I would like some people to post neat little tips and tricks, or things they've just discovered. Of course do not divulge any IC info, but things like.
I didn't know you could <sit with person>
Somebody suggested (sorry I can't find the post/am to lazy to look for it) you can <sit on trunk>s and other items that are large enough.
<keyword figure> I've known the keyword command for a while now but I didn't know it for a long time and it kicks lots of ass.
You can sit on footlockers that are hard-coded into a room as they are usually big enough.
You can look east (squinting) and it will echo.
Same with look <item> (emote), or look in <item> (emote).
(Gimf posted this I think, the last time I saw it, it is very useful).
You can also look tables (cool thing) and it will echo.
How about this, that I never really used, or could figure out HOW to use...
look <person>'s [item]
Such as, look halaster's sword
I mean, maybe you all knew about it, but I sure as hell didn't.
These are great.
I didn't know you could cause look to echo like that.
And while I did know about the look person's item thing it's a great command and right in line with what I was hoping to see. I'm sure there's somebody going. "Damn, I can actually look at somebody's cloak!"
Also, unless I'm mistaken. Looking at someones item, i.e. <look dudeman's cloak> doesn't echo that your looking at their cloak. Great for subtly figuring out houses and stuff.
Keep'em comin'!
look mug bar
roll dice table
keyword locker
keyword footlocker
look in closet (A suprising amount of places have closets.)
There are usually hiddens racks, benches, lockers, chests, tables, beds and cots.. Among other things in various rooms. Sometimes with little or easily overlooked hints in the main description.
pull quiver
This is the one that gave me the most satisfaction when I found out it existed on the game.
You can light and extinguish lamps or other light sources that are in the room using (you guessed it) the light and extinguish commands.
This means that you can make a nice drop desc on a lantern and not have to muss it up in order to light or snuff out the lantern.
The only thing I wish you could do was light a light-source in the room if it's pitch dark.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
>light lantern
You do not see that here.
>think Fuck.
You think:
pagelength 50
count <keyword> <container>
>key <item> <container>
ie: >key feather 2.chest
In a large, agafari chest:
1. a white feather
2. a white feather
3. a black feather
4. a red feather
5. a red feather
6. a red feather
Then, you just pick out the one you want, (get 3.feather 2.chest) very nice.
Here's a tip that confounded me for weeks, and still trips me up sometimes when I'm overloaded with bags...
You're carrying 3 large bags. You want to condense that down to one. The bags have the same sdesc, because other than their contents, they're identical. Problem is, every time you do something with one of the bags, it keeps moving up to the top of the "inventory" list. So here's what I do:
l in bag
this bag has just some feathers in it.
l in 2.bag
this bag has just some shards of agate in it.
l in 3.bag
this bag has feathers and shards of agate in it.
get feather bag
get feather bag
(repeat til your hands are full)
put feather 3.bag
put feather bag
put feather bag (til your hands are empty)
get shard 3.bag
get shard bag
get shard bag
put shard 2.bag
put shard bag
etc. etc.
Things move in numerical order, so when "bag of feathers" was 1 on the list, and you put your hands into 2.bag to get a feather, the "bag of feathers" became 2.bag and the bag of feathers and shards became 1.bag. Then, when you put your hand in 3.bag, which hadn't moved at all and had the shards of agate in it, THAT bag became 1.bag. And the bag of feathers and shards dropped down to #2, and the bag of just feathers became bag #3.
Very frustrating when you mix them up, but remembering how they get ordered, and remembering that every time you put something in or take something out, it shifts the list, is helpful.
Or better.....
>hold bag
So let's assume you have two bags, you want to pour the first into the second...
>hold bag
>get x 2.bag;put x bag
repeat, then type 'rs' to remove the bag.
Quote from: Medena on November 17, 2008, 01:36:40 AM
You can light and extinguish lamps or other light sources that are in the room using (you guessed it) the light and extinguish commands.
This means that you can make a nice drop desc on a lantern and not have to muss it up in order to light or snuff out the lantern.
Note you can also light a light source from another one. So if there's a lamp in the room and you're holding a lit candle you can do:
> light lamp candle
You hold a lit long, pallid taper to an unlit battered tin lamp's wick and flames burst forth from it.
This should only work where it makes sense, but it's a nice environmental echo, if nothing else.
The command "scan status" (which is not mentioned in 'help scan') works like "listen status" (which is mentioned in 'help listen').
Quote from: Cutthroat on November 17, 2008, 02:15:33 PM
The command "scan status" (which is not mentioned in 'help scan') works like "listen status" (which is mentioned in 'help listen').
Updated helpfile.
Hey, that was fast. Nice. Thanks!
look <character>'s <bodypart>
To see tattoo/scar descriptions
If you're at a merchant NPC, and want to only see a list of certain types of things, you can!
list merchant black
(to see a list of things that have black as a keyword)
list merchant pants
(to see all the things called "pants" the merchant has - trousers would be a different thing, so are leggings)
Quote from: Lizzie on November 17, 2008, 08:11:02 PM
If you're at a merchant NPC, and want to only see a list of certain types of things, you can!
list merchant black
(to see a list of things that have black as a keyword)
list merchant pants
(to see all the things called "pants" the merchant has - trousers would be a different thing, so are leggings)
That's pretty spiffy.
Quote from: Morgenes on November 17, 2008, 02:20:47 PM
Quote from: Cutthroat on November 17, 2008, 02:15:33 PM
The command "scan status" (which is not mentioned in 'help scan') works like "listen status" (which is mentioned in 'help listen').
Updated helpfile.
Guard Status
Guard S
gives you the status, just like scan status and listen status. It isn't mentioned in the helpfile though.
Quote from: Delstro on November 17, 2008, 08:45:12 PM
Quote from: Morgenes on November 17, 2008, 02:20:47 PM
Quote from: Cutthroat on November 17, 2008, 02:15:33 PM
The command "scan status" (which is not mentioned in 'help scan') works like "listen status" (which is mentioned in 'help listen').
Updated helpfile.
Guard Status
Guard S
gives you the status, just like scan status and listen status. It isn't mentioned in the helpfile though.
drop bag (wincing as it slips from the edge of ~table) contents spilling out onto the floor, ~ lies on its side beneath a small table.
Wincing as it slips from the edge of a small table, you drop your large bag.
Shown to the room as:
Contents spilling out onto the floor, a large bag lies on its side beneath a small table.
Oh, and so long as it's a save room it will retain the sdesc until you pick it up.
<sit on bar>
Picked up today on the GDB then saw it used IG. Was very neat.
Can you still not use emote symbols like ~ % ^ ! when you are leaving a room?
> s (waving to ~amos)
Quote from: KIA on December 10, 2008, 11:15:59 PM
Can you still not use emote symbols like ~ % ^ ! when you are leaving a room?
> s (waving to ~amos)
There should be a sticky with RP syntax like this somewhere on the GDB. I know a lot of it is listed in the help files, but when I first started here, I skimmed past the symbols (~%ect) and RPed for a long time, using emotes without knowing how to use those, which is significantly more labor intensive.
I think it would help newbies.
Direction (and general) looking emotes.
l n (craning his neck, peering past the tarp)
look (briefly scanning the room)
standing vs sitting vs resting and the Way ::)
My 1st PC fainted all the time :-\
Quote from: manonfire on December 11, 2008, 06:46:21 AM
Direction (and general) looking emotes.
l n (craning his neck, peering past the tarp)
look (briefly scanning the room)
Are you sure this echoes?
Definitely does, yep. So does emoting while looking at items, while looking in items, and even while doing 'look tables'. You can do pre- or post-emotes.
I think it would be cool if other things could make you faint besides overusing the way. Certain poisons, perhaps.
Here is my fancy thing. Sometimes there are things in a room's maindesc which can be looked at, especially in the case of newer locations. Murals and things like that.
Okay, that's not very fancy, so here's another fancy thing. When you're holding something or wearing it on your back, you can put it directly onto a table without getting it into your inventory first. Yes. Isn't that nice?
Finially, a quote from the helpfiles on the command "pour":
If your character is standing in a location which is already arable (capable of supporting plant life), pouring water (and water only) on the ground will assist in the development of more life in that area. This will have the effect of bettering your character's relationship with the Land, and improving the ability of people nearby to recuperate.
You can also pour liquids on light sources. Pouring it out on a lit flame can have varying effects.
Okay, one more thing. When you're climbing and you fail, typing up will give you extra saves, but, I think it taxes your stun extra.
Useful for steal or moving objects from one bag or another. If you need to move 'all' items from one pack into another, but there are too many you can instead use numerals for targetting.
get 1. pack (note. There should be a space between 1. and the container's name. It will take out whatever's first inside the pack)
Unfortunately, the order gets messed up once the item gets to your inventory, so if you are going to go <put 1. 2.pack> Odds are, at some point you'll stash something equipped, instead of what's in your inventory.
Or even a more funner one.
steal 1. target's pack
Will let you steal the first thing that's inside their pack. Say if you failed peek for example, or dont really care, or dont have time, or you know 'exactly' what is the 'last' thing the target put in their pack.
Quote from: path on December 11, 2008, 10:00:30 AM
Okay, that's not very fancy, so here's another fancy thing. When you're holding something or wearing it on your back, you can put it directly onto a table without getting it into your inventory first. Yes. Isn't that nice?
Actually, anything you're wearing you don't have to put into your inv. You're wearing silt horror helm? Want to put it in a chest to quickly change into your silks?
put helm chest
[You remove a black-visage helm]
You put a black-visage helm into a simple wooden chest.
Or something along those lines. Useful for quick changes.
Quote from: Dar on December 11, 2008, 11:32:14 AM
Useful for steal or moving objects from one bag or another. If you need to move 'all' items from one pack into another, but there are too many you can instead use numerals for targetting.
get 1. pack (note. There should be a space between 1. and the container's name. It will take out whatever's first inside the pack)
Unfortunately, the order gets messed up once the item gets to your inventory, so if you are going to go <put 1. 2.pack> Odds are, at some point you'll stash something equipped, instead of what's in your inventory.
Or even a more funner one.
steal 1. target's pack
Will let you steal the first thing that's inside their pack. Say if you failed peek for example, or dont really care, or dont have time, or you know 'exactly' what is the 'last' thing the target put in their pack.
I never knew this. In all my years! Has it always been like that?
Something that I figured out the other day...and by "figured out" I mean someone told me (and is in the help file).
If you don't haggle price in shops, you can get them in your size.
buy <item> <merchant> <race>
Ex: buy thong Amos half-giant
Half-giant sized thong!
Edit: I'm silly and made it seem like a secret...It really is in the helpfile.
Quote from: dustbunny on December 11, 2008, 08:47:36 PM
Something that I figured out the other day...and by "figured out" I mean someone told me.
If you don't haggle price in shops, you can get them in your size.
buy <item> <merchant> <race>
Ex: buy thong Amos half-giant
Half-giant sized thong!
This only works on items that the shopkeeper has in unlimited supply, and is in the buy helpfile.
While playing Spice Run, at a spice run table.
>roll dice table
>look dice table to see what the dice ROLLED on the table
>roll dice mat
>look dice mat on spice run mats
The "exits," command always works. In low light, it doesn't give any specific information, just which directions you can move, and takes up one point of stamina each time you use it, but it can save your life, given the situation.
Quote from: path on December 11, 2008, 10:00:30 AM
I think it would be cool if other things could make you faint besides overusing the way. Certain poisons, perhaps.
Quote from: help poisons
This poison is typically made from a poisonous berry, which can then be slipped into the unsuspecting victim's food or drink. The effects of this commonly-used poison is that it breaks down the victim's stamina quickly, causing them to become very tired. In extreme cases comas have occurred.
Another of the rare and potent poisons, it shares a common bond with Grishen in that it causes tiredness. However, due to its potency, its victims typically will fall into a coma almost immediately after infliction. Like Peraine, what heramide is made from is not widely known.
Holy shit, I can't remember all this cool new stuff. I vote for a sticky.
Refresher Chart.
