Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Adhira on January 07, 2012, 02:39:22 AM

Title: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Adhira on January 07, 2012, 02:39:22 AM
I've posted here a log of our first three gladiators to get set up in game and their initial interaction.  This log is from a staff viewpoint so you can see EVERYTHING. 

Here's a taste of the personality that gladiators have and also a taste of what we as staff get to see on a regular basis.  Awesome Roleplay.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Adhira on January 07, 2012, 02:44:05 AM

The Mess Hall [5847]  [INDOORS] [E, S, W]
   The cavernous walls of this stone-walled room echo with the sounds of
voices, raised in quarrels and conversation.  Several long wooden tables sit
scattered throughout the room, low benches of agafari drawn up to them.  The
floor underfoot is scattered with straws and bits of stray food, and the air
is thick with the unpleasant smell of badly cooked food.  Guttering torches
hang from yellowed bone brackets on the walls, casting a flickering light
across the room, while sending up oily black smoke to further thicken the
Broken and worn, part of a long wooden agafari bench is here against the wall.
A large wooden barrel sits here.
The bulky, rose-tattooed mul (Lirt) is standing here.
The hefty, doe-eyed man (Botros) is standing here.
A short burly cook scowls as he dispenses food.

Bortos - The hefty, doe-eyed man
Cesta - The dusky, scar-licked female
Lirt -  The bulky, rose-tattooed mul 

-- Drawing himself up, chins jiggling a bit, Botros asks: I'm Botros! You...?

-- A grin slowly sprouts over #Cesta#'s largely hidden face, leaning back against the wall a little.

-- Lifting her leather, spike-covered cestus, putting it on and flexing her fingers within it, Cesta says to Botros: Cesta.

-- Hesitantly, Botros says: Oh, well. That's very... apt.

-- #Cesta# chuckles darkly, lowering her cestus gloved fist.

-- Glumly, Cesta asks Botros: I was born to dance and die. What more do you want. To talk of flowers?

-- Gesturing northward, Cesta says to Botros: Get some food, fat man. They're serving.

-- Botros says: ...I already ate.

-- Cesta says: I am waiting for my Templar. She says she will be by the cells soon.

-- Nonetheless, #Botros# plods back along the hallway, trying to stay as far away from Cesta as possible.

-- Feeling restless, Botros thinks: I should... She has... Well, maybe I should wait. Maybe somebody from the T'zai Byn will come and give me better things and ohHighlordit'samuldon'tlookatit.

-- [hidden emote] #Botros# seizes up, fat jiggling, and tries very hard not to look at Lirt.

-- Looking dubiously into a bubbling pot, Lirt asks a short burly cook: What kind of mush do you have today?

-- Stroking her chin as she accepts a plate of scrab, still peering into the mush pot, Lirt says to a short burly cook: So it's mush flavored mush today, I see. I like it better than the other kind.

-- Dully, holding out a bowl, Cesta says to a short burly cook: Uh, mush.

-- Calling over uncertainly, Botros says to a short burly cook: Actually, I would like the steak, please.

-- #Botros# waddles closer, presenting a fleshy palm to a short burly cook.

-- Retching a little and tossing it away from her on the table, Cesta discards her small portion of a bowl of mush.

-- Pensively, Botros looks at his grilled scrab steak.

-- Spitting a little, Cesta talks at their table: Bad batch, today.

-- Philosophically, as she chews through the unevenly cooked texture of her grilled scrab steak, Lirt talks at their table: What's the point of mush?

-- #Botros# lifts his head, looking toward a long, scarred table of agafari wood, flinches a bit when he spots Lirt, then plods over toward another table instead.

-- Grunting, Cesta talks at their table: Comes out as smoothly as it goes down. Too bad it starts off tasting like shit, too.

-- #Lirt# chuckles a little, her mouth full of food.

-- Narrowing her eyes a little, seated across from Cesta, Lirt talks at their table: I like your helmet.

-- Lifting her hand clad in her leather, spike-covered cestus before patting it to her chest, Cesta talks at their table: I'm Cesta. One of Lady Templar Lyvren's. You?

-- Botros thinks: Oh, she shouldn't be talking to it.

-- Not sounding particularly proud, Cesta talks at their table: It was my father's. He died wearing it.

-- Black eyes still fastened on Cesta's helmet, Lirt talks at their table: Lirt. Borsail.

-- Feeling an abrupt roil of jealousy, Lirt thinks: Fuck.

-- Lirt thinks: She WOULD.

-- Lirt feels angry.

-- #Lirt# begins to rip apart her steak into little pieces.

-- Lifting her chin, voice suddenly very hard and firm, Cesta talks at their table: Well met. Don't go thinking on the helmet. I broke the wrist of the last dumbfuck to try and take it.

-- Frowning at Cesta, dropping the fragments of steak back onto her plate, Lirt talks at their table: You go ahead and try to break my wrist.

-- Lirt thinks: I don't even care about the helmet.

-- Lirt thinks: It's the father bit that annoys me.

A few of the other slaves sat around Cesta look worriedly at Lirt then scoot away, leaving  Cesta sat alone.

-- When the other slaves abandon Cesta at that table, #Botros# looks hastily down.

-- Botros thinks: Oh, my. Best not get involved.

-- Glancing to her side, and then looking back to Lirt, Cesta talks at their table: Oh...

-- Bowing her head, giving a grunt of deference, Cesta talks at their table: You -are- a mul. Well...

-- Dully, Cesta talks at their table: Fuck.

-- Scowling at the retreating slaves, then leaning forward to speak intently to Cesta, Lirt talks at their table: You don't need to go parading your dad around like you're special, ok? Your shit smells the same as mine.

-- Lirt feels her hands tremble with rage.

-- [hidden emote] #Lirt# clenches her fists more tightly.

-- Nodding once and quickly, Cesta talks at their table: I won't. If you don't break my neck, before we can make a show of it, ay?

-- With a grunt, flexing her broad fingers, Lirt talks at their table: Fine. See that you don't, and then I won't.

-- Lirt feels slightly appeased.

-- #Cesta# glances at her leather, spike-covered cestus and lowers her hand to her lap.

-- Abruptly, raising her voice a little, Cesta says: Feck, it'll be good to train.

