote from: HavokBlue on September 21, 2015, 11:25:09 PM
Raleris was a Tuluki fixture and I was actually sad when he was killed :(
I guess the one-eyed soldier snapped to attention there? Was Agross involved? Are you even paying attention to the thread about how appropriate it is to eat babies? Actually, I heard his name too and was sad I didn't get to see what he was all about. Maybe when enough time has passed I can comfort myself with logs. I always wanted to play a Tuluki, but each time I tried I wanted to burn the place to the ground, with the exception of only a few characters. Ok, sometimes, wanted to burn the entire place to the ground, but I refused to play there then.
I think it was usually Tuluk PCs that ended up burning things down in Tuluk.
Quote from: HavokBlue on September 22, 2015, 01:02:32 AM
I think it was usually Tuluk PCs that ended up burning things down in Tuluk.
gahd it happened -once-!
burn a place and suddenly you burn every place geeze
Quote from: Malken on September 21, 2015, 07:36:59 PM
The best part of being a drovian and spying on Raleris was to watch him stash his wife NPC in the Estate's closet after he was done with her hehehe
To pull back the curtain a little bit: Raleris did eventually marry a young NPC wife at the suitably creepy age of 55. He wanted to marry a PC about 25 years earlier, but her dying of a disease in front of him ended that prospect. It did start something else however: when he picked her up to carry her back to her estate, a certain other major noble of the time came along and subtly accused Raleris of murdering her. That kicked off an endless rivalry.
Quote from: Fujikoma on September 22, 2015, 12:06:04 AM
Quote from: HavokBlue on September 21, 2015, 11:25:09 PM
Raleris was a Tuluki fixture and I was actually sad when he was killed :(
I guess the one-eyed soldier snapped to attention there? Was Agross involved? Are you even paying attention to the thread about how appropriate it is to eat babies? Actually, I heard his name too and was sad I didn't get to see what he was all about. Maybe when enough time has passed I can comfort myself with logs. I always wanted to play a Tuluki, but each time I tried I wanted to burn the place to the ground, with the exception of only a few characters. Ok, sometimes, wanted to burn the entire place to the ground, but I refused to play there then.
You weren't the only player who refused to play in Tuluk under any circumstances. GDB discussion over the years often covered the topic of player-started plots or a lack thereof in the game. Often it was these players who would complain about a lack of such plots on the GDB, and I would try to hint that maybe they could try playing in "other places", knowing that there were a bunch of players, including myself, running player-started plots in Tuluk. Governance, the reconstruction of Tuluk, war-related plots against the kryl and Allanak, hunting down loose muls, hunting down southerners that came north to cut down trees, anti-magickal stuff, poltiical scheming... all of that and more was going on in Tuluk, but a lot of players missed out on it because it was Not Allanak. Kind of a shame now that Tuluk is closed, but maybe one day it will be open again and people will get to experience Tuluk in a new light.
How are you not going to capitalize "light" at the end of that paragraph?
Or at least bold it?
And yeah, Raleris was the one who made Tuluk rock in those years. You rock, Cutthoart!
I once made a stuffed gimpka rat doll named Mister Ratters stand guard over him in the Sanctuary.
I laughed for a long time at how he just rolled with it and placated my poor dumb giant soldier.
Well played Cutthroat, well played.
The documentation for Tuluk was quite daunting. I'll admit, I've bumped into, known, or otherwise heard of some badass PCs from Tuluk, but most of the time I just couldn't figure out how to play there. When I actually tried, I sort of realized I couldn't, so I'd go back to playing sorts that weren't from Tuluk for a while, usually. Just before it closed I either rolled up a Tuluki each time, or ended up there by circumtance. The very fact that the documents on Tuluk make it difficult to grasp can, in some ways, stifle interaction by limiting the number of players there, but on the whole, I must say, it was a fun experience, and I wish I'd done it much sooner, before the opportunity was closed to me.
Portrait thread.
Raleris was an amazing character.
Punished "Venom" Raleris
Killed in the Gol Krathu Land disturbance of 1999...
Quote from: Cutthroat on September 21, 2015, 07:54:26 AM
(http://i.imgur.com/Yjdd5fj.png) (http://i.imgur.com/Yjdd5fj.png)
Senior Patron Raleris Winrothol, by James de Monet
(click for bigger image)
I remember Raleris. He allowed Minuit to buy and serve him tea once, and have some idle conversation on more than one occasion.
Quote from: Barzalene on September 23, 2015, 08:25:37 AM
Raleris was an amazing character.
He really was. I enjoyed getting to know him with one of my bard PCs.
I once beat Raleris at darts with my southern born mercenary. #gitgud
As player and staff with Raleris I done:
Murder* ☑
Corruption ☑
Betrayal ☑
*alongside other Evershine staff
I once hugged Raleris.
As a commoner.
A southern commoner.
I was not vanished.
He patted my back, awkwardly. I think I nearly got snot on his silk, I was bawling my head off at the time.
I have a log somewhere.
I was going to kill Raleris on two seperate PC's.
I think I ended up working for him on both.
Red Fang fact #931
Raleris was the reason all Red Fangs started with hide and flee.
I feel like this thread has gotten off track.
Yeah, guys, it's nice to talk about Raleris and he was great, but this thread is for character portraits. If you want to talk about Raleris, go over here. (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,49966.0.html) Please keep this thread for character portraits only.
My friend who has never played Armageddon but watched me play a lot based her Fallout 4 character on Raissa Kurac. I am still laughing at this like two days later.
Quote from: Fathi on December 02, 2015, 04:41:04 PM
My friend who has never played Armageddon but watched me play a lot based her Fallout 4 character on Raissa Kurac. I am still laughing at this like two days later.
I <3 Raissa
James de Monet's CGI impression of Stellvia Borsail, recently mentioned in the 'case study on bios' thread.
That's pretty much how I pictured her.
Then again, that's pretty much how I picture all Borsail women almost every time heh. :)
Good work.
Stellvia breaking in to my apartment while her aide was having a seizure on my couch was definitely one of my more terrifying Arm moments.
Quote from: Kalai on October 19, 2014, 12:27:00 PM
Well! Uh ... bit old but I don't really have anything I'm happy about with subsequent characters yet so ... :) I'll start you off with some sketchy colored pencil.
Byn Trooper Andra, the lithe, sharp-clawed female. I later heard her approval slipped through and she should have been a special app, but I was quite content with aesthetically mutated. She got a chronic Tuluk player like me into the Byn, which was an experience I appreciate. Was in the Northern unit of the time, and one or two more since, when I returned to her after wandering off from here for a while. *squints at patch* ... Nope can't tell which it is here.
