Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Durant on May 12, 2010, 11:39:13 PM

Title: This Day in Armageddon History
Post by: Durant on May 12, 2010, 11:39:13 PM
Here is the start of a new thread.

The task is easy, take a look back at the archives and post any interesting or relevant posts or threads that may have come up on the day the current day in history.

Hopefully others will show the initiative to do this as well, especially if you find an interesting thread!

Maybe we'll learn some things, maybe we won't but at the very least this should be interesting.

*Note* Some of this information may not be relevant any more, while others may echo the very same arguments that are brought up now.

Here we go.

This day in Arm History, May 12

Nothing from 96-2000

For all you Karma Complainers... (

For Bored Players (

Re: Bowing (

Where do Elven babies come from? (
Title: Re: This Day in Armageddon History
Post by: Durant on May 13, 2010, 12:50:31 PM
Not all of these in gems, in fact today seemed a little think 2001 and prior.
Maybe some time I should look at including stuff from the current board?

May 13

Once again, little pre-2001


The good old days, (older days?) of Tuluk. (

Some advice on Bowing (

A follow-up on the always contentious topic of Karma and Trust (

A feeling of pointlessness: Sadness over a character's death with a lack of RP (

Oh, Tomorrow looks like some interesting stuff.

Title: Re: This Day in Armageddon History
Post by: Agent_137 on May 13, 2010, 12:53:15 PM
hah, i'm looking forward to this thread. so many (or all) discussions happen over and over again throughout the years.
Title: Re: This Day in Armageddon History
Post by: Winterless on May 13, 2010, 02:29:20 PM
Try something from later on in the next incarnation of the gdb... say... 2k5ish.
Title: Re: This Day in Armageddon History
Post by: Durant on May 13, 2010, 03:09:39 PM
The problem I'm having with the current GDB is trying to find posts with just the matching date.
Title: Re: This Day in Armageddon History
Post by: Durant on May 14, 2010, 01:27:19 PM
May 14


In this gem, one of our dear players comes up with an idea... "woah I would like to emote what my char is doing while hiding and then I got to thinking"
Before hemote, this poster had it going on! (The response is quite good as well!) (


You know what may be cool? Hard-Coded addiction, discussed nine years ago today. (

Do you get tireded of poeple misspelling things? This poster was more tired of people correcting the misspellings OOC. (
Title: Re: This Day in Armageddon History
Post by: Winterless on May 14, 2010, 02:49:05 PM

We were...

Worrying about slow typing and typos. (

Thinking about the days of old Armageddon History. (