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General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: janeshephard on December 18, 2009, 08:22:25 PM

Title: Fun with tinyfugue
Post by: janeshephard on December 18, 2009, 08:22:25 PM
I'm in between apps and wanted to write a brief note about a cool mud client called tinyfugue.

I've been using this way back since the 1990s. I don't even remember when. '96 maybe.

Movement Modifiers:

Armageddon MUD lets you add a little something to your exit and arrival messages if you put it in braces at the end of your movement. So "e (limping" or "e (dragging a corpse)" would apppear as "Dragging a corpse, the short, tiny dwarf arrives." The hardest thing is typing this constantly each time, even if you use your history to repeat the command and edit it.

The following lets me use one command to add a modifier and unset it at will.

/def mm = /set movement_modifier=(%{*})
/def unmm = /unset movement_modifier

/hook SEND {w|s|n|e} = /echo %* %movement_modifier%;

If you type /mm dragging a corpse and then move at all, the mud client will intercept your outgoing message and rewrite it with the modifier. Once you're done, just type /unmm (or unmovement modify). Handy!

Another thing I like to do is precompile a ton of emotes I can fire off if I'm tired of typing. For example, write up twenty laugh emotes and put them in like this.

/def laugh = /laugh$[rand(20)]

/def laugh0 = emote Cackling, @ throws her head back.%;
/def laugh1 = emote places her hands on her hips and laughs.%;
/def laugh2 = emote Her eyes brightening, @ chuckles.%;
/def laugh3 = emote chortles, nodding her head.%;
/def laugh4 = emote snorts before letting out a brief chuckle.%;
/def laugh19 = pemote hands grab her ribs as she lets out a laugh.%;

Now you can just do /laugh and the client will pick one and send it for you. It's not very creative but for things you do a lot it can help. This in itself does not prevent you from creating your own emotes it just helps you along when your fingers a little tired and you're just going through the motions in a tavern somewhere.

Want to enable logging on connect and save it to a file by date? Do the following:

/def startlog = /eval /log -w arma-logs/$[ftime("%F")]
/hook CONNECT = /startlog

I have a directory called arma-logs. All my arma logs go there.

Want to look in all directions at once?

/def ll = l n%; l e%; l s%; l w%;

Now just type /ll and look everywhere.

Things I'm working on right now include a recognition script. Whenever I see arrival messages I will get told (in the client alone) that I *think* this may be PC named "foo" or "bar" depending on their sdesc. A mapper script that will keep track of all my movements from location A to location B so I can save it and look at it later to remember my way. Also a combat log cruncher so I don't SEE so much at once. "combat brief" isn't good enough.

The downside to writing arma specific stuff is I need to test it on arma and that eats precious RP time.

The scripting language isn't the greatest since its a bit old. There aren't hashtables or a plethora of functions but it can regex the crap out of things if you want it to.
Title: Re: Fun with tinyfugue
Post by: musashi on December 20, 2009, 03:49:25 AM
Cool man. I always just used the history buffer in my client to do that, and it is a bit of a pain for any message you want echoed for more than just the one room you're travelling to.