-- #Botros# prods at his grilled scrab steak, scooting it across the tabletop with a wet smear.

-- Feeling horrified, Botros thinks: No it wouldn't.

-- Belligerence fading from her tone, thumping a heavily muscled and crimson-tattooed arm upon the table, Lirt talks at their table: Aye. What's your weapon, then?

-- [hidden emote] #Cesta# glances at Botros with a slight turn of her head, and lets out a quiet laugh.

-- Patting the hilt of her curved, black-hilted shortsword with her cestus clad hand, Cesta talks at their table: My sword and my fist. Sometimes a shield.

--With a narrow side-glance, the bulky, rose-tattooed mul (Lirt) looks at the hefty, doe-eyed man (Botros).

-- Despite himself, #Botros# raises his head again - only to note Lirt's side-glance, and choke on a titter.

-- #Botros# glances down again, nostrils pinching shut as he inhales.

--The hefty, doe-eyed man (Botros) glances down again, nostrils pinching shut as he inhales.

--Nearly knocking the bench over, the bulky, rose-tattooed mul (Lirt) stands up from a long, scarred table of agafari wood.

-- Feeling sick, Botros thinks: I'm going to have to fight -that-?

-- Turning around to face him, her back to Cesta, Lirt asks Botros: Did you laugh at me?

-- #Botros# presses his bulk against the tabletop, sandwiching his grilled scrab steak between his bone-reinforced leather breastplate and table, and tries to make himself look smaller.

-- Dryly, her slitted gaze tracking Botros, Cesta says: Oh look, a talking target. Straw headed dummy. What have you.

-- Shaking his head vigorously, whining, Botros says: Nooo, I didn't. I wasn't even - I was, no. No. No... Ma'am. I was not.

-- [hidden emote] #Botros# may very well be on the verge of tears.

-- Botros thinks: Oh that stupid, horrible slave is going to kill me. I know it!

-- Stroking her bald head, contemplatively, as she moves restlessly back and forth, Lirt asks Botros: Must have swallowed some food wrong, eh? What's you're weapon, then?

-- With another flinch, unable to bring himself to look at Lirt, Botros says: Uhm.

-- #Botros# reaches back meekly, touching his bone-handled, obsidian greataxe.

-- Blinking at him, in sudden recognition, Lirt asks Botros: Fack, are you the one that cries in the cupboard, then?

-- Leaning up a little, his grilled scrab steak sticking to his bone-reinforced leather breastplate before it falls into his lap, Botros says: I was, I was given -- this. Uhm.

--The dusky, scar-licked female (Cesta) laughs at the bulky, rose-tattooed mul (Lirt).

-- #Botros# fixes Lirt with a look. It is a miserably sad one.

-- Stroking her head again, starting to chuckle, her massive chest and shoulders quaking with laughter, Lirt says to Botros: Ha. Haaa ha. You. Your steak. Hahahah. Ha.

-- Sniffing, Cesta says: Well, it's always a delight to see some guts spilled, flesh and fat rent apart. He has plenty.

-- His eyes actually watering up when Lirt starts to laugh, Botros says: I'm Botros. The Sk-ssk-scrab.

-- Botros thinks: This is horrible. I hate my life. I hate everything. I'm going to diiiiieeee.

-- Whistling, Cesta says: He has a nickname. I'm scared of him.

-- Botros thinks: That... That... card cheat.

-- Rubbing her hands together vigorously, Lirt exclaims to Cesta: Aye! Me too!

-- Lirt feels genuine humor.

-- Botros thinks: They said having a nickname was important. Did they lie to me?

-- Botros thinks: What's wrong with 'the scrab?'

-- #Botros# glances down, hunching forward against a long, scarred table of agafari wood.

-- Taking a step so she can clap him on his hefty back, Lirt says to Botros: Nice to meet you, Botros. Don't worry, you'll probably never fight me. Wouldn't last long enough.

-- #Lirt# pats Botros's shoulder a few times.

-- At the clap, #Botros# flinches, tensing up with a muffled whine.

-- Lirt feels cheerful.

-- #Botros# whines at each and every pat.

-- #Cesta# grins, leaning back against the table.

-- #Lirt# grins and grins.

-- Lirt thinks: Oh, wait. He's scared of me.

-- #Lirt# looks down at Botros, blinking at his whining.

-- Icumen sends to Lirt: Lirt. This is Moderate Lord Icumen Borsail, giving you the ever-so-gracious courtesy of a forwarning: I, my Lady Cousin, and one of the Ladies Templar are coming to inspect the pens, and that includes you. Best behaviour.

-- Quickly taking her hand off of him, Lirt says to Botros: Oh, er. Sorry. Didn't realize I was scaring you. Oh shit. Oh shit.

-- #Botros# sags forward into a long, scarred table of agafari wood, hugging himself.

-- #Lirt# frantically scrambles around, brushing down her crimson sandcloth cloak and darting from the room.

-- [hidden emote] #Botros# whimpers.

-- Softly, Cesta asks: Eh?

The dusky, scar-licked female (Cesta) stands up from a long, scarred table of agafari wood.

-- Over her shoulder to Botros, as she dashes out, bowling a few elven slaves out of the way, Lirt exclaims: Nice to meet you Scrabby!

-- With a snort, Cesta says: Hope M'Lady comes soon.

-- Botros feels much better alone.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: LauraMars on January 07, 2012, 03:40:58 AM
Quote from: Adhira on January 07, 2012, 02:44:05 AM
-- #Botros# presses his bulk against the tabletop, sandwiching his grilled scrab steak between his bone-reinforced leather breastplate and table, and tries to make himself look smaller.

-- [hidden emote] #Botros# may very well be on the verge of tears.

Haha, awesome.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Gunnerblaster on January 07, 2012, 04:24:29 AM
Quote from: Adhira on January 07, 2012, 02:44:05 AM
-- #Botros# fixes Lirt with a look. It is a miserably sad one.

