Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Twilight on July 06, 2012, 03:33:07 PM

Title: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Twilight on July 06, 2012, 03:33:07 PM
Most of us probably have one.  The concept that was just starting to get going, the character that was just getting into this fantastic place and then....mantisheadnightynighttimefornewconcept.

The concept I wish had lived to see more of its potential...

I had a mul, that had escaped from Nak twice, the second time from the Arena pens.

When he died, he was working with a human in Storm to kill Nakki spies in Storm.  He was just starting on an attempt to hunt down a couple of gemmed magickers.  He had secretly been contacted by his prior noble (because the way the concept was structured, I actually had gotten to interact with his owning noble, albeit briefly) to do some stuff in return for a specific thing, and was doing that stuff.  He was plotting to betray the noble, take the thing, castrate him and leave him to live out his miserable existance.  And Nakki templars were quietly trying to get assorted minions to hunt him down and kill him.

Then, mantisheadnightynighttimefornewconcept unrelated to any of the above.

I wish I had gotten a little longer to play him.  He was a great angrymeanmadmental mul.  And a nilazi.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Malifaxis on July 06, 2012, 03:43:12 PM
Dwarf.  Sorc.  Focus:  To Destroy All Life

Shitsweeper in Allanak.

Died stupidly.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Maso on July 06, 2012, 03:43:36 PM
A Nilazi Mul? That's like...wtfkarma!

I have a recent one, a dwarf, with a focus I was really attached to and probably could have been really cool....but I made some bad choices, got stuck in a rut and stored. Now regretting it, because I worked hard on the concept. Le sigh!
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Jeshin on July 06, 2012, 03:48:08 PM
This may just be me, but if a concept ends prematurely or before it ever really got fleshed out. There's nothing wrong with reincarnating it later on. Now if you had a concept/character that lived out their life and just never managed to finish whatever, then yeah they should stay dead.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Jengal on July 06, 2012, 03:49:49 PM
I had a dwarf whose focus was to improve the lives of others by selling perfume all throughout the known.

Got gortok'd.  :'(
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Akaramu on July 06, 2012, 03:51:00 PM
Way too recent to mention here.  :-\
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Malifaxis on July 06, 2012, 03:54:39 PM
Quote from: Maso on July 06, 2012, 03:43:36 PM
A Nilazi Mul? That's like...wtfkarma!

I have a recent one, a dwarf, with a focus I was really attached to and probably could have been really cool....but I made some bad choices, got stuck in a rut and stored. Now regretting it, because I worked hard on the concept. Le sigh!

I've played two.

They're a joy and a half.

And, unfortunately, illegal now, from what I understand.

I think it was the fact that he was a nilazi/thug... that... may have been a bit too broken for Staff to deal with.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Maso on July 06, 2012, 03:57:51 PM
A shame.. I think there's definitely a place in Arm for ridiculously over-powered characters from time to time. Keeps people on their toes.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Malifaxis on July 06, 2012, 04:04:19 PM
*cough* Quick *cough*
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: BadSkeelz on July 06, 2012, 04:07:09 PM
Quote from: Maso on July 06, 2012, 03:57:51 PM
A shame.. I think there's definitely a place in Arm for ridiculously over-powered characters from time to time. Keeps people on their toes.

Aren't those what "Focus: be a badass" Dwarfs are?
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: brytta.leofa on July 06, 2012, 04:11:43 PM
Samos' illegitimate son.

The minute I go trying to make an Action Hero, what happens?  <whiz> <thwap> <crumple>
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: spicemustflow on July 06, 2012, 04:13:02 PM
Quote from: Malifaxis on July 06, 2012, 04:04:19 PM
*cough* Quick *cough*

I'm really interested in the mechanics behind this character.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Yam on July 06, 2012, 04:16:22 PM
Send in a request to the staff.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Malifaxis on July 06, 2012, 04:32:07 PM
Quote from: spicemustflow on July 06, 2012, 04:13:02 PM
Quote from: Malifaxis on July 06, 2012, 04:04:19 PM
*cough* Quick *cough*

I'm really interested in the mechanics behind this character.

The word Epic doesn't even scratch the surface of what that PC went through.  It's amazing.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Marauder Moe on July 06, 2012, 04:39:02 PM
My mul.

He wasn't a magicker or escaped slave or anything special.  I was just trying to play an exemplary mul.  Even wrote up a rather detailed vnpc bondmate.

Took over a month to special app,  died in a week to a training accident of sorts.

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Kieandatu on July 06, 2012, 04:49:41 PM
Tuluki Dwarf Stonecrafter
Focus: Immortalize his mother through the -perfect- stone statue.

Bahamet'd before I knew it even entered the room. I had already started gathering the perfect sapphires for her eyes *tear*
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Is Friday on July 06, 2012, 04:51:16 PM
I stored my nilazi after 4h of play.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: EldritchOrigins on July 06, 2012, 04:52:36 PM
My first female character was also my first psionicist PC.  She joined a merchant house as a crafter or aide or something (I don't remember). Her psionic self/personality was sort of submissive/dormant and as she slowly tapped her ability as a psioncist, it slowly grew and would eventually take over.  The only problem is she was sort of a lovey/good type person and I'm not sure how that would have worked out once she'd been scared over and jaded by the world of Zalanthas.

Unfortunately the FCC of Zalanthas found out she was operating without a license and had her rubbed out.  Not to mention as my first Psionicist I made so many mistakes I'm surprised people didn't accuse her of being one much much sooner.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Barsook on July 06, 2012, 05:21:11 PM
Quote from: Maso on July 06, 2012, 03:43:36 PM
I have a recent one, a dwarf, with a focus I was really attached to and probably could have been really cool....but I made some bad choices, got stuck in a rut and stored. Now regretting it, because I worked hard on the concept. Le sigh!

Human for me.  Both were stored but one was due IC Info and other was due to my life eating whole.

Quote from: Akaramu on July 06, 2012, 03:51:00 PM
Way too recent to mention here.  :-\

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: solera on July 06, 2012, 05:49:20 PM
OOC goal To Win in Storm.
My  Nakki born drifter thought there were sids in them thar sands.  She had plans of striking it rich, of selling spice in Tuluk (never within the HighLords gaze though), or whatever else you do to get rich.
Trained up in the Byn so she wouldn't get ate.
She was betrayed by her total ignorance of the local flora.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: valeria on July 06, 2012, 06:23:28 PM
Concept: half-giant in human form, ugly, angry, belligerent, drunkard

She was just really fun to play.  Every time I logged in I had a blast.  She was literally the stupidest character I've ever played.  This resulted in her always getting roped into some of the most insane stuff.

