Hot githlicker! If you use Mushclient you're gonna like this. It's an infobar (pictured below) that shows all your stats right below where you type, replacing the in-game status prompt.
Step 1: Save this XML file ( and move it into the MUSHclient/Worlds/Plugins directory. Make sure it gets saved as XML and not plain text! Windows users may need to change the file type to "All Files" if "XML Document" is not already selected. If you get an error about saving in Program Files, feel free to save it in your documents folder or anywhere convenient.
Step 2: Load the plugin!
* Open MUSHclient
* Open the plugins menu (SHIFT+CONTROL+P)
* Click the "Add" button.
* Navigate to where you saved this file and select it.
* Close the plugins menu.
Step 3: Hop into your Armageddon character and send the install command:
InstallInfobar , then try the other commands: ManaOn, ManaOff, and SwapInfobar. Yes these are all case sensitive.
Note: Your in game prompt values will no longer show in your logs. If you want that then you'll need to modify that value in the gag triggers in the plugin file. PM me if you want help with that.
ManaOn - adds mana into your infobar
ManaOff - hides mana from your infobar
InstallInfobar - fixes your prompt after you die and make a new character
SwapInfobar - swaps between the Detailed and Descriptive versions...
Detailed is the default that's pictured at the top of this post. It offers a detailed list of numbers.
Descriptive replaces the stat numbers with text that shows up when you drop below 65%. It looks like this:
"You're hurting, exhausted, woozy, armed, mounted, and set for running. Also you're Fighting: Amos. It's late afternoon."
Version 3.3 (Jan 2022)Add encumbrance and improve legibility and compactness.
Version 3.2 (September 2021)Adds support for focus points - you will need to remove the existing version then re-run the installation steps below.
Version 3.1New optional plugins for highlighting which are now defunct because the game has its own now.
Version 3.0: Plugin installation
Open Source
One minute installation
Two different display options
Mana toggle
Font support in Linux
Updating it as a plugin* Go to plugins menu. Select it. Click Remove. Repeat installation process.
Uninstalling it as a plugin* Go to the plugins menu. Select it. Click Remove.
* Fix your prompt to whatever you want. See the prompt help file ( for details.
Updating from the old non-plugin versions:* Remove the old triggers (they start with ^PROMPT_. . . )
* Re-install according to the instructions above, starting with Step 1.
* Hit control+shift+6 to open the scripting menu. Note it still has the old infobar script selected. You can now replace it or leave it. It's no longer needed.
Uninstalling from the old non-plugin versions:* Remove the old triggers (they start with ^PROMPT_. . . ).
* Use the
prompt to set it to whatever you want. See the prompt help file ( for details.
* Hit control+shift+6 to open the scripting menu. Note it still has the old infobar script selected. You can now replace it or leave it. It's no longer needed.
### CREDITS ###
Originally a vbs script from Delirium. Testing by RogueGunslinger, Prodikus, and Iiyola.
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on April 09, 2009, 02:53:05 PMI promote this.
Quote from: Feco on July 08, 2012, 08:01:23 PMJust wanted to say your status bar increased my love of Arm tenfold.
Quote from: FantasyWriter on January 29, 2010, 11:32:14 AMThis is truly awesome.
Makes cleaning up logs easier, makes keeping up with what's going on easier, makes things much more neat all around.
Quote from: Irulan on January 28, 2010, 02:55:47 PMThis info bar is really neat, and I've gotta give MAJOR kudos to Agent for helping me get it set up. He's a mushclient god, plain and simple.
Thanks Agent!
Quote from: Durant on September 19, 2009, 01:10:27 PMI've been using this awhile and must say it's great. Highly recommended!
Quote from: John on August 08, 2012, 02:37:58 AMI have not gone unconscious once from using the Way since I started using Agent 137's infobar.Would buy from again. A++
Quote from: LauraMars on July 22, 2013, 01:50:56 PMI just installed this.
It's amazing! I'm excited.
Quote from: razorback on July 24, 2013, 04:55:33 PMInstalled...and I'll never use anything else. Descriptive is the best!
Quote from: adriannetwork on August 06, 2014, 03:06:39 PMBump. This is too awesome to let sink too low.
Quote from: Iiyola on October 06, 2021, 03:17:28 PMIts amazing and I never want anything else in my life anymore :D
Quote from: Katima on January 05, 2022, 01:07:20 PMStill as badass today as it was when I started using it in 2013 as a new player. I adored it as a player and I find its even surprisingly helpful when plugged in on my staffside avatar. Three cheers, Agent.
I promote this.
I've never used MUSHclient much but a few friends of mine use it and said there were cool addons for certain MUDs maps and stuff. I might check it out just for this, thanks for sharing. ;) And MUSHclient only supporting 10 globally scoped vars hurts my brain..
Thanks for using LUA. It's the only scripting language that works under WINE.
Quote from: alicedavignon on April 09, 2009, 10:39:49 PM
Thanks for using LUA. It's the only scripting language that works under WINE.
no problem. that's why i switched it from VBS.
This thread has got me wanting to install WINE on my macbook and see how that goes.
It took me 10 minutes to figure out that the reason it doesn't work was because I had an empty space in front of the pasted trigger. Just sayin' in case anyone else does the same thing :P
This thread should be archived ;)
Man.. I'm used to a 3-line prompt while playing Arm. This feels so weird. Kinda like carrying a heavy backpack everywhere, then not carrying it. Makes me feel naked.
lol SMuz. Good man.
btw, customization requests are permitted until I get a backlog of them. So send your PMs now!
Quote from: Agent_137 on April 10, 2009, 02:42:18 AM
lol SMuz. Good man.
btw, customization requests are permitted until I get a backlog of them. So send your PMs now!
How about one that counts how many chalton boots you've gotten from corpses?
lol. possible but i'll leave that one to you.
well, I could guess:
^You (steal|get) the (.+) chalton boots from (.+)$
send to script: chaltonBoots
chaltonBoots (thename, theoutput, wildcards)
if wildcards [1]&&[2]&&[3] then
write.appendChildNode.textNode("You ",wildcards [1], " some ",wildcards [2], " boots from ", wildcards[3], "!")
I just made up the write command. I don't know how to store stuff like that between sessions. and I might be mixing in javascript with my lua. I'm pretty new to this.
When I enable the trigger, the infobar shows up, but it keeps sending something to the game that is unrecognized (and invisible to me) so it comes back with >What? >What? >What?
I did everything in the thread, but Im not sure what is wrong.
it sounds like you put something in the send portion of the trigger. Make sure it's clean and you don't have an errant space or something. After that, PM if you are still having trouble.
I have this error:
Line 31: Value for attribute named 'site' not terminated (no closing quote) (problem in this file)
you have an old copy, mansa. And you are using the "total mushclient" and not just this file linked in my original post for this thread. regardless, delete what you downloaded from me previously and get the latest.
I'd like a prompt that is this:
%n | %h(%H) %v(%V) %t(%T) | Speaking %o with a %a accent | You feel %O and the time is %e | %s
That could be up to 140 characters across the screen... but I play full screen anyways.
It works now. It was something in the send field. Thanks.
this is great.
Agent, you once posted a link to WINE for mac. I fail at GDB searching. Want to repost it here?
Quote from: One: Prebuilt Binary
Since the apparent demise of the darwine project (no builds since wine 0.9.27 - mid 2006), another user has sprung up to continue developing the Darwine project (isn't free software grand?). This person builds prepackaged Mac ports of (Dar)Wine for Intel Macs. Currently, ports are being built OS X 10.4 and 10.5 (Tiger and Leopard), and the ports are in sync with the Wine source tree. This is probably the easiest way possible to install Wine on OS X.
Just download and install the latest Mac OSX application available from or
please note i don't have a mac and have never tested any of this on a mac.
If my laptop explodes, I'm still gonna blame it on you.
Wow... for being completely retarded when it comes to this sort've thing... that was VERY easy, thanks to your detailed steps.
I highly endorse this. It's was an easy set up, and it looks neat.
Hmm.. how about adding one where it displays language and accent?
you'd have to change the prompt, the file itself, and the trigger, all to match. I'll eventually figure out one one for mansa and you that includes that, but if you have any regex experience at all you could probably figure it out sooner that I could.
Quote from: mansa on April 10, 2009, 11:50:19 PM
I'd like a prompt that is this:
%n | %h(%H) %v(%V) %t(%T) | Speaking %o with a %a accent | You feel %O and the time is %e | %s
That could be up to 140 characters across the screen... but I play full screen anyways.