Genius. Oh man. I wish, so hard, I could sum up the willpower to get back into game - then get my character to Allanak for this.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Case on January 07, 2012, 04:59:08 AM
Awesome :D These games are gonna be cool bananas
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Aaron Goulet on January 07, 2012, 05:03:50 AM
I'm going to go to the games wearing my "I <3 The Scrab" tee-shirt.  :D
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Calavera on January 07, 2012, 05:04:23 AM
The hits just keep coming and they aren't even fighting one another yet.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Bogre on January 07, 2012, 05:07:30 AM
Man, I have wanted to run a gladiator for years, but my character can make it to the event, so I'll let all you Winrothal aides and Jihaen slaves have all the fun!

Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Dar on January 07, 2012, 05:52:49 AM
Same. But I cannot be certain I'll be available on the dates mentioned. Waaaah. I bet it's going to be lots of fun.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: ShaLeah on January 07, 2012, 09:29:27 AM
Quote from: Aaron Goulet on January 07, 2012, 05:03:50 AM
I'm going to go to the games wearing my "I <3 The Scrab" tee-shirt.  :D

Ditto! We heart The (pathetic) Scrab!
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: KankWhisperer on January 07, 2012, 12:15:11 PM
Is there some kind of guide for making a gladiator?

Sort of confused by people wanting to add karma subguilds or any subguild really.
Guild: gladiator, subguild: gladiator??

Aren't they slaves from birth or are some captured slaves?

Does each need a noble house/ templar sponsor or something in the write up?
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Nyr on January 07, 2012, 12:29:53 PM
Quote from: KankWhisperer on January 07, 2012, 12:15:11 PM
Is there some kind of guide for making a gladiator?

Not really, as far as I can tell.  You're making a slave gladiator, though, that lives to fight in the Arena.  Maybe they like it.  Maybe they hate it.  They are PCs that are gladiators.

Sort of confused by people wanting to add karma subguilds or any subguild really.
Guild: gladiator, subguild: gladiator??

Guild = mundane guild
subguild = mundane subguild

Aren't they slaves from birth or are some captured slaves?

Find out IC (or apply and pick one or the other)

Does each need a noble house/ templar sponsor or something in the write up?

They will be sponsored by someone, you can pick, but your pick may not be what you actually get.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Potaje on January 07, 2012, 12:51:12 PM
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Delirium on January 07, 2012, 01:04:29 PM
Gladiators are so fun to play. I wish I could commit to one this go-round :(
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Marauder Moe on January 07, 2012, 02:52:59 PM
See?  I told you people that gladiators were flavorful characters too.

I suspect that playing/creating a character that's doomed to die is rather inspiring in a candle burning form both ends kind of way.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Synthesis on January 07, 2012, 03:04:36 PM
Quote from: Marauder Moe on January 07, 2012, 02:52:59 PM
See?  I told you people that gladiators were flavorful characters too.

Using its spare set of claw-like hands, the mantis in a floppy white hat dusts you with its small pouch of green flakes and its jar of bloodroot seasoning while slicing at your head with its bone-bladed gythka staff.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: TheBadSeed on January 07, 2012, 07:34:25 PM
Great log, great job from all the personalities! Thanks for posting!

I can't shake the image of Samwell from the Night's Watch on Game of Thrones when I see "The Scrab"..

Hope I manage to be in 'Nak around that time.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: boog on January 07, 2012, 07:41:33 PM
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Cind on January 08, 2012, 12:32:11 AM
I like all three characters!
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: musashi on January 08, 2012, 04:32:50 AM
Little do they realize the Scrab spent all his karma on combat skill bumps. >_>
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Adhira on January 09, 2012, 02:52:02 AM
Setting:  Arena Slave Pens.


Lantry - Sergeant of the Byn.
Botros - Byn Gladiator
Boros - Byn Gladiator
Cesta - Lady Templar Lyvren's Gladiator
Azhar - Salarr Gladiator

Story:  The Byn Sarge meets his Gladiators for the first time.

-- Softly, his voice a bit distant, Lantry asks Boros: You use blades, I take it?

-- Patting his spiked wooden club and his black mandible-bladed scimitar, Boros says: Use these.

-- Announcing loudly, and perhaps a little gleefully, Botros says: The gloves do not fit! They are made for children's hands.

-- Muttering, Boros says: Or folks tha' ain' fat fucks.

-- Boros feels annoyed.

-- #Botros# wilts, fumbling in his large bag.

-- #Cesta# snorts softly as her gaze shifts to Botros.

-- Lantry shouts: Gimme that bag back, you fucker...

-- Waving his grey, obsidian fist-sewn patch about as he plods back over to Lantry, Botros asks: And what shall I do with this?

-- #Lantry# holds out a sun-bleached gloved hand.

-- Meekly passing it over, Botros says: You don't have to yell.

-- Lantry shouts: I have Loosetongue. So I must yell.

-- #Lantry# rubs his throat, grimacing, which forces his melted off ear and side of his face to show.

-- #Boros# pokes a grimy finger into his earhole, twisting it briefly.

-- [hidden emote] #Botros# gags a little, looking away.

-- Lantry shouts: Gimme that bag back, you fucker...

-- #Lantry# curses under his breath.

-- Lantry says: I'll be back.

-- Quietly, Cesta says: Second one I've met. It's a foul sort of curse.

-- #Botros# waves to Lantry, then reaches up to tug off Botros.

-- Azhar thinks: Yeesh, he's making my dick loose. Can't keep a stiffy hearing a man shout like that..

-- Looking aside, Lantry says to Cesta: I speak my thoughts. Sometimes over the way, sometimes shouting them. It is worse than a curse.

-- Turning his attention back to Botros and Boros, Lantry says: I will return. And I will see about training you sorry lot.

-- [hidden emote] #Botros# looks uncomfortable.

-- #Boros# tilts his head absently.

-- Botros says: Ah, yes... That. Unsavory business.

-- Cesta says to Lantry: Good to hear. We have not had someone guide us through drills, the like.

-- Feeling that if maybe if he keeps waving at Lantry, he'll go away, Botros thinks: Go... Away. Now.

-- Looking Cesta over only briefly, Lantry says to Cesta: My champions.

-- Matter-of-factly, Azhar says to Botros: Oh don't worry, fatty. You'll die first. You can tell me what it's like when I meet you.

-- Turning ponderously, twirling his hooded, brown military aba like some kind of body skirt, Botros says: Say what you like. I now have a blanket to sleep on.