Symbol Reference Target Sees
------ --------- -----------
~ (sdesc) you
% (sdesc)'s your
! him/her you
^ his/her your
# he/she you
& himself/herself yourself
= (sdesc)'s yours
+ his/hers yours
I keep this open in notepad for when I'm high and can't remember all the fecking symbols.
There's a sticker of that for sale in the Arm shop! It's pretty nifty. I want the bumper sticker that says: If you are seeing this, Armageddon MUD must be down".... Or something like that.
Salvage is a useful little command. Some of the products can be used to make items without the need for a particular crafting skill.
Did you ever have trouble finding stones for a sling?
arrange <object> <ldesc>
This is a boon to any clan/tribe with a storage room.
http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm)
I use this for Armageddon--like notepad, but tabbed. Sooo useful. I keep about three or four files open--one with sdescs and names of people I've met, another with notes on what my character should be doing, maybe a third with a bio entry I'm working on. Anyway, its extremely useful and keeps you from having to have thirty notepad windows open.
Try it!
Quote from: jcljules on December 14, 2008, 03:32:42 PM
http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm)
I use this for Armageddon--like notepad, but tabbed. Sooo useful. I keep about three or four files open--one with sdescs and names of people I've met, another with notes on what my character should be doing, maybe a third with a bio entry I'm working on. Anyway, its extremely useful and keeps you from having to have thirty notepad windows open.
Try it!
http://sourceforge.net/projects/smultron/ (http://sourceforge.net/projects/smultron/)
Smultron is similarly indispensable for Mac users. Allows multiple text files to be opened and has some color coding that can sometimes be useful too. Like jcljules, I keep a few files open at a time.
Quote from: KIA on December 14, 2008, 04:17:37 PM
Quote from: jcljules on December 14, 2008, 03:32:42 PM
http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm)
I use this for Armageddon--like notepad, but tabbed. Sooo useful. I keep about three or four files open--one with sdescs and names of people I've met, another with notes on what my character should be doing, maybe a third with a bio entry I'm working on. Anyway, its extremely useful and keeps you from having to have thirty notepad windows open.
Try it!
http://sourceforge.net/projects/smultron/ (http://sourceforge.net/projects/smultron/)
Smultron is similarly indispensable for Mac users. Allows multiple text files to be opened and has some color coding that can sometimes be useful too. Like jcljules, I keep a few files open at a time.
Wow! I use an old, beat-up MAC occasionally for MUD playing--my only problem up until now was lack of Notepad++. Now it seems thats not a problem anymore. Thanks!
Something I was doing today reminded me of something I could add to this list, which I added a long time ago:
>shake tent
You shake the tent, and folks inside can see it. Great for mercenaries who want to wake up their oversleeping fat merchant employers, or the next shift for guard duty. This might not work on every tent in the game, but for a lot of PC purposes it should work.
Oh, yar!
I fucking love this command.
When you are not sure that you are still hiding.
Quote from: Tlaloc on December 17, 2008, 06:03:47 PM
Something I was doing today reminded me of something I could add to this list, which I added a long time ago:
>shake tent
You shake the tent, and folks inside can see it. Great for mercenaries who want to wake up their oversleeping fat merchant employers, or the next shift for guard duty. This might not work on every tent in the game, but for a lot of PC purposes it should work.
Heh. On the first trip outside of the city for one of my first PC's, someone did this. One of the Wyvern officers inside the tent said it was a mantis, though he knew it was some Bynner screwing around, and my PC believed him. My PC told the story for months afterward of how a mantis had shook the tent.
Yeah... great command!
Quote from: jcljules on December 14, 2008, 03:32:42 PM
http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm (http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm)
I use this for Armageddon--like notepad, but tabbed. Sooo useful.
Also, there is KeyNote (http://www.tranglos.com/free/keynote.html). Gimf totally turned me on to this. If you like organizing your character information and so on, this one is really easy to use. Take a tip from Gimf, the Queen of Data. It's good stuff.
When writing down PC's don't just do name and sdesc -- jot down a few features from the long description as well. It will add to RP when your PC goes to describe someone.
I took me over five months of playing to discover: tell person (adverb) sentence
Up until a few days ago, I was constantly typing: say (to ~person, adverb) sentence
So humiliating.
Quote from: Thunkkin on December 31, 2008, 08:07:44 PM
I took me over five months of playing to discover: tell person (adverb) sentence
Up until a few days ago, I was constantly typing: say (to ~person, adverb) sentence
So humiliating.
If it makes you feel better it took about six months before anyone bothered to tell me that
emote verbs ~target's noun. wasn't proper syntax, and that I should be using
emote verbs %target noun.
Quote from: Thunkkin on December 31, 2008, 08:07:44 PM
I took me over five months of playing to discover: tell person (adverb) sentence
Up until a few days ago, I was constantly typing: say (to ~person, adverb) sentence
So humiliating.
I'm aware of the 'tell' command. And I still never use it. Preferring to include the person in my emote somehow.
Quote from: Dar on December 31, 2008, 09:01:32 PM
Quote from: Thunkkin on December 31, 2008, 08:07:44 PM
I took me over five months of playing to discover: tell person (adverb) sentence
Up until a few days ago, I was constantly typing: say (to ~person, adverb) sentence
So humiliating.
I'm aware of the 'tell' command. And I still never use it. Preferring to include the person in my emote somehow.
When people do that it makes me think they are n00bs, no offense meant. The say command is for when you're not really addressing anyone, or when you need to address a group of people. Tell is for DIRECTLY talking to someone. That's just my opinion though.
Shrug. Think what you like. I'd like to think, that this forces me to emote somehow, every time I speak. Which isnt so bad.
taste & sip
Observing room descriptions can lead to the discover of shelves, hearths, closets, desks, and beds. All of which are good storage spots against burglars since they don't always catch them all. Also, I've found quite a few unique, hidden spots before solely on clues on in-room item descriptions.
Assess -v <person> is a wonderful way to find out their age and build in comparison to yours for role-playing purposes.
Using @ in an emote makes it more complex
ex. emote Lifting ^@ hand slightly, @ looks around the room, annoyed.
will produce: Lifting his hand slightly, the tressy-tressed, muscular man looks around the room, annoyed.
I know a neat little thing...
If you meet me in game, you will absolutely love me.
Err, regardless, if you are a magick user, type in "alias spells skills magick"
Then, when you type spells, it will show JUST your spell list, and none of your skills. If this was done before, suck it.
Quote from: tortall on January 01, 2009, 12:49:19 AM
Quote from: Dar on December 31, 2008, 09:01:32 PM
Quote from: Thunkkin on December 31, 2008, 08:07:44 PM
I took me over five months of playing to discover: tell person (adverb) sentence
Up until a few days ago, I was constantly typing: say (to ~person, adverb) sentence
So humiliating.
I'm aware of the 'tell' command. And I still never use it. Preferring to include the person in my emote somehow.
When people do that it makes me think they are n00bs, no offense meant. The say command is for when you're not really addressing anyone, or when you need to address a group of people. Tell is for DIRECTLY talking to someone. That's just my opinion though.
I was unaware there was a 'correct' way to emote and say. Thanks.
Do whatever the hell you like. It's your style of play, not anyone else's.
Sometimes it looks better, grammatically and stylistically, to use the 'say' command, regardless of who you're addressing.
emote using the bathroom OUTSIDE
For the record, I think Tortall is referring to things like this:
To you, the gray man says, "Hey."
as opposed to this:
The gray man says to you, "Hey."
I don't think she is refering to things like this:
Peering up at you, one bushy eye-brow raised, and stabbing a finger at your gut, the gray man says, "Hey."
There may not be a way to 'correctly' emote, but there are awkward and stuffy things possible with the incorrect use of say, tell, shout, etc.
brief [all|off|room|combat|ooc|songs|novice]
Brief room has saved me lots of grief, especially when I was just beginning. I wish there was an easy way to look at the nonbriefed room on demand, though. Perhaps by an "Examine room" command, or such.
Quote from: Xagon on January 02, 2009, 08:24:18 AM
brief [all|off|room|combat|ooc|songs|novice]
Brief room has saved me lots of grief, especially when I was just beginning. I wish there was an easy way to look at the nonbriefed room on demand, though. Perhaps by an "Examine room" command, or such.
l room
Quote from: helpfilesStop (Control)
This command will purge any commands which have been queued up but have not yet been executed.
This command will not abort the command currently being executed which
may be in a delay.
> rent necklace
(When used in a Nenyuk bank, this will store the object in their vaults,
and you will be given a claim ticket for the item, which can be presented
when you want to reclaim. Be aware that Nenyuk charges 100 obsidian for
such a service.)
Quote from: Thunkkin on February 27, 2009, 07:30:58 PM
> rent necklace
(When used in a Nenyuk bank, this will store the object in their vaults,
and you will be given a claim ticket for the item, which can be presented
when you want to reclaim. Be aware that Nenyuk charges 100 obsidian for
such a service.)
Whoa. I never knew that, thanks!
Quote from: Chettaman on January 01, 2009, 01:23:15 AM
taste & sip
Two of my favorite commands right there. Love trying new foods and drinks.
Quote from: Ampere on December 10, 2008, 11:43:20 AM
drop bag (wincing as it slips from the edge of ~table) contents spilling out onto the floor, ~ lies on its side beneath a small table.
Wincing as it slips from the edge of a small table, you drop your large bag.
Shown to the room as:
Contents spilling out onto the floor, a large bag lies on its side beneath a small table.
Oh, and so long as it's a save room it will retain the sdesc until you pick it up.
emote can be replaced with :
say can be replaced with '
Other MUDs have shortcuts for tell, but can't find one on Armageddon. Wish there was one for tell, talk.
Imms, could we possibly, pretty please, get this stickied? I think it would be very beneficial to both new and old players if could be easily found. Also, Mansa, maybe put a link to it in your newb thread?
use the submit request tool to ask for a sticky. happens faster that way. and I agree.
too late, it's already stickied.
A must read:
Quote from: Winterless on November 17, 2008, 06:49:33 AM
>key <item> <container>
ie: >key feather 2.chest
In a large, agafari chest:
1. a white feather
2. a white feather
3. a black feather
4. a red feather
5. a red feather
6. a red feather
Then, you just pick out the one you want, (get 3.feather 2.chest) very nice.
Damn! Nice.
Don't forget:
Change Objective (General)
Change objective changes your objective just as if you had set it from the main menu (when you log on). Use this if you would like staff interaction, such as requesting a reroll or an NPC to be played by a staff member. You can also use this to let us know what your character's main purpose is in life.
change objective <objective>
> change objective To find the six-fingered man.
When you change your character's objective using this command, your
character will be saved.
>help teapot
Stills and similar objects are used in conjunction with brewing. Anyone can use
Them, with or without the brewing skill. Stills, teapots, etc. will typically
Require ingredients in order to be used effectively, and there are several
Commands that work differently when with one.
To use a still, you must first 'pour' a liquid to start from into it. Note that
You cannot pour a liquid into a still if the still already has something in it.
To empty a still, you 'open' it. Stills will also usually require ingredients,
For instance, a fruit. You 'put' ingredients into a still, but once you do, you
Cannot get them back out again. Finally, when everything is in place, you 'use'
The still, and it will create the appropriate liquid, from which you can then
Fill your containers.
> open still
You open up the still, draining its contents from it.
> pour flask still
You carefully pour the contents of a flask into the still.
> put fruit still
You carefully prepare the fruit, placing it in the still.
> use still
After adding the last of the ingredients, you close the still, leaving it to process its contents.
Also, for 'gickers:
>help spell <name>
If you have a bag of ceramic pieces:
Tek's Tower (Cultural)
This game, popular in the southlands, is played with small ceramic blocks. The blocks are arranged in a tower, and players take turns removing blocks from the structure, trying not to be the first to make the tower topple. Skilled players pride themselves on being able to take pieces from the bottom, while novices may choose to stick to the top pieces. A steady, dextrous hand is of great benefit in this game.
play bag
(This sets up the pieces)
get tower top
get tower middle
get tower bottom
get clutter
(This gathers up the fallen pieces and restores them to their bag.)