With a little guide from Agent - which after a brief how-to and a lot of "OH"'s and "WAIT"'s - I found it all rather simple to do... I've changed his infobar to look like this:
For something like that it would be following the same instructions, only changing the script in notepad and saving, IG prompt and trigger.
First: Let's Customize this file!!
Part A. Customize the colors of your HP, Stun, and Movement.
1. Scroll down to the code that looks like this:
if tonumber(wildcards [2]) < 40 then
InfoColour ("purple")
2. Freely change the number (40) and the color (purple) to match your character better.
3. There is one exception: The numbers must start out low and go higher.
4. For instance, if your health maxes at 100, you would want to change <72 to <60, <100 to <80, and <115 to <100.
Part B: Are you a magicker??
1. Go down to the Mana part of the code.
2. There you see the instructions on how to enable it in your infobar!
3. Not a magicker? Move to Part C.
Part C: Do you have any special visual considerations?
1. Add larger text:
a. Run a find and replace on this:
b. Replace it with the exact same thing, except change 10 to the fontsize you want.
2. Change colors:
a. To change the default color from black to something else, find and replace this:
InfoColour ("black")
b. replace it with the exact same line, but with your preferred color.
Second: Getting the infobar installed!
Part A: Get your prompt correct in-game!
The infobar needs a certain prompt in-game to work.
So, here's the command for the right one:
prompt Mood:%O! %h %H %t %T %v %V %o %a %e %w %A %s\n>
just enter that command in game and Part A is complete!
Part B:
Next we have to help MUSHclient find this very file you're looking at.
1. Move this file into the Mushclient scripts folder. That's usually this:
c:\Program Files\MUSHclient\Scripts.
2. go to the Game/Configure/Scripting menu.
3. Make sure the language is set to Lua (it's at the top)
4. Use the browse button to find this file. (you just moved it! Find it there.)
5. Make sure that "enable scripting) is checked.
6. Click OK to save your changes to the scripting tab.
Part C:
We need to make the infobar visible. Click the View menu and select the Infobar option.
This should create a gray bar below where you type in commands.
Part C complete!
Part D:
We have to create a trigger. This moves the info from your prompt to the code in this file.
1. Go to Game\Configure\Triggers
2. Click Add.
3. In the Trigger: field, paste this entire line below:
^.*?Mood:(.+)! (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\w+) (\w+) \b(unknown|before dawn|dawn|early morning|late morning|high sun|early afternoon|late afternoon|dusk|late at night|)\b (\w+) (\w+) \b(resting|sitting|standing|sleeping|fighting:.+)\b
4. Now check these boxes:
Omit from Output
Keep Evaluating
Regular Expression
Omit from Log (optional)
5. Most importantly, find the Script: field and enter infobar into the blank.
(this tells the trigger where to send the stuff it finds in your prompt.)
6. Click OK to save the trigger.
7. Click OK again to go back to your game window.
Part E:
1. Close this file and play!
2. Be sure to save any changes.
3. MUSHclient may ask you to "reload the script." Click yes!
4. Now on your next prompt you'll see that the prompt is gone and the infobar fills out!
5. If you have any trouble or questions: PM Agent_137 on the boards.
Programmers: i think MushClient can only handle 10 global variables. So you can't add more. :(
Credits: Originally a vbs script from Delirium. Heavily modified & commented on by Agent_137. Testing by RogueGunslinger and Prodikus.
function infobar(thename, theoutput, wildcards)
InfoClear ()
InfoBackground ("wheat")
--Mood - Just add -- before each of the 3 lines below if you don't care about mood.
InfoColour ("black")
InfoFont ("Verdana",8,1)
Info (wildcards [1] , " | ")
if tonumber(wildcards [2]) < 40 then
InfoColour ("purple")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [2]) < 72 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [2]) < 100 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [2]) < 133 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
InfoColour ("black")
Info (wildcards [2], "/" , wildcards [3], "(hp) ")
if tonumber(wildcards [4]) < 50 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [4]) < 100 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [4]) < 132 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
InfoColour ("black")
Info (wildcards [4], "/" , wildcards [5], "(st) ")
--Mana. Just remove the -- on each of the 3 lines below to add it back into your infobar.
--InfoFont ("Verdana",10,1)
--InfoColour ("black")
--Info (wildcards [6] , "(mn) ")
if tonumber(wildcards [6]) < 40 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [6]) < 75 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [6]) < 126 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
InfoColour ("black")
Info (wildcards [6], "/" , wildcards [7] , "(mv) ")
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("| You are speaking ")
--Language - Add more as you like I just did two.
InfoColour ("black")
if wildcards [8] == "sirihish" then
InfoColour ("magenta")
elseif wildcards [8] == "mirukkim" then
InfoColour ("purple")
elseif wildcards [8] == "allundean" then
InfoColour ("blue")
elseif wildcards [8] == "cavilish" then
InfoColour ("green")
elseif wildcards [8] == "bendune" then
InfoColour ("red")
Info (wildcards [8] , " ")
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("in ")
InfoColour ("black")
if wildcards [9] == "northern" then
InfoColour ("red")
elseif wildcards [9] == "southern" then
InfoColour ("purple")
elseif wildcards [9] == "tribal" then
InfoColour ("blue")
Info (wildcards [9] , " ")
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("accent | ")
--Time of Day
InfoColour ("black")
if wildcards [10] == "dusk" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info (wildcards [10] , " ")
elseif wildcards [10] == "late afternoon" then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info (wildcards [10] , " ")
elseif wildcards [10] == "unknown" then
Info ("underground", " ")
elseif wildcards [10] then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (wildcards [10] , " ")
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("| ")
--Walking/Running Status
InfoColour ("black")
if wildcards [11] == "running" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif wildcards [11] == "sneaking" then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info (wildcards [11] , " ")
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("| ")
--Armed/Unarmed Status
InfoFont ("Verdana",8,1)
InfoColour ("black")
if wildcards[12] == "armed" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif wildcards[12] == "unarmed" then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (wildcards[12] , " ")
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("| ")
--Position. I.e. Standing or Fighting:Target Status
InfoColour ("black")
if wildcards [13] == "Fighting" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif wildcards [13] == "sleeping" then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif wildcards [13] == "resting" then
InfoColour ("darkblue")
elseif wildcards [13] == "sitting" then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
Info (wildcards [13] , " ")
Just copy and paste what's in there into your file that you've already downloaded. Follow steps in parts A and D in section "Second: Getting the infobar installed!"
Only problem I can forsee is when my characters start fighting something it will run off my screen and I won't be able to see all of it. To fix this matter I will personally be adjusting my font sizes, but that's pretty much it. (PLEASE NOTE: The various changes in position and language on this one have been tested, what I was not able to test was my prediction on the fighting matter.)
Yay, it works! Haha, I don't really care what it displays when I'm fighting something.. all I want to see is "fighting..."
Hmm.. maybe I should try making my own customizations :D
Seems like there are some encoding issued under WINE. A pity really. :(
QuoteSeems like there are some encoding issued under WINE. A pity really.
default fonts are different for windows/wine. Have you already tried that? I've gotten mushclient working on Wine before on linux, if not mac. Is it just the infobar that has a problem, or all of mushclient?
Quote from: Agent_137 on April 23, 2009, 01:30:53 PM
QuoteSeems like there are some encoding issued under WINE. A pity really.
default fonts are different for windows/wine. Have you already tried that? I've gotten mushclient working on Wine before on linux, if not mac. Is it just the infobar that has a problem, or all of mushclient?
I'm on Ubuntu 9.04 myself. The rest of the client (scripting in anything other than LUA and native performance excluded) works fine. Not really sure from which side even to tackle this.
EDIT: BTW, got the ms core fonts package installed too.
found the applicable thread on mushclient forums thanks to google:
Quote from: Wed 25 Jul 2007 05:04 AM (UTC) by Nick GammonTry downloading version 4.15: (you probably already have this --agent)
This lets you specify the fixed-pitch font by editing the Registry.
You can change the default font used for new world files by going to File -> Global Preferences -> Defaults and changing "Output Font" and "Input Font".
If that doesn't work, try would be changing the fonts forced by the script to something that's native to ubuntu.
i.e. change this line:
InfoFont ("Verdana",10,1)
InfoFont ("Arial",10,1)
Announcing Agent_137's Infobar 1.1!
- If you are a new infobar user, go to the original post in this thread and read the instructions for getting the original infobar installed
- If you already installed in previously, open this new file and just copy paste everything up to "README" into your infobar.lua file.