-- Batting his eyelashes, Azhar says to Botros: I'll be sure to wipe my ass with it when you do, make it -real- authentic.

-- Unable to help but sound a little disappointed, Botros says: I asked for silk. And flashpowder.

-- #Boros# waves a four-fingered hand vaguely when the female leaves.

-- Azhar thinks: Mm..pussy. He will definitely be the first to die.

-- #Boros# drops a hand down to his rancid loincloth and scratches vigorously for a moment.

-- Disdainfully, Botros says: What if someone I know sees me parading about the city in this? It would never do.

-- #Botros# completes another slow twirl, kiting his hooded, brown military aba.

-- Pursing his lips briefly, Azhar says to Botros: I don't think it will matter much longer.

-- Glancing back down at his grey, obsidian fist-sewn patch, Botros asks: And whatever do I do with /this/?

-- Boros thinks: Aye. He'll be fuckin' dead too.

-- #Boros# tilts his head faintly toward Azhar.

-- Grunting, Boros says: Dunno, but don't eat it.

Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: ShaLeah on January 10, 2012, 10:50:27 AM
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for these Allanak Gladiator games!

I'd love more logs of the behind the scenes s'il vous plait!

I (as a player) don't want any of these gladiators to die! I wanna watch them year after year, character after character.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: JustAnotherGuy on January 10, 2012, 01:16:38 PM
Okay, these logs are probably one of the best ideas that I''ve seen yet.  Keep them coming!
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Adhira on January 11, 2012, 01:07:01 AM
Setting:  Gladiator Pens


Lord Icumen Borsal
Delshire of the Blue (Templar)



-- After a few beats of a pause, head tilting marginally, Icumen asks Iglamek: ... didn't I oversee your training, once, half a lifetime ago?

-- His tone soft, Iglamek says: You did, Lord Borsail.  I've come quite far after I was sold to the House Fale.  I still bear your mark and blood with the dignity it deserves, Lord Borsail.

-- Gruffly in his greeting, raising his singular gaze to Icumen, Zaf says: Moderate Lord.

-- #Zaf# seems to straighten just a bit, squaring his shoulders under Icumen's scrutiny.

-- After a beat of a pause, eyes still on Zaf, Icumen says to Iglamek: Mmm. Hopefully House Fale has not gotten you too soft. We'll see how you fare against our latest breedings.

-- Easing back aside with another series of popping joints, Azhar stands up from a long, scarred table of agafari wood.

-- [hidden emote] #Cesta# cannot help but shudder a bit at the mention of breeding.

-- With a slight slant of a smile, Iglamek says: I have been hardening up again since I was lost from House Fale to Lord Templar Athios Sath in a game of kruth, Lord Borsail.  I won't disappoint.

-- #Iglamek# ceases his chatter and dips into a deep bow towards the horribly scarred templar.

-- With a gravelly cough, #Delshire  clears his throat.

-- Catching sight of Delshire after some time, #Zaf# offers a stiff bow.

-- Cesta stands up from a long, scarred table of agafari wood, bowing deeply to Delshire, gaze to the ground.

-- #Azhar# chin dips in silent respect, followed in turn by a bow of his torso.

-- Raising a hand for silence, the horribly scarred man says: Ladies, gentlemen. Guests of His glorious arena.

-- #Cesta# doesn't notice Zaf's look, remaining bent at her waist as she listens to the horribly scarred templar.

-- Cesta contacts Boros with the Way.

-- Cesta sends to Boros: Bow to the templar.

-- #Icumen# keeps his attention mostly on the horribly scarred templar, though now and again his gaze strays toward nearby gladiators.

-- #Delshire clears his throat again, giving Boros a signifigant look.

-- Folding his arms across his chest, the horribly scarred man says: Let it be known among you all that the slave once known as Asadine has... Displeased us. Immeasurably.

-- [hidden emote] #Cesta# cannot surpress a huge grin for a moment.

-- #Boros# shifts his lopsided gaze quickly back to the horribly scarred templar.

-- #Iglamek# inclines his head softly, hiding a vicious smile with the angle of his massive facial fur.

-- #Azhar# remains silent, his craggy form stiff as he listens.

-- Boros thinks: Tha' cun'. Aye fuck her.

-- Azhar thinks: Ah nice, one less cully to worry about topside.

-- Zaf thinks: Been awhile since I got to pull someone apart.

-- Azhar feels pleased with the news.

-- Pointedly, Delshire says: If something... Untoward should happen to her, here in these cells? I do believe the guards may just be inclined to look the other way.

-- Boros thinks: Mmmmm....see if the Sergean' can ge' me somethin' tainted fer her ass then.

-- #Iglamek# folds his hands before him, cracking one knuckle, the pinky with the massive, wyvern-tattooed man on it.

-- With a glance at Alin, Delshire says: And perhaps there might be a few extra rations on the table the next day.

-- #Boros# sucks spit through the gaps in his rotten teeth.

-- #Iglamek# folds his hands before him, cracking one knuckle, the pinky with his massive, skull-carved ring on it.

-- #Cesta# bows a little deeper to the horribly scarred templar before straightening herself to listen. Her gaze remains to the ground before her.

-- Gruffly, giving a low chuckle as he mutters the word, Zaf says: Dibs.

-- Delshire  nods to a human soldier, turning on his heel.

-- Boros thinks: No' if I ge' her ass first fucko.

-- Inclining his head as he turns back, once Delshire has turned, Icumen says to Zaf: I wouldn't half mind seeing some limbs removed. And then used as bludgeoning utensils.

-- Over his shoulder, Delshire says: Oh, and the sooner, the better. I imagine Lord Borsail here appreciates a sgood show.

-- #Boros# fidgets with barely contained excitement.

-- His tone soft, to Zaf, Iglamek asks: I'll set her up, you put her down?

-- Hands behind his back, Delshire strolls off down the corridor.

-- #Cesta# smiles openly as she glances aside at some of the other slaves.

-- After a lengthy pause, Azhar says: Well, less shadow to worry about down here.

-- With a cruel smile, showing stained teeth, Zaf asks Iglamek: For the Highlord, yes?

-- Pumping her fist and grunting in her delight, Cesta says: Huah! Someone finally getting what they deserve...

