Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: Nyr on June 15, 2009, 04:30:10 PM

Title: Character Names as Keywords
Post by: Nyr on June 15, 2009, 04:30:10 PM
Thank you all for your feedback on the GDB!  

This is the practice/policy that we've decided to go with.

A version of this will be modified to use in helpfiles and on the website; this will be finished later today/tomorrow.

Character Names as Keywords

Keywords are meant to provide a means for players to target objects, NPCs, and PCs correctly.  Since the introduction of the addkeyword command some time ago, players are now able to add keywords for their characters.  It is considered courteous and helpful to add names/nicknames as keywords.  If your character uses a name or nickname to introduce his/herself to the majority of people they meet, the best practice would be to add that as a keyword.  Some situations and special circumstances may keep players from adding a name or nickname as a keyword (such as a criminal trade-name, a secret name, or secret names of those in a secret society). In cases where a character uses a name/nickname as his/her sole means of identification, this name should always be a character keyword.

If the lack of a commonly used keyword becomes a problem, staff may request that you add the keyword to your character.  Staff will send a notification via e-mail to your listed e-mail account before initiating any changes.  Appeals for removal of such a keyword can be send to the request tool, but the final decision on this remains in the hands of staff members.