- Change the numbers for HP, Stun, and Movement to fit your character, as described in the original instructions.
- Save the file and then go into your triggers, (ctrl-shift-8) and edit the one that sends info to your infobar.
- It starts with ^.*?Mood:(.+)! (\d+)...
- The only thing you should change is the 'script' field down at the bottom left. Change the contents from infobar to infobardescriptive.
- Click OK to save the changes and go back to your game. The next line from the game should update your prompt!
Note: this thing stretches to about 100 or so characters. Do not use this descriptive version if you have limited screen space. That's what the old concise version is for!
Anyway to make it work for... zMud?
when I do this:
Part C:
We need to make the infobar visible. Click the View menu and select the Infobar option.
This should create a gray bar below where you type in commands.
Part C complete!
My client moves the viewer to a tiny spot on the right hand side of the window and the rest is just gray.
PS: It goes back to normal when I turn the info bar off, if that helps.
Quote from: Melody on September 14, 2009, 11:08:51 AM
Anyway to make it work for... zMud?
i'm sure zmud has something similar to the infobar for mushclient. it may even be called the same. I see it has a 'gauge' bar. Now if zmud supports lua then the conversion may be very simple. I do not have the time to look into myself though, especially since it is not free-software. (which mushclient is now.)
The problem is definitely in your infobar settings. Unfortunately those are local and I touch them with my script.
this forum post on the mushclient forums sounds like the same problem:
also, if you try to drag or move or undock the infobar (which is possible and may help your problem) and your entire client window goes gray, you'll need to go to the View menu and select "Reset Toolbar Locations". This is a known bug in the way one of the internal libraries works.
Quote from: Melody on September 14, 2009, 11:08:51 AM
Anyway to make it work for... zMud?,34923.0.html (,34923.0.html)
Quote from: FantasyWriter on September 14, 2009, 11:26:59 AM
Anyone know why my infobar is doing this?
The problem is definitely in your infobar settings. Unfortunately those are local and I touch them with my script.
this forum post on the mushclient forums sounds like the same problem:
also, if you try to drag or move or undock the infobar (which is possible and may help your problem) and your entire client window goes gray, you'll need to go to the View menu and select "Reset Toolbar Locations". This is a known bug in the way one of the internal libraries works.
did you not see my post, or did it not help?
Quote from: Agent_137 on September 14, 2009, 09:42:51 PM
The problem is definitely in your infobar settings. Unfortunately those are local and I touch them with my script.
this forum post on the mushclient forums sounds like the same problem:
also, if you try to drag or move or undock the infobar (which is possible and may help your problem) and your entire client window goes gray, you'll need to go to the View menu and select "Reset Toolbar Locations". This is a known bug in the way one of the internal libraries works.
did you not see my post, or did it not help?
I did miss it. Thank you, that worked :D
Got it working finally, but the everything past the number stats say "nil."
that means your trigger and/or prompt is not set correctly.
Please PM me what they are set to and I will test and repair!
I just installed this now.
Thumbs up!
Is there a way to adjust the width of the infobar? I have plenty of monitor space, but my infobar cuts off somewhere around the 95-100 character mark, even though my MUSHclient window is much larger than that.
Alternatively, is there a way to combine the HP/Stun/Movement descriptions to just say, "You feel fine" if everything is normal, otherwise just highlight the stats that are becoming a problem? (ie: "You feel completely fine," or "You are bleeding and tired," or "You are bleeding, tired, and your head hurts," etc.) I've been trying to set up some nested if/then statements, but haven't had much luck.
width problem: not that i've found, but i've shortened the readouts so that may help. you can further reduce font size or comment out some of the features that you don't need, like Armed status. To do this properly I may have to move the entire thing into a miniwindow. A little more complicated but gives me full control it. I could even draw little gauges. but that's all version 2.0.
You feel fine idea: that's a good idea. here's the code. replace all the existing code from --HP to --Time with what i've provided below.
if tonumber(wildcards [2]) < 20 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
Info ("Make your time. ")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [2]) < 40 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info ("Your organs! Leaking! ")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [2]) < 70 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info ("You're hurt bad. ")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [2]) < 100 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
Info ("You're just scratched. ")
if tonumber(wildcards [3]) < 20 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
Info ("You're about to faint! ")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [3]) < 40 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info ("Your vision is all blurry! ")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [3]) < 70 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info ("You feel light headed. ")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [3]) < 90 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
Info ("Your head aches faintly. ")
--Mana. Just remove the -- on each of the 3 lines below to add it back into your infobar.
--InfoColour ("black")
--Info ("(mn:",wildcards [6],") ")
if tonumber(wildcards [4]) < 20 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
Info ("The pain of fatigue is killing you! ")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [4]) < 40 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info ("Every muscle is on fire! ")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [4]) < 70 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info ("Your muscles feel fatigued. ")
elseif tonumber(wildcards [4]) < 90 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
Info ("You're a little tired. ")
--Time of Day
I've been using this awhile and must say it's great. Highly recommended!
I'm trying to figure out a way to highlight when damage is done to me to ensure I don't miss it during large combat spam.
Quote from: Durant on September 19, 2009, 01:10:27 PM
I've been using this awhile and must say it's great. Highly recommended!
I'm trying to figure out a way to highlight when damage is done to me to ensure I don't miss it during large combat spam.
thanks, glad you like.
What you're looking for is in triggers. You put in the line of text you want to match, and then change tho color option to whatever you want. Triggers also form the basis of the infobar since you can do so much more than just change colors with them.
Mushclient has * built in as a wildcard, so *scratches you* will match any line with
scratches you in it. But if you want more precise matching you'll need to learn some basic regular expressions.
Here is a tutorial on them:
Here are some useful ones. Remember to check the regex button, remove the beginning and ending / marks, and test them before your char's life depends on it:
/A Red-Robed Templar/ - highlights just the text and not the line.
/A \w+ gith has entered from \w+/ - will match any kind of gith, sandy, ugly, polite, green-haired, etc.
/lands a \w+ hit on you/ - just highlights the hit part.
Please note that i haven't played in 6 months and don't remember the exact messages the game gives for stuff like hits and gith entering. You'll have to fix that yourself, but feel free to message me with any questions.
I need beta testers for v2.0. Please Email, IM, or PM me.
How about I get you a key for CMUD and you just switch formats there buddy? I know you want too....
Quote from: Agent_137 on April 09, 2009, 02:51:29 PM
Hot githlicker! If you use Mushclient you're gonna like this update just out today:
Version 2.0 if my infobar script, now named "acrapyscript." Features include 30 second installation, code refactoring, and display improvements.
To install,
Step 1: Go here ( and download that file to your hard drive. I recommend the MushClient/Script directory.
Steps 2-4: Hit shift-ctrl-6 to open the scripting settings menu. Set your scripting language to Lua (it's default), set your script prefix to forward slash (/), then click the browse button. Find where you downloaded this file and select it. Click OK to close the script dialogue.
Step 5: Hop into your Armageddon character and send this command to arma: /InstallInfobar()
Optional Step 6: use this command: /SwapInfobar() to change between Detailed and Descriptive versions. Detailed is pictured below. Descriptive drops all numbers and instead says stuff like "You're hurting, exhausted, woozy, armed, mounted, and set for running. Also you're Fighting: Amos. It's late afternoon."
Optional Step 7: (only for users of previous version) remove the old trigger. It probably looks like
^.*?Mood:(.+)! (\d+)....Coming soon: a way to toggle mana display without opening the script file. In the mean time comment out the mana sections with LUA multi-line comments: --[[ CurrentMana..... ]]--
This is what the DetailedInfobar looks like:
Hey Agent_137,
Is it possible to have a single install file for brand new players, so they don't need to install the infobar as the second step?
i could package it all into one zip file, right now, but it wouldn't drop shortcuts into their start menu and stuff.
Nick Gammon, the Mushclient developer, has released the source code for his latest version. So technically I could do magick with it. But I've never done it before and I don't want the templars to kill me but if it'll get me on the front page . . .
Man, this would be real cool if it was for CMUD... wink wink knudge knudge.
lol, sorry. I only develop for closed-source applications if i'm getting paid.
i'm getting this error and my infor mar looks nothing like what you've posted.. heh
"There was a problem in script file "C:\Program Files\MUSHclient\scripts\acrapyscript.lua":
The trigger subroutine named "infobar" could not be found."
sorry for the delay in seeing this, i don't check forums much. easy to find me on email or aim though.
anyway, were you using my old infobar and then tried to update to the new one?
if you leave the old trigger lying around it would cause that error. You'll want to find and delete the old trigger It probably looks like ^.*?Mood:(.+)! (\d+)....
let me know how it goes.
