As of this morning, we have implemented a new section of the character generation process described below. In short this means you will be able to indicate where your character is from and choose a different starting location. Tuluki tattoo locations are now part of the character generation process instead of a bolt on after you point to Tuluk.
There are also a few other changes, including the ability for human tribal clans (Arabet and Al'Seik) to be able to point at the Hall of Kings, no longer needing very special staff attention to get setup.
You can now choose 'A nomadic location' as your origin location. This means you aren't from any city and you could expect accents to reflect that case.
You will now be asked to provide an origin for your character. The origin of your character is where they were born or where they grew up. This is not necessarily where you actually start playing the character; that detail will be chosen after you enter the game for the first time. The location your character is from will determine your accent. In some cases, this will determine your citizenship. Be aware that there may be in-character consequences for being from one location and starting in another, as relations between different locations in game change from time to time. (For example, Tuluki characters may not be very welcome in Allanak and vice versa.) Should you choose a character from Tuluk, you must also select where to put your citizenship tattoo in order to proceed to the next step.
For your first character, we highly recommend that you choose to play a character from Tuluk in Tuluk, or a character from Allanak in Allanak. You are much more likely to encounter other players in these locations.