Armageddon General Discussion Board

New Player Forum => New Player Questions => Topic started by: Mungo on January 09, 2014, 11:40:37 AM

Title: Clothing that hides your features
Post by: Mungo on January 09, 2014, 11:40:37 AM
Just as topic says, what are clothing pieces that hide your desc other than a hooded cloak? Does a cloak already do that with the 'raise hood' command or do I need something more to hide my appearance and what? Thanks in advance, sorry if the topic breaks any of the rules.
Title: Re: Clothing that hides your features
Post by: Delirium on January 09, 2014, 11:44:56 AM
Hi Mungo, lots of items in the game hide your character's short description (or sdesc) - hooded cloaks, veils, and facewraps are the most common examples.

With hooded items you need to 'raise hood', with veils and facewraps and masks you simply have the character >wear <item> face

At one point there were main description (mdesc) hiding items, but they were removed from the game several years back.
Title: Re: Clothing that hides your features
Post by: Cutthroat on January 09, 2014, 11:49:02 AM
Welcome to Armageddon!

There are no such items that hide your main description. Raised hoods and worn masks or facewraps will hide your short description, by turning "the tall, muscular man" into "the male wearing a white facewrap" or something similar. (As Delirium said.)

Since these items don't codedly hide the main description, but certainly should obscure various features that might be detailed in the main description, players are expected to ignore things they might have seen in someone's main description that they would not recognize through their clothing. For example, if my PC has a mole on his lip but is wearing a full-face mask, when your PC looks at mine you should RP as if they haven't seen the mole. And players will give you the same courtesy, ideally.

Have fun!
Title: Re: Clothing that hides your features
Post by: Mungo on January 09, 2014, 11:59:00 AM
Quote from: Delirium
At one point there were main description (mdesc) hiding items, but they were removed from the game several years back.

Aw shucks, I was really hoping that wouldn't be the answer. Thanks for the quick reply.

Quote from: Cutthroat
players are expected to ignore things they might have seen in someone's main description that they would not recognize through their clothing. For example, if my PC has a mole on his lip but is wearing a full-face mask, when your PC looks at mine you should RP as if they haven't seen the mole. And players will give you the same courtesy, ideally.

Thanks for the welcome! I was kind of reluctant to put much faith into that because I've had many bad metagaming experiences in my roleplaying career but seeing the quality of the roleplay from folks in Armageddon, I'm inclined to trust you even though your name's Cutthroat!
Title: Re: Clothing that hides your features
Post by: Harmless on January 09, 2014, 12:10:25 PM
Welcome to the game! Good question.

In addition to the excellent responses you've already gotten, try to gracefully handle it if someone messes up and refers to something in your mdesc that you shouldn't see. We all make mistakes. Whatever happens, do your best to handle it without breaking into OOC chatter, and usually people will come around.
Title: Re: Clothing that hides your features
Post by: RogueGunslinger on January 09, 2014, 12:30:25 PM
Quote from: Mungo on January 09, 2014, 11:59:00 AM
Thanks for the welcome! I was kind of reluctant to put much faith into that because I've had many bad metagaming experiences in my roleplaying career but seeing the quality of the roleplay from folks in Armageddon, I'm inclined to trust you even though your name's Cutthroat!

This is a pretty hot topic among the playerbase. M-desc covering object are absolutely needed imo. Because as awesome as our roleplayers are, they are indeed still human, and they fuck this up all and act unrealistically and find excuses(oh but your hair is peeking out of your hood, and I know the way you walk so I knew it was you) even in our game.

Title: Re: Clothing that hides your features
Post by: i love toilets on January 09, 2014, 02:52:36 PM
What Roguegunslinger said. Your sdesc might even get on a city rumorboard, which is common for larger offenses, like stealing large amounts from a merchant house or killing a pc (lesser ranked) noble. I personally never understood the fairness of that, since letting a sdesc slip is almost impossible to completely avoid.