Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: bladeranger on May 28, 2003, 01:28:35 PM

Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: bladeranger on May 28, 2003, 01:28:35 PM
Since san wont let us have another wear loc or twink bows with the wear loc, could I put my bow in my quiv and rp wearing it on my back?
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: spawnloser on May 28, 2003, 01:34:43 PM
Why don't you wear your quiver on your back?
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: bladeranger on May 28, 2003, 01:56:47 PM
No I AM wearing the quiv on my back I want to know if i can rp wearing the bow on my back wehn i put it in the quiver
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: spawnloser on May 28, 2003, 02:12:25 PM could RP it sticking out of the quiver, I guess.
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: creeper386 on May 28, 2003, 04:30:03 PM
I wouldn't have any problem with putting a bow in a quiver and RPing it wearing on your back. I stuck one in my belt RPed it being strapped onto my belt and what not.

The only thing I really don't like is sticking every other type of weapon and item into quivers without even the SLIGHTEST bit of RP. See people pulling swords out of quivers and so and so is REALLY lame, even to the point of me going out of my way to avoid them ICily because it's just plain silly to see.

Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: X-D on May 28, 2003, 05:23:42 PM
But you don't consider it lame or silly to have to do so in the first place Creeper? Because we really do not have realistic wear locations and such, Because some simple straps allowing me to strap falchion on my thigh over my armor in real life, in game cost tons of sid, are rather hard to find and only hold little weapons?

IRL I can walk around all day in the middle of august in light armor and kilt
wearing several large visible weapons, a couple mid sized weapons, some vis some not and several small weapons that you are unlikly to see (this is at a SCA event in PA called pennsic). At no time do I have to remove some armor to wear my weapons and every single one of them can be drawn in about 1 second. Normal turnout is around 8,000 people, so you would see hundreds of other people doing the same thing but maybe in different styles, IE different styles of europe in the middle ages.

What I think is silly is when people talk about things that true, they may have read about or such, but have no actual experiance with, The quiver for a longbowman of the middle ages with weapon sheathing points was quite common so pulling a sword from a quiver in arm is quite realistic...and I have not seen anybody in game pull a halberd or greataxe from a quiver yet (though I did see a heavy crossbow pulled once, that was silly). There are many things that I am accustemed to that are done easily IRL that you cannot do in arm, and many things in arm you can do easily that are extremly hard to do in real life (disarm). But me, I think there are far more silly things that you can't do then there are that you can do.

My ranting 1.25 sid worth
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: Ghardoan on May 28, 2003, 06:00:39 PM
My beef: Spears in boots.

Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: Lazloth on May 28, 2003, 07:01:20 PM
You have to suspend some level of realism for the sake of gameplay.  How do you justify carrying eleven items and then drawing two blades to launch into combat..?  How can you travel leagues and leagues on kank-back in the span of less than an hour..?

If you find something you feel just doesn't fit, bug it.
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: creeper386 on May 28, 2003, 07:09:01 PM
Hmm... When you see someone pull out two training swords. They also keep their normal swords in there. Then who knows how many knives and what not. And they do all this because quivers hold alot. Most people that have quivers don't even use them for arrows or even own a bow or anything. They just pack it around to cram shit into. Which I find really lame.

And it's one thing to use it for a few small things maybe one weapon and a bow, when still using it for weapons. But when your also RPING IT, and here is where I refer to a blurb from my post.

QuoteThe only thing I really don't like is sticking every other type of weapon and item into quivers without even the SLIGHTEST bit of RP.

Personally, I know alot about weapons. It's quite possible to carry more, but most the time it's not needed to have that many weapons. And you can use fairly common things along with RP and already pack ALOT of weapons which I haven't seen anyone complain about things like that.

And most everyone I fight in real life must really incredibly suck. Disarming is quite possible, and getting rid of someones weapon is quite effective way of well... Disarming them. Although it might be alot rarer to see in most fights and alittle harder then it is in Arm(Like unarmed warriors disarming people like crazy which I think is do to lack of the disarm skill in other classes. Like kick) but it's not something thats unrealistic.

Hmm... Yeah. Anyways. I've seen even worse then just swords coming out of quivers, but normally it's a mass of LOTS of little things. With no sign of bow or arrows in sight. It's just crazy.
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: Plazgoth on May 28, 2003, 08:31:09 PM
Well I figure I'd chime in. I don't think we need a bunch of new coded wear ocations. I think it is just fine to RP (emote really) strapping that shield to your backpack and then codewise placing it within. And later when you wish to take it out you RP (emote) unstrapping it from the backpack. I know some people hate seeing trigers and aliases used in Arm but I like using them for just such things. So I have an alias called 'in' what it does is spare me all the typing and it generates about 4 commands to the mud (a couple of emotes and a couple of commands) to place the weapons/shield where I want them.  Of course I have an alias called 'out' to do the oposite.