This char was a lot of fun. I can remember a few interesting adventures.
-Former Byn Counterpart
On one of my very first characters, back when I was still figuring things out, Raleris let my newbie linguist give him one or two Allundean lessons in exchange for pay.
Awesome character, was interesting watching the character grow as I went through dozens of my own.
Quote from: Erythil on December 24, 2015, 08:06:16 AM
James de Monet's CGI impression of Stellvia Borsail, recently mentioned in the 'case study on bios' thread.
Ah Stellvia, your actions are still causing pains in the ass for everyone.
Quote from: KankWhisperer on December 26, 2015, 02:05:15 PM
Ah Stellvia, your actions are still causing pains in the ass for everyone.
I'm pretty sure eliciting a eulogy such as this in Armageddon is tantamount to winning a lifetime achievement award.
Quote from: James de Monet on December 27, 2015, 02:22:11 AM
Quote from: KankWhisperer on December 26, 2015, 02:05:15 PM
Ah Stellvia, your actions are still causing pains in the ass for everyone.
I'm pretty sure eliciting a eulogy such as this in Armageddon is tantamount to winning a lifetime achievement award.
Stellvia is one of the few PCs who have won Armageddon :)
Quote from: Bushranger on December 27, 2015, 02:41:29 AM
Quote from: James de Monet on December 27, 2015, 02:22:11 AM
Quote from: KankWhisperer on December 26, 2015, 02:05:15 PM
Ah Stellvia, your actions are still causing pains in the ass for everyone.
I'm pretty sure eliciting a eulogy such as this in Armageddon is tantamount to winning a lifetime achievement award.
Stellvia is one of the few PCs who have won Armageddon :)
I think of Asil as having won also.
Quote from: Erythil on December 24, 2015, 08:06:16 AM
James de Monet's CGI impression of Stellvia Borsail, recently mentioned in the 'case study on bios' thread.
I'm glad her breasts have been properly made. Because those things almost suffocated poor Kokali.
Quote from: BadSkeelz on December 24, 2015, 06:07:17 PM
Stellvia breaking in to my apartment while her aide was having a seizure on my couch was definitely one of my more terrifying Arm moments.
Memories, all alone in the mooooonliiiight.
Seriously JDM that is a great likeness! I should clean up some of my logs that feature Stellvia one of these days. There's some good ones. Fantastic character.
I played a Borsail Bastard for about a month under Stellvia.
All I really gathered is that she had large breasts.
(Moderated by valeria. The rules of this thread are here (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,48225.msg849573.html#msg849573). In short, this thread is for original artwork only. Thanks!)
Another JDM production.
That's Bitey, the terror VNPC crowds, sole survivor of the Tyn Dashra campaign, the hulking "Consent for graphic corpse disposal?" cross-emblazoned beetle. Also some short asshole blocking the shot.
Now a collectible! (http://imgur.com/kUoKyKP)
Awwww look at that grumpy face.
Damn, it's hard to get a sense of how short he is from this upward-facing perspective. But the grumpiness and helmet was captured 100%. This is another great portrait from JdM, awesome work man.
Torgun was about 5'3", maybe 5'4". Waifs towered over him.
To be fair, there's a bug/feature with the older-style NPCs in the rinth, where you could get a waif who was in fact very tall, depending on the load.
I imagined him as a bit more hairy -- can you redo it shirtless?
It's actually a bug/feature of all NPCs (edit: or at least a lot of the ones in Allanak), that they randomly select their height on reboots. They do seem to trend upwards, and when you play a shorter PC it becomes very noticeable.
Quote from: nauta on February 12, 2016, 04:49:54 PM
I imagined him as a bit more hairy -- can you redo it shirtless?
Torgun was originally envisioned at something of a cross between Bob Hoskins, Danny Trejo and Ron Jeremy, if that helps. I was expecting to be murdered within 6 hours of play.
If you're game JDM, he needs a huge jade cross tattoo, and an angry pustule that never healed from that time a shark-toothed rinthi girl tried to shank him in the jails.
You never realize how generally tall the PC population is until you play a 5'5" male PC. Mine was before Torghun's time though.
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on February 12, 2016, 11:19:15 AM
Damn, it's hard to get a sense of how short he is from this upward-facing perspective. But the grumpiness and helmet was captured 100%. This is another great portrait from JdM, awesome work man.
Needs more hair though.
My Arm Sergeant was shorter than Torgun, but man, not by much. Truly Torgun was one of my favorite characters, especially because his saltiness was inverse to his height.
Quote from: QuillDipper on February 13, 2016, 12:58:37 AM
My Arm Sergeant was shorter than Torgun, but man, not by much. Truly Torgun was one of my favorite characters, especially because his saltiness was inverse to his height.
You guys were all a great crew.
Torgun's my newbie Sergeant. You can't have him
Get in line. I mean with the epic John Woo sparring matches we had going on? Malkreth chiseled that scowl on Torgun's face with a bone sparring sword. Everyone seemed to think I was playing a character but I wasn't even role playing at that point, everything was just room echos of trying to craft Torgun from two brass balls and a scowl I found outside the gates.
It was the longest crafting session I ever saw, but it was well worth the wait.
I will always picture Torgun == Dredd, but the picture definitely has my stamp of approval. Good times.
I just regret I never thought to use the line "I'm surrounded by assholes!"
Quote from: BadSkeelz on February 12, 2016, 04:55:09 PM
Quote from: nauta on February 12, 2016, 04:49:54 PM
I imagined him as a bit more hairy -- can you redo it shirtless?
If you're game JDM, he needs a huge jade cross tattoo, and an angry pustule that never healed from that time a shark-toothed rinthi girl tried to shank him in the jails.
I don't know what to say about this other than
you asked for it.(http://i.imgur.com/flfCo6I.png) (http://i.imgur.com/flfCo6I.png)
It's beautiful.
Always imaged his helmet more ...
Moar hair.
Advisor Nell of House Borsail (and eventually Hostess at the Atrium for a stint). Commissioned artwork of a long-time Nerdcraft guildie.
