It has come to our attention that some people are using their apartments to warehouse obscene amounts of objects. In several cases multi-room apartments hold more than Kadian crafting halls, and anyone who has played in Kadius knows that's a lot. ;) In other cases, a single room has been made to hold 3 tables, a full-size bed, 2 sofas, and 3 chests (each chest large enough to hold 2-4 humans inside it).
This is going to end soon. In about 7-10 days many apartments will no longer hold as much as they can now. For those of you whose characters reside in either Red Storm or the Elementalist Quarter, congratulations! Your apartments are already apartment-sized and won't be changing. Everyone else can expect the maximum capacity of each save-room in their apartment to shrink by half. For a majority of you, this will not affect you at all, because your apartments aren't that full. Others of you will need to downsize, and you're being given notice to do so. If you would like to know whether you are over the limit, please email, cc, put [apartment] in the subject line, and include in your email the following information: the sdesc of your landlord NPC (i.e. "the lithe, red-haired woman"), and your character and account name.
In some cases, built-in furniture in your apartments was too large, and will also be shrinking a bit. One particularly amusing dresser is large enough to hold a half-giant and two humans, to give you an idea of the problem. Don't worry, these built-in pieces will still hold plenty of stuff, they just won't be that insanely big.
For the record, before the pending size reduction on apartments, there are currently 43 rooms over capacity. The average is 145% over capacity. The maximum is 435% over capacity. Note that not all of these are apartments.
Here is an example of a room that is just under the upcoming weight limit (room description removed to protect the innocent).
A polished obsidian mirror is here hanging on the wall beside the bed.
A compact baobab desk is here pushed up against the southern wall.
A thin, dark blue rug sits to the side of the bed.
Some carved shelves of fitted agafari hardwood stand here.
The headboard of a capacious baobab bed is pushed up against the southern wall.
A low, oval maroon baobab table is set in the middle of the room.
A large wicker hamper rests at the end of the bed.
A flower-patterned red stone vase sits on the table, holding a large flower.
A tawny orange rug has been spread on the floor next to the table.
A heavy agafari dresser sits in the corner by the shelves.
As you can see, there will still be plenty of room.
I'm not sure everyone understands how containers interact with room size, so I thought I'd give a brief explanation. When you drop an empty trunk in a room, the room counts it as if it were full. So regardless of whether the trunk is full or empty it is always considered to be exactly the same weight.
So, as I am downsizing a few of the containers that were unrealistically large, you may find that you can't fit as much in them as you used to, but that you can still fit the same amount of stuff in the room. Hopefully that makes sense.
I am not making any changes to the rooms themselves yet. :)
80% of apartments are now compliant and have been adjusted to their new size.
If your apartment falls in the other 20%, you will know which room(s) need to be fixed and how, as soon as you visit your apartment. *
If you visit your apartment and have no idea what I'm talking about, you're fine.
Any questions, please email me and CC the mud account.
*Edited to add: if the room is over weight/over capacity, it has not been shrunk yet, to give you a chance to move things between rooms, etc. as needed.
95% of apartments have been fixed. Thank you to everyone who rearranged, downsized, and generally helped out without complaint.
Those of you for whom five weeks' notice isn't enough, and who are ignoring the messages about your apartment weight - you may expect some IC or OOC consequences if you don't start working on it.