Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => World and Roleplaying Discussion => Topic started by: Gilgamesh on May 24, 2013, 08:36:50 PM

Title: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Gilgamesh on May 24, 2013, 08:36:50 PM
I've noticed that equality players a great role in Tuluk than in Allanak. Especially towards other races. Is racism just more subtle than the south, or is the culture less racist towards minorities? Particularly elves.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Barzalene on May 24, 2013, 09:02:49 PM
More subtle.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: bcw81 on May 24, 2013, 09:13:52 PM
Thee racism is definitely there, however, it's not so in your face as in Allanak. Allanak is a culture based around being just downright gritty. There are bodies in the street and if you don't look and act like me you're a feckin' dipshit who should be thrown in the spike pit. Tuluk is a culture based around the shadows, and based around how discreet you can be, especially as anyone in any form of power. If you don't look and act like me, we should go have tea as I tell you that I just love the way your ears look even more pointed as you try to sell me your lovely flowers.

Tuluk and Allanak are two different beasts. The world however has it's own norms. Racism is there, but it isn't Allanaki racism.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: ShaLeah on May 24, 2013, 10:06:52 PM
I like to think of Tuluk as the land of thinkers. Smile to your face, take your sid, give you their sid, let you even hold their babies while they plot and think about how much they hate elves, stumps, breeds and Allanaki bards.

I would think all that repression would make you MORE racist.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: musashi on May 24, 2013, 11:16:52 PM
Racism exists in Tuluk at an institutional level.
But the prosperous of the city are not apt to out and out say it in front of large crowds.

Kinda like America  ;)
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: MeTekillot on May 24, 2013, 11:21:51 PM
The greying-templed, grimace-faced man says in pompous sirihish:
     "It'd be easier getting elected Chosen Governor if I was half-elven."

The greying-templed, grimace-faced man chuckles uncomfortably.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Molten Heart on May 25, 2013, 12:46:48 AM
Sometimes I wonder if where one is from is a more important point of discernment than one's race.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: little chicken woman on May 25, 2013, 01:11:23 AM
It is when you're caught/someone has convinced the right person that you've done something bad, at least in my own few cases.

To get back on track, what I don't like about Tuluk is that one can be fooled into believing that things are less racist there. I had one elf tell my own elf that things aren't as bad in the north for elves, and on the surface it seems so. But I don't think they really understood what Tuluk is supposed to be: "just as (bad word) as Allanak" a direct quote from the beginning of a helpfile somewhere that I can't remember for the life of me.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: greasygemo on May 25, 2013, 01:39:49 AM
You are a filthy damn necker shitwad!
em spits on ~elf
I regard you with indifference, however I believe we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.
think (devious) Once I've got what I need, wouldn't it be tragic for him to have an accident on the following hunt?
em smiles good-naturedly
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Fredd on May 25, 2013, 01:56:30 AM
Quote from: greasygemo on May 25, 2013, 01:39:49 AM
You are a filthy damn necker shitwad!
em spits on ~elf
I regard you with indifference, however I believe we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.
think (devious) Once I've got what I need, wouldn't it be tragic for him to have an accident on the following hunt?
em smiles good-naturedly

That is it 100% In fact, I've done, and thought exactly that in Tuluk. Stop playing mind benders, damnit!

Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: greasygemo on May 25, 2013, 02:20:18 AM
Quote from: Fredd on May 25, 2013, 01:56:30 AM
Quote from: greasygemo on May 25, 2013, 01:39:49 AM
You are a filthy damn necker shitwad!
em spits on ~elf
I regard you with indifference, however I believe we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.
think (devious) Once I've got what I need, wouldn't it be tragic for him to have an accident on the following hunt?
em smiles good-naturedly

That is it 100% In fact, I've done, and thought exactly that in Tuluk. Stop playing mind benders, damnit!