Since I still feel nostalgic about my gypo... she's my only PC to date with 3 (!) separate word docs to her name. One for general stuff, one for intel, and one for dances. She almost single-handedly made gypsyfest happen, though Asil kindly helped her along after a few gentle nudges here and there. ;D
Aishe Zeina al Asenn (Asha)
The sleek, chocolate-haired woman
The most easily noticeable feature of this young woman, even from a distance, is the lush curtain of dark chocolate hair that spills across her shoulders and back to brush against a slender waist. It appears to be well cared for, and has been parted on one side of her head, partially braided away from her face to keep it from falling over her eyes. Her face is marked by tribal origin: Well-defined eyebrows with a slight upwards angle and high cheekbones draw attention towards a pair of slightly slanted brown eyes. A straight, slender nose rests above a wide, luscious mouth. Her frame is lean, defined by sleekly toned musculature moving beneath skin hued the color of creamy milk coffee. Some parts of her skin are adorned by artistic tattoos: A slender blade, inked in various dark shades, rests upon her forearm. When exposed, her upper back carries a colorfully inked set of delicate, spread wings framing a single eye that sits between her shoulder blades.
(at gypsyfest)
Since I have the staff's permission, I will post a portrait of Durik by the great JDM:
Durik became advisor after the player of Chosen Lord Darrsul Tenneshi stored and there was no other player who wanted to play a Chosen Lord of Tenneshi. He was 13 when I started and was 26 when I stored him, but only worked for the House for 11 years, the first two, he had to wait for a opening. Lucky Chosen Lord Darrsul was very supportive of Duirk for his stonework which in the end became Durik's hobby. Ading/serving the House came first. I wish I wrote better bios and more of them where I could of posted them for you all to read.
*tips ^me hat*
Quote from: Barsook on January 06, 2017, 08:14:34 PM
Since I have the staff's permission, I will post a portrait of Durik by the great JDM:
Durik became advisor after the player of Chosen Lord Darrsul Tenneshi stored and there was no other player who wanted to play a Chosen Lord of Tenneshi. He was 13 when I started and was 26 when I stored him, but only worked for the House for 11 years, the first two, he had to wait for a opening. Lucky Chosen Lord Darrsul was very supportive of Duirk for his stonework which in the end became Durik's hobby. Ading/serving the House came first. I wish I wrote better bios and more of them where I could of posted them for you all to read.
*tips ^me hat*
I remember Durik. Kiris stole his hat. We had a blast with that hat.
Moderated a post. Please remember the rules.
Quote from: Adhira on October 19, 2014, 12:06:41 PM
With original submissions still unavailable we are going to allow players to post their character portraits in this gdb thread.
The thread is for the artwork that players create or have commissioned, the kind of artwork we'd normally put on the website but are currently unable to. (Note, this is not the place to put RL pictures of people who look like your character concept etc).
To help keep things streamlined and on track please keep the following rules online:
- Post character portraits for your own characters only
- Do not post character portraits of any PC that is still alive in game
- Do not post character portraits for any PC that was in game within the last year
Rules for this forum must be followed in any discussion of these character portraits.
Additional expectations and rules for this subforum:
• Discussion should be centered around the submission. This can cover the events of the submission itself and discussion of that character (most submissions are about specific characters and specific events).
• While discussing the plot or characters of the submission is fine, make sure that your post revolves around the scene or the character(s)--not your character or stuff that happened that is vaguely related to it. In general, the more that the discussion deviates from the specific submission, the less likely it should be there.
• If you desire to specifically discuss your own character's exploits, we encourage you to work on your own original submission. Once the tool is ready we will let you know!
• No discussion of a PC that is (or may be) alive, period.
• If the PC has passed within the past year, it still may not be discussed, period.
• Off-limits topics:
◦Ongoing plots.
◦Magick system, magickal plots, or mechanics thereof that are not in the public documentation or in the public website.
◦Code mechanics.
Quote from: Akariel on July 09, 2017, 02:21:37 AM
Moderated a post. Please remember the rules.
Quote from: Adhira on October 19, 2014, 12:06:41 PM
With original submissions still unavailable we are going to allow players to post their character portraits in this gdb thread.
The thread is for the artwork that players create or have commissioned, the kind of artwork we'd normally put on the website but are currently unable to. (Note, this is not the place to put RL pictures of people who look like your character concept etc).
To help keep things streamlined and on track please keep the following rules online:
- Post character portraits for your own characters only
- Do not post character portraits of any PC that is still alive in game
- Do not post character portraits for any PC that was in game within the last year
Rules for this forum must be followed in any discussion of these character portraits.
Additional expectations and rules for this subforum:
• Discussion should be centered around the submission. This can cover the events of the submission itself and discussion of that character (most submissions are about specific characters and specific events).
• While discussing the plot or characters of the submission is fine, make sure that your post revolves around the scene or the character(s)--not your character or stuff that happened that is vaguely related to it. In general, the more that the discussion deviates from the specific submission, the less likely it should be there.
• If you desire to specifically discuss your own character's exploits, we encourage you to work on your own original submission. Once the tool is ready we will let you know!
• No discussion of a PC that is (or may be) alive, period.
• If the PC has passed within the past year, it still may not be discussed, period.
• Off-limits topics:
◦Ongoing plots.
◦Magick system, magickal plots, or mechanics thereof that are not in the public documentation or in the public website.
◦Code mechanics.
Followed the rules. Said PC photo posted was over a RL year old. So....?
I think the bolded part is a clue? Did you create it or commission it?
I commissioned an old player named Grey Area for this character of mine I had in 2006.
Quote from: valeria on July 11, 2017, 05:30:47 PM
I think the bolded part is a clue? Did you create it or commission it?
If you're saying I need to draw it, or pay actual real life $ to depict my character, then no, I did not. But there is 2 posts on this page alone that would need to be moderated as well. IF we're being that nazi over technicalities.
Quote from: Doublepalli on July 11, 2017, 10:12:08 PM
Quote from: valeria on July 11, 2017, 05:30:47 PM
I think the bolded part is a clue? Did you create it or commission it?
If you're saying I need to draw it, or pay actual real life $ to depict my character, then no, I did not. But there is 2 posts on this page alone that would need to be moderated as well. IF we're being that nazi over technicalities.
We are. I've edited the other two pictures that don't fit. If you notice more, the report function is available to let us know.
Quote from: Doublepalli on July 11, 2017, 10:12:08 PM
Quote from: valeria on July 11, 2017, 05:30:47 PM
I think the bolded part is a clue? Did you create it or commission it?
If you're saying I need to draw it, or pay actual real life $ to depict my character, then no, I did not. But there is 2 posts on this page alone that would need to be moderated as well. IF we're being that nazi over technicalities.
Just so you know the reason for this rule, it's that we don't want to get in copyright disputes over pictures that we don't have any ownership rights to. The Arm staff is understandably a little skittish about copyright stuff.