She only lasted a month and died to a really stupid OOC mistake.  Sigh.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Kebron on July 06, 2012, 06:58:56 PM
I'm just jealous you have sorcerer karma at all :( I'd play a half-retarded albino midget amputee with scizophrenia and halatosis if It got me a sorcerer role :(
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Patuk on July 06, 2012, 07:00:29 PM
Give me one sorcerer and ten years and I guarantee you, I will have my own city-state or even drive out one or both Highlords.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: BadSkeelz on July 06, 2012, 07:21:59 PM

Keep em coming, I like ideas.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: jstorrie on July 06, 2012, 08:22:27 PM
I wish I hadn't stored my templar.

But my life exploded and I couldn't play Arm for several months :(
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Symphony on July 06, 2012, 08:23:20 PM
The concept I wish had survived was...

An experienced Drovian born in Tuluk whom made his living as a barber. He flamboyantly trimmed hair outside the Sanctuary with local bards drumming and singing tunes on the road. His reputation was well-known among the populace and was even allowed to trim the hair of Nobility. He cleverly used gurth fat to style Noblemen's hair, slicking it back if requested. The man would listen to the woes and boasts of the people during the day, but at night, alone in his apartment, he was quite another man. This went on for many, many months until one day one of His Faithful approached him; an aging Jihean whom had heard of this barber through word-of-mouth and requested a trimming. This, unfortunately, led to his demise as his cursed nature was found out and he was exciled from the city-state. Alone, with no where to turn, he survived for a few weeks off the lands until crossing paths with a tembo whose hunger was stronger than this poor barber's untrained legs.

The day was disappointing, but it was by far the best role I have ever created and played. I miss my poor barber.  8)
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Semper on July 06, 2012, 08:30:12 PM
Byn sergeant. But you know how those end up...  ::)
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Hot_Dancer on July 06, 2012, 09:39:50 PM
My Jaxa Pah clan leader.

I just could -not- figure out how to make a wealthy 'rinthi elf work within my documentation
and had a very hard time developing plot lines and goals for my employees that were not murder
for hire. This character had as much potential as anything I've run to brutally affect the game world
but I staggered with him.

No one even knew he was a power because another extremely dangerous elf was running around.

Blammo - Storage.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Feco on July 06, 2012, 09:54:09 PM
Quote from: Is Friday on July 06, 2012, 04:51:16 PM
I stored my nilazi after 4h of play.

Get bored?
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: boog on July 06, 2012, 09:58:20 PM
My pantsing delf.

Combat and boogs do not mix. Unless that person is manboog.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Potaje on July 06, 2012, 10:20:50 PM
I had a cool physician character, partisan to a Templar, crappy stats, awesome like, till he died of thirst on a mountain top due to some gickery.

He was really getting his practice underway too. Delivery babies, getting rid of unwanted pregnancies, being sought for advice by nobles as well as some of the shadier folks. Was even hired to give lessons to merchant house hunters on field wounds.

For a lousy stated character I had a blast with him, socially.

I'd totally wished he had survived.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Kieandatu on July 06, 2012, 10:48:08 PM
Quote from: Potaje on July 06, 2012, 10:20:50 PM
I had a cool physician character, partisan to a Templar, crappy stats, awesome like, till he died of thirst on a mountain top due to some gickery.

He was really getting his practice underway too. Delivery babies, getting rid of unwanted pregnancies, being sought for advice by nobles as well as some of the shadier folks. Was even hired to give lessons to merchant house hunters on field wounds.

For a lousy stated character I had a blast with him, socially.

I'd totally wished he had survived.

He was one of my more favorites.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Feco on July 06, 2012, 10:51:28 PM
Quote from: Kieandatu on July 06, 2012, 10:48:08 PM
Quote from: Potaje on July 06, 2012, 10:20:50 PM
I had a cool physician character, partisan to a Templar, crappy stats, awesome like, till he died of thirst on a mountain top due to some gickery.

He was really getting his practice underway too. Delivery babies, getting rid of unwanted pregnancies, being sought for advice by nobles as well as some of the shadier folks. Was even hired to give lessons to merchant house hunters on field wounds.

For a lousy stated character I had a blast with him, socially.

I'd totally wished he had survived.

He was one of my more favorites.

I've heard you post about him before.  Seems cool.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: marko on July 06, 2012, 11:16:32 PM
The one character that I wish survived was my little elkran boy named after a foot part.

He was well on the way to becoming one of the craziest and most successful magickers I had ever played.

RIP little one.  May your lies forever haunt the game's history.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Schrodingers Cat on July 07, 2012, 12:00:07 AM
Marko's post reminded me of an Elkran Anyali (not a Tesdanyali but one of the other Anyali tirbes) I had for a few hours.  It was practically my first caster and I made the poor decision to try to hunt duskhorn.  The learning curve in this game is a pain.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: FantasyWriter on July 07, 2012, 03:58:41 AM
Dwarf Viv
Focus: Gain immortality though draining the life of others and channeling it into himself.
Died to a RL pee break right after an gicky RPT in the Grey.   :(
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Gunnerblaster on July 07, 2012, 04:01:43 AM
Sorka Hallan, the Soh Lanah Kah taken by a [redacted], ritualistically scarred to be offered as a sacrifice, but saved last minute by [redacted].

I wish, Oh God I wish, I hadn't stored him.

It was my first special app and Shalooonsh had been with me every step of the way. I was really excited about it and I was heart-broken at the fact that, as soon as I got into the tribe with a set of players I was supposed to be active with - They all went inactive. Didn't help at the fact that, due to my character's extremely young age, it literally took him 5-10 minutes of 'grazing' and 'nicking' things to kill them.