-- After a deep breath, reaching toward his wyvern-buckled silver-dyed belt, Icumen says: Truth be told, my newest whip has yet to be graced with blood. I wouldn't half mind it getting its first taste.

-- Quieting down, Cesta sits at a long, scarred table of agafari wood.

-- #Boros# flashes a rotten, gap-toothed grin toward Cesta.

-- Voice hoarse, Azhar says to Cesta: Be patient. You'll get your turn on her I imagine.

-- With a chuckle, Iglamek says: I'll be right back, lemme see what I can... dig up.

-- Uncoiling it, Icumen stops using his wyvern-carved, crimson and black whip.

-- Boros thinks: I tol' that' cunt she was goin' down here.

-- Nodding, Cesta says: Ay, but I won't be involved at first. Don't want to botch any of your work.

-- Slumping back once more, Azhar sits at a long, scarred table of agafari wood.

-- Nudging it open, Iglamek opens the door.

-- Holding it out wordlessly, Icumen gives his wyvern-carved, crimson and black whip to Zaf.

-- Iglamek closes the door.

-- Iglamek thinks: Damn...

-- #Iglamek# jerks his chin southward.

-- #Boros# nods faintly.

-- Looking south, Zaf asks: That tha one?

-- Glancing over to Asadine, Iglamek asks: You care for a rematch, Asadine?

-- A short burly cook says: I have no idea how to make that.

-- Azhar thinks: Be ready..this gonna get ugly, fast..

-- #Alin short burly cook human man# nods, preparing a bowl of mush for the dusky, scar-licked female.

-- Asadine asks Iglamek: Do you not get enough of having your ass kicked, seriously?

-- #Boros# sucks spit through the gaps in his rotten teeth.

-- Azhar feels your muscles tense in preparation.

-- Quietly eating at a long, scarred table of agafari wood, Cesta eats a portion of her bowl of mush.

-- With a soft chuckle, Iglamek says: Call it professional pride.  Let me make you eat those words, -slave-.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Adhira on January 11, 2012, 01:07:31 AM
-- Zaf contacts Icumen with the Way.

-- #Iglamek# turns and steps over to the training chamber.

-- Zaf sends to Icumen: Requests?

-- Boros thinks: Ain' gonna get time to fuckin' get taints. Migh' 'ave to get in a shot before she goes down.

-- Mouth twisting aside in a brief smirk, Azhar says: Ah, a good show.

-- Azhar stands up from a long, scarred table of agafari wood.

-- #Asadine# looks Icumen over, then bows, somewhat.

-- Sidelong, Icumen says to Zaf: I want to watch this. Don't mind me.

-- #Icumen# curls a subtle smile, quelling it shortly after.

-- Collecting them off the floor, Asadine picks up a bloodied short bone sparring axe.

-- Cesta stands up from a long, scarred table of agafari wood.

-- #Azhar# unlatches the bindings on his arc-bladed staff, freeing his back to lean against the wall.

-- #Iglamek# meanders over towards the sparring ring and steps in.

-- #Asadine# moves over to the circle, and squares off with Iglamek, looking utterly bored and dispassionate.

-- #Boros# leans against the wall near the entrance to the mess hall.

-- Simply, Asadine says: Whenever you're ready. I'd like to get back to my original plan of -eating-.

-- As he raises his bloodied short bone sparring sword in salute to Asadine, Iglamek says: Cheers.  To the first day of the rest of your life.

-- Azhar contacts Boros with the Way.

-- #Iglamek# obliges.

-- Azhar severs his psychic contact.

-- Taking a place outside the circle, #Zaf# folds chitin-sheathed arms over a barrel chest, watching.

-- Idly, Azhar says to Boros: Be ready.

-- #Asadine# twists her axe away, easily, and circles to the right.

-- Zaf thinks: She moves good.

-- #Asadine's# hand takes a shot, which makes her frown.

-- #Iglamek# lands another solid whack to Asadine.

-- With a quick laugh to Asadine, Iglamek asks: You aint worried, are ya?

-- Sidelong, watching the fight contentedly, Icumen says to Zaf: Do what feels best to you, Zaf. You're the long-running winner of fights; I trust your judgment.

-- #Asadine# brings her round, jade-painted shield up, ducking down and whacking Iglamek's foot in response.

-- Tapping the side of her bloodied black, braxat-shell helm, Cesta says: Nothing gets through.

-- #Zaf# nods a bit, watching on in silence.

-- #Iglamek# sidesteps after a block and comes in.

-- #Iglamek# dips a single nod.

-- Toward the watching soldier, briefly, Icumen looks up.

-- #Asadine# draws the secondary axe, the moment she loses the first, shaking her head at Iglamek.

-- Lips pursing momentarily, Azhar says: Mm..fairly even.

-- #Iglamek# stomps down on the fallen axe and then winds his blade like a snake towards Asadine's wrist.

Watching the fight for a time, the bronzed, kinky-haired man (Icumen) looks at the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine).

-- [hidden emote] #Zaf# grins, juts faintly.

The titanically-moustachioed brute (Iglamek) stops holding his bloodied short bone sparring sword.

The titanically-moustachioed brute (Iglamek) unslings a dragon-etched obsidian longsword from his back.

-- #Asadine# comes in, slamming her axe into Iglamek, and trips herself up.

-- #Iglamek# suddenly hauls out a live blade, his face dispassionate.

The braided, battle-scarred elf (Boros) begins guarding the west exit.

-- Asadine stands up.

The macabre, scar-ravaged man (Azhar) brandishes his arc-bladed staff in both hands.

The braided, battle-scarred elf (Boros) draws a sapphire-dyed, gold tasseled warclub.

The long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine) chops the titanically-moustachioed brute (Iglamek)'s head, connecting hard.

The long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine) drops a bloodied short bone sparring axe.

The braided, battle-scarred elf (Boros) draws a wicked-edged, bone scimitar.

The long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine) draws a razor-edged, obsidian tomahawk.

-- #Boros# steps in front of the doorway.

The macabre, scar-ravaged man (Azhar)'s a grey, chitin wrist razor cuts deeply into the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine)'s face.

-- #Zaf# grunts.