Quote from: valeria on July 12, 2017, 07:32:51 AM
Quote from: Doublepalli on July 11, 2017, 10:12:08 PM
Quote from: valeria on July 11, 2017, 05:30:47 PM
I think the bolded part is a clue? Did you create it or commission it?
If you're saying I need to draw it, or pay actual real life $ to depict my character, then no, I did not. But there is 2 posts on this page alone that would need to be moderated as well. IF we're being that nazi over technicalities.
Just so you know the reason for this rule, it's that we don't want to get in copyright disputes over pictures that we don't have any ownership rights to. The Arm staff is understandably a little skittish about copyright stuff.
In the age of 2017, as a 22 year old male who is immersed in the world of memes and gifs, who tested the boundaries of cyber-criminality - The Armageddon staff is not going to be charged with felonies because another -unrelated-
player posted a photo they copy and pasted on the WORLD WIDE WEB on a forum. Copy and pasting a photo is /not so criminal/. Pasting a photo and saying hey - I made this - Is.
Critical Role had its intro scenes blurred out for the better part of a year (if not more) because some of the artwork used was not with the artists permission, and there was a small legal battle that ensued.
Armageddon has had legal issues before, concerning copyrights and Dark Sun references in particular. I believe they are just being careful, perhaps too much, but better that than the admin team shelling out legal fees for our text-based MUD.
That's fair Riev. Better safe than sorry.
Quote from: mansa on July 11, 2017, 05:35:16 PM
I commissioned an old player named Grey Area for this character of mine I had in 2006.
Love it.
Excellent drawing, not how I pictured Mari in my head-canon. To me, he looks a bit more like ANOTHER Kadian I'm thinking of, but I guess I wasn't around Maristen incredibly often to get a real sense of who he was.
That's a great representation, Sprinkles!
I think Maristen's personality really shines through in that portrait. He was really too pure for such a nasty, cutthroat world. Not that he couldn't be nasty or cutthroat himself--he had to be--but it was always kind of tragic that he had to engage in such things. I really appreciated the way you played with the dichotomy between his natural goodness and his Zalanthan practicality. At least, that's the way I saw it.
Perfect! (Exactly how I imagined his son to look. )
That picture is pretty much exactly how I imagined Maristen.
This is Quen.
Edited: I don't know what happened! But here you go. Maybe this works?
Exactly how I pictured Quen. Definitely.
Immaculate detail!
I don't remember he having a hook hand
Quote from: BadSkeelz on July 23, 2017, 01:30:33 AM
I don't remember he having a hook hand
:( It's an arrow. It's pointing at her hand.
etwo, kankfly. etwo.
Quote from: Kankfly on July 23, 2017, 01:43:16 AM
Quote from: BadSkeelz on July 23, 2017, 01:30:33 AM
I don't remember he having a hook hand
:( It's an arrow. It's pointing at her hand.
Quote from: nauta on July 23, 2017, 01:47:11 AM
etwo, kankfly. etwo.
Quen could etwo with onehand cause shes a badass
I cant view the picture!
Also Quen was dope.
Red Scorpion Sef (commission from Biscuits)
The Huntress
2D (normal) Sample
(http://i.imgur.com/x6rmhE5.jpg) (http://imgur.com/x6rmhE5)
Anaglyphic (red/blue) 3D
(http://i.imgur.com/658Hmv3.jpg) (http://imgur.com/658Hmv3)
(If you don't have any old 3D glasses lying around, NASA has some instructions (https://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/classroom/glasses.shtml) for how to build them. You can probably also get some in kids coloring books at the drug store, or on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004HN2U7W/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1), sometimes for cheap (https://www.amazon.com/Pairs-Cyan-Cardboard-3D-Glasses/dp/B0039GGZ3I), but I don't know if it's worth spending money on. There's always the quick and dirty method of coloring a disposable clear fruit container with markers...)
Full SBS 3D (for 3D/VR headsets)
(http://i.imgur.com/XKYiMMt.jpg) (http://imgur.com/XKYiMMt)
Here is a close up of the character inspiration for this artwork:
Katestra, the Quirri's Claw (Red Fangs)
Character and description courtesy of Lizzie, artwork by me
(http://i.imgur.com/6FqerBw.jpg) (http://imgur.com/6FqerBw)
I bought the plastic glasses from Amazon, and the anaglyphic image looks pretty good on my PC, but how much aberration there is is going to depend on your glasses and the monitor's colors. I have 3D images of the character close up, too, but they need a little tweaking. I will follow up with those later.
Edit: SBS still works!
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Yes, my friend. Quite awesome.
That's my girl! <3 to James - he captured my vision of Claw perfectly!
Lord Iancu Oash, by James de Monet.
Sorry for getting you killed, cuz.
Quote from: MeTekillot on April 09, 2018, 09:02:36 AM
Sorry for getting you killed, cuz.
You played an undead spider?
Lirael / Lii / Lira / Blaze / Hawk, First Trooper of the T'zai Byn, semi-chibi art by Parrish_Broadnax.
I think it's been long enough that I can talk about her now, anyway. Easily my most complicated character, my most long-lived, and the one I had the most fun with (struggling to RP her successfully without breaking sense). Had five people running in her head. I based three off of her actual name purely for the sake of my own sanity.
Still miss her, but fuck if I didn't learn some things going through her life. I should get a proper fullbody artpiece of her one day, outside of a chibi style.
v. cool, Runner.
Quote from: Kankfly on July 23, 2017, 01:21:20 AM
This is Quen.
Edited: I don't know what happened! But here you go. Maybe this works?
Inaccurate, I see no bannisters being broken in this picture. Sorry, no boobs.
Quote from: Adhira on October 19, 2014, 12:06:41 PM
- Do not post character portraits of any PC that is still alive in game
- Do not post character portraits for any PC that was in game within the last year[/b]
Just out of curiousity, why can't we post a portrait of our current character? It's not going to reveal plots or anything, right? It's just an artistic expression of a character that people can already read a description of, but may not envision the same thing as the player of the character.
Quote from: Heade on August 10, 2018, 11:56:50 PM
Just out of curiousity, why can't we post a portrait of our current character? It's not going to reveal plots or anything, right? It's just an artistic expression of a character that people can already read a description of, but may not envision the same thing as the player of the character.
It's like posting on the GDB: I play the mustachioed, kohl-eyed man.
A couple of months ago, I played Jack Sparrow.