P.S. - This shit was, like, years ago.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Cind on July 07, 2012, 08:17:08 AM
Its been just under thirteen months, so... I had this half-elf one time called Jar, who had lavender hair but was otherwise physically normal for a breed. She was out of her mind. Such a wild person. It was so much fun. One time I had her climb up to the west gate and fall off repeatedly until pc guards came for me. This one guy who played with her and they become friends, she'd whisper in his ear at random that the jozhals would get her, or something to that extent. After three RL days she died to a brawl typo which really sucked because I had enjoyed playing her. I remember her death in that northern tavern, as a southerner visiting Tuluk with a small group, who I think were also southerners, as something that was probably going to cause them problems, for reasons I can't remember, and I felt bad, but what can you do?
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Khorm on July 07, 2012, 04:28:19 PM
My Red Fang raider of everything, who I intentionally put into dangerous situations as often as humanly possible. The most fun dude ever. Makes me want to revive raiding.

Uh.. Sand Jakhal nilazi that traveled the world doing ridiculous shit. Had in his possession for a while a pair of metal elven artifacts. Traded one for immortality with a huge disclaimer attached to it.

I miss them both dearly  :(
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Maso on July 08, 2012, 03:29:37 AM
Quote from: Khorm on July 07, 2012, 04:28:19 PM
Traded one for immortality with a huge disclaimer attached to it.

That didn't work out huh.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Fathi on July 08, 2012, 03:33:10 AM
Quote from: Khorm on July 07, 2012, 04:28:19 PM
Uh.. Sand Jakhal nilazi that traveled the world doing ridiculous shit. Had in his possession for a while a pair of metal elven artifacts. Traded one for immortality with a huge disclaimer attached to it.

... Vire?
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Decameron on July 08, 2012, 02:30:21 PM
Just an ordinary man, trying to do his thing in a world surrounded by mutants, abominations, monsters, and such.

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Khorm on July 08, 2012, 02:48:34 PM
Quote from: Fathi on July 08, 2012, 03:33:10 AM
Quote from: Khorm on July 07, 2012, 04:28:19 PM
Uh.. Sand Jakhal nilazi that traveled the world doing ridiculous shit. Had in his possession for a while a pair of metal elven artifacts. Traded one for immortality with a huge disclaimer attached to it.

... Vire?

Yes ma'am.

As for the immortality bit.. it was all fun and games until the exception reared its ugly head.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Spoon on July 08, 2012, 06:29:24 PM
So I came up with my best concept to date, a half-elf buried alive at birth by his shamed mother who emerges fully grown two decades later as a bestial rukkian (you know, like the crow or something). I had in mind he'd wreck his revenge on civilisation and then get all torn up and emo about it. Died at around two days  :P
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Feco on July 08, 2012, 06:46:26 PM
Quote from: Spoon on July 08, 2012, 06:29:24 PM
So I came up with my best concept to date, a half-elf buried alive at birth by his shamed mother who emerges fully grown two decades later as a bestial rukkian (you know, like the crow or something). I had in mind he'd wreck his revenge on civilisation and then get all torn up and emo about it. Died at around two days  :P

Holy shit.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Feco on July 10, 2012, 11:52:07 PM
Stored my Red Fang at 1 hr, 20 days played.

I had some RL stuff go down, took a short break, and for some reason continuing the role left a bad taste in my mouth.  Must have been the nature of it.

I'm sure I would have really enjoyed it, and would have loved to have been a part of their last IC events (which he totally would have seen).  Maybe it's best though, seeing as I wasn't feeling it at the time.

I guess I mostly feel bad because staff took the time to set me up, and I stored pretty quickly.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Maso on July 11, 2012, 12:04:05 AM
In the space of a year I stored two with about 5 days played and one with 4 days played...They were both cool, surrounded by great characters and I worked hard on making them really in depth. I was still in the slump of losing my 50 day + and just couldn't get into them. I quit after storing the second one (and just came back recently, some 2/3 years later?).

Pretty bummed about that, they both had really good potential...and during really crazy interesting times too, but I had really hit a wall with Arm. Could also put that in the shame thread.

It's fricking ridiculous how long it can take to 'get over' a long lived character. Like...mental. It makes you have this half-desire to not want your characters to live long so you're not sad when they die. A bit like not wanting to get into a serious relationship after getting your heart broken. Madness!
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Jingo on July 11, 2012, 12:58:25 AM
Pretty much all of my special apps.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Barsook on July 11, 2012, 01:20:15 AM
Quote from: Maso on July 11, 2012, 12:04:05 AM
I was still in the slump of losing my 50 day + and just couldn't get into them.

Just happened to me but with four day crafter that I worked on and well, the rest is IC and history.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Iiyola on July 12, 2012, 05:06:06 AM
NNnnngh! Must wait a few more months before I can talk about this (assuming the char has to be dead for a year before one's allowed to talk about it). Other than that, aside from two stored chars and my current one, I have none.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Kalai on July 12, 2012, 09:47:20 AM
The weird thing is the characters I'd most like to see what happened to did survive to the point of storage.  :-\ I don't feel like going into detail right now though... too ashamed.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: FantasyWriter on July 13, 2012, 07:40:02 AM
Sometimes I wish I hadn't stored my Tuluki Kadian. IT is generally a short lived thought, though.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: stark on July 13, 2012, 02:17:49 PM
I had a dwarf with a focus of making enough coins to get a farm. He was offered a corner of a garden, and even had some small bit of land dangled over his head at a nearby ranch. He also talked often about getting a herd of tandu for that farm. And all of his compatriots wanted to live with him and help him protect the farm from raiders. Finally, a Red Fang promised to show him a secluded little farm he could live out his life. He was so excited. But before he could see the farm, there was a lot of political turmoil going down and bounties being offered, templars being paid off...
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Barsook on July 13, 2012, 03:15:14 PM
^I think I know which one that was...or was another player that played a certain dwarf.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: chrisdcoulombe on July 13, 2012, 03:40:00 PM
All of them.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Reiteration on July 13, 2012, 04:17:37 PM
About a year ago (Last Logon: Wed Jul 13) imagine that I played a mute inventor girl working for a house, oh I was such a fool for storing that character. I once got a funny look as to why my backpack was full of parchment and writing stuff, only for the person to realize it was scribbled with all these crazy designs. If she continued as she did for the two IG years I played her, she might've pushed the technology in the known forward a small bit. But alas, playing a non-speaking merchant isn't easy. I do regret storing her though.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: kayza on July 13, 2012, 08:28:54 PM
Quote from: Hot_Dancer on July 06, 2012, 09:39:50 PM
My Jaxa Pah clan leader.

I just could -not- figure out how to make a wealthy 'rinthi elf work within my documentation
and had a very hard time developing plot lines and goals for my employees that were not murder
for hire. This character had as much potential as anything I've run to brutally affect the game world
but I staggered with him.