That fixed it, thanks much!
I'm liking it so far!
I made health green, stun red, and stamina blue. I also added in mood. I love it but things are a little crowded. Is there a way to have the variables on two lines?
I have this:
"Riding: none Health:xx/xx Stun:xx/xx Stamxx/xx walking, standing, unarmed**You are feeling lucky and it's dawn"
I would like this:
"Riding: none Health:xx/xx Stun:xx/xx Stamina:xx/xx
walking, standing, and unarmed ** You are feeling lucky and it's dawn"
Thanks :)
i don't think you can change the size of the infobar, i haven't found a way. So the only way to get it on two lines would be to cut the size in half, which would be pretty unreadable so I doubt you are interested in that solution.
one of these days i thought about moving out of the infobar completely and use the drawing function to write out a graphical information suite for your character. But that's probably going to be years from now.
since you changed the colors why don't you save some space by removing the labels? i.e. stop wasting space with "Health:" because you know the first 2 numbers are your health due to their position and color.
That's weird that they don't have a way to have two lines built in. Your right, I probably don't need those labels. Thanks for how to guide I will be making good use of this :).
This info bar is really neat, and I've gotta give MAJOR kudos to Agent for helping me get it set up. He's a mushclient god, plain and simple.
Thanks Agent!
This is truly awesome.
Makes cleaning up logs easier, makes keeping up with what's going on easier, makes things much more neat all around.
Quote from: FuSoYa on November 25, 2009, 03:41:14 PM
Man, this would be real cool if it was for CMUD... wink wink knudge knudge.
hey, B.
You could... you know.... DOWNLOAD MUCHCLIENT!!!!!
Quote from: FantasyWriter on January 29, 2010, 04:41:33 PM
hey, B.
You could... you know.... DOWNLOAD MUCHCLIENT!!!!!
I'm both loyal and faith to Zugg and his clients. I've been using them for 13+ years and do not plan to stop anytime soon.
MUSHclient is cool though.
Quote from: FuSoYa on January 29, 2010, 04:59:22 PM
Quote from: FantasyWriter on January 29, 2010, 04:41:33 PM
hey, B.
You could... you know.... DOWNLOAD MUCHCLIENT!!!!!
I'm both loyal and faith to Zugg and his clients. I've been using them for 13+ years and do not plan to stop anytime soon.
MUSHclient is cool though.
Agreed. I'm using CMUD these days - though I have problems with pattern matching for some reason.
I'm both loyal and faith to Zugg and his clients. I've been using them for 13+ years and do not plan to stop anytime soon.
MUSHclient is cool though.
Why would Agent want to develop something that is for a closed source client that another person profits off of?
He's provided this service as a favor to the Arm community for a Free, open source client.
If you want it for CMud, ask the creator of CMud to do it.
Quote from: Durant on January 29, 2010, 07:02:34 PM
I'm both loyal and faith to Zugg and his clients. I've been using them for 13+ years and do not plan to stop anytime soon.
MUSHclient is cool though.
Why would Agent want to develop something that is for a closed source client that another person profits off of?
He's provided this service as a favor to the Arm community for a Free, open source client.
If you want it for CMud, ask the creator of CMud to do it.
He wouldn't Durant, he's made that clear.
I just happen to know Agent from other games I've played with him in the past and enjoy throwing that comment out at him occasionally as a kind of joke. The kind of joke that doesn't make anyone laugh.
As for asking the creator of CMUD to do it. Unlikely. If I was really keen on getting it done I'd post it on the zuggsoft message boards and hope someone there helps me out, which most likely would happen as I've done it several times in the past and there are some CMUD wizards on there.
It's not like Zugg would profit from a set of triggers for a game that only a few people play. LOL. Asking the creator of the game to something that is essentially "rather simple" (in that it isn't part of the compiled code or really a plug-in by necessity) would be improper.
What we need is someone to take some time and through a few commands together. I would do it but I find Cmud markedly different than Zmud in this area and am having troubles with my triggers. One of these days....
I'm sorta-kinda working on something for cMUD, and BuNutzCola seemed to be working on something for zMUD before as he posted on the forum. Here is what I have thus far:
- Shows HP in a red gauge, stun in an orange gauge, stamina in a green gauge and mana in a blue gauge
- Shows numerical values as well as a graphical representation of points remaining
- Shows time, accent, language, armed status, speed, position and mood
- Shows a timer showing how long you have been on if you want to get rid of the default status bar to make room for this
- Gags the text prompt, so that everything is neatly displayed at the bottom
- Customizable - you can disable the mana gauge, for example, if you don't want to see it on your mundane PC, and you can change the order of the other pieces
It is pretty light at the moment, and I might add more stuff, but when I'm ready to release something I will. :) Spending the last bits of time off from school to learn some zScript, yay.
Agent's infobar works wonderfully though, and it kind of inspired me to work on this. ;D I'll make a new thread for it when I'm happy with it.
Edit: Oh and the code for cMUD and zMUD are roughly similar, so it's possible this will be backwards-compatible.
I use Gmud. :'(
Quote from: BlackMagic0 on January 30, 2010, 02:28:27 PM
I use Gmud. :'(
heh. why? mushclient has been free for 3-4 years now.
and yea, Durant, you said pretty much exactly what I said to Fusoya about 6 months back.
also, Fusoya, how can you be loyal to a guy who puts out quality software, charges righteously for it, then stops developing it, makes new software that does the same thing, and then sells both for the same price, even though zmud is dead development-wise. Did legacy owners of zmud even get cmud free of charge?
Quote from: Agent_137 on February 01, 2010, 10:01:24 AM
Did legacy owners of zmud even get cmud free of charge?
No real worries on my end. I enjoy and use his product and have for years and have no desire to switch though I have dabbled in a few other clients when I needed to.
Quote from: FuSoYa on February 01, 2010, 10:10:50 AM
Quote from: Agent_137 on February 01, 2010, 10:01:24 AM
Did legacy owners of zmud even get cmud free of charge?
No real worries on my end. I enjoy and use his product and have for years and have no desire to switch though I have dabbled in a few other clients when I needed to.
Agreed. I tried Mushclient and really wanted to use it but spellcheck and the screen display were so difficult to do right. The last I knew Muschlient didn't support autospell checking and this is a must for me. =) Frankly, I don't know how I used to play using just TinTin++, but my vocab must have been tiny!
Edit to add:
Just downloaded most current version and it does indeed have spellcheck - but pop open a window instead of underlining words. I wonder if that can be changed.
Quote from: Agent_137 on February 01, 2010, 10:01:24 AM
Quote from: BlackMagic0 on January 30, 2010, 02:28:27 PM
I use Gmud. :'(
heh. why? mushclient has been free for 3-4 years now.
I'll use mushclient if you set it up for me, all purty like. Deal?
Hah.. Just never really been motivated to get any other client. Gmud always had what I needed, really.
Though all these fancy infobars, and shit you all talk about..
@dustmight it could be configured to check everytime you hit enter but that might get annoying. maybe with heavy modifications it could check every word and then pop up if there is an error however that might be annoying too. If your underlining errors feature is critical and you paid for cmud already might as well stick with it. (see mushclient script functions SpellCheck and SpellCheckCommand if you're feeling fiesty)
@blackmagic0 email for help, i can send a sanitized world file.
Just a quick note to people using Vista (like me...Vista makes baby jesus cry) Downloading the script was a pain in the kept downloading it as .htm instead of .lua and I finally had to have Agent just email it to me. Vista users be wary :P!
Quote from: Irulan on February 02, 2010, 12:00:03 PM
Just a quick note to people using Vista (like me...Vista makes baby jesus cry) Downloading the script was a pain in the kept downloading it as .htm instead of .lua and I finally had to have Agent just email it to me. Vista users be wary :P!
This was not a problem for me - because I use Firefox??
Maybe so, I was using IE, and then needed to switch over to chrome. I've decided the combination of IE and VISTA sucks!
lol, yes. combining two piles of crap just gets you one BIG pile of crap.
Quote from: Agent_137 on February 02, 2010, 12:47:01 PM
lol, yes. combining two piles of crap just gets you one BIG pile of crap.
o is that wat synergy is?