Quote from: Medena on August 11, 2018, 01:11:44 AM
Quote from: Heade on August 10, 2018, 11:56:50 PM
Just out of curiousity, why can't we post a portrait of our current character? It's not going to reveal plots or anything, right? It's just an artistic expression of a character that people can already read a description of, but may not envision the same thing as the player of the character.
It's like posting on the GDB: I play the mustachioed, kohl-eyed man.
A couple of months ago, I played Jack Sparrow.
Yeah, I don't know why this matters. Per the documentation, it isn't against the rules to reveal your OOC identity to someone. It specifically references using OOC modes of communication to organize playtimes and such. It just says we can't discuss in-game secrets and ongoing plot information. Knowing someone OOCly plays a particular character doesn't give away any secret info. If a player has issues with people on the GDB or whatever, they can keep their character identities a secret. If they don't, I don't really see a need for that to be forced upon them, particularly when there is already game documentation that sets a precedence against that being a hard and fast rule.
Reveals whether or not your char is alive, can't it?
It should be allowed again in clan subforums. I was told by...Akariel, maybe?...that it might be permitted there again if people posted actual art they did themsleves/commissioned art.
Just made a few images of some highly memorable characters. I believe they've all been dead or stored for well over a year, at this point!
(In order: Lucktan, Daxx, Brons, and Dokkar)
Obscenely and highly influenced by the style of JAMKOOART (https://www.instagram.com/jamkooart/?hl=en). I basically copied their style and highly mimicked some of their designs, so credit where credit is due.
Quote from: Feco on October 12, 2018, 11:33:26 AM
Just made a few images of some highly memorable characters. I believe they've all been dead or stores for well over a year, at this point!
(In order: Lucktan, Daxx, Brons, and Dokkar)
Obscenely and highly influenced by the style of JAMKOOART (https://www.instagram.com/jamkooart/?hl=en). I basically copied their style and highly mimicked some of their designs, so credit where credit is due.
Fucking Dokkar. Had a lot of fun playing with you. I was the big scruffy half-breed, Flint.
Beautiful, beautiful Brons. Glad he's memorable after all this time.
And Dokkar ... you magnificent bastard. The world isn't the same without you.
I did not really interact with Brons any more than tavern sitting with him and shooting the (admittedly very dumb) shit with him, but he was an enjoyable character.
Quote from: Feco on October 12, 2018, 11:33:26 AM
Just made a few images of some highly memorable characters. I believe they've all been dead or stored for well over a year, at this point!
(In order: Lucktan, Daxx, Brons, and Dokkar)
Obscenely and highly influenced by the style of JAMKOOART (https://www.instagram.com/jamkooart/?hl=en). I basically copied their style and highly mimicked some of their designs, so credit where credit is due.
These are so cute! Please do more of these as you cross more one-year thresholds!
Thank you everyone! I will make more!
Part II
In order: Griz the Man, Gus/Big Dinghus/Rizzy/Strongarm the Elf, and Remi the Dwarf
Squad Goals:
Quote from: Feco on October 12, 2018, 11:33:26 AM
Just made a few images of some highly memorable characters. I believe they've all been dead or stored for well over a year, at this point!
(In order: Lucktan, Daxx, Brons, and Dokkar)
Obscenely and highly influenced by the style of JAMKOOART (https://www.instagram.com/jamkooart/?hl=en). I basically copied their style and highly mimicked some of their designs, so credit where credit is due.
Hey, thanks for the Dokkar tribute. Was one of my funnest PCs. Oh yes.
Quote from: Inks on October 21, 2018, 04:15:45 AM
Quote from: Feco on October 12, 2018, 11:33:26 AM
Just made a few images of some highly memorable characters. I believe they've all been dead or stored for well over a year, at this point!
(In order: Lucktan, Daxx, Brons, and Dokkar)
Obscenely and highly influenced by the style of JAMKOOART (https://www.instagram.com/jamkooart/?hl=en). I basically copied their style and highly mimicked some of their designs, so credit where credit is due.
Hey, thanks for the Dokkar tribute. Was one of my funnest PCs. Oh yes.
Will be remembered forever, no doubt. ;)
If I had any artistic ability, Vilonia would be the one to choose. Maybe I'll use like a hero generator or something, though those things are wonky.
Feco, those are AWESOME.
Thank you for posting them!
I think I remember Rizzy quite fondly, what was his sdesc?
Quote from: Hauwke on October 24, 2018, 03:58:30 PM
I think I remember Rizzy quite fondly, what was his sdesc?
I think he went through a couple sdescs:
the bronzed, toned elf and
the bronzed, emaciated elf, at least.
Thats the crazy bastard elf I was thinking of. Fuck that guy and his coiling around on the Byn Sparring hall floor like a goddamn snake. Rizzy was as crazy as those chalton that charge into a group of 6+Bynners and attack their HG.
Either way, Good job with him.
Quote from: Feco on October 15, 2018, 11:20:14 PM
Thank you everyone! I will make more!
Announcing that I'm shamelessly watching this space as my year mark rolls around. My character seems like they'd fit in with the others you posted, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! No actual expectations, though, in case they didn't make the cut.
I can't wait any longer to share these nerds:
From left to right:
(1st row) Kroz, Dokkar the Butcher, The Butcher Brons, Alexios;
(2nd row) Lucktan, Daxx, Red Rintakki, Grist;
(3rd row) Remi the Slayer, Big "Gus" Dinghus, Griz, Lyras;
(4th row) Alma, Shitbag the Apartment Breed, Draid the Braid, and Ravel.
I will take requests for Crimson Winders, with no promise it'll ever happen. ;)
Ahhhhh it's Lyras! Of all my characters, I think I miss him the most. It means so much to me to think that someone found him worth adorably immortalizing. You were so much fun to play with and this made my otherwise terrible day <3
EDIT: I hope you don't mind that I've made it my profile pic. I'll add a line to my signature that says it was made by Feco. I'll change it if you don't like that I did that, though!
Quote from: sleepyhead on June 17, 2019, 07:58:06 PM
Ahhhhh it's Lyras! Of all my characters, I think I miss him the most. It means so much to me to think that someone found him worth adorably immortalizing. You were so much fun to play with and this made my otherwise terrible day <3
EDIT: I hope you don't mind that I've made it my profile pic. I'll add a line to my signature that says it was made by Feco. I'll change it if you don't like that I did that, though!
Haha, of course not. I'm flattered!
Lyras was a hoot, for sure. Good times.
Ah, so suave, my dear Alexios. So suave indeed. Alas, Comcast's vile grip steals another beautiful character...
Those turned out looking great!
Please do not post portraits of characters who have been active in the past real-life year.