You can't make me! *flee self*
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Scarecrow on May 25, 2013, 02:37:46 AM
oh god please not another North vs South thread
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Harmless on May 25, 2013, 03:09:13 AM
Finding out how racism really works in Tuluk was a bit painful for me. I think I initially thought there was "less racism" too, but the more I learned, the more I realized that there isn't "more" or "less" between the two, just different. In both cities, subhumans are oppressed. Overt oppression will drive them into pockets, whereas subtle oppression is the carrot that pulls them into your control. In neither city do they really matter, in neither one will their lives or achievements be retold or remembered. Yet in both, subhumans are useful and needed. The North might* let them intermingle more with the human castes or dangle the carrot of hope that they could even become important among them; in Allanak, the powers that be will tell them straight up where they can and can't go or else, and though that lifestyle may feel lonely, they can live out their lives mostly unmolested, thanks to the pervasive struggle that means even those in control have "more important things to do."

* I have no idea what I'm talking about. This is one way I've seen it played, it has been consistent, but this is not an absolute. This is up to interpretation. I am commenting on my anecdotal experience.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Vwest on May 25, 2013, 03:10:50 AM
Quote from: Scarecrow on May 25, 2013, 02:37:46 AM
oh god please not another North vs South thread

In-game war.

One city is annihilated.

Topic eliminated.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Harmless on May 25, 2013, 03:41:44 AM
Quote from: Vwest on May 25, 2013, 03:10:50 AM
Quote from: Scarecrow on May 25, 2013, 02:37:46 AM
oh god please not another North vs South thread

In-game war.

One city is annihilated.

Topic eliminated.

( -______-)  zzzzzzzzzz..........
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: greasygemo on May 25, 2013, 05:02:09 AM
Looks like it's time to move to Luirs and wait until the dust settles before claiming I was supporting the winning team the whole time. *shifty eyes*
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Gunnerblaster on May 25, 2013, 05:44:10 AM
Quote from: Scarecrow on May 25, 2013, 02:37:46 AM
oh god please not another North vs South thread
This thread isn't "another North vs South" thread. It was a thread made to discuss the differences in racism and how it's approached, in each City-State.

Get your head out of your ass.

Greasygemo hit it on the head, though, with the following:
Quote from: greasygemo on May 25, 2013, 01:39:49 AM
You are a filthy damn necker shitwad!
em spits on ~elf
I regard you with indifference, however I believe we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.
think (devious) Once I've got what I need, wouldn't it be tragic for him to have an accident on the following hunt?
em smiles good-naturedly

In Tuluk, reputation and political posturing is power. Openly discriminating against races (however unsavory they may be) potentially harms your position. Especially since Elves have a bit of prominence due to the Akai Sjir, in the North. Messing with an elf in Tuluk usually means you're messing with someone whose either directly or indirectly associated with the Akai - Which could spell very unfortunate consequences for yourself.

In Allanak, theirs is a history built upon the backs of slaves of all the other races. Other then the street gangs of the Labyrinth, which influence tends to be more local-oriented, most elves and dwarves you come across have no affiliation with any group of power - Making it easier to discriminate against them with little repercussion (unless they try to assassinate you for it, which is a bit dramatic).
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: hyzhenhok on May 25, 2013, 07:23:52 AM
Honestly I don't see a whole lot of difference in how dwarves, breeds and half-giants are treated in the two cities. You see people buddying with breeds and foreigners in both places.

Only elves are treated noticeably differently, and you can attribute that as much or more to OOC knowledge of the differing PC elf clan options in the two cities as you can cultural differences in the cities.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: AdamBlue on May 25, 2013, 07:42:39 AM
I've never actually noticed any kind of real racism towards half-giants. They're dumb, easy to manipulate, and VERY strong. Everyone is nice to a half giant, because it's always in your best interests to have a big dumb strong friend.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: BleakOne on May 25, 2013, 09:07:36 AM
Quote from: Gunnerblaster on May 25, 2013, 05:44:10 AM
Get your head out of your ass.

Perhaps a little less hostility would be nice, mmh?  :)

On topic, I'd say both cities have a lot of racism, although as others have said it differs due to each individual city's culture.

As for half-giants, even the most unsubtle of southies can see how easily the huge tools can be manipulated with encouragement, and how unwise it is to greatly upset someone with poor self control, little foresight and arms the size of tree-trunks.

Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: musashi on May 25, 2013, 09:59:38 AM
Quote from: AdamBlue on May 25, 2013, 07:42:39 AM
I've never actually noticed any kind of real racism towards half-giants. They're dumb, easy to manipulate, and VERY strong. Everyone is nice to a half giant, because it's always in your best interests to have a big dumb strong friend.

Racism against half-giants always struck me as the same kind of racism old school Japanese people have for foreigners. It's not the same flavor that the KKK has for black people.

They're warm, welcoming, very inviting and supportive of you ... till you try and actually rise to any position of responsibility above that of a glorified house pet, at which point you're ever so gently reminded that you're a dumbass foreigner who couldn't possibly be competent enough to handle anything sharper than a spoon.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: jigglypuffs on May 25, 2013, 11:07:19 AM
Tuluki don't seem to as much hate other races, they just don't give them the same rights and they definitely don't like interbreeding.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Barsook on May 25, 2013, 11:19:05 AM
Quote from: jigglypuffs on May 25, 2013, 11:07:19 AM
Tuluki don't seem to as much hate other races, they just don't give them the same rights and they definitely don't like interbreeding.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Fujikoma on May 25, 2013, 02:57:57 PM
Quote from: jigglypuffs on May 25, 2013, 11:07:19 AM
Tuluki don't seem to as much hate other races, they just don't give them the same rights and they definitely don't like interbreeding.

Dunno, seen some really racist, blatant humans come out of Tuluk. For the most part, though... I think you may be right, in my limited experience. Don't really play Tulukis anymore.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Dakota on May 25, 2013, 03:04:49 PM
No it's not. Some people choose not to be outright with it and go the subtle route. Some people are not and say they are by remarking they're actually being subtle... Others will never hesitate to spit on an breed or call to order that the elf sitting beside you, is in fact, a lousy, dirty, f-ing thief.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Fredd on May 25, 2013, 03:04:59 PM
Quote from: Barsook on May 25, 2013, 11:19:05 AM
Quote from: jigglypuffs on May 25, 2013, 11:07:19 AM
Tuluki don't seem to as much hate other races, they just don't give them the same rights and they definitely don't like interbreeding.

You Think. But the truth is one of the following.

You're considered expendable, and will be tossed to the side when no longer useful.

You're considered expendable, and are doing the work someone else doesn't want to.

You're considered expendable, and will be framed at some point.

You're considered expendable, and are someones toy.

Edit: Just because, in public, it looks like you have the same rights, and people aren't cursing you out, that don't mean it's less racist. Tuluk put on a sweet face of being 'safe' to the world. The truth is, it's a trap. Just under the surface, in the alleys, and private halls, and bedrooms. There's plotting, and murder, and betrayal. Murder is legal in Tuluk if done right. And the cost to kill races other then humans is, in my experience, a fair amount less then it is to kill a human of the same caste rank. Telling me that no matter how hard a dwarf works, they are still just a "Servant Race" and elves are "Just thieves" and breeds are "Just worthless." I think Half Giants are the only ones exempt, because they are so dumb, they actively fit into there prejudice of a servant race.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Harmless on May 25, 2013, 04:27:55 PM
I feel like the OP's question was well-answered. Find out the rest IC, no? ;)
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Barsook on May 25, 2013, 06:30:30 PM
Quote from: Harmless on May 25, 2013, 04:27:55 PM
I feel like the OP's question was well-answered. Find out the rest IC, no? ;)

Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Malifaxis on July 19, 2013, 08:31:49 PM
Quote from: Harmless on May 25, 2013, 04:27:55 PM
I feel like the OP's question was well-answered. Find out the rest IC, no? ;)

I'm glad this came about.

Last time I posted in one of these threads I got flame-baited into responding and then got banned due to someone with a long standing grudge and a too-quick 'report' finger.

It can all be cut down to the following:
In Allanak things are what they are.
In Tuluk, there is always a reason.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Wastrel on July 19, 2013, 10:04:22 PM
in allanak the racism is pretty arbitrary if not over-the-top towards all elf pcs, anywhere else is a step down really
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Wastrel on July 19, 2013, 10:32:32 PM
its actually sort surprising there are any elves at all in allanak

you think they would have been purged in some genocidal event
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: MeTekillot on July 19, 2013, 10:36:58 PM
elves give something for the upper class to deflect the poor's hostility upon. if they got rid of all the poor's enemies, all their pent up aggression would have nowhere to go but up
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Vwest on July 20, 2013, 12:35:05 AM
Quote from: Wastrel on July 19, 2013, 10:32:32 PM
its actually sort surprising there are any elves at all in allanak

you think they would have been purged in some genocidal event

I'm cool with oppression and all that, but I would never even try to play an elf PC in Allanak proper right now.