It's true that it might get monotonous to see the same emote over and over whenever someone sheaths or un-sheaths their weapons but unless it becomes a hard-writen rule not to do it I will continue, after all I play arm for the plotlines and conflict that get created within not to train up my typing skill (which by the way sucks  :twisted: )
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: X-D on May 28, 2003, 09:05:41 PM
Grin, well, now the billion little items in the quiver, I've seen that too...chuckle...and the people you are fighting against must suck creeper :twisted: (IRL) Myself, I was disarmed once, had my mace knocked away by somebody 100 pounds heavier then me using a maul style weapon...still kept punching him with the buckler though...ended up winning. In game, well, three reasons why my chars carry a lot of weapons, One, disarm, if you do have the skill you are a little better off, but if you don't you need a ton of backups, Two, My chars tend to break them pretty easy, three, Simple IC reasons like He likes to carry them.

To laz, Oh, I know a certain amount of realism has to be given up for playability and don't have any problem with it.

Plaz, I don't think anybody had asked for a bunch of new wear locations, for the most part the ones we have are good enough, Bladeranger was talking about another thread in which Sanvean basicly...hhhmmm, not basicly, where Sanvean Veto'd a single extra wear location on the back that would be limited to weapons, shields and bows...or the possibility of making a spot just for bows on the back or shoulder. As I stated on the other thread...not that it matters since it has been veto'd anyway....I do not see a problem with such a thing, if you limited the size of the item..(meaning you can't wear a halberd AND a backpack on your back at the same time) Then it really would not allow you to carry much if anymore then you already can with current wear locations and gear. What it would allow is for people to at least have the ability to  'look' the part as in hunters and such, not have to stick that longbow inside a quiver and allow that shield/bow/midsize weapon to be gotten to in combat, Your shield is not much good to you if your fighting someone and it's in your backpack, does not matter that you emoted strapping it to the side.
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: on May 28, 2003, 10:22:14 PM
I think some of the quiver-cramming has been fixed with the new weight code, I've noticed most quivers (Or at least my main one) doesn't hold all that much aside from small things (Weightwise) like arrows. I think a bow, 25 arrows, and maybe two or three other small things.
Title: Bows and quivers and wear locations
Post by: Flaming Ocotillo on May 29, 2003, 01:03:40 PM
The inevitable truth about wearing a quiver with your bow inside it, is that someone will eventually try to steal it, regardless of the bow being RPed as slung across your back.  :wink:
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: Ghardoan on May 29, 2003, 02:02:40 PM
I do not possess much experience with bows, aside from what I learned in archery back in summer camp, but... Is it not possible to unstring a bow for transportation, making it straight enough to slip into a quiver? Granted, larger bows may protrude out too far and become a nuisance, but would this still be a feasable option for small to mid-sized bows?

Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: creeper386 on May 29, 2003, 02:41:01 PM
Acctually, if your NOT restringing your bow for transport, you'll soon to have a fuckered up bow. A small bow IG is about 3 cords I think. Thats 3 and 3/4ths feet. Most arrows are maybe half that though I would think. Can't remember for sure.Thats alot sticking out. And also considering quivers are made to hold arrows... Sticking other things inside wouldn't be a good idea. Not only would they be scared up from the heads, be alot better chance it's messing up arrows and so on and so forth.

I could see it being strapped next to the quiver, on the belt, slung over the shoulder with a strap. So on and so forth. And you can RP different things and still putting it into the quiver and such.

As for people stealing it... Hmm... Do you think it's strapped down to your back or over your shoulder with steel bands and such? Even if it's strapped down fairly well, straps can be cut, it can still be stolen. If it's just over your shoulder, what's holding there isn't going to be a massive strap thats armour quality leather or anything.

Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: spawnloser on May 29, 2003, 05:34:32 PM
Quote from: "creeper386"A small bow IG is about 3 cords I think. Thats 3 and 3/4ths feet. Most arrows are maybe half that though I would think.
Actually, most arrows are almost as long as the bows designed to use them.  Image an old english longbowman using a bow that is five feet long...he pulls back on the thing and the arrow is too short, it falls off the bow?  That arrow needs to be at least four feet long.  Granted, on Zalanthas, we're not using bows nearly that big, but still, you gotta take into account that an arrow for a bow needs to be about 3/4 the length of the unstrung bow.
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: creeper386 on May 29, 2003, 06:06:19 PM
Yeah I was thinking that, but the point is the arrows are shorter then the bows. And most quivers the arrows are normally sticking out at least enough for the fletching. If you stuck a bow INSIDE the quiver... It'd be sticking out alot still. It'd get scared up by the arrow heads. Most likely making the slot of the string ineffective after awhile. The weight of the bow would squash the fletchings... Yeah. It'd get ugly if you acctually tried to keep it in with the arrows.

Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: spawnloser on May 29, 2003, 06:16:08 PM
Ah, understood.  Most quivers that I've seen/used have a seperate place for the bow to be slid into, though.  Of course, I can't say whether that's the case for most quivers on Zalanthas, though.
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: Bob on May 31, 2003, 05:52:41 AM
What if you make quivers only to be able to hold arrows, then tweak bows with the wear on back loc?
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: Bob on May 31, 2003, 05:55:51 AM
What if you make quivers only to be able to hold arrows, then tweak bows with the wear on back loc?
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: spawnloser on May 31, 2003, 07:18:45 AM
I believe that bows do have that as a possible wear location.
Title: Rping wearing bows across your back.
Post by: Eclipse on May 31, 2003, 04:09:14 PM
Why not just RP wearing the bow around the quiver on the back but put the bow inside the quiver since you can't have two items in one wear location?

Albeit, I haven't actually read the entire thread but that's my thought on it.