Quote from: alicedavignon on April 23, 2009, 08:39:25 AM
Seems like there are some encoding issued under WINE. A pity really. :(
Did anyone ever figure out a fix for this? I've tried changing the font in the actual script to no avail. I can -almost- make out numbers, but the rest is a jumbled mess.
it's a conflict between infobar fonts and wine. check out this thread for answers:
in summary, you can try a bunch of different fonts until one works, or you can run the fix from winetricks. (details on that thread.)
if you find a working font let me know and i'll update the source.
Quote from: Agent_137 on May 03, 2010, 05:39:43 PM
it's a conflict between infobar fonts and wine. check out this thread for answers:
in summary, you can try a bunch of different fonts until one works, or you can run the fix from winetricks. (details on that thread.)
if you find a working font let me know and i'll update the source.
Downloaded the fix...and now I just see symbols rather than any form of letters at all...It is interesting to have an airplane as part of my health, though.
I'm going to play with fonts..and see if I can figure anything out!
did you look over the packages that come with winetricks and install all the fonts?
Or, if you are sure you installed the corefonts package, change the font from verdana in the script (two places) to Courier.
verdana is kinda weird that's left over from when i first got the base script. Blame delirium.
tiptoe, I assume you figured it out since you didn't post back?
In anycase, I changed the font in the script from Verdana (windows only) to Helvetica, which linux, mac and windows all have. I'm sure that would fix the issue. Also moved the file to a new location for easier download.
Hi guys.
I edited Agent's script to remove references to mana, for mundanes. I've tested it and nothing seems to break.
1. If you already have the script installed, remove the four prompt triggers that currently exist in your trigger list. Otherwise, follow the installation instructions until you have the script installed, but don't enter /InstallInfobar() just yet.
2. Open the script, delete the contents, and paste the code below. When that's done, save the script (tell it to reprocess) and close it.
3. Log in to your character, and hit /InstallInfobar().
You should now have a mana-less prompt.
--[[ Your scripting language is not set to lua if you ever see this line in the mushclient output.
Step 1: Save this file to your hard drive. I recommend the MushClient/Script directory. If you are using my own MCL file you can skip to step 5.
Steps 2-4: Hit shift-ctrl-6 to open the scripting settings menu. Set your scripting language to Lua, set your script prefix to forward slash(/), then click browse to find and select this file. Click OK to close the script dialogue.
Step 5:Login to Armageddon and send this command to arma: /InstallInfobar()
Programmer Comments follow. Normal people stop reading and play the game.---->
here is the Status Prompt; enter the entire following line into armageddon after you have logged into your character.
prompt PROMPT_%a_%o_%O_%k_%e_LINEONE\n
btw, this is a really important piece. changing even the order will break everything in both DetailedInfobar and DescriptiveInfobar.
the following line is the new matching string. Create a new trigger and put it into the matching field at the top. Don't save and close it yet though.
^PROMPT_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_riding: ([^_]+)_([^_]+)_LINEONE\n
While still in the same trigger, check these options: regular expression, omit from output, and optionally omit from log.
Lastly you must put the name of the function (script) you want to use in the "script:" field for the trigger. Either DetailedInfobar or DescriptiveInfobar depending on which you want to use.
Again, this is a really important piece. That's because this pattern is regex code for the prompt information. If you change something it may not recognize your prompt info anymore and you'll get a bunch of nil values.
An author's todo list:
test descriptive, swap between descriptive and detailed, better variable scoping, speed enhancements.
also add a mana toggle or build into install scripts
]]-- multiline intro comment ends here.
function installinfobar()
end --end installinfobar
function installInfobar()
end --end installinfobar
function Installinfobar()
end --end installinfobar
function InstallInfobar()
--Prototype for trigger class: long AddTriggerEx(BSTR TriggerName, BSTR MatchText, BSTR ResponseText, long Flags, short Colour, short Wildcard, BSTR SoundFileName, BSTR ScriptName, short SendTo, short Sequence);
AddTriggerEx ("DetailedInfobarTrigger", "^PROMPT_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_riding: ([^_]+)_([^_]+)_LINEONE\\nPROMPT_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_LINETWO\\nPROMPT_([^_]+)_LINE3$", "", 41, -1, 0, "", "DetailedInfobar", 0, 10)
--above line sets up trigger to read in the data from the prompt and feed it to the script.
SetTriggerOption ("DetailedInfobarTrigger","multi_line", 1)
SetTriggerOption ("DetailedInfobarTrigger","lines_to_match", 3)
--above two lines enable multi-line matching which is neeeded due to the length of the prompt - it won't fit all on one line
--also note that it's important to set these triggers to 'keep evaluating' otherwise it will only act on each line once.
AddTriggerEx ("DetailedInfobarTriggerGag1", "^PROMPT_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_riding: ([^_]+)_([^_]+)_LINEONE$", "", 47, -1, 0, "", "", 0, 20)
AddTriggerEx ("DetailedInfobarTriggerGag2", "^PROMPT_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_([^_]+)_LINETWO$", "", 47, -1, 0, "", "", 0, 20)
AddTriggerEx ("DetailedInfobarTriggerGag3", "^PROMPT_([^_]+)_LINE3$", "", 47, -1, 0, "", "", 0, 20)
--above three lines gag the prompt lines - multi-line triggers can't gag text.
SendImmediate ("prompt PROMPT_%a_%o_%O_%k_%e_LINEONE\\nPROMPT_%WHATEVER_%A_%w_%h_%H_%t_%T_%v_%V_LINETWO\\nPROMPT_%s_LINE3\\n")
--above creates Prompt ingame. Notice the \\n to create linebreaks in the prompt. The extra \ is needed otherwise the SendImmediate command will hit the enter key, so to speak, when it reads \n.
ShowInfoBar (true)
--above Turns on infobar in case it's off.
SendImmediate ("inv")
--above sends just any input to trigger a prompt in game.
Tell ("You should now see your stats in the infobar at the bottom of your mushclient window. If not, send email to my gmail account - agent.137")
end --end InstallInfobar
function SwapInfobar()
local InfobarTriggerScript
InfobarTriggerScript = GetTriggerOption ("DetailedInfobarTrigger", "script")
if InfobarTriggerScript == "DetailedInfobar" then
SetTriggerOption ("DetailedInfobarTrigger", "script", "DescriptiveInfobar")
elseif InfobarTriggerScript == "DescriptiveInfobar" then
SetTriggerOption ("DetailedInfobarTrigger", "script", "DetailedInfobar")
else Note ("something is rotten in the state of SwapInfobar()")
end -- if statement
end --end SwapInfobar
function DetailedInfobar(thename, theoutput, wildcards)
--Now creating variables with "local" command then filling them with the data from the prompt and trigger:
--The numbers here match the corresponding entry into your prompt. i.e. %a (accent) is first, so it becomes wildcards[1], %o (language) is wildcards[2]
--But it doesn't get assigned a number until it passes through the regex in the trigger: which is why you can't change one without changing all three.
--From here on out, the info from your prompt is contained in the variables created below. i.e. your current health, %h from your prompt, is stored in CurrentHealth.
local CurrentAccent
CurrentAccent = wildcards [1]
local CurrentLanguage
CurrentLanguage = wildcards [2]
local CurrentMood
CurrentMood = wildcards [3]
local CurrentRiding
CurrentRiding = wildcards [4]--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentTime
CurrentTime = wildcards [5]--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentWHATEVER
CurrentWHATEVER = wildcards [6]
local CurrentArmed
CurrentArmed = wildcards [7]--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentSpeed
CurrentSpeed = wildcards [8]--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentHealth
CurrentHealth = tonumber(wildcards [9])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentHealthMax
CurrentHealthMax = tonumber(wildcards [10])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentStun
CurrentStun = tonumber(wildcards [11])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentStunMax
CurrentStunMax = tonumber(wildcards [12])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentStamina
CurrentStamina = tonumber(wildcards [13])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentStaminaMax
CurrentStaminaMax = tonumber(wildcards [14])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentPosition
CurrentPosition = wildcards [15]--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
--Setting up default look
InfoClear ()
InfoBackground ("wheat")
InfoFont ("Verdana",10,1) --last digit represents style - 0=normal and 1=bold.
--Add a Text Variable - in the line after next, replace 'TextVariable' with the variable you want to add from the list above. Then uncomment them both.
