We're doing away with player requested stat boosts.
With the option of selecting your stat order, the ability to reroll once, and the stat-affecting age code now in place, allowing stat boosts is no longer as vital or necessary as it once was. We'll still consider requests for stat changes that impact playability (rangers who cannot use bows, for example).
Any requests to bump for other reasons will be rejected.
The thread for discussion of this new policy can be found here (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,37707.0.html).
As a reminder, please do not attempt to use the Ask the Staff forum for complaints, discussions, dialogues, suggestions, or any other things that are not questions for staff.
With the next reboot a 'reroll undo' will go live. This will work much like the original reroll, you can only do it within the first 3 hours of your character's life, and you can only do it once.
So you will have one reroll per character, and one chance to take it back.
Please note, as was announced, this will not go live until AFTER the next reboot to get the proper code into place.
http://www.armageddon.org/ at the bottom of the page lists time since the last reboot, so if this is important to you to have in place with your new PC, wait until it resets before starting your new character.