You will basically wait half a day in the app queue for a five minute flavor role, then die to to some militia PC in the Arena so he can loot your stuff.

I really think it's gone beyond ridiculous.

edit: fixed my words because posting on the forums while my character is in combat was a bad idea
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: MeTekillot on July 20, 2013, 12:54:16 AM
Yo son, that's what the player complaint thing is for.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: chrisdcoulombe on July 20, 2013, 03:32:08 PM
If you are an elf and you flee from a soldier especially a higher ranking player then you are asking for it.   I wouldn't want to play an elf in Allanak rather than the rinth because there are not enough elven players in Allanak.  Elves aren't gonna be friends with humans, not typically anyway.
Elves are second class citizens and they are thieves.   Elves can be made examples, or just be used if a soldier deems it.  You can be killed when you are a threat or are no longer useful.  Be weary of humans, especially the militia.  I don't think an aod pc killing an elf pc is anything to complain about.   If you don't know how to avoid the risk that the city has to offer then don't elf or do, but know you have been warned. 
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Wastrel on July 20, 2013, 04:11:24 PM
Quote from: chrisdcoulombe on July 20, 2013, 03:32:08 PM
If you are an elf and you flee from a soldier especially a higher ranking player then you are asking for it.   I wouldn't want to play an elf in Allanak rather than the rinth because there are not enough elven players in Allanak.  Elves aren't gonna be friends with humans, not typically anyway.
Elves are second class citizens and they are thieves.   Elves can be made examples, or just be used if a soldier deems it.  You can be killed when you are a threat or are no longer useful.  Be weary of humans, especially the militia.  I don't think an aod pc killing an elf pc is anything to complain about.   If you don't know how to avoid the risk that the city has to offer then don't elf or do, but know you have been warned.  

Its not like the rinth has the playerbase to purely support rinth-only play, rinthies have to go into the allanak proper for roleplay opportunities, they are apart of allanak as much as anyone else. I dont think I've ever really seen "pure rinthers" - such a thing is exceedingly rare and I think only doable by someone with a LOT of patience or short play times. Anyway, my gripe is that the elf bashing in nak has reached almost comical proportions. I dont think players realize there are literally thousands of elves in the city doing their own thing, going about their daily lives. So when PCs see one just hanging out, it turns into a scene like a black guy walking into a bar in the deep south. I just dont think that is the reality of the gameworld. There are levels of coexistence and tolerance. Yes, elves are seen as thieves and little bastards for various reasons, but if the general population of the gameworld held the same sort of beliefs that the average nak PC did, elves would not be in nak at all.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Vwest on July 20, 2013, 05:02:44 PM
Quote from: Wastrel on July 20, 2013, 04:11:24 PM
Quote from: chrisdcoulombe on July 20, 2013, 03:32:08 PM
If you are an elf and you flee from a soldier especially a higher ranking player then you are asking for it.   I wouldn't want to play an elf in Allanak rather than the rinth because there are not enough elven players in Allanak.  Elves aren't gonna be friends with humans, not typically anyway.
Elves are second class citizens and they are thieves.   Elves can be made examples, or just be used if a soldier deems it.  You can be killed when you are a threat or are no longer useful.  Be weary of humans, especially the militia.  I don't think an aod pc killing an elf pc is anything to complain about.   If you don't know how to avoid the risk that the city has to offer then don't elf or do, but know you have been warned.  

