Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: RogueGunslinger on May 30, 2009, 06:41:17 AM

Title: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: RogueGunslinger on May 30, 2009, 06:41:17 AM
steal coins blah
You quietly approach your target.

You cover your mistake before he discovers you.
The blah-blah, blah human shouts, in northern-accented sirihish:
     "Thief! Thief!"

Is this a bug? If I covered my mistake, why the hell is he shouting abut a thief?
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Xygax on May 30, 2009, 07:19:38 AM
If he feels a hand on his purse without knowing -you're- the thief, he'll still yell "Thief, thief!!" but you won't take the blame.

-- X
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: jcljules on May 30, 2009, 07:30:22 AM
Quote from: Xygax on May 30, 2009, 07:19:38 AM
If he feels a hand on his purse without knowing -you're- the thief, he'll still yell "Thief, thief!!" but you won't take the blame.

-- X

So if this happens, the victim shouts but you aren't automatically crimmed?
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: SMuz on May 30, 2009, 08:04:37 AM
Only if there aren't any PCs in the room ;)
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Xygax on May 30, 2009, 08:05:52 AM
Right, you shouldn't acquire a criminal flag, and soldiers will not codedly pursue you.  PCs should play (ideally) as if the offender is not known, as well, if the room is described as containing VNPCs or contains NPCs.

-- X
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: jcljules on May 30, 2009, 08:42:07 AM
Can an outside observer tell that you covered your mistake, though? Won't they just see "Thief! Thief!" and assume you to be a criminal?
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Simple on May 30, 2009, 08:57:59 AM
It could be someone hidden. Don't assume.

Edit: Or do assume for RP fun.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: mansa on May 30, 2009, 10:51:10 AM
I think the echo for the victim is:

You feel something in your belongings.

Or similar to that.  It doesn't give an sdesc of anybody.  You will get this echo even if the thief is hidden in the room.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Thunkkin on May 30, 2009, 10:52:08 AM
Oh man.  If I felt "something" in my belongings, I'd totally freak out assuming there was a rat or lizard or something in there ...
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: jcljules on May 30, 2009, 11:01:04 AM
Quote from: mansa on May 30, 2009, 10:51:10 AM
You feel something in your belongings touching your junk.

The problem is... if I was a third party, outside observer PC--and I saw a PC in the room, then heard "Thief, Thief!" from an NPC. I probably wouldn't stop and think to myself--hey, that could have been a vNPC who committed the robbery. I would just assume it was the PC and that the NPC spotted them.

Is there any indication to third parties that the thief was not identified?
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Thunkkin on May 30, 2009, 11:04:04 AM
Quote from: jcljules on May 30, 2009, 11:01:04 AM
Quote from: mansa on May 30, 2009, 10:51:10 AM
You feel something in your belongings touching your junk.

The problem is... if I was a third party, outside observer PC--and I saw a PC in the room, then heard "Thief, Thief!" from an NPC. I probably wouldn't stop and think to myself--hey, that could have been a vNPC who committed the robbery. I would just assume it was the PC and that the NPC spotted them.

Is there any indication to third parties that the thief was not identified?

I'd actually assume that the thief, PC or (v)NPC, is "hidden" ... blending into the crowd and not the person who is standing there as obvious as daylight.  Unless it was an elf.  Then we all know it was the elf.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: mansa on May 30, 2009, 01:09:42 PM
Quote from: jcljules on May 30, 2009, 11:01:04 AM
Quote from: mansa on May 30, 2009, 10:51:10 AM
You feel something in your belongings touching your junk.

The problem is... if I was a third party, outside observer PC--and I saw a PC in the room, then heard "Thief, Thief!" from an NPC. I probably wouldn't stop and think to myself--hey, that could have been a vNPC who committed the robbery. I would just assume it was the PC and that the NPC spotted them.

Is there any indication to third parties that the thief was not identified?

No, there is just this line:
The blah-blah, blah human shouts, in northern-accented sirihish:
     "Thief! Thief!"

It doesn't say who done it.  There are some echos when some people fail and the thief -IS- noticed, but that depends on the NPCs in the room.

It's weird when you have some NPC just shouting it on repeat, when there appears to be nobody else in the room.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Jingo on May 30, 2009, 03:53:34 PM
PC's always seem to know who it is when they get that message though.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: X-D on May 30, 2009, 04:29:26 PM
Of course they do. Normaly because of the player of the thief PC though.

You feel a hand on your belongings.


Tavern full of people sitting down and chatting...Oh, cept for that hooded elf standing over there without even a ldesc change.

look hooded elf
You see an elf with an mdesc that basicly says SHADOW NINJA!!!
Worn on head, Soft black something
Repeat for all other wear locations.
Oh, Foodpads.

think Looks like a thief, acts like a thief, smells like a thief, race is thief....Nah, maybe its the virtual dwarf over there wearing plate armor and an axe.