Some places allow this:
Arm Wrestling (Cultural)
Some establishments are known for their competitive sports, including arm wrestling. Most arm wrestlers are in it for the money, and so will require a bet be placed to play.
ask (target) play
(Ask the wrestler how much it will cost to play)
(start wrestling)
You must be sitting at a table to arm wrestle.
You can use brooms to clean up sawdust in a room with the command:
>clean room broom
Thee are some cage items in-game that can make for unique role-playing experiences:
Cage (General)
A number of cages, pens, holding-cells and the like may be found in Zalanthas. These often contain slaves or animals, and some can be used to transport these captives, if enough (wo)manpower can be found to carry it.
> throw <captive> cage (Captive must be a subdued character.)
> release <captive> cage
> put <item> cage
(Allows items such as food/water to be dropped in through the bars.)
> look in cage
If you have someone subdued, you can throw them in a direction with the command:
>throw <person> <direction>
Here's one for the bards in Tuluk:
Charmstring (General)
Northern bards employ charmstrings, attaching them to their main instrument in order to keep record of their bardic achievements. The custom is seen occasionally in the southlands, but is known to be a northern custom.
put <charmname> <instrumentname>
put charm flute
Now that armwrestling was brought up, is it possible to armwrestle other players?
Quote from: Qzzrbl on May 05, 2009, 03:52:48 PM
Now that armwrestling was brought up, is it possible to armwrestle other players?
No, I don't believe so.
Quote from: Winterless on November 17, 2008, 06:49:33 AM
>key <item> <container>
ie: >key feather 2.chest
In a large, agafari chest:
1. a white feather
2. a white feather
3. a black feather
4. a red feather
Then, you just pick out the one you want, (get 3.feather 2.chest) very nice.
Still useful; but now you can do things like: get red.feather agafari.chest
Quote from: Archbaron on May 05, 2009, 03:54:56 PM
Quote from: Qzzrbl on May 05, 2009, 03:52:48 PM
Now that armwrestling was brought up, is it possible to armwrestle other players?
No, I don't believe so.
Aww.. I was all excited when I heard about the armwrestling thing. Sometimes, my characters hit people in bars to show that they're stronger. That tends to backfire. Arm wrestling would solve that.
But the other stuff, especially the throw person and help spell are much appreciated :)
Quote from: brytta.leofa on May 05, 2009, 06:03:33 PM
Quote from: Winterless on November 17, 2008, 06:49:33 AM
>key <item> <container>
ie: >key feather 2.chest
In a large, agafari chest:
1. a white feather
2. a white feather
3. a black feather
4. a red feather
Then, you just pick out the one you want, (get 3.feather 2.chest) very nice.
Still useful; but now you can do things like: get red.feather agafari.chest
Can you do this at merchants? list keyword merchant_keyword ?
Quote from: jmordetsky on May 20, 2009, 04:23:23 PM
Quote from: brytta.leofa on May 05, 2009, 06:03:33 PM
Quote from: Winterless on November 17, 2008, 06:49:33 AM
>key <item> <container>
ie: >key feather 2.chest
In a large, agafari chest:
1. a white feather
2. a white feather
3. a black feather
4. a red feather
Then, you just pick out the one you want, (get 3.feather 2.chest) very nice.
Still useful; but now you can do things like: get red.feather agafari.chest
Can you do this at merchants? list keyword merchant_keyword ?
list (merchant) (keyword)
Quote from: brytta.leofa on May 05, 2009, 06:03:33 PM
Quote from: Winterless on November 17, 2008, 06:49:33 AM
>key <item> <container>
ie: >key feather 2.chest
In a large, agafari chest:
1. a white feather
2. a white feather
3. a black feather
4. a red feather
Then, you just pick out the one you want, (get 3.feather 2.chest) very nice.
Still useful; but now you can do things like: get red.feather agafari.chest
Thanks Winterless. Before you posted this, I never knew you could do that and now I use this all the time. I mainly use it to count how many of a particular item are in a container.
"get <seat> <table>" and "put <seat> <table>" (When the seat is on the floor)
You might think this is a simple thing, but seeing half-giants sit on the floor of a tavern because they can't stand at the bar due to stools taking up the whole length makes me sad (surely they could figure out how to pull away a barstool from the bar!).
Also, "put <seat> <table>" is useful for those people who can't find a seat at a bar because stools are pulled away. You may also be surprised to find there are "invisible" barstools and chairs that are pulled away in some places and disappear into the room, but you can still put those around the bar or table.
Despite it arguably being the least active starting location, many of Red Storm's various NPCs have interesting and informative talk scripts.
I've been playing for quite a while and some of the information they dole out was new to me. :)
The command "rent time" when in an apartment lobby will tell you how much time you have left on your apartment.
Quote from: Helpfiles"Socials (Communication)
The set of 'social' commands are generally used to express some emotion or perform some gesture. Under certain circumstances, some may have other applications as well. A fairly comprehensive (but not necessarily complete) list of these commands is provided below.
Please note that you are highly encouraged to develop your own personal idioms and gestures, rather than relying solely on the 'standard socials.' The emote and pemote commands make a nearly unlimited range of mannerisms, expressions, and actions possible. For those you wish to employ frequently, repetition may be facilitated through use of the alias command.
bite chuckle cough frown grin hug
kiss laugh nod shake shrug sigh
smile snicker spit wave whistle wink
Not all the socials are here. The best one is 'stare'. ;D
I want a 'facepalm' social.
(Damn, I confused this thread with the "random things you want" one)
'palm face hand'
Quote from: Rhyden on May 22, 2009, 05:58:29 AM
Not all the socials are here. The best one is 'stare'. ;D
I'm going to have to try that one. I use "nod," "spit," and "thank" quite a bit.
I don't like the thank one a whole lot... I always feel kinda cheated when someone uses it.
Also I think a facepalm social would rock because people REALLY do some stupid stuff in Zalanthas. :D
Quote from: Rhyden on May 22, 2009, 05:58:29 AM
Quote from: Helpfiles"Socials (Communication)
The set of 'social' commands are generally used to express some emotion or perform some gesture. Under certain circumstances, some may have other applications as well. A fairly comprehensive (but not necessarily complete) list of these commands is provided below.
Please note that you are highly encouraged to develop your own personal idioms and gestures, rather than relying solely on the 'standard socials.' The emote and pemote commands make a nearly unlimited range of mannerisms, expressions, and actions possible. For those you wish to employ frequently, repetition may be facilitated through use of the alias command.
bite chuckle cough frown grin hug
kiss laugh nod shake shrug sigh
smile snicker spit wave whistle wink
Not all the socials are here. The best one is 'stare'. ;D
I did all those just now... just for S & G... I didn't know they were there, zomg, I've been doing things the hard way.
Quote from: FantasyWriter on May 22, 2009, 12:52:11 PM
Also I think a facepalm social would rock because people REALLY do some stupid stuff in Zalanthas. :D
I did it a lot with a certain character in the Byn :P
Quote from: Ourla on May 22, 2009, 09:32:33 AM
Quote from: Rhyden on May 22, 2009, 05:58:29 AM
Not all the socials are here. The best one is 'stare'. ;D
I'm going to have to try that one. I use "nod," "spit," and "thank" quite a bit.
Omg I didn't know about thank! Thank you too, Ourla.
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but the 'exits' command is also very useful.
This may have already been posted, but I didn't see it with a quick glance.
pull branch
Gets you all kinds of nifty things from different types of branches.
"flip" is a command useful for certain things as well. Not a lot though that I've noticed, but your mileage may vary.
Quote from: Lizzie on May 26, 2009, 04:25:05 PM
"flip" is a command useful for certain things in your inventory as well. Not a lot though that I've noticed, but your mileage may vary.
"Use," can be quite fun when such things are held in your hand.
Does ARM have something akin to SOI's dmote, now? I've noticed a lot of temporary strings attached to descriptions, and I'm not sure if this is a recent change, or what. (And if ARM does have it, it'd be totally relevant to this thread because it'd be both neat and little.)
tdesc is what you're referring to.
Anybody remember the command to decapitate?
Quote from: Northlander on May 27, 2009, 03:17:29 PM
Anybody remember the command to decapitate?
"behead <unlucky>"
Must be dead first, though.
Thanks. I do hate that condition.
This (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,35386.msg450902.html#msg450902)
the 'wiz' command
. ' ' .
` `
' `
' '
' .
. '
/\ , , /\
/ \ . / \
/ /\ \ ` . / /\ \
/ / \ \_____________________________________________/ / \ \
/ / \ / \ \
/ / \ /\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\ / \ \
\ \ \/ \/ / /
\ \ P A N T H E O N O F Z A L A N T H A S / /
/ / /\ /\\ \
/ / / \ _/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_ / \\ \
_____/ /_/ /\ \/ ____________________________________________ \/ /\ \\ \_____
\ _/ /___/ \/ / \ \/ \__\ \_ /
/\ \_/ / /\ /\ \ \_/ /\
/ /\ \ \_\/ \/_/ / /\ \
\ \/ / \ \/ /
\ \/ -=[ Overlords ]=- \ \/
/\ \ /\ \
/ /\ \ Sanvean Raesanos / /\ \
\ \/ / The Shade of Nessalin \ \/ /
\ \/ \ \/
/\ \ -=[ Highlords ]=- /\ \
/ /\ \ / /\ \
\ \/ / Adhira Belenos Brixius Dakurus Mekeda Morgenes \ \/ /
\ \/ Nyr Saikun Senga Tenebrius Tiernan Vanth Xygax \ \/
/\ \ /\ \
/ /\ \ -=[ Storytellers ]=- / /\ \
\ \/ / \ \/ /
\ \/ Cavaticus Muramoa Myrdryn Niamh Nusku Olgaris \ \/
/\ \ Qetesh Rahnevyn Shabago Shalooonsh Thistle /\ \
/ /\ \ Tzurahro Uruz Wyx / /\ \
\ \/ / \ \/ /
\ \/ -=[ Legends ]=- \ \/
/\ \ /\ \
/ /\ \ Adah Aernis Ammit Arkon Ashyom Atshen Azroen / /\ \
\ \/ / Bakha Bakunin Becklee Bhagharva Blaylock Bram \ \/ /
\ \/ Bremen Calix Cerebus Clamach Coatlicue Daigon \ \/
/\ \ Djarjak Dynas Dyrinis Eniriah Eris Eshm /\ \
/ /\ \ Eukelade Gargath Gilvar Gleden Halaster Haldol / /\ \
\ \/ / IxMachina Jhalavar Kelvik Keraptis Kivan Krrx \ \/ /
\ \/ Kurano Laeris Modeus Myrixt Naephet Naiona \ \/
/\ \ Naox Nechomacus Nen Nidhogg Ogun Onimantu /\ \
/ /\ \ Relleu Rihawke Rimius Sanura Saphreal Savak / /\ \
\ \/ / Skid Talley Thanas Tlaloc Turgon Ur Vacas \ \/ /
\ \/ Vendyra Wachabe Zagren Zhaira Zikru \ \/
/\ \ /\ \
/ /\ \ / /\ \
\ \/ / \ \/ /
\ \/ \ \/
/\ \ /\ \
/ /\ \ / /\ \
\ \/ / /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ \ \/ /
\ \/ /\ /\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ /\ /\ \/ /
/\ \/ \/ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \ / \/ \/ /\
/ /\ \_\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \ /\/ /_/ /\ \
\ \/\ \ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ Kel / /\/ /
\__/\ /\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/\ /\__/
\/ \/
Who the hell is Muramoa?
Quote from: Reiloth on June 03, 2009, 11:45:08 PM
Who the hell is Muramoa?
Muramoa (Storyteller)
* Arm 2.0 Coding
* Arm 2.0 Magick Decisionmaking Team
General Information -> OOC Information -> Staff Responsibilities
Who the hell is this Halaster person? And Raisin-Ohs.
They sound like horribly nice people who only have the best intentions in mind.
tdesc rocks my world.
Quote from: path on June 15, 2009, 04:40:49 PM
tdesc rocks my world.
I love this command, too. I use it all the time.
> look dude's cloak
Being able to look at the mdesc of other peoples equipment is very entertaining. In downtimes I found myself just reading what every little eq looks like on the people I'm around, it's a great time filler during idle moments!