--InfoColour ("black")
--Info ("abbreviation",TextVariable)
--Riding Status
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("Riding: ",CurrentRiding," ")
--[[ Testing auto figuring of ratio. if it breaks, reset ifs to this pattern: elseif tonumber(CurrentHealth) < 40 then
it will probably break - check how to run operations within an input.]]--
if (CurrentHealth/CurrentHealthMax) < 20/100 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
elseif (CurrentHealth/CurrentHealthMax) < 40/100 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif (CurrentHealth/CurrentHealthMax) < 70/100 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif (CurrentHealth/CurrentHealthMax) < 100/100 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
elseif CurrentHealth then
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("Health:",CurrentHealth)
--Uncomment the next line and comment in the following that deal with the max value if you want to remove the max but keep the current value.
--Info (" ")
--following 7 lines will add the corresponding max value to the display.
if CurrentHealthMax then
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("/",CurrentHealthMax," ")
InfoColour ("black")
Info (" ")
--End CurrentHealth with Max
if (CurrentStun/CurrentStunMax) < 20/100 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
elseif (CurrentStun/CurrentStunMax) < 40/100 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif (CurrentStun/CurrentStunMax) < 70/100 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif (CurrentStun/CurrentStunMax) < 90/100 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
elseif CurrentStun then
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("Stun:",CurrentStun)
--Uncomment the next line and comment in the following that deal with the max value if you want to remove the max but keep the current value.
--Info (" ")
--following 7 lines will add the corresponding max value to the display.
if CurrentStunMax then
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("/",CurrentStunMax," ")
InfoColour ("black")
Info (" ")
--End CurrentStun with Max
if (CurrentStamina/CurrentStaminaMax) < 20/100 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
elseif (CurrentStamina/CurrentStaminaMax) < 40/100 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif (CurrentStamina/CurrentStaminaMax) < 70/100 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif (CurrentStamina/CurrentStaminaMax) < 90/100 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
elseif CurrentStamina then
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("Stam:",CurrentStamina)
--Uncomment the next line and comment in the following that deal with the max value if you want to remove the max but keep the current value.
--Info (" ")
--following 7 lines will add the corresponding max value to the display.
if CurrentStaminaMax then
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("/",CurrentStaminaMax," ")
InfoColour ("black")
Info (" ")
--End CurrentStamina with Max
--Adding Extra Spacing
InfoColour ("black")
Info (" | ")
--Time of Day
InfoColour ("black")
if CurrentTime == "dusk" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info (CurrentTime, " ")
elseif CurrentTime == "late afternoon" then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info (CurrentTime , " ")
elseif CurrentTime == "unknown" then
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("underground", " ")
elseif CurrentTime then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (CurrentTime , " ")
--Walking/Running Status
InfoColour ("black")
if CurrentSpeed == "running" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif CurrentSpeed == "sneaking" then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif CurrentSpeed then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (CurrentSpeed, " ")
--Armed/Unarmed Status
InfoColour ("black")
if CurrentArmed == "armed" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif CurrentArmed == "unarmed" then
InfoColour ("black")
elseif CurrentArmed then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (CurrentArmed, " ")
--Position. I.e. Standing or Fighting:Target Status
InfoColour ("black")
if CurrentPosition == "Fighting" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif CurrentPosition == "sleeping" then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif CurrentPosition == "resting" then
InfoColour ("darkblue")
elseif CurrentPosition == "sitting" then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
elseif CurrentPosition then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (CurrentPosition, " ")
end --- end detailed infobar ---
function DescriptiveInfobar(thename, theoutput, wildcards)
local CurrentAccent
CurrentAccent = wildcards [1]
local CurrentLanguage
CurrentLanguage = wildcards [2]
local CurrentMood
CurrentMood = wildcards [3]
local CurrentRiding
CurrentRiding = wildcards [4]--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentTime
CurrentTime = wildcards [5]--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentWHATEVER
CurrentWHATEVER = wildcards [6]
local CurrentArmed
CurrentArmed = wildcards [7]--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentSpeed
CurrentSpeed = wildcards [8]--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentHealth
CurrentHealth = tonumber(wildcards [9])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentHealthMax
CurrentHealthMax = tonumber(wildcards [10])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentStun
CurrentStun = tonumber(wildcards [11])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentStunMax
CurrentStunMax = tonumber(wildcards [12])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentStamina
CurrentStamina = tonumber(wildcards [13])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentStaminaMax
CurrentStaminaMax = tonumber(wildcards [14])--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
local CurrentPosition
CurrentPosition = wildcards [15]--used in DetailedInfobar by default.
--Setting up default look
InfoClear ()
InfoBackground ("wheat")
InfoFont ("Verdana",10,1) --last digit represents style - 0=normal and 1=bold.
Info ("You're ")
if (CurrentHealth/CurrentHealthMax) < 5/100 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
Info ("at Death's door, ")
elseif (CurrentHealth/CurrentHealthMax) < 15/100 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
Info ("dying, ")
elseif (CurrentHealth/CurrentHealthMax) < 30/100 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info ("severely wounded, ")
elseif (CurrentHealth/CurrentHealthMax) < 66/100 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info ("damaged, ")
elseif (CurrentHealth/CurrentHealthMax) < 85/100 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
Info ("hurting, ")
elseif (CurrentHealth/CurrentHealthMax) < 100/100 then
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("mostly unharmed, ")
if (CurrentStamina/CurrentStaminaMax) < 5/100 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
Info ("done for, ")
elseif (CurrentStamina/CurrentStaminaMax) < 15/100 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
Info ("practically crawling, ")
elseif (CurrentStamina/CurrentStaminaMax) < 35/100 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info ("exhausted, ")
elseif (CurrentStamina/CurrentStaminaMax) < 65/100 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info ("wearing down, ")
elseif (CurrentStamina/CurrentStaminaMax) < 80/100 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
Info ("lightly fatigued, ")
if (CurrentStun/CurrentStunMax) < 5/100 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
Info ("see only black, ")
elseif (CurrentStun/CurrentStunMax) < 15/100 then
InfoColour ("crimson")
Info ("nearly unconcious, ")
elseif (CurrentStun/CurrentStunMax) < 30/100 then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info ("mentally wracked, ")
elseif (CurrentStun/CurrentStunMax) < 45/100 then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info ("woozy, ")
elseif (CurrentStun/CurrentStunMax) < 65/100 then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
Info ("dizzy, ")
--Armed/Unarmed Status
InfoColour ("black")
if CurrentArmed == "armed" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info ("armed, ")
elseif CurrentArmed == "unarmed" then
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("unarmed, ")
InfoColour ("black")
if Riding then
Info ("mounted, ")
Info ("")
--Walking/Running Status
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("and set for ")
if CurrentSpeed == "running" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif CurrentSpeed == "sneaking" then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif CurrentSpeed then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (CurrentSpeed, ". ")
--Position. I.e. Standing or Fighting:Target Status
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("Also, you're ")
if CurrentPosition == "Fighting" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
elseif CurrentPosition == "sleeping" then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
elseif CurrentPosition == "resting" then
InfoColour ("darkblue")
elseif CurrentPosition == "sitting" then
InfoColour ("darkgreen")
elseif CurrentPosition then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (CurrentPosition, ". ")
--Time of Day
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("It's ")
if CurrentTime == "dusk" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info (CurrentTime, " ")
elseif CurrentTime == "late afternoon" then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info (CurrentTime , " ")
elseif CurrentTime == "unknown" then
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("underground", " ")
elseif CurrentTime then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (CurrentTime , ". ")
end --- end descriptive infobar ---
Oh, and you verdana-intolerant people may want to edit it further to switch the font to helvetica. ;)
Sexy, makes me want to download the old MushClient again to use it. But I can't fucking spell, so I use KildClient, which is free, and has spell checking. Oh well.
@a strange shadow: thanks. I guess i never did get around to making that mana toggle. I hope you found the change easy and well commented?
@FightClub: mushclient has spell checking you just have to enable in the options. I mean, it's not the cool red squiggly underlines you get in Microsoft Word and stuff, but it definitely spellchecks.
@tiptoe & alicedavignon: pleeease tell us if changing it to helvetica worked.
sorry for the delay on responding to this thread. I thought I was getting alerts when people posted on it but i guess not.
I made another program (,40435.0.html) for arma today. It's used to help you track your play time to the minute, even across characters if you want. It's a windows program, though. Sorry, no version for you verdana-intolerant people.
This is neat, but I can't right click. There a solution here?
yea here's a zip file. should have probably distributed it as a zip anyway. Not for file size but just to avoid problems like this: <-- magicker version <-- mundane version (the same as strange shadow posted, but w/helvetica as font)
Thank you. :) The normal function seems to be working but /SwapInfobar() is giving me a touch of trouble.