Best thing I ever saw played out is when a rinthi elf came into a tavern in which 5 PCs were there, one was standing, human and chatting with somebody else. Once the elf arrived the pickpocketting began. Of course the hooded rinthi elf in all black and footpads got blamed. Although I'm sure it was the clean cut human PC that had already been there taking advantage of a perfect scapegoat.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Bogre on May 30, 2009, 05:17:41 PM
When everyone types in watch elf....

it is your time to start looting their goodz.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: SMuz on May 31, 2009, 12:00:02 PM
Pickpockets have some of the most strategy of all the classes in the game. I want to play a pickpocket again :D
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Synthesis on May 31, 2009, 02:37:26 PM
If everyone types 'watch elf' and you start stealing things, that's the surest way to rule out the elf as a suspect.

I mean, everyone was watching him and nobody saw anything? Probably means he wasn't the one who did it.

Of course, rudimentary logikz isn't for everyone.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: FantasyWriter on May 31, 2009, 04:59:02 PM
He's the front man... he came and sat in the bar so all eyes would be on him while his tribe-mate snuck in and picked everyone's pocket...
So he's STILL responsible.  Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: a strange shadow on May 31, 2009, 04:59:53 PM
Or the elf was just that good.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Thunkkin on May 31, 2009, 05:03:53 PM
And "rudimentary logikz" doesn't tell you who the thief is, if they're six people all sitting in group.  If everyone is watching the elf, each person may feel fairly sure that the elf didn't do it, but won't know for sure who did.

Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Dan on May 31, 2009, 05:17:48 PM
I've started brawls to steal a persons weapons.

Then when I got them during the scuffle I would suddenly be "soundly beaten" and limp off to sell them with a smile.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: RogueGunslinger on June 01, 2009, 07:47:06 AM
The good thief's the one never seen.

Roll a burglar and play it right! No more of that "steal everything not bolted to the floor" shit.

Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: a strange shadow on June 01, 2009, 07:51:37 AM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on June 01, 2009, 07:47:06 AM
Roll a burglar and play it right! No more of that "steal everything not bolted to the floor" shit.

THIS... and lock up after yourselves, you sloppy jerks! You can do that now!
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Riev on June 01, 2009, 06:25:09 PM
The most amazing thief is the one that nicks the target or robs the apartment and leaves the target with -no- idea it happened. Don't steal furniture and benches. Steal the ONE thing they have worth a bit of 'sid every week and I bet they won't even notice.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Synthesis on June 01, 2009, 06:40:45 PM
Quote from: Riev on June 01, 2009, 06:25:09 PM
The most amazing thief is the one that nicks the target or robs the apartment and leaves the target with -no- idea it happened. Don't steal furniture and benches. Steal the ONE thing they have worth a bit of 'sid every week and I bet they won't even notice.

Yeah right. Stealing their valuable shit is the #1 way to instigate utter hatred and a city-wide witch-hunt against you.

If you want to prosper as a burglar, steal their semi-valuable shit that is easily replaceable.  If it's a crafter's apartment, steal a few of the crafted items they haven't sold yet.  If it's a hunter's apartment, steal some of the hides they've stocked up.  You'll make some coins, they'll be a little miffed, but the shit is easily replaceable for them, so they'll probably let it slide.

If you steal their gemstone-studded intricately carved glass spice pipe or the badass sword they got from House Salarr after waiting an entire IC year, they will crush your nuts (or pay someone to crush your nuts) the first chance they get if they ever find out.

Another pro tip:  only steal things that they have LOTS of.  Chances are nobody keeps accurate count of how many arrows they have, if they have a pile of 20 or more.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: X-D on June 01, 2009, 08:39:06 PM
On this point, Synth is 100% correct.

Pretty much like real life, Steal a couple $200 diamond studs, you can pawn anywhere without worry. Steal the Hope diamond though....
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Gunnerblaster on June 02, 2009, 12:57:43 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on June 01, 2009, 07:47:06 AM
Roll a burglar and play it right! No more of that "steal everything not bolted to the floor" shit.
Maybe the burglar, for all intents and purposes, was roleplayed correctly.

It's burglars that break in, it's your damned neighbors which rob you blind!
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Eloran on June 02, 2009, 01:06:19 PM
I remember the good ole elves dragging couches, bed frames and wardrobes behind them.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Agent_137 on June 02, 2009, 01:36:41 PM
Quote from: Gunnerblaster on June 02, 2009, 12:57:43 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on June 01, 2009, 07:47:06 AM
Roll a burglar and play it right! No more of that "steal everything not bolted to the floor" shit.
Maybe the burglar, for all intents and purposes, was roleplayed correctly.

It's burglars that break in, it's your damned neighbors which rob you blind!

burglars can lock doors back now. and should if they don't want the target to immediately know they've been robbed.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Synthesis on June 02, 2009, 06:18:53 PM
The problem is that burglary seems largely to be used as a form of retribution or griefing, since that's basically the easiest and most straightforward way a newb class_burglar can strike back at someone who's insulted them.

Thus, leaving the door unlocked after leaving is an intentional invitation for your neighbors to come in and loot your stuff.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: RogueGunslinger on June 02, 2009, 10:09:22 PM
What kind of player checks to see if all the doors are locked in an apartment? As far as I know, you can't even tell if it's open unless you look.

Stop being such twinky neighbors.
Title: Re: You cover your mistake... Not
Post by: Simple on June 02, 2009, 11:45:26 PM
You don't have to be a burglar to be a thief.