Zanaielle Il'ith aka Sweet-Di Kurac
Quote from: ShaLeah on September 08, 2019, 01:14:23 PM
Zanaielle Il'ith aka Sweet-Di Kurac
Looks good.
Quote from: ShaLeah on September 08, 2019, 01:14:23 PM
Zanaielle Il'ith aka Sweet-Di Kurac
I imagined her a little more squat, and heavier. Not by much, though... my in-game portrait skills did her no justice.
Quote from: Riev on September 18, 2019, 01:23:10 PM
Quote from: ShaLeah on September 08, 2019, 01:14:23 PM
Zanaielle Il'ith aka Sweet-Di Kurac
I imagined her a little more squat, and heavier. Not by much, though... my in-game portrait skills did her no justice.
You can't see her body which is where you'd see her contours more but you're right, she was short and curvy. Her face was modeled after Eva Green and I think the artist nailed that.
Quote from: Bebop on October 11, 2019, 10:40:29 PM
Quote from: Namino on July 23, 2019, 01:05:54 PM
The fifth and final commissioned character, Lumi:
And that's all she wrote, folks.
Quote from: Hauwke on October 11, 2019, 06:20:25 PM
The rules are pretty clear, no discussing or whatever within a year. I don't see how it strays from the spirit of it.
I wasn't gonna be no snitch but... Lumi was like, alive like... the same month this was posted and it didn't get taken down like the other pic did.
To my knowledge, the world of Zalanthas hath not crumbled. lol...
Unless it's a different, Lumi but judging by the colors of her garb I'm gonna guess no.
Meaning, I'm pretty sure postin' pics of characters is harmless. I have some game art I'd really like to post myself.
Thank you for pointing this out Bebop. The drawing has been removed. The artist can feel free to post it again in roughly 6 months time. Also, since we have questions about the rules. Here you go:
QuoteWith original submissions still unavailable we are going to allow players to post their character portraits in this gdb thread.
The thread is for the artwork that players create or have commissioned, the kind of artwork we'd normally put on the website but are currently unable to. (Note, this is not the place to put RL pictures of people who look like your character concept etc).
To help keep things streamlined and on track please keep the following rules online:
- Post character portraits for your own characters only
- Do not post character portraits of any PC that is still alive in game
- Do not post character portraits for any PC that was in game within the last year
Rules for this forum must be followed in any discussion of these character portraits.
Additional expectations and rules for this subforum:
• Discussion should be centered around the submission. This can cover the events of the submission itself and discussion of that character (most submissions are about specific characters and specific events).
• While discussing the plot or characters of the submission is fine, make sure that your post revolves around the scene or the character(s)--not your character or stuff that happened that is vaguely related to it. In general, the more that the discussion deviates from the specific submission, the less likely it should be there.
• If you desire to specifically discuss your own character's exploits, we encourage you to work on your own original submission. Once the tool is ready we will let you know!
• No discussion of a PC that is (or may be) alive, period.
• If the PC has passed within the past year, it still may not be discussed, period.
• Off-limits topics:
◦Ongoing plots.
◦Magick system, magickal plots, or mechanics thereof that are not in the public documentation or in the public website.
◦Code mechanics.
Keep up the cool photos, discussion on what should and shouldn't be allowed to be posted or changes to rules regarding such should be moved to its own thread. Rules have been posted for clarification.
Quote from: Aromit on October 12, 2019, 12:33:32 PM
Keep up the cool photos, discussion on what should and shouldn't be allowed to be posted or changes to rules regarding such should be moved to its own thread. Rules have been posted for clarification.
Thank you aromit.
Character Portrait for the player of Mallor Tor (apparently this got approved a while ago, I just missed it):
Normal (2D):
(http://i.imgur.com/hvwPCpQ.png) (https://imgur.com/hvwPCpQ)
Anaglyphic (Red/Blue) 3D:
(http://i.imgur.com/oM1NNRT.jpg) (https://imgur.com/oM1NNRT)
Full SBS (Headset) 3D:
(http://i.imgur.com/GvJPzME.jpg) (https://imgur.com/GvJPzME)
I wish I could draw. I had started practicing so I could draw Maru up, but I'm still very much a work in progress.. So far I can draw noses really well, and that's about it! :P
Also, can Lumi's portrait be posted again now? I wanna see!
Quote from: James de Monet on November 13, 2019, 05:33:47 PM
Character Portrait for the player of Mallor Tor ...
Thank you, sir - awesome.
A portrait of a byn trooper I played a year back.
Was done by GentleBoy, he did a great job especially for the small time it was done. I love it.
The thin, lean young man
Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on April 16, 2020, 02:37:50 AM
Quote from: James de Monet on November 13, 2019, 05:33:47 PM
Character Portrait for the player of Mallor Tor ...
Thank you, sir - awesome.
No angry grey midget in shot, this picture is fake.
I wanted to get one of those crazy portraits back when Buscuits was doing stuff - have the whole crew in it. But she actually stopped doing stuff not long before I decided I wanted a portrait of us.
Canvas the Gaj Slayer.
(https://i.ibb.co/vBx4L8f/canvas.jpg) (https://ibb.co/KGjxVHB)
good character, good art!!
Who done the art?
Quote from: Barsook on March 02, 2021, 04:16:25 PM
Who done the art?
Yes, we need to know this. Great portrait.
al'Seik and Arabet tribespeople
Note: The bottom was more stylized by the artist, whilst the top is entirely accurate.
*Like button*
Lord Templar Malikith Rennik prior to ascending to Red Robe.
All credit goes to Potaje for this! Thanks again man!
(https://i.ibb.co/Tgy2dsW/Malikith.jpg) (https://ibb.co/4Vkt3H1)
I remember that glorious bastard. I always imagined his hair lighter and his beard bushier. 8)
Ah... the infamous Pink Eye... ;)
Quote from: Tranquil on April 15, 2021, 12:47:39 PM
al'Seik and Arabet tribespeople
Note: The bottom was more stylized by the artist, whilst the top is entirely accurate.
Classic Guyao. That pervert is as skilled as ever.
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/300x400q90/922/F79P9M.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmF79P9Mj)
Sylvi aka Cheeks
I just thought I'd drop this here now that the commission is done. This was done by;
I generally try to get pieces of art done of my characters after they have passed but this is the first time Ive posted or used this artist but I'm very pleased with the turnout :)
Nicely done!
Quote from: Barsook on July 14, 2021, 08:03:01 PM
Quote from: James de Monet on July 14, 2021, 11:45:49 AM
Nicely done!
Also, was she in House Kurac?
