Hey folks,
We've got what we hope is a major improvement to how you can view and reply to requests in the request tool. If you go to your request history (http://www.armageddon.org/request/history.php), and then click on the magnifying glass next to a request you will find a new interface for viewing your request and the ability to reply even after a request has been resolved (to send a final comment or thank you if you feel it necessary).
This page uses Javascript quite a bit, and isn't perfect by any means, but we hope it is usable and helpful. Please send any comments/questions/issues to my email (morgenes at armageddon.org)
Due to issues with the visibility of replies to resolved requests, we are going to need to disable this functionality from the request tool. If you have an issue with a closed request (you don't feel it was resolved properly, or want to say thank you) you can submit another request, and if you want, you can include a link to the original request. We are sorry and realize that you guys really wanted this feature, but it wasn't working for us due to the way we use the Request Tool.
We are discussing alternatives that might help and allow us to re-enable this feature, but for now we are turning it off.
The staff use our version of the Request Tool as a 'to-do' list of things that need to be worked on or replied to. While we do get emails when a reply is made to a closed request, we have found that is getting lost in the pile of other emails from the request tool. Unfortunately this means that these are likely not getting the attention they deserve.