No one even knew he was a power because another extremely dangerous elf was running around.

Blammo - Storage.

Leadership in the Rinth sounds pretty rough.  Especially with the high fatality rate with rinth characters.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Bogre on July 13, 2012, 11:27:20 PM
Quote from: Gunnerblaster on July 07, 2012, 04:01:43 AM
Sorka Hallan, the Soh Lanah Kah taken by a [redacted], ritualistically scarred to be offered as a sacrifice, but saved last minute by [redacted].

I wish, Oh God I wish, I hadn't stored him.

It was my first special app and Shalooonsh had been with me every step of the way. I was really excited about it and I was heart-broken at the fact that, as soon as I got into the tribe with a set of players I was supposed to be active with - They all went inactive. Didn't help at the fact that, due to my character's extremely young age, it literally took him 5-10 minutes of 'grazing' and 'nicking' things to kill them.

P.S. - This shit was, like, years ago.

Inactive or led into a pit of gith by Asher. I was playing Kijet, Kija's son at the time, and I had progressed to be able to nick and graze carru to death!
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Bogre on July 13, 2012, 11:35:15 PM
Let's see.

#1 is probably my templar, who was a mix between Ciaphas Cain and my personality. Tea-drinking included. He had a constant back-and-forth with a Lirathan, I really wanted to have him set up some forbidden long distance romance with her and have her be my Amberley.

#2, 3, 4, or more- most of my magickers that died early. One I liked a lot was a young Al Seik Stone Braxat.

#5. An ex-militia corporal-turned-Guild-thug that got magickered in the backroom of a 'rinth bar. :P

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Gunnerblaster on July 14, 2012, 12:29:40 AM
Another I wish had survived - Arm of the Dragon Private that was kidnapped by a group of Northern Legionnaires in the south. En route north, said Legionnaires were all but decimated by the Plainsman. Plainsman decides to take the Ex-Arm Private under his care and shows him some pretty cool magicky stuff. Left to wait for an uncertain amount of time for the Plainsman return, he was off'd by a mul for a bounty placed on him within half a week's time.

I always get to the verge of entering wtf-awesome stuff - Then ginka kills me :(
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Hicksville Hoochie on July 14, 2012, 04:10:24 PM
Legitimately insane, and fanatical Tor noble who believed the Highlord was actually sending her visions. Sadly, hurricanes Charlie, Frances, and Jean did not want me playing Armageddon.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: chrisdcoulombe on July 14, 2012, 04:21:21 PM
I made a psychopath that lived about 4 hours.  His goal was to build a chair of humanoid skulls, following a goal his father before him had.
point luirs
Wandering over to Cenyr he fell into the salt flats and was injured.  I wasn't able to find the trail into Cenyr cuz I was noob, so I tried to limp my way to Allanak.  I ran into a scrab and was out of movement.  Beep.

Probably better anyway.  He rolled really poorly.  And if I started killing everyone it would have been short anyway.  I didn't know what I was doing.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: audrey on July 16, 2012, 08:10:23 AM
- A half-elf who had a strong phobia for being out of fashion. If underdressed, she would normally avoid everyone and go around wearing a veil or cloak or something to cover her identity. Was planning on having her get in trouble for stealing expensive clothes from rich people. Died a lame death fleeing from the first scrab she encountered, fell off mount, plus lag.

- Another breed, assassin, who was abused, enslaved, used a drug mule, who later escaped from slavery. She was a proper psychopath, very detailed background, actually the first psychopath I got into character. Had an obsession with killing slavers and elves, not out of hate (she was emotionally broken), but out of some kind of moral sense of responsibility. Died a lame death to a NPC I was abusing backstab against.

I was quite burnt out from the game after those two died :P
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Narf on July 16, 2012, 05:52:00 PM
Quote from: Cind on July 07, 2012, 08:17:08 AM
Its been just under thirteen months, so... I had this half-elf one time called Jar, who had lavender hair but was otherwise physically normal for a breed. She was out of her mind. Such a wild person. It was so much fun. One time I had her climb up to the west gate and fall off repeatedly until pc guards came for me. This one guy who played with her and they become friends, she'd whisper in his ear at random that the jozhals would get her, or something to that extent. After three RL days she died to a brawl typo which really sucked because I had enjoyed playing her. I remember her death in that northern tavern, as a southerner visiting Tuluk with a small group, who I think were also southerners, as something that was probably going to cause them problems, for reasons I can't remember, and I felt bad, but what can you do?

Wow, I actually remember this character I think. I was with the group, and we were all taken bets on how long she'd live in the north. I don't recall who collected...
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: redkank on July 19, 2012, 12:20:42 AM
Few years ago when I used to play I had a character that was involved in finding a certain copper mine.  That rode
off into the sea of silt with several failed checks on direction sense, and died.  I heard OOC that mabe that mine
played a role in the history timeline after I stopped playing. I wish I hadn't died and hadn't stopped playing.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Is Friday on July 19, 2012, 08:20:02 AM
Quote from: Bogre on July 13, 2012, 11:35:15 PM
#5. An ex-militia corporal-turned-Guild-thug that got magickered in the backroom of a 'rinth bar. :P
Man, that depressed me. I was finally able to make friends with some Guildies and start doing some Guild business on a PC. *sigh*
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Desertman on July 19, 2012, 03:23:50 PM
Quote from: Narf on July 16, 2012, 05:52:00 PM
Quote from: Cind on July 07, 2012, 08:17:08 AM
Its been just under thirteen months, so... I had this half-elf one time called Jar, who had lavender hair but was otherwise physically normal for a breed. She was out of her mind. Such a wild person. It was so much fun. One time I had her climb up to the west gate and fall off repeatedly until pc guards came for me. This one guy who played with her and they become friends, she'd whisper in his ear at random that the jozhals would get her, or something to that extent. After three RL days she died to a brawl typo which really sucked because I had enjoyed playing her. I remember her death in that northern tavern, as a southerner visiting Tuluk with a small group, who I think were also southerners, as something that was probably going to cause them problems, for reasons I can't remember, and I felt bad, but what can you do?

Wow, I actually remember this character I think. I was with the group, and we were all taken bets on how long she'd live in the north. I don't recall who collected...