Yes she was :), one of my few favorite characters who was in Kurac. Though she was also an Aide in Salarr for a short time.
It's been about a year, so I hereby present Olek the Large (Disclaimer: He was actually extremely short. It's a bit of a sore point):
Quote from: Crikey on August 05, 2021, 01:51:57 AM
It's been about a year, so I hereby present Olek the Large (Disclaimer: He was actually extremely short. It's a bit of a sore point):
I put together an entire epic recitation story about his death, based on the stories of the PCs that were there. Soon enough maybe I can post it.
Fucking Olek.
Quote from: Riev on August 05, 2021, 11:45:56 AM
Quote from: Crikey on August 05, 2021, 01:51:57 AM
It's been about a year, so I hereby present Olek the Large (Disclaimer: He was actually extremely short. It's a bit of a sore point):
I put together an entire epic recitation story about his death, based on the stories of the PCs that were there. Soon enough maybe I can post it.
Hah, that's pretty cool.
Shouldn't he technically be getting trampled by one of several mounts? ;D
Quote from: Decameron on September 13, 2021, 07:54:17 PM
Shouldn't he technically be getting trampled by one of several mounts? ;D
It would certainly be the most accurate representation. However it wouldn't have captured his good side ;)
Just curious... did Olek actually have 6 fingers??
Quote from: Crikey on August 05, 2021, 01:51:57 AM
It's been about a year, so I hereby present Olek the Large (Disclaimer: He was actually extremely short. It's a bit of a sore point):
You fucker! ;D Is that my damn medallion he's holding there?
I'll put in some portraits soon. Lorin and Evian are being done rn.
Quote from: mirk_o_loio on October 18, 2021, 12:22:05 PM
I'll put in some portraits soon. Lorin and Evian are being done rn.
Their balls should be the size of Japak melons (for better or worse).
Evian for sure stole the Dragon Statue's steel balls. The things he did and got away with, damn.
Quote from: Crikey on August 05, 2021, 11:26:34 PM
Quote from: Riev on August 05, 2021, 11:45:56 AM
Quote from: Crikey on August 05, 2021, 01:51:57 AM
It's been about a year, so I hereby present Olek the Large (Disclaimer: He was actually extremely short. It's a bit of a sore point):
I put together an entire epic recitation story about his death, based on the stories of the PCs that were there. Soon enough maybe I can post it.
Hah, that's pretty cool.
Olek was so cool, he actually took risks and did proper defiler stuff, more than just accumulate contacts and magickal power while taking no risks like a lot of sorcs do. I remember fighting against him a couple of times as a Byn Runner (with the unit he attacked) , and him being driven off. Just a really proper spooky sorc. Kudos m8. I worked for him much later in Herix's life when he offered to show my dorf the secrets of the old known (his focus).
It was cool to show up late to the party and see him dead on a later pc (I was just a lowly Runner of the Byn contingent that time).
(https://i.ibb.co/9cY3hdq/Cora.png) (https://ibb.co/mbzF0PH)
Ahh.. the wait to be allowed to post portraits is real.
Cora, aka Wayward Arrow, aka Corentine Cernd Viir'i, aka [redacted].
Little Jozhal / Bright Treasure
Made with https://www.artbreeder.com/browse and GIMP by me (ears, eyes, tattoos)
Made with https://www.heroforge.com/ (I didn't like any of the hair, but everyone was making these on the clan forum so I joined in)
Was afraid of going anywhere on her own for a long time (involved in a lot of crazy magical dramas early on) until she was on her own for a while and was forced to starve or devour a tandu, and things changed from there. Was probably one of the biggest rumour mongers for a long while, and Luir's was really busy!
(https://i.postimg.cc/3JFCTX5Q/Character.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/qzgCcCv1)
Quote from: tiny rainbow on September 28, 2022, 08:52:03 PM
Made with https://www.heroforge.com/ (I didn't like any of the hair, but everyone was making these on the clan forum so I joined in)
Those hips don't lie!
Quote from: Dan on October 21, 2022, 12:45:38 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/3JFCTX5Q/Character.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/qzgCcCv1)
Who would this be?
Quote from: Barsook on October 22, 2022, 08:30:01 AM
Quote from: Dan on October 21, 2022, 12:45:38 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/3JFCTX5Q/Character.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/qzgCcCv1)
Who would this be?
Yes, an AI twist on Croaker from Black Company as a reference photo with some key words added. Thought it was cool, and loosely related to an actual PC.
He def looks like a shitcloak.
Old sketch of Htar of House Jal
A Bynner named Rikard who fancied himself a bit of a poet. One image clearly inspired by the Lion King (lol).. The second was a draft that never got finished. Never really decided where that scar was, either.
These aren't character portraits, but when I'd do Sekrit Santa back in the day, I'd ignore my recipient's wish list and just send them sexy elves instead. There's a third one that I sent to someone in England but I can't find a copy of it. If you're still out there, let me know!
(NSFW because boobies)
Faela - Former apprentice crafter to House Kadius - Seelie of the Guild, Green Rag. I wish I'd gotten a rendition showing off her fancy clothes, but peep the special Kadian flower in her hair, and the special dagger made for her by another PC.
It's not quite what I thought it would be, but I'm glad I'm finally able to post this. The year long wait is SERIOUS.
Sergeant Kea of the Byn, hero of Allanak AND Tuluk (details... One day ;D):
(https://i.imgur.com/bBfCbFo.jpg) (http://web.archive.org/web/20230403114411if_/https://i.imgur.com/bBfCbFo.jpg)(https://i.imgur.com/Lu5MkMd.jpg) (http://web.archive.org/web/20230403114425if_/https://i.imgur.com/Lu5MkMd.jpg) |
(https://i.imgur.com/ux0bg6A.png) (http://web.archive.org/web/20230404081941if_/https://i.imgur.com/ux0bg6A.png) "Body by SCRABLOAF." |
Zhiraevron Kassigarh.
(Courtesy to DALL E 2)
(Why are these so big I am technologically challenged)
(https://i.ibb.co/ZV97cdh/Stine-Small.jpg) (https://ibb.co/bPtDN1r)
Stine (aka Flea), Bard of the Consortium/Den, not-so sneaky Guilder and [redacted] of [redacted], in her unnatural habitat.
I flipping loved hanging out around Stine for what little I could. Gorgeous depiction.
Awww gosh, that's really sweet, thank you!
This is Liluth, whatsit and aspiring tailor of House Fale. It's been about five years IRL since she passed, and I finally got around to doing a portrait of her. Her end was too soon, but she was a good first character to have. Miss you, Liluth!