Edit: Not anymore. Hm.
I still use the old version. It works tons better for me.
This isn't working very well. How do I remove it?
Quote from: Kalai on January 24, 2011, 11:16:34 AM
This isn't working very well. How do I remove it?
No seriously. Please. :-\
You should be able to just remove the relevant triggers and disable the script, and also reset your prompt to whatever you like of course.
Also - bump, for those talking of prompts in that thread over yonder.
Edit: a few posts up is my re-write of the script for mundanes. :)
bump. made updates. see original post for latest install instructions and details.
Current Users:
if you're happy with it you don't need to update since all I did was add a toggle for mana, improve the installation instructions, and add encumbrance as one of the available but non-default variables.
I'm sorry I never saw your posts to this thread. For some reason it's not notifying me by email anymore. Were you able to uninstall it OK? Please email me if not. And I'd love to hear about what kind of issues you had with it so I can improve it.
I think I went to a new MushClient folder or something. The issue, whatever it was, was winding me up with a 4 or 5 line nonsense prompt rather than the pretty thing it was supposed to be, but it's a bit long past to give you a detailed report.
Quote from: alicedavignon on April 23, 2009, 08:39:25 AM
Seems like there are some encoding issued under WINE. A pity really. :(
I figured this out. 2 ways to fix it.
1. remove the 2 lines from the script file that start with InfoFont (tested and works)
2. copy all the fonts from a real windows font directory into wine's windows font directory. (reportedly ( works)
Quote from: Adj on December 06, 2011, 02:31:26 AM
I WISH there was an Info BOX that can be made HUGE that I can place on the side.
it's called a miniwindow ( If you're code savvy, you could always adapt the Achaea Health Bar Plugin ( for arma.
If I ever started playing arma again, that's what i would do. Don't hold your breath, though.
Just wanted to say your status bar increased my love of Arm tenfold.
:D thanks! glad it's getting some use.
Does anyone ever use the Descriptive version? I'm most proud of that. (/SwapInfobar to try it and to switch back.)
Quote from: Agent_137 on July 08, 2012, 09:20:50 PM
:D thanks! glad it's getting some use.
Does anyone ever use the Descriptive version? I'm most proud of that. (/SwapInfobar to try it and to switch back.)
I think Descriptive mode is really cool, but I personally use the Detailed mode.
I can't remember if I ever tried changing the font again to make this work. I'm going to try when I get home and post about it!
Quote from: tiptoe on July 09, 2012, 03:12:49 AM
I can't remember if I ever tried changing the font again to make this work. I'm going to try when I get home and post about it!
Running it through WINE?
Quote from: Feco on July 09, 2012, 03:19:23 AM
Quote from: tiptoe on July 09, 2012, 03:12:49 AM
I can't remember if I ever tried changing the font again to make this work. I'm going to try when I get home and post about it!
Running it through WINE?
Yes. It's been quite a while since I tried it, but there was some problem with it not showing up at all or showing up as just characters.
Ha! Got it to work. I downloaded corefonts, fontfix, tahoma fonts, and vcrun6 through winetricks. Then changed my font to Tahoma.
Quote from: tiptoe on July 09, 2012, 12:30:58 PM
Ha! Got it to work. I downloaded corefonts, fontfix, tahoma fonts, and vcrun6 through winetricks. Then changed my font to Tahoma.
awesome! at long last.
so i'm still not getting any notifications from this board. :( if you guys need anything, be sure and send me an email.
I just installed this.
It's amazing! I'm excited.
Installed...and I'll never use anything else. Descriptive is the best!
Quote from: LauraMars on July 22, 2013, 01:50:56 PM
I just installed this.
It's amazing! I'm excited.
Quote from: razorback on July 24, 2013, 04:55:33 PM
Installed...and I'll never use anything else. Descriptive is the best!
Only a few years late to the party ;)
As to all you Wineusers, if you edit the script and under '--Setting up default look' remove the fontname/leave it blank, it will go to a default font that works.
Quote from: charas on October 02, 2013, 06:41:52 AM
Only a few years late to the party ;)
As to all you Wineusers, if you edit the script and under '--Setting up default look' remove the fontname/leave it blank, it will go to a default font that works.
you rock. thanks for pointing that out. We actually figured this out back in 2011, but no one reads the middle of a 5 page thread.
So I've finally done now what I should have done then. I commented out the "InfoFont" commands from the script. windows users don't need them anyway.
no rob YOU rock
How do you actually uninstall the bar?
Quote from: thewolfen3 on October 05, 2013, 07:23:09 PM
How do you actually uninstall the bar?
change your prompt to something else using the prompt command.
go into the triggers menu and remove the triggers it added.
Yo, doc. Is there a way to nest if statements inside of another if statement?
In C, you can do:
if good{
if yellow{
do red
elseif bad{
if red{
do yellow
I'm a horrible coder, but I understand that I can do basically that in C.
Is there any way to do this in Lua without checking the condition at every line? Because I certainly can't write it like that.
oh you want to just nest other statements in an if statement?
or do you want ifelse statements?
QuoteWhen you write nested ifs, you can use elseif. It is similar to an else followed by an if, but it avoids the need for multiple ends:
if op == "+" then
r = a + b
elseif op == "-" then
r = a - b
elseif op == "*" then
r = a*b
elseif op == "/" then
r = a/b
error("invalid operation")
you could also try it here:
Generally nesting if statements is going to rapidly lead to confusing and hard to read code. it usually suggests you need to break some of what you're nesting into separate functions, or combine the tests, or put the tests into their own function.
if good && yellow
then do red
i don't remember a whole lot about lua tbh.
if 1==1 then
io.write("1 equaled 1")
if 1==2 then
io.write("this won't execute")
io.write("\r1 didn't equal 2")
io.write("this won't execute")
I think where I ran into my problem was trying to figure out what position fighting actually is. I tried to use a variable to do this.
CP = 0
if CurrentPosition ~= "sleeping" and
CurrentPosition ~= "resting" and
CurrentPosition ~= "sitting" and
CurrentPosition ~= "standing" then
CP = 1
CP = 0
--Movement/Sitting Status
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("and ")
if CurrentPosition ~= "standing" and
CP ~= "1" then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (CurrentPosition)
elseif CP == "1" then
InfoColour ("red")
Info (CurrentPosition)
elseif CurrentSpeed == "running" then
InfoColour ("firebrick")
Info (CurrentSpeed)
elseif CurrentSpeed == "sneaking" then
InfoColour ("darkorange")
Info (CurrentSpeed)
elseif CurrentSpeed then
InfoColour ("black")
Info (CurrentSpeed)
Info (". ")
That's not really going that well. There's no errors, though, so I'm not completely flubbing it.
bump, see first post.
this is now available as a MUSHclient plugin.
no other major changes yet so if you already use this you don't need to upgrade.
Any idea on how to make the font larger, it's pretty small on this end :/
Quote from: Helloworld on November 12, 2013, 03:05:40 PM
Any idea on how to make the font larger, it's pretty small on this end :/
Yeah, go find the two instances of
InfoBackground ("wheat"), create a blank line right after it, and copy/paste this into it:
InfoFont ("",10,0)If that's still to small change the 10 to 11 or 12.
You may have to go into the plugins menu and click the "reinstall" button after making your change.
Details on what that command does is here:
If it's too small for everyone, I'll make this change across the board.
I'm not that handy so I wouldn't mind if uh.... you'd make a change :P
Thanks for your instruction and attention to all this, agent!
Quote from: Iiyola on November 16, 2013, 11:42:10 AM
I'm not that handy so I wouldn't mind if uh.... you'd make a change :P
ok, i'll change it. But for the record, if you can learn to play arma, you can handle tweaking a simple script. :)
It looks like the default size built into MUSHclient is 8, which is indeed too small. I've now set it at 10, which is what it's been in the past.
Please refer to the post at the top of this thread for instructions on updating your armageddon infobar (,34979.msg439267.html#msg439267).
no problem, it's a pleasure.
Piggybacking on this thread for a bit, I'm finally getting back on that MUSHclient color trigger file. By popular request I'm focusing on a black-background one first, though I've been playing with (and prefer) a light tan background for yeaaaars and years. So, without further ado:
Does anyone have a list of the various "conditions" a character can be in, and their 'bleeding' messages?
I lost them in the Great Trigger Overwrite Catastrophe I had a while back.