Hah! I was leading this group. I wish she had lived. I always thought that was an intentional suicide type thing. Never realized it was a brawl-typo-mistake.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Barsook on July 19, 2012, 03:33:20 PM
And I think one of my PC's ran into her.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Vox on July 20, 2012, 06:14:04 AM
My top three concept/characters I wish had survived..

1.) I played Rancid, a rinthi half-giant whose life resembled an episode of tru-blood and the movie Kill Bill mixed into one. He was a thug, a mercenary, a bounty hunter, a bodyguard and on several 'most-wanted' lists. Was manipulated all the time to kill lots of folks and finally manipulated into being put down in a room full of npc tuluki soldiers by a Jihean Templar enacting the final scene in the film Old Yeller.

2.) I played a Haruch Kemad sorc. called Dust, protector of the alleyways and scourge of the wastes. Hung out with the Plainsman, and frequently griefed the Tuluki copper-mine outpost until getting trapped within the gates and (IC info removed by Welda) . Half-Giant soldiers were getting tossed around like paper in the wind, the scene ended on the rope bridge with my pc attempting an Indiana Jones moment a'la "hold on lady, we go for ride"

3.) I played a gemmed Rukkian city elf who would talk to and caress pet rocks while relaxing in the taverns. He used to pal around with the White Rantarri, travelling the Known, and was taken as mate by the spidery-limbed elven lady npc back in the days when the Elementalist Temples were only single rooms. His scouting efforts for the Templarate initiated a plot that would later involve the Byn, the militia, the Tor Scorpions and a giant wyvern statue in a cave.. Of course the week before the RPT my character was killed by a pair of bashing silt-flyers, but the staff did me the greatest service ever and allowed me to play a disposable Rukkian scout for the purpose of the event. Which ended up being the most awesome RPT filled with so much magick and lore that I utterly fell in love with this game all over again and have been 'chasing the dragon' of these experiences ever since.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Olafson on July 20, 2012, 07:14:29 AM
Lets see...

1)  Long, long time ago - played an Oash Noble who was mentioned by a NPC beggar for the longest time outside a now well burned up tavern.  Had him a very long time but he had this great idea to go into disguise and work his way into the guild, because his other attempts of getting his fingers in there never worked.  He got in the rinth fine but his finely tuned burglar skills put him in suspicions and a group of about six cornered him and killed him just for fun.  I still get pissed off when I see nobles with their NPC guards.  At that time, we had to hire our guards from PCs and walk to school up hill both ways in the snow barefoot.

2) Not as long a time ago, but still tenish years - played a sorc who started at age 15 in the militia and sucked.  Slowly, ever so slowly, he got better but never developed his sorc skills.  Was madly in love with this slave girl of the Templar who was his units leader.  Unfortunately, the girl thought he was useless and never looked at him.  Eventually the templar died and she was set free to work in the Atrium.  He progressed (not his fighting skills too much) and became a sergeant.  The girl had lost her favorite weapons, giving to her by the now well dead templar.  He recovered them for her and brought them to his girl, thus starting the romance.  Not long after at an arena games, the crowd was getting restive because the show was shit.  This fella happened to be near the NPC Templar at the gates who talked him into entering the arena.  Not wanting to be known as a coward, but still having shit fighting skills (after at least ten years in the militia) he was thrown in against a mantis!  Well, it didn't go so well and he was low very quickly.  I think someone boosted his fighting skills because he started coming back.  All he could hear was his love's voice yelling for him.  He almost had the mantis, but was killed near the end.  - what I always wondered...what if I had used that teleport spell?  (teleport at the time was one of the beginning spells and he had tried it only a couple of times, so no guarantee it would have worked and everyone would have know he had sorcerous skills

3) - within the last two years - Psionicist that was in the Tor Scorpions (okay, training to be one) who after being caught by someone and being offered the chance to set up an innocent's character as the psionicist instead and being taken to a different place, decided not to run off into the rinth, not to head off somewhere in the desert, but instead to confess his abilities to a new Tor Noble.  Damn his year in the academy and his not wanting to disappoint his leader.  His death scene at the hands of his leader brought tears to my eyes and he was proud of the choice he made.  But damn, if playing a psionicist isn't fun, don't know what is.

As I think about this more and more, I could come up with twenty.  Like my guild boss who decided to let a giant shoot him.  Finally growing bored of a three year (RL years) merchant of Kurac and leaving the game for two years. My Templar I played before Lawrence of Oash.  So much fun and always putting the word yes?  at the end of his sentences made people shit.  Damn that shapely dancer and the assassin hidden in the shadows.  Recently, still within the last year, every character I played.that is now dead.

Seems a good time to say thanks to the Arm Staff over the years and the tweny years of emotions it can still bring up.  No other game have a played as long.  (Civilization comes close, but not quite as emotional).
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Bebop on July 22, 2012, 07:22:33 PM
I think it's been about a year and she was a short lived nobody.  I had a ranger named Hal which I came up with the name from Han Solo and Malcom Reynolds.  She was a smuggler with incredible stats.  She had a warbow named Baxt.  I actually got to intercept someone's cargo in her short life and get pulled aside for smuggling.  She died to a carru in about five seconds flat to reel lock.  I was not happy.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Rhyden on July 22, 2012, 07:29:52 PM
I played a dude with a ponytail named Zik over a year ago who was a medic. In his life time he treated many injuries, poisons, diseases, and even a couple pregnancies. He joined the Byn and attempted to help fight back the attacks but got burnt so bad almost half his face was ruined. His "mate" Tam was his entire world, and they had a lot of adventures but in the end it just didn't work out. So he joined House Kurac with his best buddy Blasic and became their chief medic. Unfortunately, he entered a dark spider nest and got ate reaaaaaal quick. :-[
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Gunnerblaster on July 23, 2012, 01:18:52 AM
Blasic and Zik.

Good times.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Ktavialt on July 23, 2012, 02:12:34 AM
Had a sorc named Radia/Mina that was neato that I wish didn't die when/how she did but, I guess around that time the character was becoming a little stagnant anyways.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Winterless on July 23, 2012, 02:53:15 AM
My first and only warrior guild PC that had one of my best stat rolls ever. I stupidly stored them because I'd grown bored... How awesome they would have been.

I had a neat concept a couple years back, an assassin named Lore who joined Tor. Her background was pretty cool. Then I got scared of stuff that was happening ICly and it was one of those ohmygodcovermyeyesIcan'tlook things that was getting worse and worse so I stored.  