When I discovered the above I gleefully read over the mdescs of every piece of equipment that everyone owned.
Quote from: Majikal on June 15, 2009, 08:52:33 PM
> look dude's cloak
Perhaps more importantly, it doesn't echo. If you're in a bar with a bunch of people and you want to know who's obviously clanned, but you don't want to spam everyone with you looking at each and every person, you can just look at everyone's cloaks, rings and tabards.
Quote from: jstorrie on June 16, 2009, 05:56:26 PM
Quote from: Majikal on June 15, 2009, 08:52:33 PM
> look dude's cloak
Perhaps more importantly, it doesn't echo. If you're in a bar with a bunch of people and you want to know who's obviously clanned, but you don't want to spam everyone with you looking at each and every person, you can just look at everyone's cloaks, rings and tabards.
And who's a gemmer...
Hey. That's a good idea.
Oh, I was lookin' for this thread.
RogueGunslinger, heed my words! A trick I use to avoid buying the wrong thing: always use "offer," even if you lack the haggle skill, for a price slightly less than the list price. I believe you get a message like this:
The tall, muscular salesman insists on keeping the price the same for a pair of silt-horror swim goggles.
Then use "barter" to complete the transaction.
Great idea. Thanks.
look (item) (object item is on/in)
To get the mdesc of said item without having to pick it up.
help locdescs
For the longest time I was waiting to get scars. I was thinking, -boy- my character must have thick skin. :(
Certain bars that load with a mix of barstools and places to stand might have invisible barstools you can 'put barstool bar' to sit down instead of stand.
Try 'key barstool' in your seatless bar, today.
You're a servant? You placed all the stuff into that tray? 'Etwo' it. First of all it's realistic; people see you holding a tray in both hands. Second, people now may 'look servant's tray'..
Damn.. It took me long time to think about 'etwo'ing trays which are too heavy to be held.
You have a staff you want to RP walking around with but don't want people getting angry at you brandishing it?
hold staff
Mainly I just wanted to say that this thread rocks.
While not as cool as some of the things listed here, I think it's worth mentioning that some skills (like subdue) can be used without having them in your skills list.
Obviously, you won't be as good at it.
list songs
buy song <song #>
Quote from: RRiplash on August 06, 2009, 08:48:33 PM
Mainly I just wanted to say that this thread rocks.
While not as cool as some of the things listed here, I think it's worth mentioning that some skills (like subdue) can be used without having them in your skills list.
Obviously, you won't be as good at it.
Basically all skills can be used by all characters, with the exceptions of spells, advanced psionics, and a scant few class-specific perks. This is not at all useful in most cases, but there are times when you can't fail–you can always subdue or steal from an unconscious person, for example.
Typing 'STAND' while hidden removes your hidden status.
Quote from: mansa on August 09, 2009, 07:38:17 PM
Typing 'STAND' while hidden removes your hidden status.
It also removes long descriptions. Handy for those times when your chosen long description is not applicable and you can't think of a new one right at the moment.
I skinned something.
I typed;
get hunk
put hunk bag
Apparently my mount took a dump between the skinning process and the grabbing process, So I put shit into the bag ..makes everything smelly.
Damn you poop code!
Quote from: KankWhisperer on August 18, 2009, 10:19:46 PM
I skinned something.
I typed;
get hunk
put hunk bag
Apparently my mount took a dump between the skinning process and the grabbing process, So I put shit into the bag ..makes everything smelly.
Damn you poop code!
Quote from: KankWhisperer on August 18, 2009, 10:19:46 PM
I skinned something.
I typed;
get hunk
put hunk bag
Apparently my mount took a dump between the skinning process and the grabbing process, So I put shit into the bag ..makes everything smelly.
Damn you poop code!
Congratulations on fitting in with the rest of the typical Zalanthans! Way to show your dedication to our immerzions!
Quote from: KankWhisperer on August 18, 2009, 10:19:46 PM
I skinned something.
I typed;
get hunk
put hunk bag
eat hunk
Apparently my mount took a dump between the skinning process and the grabbing process, So I put shit into the bag ..makes everything smelly.
Damn you poop code!
It could have been worse.
QuoteI skinned something.
I typed;
get hunk
put hunk bag
eat hunk
Apparently my mount took a dump between the skinning process and the grabbing process, So I put shit into the bag ..makes everything smelly.
Damn you poop code!
No, what's REALLY fucked up is that I'm gonna try this now.
Quote from: IAmJacksOpinion on August 21, 2009, 08:40:40 PM
QuoteI skinned something.
I typed;
get hunk
put hunk bag
eat hunk
Apparently my mount took a dump between the skinning process and the grabbing process, So I put shit into the bag ..makes everything smelly.
Damn you poop code!
No, what's REALLY fucked up is that I'm gonna try this now.
Nver heard the phrase eat shit and die?
Nver heard the phrase eat shit and die?[/quote]
Actually, my brother carved that phrase into my bedroom wall with a knife... >:(
102 100 128 standing walking->get ball
You pick up a smelly fist-sized ball of dung.
102 100 128 standing walking->eat ball
Eww, your nasty!
Haha. Wtf? Did I eat it or not?
Is it still in your inventory?
Poop is one of the most useful things in the game! Not only can you throw it (and plant it) on people, you can use it for a variety of other things!
Need to feed a fire? Throw some dung in it!
Your plant not giving you fruit? Fertilize it with dung!
Apartment too drab? Mix up some dung and paint it Puce!
Also, there are some super sekrit uses for it, but they're not common knowledge.
These include, but are not limited to:
It's a passkey to get to see Tektolnes
Red Fangs use it as deodorant, gives them +100 to stamina
You can feed it to <insert dung factory> to heal it.
Quote from: Is Friday on August 23, 2009, 07:14:15 PM
offer <your money or item> <their money or item> <merchant>
> offer 90 sword (offer 90 coins for their sword)
> offer sword 65 (offer your sword for sale for 65 coins)
> offer shield sword (offer to trade your shield for their sword)
> offer 75 #12 (offer 75 coins for the 12th item in their list)
You can offer an item for another item at a shop (however, you can't offer more than one item).
key linen chest
There are 65 linen's in this chest.
get all chest
(Before your inventory fills up)
put linen 2.chest
put linen 2.chest
put linen 2.chest
put linen 2.chest
Isn't it better to:
>get all.linen chest
Then quickly:
>put all.linen 2.chest
>get all.linen chest;put all.linen 2.chest
I do this a lot... the following results...
you get a scrap of linen from a wooden chest.
you put a scrap of linen in a plain chest.
you get a scrap of linen from a wooden chest.
you put a scrap of linen in a plain chest.
you get a scrap of linen from a wooden chest.
you put a scrap of linen in a plain chest.
you get a scrap of linen from a wooden chest.
there is no 'linen' in a wooden chest.
you put a scrap of linen in a plain chest.
With my luck
>put all chest
>You put a scrap of linen into a bone chest
>You put a scrap of linen into a bone chest
>You put a scrap of linen into a bone chest
>You put a scrap of linen into a bone chest
>You take off every stitch of linen clothing and put it in a bone chest.
Quote from: Qzzrbl on August 24, 2009, 08:48:25 AM
With my luck
>put all chest
>You put a scrap of linen into a bone chest
>You put a scrap of linen into a bone chest
>You put a scrap of linen into a bone chest
>You put a scrap of linen into a bone chest
>You take off every stitch of linen clothing and put it in a bone chest.
Put all.asdfasdf does not affect items in your equipment list.
Quote from: MarshallDFX on August 23, 2009, 10:37:16 PM
Quote from: Is Friday on August 23, 2009, 07:14:15 PM
offer <your money or item> <their money or item> <merchant>
> offer 90 sword (offer 90 coins for their sword)
> offer sword 65 (offer your sword for sale for 65 coins)
> offer shield sword (offer to trade your shield for their sword)
> offer 75 #12 (offer 75 coins for the 12th item in their list)
You can offer an item for another item at a shop (however, you can't offer more than one item).
This is so awesome. I never knew that! I'm going to have to test it out now.
Also, I personally love the sniff room command. I fell in love with it a couple of years ago on my newbier character. She was in a Tuluki noble house's garden (Tenneshi/Winrothol), and I typed sniff room.
And I got a really awesome echo.
Help map Zalanthas.
Map of Zalanthas (Geography)
_________________________ II######IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII####II^^^^^^^^
/\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\ IIIII#####III Grey Forest IIIIIIIIIII^^^^^^^^^
|\_////_/_/___________/__/_/ IIIII######IIIII####IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^^^^^^^^
| | ##IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII#### . . ^^^^^^^
| ---- Legend ---- | #####IIIIIIIIIIIII#### . . ## Tuluk . . .
| | #### ##### . . ### ## . . .
| XX City or Settlement | . #### ### ### . ##### . /-XX . . . .
| -- Road | #### ## --------------------/ . .
| .. Desert | ## # / #### ## Gol Krathu .
| ## Scrub | . . . | . ### # #### ## . .
| II Forest | | ## ###### . # ######. # ### . .
| ~~ Silt Sea | . . . || | ### . . ### # #
_| ^^ Mountain | . \ ## .## Scrub Plains ######
/\| == Shield Wall | . Luir's Outpost #### # # ###
||| | . . \ # ###### ##### ## . ###
\_/////_/_/____________/_/// . . //\\==X===========\\ ##### ######## . #
. // --/ . . . \\=============== =
. . . Tablelands . . . . || / . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .|| |. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . // | . . Red Desert . . . . .
. . . . . //================// / . . . . . . .
===============// . . ------------- . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . .
. | . . . . . . . .
. . Vrun Driath . | . . . .
. . | . . . .
. . . . . . . Allanak . . . .
. . . . | . . . .
. . ./------------XX . . . . . Salt Flats
--------/. .. . | . . . . .
. . . . . . . . \-----------. .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Red Storm Village . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . X . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sea of Eternal Dust ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Pretty happy when I looked at that for the first time.
help quaff
Quaff (General)
This command will cause your character to consume the named potion or
potion-fruit. All effects of that potion will take effect immediately. The
potion must be in your inventory or in one of your character's hands at the
time the command is used.
quaff <object>
> quaff potion
See also:
drink, sip
Quote from: MarshallDFX on August 23, 2009, 10:37:16 PM
Quote from: Is Friday on August 23, 2009, 07:14:15 PM
offer <your money or item> <their money or item> <merchant>
> offer 90 sword (offer 90 coins for their sword)
> offer sword 65 (offer your sword for sale for 65 coins)
> offer shield sword (offer to trade your shield for their sword)
> offer 75 #12 (offer 75 coins for the 12th item in their list)
You can offer an item for another item at a shop (however, you can't offer more than one item).
The problem is that you can't barter up the value of offered items or barter down the price of the desired good when you do this, so the only time it's worth doing this is when the shop doesn't have enough money for you to haggle up the price of your offered good, collect the 'sid, then haggle down the price of the other good.
Brief Combat
It removes all the "swing and a miss" combat spam. It's perfect for large RPTs that involve combat.
Can skin a corpse without the skill.
I've read on the GDB of some other players doing this: I have an alias called 'l all' which is short for 'look all'.
l n
l e
l w
l s
Quote from: Rhyden on November 01, 2009, 06:33:58 PM
I've read on the GDB of some other players doing this: I have an alias called 'l all' which is short for 'look all'.
l n
l e
l w
l s
My set of directional lookups is aliased to 'ql' as in 'quick look'.
pour <container 1> <container 2>
pour <container 1> room
Useful for organizing.
And poisoning yourself, don't forget that joy.
And for getting the poison off a weapon too!
Newly available evidence suggests that many players do not realize there is an "assist" command to use for combat.
I don't use assist. Only rescue. 8)
Quote from: Gimfalisette on November 02, 2009, 06:08:01 PM
Newly available evidence suggests that many players do not realize there is an "assist" command to use for combat.
I can remember one that didn't not so very long ago. ;)
Quote from: Fnord on November 02, 2009, 06:56:30 PM
Quote from: Gimfalisette on November 02, 2009, 06:08:01 PM
Newly available evidence suggests that many players do not realize there is an "assist" command to use for combat.
