Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: Gar on August 14, 2003, 09:38:05 AM

Title: Campfires
Post by: Gar on August 14, 2003, 09:38:05 AM
I have to admit the things you can do with a campfire are pretty darn cool.  As in real life, I found my PC wanting to build up a nice roaring flame.  Of course, I'm throwing everything into it that I don't need to see if it will burn.  

So, this creature must have seen the fire and then comes and attacks me.  I knock him senseless and then decide to pitch him into the fire.  I use the subdue and then type: put creature fire.  Well, I learned that you can't do that.  Also, I was wearing some equipment that was made out of the same material as the creature.  Here's what happens: After removing armor (same keyword as creature, made from its bones) you place your armor in the fire.  Ouch!  That things expensive.  I'm playing that it fell off and landed in the fire because now it's blackened.

Is there a way to throw a subdued creature into a fire, or other containers?

A few notes on campfires:

1. I think it's too easy to extinguish one.  A roaring bonfire can be put out in a mere second.

2. It would be nice to be able to see the fire from a distance.

3. It would be cool if your fire got out of control or spread.  I know there would be too many problems associated with this one, just that it'd be cool.

Regarding fire in general, seems like it might be employed as a weapon.  Torches or flaming jars of oil?
Title: Campfires
Post by: Dan on August 14, 2003, 10:08:57 AM
Experiment! Muahaha...

I don't think you can throw the creature into the fire... if you could the command would be 'throw creature direction' where direction would be the fire. It'd be pretty damn cool if you could throw someone in a fire, doing damage to them.
Title: Campfires
Post by: mansa on August 14, 2003, 10:45:43 AM
I've never tried this...but...what happens if you throw whiskey into the fire?

Let's see an explosion, Morgenes!
Title: Campfires
Post by: Dan on August 14, 2003, 11:11:49 AM
Thats what I meant by experiment!
Title: Campfires
Post by: JollyGreenGiant on August 14, 2003, 12:07:11 PM
But... what happened to all the rum???! :shock:
Title: Campfires
Post by: Tlaloc on August 14, 2003, 12:11:42 PM
I would also recommend that you experiment with the campfire/torch/light code. Its pretty neat what you can do with it.
Title: Campfires
Post by: Uglyhead on August 14, 2003, 02:27:29 PM
>get flask

you get a flask of oil.

>craft flask

you could craft this flask of oil into a firebomb.

>craft flask firebomb

you sucessfully craft a flask of oil into a firebomb.

>look e

[Near] A chubby noble wearing fine silks fans himself in the shade.

>em grins evilly, and starts rooting around for something in his backpack.
Title: Campfires
Post by: Malifaxis on August 14, 2003, 02:38:02 PM

a short, greasy-haired dwarf is here, laying on the ground unconcious.
A roaring campfire is here, crackling merrily.

subdue dwarf
You subdue a short, greasy-haired dwarf, despite his attempts to escape.

craft dwarf campfire
You can make a short, brightly burning stumper with that.

craft dwarf campfire into short, brightly burning stumper
You set to work crafting.

Laying a short, greasy-haired dwarf's head in the fire, you carefully catch it alight, then kick him awake.

You begin looking around for a place to hide...

**This recipe would of course be useable with various people... especially effective on kadians and templars, what with all those silks and billowing robes.
Title: Campfires
Post by: DrunkenSalarr on August 14, 2003, 10:38:23 PM

So that's why Zalanthan Dwarves are hairless....