Its not like the rinth has the playerbase to purely support rinth-only play, rinthies have to go into the allanak proper for roleplay opportunities, they are apart of allanak as much as anyone else. I dont think I've ever really seen "pure rinthers" - such a thing is exceedingly rare and I think only doable by someone with a LOT of patience or short play times. Anyway, my gripe is that the elf bashing in nak has reached almost comical proportions. I dont think players realize there are literally thousands of elves in the city doing their own thing, living life, going about their daily lives. So when PCs see one just hanging out, it turns into a scene like a black guy walking into a bar in the deep south. I just dont think that is the reality of the gameworld. There are levels of coexistence and tolerance. Yes, elves are seen as thieves and little bastards for various reasons, but if the general population of the gameworld held the same sort of beliefs that the average nak PC did, elves would not be in nak at all.


Elves are the second most populous race in the game - they run shops, they have lives, they live amongst humans and for all of this to be true, there has to be the basic, if grudging acceptance.

As it stands, an elf -PC- walks into the Gaj and within moments the Arm is there beating the hell out of him/her and by the end of the day they're on the pile, stripped clean.

That this has gone on for so long with neither the in-game leaders (Templars) or staff seeming to have an issue with it, well, it kind of cements the reality that you do not play an elf PC in Allanak unless you are looking for a throw away flavor role.

It's a shame because having an elf or two around really does bring an interesting dynamic and everyone kind of loses out by having them killed immediately, every time.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: RogueGunslinger on July 20, 2013, 06:37:26 PM
Quote from: Vwest on July 20, 2013, 05:02:44 PM
Quote from: Wastrel on July 20, 2013, 04:11:24 PM
Quote from: chrisdcoulombe on July 20, 2013, 03:32:08 PM
If you are an elf and you flee from a soldier especially a higher ranking player then you are asking for it.   I wouldn't want to play an elf in Allanak rather than the rinth because there are not enough elven players in Allanak.  Elves aren't gonna be friends with humans, not typically anyway.
Elves are second class citizens and they are thieves.   Elves can be made examples, or just be used if a soldier deems it.  You can be killed when you are a threat or are no longer useful.  Be weary of humans, especially the militia.  I don't think an aod pc killing an elf pc is anything to complain about.   If you don't know how to avoid the risk that the city has to offer then don't elf or do, but know you have been warned.  

Its not like the rinth has the playerbase to purely support rinth-only play, rinthies have to go into the allanak proper for roleplay opportunities, they are apart of allanak as much as anyone else. I dont think I've ever really seen "pure rinthers" - such a thing is exceedingly rare and I think only doable by someone with a LOT of patience or short play times. Anyway, my gripe is that the elf bashing in nak has reached almost comical proportions. I dont think players realize there are literally thousands of elves in the city doing their own thing, living life, going about their daily lives. So when PCs see one just hanging out, it turns into a scene like a black guy walking into a bar in the deep south. I just dont think that is the reality of the gameworld. There are levels of coexistence and tolerance. Yes, elves are seen as thieves and little bastards for various reasons, but if the general population of the gameworld held the same sort of beliefs that the average nak PC did, elves would not be in nak at all.


Elves are the second most populous race in the game - they run shops, they have lives, they live amongst humans and for all of this to be true, there has to be the basic, if grudging acceptance.

As it stands, an elf -PC- walks into the Gaj and within moments the Arm is there beating the hell out of him/her and by the end of the day they're on the pile, stripped clean.

That this has gone on for so long with neither the in-game leaders (Templars) or staff seeming to have an issue with it, well, it kind of cements the reality that you do not play an elf PC in Allanak unless you are looking for a throw away flavor role.

It's a shame because having an elf or two around really does bring an interesting dynamic and everyone kind of loses out by having them killed immediately, every time.

Playing in Allanak right now, I can't read this any anything but over-exaggerated hyperbole.

If I ever saw that level of playing out of line with the games documentation I'd send in a Player Complaint with the request tool. Staff will look it over a deem whether or not I was right, and then proceed accordingly. But then again I've never seen that. So I never have.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Potaje on July 20, 2013, 08:57:03 PM
I'v played in Nak for rl years, over several characters from differing view points and find the lsat few statements about elves highly exaggerated.

If you find an elf on the piles, there is generally a good reason. But also you will more than likely find an equal if not more amount of other races on the piles.

I have seen many elves in allanak. Some have had long lives. Some short. Some get away with their doings, some don't. Many have had a public life and not been overly harassed by those of power, simply for being an elf. And some have. I have even played an elf or two in nak, with some success and some not so much.