I can remember one that didn't not so very long ago. ;)
Aww, is it time for "when Gimf was a little Armer," stories?
Quote from: Gimfalisette on November 02, 2009, 06:08:01 PM
Newly available evidence suggests that many players do not realize there is an "assist" command to use for combat.
Since we're picking on the
Bynners combat characters,
this is extraordinarily helpful in your prompt:
%s your current positionWhen you're in combat, it translates into:
fighting: a war beetle >(Yeah, that's probably shown up in this thread already.)
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 02, 2009, 05:53:47 PM
And for getting the poison off a weapon too!
..... Once you poison a weapon, you can unpoison it?
Quote from: tortall on November 02, 2009, 09:46:26 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 02, 2009, 05:53:47 PM
And for getting the poison off a weapon too!
..... Once you poison a weapon, you can unpoison it?
Yes. The command is 'Backstab Templar' :P
Quote from: tortall on November 02, 2009, 09:46:26 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 02, 2009, 05:53:47 PM
And for getting the poison off a weapon too!
..... Once you poison a weapon, you can unpoison it?
Yep. 'pour waterskin knife'
'stop' command:
If you have queued up several commands, typing 'stop' will clear them out.
Example: you just entered in the commands e,e,e,e,e,e,e,n,n,s,s,s,e,e,e,e,n,n,n,n in order to speedwalk back to your guild's estate, but you just noticed something interesting in the last room. Enter the command 'stop' and you will do just that, stop. All the rest of your commands will be purged.
Quote from: musashi on November 04, 2009, 03:29:06 AM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 03, 2009, 07:03:54 PM
Quote from: tortall on November 02, 2009, 09:46:26 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 02, 2009, 05:53:47 PM
And for getting the poison off a weapon too!
..... Once you poison a weapon, you can unpoison it?
Yep. 'pour waterskin knife'
This is why I like this thread.
*boggle* Me, too. Holy crap.
Okay, I wish I knew that a LONG time ago. *goes to clear out the huge amount of junk weapons that currently have taints on them*
Snuff works for those things with and without flames. ;)
On the code side of things, this thread really illustrates why Arm rules. It's been around over 10 years, and all these little goodies are the result.
Quote from: waroth on November 04, 2009, 07:43:06 AM
'stop' command:
If you have queued up several commands, typing 'stop' will clear them out.
Example: you just entered in the commands e,e,e,e,e,e,e,n,n,s,s,s,e,e,e,e,n,n,n,n in order to speedwalk back to your guild's estate, but you just noticed something interesting in the last room. Enter the command 'stop' and you will do just that, stop. All the rest of your commands will be purged.
Good, now it will make it easier to explore the desert for obsidian deposits. Before I used to just do it in short bursts of e,e,e then s,s,e then etc. And I must say, many of these things are helpful little tidbits. I'll have to actually try some of them out myself now. Especially the ones where they didn't say what it did...
Protip: If you habitually spam walk through the wilderness, your characters will habitually die.
PROtip: never move in any direction without looking in it first. >l e; l n; l s; l w
Unless you're spam-walking with an erdlu, no one can catch those thing fast enough.
Protip: Yes I have a mount. I'm not walking through the desert like an idiot.
PROtip: NEVER, i do repeat, NEVER sleep in any sort of wilderness.....ever.
Quote from: Gagula on November 12, 2009, 05:53:30 PM
PROtip: NEVER, i do repeat, NEVER sleep in any sort of wilderness.....ever.
Yea, it's not a good idea. * Experience.
Quote from: Gagula on November 12, 2009, 05:53:30 PM
PROtip: NEVER, i do repeat, NEVER sleep in any sort of wilderness.....ever.
Lol. This is unavoidable sometimes.
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 12, 2009, 05:56:40 PM
Quote from: Gagula on November 12, 2009, 05:53:30 PM
PROtip: NEVER, i do repeat, NEVER sleep in any sort of wilderness.....ever.
Lol. This is unavoidable sometimes.
Sap figure.
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 12, 2009, 09:56:37 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 12, 2009, 05:56:40 PM
Quote from: Gagula on November 12, 2009, 05:53:30 PM
PROtip: NEVER, i do repeat, NEVER sleep in any sort of wilderness.....ever.
Lol. This is unavoidable sometimes.
Sap figure.
I sleep in the wilderness all the time :D
But it's probably best to find an area very high up and/or out of the way first.
Quote from: musashi on November 13, 2009, 05:35:42 AM
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 12, 2009, 09:56:37 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 12, 2009, 05:56:40 PM
Quote from: Gagula on November 12, 2009, 05:53:30 PM
PROtip: NEVER, i do repeat, NEVER sleep in any sort of wilderness.....ever.
Lol. This is unavoidable sometimes.
Sap figure.
I sleep in the wilderness all the time :D
But it's probably best to find an area very high up and/or out of the way first.
> up
> up
> up
> sleep
You go to sleep
You let go of the wall
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 12, 2009, 01:14:59 PM
PROtip: never move in any direction without looking in it first. >l e; l n; l s; l w
Repeat the above the moment you walk into a wilderness room.
Repeat the above every few seconds while in a wilderness room*.
*If paranoid and you truly wish to improve your chances of staying alive, repeat the above every few seconds while in a wilderness room.
protip: When exploring. Bring rope.
protip: When living in the wilderness. Be sure to be nomadic. Sooner or later an IMM will find you... there is no hiding.
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 13, 2009, 10:44:15 AM
Quote from: musashi on November 13, 2009, 05:35:42 AM
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 12, 2009, 09:56:37 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 12, 2009, 05:56:40 PM
Quote from: Gagula on November 12, 2009, 05:53:30 PM
PROtip: NEVER, i do repeat, NEVER sleep in any sort of wilderness.....ever.
Lol. This is unavoidable sometimes.
Sap figure.
I sleep in the wilderness all the time :D
But it's probably best to find an area very high up and/or out of the way first.
> up
> up
> up
> sleep
You go to sleep
You let go of the wall
> up
> up
> up
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
Your vision goes black.
Your head clears, and your eyes flutter open.
On The Shield Wall [UD]
Quote from: LauraMars on November 13, 2009, 12:31:45 PM
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 13, 2009, 10:44:15 AM
> up
> up
> up
> sleep
You go to sleep
You let go of the wall
> up
> up
> up
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
Your vision goes black.
Your head clears, and your eyes flutter open.
On The Shield Wall [UD]
yeah, if you happen to be one of those filthy Whirans and can make yourself fly, or something ;)
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 13, 2009, 12:35:33 PM
Quote from: LauraMars on November 13, 2009, 12:31:45 PM
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 13, 2009, 10:44:15 AM
> up
> up
> up
> sleep
You go to sleep
You let go of the wall
> up
> up
> up
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
Your vision goes black.
Your head clears, and your eyes flutter open.
On The Shield Wall [UD]
Well, yeah, if you happen to be one of those filthy Whirans and can make yourself fly, or something ;)
'tis a bug. happened to me before. sleeping in the air. yup yup yup yupyupyupyupyup uh-huh.
Quote from: rishenko on November 13, 2009, 11:52:18 AM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on November 12, 2009, 01:14:59 PM
PROtip: never move in any direction without looking in it first. >l e; l n; l s; l w
Repeat the above the moment you walk into a wilderness room.
Repeat the above every few seconds while in a wilderness room*.
*If paranoid and you truly wish to improve your chances of staying alive, repeat the above every few seconds while in a wilderness room.
I have a scanh (scanhorizon) alias set up...
scanh = look n; look e; look s; look w;
I've coupled that with move aliases as well
mn = n;scanh
me = e;scanh
I still get ganked :)
Quote from: mansa on November 13, 2009, 01:09:18 PM
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 13, 2009, 12:35:33 PM
Quote from: LauraMars on November 13, 2009, 12:31:45 PM
Quote from: Pale Horse on November 13, 2009, 10:44:15 AM
> up
> up
> up
> sleep
You go to sleep
You let go of the wall
> up
> up
> up
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
>contact santa
You are unable to contact their mind.
Your vision goes black.
Your head clears, and your eyes flutter open.
On The Shield Wall [UD]
Well, yeah, if you happen to be one of those filthy Whirans and can make yourself fly, or something ;)
'tis a bug. happened to me before. sleeping in the air. yup yup yup yupyupyupyupyup uh-huh.
You guys ... seriously? You're doing it all wrong.
On a ledge/cave/rock outcropping. [E]
Also, do not, ever ... EVER ... sleep in a room that is also a quit, or save room. Or a room that describes itself as being hidden. They're telling you lies!
Might be best to take this to a new thread. This thread is about nifty syntax.
Beep. Beep is awesome because it sends the player the same sound-byte they get when someone or something dies. No quicker way to make them scramble back to their mud screen from whatever else they were doing.
pour pack 2.pack
I like this one.
Quote from: musashi on November 13, 2009, 03:22:25 PM
Beep is awesome...
Strongly disagree, there! Someone beeps me, I put serious thought into beeping them right back. With the
other command.
I kinda view it more as an irritating legacy command, in the same boat as the last few socials floating around. Less used the better.
Quote from: Grey Area on November 20, 2009, 01:09:44 AM
Quote from: musashi on November 13, 2009, 03:22:25 PM
Beep is awesome...
Strongly disagree, there! Someone beeps me, I put serious thought into beeping them right back. With the other command.
I kinda view it more as an irritating legacy command, in the same boat as the last few socials floating around. Less used the better.
God I hate the beep command. Sorry I didn't 'gone brb', but I really did have to go to the washroom!!! :-[
Sometimes when you're playing with Bogre, there's just no good reason not to beep him. I know you all know what I mean.
Quote from: Gimfalisette on November 20, 2009, 01:17:27 AM
Sometimes when you're playing with Bogre, there's just no good reason not to beep him. I know you all know what I mean.
I can't believe he's allowed behind the wheel of a vehicle in real life. ;)
I see what you did there. ::)
Anyways, there is a neat thing that I want to know how to do.
How do you look over the items strapped to a mount?
It gives the echo 'xxx looks over the items strapped to a desert-camouflaged, plate-barded war braxat. '
>help pack
Pack (Equipment)
This command allows your character to pack supplies, goods, armaments, and so on, upon a beast of burden,
relieving him/her of the weight and bulk. When used without an argument, or just specifying which mount, it
will show you what has been packed upon the mount.
pack <item> [animal]
pack [animal]
> pack
> pack inix
(Shows you what has been packed on the inix's back)
> pack saddlebags
> pack bag kank
> pack bag (grunting as he lifts it)
unpack all (taking everything you can carry from ~saddled.mekillot without too much spam)
flip coin
Drop one obsidian coin on the floor.
>flip coin
If it does not work, you are not standing. You will need to stand.
For other 'coin' objects that are not obsidian coins, you can keep them in your inventory.
There really should be a helpfile on this.
I've noticed only a few people using this, so....
() means the emote comes BEFORE whatever you're doing
[] means the emote comes AFTER whatever you're doing.
Nothing looks odder to me than: Near the woman, the man sits at the bar.
When this looks so much better: The man sits at the bar, neat the woman.
Or maybe that's just me....
Just a little something to add a bit extra to your emoting while doing an action. :-D
I am so guilty of misusing () and I never even realized! Thank you!
Some non-lazy person should go through this thread and make a list of everything so we have put it all somewhere useful. So new people don't have to hunt through 7+ pages of.... Crap.
I decided to not be lazy. I know some of these seem obvious, but for newer players, they're invaluable. Also, I know this is long and you're probably wondering why not just let them read through the 9 pages? Trust me. I cut out a LOT of chatter.
I've tried grouping them accordingly, and not just in the order they were posted.
- help BRIEF
- empty bag chest Will empty everything in that bag into the chest. Can also empty bags onto some tables/mats/rugs/carpets.
- pour skin knife To clean your weapon of poison.
- behead
- help locdescs
- In certain bars with NPC bards...... List song
- SNIFF Rooms and people.
