Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Player Announcements and Collaboration => Topic started by: The Lonely Hunter on April 26, 2009, 02:36:06 PM

Title: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: The Lonely Hunter on April 26, 2009, 02:36:06 PM
Hey guys. Some of you old dogs will remember me, I hope.  :P
I haven't played in roughly two years but I am looking to make a come back. I'll have to learn all the old tricks again and I'm a little worried, I feel like a newb again. I'm sure it is like riding a bike though.

Anyway, any tips or advice? Since the revamp of the north, I've been a die-hard Naki guy. Hows the player-base down there these days? Any big changes that will make my heart stop?

I've got a couple PC ideas in mind but would love to hear some feedback before I settle.

Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: Eloran on April 26, 2009, 02:45:46 PM
Join the Byn or AoD if you want to head down south and get yourself back into the groove.

The noble houses in both city-states are highly active from the immortal job pages, so I'd consider trying out one of those as a guard as well.

Welcome back. I remember you!
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: Pale Horse on April 26, 2009, 02:48:18 PM
Tdesc.  Temporary description.  Use it.  Love it.
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: Mechafish on April 26, 2009, 03:07:59 PM
Welcome back.  Put/get all is a cool command.
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: mansa on April 26, 2009, 03:11:14 PM
>emote waves at ~templar.tall.muscular
You wave at the tall, muscular templar.

You have less fudging around with keywords, now.

>get all.white.feathers chest

You can now "get all" of specific types


You can remain hidden as you move from room to room, thus preventing NPCs from auto-attacking you as you enter their room.

There is a tribe of city elves in Tuluk of which you can play / join.

A very nice document has been updated here:

Corpses retain their main description.

Brewing Alcohol is available for certain clans.

UnderTuluk is now a starting area and has been revamped slightly.

You can sell poop that animals drop.

Guarding or Following someone who is sitting at a table while you are standing gives you a chance to overhear the conversation at that table.

A kadian shop has been added to Luir's Outpost.

You can pick cotton in Tuluk as a minor job.

An email will be sent when your character dies.

Hunger/Thirst messages in score should better match warnings - You will notice yourself go hungry and thirsty more frequently as of this change.

Scroll/book titles are keywords (for those who can read)

Mounts run when you force them to flee.

Cloaks can be opened/closed (,33924.0.html )

"gone" does not remove hiding status

Watch, Scan, Listen now use stun points when active.  Other skills, such as combat skills, also use movement points when using them.

And that's mostly since January!
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: Cutthroat on April 26, 2009, 03:24:21 PM
The kanks are dead and the gith attacked (and got attacked). You can forget about Red Storm East.
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: WarriorPoet on April 26, 2009, 03:48:55 PM
You're the man, TLH. One of my favorites to play with.

We're all the richer. :)
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: The Lonely Hunter on April 26, 2009, 06:00:41 PM
Thanks for the quick advice and updates! Wow, a lot has changed but it all seems very cool!

Edited to add:

Nice to see some familiar faces. ;)
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: Armaddict on April 26, 2009, 06:29:33 PM
Welcome back, dude.  Just came back recently myself :)
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: sarahjc on April 26, 2009, 07:23:21 PM
OMG I love T-desc. It's beyond Pathetic that I didn't know about it. What I get for not readinig the boards. So.. my new Fav thing now.

Oh, yeah.. and welcome back Lonely hunter. I've missed you.
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: FantasyWriter on April 28, 2009, 08:57:52 PM
It's great to see more people coming back!
You quit before I started, so I don't remember you though. :(
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: IAmJacksOpinion on April 29, 2009, 06:56:08 AM
Hey, I think I remember you too.

Anyways, dito on the tdesc bumping.

Yep. Borsail and RSE got their faces both ate respectively (check the timeline for brief details)

Also, there's new life breathed into a certain bar in the rinth (which in turn backstabbed the life out of everyone else, naturally). New randomly active "crew" there and easier obtainable spice. If you're a rinth man.

Yeah open/close cloak to let you hide your shirt, belt, and weapons on said belt.

In the political realm of things, Allanak and Tuluk have (or had?) a cease fire agreement. Not sure if that still holds, but honestly I haven't seen it affect ANYTHING as far as my lot in life as a commoner is concerned.

Also, there's a new city state. And I am king. Bitchez.
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: The Lonely Hunter on May 12, 2009, 10:35:48 AM
I feel like such a newb again :P So many things have changed but I think I'm getting a grasp on them despite my poor luck with a very short life-span.
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: halfbreed on June 22, 2009, 04:19:24 AM
Have absolutely no time to play these days and should be asleep instead of reading these boards, caught up in a massive fit of nostalgia.

These account handles do ring a bell, I must say.

Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: Northlander on June 22, 2009, 07:48:07 AM
Heh. It's great to see you back, man.
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: jstorrie on June 22, 2009, 02:27:11 PM
The wildlife around Allanak got changed again (or maybe multiple times, depending on how long you've been gone).
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: Aaron Goulet on July 09, 2009, 03:04:01 AM
I remember you! Welcome back! Just came back from a long absence myself, and, while it seems harder to find people down South these days, I can say that the game rocks more than it ever did.
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: Jorlain on July 09, 2009, 04:14:00 AM
Long breaks strain the memory. Or at least for myself it does. I had been gone for a year or more, possibly... And I'll tell you what, all these new changes make my head hurt.

For instance, I didn't know that there was a tdesc. Or feel. Or mood. I still have trouble sometimes whipping out emotes, and they're definitely not the quality they used to be (and I tend to use a lot of the same terminology as I struggle  :-[)

But yeah. Things will mellow after a while. At any rate, welcome back!
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: Krishnamurti on July 09, 2009, 06:05:20 AM
It'll come back to you. It is coming back for me, after all, and I've been away much longer.

Reading the GDB and going through the weekly changes thoroughly was essential. Going through plenty of the help files was a great idea too. I'm just getting into the swing of solid RP again, because I've played games for so long that didn't require any! :D

Good luck TLH :D
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: drasik on July 09, 2009, 01:11:38 PM
Seems as if alot of us old guys are coming back. Hell it's kinda weird coming back after almost... what? Four or five years. It's still the best game I've ever played.
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: Jestor on July 09, 2009, 01:32:22 PM
Same here.  Took 6ish years off myself.  And it has been real interesting learning new stuff.  I -just- learned about tdesc and what it was today after reading this post and doing some helpfile reading! 

The progress that the game has made in that time really is interesting to behold. 

I have come to realize though that this really is an addiction.  While I was able to put it down for all those years, once I picked it back up I can't get enough!
Title: Re: An old dog relearning old tricks.
Post by: drasik on July 09, 2009, 01:48:54 PM
I stopped playing because I lost my computer IRL, when I finally got a new one I started playing WoW... Now I'm bored with that and this place is still awesome as hell. I caught myself saying "Feck and Drov" at work the other day...