Really it comes down to current personalities, the player of the elf's and those playing around them. Some players of militia might simply be the exception and feel the need to beat an sharp once a day. Others could careless. I have see both side as I said before.

But I think those come down to personal bigotries and abuse. Not the over ridding norm.

Most times if a pc is found on the piles (elf or not) there is a good reason for them to have gotten there. Bar the random murder. It is frowned upon for soldiers and higher ups to simply kill a pc for being elf (or in most cases any specific race.) They still need to justify their reasons with much more scrutiny than most other clan/class/roles in game. Because with them lies power, and power must show some balance or the game is broken.

Be sure staff makes all killings by soldiers and templars accountable.

But also, yes, you may not find the -love- you hope for or desire if you play an elf in nak.

And if you play an elf in Tuluk, that -love- may only be an illusion.

Or is it?

Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Harmless on July 20, 2013, 09:03:11 PM
Quote from: Potaje on July 20, 2013, 08:57:03 PM
Really it comes down to current personalities, the player of the elf's and those playing around them. Some players of militia might simply be the exception and feel the need to beat an sharp once a day. Others could careless. I have see both side as I said before.

But I think those come down to personal bigotries and abuse. Not the over ridding norm.
And if you play an elf in Tuluk, that -love- may only be an illusion.

Yep. And as for love in Tuluk, there is an in-city coded tribe to keep the population sustained and to keep socializing attainable. As has been previously griped about many times, the coded tribe for elves in nak is rinth based, and we all know what hurdles that means there are (joining might be difficult to impossible, esp. for a newbie; need to app into the clan in most cases, etc).

I also agree there was a lot of hyperbole and that most of the time you see an elf body there was a reason for it.

I've seen successful elves before in Nak. They have usually been in clans, which in almost every case means the Byn if you're not in a coded tribe.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: chrisdcoulombe on July 20, 2013, 09:09:19 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on July 20, 2013, 06:37:26 PM
Quote from: Vwest on July 20, 2013, 05:02:44 PM
Quote from: Wastrel on July 20, 2013, 04:11:24 PM
Quote from: chrisdcoulombe on July 20, 2013, 03:32:08 PM
If you are an elf and you flee from a soldier especially a higher ranking player then you are asking for it.   I wouldn't want to play an elf in Allanak rather than the rinth because there are not enough elven players in Allanak.  Elves aren't gonna be friends with humans, not typically anyway.
Elves are second class citizens and they are thieves.   Elves can be made examples, or just be used if a soldier deems it.  You can be killed when you are a threat or are no longer useful.  Be weary of humans, especially the militia.  I don't think an aod pc killing an elf pc is anything to complain about.   If you don't know how to avoid the risk that the city has to offer then don't elf or do, but know you have been warned.  

Its not like the rinth has the playerbase to purely support rinth-only play, rinthies have to go into the allanak proper for roleplay opportunities, they are apart of allanak as much as anyone else. I dont think I've ever really seen "pure rinthers" - such a thing is exceedingly rare and I think only doable by someone with a LOT of patience or short play times. Anyway, my gripe is that the elf bashing in nak has reached almost comical proportions. I dont think players realize there are literally thousands of elves in the city doing their own thing, living life, going about their daily lives. So when PCs see one just hanging out, it turns into a scene like a black guy walking into a bar in the deep south. I just dont think that is the reality of the gameworld. There are levels of coexistence and tolerance. Yes, elves are seen as thieves and little bastards for various reasons, but if the general population of the gameworld held the same sort of beliefs that the average nak PC did, elves would not be in nak at all.


Elves are the second most populous race in the game - they run shops, they have lives, they live amongst humans and for all of this to be true, there has to be the basic, if grudging acceptance.

As it stands, an elf -PC- walks into the Gaj and within moments the Arm is there beating the hell out of him/her and by the end of the day they're on the pile, stripped clean.

That this has gone on for so long with neither the in-game leaders (Templars) or staff seeming to have an issue with it, well, it kind of cements the reality that you do not play an elf PC in Allanak unless you are looking for a throw away flavor role.

