Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Morgenes on February 07, 2009, 11:45:54 PM

Title: Player/Staff Meeting : Armageddon 2
Post by: Morgenes on February 07, 2009, 11:45:54 PM
Separating out this portion of the chat, and editing other posts to remove code blocks to make it more readable.  Thanks to Dalmeth for posting these.

<Nyr> next topic time.

<Nyr> Armageddon Reborn questions:  general questions about currently revealed
information regarding the new game, concerns, etc.

<Nyr> Go ahead and msg me if you would like to ask a question on this topic,
or comment, or etc

<Nyr> Anyone?  If you have a question, concern, or comment on Armageddon
reborn, shoot me a message.  Got a couple but was expecting more on that.

<Nyr> will go ahead and start with Gritter

<Gritter> Any plans for an area of the game 'reserved' for mundane play?

<Gritter> short and sweet, done

<Gritter> Done

<Adhira> No. No plans for that.

<Nyr> Krath, you're up

<Krath> Long time player first time caller! Thanks! Is Arm Reborn going to be
keeping it's same hard grittiness or are you attempting to make it more

<Krath> Long time player first time caller! Thanks! Is Arm Reborn going to be
keeping it's same hard grittiness or are you attempting to make it more Newbie
friendly and easier to start out for new players

<Krath> Done

<Nyr> Thanks, Krath

<Muramoa> We don't believe that the two are mutually exclusive. We hope to
improve on both of those aspects for Arm 2.

<Nyr> You know what's interesting--that's the first thing that Morgenes and
Muramoa said in response to that question.

<Nyr> I think that's really a telling sign of how the staff wants arm 2 to be
better for the new player, but still retain the grittiness of Arm 1 that we all

<Nyr> Next, we have...let me scroll up.

<Nyr> Kevin

<Kevin> Question: Currently, there are three main cities/areas, one that sees
very little offpeak players, and offpeak, it's very hard to find PC's to RP
with when you play at 3 am. Have the staff given any thought to how we (all of
us) could improve socialization during offpeak hours?

<Kevin> Question2: Any new classes we might be seeing that haven't been
previously discussed?

<Kevin> done

<Nyr> Thanks, Kevin

<Morgenes> I can answer the question about new classes. We are not discussing
anything that hasn't already been revealed

<Senga> Keeping things interesting for offpeak players has always been a
challenge. I'd saw that Arm Reborn we are taking some steps towards
consolidating the player base some within cities.

<Senga> Most towns will have one tavern, one gathering spot. We are also
planning more automated quests and jobs.

<Nyr> Go ahead Archbaron

<Archbaron> Hi, thanks for the opportunity to speak again. Here it goes (and
yes, sorry, it's big again):

<Archbaron> How integrated is Arm 2.0 going to be with the web site and other
online resources? I know we have some pretty amazing coders behind this project
and I'm interested to see how everything unfolds code-wise. How unique is the
MUD going in the sense of its codebase and integration. Are there any examples
you could disclose? Also, what languages and software does this new project
incorporate and are they custom and home-brewed as well? For example, is this
chatroom custom made or something you integrated? Finally, are we going to have
a new GDB, or will there be a GDB rehaul of any sort?

<Morgenes> We already have multiple web tools that allow us to do things
quickly in Arm 2

<Morgenes> We have online account creation done, but didn't open it up for
this meeting.

<Morgenes> It's codebase is completely unique, 100% written from scratch by
the Arm 2 coders

<Morgenes> We are using Java as our programming language, but backing it with
some fancy technologies which makes pulling things together and making them
configurable very easy

<Morgenes> as well as technology that makes it very easy to pull things from
the database and save them back out to the database

<Morgenes> for those of you who are technology minded, we are using Spring and
Hibernate in the server to allow for great customization and easy integration
with the db

<Morgenes> All of this is being reused on the web layer to create the website
for players and staff

<Morgenes> Interestingly, this chatroom was created by myself and Tiernan over
8 years ago as our proof of concept for the engine that is being used

<Morgenes> the GDB is likely to remain as is

<Morgenes> If you look at the copyright on the source files, we've been
working on this since 2000

<Morgenes> although to be fair, the last two years has seen far more growth in
the code base than the entire time before

<Morgenes> the engine itself was conceived by myself and Tiernan over the last
13 years of discussions on event driven models

<Nyr> I'd like to point out the awesomeness that is RMBT (Raesanos' Mud
Building Tool), a graphical web-based tool used to build rooms for Armageddon
Reborn.  It allows easy mapping, easy placement of descriptions and the like.
It's open-source, by the way, and if you'd like more info on it (or just didn't
catch it when it first came out) you can dig on Youtube for the walkthrough of
it by Raesanos.

<Nyr> next, we have Semper

<Semper> I'm not certain what the plans for this are, but I was wondering if
there will be an integration from Arm 1's website to Arm 2. If so, how would
this take place, what might change/remain the same, and when?

<Semper> Also, I would like to see more about Arm 2 updates seen on the website for ongoing updates on that aspect of the game. Both to
generate more interest and to clue in new players and visiting guests to what
to expect for the future.

<Semper> done

<Nyr> Thanks, Semper

<Nyr> BTW, no new questions for this topic, we will try to wrap this up
shortly.  Any previously msged things will be brought up.  Thank you

<Muramoa> Plans for the Armageddon 2 website are still being worked on. As for
Arm 2 updates, yes, we probably should do better about that. However, don't
construe a lack of updates as a lack of progress. Personally, when I have time
to work on the game I prefer to work on it rather than write about working on

<Nyr> Lysine, you're up

<Lysine> Has any consideration been given to creating a client to go along
with the new server? One that provides a text environment but allows for
graphics embedded in the text scroll, as added illustration? So, for example, a
rune could be depicted, or an izdari board with the layout of the pieces, or a
map, occupying its own lines and scrolling up the screen just as the text does.

<Lysine> done

<Morgenes> we've thought about that, but there are multiple clients that
support that already, if anything we would look at adhering to the protocol
specifications that already allow that with existing clients

<Nyr> Thanks, Lysine and Morgenes

<Nyr> Satine, you're up

<Nyr> Going on to the next one--Rake1, go ahead

<Nyr> will get back to satine shortly.

<Rake1> Thank you, I was wondering about misdirection on attacks such as the
time I shoot a beettle far, instead of east and shot my War beettle that was
hitched to me instead, and was promptly eaten. Will this be addressed in Arm 2?

<Rake1> done

<Nyr> thanks, rake1

<Muramoa> We absolutely hope to eliminate troublesome situations like that in
Arm 2.

<Muramoa> In addition, Arm 1.0 is not being ignored in regards to these sorts
of quality of life issues.

<Muramoa> for instance, the recent changes to kill and hit, and others.

<Nyr> Now Satine

<Satine> I suppose my question has to do with culture. I am wondering if there
are plans, or could possibly be more community driven acts, traditions, or
celebrations of good will. i.e. festivals: solstice, things reflecting
seasonal, or other wise events that happen ever several years: eclipses,
celebrations: Perhaps something for like, when the obsidian war was won where
they have a parade to the gates, pray to the dragon for a while, then old men
tell stories of the battles. Wedding announcements: they walk down a road, and
people throw flower bits at them. Holidays: Christmas like stuff, etc. Parades.
  Things that would bring the ig community together.

<Satine> thanks, and Sorry about that.