My first d-elf. SHE DID SO MUCH STUFF. *shakes fist into the air* Shaloooooonsh! Why did you approve my storage?! I seriously wish I hadn't of stored her, it would have been neat to play from Pah golden years to end-of-clan.

Moral of the story: Seriously think about it before you decide to store, heck, even take a break. I took a break on a PC for 9 months and when I came back they lived out a pretty cool life.

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Jingo on July 23, 2012, 03:00:37 AM
I special apped a sorc. Okay cool. Staff say they're expecting good things outta me and will consider bumping my karma if I do well.

Died right away due to stupidity.

Staff decide they'd let me try again. Okay really cool.

The rest of this has been moderated by staff.

Needless to say I was pretty frustrated. I sent a couple of complaints to staff and even made a few post on the gdb which I regret.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: FantasyWriter on July 23, 2012, 04:22:57 AM
The mantishead in your avatar laughs at you, Jingo.

I do not. :(
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Bahliker on July 24, 2012, 03:55:41 AM
Krathi Mul, a burninated little ball of hate, who somehow talked a hippie-dippie cabal of rainbow magickers into letting him live in their tower of love. I almost had him branched out enough to enact phase 2, Operation Smoldering 'Gickers, when I discovered that someone had poisoned the water supply and I'd never bothered to load up on cures.

Man I was going to be such a fun villain, with all those magick items.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: FantasyWriter on July 24, 2012, 07:15:49 AM
Quote from: Bahliker on July 24, 2012, 03:55:41 AM
Krathi Mul.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Cind on July 24, 2012, 09:38:54 AM
Damn, I wish someone would put that much foresight into my demise. Or bring about my demise. I play too safe, usually.

Tisserand was the name of my funny elf :3 and its also the french word for "spinner." I'm a bit of a clown when I'm not dead-serious in real life and that came out without warning in my rinthi elf who mugged people with her mom for a living, but wanted nothing more in life than to be a great entertainer. To make people laugh and to play songs and whatever other dumb shit people enjoyed. She made me start logging, actually. I even ended up in Tuluk for a short time due to being on the runs for reasons I didn't particularly understand. But when people with power in the rinth say they're going to get you, you'd better freaking run. I died to newbie stupidity, rather than them, though.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Akaramu on July 25, 2012, 08:24:32 AM
If the impossible gets found out, you can always blame mindbenders. One more reason to burn them all.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Akaramu on August 01, 2012, 06:37:32 PM
I just remembered a character concept I wish survived that was so long ago that I can even talk about it!

It was one of my first bunch of characters - fifth or something like it. An Allanaki assassin who had been trained to hunt mages, and truly believed her body paintings would protect her from magick. She fled to Tuluk in her background - I don't remember why - then pretended to be mute to hide her accent, and joined house Tenneshi as a guard. One merry day she asked to speak to Baladan Tenneshi in private, and started talking to this very surprised noble - in southern accent - about her motivations, how much she hated Allanak and especially witches, and how she would like to be a Tenneshi tool when she returned south. It was all very hush-hush and awesome, Baladan arranged for her training, unfortunately I rarely ever saw the person tasked with training her online and mostly sat pretend-mute in taverns. Serpent wanted to take her on as an apprentice and she turned him down because she had other plans (a decision I regret to this day), and he finally killed her because some Nenyuk PC (yes Nenyuk agents were playable then) had offered 5 large on her head. I never really found out why.

It could have been so grand!

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Nyr on August 02, 2012, 11:37:23 AM
Quote from: Jingo on July 23, 2012, 03:00:37 AMand even made a few post on the gdb which I regret.

Unfortunately I think this is one of them.  :(

I moderated it.  As mentioned in another thread, the GDB is not the place to speculate on templars and what they can do, and some things are not ever okay to post about even after a year.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: HammerofJericho on August 02, 2012, 01:44:50 PM
I had a mutant who was severely messed up for very messed up reasons and he was involved in very dark things. He was mundane, no magickry, but man....if he would have survived with that group I was with....omg would have been fun. Got killed for being utterly disgusting looking and this was before mutants were restricted.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Jingo on August 02, 2012, 09:54:14 PM
Quote from: Nyr on August 02, 2012, 11:37:23 AM
Quote from: Jingo on July 23, 2012, 03:00:37 AMand even made a few post on the gdb which I regret.

Unfortunately I think this is one of them.  :(

I moderated it.  As mentioned in another thread, the GDB is not the place to speculate on templars and what they can do, and some things are not ever okay to post about even after a year.


Man I'm not even sure how.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: My 2 sids on August 03, 2012, 04:20:52 PM
My first PC -- one of my longest-lived PCs,  he had barely started to actually use his coded skills, had a huuuge IC history built up including having been owned by three different templars/nobility (back when there were PC slaves)

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Barsook on August 03, 2012, 04:40:25 PM
And what happened to them?
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: My 2 sids on August 03, 2012, 09:31:40 PM
Quote from: Barsook on August 03, 2012, 04:40:25 PM
And what happened to them?

"Trust us" they said.  "It will be fun" they said.  "Nothing will happen" they said...   

They were wrong!  >:(
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: roughneck on August 04, 2012, 07:23:23 AM
I played a young Arabetti hunter named Jeiub, usually went by Jei.  He was fun to play because the world felt truly big and threatening when I played him.

I based him a loosely on the persona of David in the Bible, prior to being a king as a young shepherd boy.

When he was still 13 years old an aggressive dwarf threatened him and his people near his tents, so he drew his bow and after sticking him with a few arrows, crossed blades and then chased the threat down, deep into Blackwing territory and right off a cliff, to the dwarf's demise.

He was pushed by a fully grown Soh and was very afraid but stood up to the challenge in a game of three cuts where he lost and was KO'd by the elf's hammer.

When a raider assaulted him with arrows in the grasslands, Jei put one in his neck and chased him away.

He traveled alone to big cities to trade hides from the Tablelands, very timidly at first, but after being swindled a few times, haggled with the confidence of his older brothers and sisters.

Alas, his adolescent endurance was a little lacking; he succumbed to death to reel-lock at the hands of gith in the Red Desert.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: mattrious on August 07, 2012, 08:26:26 PM
Quote from: Malifaxis on July 06, 2012, 04:32:07 PM
Quote from: spicemustflow on July 06, 2012, 04:13:02 PM
Quote from: Malifaxis on July 06, 2012, 04:04:19 PM
*cough* Quick *cough*

I'm really interested in the mechanics behind this character.