For example:
The tall, muscular man is in moderate condition.
The tall, muscular man is standing here, bleeding heavily.
Quote from: Delirium on November 18, 2013, 03:09:15 PM
Piggybacking on this thread for a bit, I'm finally getting back on that MUSHclient color trigger file. By popular request I'm focusing on a black-background one first, though I've been playing with (and prefer) a light tan background for yeaaaars and years. So, without further ado:
Does anyone have a list of the various "conditions" a character can be in, and their 'bleeding' messages?
I lost them in the Great Trigger Overwrite Catastrophe I had a while back.
For example:
The tall, muscular man is in moderate condition.
The tall, muscular man is standing here, bleeding heavily.
Here's a github repo dedicated to MUSHclient plugins for Armageddon ( One of which is a trigger plugin. You should contribute to it.
I hadn't thought of dark vs light backgrounds, and I wasn't looking forward to duplicating all that code to handle them, and then worry about color-blind types...
Fortunately, the highlights just use an integer that represents a custom color. It's settable in MUSHclient, so the background is irrelevant. The user can customize the colors as she sees fit.
See the mushclient documentation for colors (
The bleeding messages is still an open question though - i never bother to highlight that myself.
I've tried mush client - wondering why ya'll use it when cmud has a built in spell checker and (apparently) easier to use triggers?
Just curious - certainly not evangelizing - I know a lot of MUSH players like it for some reason or another. Just not sure why.
Yeah, Agent - my idea is to have a default color scheme with named custom color presets, and then let the user customize to their hearts content.
I'm targeting brand-newbies who aren't really familiar with fucking around with MUD clients but want color. Having mushclient bundled into a zipped folder with a pre-loaded trigger and script file so that all the newbie has to do is unzip it wherever they want onto their computer and start playing.
Quote from: DustMight on November 18, 2013, 03:57:28 PM
I've tried mush client - wondering why ya'll use it when cmud has a built in spell checker and (apparently) easier to use triggers?
Just curious - certainly not evangelizing - I know a lot of MUSH players like it for some reason or another. Just not sure why.
because CMUD isn't free!
it's not free in terms of 'free beer (', nor is it free in terms of 'free speech'.
i'm happy to work for free as in speech, but I'm not going to work for free as in beer.
MUSHclient also has a built in spellchecker. it just doesn't have the squiggly red line thing. the biggest feature Cmud has that MUSH doesn't is a really good graphical mapper.
Quote from: Delirium on November 18, 2013, 04:04:41 PM
Yeah, Agent - my idea is to have a default color scheme with named custom color presets, and then let the user customize to their hearts content.
I'm targeting brand-newbies who aren't really familiar with fucking around with MUD clients but want color. Having mushclient bundled into a zipped folder with a pre-loaded trigger and script file so that all the newbie has to do is unzip it wherever they want onto their computer and start playing.
yeah sounds good. we should chat in PM or a different thread. I've figured out a few ways to optimize what you're trying to achieve by leveraging the plugins architecture.
omg I just.... found this. Do you know how long I either ran this shit off of
Wintin-95-, or like presently the G-damn telnet portal from the site?
Thank you, O ginka fortunes!
Quote from: adriannetwork on March 29, 2015, 01:48:46 PM
2 things.
1: Bump.
2: I don't like seeing my "ride" down there, and would instead like to see MOOD.
How do I do this? In "Copy and paste" language please.
go into the XML file, find this:
--Riding Status
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("Riding: ",CurrentRiding," ")
Change each instance of Riding to Mood. Including CurrentRiding to CurrentMood.
Feel free to experiment. The "Info" command takes multiple arguments that are all mashed together. CurrentRiding/CurrentMood holds the text captured from the MUD.
So you could also replace
Info ("Riding: ",CurrentRiding," ")
with this
Info (CurrentMood," ")
to save some space.
You can add other variables that are already being captured and are easy to add like Mood. I have comments in the file on how to add more.
@Aruven lol, glad you like it.
Quote from: Aruven on March 29, 2015, 05:09:51 PM
Wintin-95-, or like presently the G-damn telnet portal from the site?
Hey, I still play with just TinTin++. I used to use MUSHClient back when I played IronRealms because you actually had scripted combat systems for those games, so I had to have access to something with a little more kick (even though perfectly possible with TT, just annoying).
Quote from: adriannetwork on March 30, 2015, 04:16:58 PM
Quote from: Agent_137 on March 30, 2015, 01:08:32 PM
go into the XML file, find this:
--Riding Status
InfoColour ("black")
Info ("Riding: ",CurrentRiding," ")
Change each instance of Riding to Mood. Including CurrentRiding to CurrentMood.
Feel free to experiment. The "Info" command takes multiple arguments that are all mashed together. CurrentRiding/CurrentMood holds the text captured from the MUD.
So you could also replace
Info ("Riding: ",CurrentRiding," ")
with this
Info (CurrentMood," ")
to save some space.
This is so confusing, I did what you said. I replaced Riding with Mood and CurrentRiding with CurrentMood
Prompt now says "none. Health: 999/999 etc... I" re installed original thinking I messed it up.
Make sure you have current mood in your prompt or else it won't work and you can probably take out the riding status from the prompt.
Quote from: adriannetwork on March 30, 2015, 04:16:58 PM
This is so confusing, I did what you said. I replaced Riding with Mood and CurrentRiding with CurrentMood
Prompt now says "none. Health: 999/999 etc... I" re installed original thinking I messed it up.
what slvrmoontiger said. Sounds like you did it correctly, but your mood was not set to anything.
Can you confirm?
I know this is the MUSHclient thread but can someone help me with an infobar for CMUD?
I somehow can't get past step one. I can't save it as an XML... what am I doing wrong here?
you should be able to right click on the link, select Save As, and the file type should already say "XML Document" and everything should work fine.
Your mileage may vary though, depending on what OS and Browser you have. I know folks on Windows Vista have had a problem in years past...
If that still doesn't work, here's a zip file of the current version:
You'll need to unzip it into the MUSHclient/Worlds/Plugins directory, then proceed w/ step 2.
it says I don't have permission, something about contacting an administrator (with both options). Not sure if this is my laptop's thingy or if it's something else. I have Windows 10.
Oh. It's probably because you installed MUSHclient into C:\Program Files (x86) and yeah, usually you can't download directly into that directory.
Did you try downloading into "My Documents" or "Downloads" and then moving it into the plugins folder?
Quote from: Kassindra on October 06, 2015, 08:38:14 AM
I know this is the MUSHclient thread but can someone help me with an infobar for CMUD?
This thread ( on the zuggsoft forums might give you a starting point. Hopefully someone who knows cMUD can chime in. :)
Quote from: Agent_137 on October 06, 2015, 04:05:40 PM
Oh. It's probably because you installed MUSHclient into C:\Program Files (x86) and yeah, usually you can't download directly into that directory.
Did you try downloading into "My Documents" or "Downloads" and then moving it into the plugins folder?
Tried that, won't move :(
OK let's discuss via PM. Starting to sound limited to your computer.
Agent 137 it seems we Will have changes regarding psionics. Think you could adjust the script accordingly?
Quote from: Iiyola on September 24, 2021, 01:41:40 PM
Agent 137 it seems we Will have changes regarding psionics. Think you could adjust the script accordingly?
Fixed! Remove the plugin and re-install per the instructions in the first post. (,34979.msg439267.html#msg439267)
What does it look like though :P
Quote from: oggotale on October 06, 2021, 12:52:16 AM
What does it look like though :P
I don't have a character any more and the old image link died. The infobar just shows up below where you type with words in it.
Hopefully some current users can host screenshots, or PM me and I can host them and put back in the 1st post.
Stats greyed out. I've started messing around with my copy to update the colors and format. If I do I'll share it here.
Its amazing and I never want anything else in my life anymore :D
Quote from: Delirium on October 06, 2021, 02:16:29 PM
Stats greyed out. I've started messing around with my copy to update the colors and format. If I do I'll share it here.
thanks for posting! added to the first post.
Quote from: Iiyola on October 06, 2021, 03:17:28 PM
Its amazing and I never want anything else in my life anymore :D
adding your quote to the list on the original post <3
Still as badass today as it was when I started using it in 2013 as a new player. I adored it as a player and I find its even surprisingly helpful when plugged in on my staffside avatar. Three cheers, Agent.
Fixed the links in the original post. No other changes, none needed afaik. Enjoy! Post here with questions or in #tech-support in Arm's discord.