Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 24, 2003, 06:32:36 PM

Title: Disengage
Post by: Anonymous on May 24, 2003, 06:32:36 PM
I'd like to know how an npc who attacked a group of people mangaged to disengage from one pc and attack another in the middle of the fight?
As far as I know you cannot disengage if your the main fighter (Which the npc was.)
Also it so happens that the npc turned on a char who happened to be the least experienced char, how would the npc know this?
Just have to ask, seemed really twinkish to me.
Title: Disengage
Post by: Eclipse on May 24, 2003, 06:35:13 PM
Change target.

When fighting two people at once, you can change target to the other person. This makes the original target the support fighter and the new target the main target (so he can't disengage without fleeing).
Title: Disengage
Post by: Anonymous on May 24, 2003, 06:45:48 PM
Change target eh? Thanks never even heard about it until now.
Title: Change
Post by: The Lonely Hunter on May 24, 2003, 06:53:44 PM
change opponent <keyword>
Title: Disengage
Post by: Cuusardo on May 27, 2003, 02:59:38 PM
Does this also work in the same way that the follow command works?  Say, for example you're sparring with someone and want to back out of the fight...
Title: Disengage
Post by: mansa on May 27, 2003, 03:12:38 PM
"Disengage" allows you, if you're not the two main fighters in a fight, to back away.

If you're sparring a buddy, one on one, you must type 'Flee'
Title: Disengage
Post by: Cuusardo on May 27, 2003, 03:19:54 PM
Darn!  I was hoping for something besides fleeing.  It just doesn't seem right for one person to run as if his or her life was at stake when you're only sparring.
Title: Disengage
Post by: Marauder Moe on May 27, 2003, 03:22:35 PM
I've seen people just ignore it and RP as if they just stopped fighting.  Sometimes including emotes to that effect when they move back to the sparring room.
Title: Disengage
Post by: Stroker on May 27, 2003, 04:36:21 PM
It be interesting if there was the option to flee, as it is now and an option to retreat, which would allow you to disengage even if you are the person being attacked.
Title: Disengage
Post by: creeper386 on May 27, 2003, 04:45:00 PM
But what would it do? All the person thats fighting you to stop attacking? And if you did disengage when in a group, what would decide who the person would go after first? And if it's a PC that you disengage from?

Title: Disengage
Post by: mansa on May 27, 2003, 05:37:51 PM
Actually...I heard a rumour, once.

If both parties type 'Disengage' at the exact same time, the fight would stop.

Can anyone back this up?  Morgenes?
Title: Disengage
Post by: creeper386 on May 27, 2003, 07:05:57 PM
Know how difficult that would be even if it was true?

Title: Disengage
Post by: Plazgoth on May 27, 2003, 07:20:41 PM
I highly doubt it is even possible. Things are sequential on the mud so there is no two things happening at exactly the same point in time.
Title: Disengage
Post by: Lazloth on May 27, 2003, 07:57:50 PM
Quote from: "Plazgoth"I highly doubt it is even possible.
Actually, if you've ever looked at diku code, combat was handled via positions (eg., standing/resting/sleeping/etc) and pointers.  I imagine you've seen Whatever is fighting someone who has already left. on another mud, or felt a hit after you've fled..?

..So person_a is set position_fighting (fighting->person_b), person_b is position_standing, (fighting->none), gone.  

Given that a successful hit initiates your victim's fighting (eg., sets their pointer), presumably, if disengage resets position & fighting-pointer, and the fighting is checked each round, if both people disengage before the next round (or next successful hit), the combat ceases.

I'm not saying the above follows on Arm, but that's how it'd be possible.
Title: Disengage
Post by: on May 28, 2003, 01:57:57 AM
i thought disenage only works if you 'Assist' a person and want to back out. But I wasnt sure.
Title: Disengage
Post by: Dan on May 28, 2003, 09:39:16 AM
Nah, disengage works in a few ways. Two people are already fighting, you can attack them and then disengage so long as they don't change opponent to you. You can assist someone and then disengage so long as they dont change opponent to you, and finally if two people are fighting, and you attack one, and the person who is being attacked by the person your attacking flees, you can disengage before you hit them or attack them again and it will stop the fighting. Confused yet? Its easier to explain if you draw it out.

*'*   ---- those two are fighting....

*'*'* ----- you join in on the end....

*----*'*----- the person who you aren't attacking from the first fight flees

*'* ---- if you disengage right away you will stop the fight between you and the other person from continuing. It has to be before you throw an attack in though.

Just so long as your not the target of an attack you can disengage from a fight, easiest way to put it I think.