The word Epic doesn't even scratch the surface of what that PC went through.  It's amazing.

"Quick Off-Topic" : I really would love to hear the tale of Quick sometime. I seriously hope the staff will allow it someday.

Over the years that I've played. I've had numerous PCs that I lost to silly deaths in one way or another. The sad thing? I still experience ignorant deaths fairly regularly. Anyway, this is a quick list of those I wish I could have back:

1. A city-elf female who was the true meaning of a scary assassin. She was a leader in Jaxa Pah and was not afraid to flex both her personal muscle and that of her families. In the end the other guys poison hit first.

2. A nomadic mutant half-giant earth elementalist who was covered in stalagmites, stalactites, and other pieces of rock. He died 3 hours into the game.

3. Whiran. Teleport. Dumb.

4. Numerous Dune Stalkers. I love that damn tribe.

I am sure I will think of some of the other ones later.

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Schrodingers Cat on August 07, 2012, 08:29:12 PM
Quote from: mattrious on August 07, 2012, 08:26:26 PM
[Off-Topic" : I really would love to hear the tale of Quick sometime. I seriously hope the staff will allow it someday.

If you ever attend an APM, you'll probably hear all kinds of stories, not just about Quick.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: deviant storm on August 08, 2012, 11:55:53 PM
A stuttering magicker. Doesn't matter the flavor. The character was just fun to play and had a personality that gelled easy for me to portray. Died fairly easy, PKed. Not going to say more, but I really, really wasn't a happy player after that.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: hyzhenhok on August 15, 2012, 08:35:46 PM
'rinthi sekrit magickers.

The first was an elf who was paranoid and hysterical and got addicted to the confidence-inducing spice as a means to cope. Jaxa Pah discovered I was a 'gicker and started testing me despite my peculiarities. Alt-tabbed (in a quit room) and forgot about the game; someone found me and killed me.

The second one was an old man who walked around with a cane. He was awesome, really fun to play, easy to make friends with. Died because I was Waying too much while walking around, and got a critical failture on one of the climb-check-even-though-it-does-nothing rooms and got knocked the feet of an aggro NPC.

Fun concepts that were really plenty survivable in the 'rinth, but died to carelessness.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: armandhammer on August 15, 2012, 09:53:55 PM
I had a really old, cranky Elkran guy who had a close Whiran friend. He liked to sit around, pick his teeth and grumble, mostly. The Whiran friend made his favorite wooden chair pretty similar to a balloon. He put it on a string, carried it everywhere he went, and to say the least, he was rarely standing up.

Then we found something we shouldn't have.

Edit: I also had a Red Fang with his canine teeth yanked and replaced with obsidian fangs. He was just getting into a really cool plot; he found something he shouldn't have, and these weird Drov-ish things only he could see started following him around. Then he found something else he shouldn't have, amen.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: My 2 sids on September 17, 2012, 10:43:16 PM
Just about every PC where the IMMs have decided to help me have fun.   Leave my PC alone and let me play the game.  (this isn't about ensuring "realism" - rather, it's about the assumption that everyone has this long line of characters and so the game is fun if overturn of PCs is fun)

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Nyr on September 18, 2012, 08:57:31 AM
Quote from: My 2 sids on September 17, 2012, 10:43:16 PM
Just about every PC where the IMMs have decided to help me have fun.   Leave my PC alone and let me play the game.  (this isn't about ensuring "realism" - rather, it's about the assumption that everyone has this long line of characters and so the game is fun if overturn of PCs is fun)

If you don't want the virtual world or NPCs animated, you should stick to a single player game where everything is predictable and entirely attributable to your own choices (whether they be conscious efforts or mistakes).  If you don't want to play a game where there's a possibility that your PC might die permanently (whether it be due to a staff member animating an NPC, an NPC on its own, a PC, other code in the game, or just by your own mistakes--whether that be a typo or a mistarget or whatever), you should stick to games where you can just save and reload from an earlier spot.  Sometimes that's going to suck, depending on what it is.

If we "leave your PC alone and let you play the game," we're doing you as well as other players of this kind of game a serious disservice.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Bast on September 18, 2012, 11:12:47 AM
Seriously agree with Nyr here. Its sorta a an ST's JOB to interact with players. Maybe not so much now that our staff is no longer running major plots but personally I love every animation I get even if it does leave my pc with horrible emotional scars.  ;D
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Booya on September 18, 2012, 11:23:59 AM
Seriously. You lucky bastard. You lucky lucky bastard.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Dakota on September 18, 2012, 11:36:58 AM
Some of the best moments in arm I've had are via IMM interactions.

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Maso on September 18, 2012, 01:43:13 PM
Yeah, my staff interactions are usually a positive experience, and I'm totally appreciative! The only time 'staff interaction' led to me losing a character was when I was a total douche...I was a newb...and my character did some stupid shit...and staff intervention indirectly led to my characters death....I don't think staff are out to just...kill off characters.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: kayza on September 18, 2012, 01:48:43 PM
Backstab star.constellation

One day.. one day..
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Jestor on September 18, 2012, 03:57:56 PM
Quote from: Maso on September 18, 2012, 01:43:13 PM
Yeah, my staff interactions are usually a positive experience, and I'm totally appreciative! The only time 'staff interaction' led to me losing a character was when I was a total douche...I was a newb...and my character did some stupid shit...and staff intervention indirectly led to my characters death....I don't think staff are out to just...kill off characters.

I also agree.  I am the type that doesn't need interaction to have fun.  I make my own fun.  But it is always interesting to have the world react realistically (good and bad) to what your character is doing.  My only death to staff interaction was also me doing something stupid and ended up with some crazy NPC eating my brains, quite literally!  Nom Nom Mantis!  To be fair, they gave me at -least- three room emotes indicating that I might want to bug out.  I didn't, so I blame no one by myself!

That all happened many years ago, good times!
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: My 2 sids on September 18, 2012, 06:46:18 PM
Not what I'm saying.

I was saying gamers (players & staff) have different ideas when it comes to what makes a good time. 

What I'm saying is more akin to "We all like chicken wings, I just don't like it when the chef thinks s/he is doing me a favor by adding extra-hot sauce"    It's that type of PC I morn the most because I'm left feeling cheated.