- assist
- sit WITH person
- look <person>'s [item]
Exa: Look halaster's sword
- look <item> table Will give you a mdesc of the item. This works on –some- tables
- look <character>'s (bodypart) To see tattoo/scar descriptions
- look with an echo
Quote from: Cutthroat on November 16, 2008, 10:28:37 PMYou can look east (squinting) and it will echo.
Same with look <item> (emote), or look in <item> (emote).
- Can sit on odd items, such as chests, footlockers.
- Can sit ON some bars.
- roll dice table Everyone sitting at the table will be able to see what you rolled.
- look dice table To see what the dice was rolls as on the table.
- Keyword. Invaluable tool. Especially when trying to find hidden lockers/FOOTLOCKERS/chests/trunks/cabinets/closets/cupboards/shelves/ect
- key <item> (container)
- count <keyword> (container)
- pull quiver Pulls an arrow out of your quiver and equips it in your hands automatically.
- pull branch Can get bark off some bracnhes and even logs(pull log)
- Light/Extinguish commands
- pagelength
- list (merchant) [keyword] Such as list (merchant) black. All the items with black in their sdesc.
- guard/scan/listen status
- salvage There are SO many things you can salvage. Try it out some time.
- shake tent
- taste and sip
- asses –v
- stop
- change objective (see: help change)
- clean room broom (Can sweep up sawdust in the room with a broom in your equipemt)
- Multiplier keywords: get red.feather simple.chest
- help arrange
Quote from: Ampere on December 10, 2008, 11:43:20 AM
- drop bag (wincing as it slips from the edge of ~table) contents spilling out onto the floor, ~ lies on its side beneath a small table.
- Wincing as it slips from the edge of a small table, you drop your large bag.
- Shown to the room as:
- Contents spilling out onto the floor, a large bag lies on its side beneath a small table.
- Oh, and so long as it's a save room it will retain the sdesc until you pick it up.
Quote from: tortall on December 11, 2008, 11:33:47 AM
Anything you're wearing you don't have to put into your inv. You're wearing silt horror helm? Want to put it in a chest to quickly change into your silks?
put helm chest
[You remove a black-visage helm]
You put a black-visage helm into a simple wooden chest.
Quote from: Archbaron on January 01, 2009, 02:04:37 AM
Observing room descriptions can lead to the discover of shelves, hearths, closets, desks,
Using @ in an emote makes it more complex
ex. emote Lifting ^@ hand slightly, @ looks around the room, annoyed.
will produce: Lifting his hand slightly, the tressy-tressed, muscular man looks around the room, annoyed.
Quote from: Iota on January 02, 2009, 08:40:23 AM
Quote from: Xagon on January 02, 2009, 08:24:18 AM
brief [all|off|room|combat|ooc|songs|novice]
Brief room has saved me lots of grief, especially when I was just beginning. I wish there was an easy way to look at the nonbriefed room on demand, though. Perhaps by an "Examine room" command, or such.
l room
Quote from: SMuz on March 01, 2009, 08:01:35 PM
emote can be replaced with :
say can be replaced with '
Quote from: tortall on November 25, 2009, 03:44:51 PM
() means the emote comes BEFORE whatever you're doing
[] means the emote comes AFTER whatever you're doing.
>help teapot
Stills and similar objects are used in conjunction with brewing. Anyone can use
Them, with or without the brewing skill. Stills, teapots, etc. will typically
Require ingredients in order to be used effectively, and there are several
Commands that work differently when with one.
To use a still, you must first 'pour' a liquid to start from into it. Note that
You cannot pour a liquid into a still if the still already has something in it.
To empty a still, you 'open' it. Stills will also usually require ingredients,
For instance, a fruit. You 'put' ingredients into a still, but once you do, you
Cannot get them back out again. Finally, when everything is in place, you 'use'
The still, and it will create the appropriate liquid, from which you can then
Fill your containers.
> open still
You open up the still, draining its contents from it.
> pour flask still
You carefully pour the contents of a flask into the still.
> put fruit still
You carefully prepare the fruit, placing it in the still.
> use still
After adding the last of the ingredients, you close the still, leaving it to process its contents.
Awesome, Tortall.
Quote from: tortall on November 29, 2009, 02:51:21 AM
- help teapot
> help teapot
There is no help on topic 'teapot'.
Fixed the list to include the helpfile of help teapot. If the imms wish this removed, there is another post in this thread that I took it from. I will gladly remove that section if asked, but PLEASE don't delete the whole thing. That took me 3 hours to sort through.
Did I just see Tortall looking at Halaster's sword?
Another neat little thing:
There's no help file for it. It has extremely limited use. But the syntax is:
flip (item)
Yes. I try to "flip" every new item I come across.
Quote from: FantasyWriter on December 02, 2009, 12:13:27 PM
Yes. I try to "flip" every new item I come across.
>flip wagon
To add to the use of @ in your emotes. It's neat to include VNPC's (as long as you don't include speech).
>say This is my daughter.
>You say, in sirihish:
"This is my daughter."
>emote the little blue eyed girl giggles as she hides behind one of @'s legs
>The little blue eyed girl giggles as she hides behind one of the bearded, middle-aged man's legs.
Nice work tortall. Should be stickified or maybe moved to that 'other stuff' document in general information.
It'll save your ass. But it's kinda confusing with its double negative logic. "Nosave climb, okay so that means I will NOT save myself with a climb check when I fall...okay, so I will RESIST climb checks...okay, what?"
Quote from: Lizzie on December 02, 2009, 11:40:51 AM
Another neat little thing:
There's no help file for it. It has extremely limited use. But the syntax is:
flip (item)
It's important to keep in mind that flip doesn't work in combat yet. Instead, use the 'use' command. This is equivalent to flip. Yeah, strange.
Quote from: Cutthroat on December 02, 2009, 12:49:29 PM
Quote from: Lizzie on December 02, 2009, 11:40:51 AM
Another neat little thing:
There's no help file for it. It has extremely limited use. But the syntax is:
flip (item)
It's important to keep in mind that flip doesn't work in combat yet. Instead, use the 'use' command. This is equivalent to flip. Yeah, strange.
That drove me crazy for weeks before when I had a flippable weapon.
Quote from: UnderSeven on December 02, 2009, 11:21:25 AM
Did I just see Tortall looking at Halaster's sword?
lol at UnderSeven, I saw that too and burst out laughing, funniest thing I've seen in a while. Go Tortall the magnificent god like peeker of swords
Some pretty amazing tips, thanks guys
I took it from another post in the thread! I'm fairly certain that's in the help files somewhere, but it's not under "help look"
Glad I made you laugh though :D
Semote/hemote. Use them.
I sniff -everything- in the hopes that it will return smell data, and when it does it's amazing. It doesn't echo so you won't look all pervy when you're sniffing templars. I wish more rich people wore perfume.
key .
key .
In the room:
1.. - the tressy-tressed pc
In Inventory:
2.. - a tandu sausage
3.. - a waterskin
In Equipment:
4.. - a leather swordbelt
5.. - a newbie collar
6.. - a rough canvas backpack
7.. - a white cotton vest
8.. - a newbie cap
9.. - a pair of rough canvas pants
10.. - a pair of grey hide boots
11.. - a knife
12.. - a duster sewn from the souls of the damned
13.. - a knife
In the room:
16.. - a circular table
It'll also show items on tables and bars under the items in the room as their own seperate header with the items below each.
Good one, Amanda.
>key -- it's a life-saver in the storeroom.
Thank you, Amanda.
Quotekey .
Be prepared for page spam when you do this in a heavily populated storeroom, though.
Indeed. But it's still rather handy for finding strange things.
ie, I had a room IG a while back whose description said nothing about shelves, and there were no shelf 'items' that were hauled in, but with key . I found 3 shelves in there that were loaded down with stuff. And it shows other things which have null ldescs as well, like chairs pulled away from built-in tables.
Great, now the burglars are going to find my secret hiding spot.
Quote from: Synthesis on December 11, 2009, 11:48:17 PM
Great, now the burglars are going to find my secret hiding spot.
You people want realism and harshness, don't expect the gold silk lounge in the middle of the 10x10 room to be invisible except when you want to pile your phat l00tz onto it. :)
Quotea duster sewn from the souls of the damned
You have one of these?! I want one....oh, wrong thread! lol
It's like a reset button. Breaks hide, resets your long description, etc. (etc meaning I'm not sure what else)
'vis' also breaks hide, I believe, and spells that might cause you to be hidden magically. It's a command without a helpfile like 'flip' so it should fit right in here.
Quote from: Cutthroat on December 22, 2009, 07:43:31 AM
'vis' also breaks hide, I believe, and spells that might cause you to be hidden magically. It's a command without a helpfile like 'flip' so it should fit right in here.
The rugged, white-eyed man tells you, in sirihish,
"All right, dame, you can get visible now."
You say, uncertainly, in sirihish,
"All right. I want to visiblate."
You shuffle your feet, making crunching sounds in the sand and scree.
You say, voice rising a pitch, in sirihish,
"I'm still unvisible."
The odd-eyed, wind-swept male says, helpfully, in sirihish,
"Just...make yourself. Think about yourself being visible."
You say, hysteria entering your voice, in sirihish,
"I dunno how! It ain't workin'."
You exclaim, to the rugged, white-eyed man, in sirihish,
"Sarge, I'm all 'gickered up an' it's STUCK!"
The odd-eyed, wind-swept male says, out of character:
The rugged, white-eyed man says, out of character:
"type vis"
You shout, sand flying as you kick it, in sirihish,
Quote from: brytta.leofa on December 22, 2009, 09:53:36 AM
Quote from: Cutthroat on December 22, 2009, 07:43:31 AM
'vis' also breaks hide, I believe, and spells that might cause you to be hidden magically. It's a command without a helpfile like 'flip' so it should fit right in here.
The rugged, white-eyed man tells you, in sirihish,
"All right, dame, you can get visible now."
You say, uncertainly, in sirihish,
"All right. I want to visiblate."
You shuffle your feet, making crunching sounds in the sand and scree.
You say, voice rising a pitch, in sirihish,
"I'm still unvisible."
The odd-eyed, wind-swept male says, helpfully, in sirihish,
"Just...make yourself. Think about yourself being visible."
You say, hysteria entering your voice, in sirihish,
"I dunno how! It ain't workin'."
You exclaim, to the rugged, white-eyed man, in sirihish,
"Sarge, I'm all 'gickered up an' it's STUCK!"
The odd-eyed, wind-swept male says, out of character:
The rugged, white-eyed man says, out of character:
"type vis"
You shout, sand flying as you kick it, in sirihish,
Come play with me?
Quote from: Cutthroat on November 20, 2009, 02:52:07 PM
Drop one obsidian coin on the floor.
>flip coin
If it does not work, you are not standing. You will need to stand.
For other 'coin' objects that are not obsidian coins, you can keep them in your inventory.
The code that supports this is just BEGGING for someone to app a Two Face character.
"key ."
Shows you EVERYTHING lookable in the room. Found a painting in the tavern in Freils that I never knew what there before.
Quote from: tortall on December 25, 2009, 10:03:21 PM
"key ."
Shows you EVERYTHING lookable in the room. Found a painting in the tavern in Freils that I never knew what there before.
I love you Torts.
Such an amazing find, Tortall. Wherever did you get it?
From Amandagreathouse not even a page ago?
Still, it's so great it feels like cheating twice.
Quote from: Wasteland Raider on December 25, 2009, 10:31:47 PM
From Amandagreathouse not even a page ago?
OMG, how did I miss that before?! I thought Riev told me something awesomely new.
:) I think I told you about it almost three months ago on IM, Tort-alllllllllll. Kevo discovered it like... 1-2 weeks after the code was redone to allow targetting with multiple keywords.
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on December 26, 2009, 01:10:41 AM
:) I think I told you about it almost three months ago on IM, Tort-alllllllllll. Kevo discovered it like... 1-2 weeks after the code was redone to allow targetting with multiple keywords.
Wonder if staff are gonna fix it now ::)
Nah, why would they?
You can add emotes when packing/unpacking a mount.
Unpack <item> <mount> (Idly cutting at the ropes) [letting it roll off, to the ground]
Pack <item> <mount> (Throwing the carcass over ^mount back)
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on December 26, 2009, 10:15:49 AM
Nah, why would they?
