Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gar on July 16, 2003, 10:26:00 AM

Title: Weapons specialty
Post by: Gar on July 16, 2003, 10:26:00 AM
Not to get too IC, but I was wondering in general or in the past, do you think it is better to just stick to one weapon type (ie, slashing weapons or whatever)?  Or is it better to begin to learn a new weapon type so that you'll master two (let's say slashing and chopping)?  Personally I'm thinking that one just isn't enough but it's like starting over (although you can always whip out a weapon you're an expert in and kick butt).  How about mastering all four?
Title: Weapons specialty
Post by: X-D on July 16, 2003, 10:37:28 AM
All four? no, more then four, better then twice that for warriors.
As for mastering the first four, better keep your char around for a very long time. Very long.
Title: Weapons specialty
Post by: Krath on July 16, 2003, 10:39:42 AM
Depends on your character, regardless expect it to take MANY MANY MANY ics years to "master" One let a lone all for.
Title: Weapons specialty
Post by: Dan on July 16, 2003, 10:50:26 AM
With my warriors I sometimes switch between two weapons, depending on how I or my character feels that day. If he was going hunting, he might pick up a spear. Or if he was sparring he would use a sword and dagger, or sword and shield. I say it doesn't matter too much if you just rp things out. One time I had a 10 day warrior who had been in about two fights. Im pretty sure you don't have to guess why I dont have him anymore.  :twisted:

Seriously, if you want to get good with a weapon, just stick to one style. Don't underestimate shields either.
Title: How?
Post by: Cowboy on July 16, 2003, 10:51:57 AM
Is there any real way to know you've mastered? Does "YOUR A SLASHING MASTER" pop up?  Never had a character alive long enough to know.
Title: Weapons specialty
Post by: Dan on July 16, 2003, 10:57:08 AM
Well, the first indication will be branching it. But when you branch out your still not a "master". You'll have no way of knowing you've mastered it, other than the fact that you can beat anybody up if you want to. Would take a very very very, -very- long time to max out a weapon skill. Even if you had AI wisdom.
Title: Weapons specialty
Post by: Angela Christine on July 16, 2003, 11:04:14 AM
Bah, mastery is over-rated.  Logically someone who knows a little about slashing weapons would  find it easier to defend against slashing weapons than someone who knew absolutely nothing about slashing weapons.  So even if your main weapon is axes, there is nothing wrong with learning a little about piercing, blunt and slashing weapons.  A little variety will keep your moves sharp and fresh.  

You might prefer axes for most work, or maybe you are a lumberjack and want to be adept with axes for those occasions when a halfling comes into the room while your hands are full of lumber axe.  But occasionally you'll hear a rumor that some wealthy fool will pay big money for a live quarri, gortok pup, hawk, or some other animal.  You figure your chances of catching a live animal are best if you can knock it out, and blunt weapons are the right tool for the job there.  Since these creatures are still dangerous, you want to develope some skill with blunt weapons.

Spending say 70% of your training time on your main weapon and 10% on each of the other 3 main types of weapons makes sense to me.  You won't advance much more slowly in your main weapon type than if you devoted 100% of your training time to it, but you'll also gradually become familiar with other weapon types.  

Then, like the boy scouts that Zalanthians so closely resembled, is the wish to be prepared.  Bad things happen, your favorite sword might be broken, stollen, or disarmed into another room during a large battle.  You might have no choice but to pick up a weapon from a fallen comrade, and it's helpful if you know which end to hit the enemy with.  

Title: Weapons specialty
Post by: Rindan on July 16, 2003, 12:51:59 PM
There are two good reasons to know more then one weapon type.  First, if you are good at a weapon type, you are better at defending against that type.  So, you might be awesome with clubs, but when you fight a swordsman because you are also decent with a sword yourself, you get a little more of an edge.  The other reason why it is decent to know another weapon type is in case you are suddenly without a weapon and need to use whatever is available.  I know it sounds unlikely, but it happens.

Without going too IC, I once had a character who was a master with his weapon of choice.  In a chain of unforeseen and very IC events, he ended up in the 'rinth unarmed and unable to leave.  Now, my mastery was not in piercing weapons, yet I had done a lot of training with them on the side.  I still had a hunting knife with me.  I had to use my hunting knife to defend myself, and eventually procured another better weapon.  The fact that I had at least some training piercing gave me enough edge to beat off would be attackers.  

Even if you are never thrown into such an exotic situation, it is damned nice to be able to stash a few knives on your body so that should your main weapon get disarmed, you can have a back up weapon waiting, and not have to risk grabbing for your weapon.  

Besides, it is just damned cool when you need to completely disarm yourself to see an important person and you spend a couple of minutes pulling knives out of every conceivable location to the horror of the person charged with said important person's defense.  I remember in once instance a templar had one of my characters disarm, and he had to set down nine weapons.  The funny thing was that when said templar double crossed my character, and I had to escape, I still had a weapon left that I had decided to keep hidden.
Title: Weapons specialty
Post by: Cuusardo on July 16, 2003, 02:17:48 PM
I am a fan of sticking with one type of weapon (perhaps two if you dual wield), but the others did present some good points.  It can't really hurt to practice with other types.
Title: well
Post by: Dakkon Black on July 16, 2003, 04:17:40 PM
Ill try not to go to IC here, but theres a shop in Allanak where you can buy a sausages. Only day 45 or so warriors branch it, but theres nothing quite as deadly as sausage weapons. They Bludgeon, blind and ruin equipment with every hit. :)
Title: Weapons specialty
Post by: Anonymous on July 16, 2003, 05:25:14 PM
Quote from: "Rindan"There are two good reasons to know more then one weapon type.  First, if you are good at a weapon type, you are better at defending against that type.

Question:  If you are fighting someone who has a club.  And let's say you are not proficient in clubs.  Does defending against that type weapon increase your ability in it?
Title: well
Post by: Dakkon Black on July 16, 2003, 05:30:38 PM
AFAIK no, easiest is to think about logic really. When someone beats you up with a baseball bat do you feel that your now a better baseball player?
Title: Weapons specialty
Post by: Stroker on July 16, 2003, 05:35:52 PM
I didn't before, but now that you mention it ........
Title: Re: well
Post by: DrunkenSalarr on July 16, 2003, 06:09:52 PM
Quote from: "Dakkon Black"AFAIK no, easiest is to think about logic really. When someone beats you up with a baseball bat do you feel that your now a better baseball player?

No, but I sure as hell would have a better idea of when, where, and how to duck should it happen again.  Also, I would have a better idea of what to do should I get my own bat and find that guy.
Title: hmmm
Post by: Dakkon Black on July 17, 2003, 09:46:35 PM
Naww, maybe if it was the same guy attacking again. But everyone has a different style. I dont think gettin beaten up should increase you ability to use whatever just zarked yeh.