I'm interested in doing character art for people! Send me a message for those interested. Samples available.
ETA: I'm not charging for (quick) commissions, but if you enjoy the work I will accept tips to (hopefully) pay for the tools I'm using.
Shoutout to Windstorm! Does amazing work and wicked fast. :) Can't post the character portrait here that was done for me but it turned out beautiful! <3
I finally have a somewhat clear schedule again when it comes to these. If you'd like your character visualized, send me a message! :)
(https://i.ibb.co/YcRwP2n/Sahtuk-templar2-2021.jpg) (https://ibb.co/2vnHWqV)
Lord Inquisitor Sahtuk Valika, The Eye of His Empire
Where do you all get the AI drawings done at?
Quote from: The Lonely Hunter on October 28, 2023, 08:45:00 AM(https://i.ibb.co/YcRwP2n/Sahtuk-templar2-2021.jpg) (https://ibb.co/2vnHWqV)
Lord Inquisitor Sahtuk Valika, The Eye of His Empire
My favorite fascist!
Shared with me many years ago, drawn by Bahliker:
My Drovian Princess "Lirael"
Note the pendant of the Desert Rose <3
Produced by TLH
If ppl are interested in generating ai art of their characters. Its not perfect, and doesn't do well with things like mutations though. You are limited to a few generations but it refreshes every 24 hours or something.
Quote from: Recharge on July 07, 2024, 04:53:23 PMhttps://www.img2go.com/
If ppl are interested in generating ai art of their characters. Its not perfect, and doesn't do well with things like mutations though. You are limited to a few generations but it refreshes every 24 hours or something.
Not bad. Still too pretty, young, and symmetrical for Einar, but not bad for just a few prompts before I ran out of redos.
Too attractive, needs less symmetry indeed, and a more disfigured jaw. More ugly in the face! Although Einar was a beautiful person...despite his face.
Any love for NPCs?!
I tried to generate a few of my characters by MDESC.
... never again
Quote from: Usiku on July 09, 2024, 10:00:20 AMAny love for NPCs?!
Who are they?
Quote from: Riev on July 09, 2024, 01:12:16 PMI tried to generate a few of my characters by MDESC.
... never again
The same here.
This was Tok, 'The Good Samaritan', son of the sands, who believed that the only real commodities Zalanthans needed were food, water, and allies: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D505715546/
Quote from: Usiku on July 09, 2024, 10:00:20 AMAny love for NPCs?!
This one is Ravishing's granddaughter in the bazaar, right? 8)
That's Lady Templar to you! :P
Quote from: Usiku on July 10, 2024, 04:12:08 AMThat's Lady Templar to you! :P
My envy for whoever the lucky bastard was shall be unending.
Do I spot Buttbreath? <3
I do a lot of work with AI, in general.
Generating it by mdesc doesn't work - try distilling it into the main points and themes that you want to get out of the image generator. Here's an example that worked pretty well for me, just trying it out. This is specifically a Midjourney prompt, but others are mostly similar, they may just have different switches (the --ar 9:16). In general, shorter is usually better. Think of a prompt as like a couple bullet points on a powerpoint slide and you'll usually get good results. Then you can modify the image from there for more specific results.
Tribal warrior clad in bone and leather armor, wild, shaggy black hair and beard, grey eyes, wielding a glaive. Bedouin influences. --ar 9:16
That's distilled from this mdesc:
Beneath this man's wild, tangled curls of onyx colored hair glow two dull granite colored eyes, peering from beneath overgrown bangs that droop down into his face. Partially hidden by those same bangs are a series of bone piercings above his eyebrows, forming a neat white line just above the dark, overgrown brows. Similarly pierced are his ears, small raptor teeth joined together to form a shallow "U" shape, pointing toward his shoulders and falling neatly from his slightly stretched earlobes. With skin pocked by the remnants of early disease, a faint white line of a scar trails from the inside of one eye socket, narrowly missing his left eye, to trail down to his chin. His lips, cloven by this scar, seem to twitch uncontrollably every so often on that side of his face. A firm, jutting jawline is hidden in a scraggly beard, twinned and braided with beads and small pieces of bone. The man's thick neck and shoulders bear the telltale chalky lines of lashings, partially hidden by the sun-bronzed skin and the muscles that ripple along his shoulders. A broad chest and thick arms trail into large, heavily veined hands, with calloused palms and knuckles scarred from teeth and weapons. One the inside of one wrist is a brand of a rising sun, puckered flesh inked in to have a crimson background.
And produces this image:
Quote from: zealus on July 10, 2024, 07:31:38 AMDo I spot Buttbreath? <3
I think THIS is more Buttbreath. :D
I think the first NPC is the ravishing Lady Templar in the bazaar ?
Quote from: Bogre on July 11, 2024, 01:17:55 PMI think the first NPC is the ravishing Lady Templar in the bazaar ?
She isn't, but I guess she's just as ravishing!
This is really fun actually.....
Quote from: Usiku on July 12, 2024, 05:09:55 PMQuote from: Bogre on July 11, 2024, 01:17:55 PMI think the first NPC is the ravishing Lady Templar in the bazaar ?
She isn't, but I guess she's just as ravishing!
This is really fun actually.....
Usiku, please do that moron outside the bank and the poor, harassed banker who has to scream at him to shut up.
Quote from: LidlessEye on July 12, 2024, 06:33:28 PMUsiku, please do that moron outside the bank and the poor, harassed banker who has to scream at him to shut up.
But no blade can pierce his armor...
Quote from: Dusty Boots on July 12, 2024, 06:41:26 PMQuote from: LidlessEye on July 12, 2024, 06:33:28 PMUsiku, please do that moron outside the bank and the poor, harassed banker who has to scream at him to shut up.
But no blade can pierce his armor...
Every time, I want to shout "Duh, because swords don't PIERCE, idiot. They SLASH!"
Quote from: Usiku on July 17, 2024, 07:08:02 AM(https://i.ibb.co/VL2cn6Q/Screenshot-2024-07-17-at-12-07-25.png)
An AI attempt at Thisopei Tor, the House's glammed up Tiny Terror of intense glares and stern lip purses of disapproval.
I imagine Lady Templar ravishing to have a parasol and more hawkish demeanour.. emphasis 'mean'.
It took her fifteen years to get there, but Senior Advisor Nell was rather proud of herself!
(I'm impressed that I talked the model into giving her age lines - couldn't get the slight crook in her nose though. And ignore the blue sky, it's a trick!)