It would seem that it's intentional.
As far as makes sense to me, the only reason why you can't just type 'key ' and get the same readout is because it's not parsing anything for that, where it's running up all the things with '.' as part of their referencing now that '.' can be used as a keyword.
Besides, it doesn't show anything that's actually, codedly hidden. It simply shows things with null ldescs and drop descs. Like built-in shelves and shit.
I love to use skills crafting, skills language, skills barter, etc... It shows you only the section of skills you want to see. Taking a current RL example here.
'skills language'
Language Skills
sirihish allundean
cavilish tatlum
RW Allundean RW Cavilish
RW Tatlum northern accent
southern accent tribal accent
(P.S. I'm Joking.)
WoW! I so did not know that!!!
break bottle
From the helpfiles: The break command can be used with bottle objects to create a crude
weapon. You must be holding the bottle to do so.
Quote from: path on December 29, 2009, 11:59:41 PM
break bottle
From the helpfiles: The break command can be used with bottle objects to create a crude
weapon. You must be holding the bottle to do so.
Yeah, I liked this one as a newbie. I recall vaguely, been in a bar brawl a long time ago and smashing a bottle then threatening to kill someone with a clay shard.
EDIT: Like, the bar brawl occurred in-game. Not in real life. *coughs*
>get bottle bar
You tell the tall, muscular man, in southern-accented sirihish,
"Ahm gunna slice open yer guts, y'dirty fecker!"
>break bottle
As you break the bottle - It shatters in your hand!
Grimacing, the short, skinny man winces in pain as the bottle breaks in his hand.
Yeah, you'll have that sometimes.
One quirk I've noticed:
key <item> <container> will work if the container is worn.
count <item> <container> will only work if the container is in your inventory.
So, while it's a bit of spam, you can just 'key arrow quiver' to see how many arrows you have left, rather than 'remove the quiver; count arrow quiver;wear quiver waist' or other various uses..
Yeah, since learning about the keyword command I have never used count for anything since.
Quote from: musashi on December 30, 2009, 08:39:53 PM
Yeah, since learning about the keyword command I have never used count for anything since.
The problem with that is when you get stuff you want to count that numbers to more than 10.
When you have 172 meats.... Well, first, stop hunting. Second.... That's a shit ton of spam.
Yeah it's a ton of spam, but since it numbers them all quite nicely ... you just have to look at the very last line of text instead of reading it all.
Ever saw an incense burner, and some incense, but didn't know what to do with it?!
Drop the incense burner in the room!
Put the incense in the incense burner!
Close the incense burner!
Et voilĂ ! Your room smells lovely.
Quote from: Cutthroat on December 31, 2009, 06:35:34 PM
Ever saw an incense burner, and some incense, but didn't know what to do with it?!
Drop the incense burner in the room!
Put the incense in the incense burner!
Close the incense burner!
Et voilĂ ! Your room smells lovely.
That's AWESOME!!!!!
Quote from: Cutthroat on December 31, 2009, 06:35:34 PM
Ever saw an incense burner, and some incense, but didn't know what to do with it?!
Drop the incense burner in the room!
Put the incense in the incense burner!
Close the incense burner!
Et voilĂ ! Your room smells lovely.
Does that work for the braided grass incense thingies also?
It should work for any incense object, but if something is described as incense and it doesn't burn in an incense burner, bug the item.
Ever been mystified and annoyed how the object list in your room gets flipped upside down by reboots?
Ever noticed how when you 'craft' something in your inventory, it heads to the top of the list?
Notice that you can craft with things in the room now?
Quote from: Synthesis on January 24, 2010, 02:50:41 PM
Ever been mystified and annoyed how the object list in your room gets flipped upside down by reboots?
Ever noticed how when you 'craft' something in your inventory, it heads to the top of the list?
Notice that you can craft with things in the room now?
Quote from: MarshallDFX on January 24, 2010, 02:51:35 PM
Quote from: Synthesis on January 24, 2010, 02:50:41 PM
Ever been mystified and annoyed how the object list in your room gets flipped upside down by reboots?
Ever noticed how when you 'craft' something in your inventory, it heads to the top of the list?
Notice that you can craft with things in the room now?
A chest is here.
A footlocker is here.
A cabinet is here.
> craft cabinet
You don't think you could craft that into anything.
> l
A cabinet is here.
A chest is here.
A footlocker is here.Edited to add: also, if you have 3 identical chests in the room and you want them all to be first on the list, type "craft chest 2.chest 3.chest" and they head to the top of the list.
It brings a tear to my eye to know that I can now be more pedantic than I already am.
Quotehelp sit
Sit (General)
This command will cause your character to sit down on the floor or
ground. The rest thus afforded you will be less than if you were resting or
sleeping, but much more than if standing.
You can also "sit at <number>" to sit at a table in a tavern or inn (use
"look tables" to see the tables and their numbers), or "sit with <character
name>" if there is someone already seated at a table that you wish your
character to sit at.
In addition, you can append an emote before or after the arguments, which
will be added to the message "<your character's sdesc> sits" which is
received by everyone in the same location. Note that this will _not_ change
your character's ldesc, but only the sitting message. For more information
on emoting while sitting, see 'help command emotes'.
I didn't know that until today!!!
Well, since you're an older player and you didn't know it until today ... obviously it's IC sensative and shouldn't be talked about on the GDB!!!!!
Quote from: musashi on January 24, 2010, 07:52:03 PM
Well, since you're an older player and you didn't know it until today ... obviously it's IC sensative and shouldn't be talked about on the GDB!!!!!
Hahahhahaha*cough*hahahhahah*choke*hahahahhahaha*choke-choke-cough**vision goes black*
Quote from: Synthesis on January 24, 2010, 02:53:37 PM
Quote from: MarshallDFX on January 24, 2010, 02:51:35 PM
Quote from: Synthesis on January 24, 2010, 02:50:41 PM
Ever been mystified and annoyed how the object list in your room gets flipped upside down by reboots?
Ever noticed how when you 'craft' something in your inventory, it heads to the top of the list?
Notice that you can craft with things in the room now?
A chest is here.
A footlocker is here.
A cabinet is here.
> craft cabinet
You don't think you could craft that into anything.
> l
A cabinet is here.
A chest is here.
A footlocker is here.
Edited to add: also, if you have 3 identical chests in the room and you want them all to be first on the list, type "craft chest 2.chest 3.chest" and they head to the top of the list.
I thought that's what arrange was for, but apparently not. It should be though. A newly arranged object ought to appear at the top of the object list in the room.
Arrange (Equipment)
This command will cause your character to arrange the named item, changing the temporary long description for the object. The object must be in the room at the time. Please be realistic in what you can and can't alter about an object.
arrange <object> <ldesc>
arrange (preHow) <object> [postHow] <ldesc>
> arrange sword buried halfway into the sand.
> arrange head Flies buzzing around it, ~ is stuck on a stake here.
> arrange sword (shoving the hilt) buried to the hilt in the sand.
> arrange head (tilting it) Hanging askew, ~ is stuck on a stake here.
If you want the short description to appear anywhere in the long
description, or just want to get rid of the 'is here' that the default
automatically adds, put a '~' where you want the short description to go.
The (preHow) and [postHow] arguments can be placed arbitrarily in
the arguments. See 'help command emotes' for more information
key . <container>
Gives you the full list of everything. This may have been posted before but it's -just- that awesome.
\n at the end of your prompt makes everything better. Been doing this for forever now.
I just did this and it really helps separate the spam. Thanks RGS.
I like to use a two line prompt.
Makes it nice and neat.
[unarmed|late afternoon|neutral|standing|walking]
And keeps it nicely spaced with the text scroll.
[unarmed|late afternoon|neutral|standing|walking]
If that's what you like.
Tells you all the directions you can go, useful in sandstorms.
Heh heh...
You can see a thing!; sand swirls about you!
visible directions:
north - you shouldn't be able to see this!
east - that's right! Sand in your eyes!
south - I hope it burns! BURNS!
I always feel like a twink when I use weather <direction> to find out if there's a room there or not.
just use exits dude
Warning. Using 'exits' to determine the viable exits from your room takes stamina.
Quote from: Riev on February 21, 2010, 08:01:32 PM
Warning. Using 'exits' to determine the viable exits from your room takes stamina.
I had completely forgot about that.
Good lookin out.
Quote from: RRiplash on February 22, 2010, 01:09:26 AM
Quote from: Riev on February 21, 2010, 08:01:32 PM
Warning. Using 'exits' to determine the viable exits from your room takes stamina.
I had completely forgot about that.
Good lookin out.
Only when your visibility is reduced however.
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on February 20, 2010, 04:18:29 AM
I like to use a two line prompt.
Makes it nice and neat.
[unarmed|late afternoon|neutral|standing|walking]
And keeps it nicely spaced with the text scroll.
[unarmed|late afternoon|neutral|standing|walking]
If that's what you like.
That prompt is the bomb diggity.
heh, looking at the above prompt makes mine seem sad now. %h/%v/%t %w %L>
Quote from: jmordetsky on February 22, 2010, 02:24:08 PM
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on February 20, 2010, 04:18:29 AM
I like to use a two line prompt.
Makes it nice and neat.
[unarmed|late afternoon|neutral|standing|walking]
And keeps it nicely spaced with the text scroll.
[unarmed|late afternoon|neutral|standing|walking]
If that's what you like.
That prompt is the bomb diggity.
Nice one.
Quote from: Spoon on February 23, 2010, 08:33:06 AM
Quote from: jmordetsky on February 22, 2010, 02:24:08 PM
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on February 20, 2010, 04:18:29 AM
I like to use a two line prompt.
Makes it nice and neat.
[unarmed|late afternoon|neutral|standing|walking]
And keeps it nicely spaced with the text scroll.
[unarmed|late afternoon|neutral|standing|walking]
If that's what you like.
That prompt is the bomb diggity.
Nice one.
Thanks. I always 'want' to use an infobar, but it usually leads to me not paying enough attention to my pcs stun to keep them conscious.
Neat little things: 'land', and 'vis'.
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on February 20, 2010, 04:18:29 AM
I like to use a two line prompt.
Makes it nice and neat.
[unarmed|late afternoon|neutral|standing|walking]
And keeps it nicely spaced with the text scroll.
[unarmed|late afternoon|neutral|standing|walking]
If that's what you like.
I love to keep mine a simple one liner.
Prompt HP%H/%h ST%t/%T MV%v/%v %n/%A/%w/%e >
HP 100/100 ST150/160 MV65/100 Amos/armed/walking/early morning >
Makes it easy to scan, and easy to keep track off
prompt HP:%h/%H | STA:%v/%V | STN:%t/%T\n %A | %e | %s | %w\n>
HP:100/100 | STA:110/119 | STN:98/98
unarmed | dawn | standing | walking
I like this way, because the stats stand out, but I can also ignore it when I need to, and just read what starts at the left.
Quote from: RRiplash on February 26, 2010, 01:22:45 PM
prompt HP:%h/%H | STA:%v/%V | STN:%t/%T\n %A | %e | %s | %w\n>
HP:100/100 | STA:110/119 | STN:98/98
unarmed | dawn | standing | walking
I like this way, because the stats stand out, but I can also ignore it when I need to, and just read what starts at the left.
I like the way you think. I'm now using something similar, though I'll admit I like brackets of some sort around my prompts. Mine's lookin' like this:
[ Name | HP: 103/103 | MV: 113/121 | ST: 105/105 ]
[ unarmed | standing | walking | early afternoon ]
I still prefer mine:
xxx/xxx xxx/xxx xxx/xxx standing-walking-sirihish-southern (late afternoon)
xxx-ldesc : stands here.>
...or to better describe it...
h/H s/S t/T position-speed-language-accent (time)
h is current hp with H being the max, s for stamina and t for stun. m for current mana. I don't need max mana in my prompt. For non-magickers, remove the 'm-' at the beginning of the second line.
My normal prompt, when I'm not experimenting with other ones, is a little something like this:
< %n | HP %h/%H | MV: %v/%V | ST: %t/%T | %o/%a | %e >
I usually don't have much of a problem remembering if I'm standing, sitting, walking, or running, but I imagine the instant I take one of those for granted, I'll wish they'd been in my prompt.