It's a shame because having an elf or two around really does bring an interesting dynamic and everyone kind of loses out by having them killed immediately, every time.

Playing in Allanak right now, I can't read this any anything but over-exaggerated hyperbole.

If I ever saw that level of playing out of line with the games documentation I'd send in a Player Complaint with the request tool. Staff will look it over a deem whether or not I was right, and then proceed accordingly. But then again I've never seen that. So I never have.

I guess thats kind of what I'm saying too.  I've never had a character killed by the militia for no reason.  Though, if there was an elf hating militia soldier with a high enough rank its not out of character to gank.  Private is high enough.  When they shake you down, best be givin up your black instead of trying to run away.   Know your role.  You'd be surprised what you can get out of with a silver tongue or enough coins.  

I doubt you are just sitting at the Gaj and four militia soldiers walk in crim flag you and then murder you.  Its probably more like, They say something, you say something that pisses them off, they say something, you piss them off more and then something bad happens.   In this scenario there is plenty of time to change the outcome by not saying things that piss them off.

If it really is happening that way where you are just sitting at the Gaj and they murder you, then yeah, definitely complain.  I've never had it happen.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Wastrel on July 20, 2013, 09:11:12 PM
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Harmless on July 20, 2013, 09:59:03 PM
Hmm... I don't think they had exactly meant that insta-crim flagging and ganking happens. I've never seen that either, and I respect Wastrel as a player enough to be sure he didn't mean that either.

The social ostracism is what I think they were complaining about. But, again, it isn't anything that couldn't be greatly remedied by joining a clan.

Jeez, guys, for anyone who complains about a lack of a social life, just figure out which clan you can join and join it. For a lot of races in this game, you usually have 1 or 2 choices at best, but that's for a reason. Join those clans, fill up those roles, and stop moping.

If you're upset about having no money or restrictive rules, just remember that the more accurately this world is being roleplayed, the more difficult it is SUPPOSED to be for you to make friends and get places.

...And being on the corpse pile isn't that bad. It's pretty warm, and you have plenty of fresh... and some not-so-fresh friends to hang around with.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: LauraMars on July 20, 2013, 10:30:45 PM
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Wastrel on July 20, 2013, 11:17:10 PM
The hyperbole has a source, and that source has some truth to it. I dont think I'm the only one who's noticed the large amount of elf corpses in Nak the past couple months. I remember one week it was especially bad. I'm sure all you old players who've been playing Armageddon for a decade will just roll your eyes at this, you've seen this before, you've been through it yourself. Well let us noobies bemoan over the state of racial oppression. Dont hold it against us. Obviously, Allanak isn't going to become Tuluk any time soon (thank god). Most of us have played elves and been bashed and in turn will play humans so we can bash elves. Its all apart of the sadistic cycle that is murder, corruption, and betrayal - we know. I was just pointing out its gotten to be a little too much the past few months. Hopefully it is just a blip in attitudes, one that simply happens from time to time, not the new prevailing status quo.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: FantasyWriter on July 20, 2013, 11:56:02 PM
Quote from: Wastrel on July 20, 2013, 11:17:10 PM
The hyperbole has a source, and that source has some truth to it. I dont think I'm the only one who's noticed the large amount of elf corpses in Nak the past couple months. I remember one week it was especially bad. I'm sure all you old players who've been playing Armageddon for a decade will just roll your eyes at this, you've seen this before, you've been through it yourself. Well let us noobies bemoan over the state of racial oppression. Dont hold it against us. Obviously, Allanak isn't going to become Tuluk any time soon (thank god). Most of us have played elves and been bashed and in turn will play humans so we can bash elves. Its all apart of the sadistic cycle that is murder, corruption, and betrayal - we know. I was just pointing out its gotten to be a little too much the past few months. Hopefully it is just a blip in attitudes, one that simply happens from time to time, not the new prevailing status quo.

