Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: Vanth on July 11, 2010, 05:47:29 PM

Title: Bug Abuse Can Get You Banned
Post by: Vanth on July 11, 2010, 05:47:29 PM
I'd like to tell you a little story.

Just three days ago, Nyr posted in a Staff Announcement thread explaining that the Dasari cotton fields would become less imprisoning, resolving a long standing playerbase complaint about how they worked.  In his post, he explained in detail how it was meant to work.

In the last three days, several players discovered that you could get around paying for cotton by packing it on your mount and riding out of the fields.


This is no longer possible, FYI.  But even though it was possible, no one should have ever done it, because it was clearly the opposite of what was intended to happen. 

I'd like to thank the player who wished up letting us know about this bug. For those who abused it (and as a caution to everyone else) please be aware that if you abuse bugs rather than report them, you can get banned from the game temporarily or permanently.