If Amos dies to a mek or or a backstab, fine.  But, I've had a few PCs die because a stone has decided to suddenly trip them (or something like that).  <--- those are the deaths I wish I could have my PC back.   

I only answered the question that everyone else has, so please don't jump all over me for it Nyr.

Quote from: Nyr on September 18, 2012, 08:57:31 AM
Quote from: My 2 sids on September 17, 2012, 10:43:16 PM
Just about every PC where the IMMs have decided to help me have fun.   Leave my PC alone and let me play the game.  (this isn't about ensuring "realism" - rather, it's about the assumption that everyone has this long line of characters and so the game is fun if overturn of PCs is fun)

If you don't want the virtual world or NPCs animated, you should stick to a single player game where everything is predictable and entirely attributable to your own choices (whether they be conscious efforts or mistakes).  If you don't want to play a game where there's a possibility that your PC might die permanently (whether it be due to a staff member animating an NPC, an NPC on its own, a PC, other code in the game, or just by your own mistakes--whether that be a typo or a mistarget or whatever), you should stick to games where you can just save and reload from an earlier spot.  Sometimes that's going to suck, depending on what it is.

If we "leave your PC alone and let you play the game," we're doing you as well as other players of this kind of game a serious disservice.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Nyr on September 19, 2012, 08:59:35 AM
Quote from: My 2 sids on September 18, 2012, 06:46:18 PM
Not what I'm saying.

I was saying gamers (players & staff) have different ideas when it comes to what makes a good time.

What I'm saying is more akin to "We all like chicken wings, I just don't like it when the chef thinks s/he is doing me a favor by adding extra-hot sauce"    It's that type of PC I morn the most because I'm left feeling cheated.

If Amos dies to a mek or or a backstab, fine.  But, I've had a few PCs die because a stone has decided to suddenly trip them (or something like that).  <--- those are the deaths I wish I could have my PC back.   

I only answered the question that everyone else has, so please don't jump all over me for it Nyr.

And I was saying that if you don't like the extra hot-sauce that the chef (the game, the creators of the game, the administrators/storytellers, the players, etc) adds to the chicken wings, you should go to a different chicken wing place.  We only serve extra hot-sauce here. 

The only reason I jumped in is that I recall an earlier incident in which you brought forth complaint about the same thing (,28885.msg311787.html#msg311787).  There's a specific approach to dealing with these kind of complaints, and that's the request tool and staff complaint if it's a legitimate complaint about something staff did.  However, no, the game is not out to get you.  No, the staff members are not setting out to kill you and your PCs.  Your PCs can and do get into situations in which death is an option.  When that does happen and you post a vague complaint about it on the GDB, it may be cathartic, but it's certainly not a mature approach to take on a game that involves permadeath.  It's not a mature approach to take on a game that involves an active staff that does (on occasion) animate things that may not necessarily be in favor of your PC living.  In 99% of cases (including any you've vaguely taken issue with), the position of a bystander would be:  "Well, uh...what was he or she doing THERE?  That's a dangerous place," or "doesn't that job come with risks?"

You can't act as though a stone spontaneously jumped up and decided to trip you if you were (for instance) on a rocky slope filled with stones, on a mission to collect stones for the stone collecting merchant house with a bunch of stone-collecting buddies.

We've all been in situations where we've had PCs killed because of the action or inaction of staff members, whether they be animating or NOT animating.  Popping up a quick ":(" about it is almost expected at times (we sometimes have to moderate them when they get too specific or they are posted in the wrong fashion). Turning that ":(" into a " >:(, just leave my PC alone!" takes it a step too far.  Just take a step back and take another look at the situation.  A PC death always sucks.  ALWAYS.  Even if it's an ending you're proud of, you're going to miss the PC.  Taking it to the level of "I wish staff would just leave my PC alone (when my PC does things that normally would entail a staff response as well as a player wish per the help wish helpfile)" isn't necessary, because at that point, your complaint seems to be with the game's structure at a core level.  We animate the virtual world.  That is our responsibility.  If you have an issue with that, you have an issue with the game itself.  I doubt that is the case, but if you think so, that's fine--however, the game is not going to change to suit your tastes in this particular instance.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: My 2 sids on September 19, 2012, 09:28:48 AM
Once again,  I said  "I wish I could replay Amos"   and Nyr you reply "Amos died!  Why can't you get over that!  Just stop playing if you're thinking you would get Amos back!" 

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: RogueGunslinger on September 19, 2012, 09:34:53 AM
Quote from: My 2 sids on September 19, 2012, 09:28:48 AM
Once again,  I said  "I wish I could replay Amos"   and Nyr you reply "Amos died!  Why can't you get over that!  Just stop playing if you're thinking you would get Amos back!" 

Dude, it's Nyr. He's Nyring you. Just accept. Once you push past the pain it actually starts to feel good.
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Nyr on September 19, 2012, 09:48:53 AM
Quote from: My 2 sids on September 19, 2012, 09:28:48 AM
Once again,  I said  "I wish I could replay Amos"   and Nyr you reply "Amos died!  Why can't you get over that!  Just stop playing if you're thinking you would get Amos back!"  

My mistake.  I misinterpreted all of the below things that you wrote

QuoteJust about every PC where the IMMs have decided to help me have fun.

QuoteLeave my PC alone and let me play the game.

QuoteIf Amos dies to a mek or or a backstab, fine.  But, I've had a few PCs die because a stone has decided to suddenly trip them (or something like that).  <--- those are the deaths I wish I could have my PC back.

as the things that you intended to write, rather than reading them as saying "I wish I could replay Amos."  I was hoping to address the sentiment behind missing your characters that were lost in these specific situations and give more of a fleshed out, staff-side explanation for the whole shebang.  My fault, I know.   I'll just moderate vague rage-death posts in the future rather than try to give a broader perspective.

edit to add:  ;)  (because I'm not in rage-death mode, I'm in happy rainbow dash mode)
Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Desertman on September 19, 2012, 02:51:28 PM
Guys, guys, take a breather.

Title: Re: The Concept/Character You Wish Survived...
Post by: Adhira on September 19, 2012, 10:02:12 PM
Locking this thread now.  While the conversation has all been fine we'd prefer that discussion about pc's not be taking place on the boards.  There are far too many IC tidbits that slip past this way.