The long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine) blocks the titanically-moustachioed brute (Iglamek)'s attack.

The titanically-moustachioed brute (Iglamek) parries the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine)'s attack.

-- #Asadine# whips out her own live weapon, turning to face off with elf and Iglamek, hissing.

-- #Azhar# abruptly surges forward his arc-bladed staff arcing throuwh in a swift whirl!

-- #Icumen# lets out a low, dispassionate laugh, low in his throat.

The beastly, one-eyed mul (Zaf) looks up at the dusky, scar-licked female (Cesta).

Snippets of relaxed conversation drift down between the bars of the bone grating overhead.

-- As Asadine is surrounded, Iglamek says: You done fucked up, girl.

-- #Boros# snickers.

The macabre, scar-ravaged man (Azhar) solidly slashes the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine)'s body.

-- Voice hoarse, hushed, Azhar says: One less shadooow..

-- #Asadine# grunts, shifting right, then left, and keeping her guard up while the razor manages to break her guard.

The macabre, scar-ravaged man (Azhar) slashes the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine) on her neck, wounding her.

-- Grunting, Zaf says: No sport.

-- Murmuring as she watches, Cesta says: She deserve to live and feel pain. Maybe learn a lesson about her place, before she dies.

The long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine) lightly chops the titanically-moustachioed brute (Iglamek)'s leg.

-- #Azhar's# staff slices through the flesh like a hot knife through a kalan.

-- As he works his blade, taking another light blow, Iglamek says: I do so love life lessons.

-- #Cesta# steps up and tries to land a blow upon Asadine!

-- #Boros# flicks his tongue out over his lips.

-- #Iglamek# takes a blow to the ribs, a gash opening.

-- Cesta severs her psychic contact.

-- #Asadine# seems to be weakened, considerably, sidestepping a kick, and panting hard.

-- #Asadine# seems to be weakened, considerably, sidestepping a kick, and panting hard.

The dusky, scar-licked female (Cesta) lightly bludgeons the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine)'s body.

The titanically-moustachioed brute (Iglamek) blocks the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine)'s attack.

-- #Zaf# trundles forward.

The long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine) evades the macabre, scar-ravaged man (Azhar)'s charge, who loses his balance and falls.

-- Boros thinks: Aye...fuck yeh cunt.

The long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine) crumples to the ground.

-- #Iglamek# whistles as the tomahawk goes flying.

-- Rolling smoothly over a shoulder, Azhar stands up.

-- Holding up a hand, Azhar says: Enough.

-- #Boros# steps away from the doorway.

-- #Asadine# grunts, and hits the ground after a bludgeon to the stomach.

-- #Iglamek# stabs downward with his dragon-etched obsidian longsword, pinning Asadine's shoulder to the floor.

-- Lips peeling back in a mischievous grin, Azhar says: The show, right? We must give the show..

Heads peek in from the mess hall, eyes wide at the fight.

-- #Boros# clears his throat, spitting a wad of greenish-yellow phlegm onto Asadine.

-- As he looks to Zaf, Iglamek asks: I believe there was something about... limbs?

-- In a flip over, Azhar wears his bloodied arc-bladed staff on his back.

The beastly, one-eyed mul (Zaf) slings a wyvern-hilted obsidian bastard sword across his back.

-- #Asadine# hisses, gritting her teeth and choking back pained agony when her shoulder is pierced through.

-- #Iglamek# gives his dragon-etched obsidian longsword a small twist, the obsidian grating against bone.

-- #Cesta# grins, keeping her shield up as she stands near Iglamek.

-- #Zaf# flexes chitin-backed hands as he steps over near Asadine.

-- Grasping the blade with her free hand, and straining, Asadine shouts: You... -coward-! Weak fucking coward!

-- #Iglamek# kinds bleeds a little bit from a few wounds on the left side of his chest.

-- #Azhar# looses a dusty chortle at that.

-- Zaf says: Like rats on a corpse pile, no sport.

-- Asadine shouts: FUCKING COWARDS!

-- As he gives the blade another twist, Iglamek says: Oh shush you.  

-- #Cesta# snorts at Asadine Loudly.

-- #Icumen# snorts softly, merely watching the goings-on in otherwise silence.

-- #Asadine# lets out a pitched wail when the blade is twisted in her shoulder, her free hand bleeding from the grip it has on the blade.

-- Snickering, Boros says to Asadine: I telled yeh. Yeh wouldn' see the games.

-- Brow furrowing, Azhar says to Asadine: Shhh, you will see your ancestors my deal. Tell them we are coming.

-- #Iglamek# keeps his weight leaning on the blade, keeping Asadine well pinned.

-- Voice hushed, Azhar says: After all, we are but..-dust- and shadows..

-- Glancing to Azhar, Iglamek says: That's real poetical soundin.

-- #Zaf# pins Asadine with single, meaty arm and grabs at Asadine's right bicep.

The smell of spice smoke drifts from above, where a smoker is briefly silhouetted by a sparking flame.

-- #Icumen# reaches into his amber-clasped crimson silk shoulder bag, withdrawing a small, square scrap of offwhite linen.

-- Icumen thinks: More blood to add to the collection.

-- #Boros# fidgets excitedly as he watches.

-- #Asadine# lets out some kind of painful, desperate wailing as she's grabbed hold of, trying to keep her grip on the blade though it slips with the blood, her face etched into blind fury and agony.

-- Boros feels somewhat aroused.

-- #Iglamek# sniffs a bit, a lazy smile on his face as he bleeds a bit.

-- Spitting the words as she stands by, gaze never leaving Asadine's countenance, Cesta says to Asadine: You do not deserve to die in the arena. You shame this city with all that you do.

-- #Iglamek# gives a simple, approving nod to Cesta.

-- His fingers digging into Asadine's arm before he gives a hard, jerking twist, #Zaf# earns a gruesome crunch and snap of bone with his efforts.

-- #Azhar# slowly lowers himself into a crowd, face a mask of pain briefly.
The macabre, scar-ravaged man (Azhar) slowly lowers himself into a crowd, face a mask

-- Screaming bloody murder, Asadine shouts: KI-YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!

Voices raising in a brief, heated argument can be heard in the mess hall.