Were those elves PCs that were killed by PCs? Or could it have been a PC elf that got ganked by the criminal code for being and elf (AKA stealing)? Or are you not aware of the event that brought said bodies to the pile and just speculating?
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Wastrel on July 20, 2013, 11:58:08 PM
Not going to discuss recent IC events lol. Also I was using corpses as a blanket term.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: FantasyWriter on July 21, 2013, 12:04:30 AM
Let me rephrase:
Have you witnessed multiple accounts at any point in time since you started playing where elves were PKd by PCs without warrant?
If so, why are you griefing on the GDB instead of filing player complaints?
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Wastrel on July 21, 2013, 12:10:01 AM
The point > your head, apparently.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: MeTekillot on July 22, 2013, 07:17:43 AM
Something tells me you don't understand that expression, Wastrel. Because you literally just said "the point is more than your head".

What point are you trying to make? Lots of elves get PK'd? Elves are getting PK'd too much? What?
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Bogre on July 22, 2013, 08:10:36 AM
Yeah, a lot of characters make elves, try to steal, and get jacked by the soldiers.

Something about making a PC elf makes most people go: IM A CRIMNAL SCREW U LAWMAN
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Morrolan on July 22, 2013, 01:49:15 PM
Quote from: Bogre on July 22, 2013, 08:10:36 AM
Yeah, a lot of characters make elves, try to steal, and get jacked by the soldiers.

Something about making a PC elf makes most people go: IM A CRIMNAL SCREW U LAWMAN

That's 'cause many people think of criminals as rebels against "the system" rather than parasites on it.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Potaje on July 22, 2013, 02:57:55 PM
Quote from: Morrolan on July 22, 2013, 01:49:15 PM
Quote from: Bogre on July 22, 2013, 08:10:36 AM
Yeah, a lot of characters make elves, try to steal, and get jacked by the soldiers.

Something about making a PC elf makes most people go: IM A CRIMNAL SCREW U LAWMAN

That's 'cause many people think of criminals as rebels against "the system" rather than parasites on it.

Bottom feeders suckling at the anus of society.. suckling, suckling, suckling. *hmm*
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: FantasyWriter on July 22, 2013, 07:57:37 PM
Quote from: MeTekillot on July 22, 2013, 07:17:43 AM
Something tells me you don't understand that expression, Wastrel. Because you literally just said "the point is more than your head".

What point are you trying to make? Lots of elves get PK'd? Elves are getting PK'd too much? What?

Apparently he doesn't realize how large my head actually is.
Also, it seems he disagrees with my POV but didn't actually have anything to counter with since I was actually asking him questiosn, none of which he answered.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Patuk on July 22, 2013, 09:08:20 PM
Quote from: FantasyWriter on July 22, 2013, 07:57:37 PM
Quote from: MeTekillot on July 22, 2013, 07:17:43 AM
Something tells me you don't understand that expression, Wastrel. Because you literally just said "the point is more than your head".

What point are you trying to make? Lots of elves get PK'd? Elves are getting PK'd too much? What?

Apparently he doesn't realize how large my head actually is.
Also, it seems he disagrees with my POV but didn't actually have anything to counter with since I was actually asking him questiosn, none of which he answered.

You were asking him to break the rules of these boards.

'he didn't break the rules so I must be right' is never the most compelling of arguments.

As far as I can tell, you are both not wrong.
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Zul on July 23, 2013, 05:29:41 AM
Quote from: MeTekillot on July 22, 2013, 07:17:43 AM
Something tells me you don't understand that expression, Wastrel. Because you literally just said "the point is more than your head".

What point are you trying to make? Lots of elves get PK'd? Elves are getting PK'd too much? What?

I just noticed this gem. Here you go, smartass:

( (

Or better yet:

( (
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: FantasyWriter on July 23, 2013, 05:46:25 AM
Quote from: FantasyWriter on July 21, 2013, 12:04:30 AM
Let me rephrase:
Have you witnessed multiple accounts at any point in time since you started playing where elves were PKd by PCs without warrant?
If so, why are you griefing on the GDB instead of filing player complaints?

Quote from: Wastrel on July 21, 2013, 12:10:01 AM
The point > your head, apparently.

Am I asking him to break the rules here, or am I reminding him of them?

( ( (Sorry, I just couldn't resist the image, it's soooooo cute.)
Title: Re: Is the North less racist?
Post by: Nyr on July 23, 2013, 08:40:05 AM