Blood spurts and spits from the wound.

-- Blinking, Iglamek says: Oohhhhhhhhh... that's gonna be hard to set, Asadine.  Yeah.  Ki-yeeeeaaahhhghghgh indeed.

-- #Azhar's# eyes widen a fraction.

-- Simply and contentedly, as he unfolds the small square of linen, Icumen says to Asadine: Be glad you at least get to entertain -one- of the Highborn in your last few moments.

-- The skin pull and tears as #Zaf# holds Asadine down, pulling with a grimace of effort until he yields his prize.

-- Piping up, Azhar says: I'll even clap for you.

-- #Iglamek# withdraws his blade from Asadine shoulder.

-- Wrenching it loose and casting it aside, Zaf drops his dismembered, humanoid arm.

Under Asadine, hot blood pools and puddles, spreading outward rapidly.

-- In a mocking fashion, #Azhar# lazily smacks his palms against each other.

-- #Asadine's# voice hits a new zenith when her arm is torn off, flesh and bone tearing in a disgusting sound.

-- #Cesta# does not flinch or look at the limb as it is torn, keeping her attention to Asadine's face as she screams and is maimed.

-- #Zaf# raises his bloodied fist triumphantly and brings it down on Asadine's face with a wet *shwack*

-- Head canting aside, Azhar exclaims: Oh -my-, bravo!

-- #Boros# scoops up a dismembered, humanoid arm, blood dripping from it. Then he hacks off one of the fingertips.

-- His tone almost fatherly, Iglamek says: You know, if you'd taken my words seriously, and had, you know, learned respect...

-- #Icumen# shifts his feet backward an inch or two, away from the encroaching spread of vitae.

-- #Boros# drops a dismembered, humanoid arm to the floor again.

-- Iglamek asks: I mean this could even be painless.  You know?

-- Musingly, not disgusted in the least by the scene before him, Iglamek says: Or... quick, maybe.

-- Tucking it away, Boros puts his raggedly torn, bloodied finger into his hooded, brown military aba.

-- Each blow a vicious hammerfist, padded with chitin, #Zaf# rains strikes down on Asadine's face time and time again.

-- Iglamek contacts Iolli burned buck-toothed man horribly with the Way.

-- Flashing a rotten, gap-toothed grin, Boros says: Ta remember yeh.
Flashing a rotten, gap-toothed grin, the braided, battle-scarred elf (Boros) says, in rinthi-accented sirihish:
    "Ta remember yeh."

-- #Asadine's# eyes are completely gone, her voice fading down to blubberings of utter madness while blood gushes out of the space where her arm used to take residence, face paling with each spurt.

-- Iglamek severs his psychic contact.

-- Sweetly, Azhar says to Boros: My, a replacement.

-- Casually, Iglamek asks: Hey, can I have a toe?

The beastly, one-eyed mul (Zaf) hits the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine), barely grazing her body.
A dented round, jade-painted shield clatters to the ground as the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine) releases it.
The long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine) crumples to the ground.

-- #Cesta# joins in, throwing a single kick at Asadine.

-- #Iglamek# bloodies his boots on Asadine.

-- #Asadine's# face becomes a shoddy mass of broken flesh and bone when the muls fist clobbers into her.

-- #Zaf# turns Asadine's face to pulp, a bloody pull of undiscernable bits.

-- #Boros# chortles, directing it toward Azhar.

-- Zaf hits Asadine.
The beastly, one-eyed mul (Zaf) attacks the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine).
The beastly, one-eyed mul (Zaf) lightly hits the long-legged, brunette woman (Asadine)'s head.


-- Stooping down, #Icumen# dabs a bit of blood from the floor onto the center of his piece of linen, folding it back up as it soaks into and spreads amongst the fibers.

-- Iglamek contacts Asthio with the Way.

-- The clapping growing into a loud, irritating slap, Azhar exclaims: Bra-VO!

-- Zaf feels like that's a perfect bit of stress relief.. what a good start to a day.

-- Iglamek sends to Asthio: *obediently* Lord Templar, there was an accident within the pits.  Unfortunately, Asadine will not be making it to the arena floor... and my boots have a new sheen of claret on the leather.

Shifting torchlight briefly brings into illumination a scene of tiny figures doing battle on sand in the mural frieze on the wall.

-- Lowering it, Cesta stops using her new chitinous shield, silent save for her breathing as she stares down upon the body of the long-legged, brunette woman.

-- Iglamek sends to Asthio: We were informed that this would not be stopped by the guards within the cells by a Lord Templar who's name I didn't catch, but he's easily seen by his scarring.  Quite horrible to behold.

-- Cesta thinks: Many of us, will be dead like that.

Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Yam on January 11, 2012, 01:47:19 AM
Fuck. Damn.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Mooney on January 11, 2012, 02:06:47 AM
I changed my pants.


Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: MeTekillot on January 11, 2012, 03:24:34 AM
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: RogueGunslinger on January 11, 2012, 03:33:05 AM
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: lordcooper on January 11, 2012, 03:49:28 AM
That was brilliant.  Nasty, but brilliant.

I absolutely adore the fact that Boros thought to steal a finger, but seriously, that was RPd fantastically by all parties.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Down Under on January 11, 2012, 06:23:40 AM
Quote from: Yam on January 11, 2012, 01:47:19 AM
Fuck. Damn. Fuckshitcocksuckholyasshole

Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: AreteX on January 11, 2012, 07:35:26 AM
I personally would love to see more stuff like this in the future.  The whole fly on the wall viewpoint is quite awesome.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Kol on January 11, 2012, 08:27:55 AM
Brutal.....that's one hardcore scene.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: JustAnotherGuy on January 11, 2012, 10:04:50 AM
Very nice.  ;D
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: ShaLeah on January 11, 2012, 10:30:16 AM

I couldn't look away, seriously. AMAZING, scary, gruesome, cruel and how perfectly Zalanthan.
We should all be so lucky as to die that way.

I got chills reading that.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: TheBadSeed on January 11, 2012, 10:35:55 AM
Seriously effin good, people! Loved it!

Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Delusion on January 11, 2012, 03:43:12 PM
I get why staff might want to post IC info on the GDB if it's for a set of temporary characters whose actions shouldn't have much bearing on the outside world -- if, however, they are anticipated to have effects beyond their own confined space, then temporary or not, that seems a bit iffy to me. I skimmed over the logs there, anyway. Never mind temporary gladiators, was it really necessary to post the exact circumstances of a "real" character's death on the GDB?  ???

I don't particularly want to sound like a killjoy, but could there please be a line drawn as to what else goes in this thread? Keep it entirely (or at least mostly) to the temporary PCs?
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: JustAnotherGuy on January 11, 2012, 03:46:44 PM
Maybe I read it wrong, but wasn't it a temp gladiator that died?  Not a regular "real" PC.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Bacon on January 11, 2012, 03:48:24 PM
I don't see a problem with it considering that character -was- a gladiator at the time.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Delirium on January 11, 2012, 03:48:53 PM
I think it's a little iffy myself. Seeing current PC sdescs (besides the Gladiators) in logs on the GDB, getting a hint of the political clime, etc.

Not to say it isn't a neat idea. Maybe some more stringent editing is in order, though.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Marauder Moe on January 11, 2012, 03:50:21 PM
Quote from: Delusion on January 11, 2012, 03:43:12 PM
I get why staff might want to post IC info on the GDB if it's for a set of temporary characters whose actions shouldn't have much bearing on the outside world -- if, however, they are anticipated to have effects beyond their own confined space, then temporary or not, that seems a bit iffy to me. I skimmed over the logs there, anyway. Never mind temporary gladiators, was it really necessary to post the exact circumstances of a "real" character's death on the GDB?  ???

I don't particularly want to sound like a killjoy, but could there please be a line drawn as to what else goes in this thread? Keep it entirely (or at least mostly) to the temporary PCs?
Agreed.  Well-played as it was, that seemed like a pretty excessive display of current IC information.   :-\
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: MeTekillot on January 11, 2012, 03:59:07 PM
Quote from: JustAnotherGuy on January 11, 2012, 03:46:44 PM
Maybe I read it wrong, but wasn't it a temp gladiator that died?  Not a regular "real" PC.
you are mistaken fair sir
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: FantasyWriter on January 11, 2012, 04:01:59 PM
Quote from: Bacon on January 11, 2012, 03:48:24 PM
I don't see a problem with it considering that character -was- a gladiator at the time.

If you were heavily involved in plots relating to said PC, you might.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Talia on January 11, 2012, 04:11:00 PM
The permission of all involved non-gladiator (apped gladiator) PCs was requested and enthusiastically granted prior to the log being posted. No sekret names or other details were revealed. The character who died had been enslaved into that role, which is (as you all know) something that necessitates the end of the character. Adhira is the one who went through the log, edited anything she deemed ICly sensitive, and posted it. The Storytellers responsible for these clans were also consulted and were fine with the decision to post it.

I think you guys are fussing. Relax and trust staff a bit.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Wasteland Raider on January 11, 2012, 04:12:07 PM
-snip- Talia said it all.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Celest on January 11, 2012, 04:35:05 PM
Quote from: JustAnotherGuy on January 11, 2012, 03:46:44 PM
Maybe I read it wrong, but wasn't it a temp gladiator that died?  Not a regular "real" PC.

At the risk of giving out IC info, no, a real PC died. A real PC from a fairly prominent clan in Allanak, at that. Given that they were enslaved, though, I don't think it matters in terms of plot info (because there will be no more plots with that PC!). It also should be fairly common knowledge around Allanak, if that was a public event.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Talia on January 11, 2012, 04:38:22 PM
Quote from: Talia on January 11, 2012, 04:11:00 PM
The character who died had been enslaved into that role, which is (as you all know) something that necessitates the end of the character.

The back and forth over this needs to stop. You guys are blowing this up into something huge, when it's really not. If you want to complain to staff about what we have done, please, feel free to file a Staff Complaint through the request tool. Otherwise, it's not open for further discussion, because it's taking this thread to a bad place, when what we are doing is trying to provide you guys some vicarious enjoyment.

So, stop.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Jengal on January 11, 2012, 05:31:41 PM
That was so cool!  :)
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: evilcabbage on January 11, 2012, 06:16:14 PM
There is NOTHING quite so epic as a good death.

And that looks like a freaking awesome death, really. I loved reading this log. Seeing everybodies viewpoints is something one could only wish to get a chance to do.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Bacon on January 11, 2012, 06:25:49 PM
Quote from: evilcabbage on January 11, 2012, 06:16:14 PM
There is NOTHING quite so epic as a good death.

And that looks like a freaking awesome death, really. I loved reading this log.

I know. I only wish I had ever had a death like this with any of my characters.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: RogueGunslinger on January 11, 2012, 06:38:28 PM
I've had more epic deaths than that with a couple characters. But I certainly wish all my characters could die as epicly as that.

Being able to see all the feels, hidden emotes and thinsk... Is really amazing.

These logs should be put up on TMC or TMS Forums to attract new players!
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Kinther on January 11, 2012, 07:21:09 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on January 11, 2012, 06:38:28 PM
I've had more epic deaths than that with a couple characters. But I certainly wish all my characters could die as epicly as that.

Being able to see all the feels, hidden emotes and thinsk... Is really amazing.

These logs should be put up on TMC or TMS Forums to attract new players!

Not a bad idea, but perhaps with some formatting so potential players understand which lines are an emote/feel/think/etc?
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: mattrious on January 11, 2012, 08:38:15 PM
An amazing log. An amazing death. All parties involved are playing these roles out brilliantly!

Thank you for posting, and please keep them coming.

I am falling in love with some of these PCs...

Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Potaje on January 11, 2012, 08:46:46 PM
Once again, Bravo, I hope this level is maintained through out all the coming events.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: BleakOne on January 11, 2012, 11:02:47 PM
Unspeakably awesome. Keep it up.
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: HammerofJericho on January 12, 2012, 09:13:35 PM
If only my computer wasn't dead :(. I really wish I could watch and be a part of this arm for 2 months....must....ARM! RAWR!
Title: Re: Gladiators are in game: See the personalities!
Post by: Tuannon on March 06, 2012, 12:23:45 PM
Very nice.. Without going into too many details.