For mages:
< %n | HP %h/%H | MP: %m/%M | MV: %v/%V | ST: %t/%T | %o/%a | %e >
With a fake name and some numbers, that ends up lookin' a bit like:
< Amos | HP: 105/105 | MP: 97/97 | MV: 120/120 | ST: 108/108 | sirihish/southern | late afternoon >
I dunno. I dig it. It's aesthetically pleasing to me, I suppose.
%h/%Hh, %m/%Mm, %v/%Vv, %t/%Tt>%o %a>%w>%s>%O>%e
105/105h, 120/120m, 237/237v, 133/133t>allundean tribal>running>standing>blood hungry>late morning
My standard prompt with mana being left out or included depending on if my character is a gicker or not, of course.
Enough about prompts. Go get MUSHclient and use the infobar. :-D
Neat little thing:
This has been mentioned before, but it was MANY pages ago. You can sit ON things. Certain bars, chests, and such.
Something that probably gets overlooked-
help faq 12
How common are the various guilds?
There are sixteen guilds in Armageddon currently. These guilds are
listed, in approximate order of frequency, below (the most commonly
encountered guild is listed first).
The guild of warriors is a typically honourable crowd, whose chief
pursuit is that of a good fight.
Desert wanderers, demiwarriors, who have a keen sense of direction
and who spend much of their time hunting and travelling.
Con artists, excellent thieves, who can as easily steal the sword
from your side as they can walk down the street.
Experts at breaking-and-entering, who plunder the homes of the
wealthy or rob tombs of the long dead.
Hired killers, masters of the first strike, who are able to deal
quick deadly blows from the shadows.
Those that deal in every-day trade, who are much quicker to the
tongue, than a blade.
The warrior-priests of the city-states, who are the embodiment of
the law.
Water Elementalists:
Spellcasters with the power over life and death, who are the most
respected and honoured among the mages.
Stone Elementalists:
Solid, solitary, these mages are able to call up the very strength of
the earth for protection.
Wind Elementalists:
Mages of the air, adept at moving unseen and travelling great
distances with the utterance of a spell.
Sun Elementalists:
Deadly, fierce combat-mages whose magicks sear the very life from the
bones of their enemies.
Lightning Elementalists:
Mages of lightning, able to maneuver the paths of energy in quick blasts.
Shadow Elementalists:
Secretive, elusive, mages that use the shadows in their struggle against
Void Elementalists:
Hated universally, elementalists of Nilaz strive to oppose all the
Mindbenders that are able to manipulate the Way to serve their designs.
Life-draining mages who gamble away health for power in the pursuit
of mastery over magick.
No way pickpockets are ahead of assassins.
Quote from: spicemustflow on February 27, 2010, 02:38:41 PM
No way pickpockets are ahead of assassins.
You'd be surprised how many nobles are pick-pockets. Seriously.
I'm kinda shocked to see assassins and burglars higher on the list than merchants. Seems really odd to me.
Quote from: jhunter on February 28, 2010, 12:01:19 AM
I'm kinda shocked to see assassins and burglars higher on the list than merchants. Seems really odd to me.
Seems to me as if the list is taking into account all those VNPCs who would fit into said guild, had they any. There are probably a lot more Burglars, Assassins, Pick-pockets, etc, than there are Merchants..at least of the sort I think it's referencing. The types that travel from city to city, town to town. As for your city-bound, shop keeper type merchants..well, I couldn't really say, one way or the other.
Quote from: Pale Horse on February 28, 2010, 12:06:57 AM
Quote from: jhunter on February 28, 2010, 12:01:19 AM
I'm kinda shocked to see assassins and burglars higher on the list than merchants. Seems really odd to me.
Seems to me as if the list is taking into account all those VNPCs who would fit into said guild, had they any. There are probably a lot more Burglars, Assassins, Pick-pockets, etc, than there are Merchants..at least of the sort I think it's referencing. The types that travel from city to city, town to town. As for your city-bound, shop keeper type merchants..well, I couldn't really say, one way or the other.
This, I think, is pretty accurate. I believe it's a measure of VNPCs/population demographics as a whole. I don't believe it refers necessarily to someone's occupation either as much as what they excel at. That is, an unskilled laborer who constantly moves bricks all day, goes to the bar, and gets into fights more identifies with the warrior guild. The waiter at whatever high-end restaurant, who needs to be unseen and unheard, identifies closer to burglar or pickpocket. I could easily see shopkeepers fitting into pickpocket/burglar skillsets just due to the fact that they may be the sellers and not the actual crafters themselves. The list doesn't come out and say exactly how much of each though. There could be fifty psionicists to every one sorcerer, or fifty to forty-nine.
It's kind of fun going back and reading over the helpfiles again every once in a while. I really never grasped just how much certain docs gave away until I'd seen things in game and looked them over again.
Wait, there are more templars than elementalists? That looks wrong.
We must have a lot of low play time templars. That's the only explanation.
Jane you're discounting all those NPC templars who you see -frequently- whenever you walk around the cities. I can think of five uniquely sdesc'ed templar NPCs that hang around somewhere between the Gaj and Red's Retreat, alone. Then there's the half-dozen or more in the Nakki bazaar, plus the waterseller chick, plus the other half-dozen or so who walk around between Trader's and the Tor estate..
and that's just Allanak.
It's not commenting at all on number of templars vs combined number of all elementalists. What it's saying is that there are more templars than Vivaduans. There are more templars than Rukkians, and so on.
It's also, as far as I know, a list of the demographics including virtual people. Basically, if every player in the game played Vivaduans and outnumbered all the PC and NPC templars in game, the list would still likely remain the same. It's just a breakdown of the demographics of the entire population.
Guys, this is not a discussion thread. If you want to discuss something here please take it to Random Arm thoughts. The neat little things get lost in this thread often enough without other chatter going on. Thanks. :-)
Neat little thing:
brief room, brief combat, ect. Brief is AMAZING. Just uh.... Don't turn on brief room when you're in the wilderness. You might miss a hole.....
Contrary, I have brief room on WHILE I'm in the wilderness. You might miss the bahamet.
Turns out you can remove things while fighting now.
And 'sheath weapons while fighting, which i didn't know.
Quote from: Rogerthat on May 21, 2010, 06:54:49 PM
And 'sheath weapons while fighting, which i didn't know.
Yeah that's always been around.
Quote from: Chettaman on May 21, 2010, 12:30:08 PM
Turns out you can remove things while fighting now.
The sinuous, fair-haired woman claws at the lithe, chestnut-haired woman's shirt, a vicious snarl curling her lip.
With a loud *rip* as she tears away, the lithe, chestnut-haired woman removes her close-fitting silk shirt.
Been playing a long time now, and just found out about -salvage- omg
For all you idle tavernsitters out there. My favorite command is still > l bob's <item>
Spend all your idle time reading some of the awesome mdescs out there. You'd be surprised at how many people throw a bunch of stuff together based on how cool the sdescs look, only to find out how many people are dressed ridiculously in this regard.
Quote from: Majikal on May 27, 2010, 01:39:21 AM
For all you idle tavernsitters out there. My favorite command is still > l bob's <item>
Spend all your idle time reading some of the awesome mdescs out there. You'd be surprised at how many people throw a bunch of stuff together based on how cool the sdescs look, only to find out how many people are dressed ridiculously in this regard.
Ahahaha. Yeah. That's why I always view an item before buying it.
Neat little thing: I think it's neat all the cracks and passages and the like that can be opened and aren't listed as exits but you see them when you 'l <direction>'.
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on May 27, 2010, 07:30:20 AM
Quote from: Majikal on May 27, 2010, 01:39:21 AM
For all you idle tavernsitters out there. My favorite command is still > l bob's <item>
Spend all your idle time reading some of the awesome mdescs out there. You'd be surprised at how many people throw a bunch of stuff together based on how cool the sdescs look, only to find out how many people are dressed ridiculously in this regard.
Ahahaha. Yeah. That's why I always view an item before buying it.
Neat little thing: I think it's neat all the cracks and passages and the like that can be opened and aren't listed as exits but you see them when you 'l <direction>'.
Search, as a new player has to be one of the most fulfilling and entertaining skills IG.
Quote from: shadeoux on May 25, 2010, 01:45:50 PM
Been playing a long time now, and just found out about -salvage- omg
Yep, that one took me six years of play ;D , I bet there's loads of other things I still haven't noticed...
Salvage didn't exist 6 years ago. ;) Don't feel too bad.
Don't cut yourself off from the world while in the writing buffer.
.x say Everybody shut the fuck up. I'm thinkin' over here!
whisper me ....
You can't seem to get your mouth close enough to your ear...
Not sure if this has been mentioned..
But if you're falling you can type UP and you'll try to stop your fall..
Wish I knew about this earlier..
Just remember, it -will- hurt you. You're essentially trying to grab rock while falling. It's not worth it if you fail, then can't survive the landing after being ouchied.
Someone from the chatroom said they spammed up and stopped from falling into the permadeath zone of the silt sea.
Quote from: Reiteration on October 13, 2010, 04:09:25 PM
Someone from the chatroom said they spammed up and stopped from falling into the permadeath zone of the silt sea.
Isn't all death... Permadeath?
Perhaps instadeath was the intended word?
Quote from: Gunnerblaster on October 13, 2010, 04:22:02 PM
Quote from: Reiteration on October 13, 2010, 04:09:25 PM
Someone from the chatroom said they spammed up and stopped from falling into the permadeath zone of the silt sea.
Isn't all death... Permadeath?
Find out IC.
instadeath rather
Quote from: Reiteration on October 13, 2010, 04:09:25 PM
Someone from the chatroom said they spammed up and stopped from falling into the permadeath zone of the silt sea.
He also reported it to staff immediately. Like a good player should.
Skills Perception (Skills pe, skills per, skills perc, etc)
This will pull up only your perception based skills.
It is also nice that you don't have to type in the full words to pull them up either.
Skills com
skills w
skills lan
When you sleep with 0 mov.. you can't wake up until you've regen'd all (or almost all?) your mov back..
also is a good time to play with your ldesc...
the xxxxx xxxx-xxxxxxx dwarf is sprawled out along the road snoring loudly.
Quote from: Chettaman on May 21, 2010, 12:30:08 PM
Turns out you can remove things while fighting now.
Turns out. I was wrong.
Does the new forage code count as a neat little thing because it does?
> subdue <person>
> throw <person> <dir>
Quote from: Marshmellow on December 27, 2010, 09:29:51 PM
> subdue <person>
> throw <person> <dir>
Can also throw <person> <person> to transfer them to someone else. And, you can even throw <person> <object in room>.
steal . man's pack
Got it!
What did you get?
You are carrying:
A roundears problems.
weather <direction>
Quote from: Sam on December 27, 2010, 09:50:56 PM
steal . man's pack
Got it!
What did you get?
You are carrying:
A roundears problems.
Does this really work?
Last I checked, yessir.
Petition for this to never be 'fixed', since I think you should have the option to just reach blindly for whatever you can grab.
I second the motion. Move for vote?
Quote from: Marshmellow on December 27, 2010, 09:29:51 PM
> subdue <person>
> throw <person> <dir>
Wait, last time I tried it didn't work.
Quote from: spicemustflow on December 28, 2010, 06:34:21 PM
Quote from: Marshmellow on December 27, 2010, 09:29:51 PM
> subdue <person>
> throw <person> <dir>
Wait, last time I tried it didn't work.
Definitely works. Just gotta make sure your pc is strong enough to do the throwing.
Cool. Does it work with objects and corpses?
You can't throw corpses or objects in directions. God knows I've tried, throwing torches ahead into darkened areas to illuminate them in hopes of seeing LEET assassin skillzor killers hiding in there.
Also as long as you can successfully subdue someone, I don't beleive strength matters when chucking them in a direction. As a weedy half-elf I have hurled obese dwarves around so I don't think that's an issue, codedly anyways.
edit: You can of course throw throwing knives and axes and whatnot into other areas.
Quote from: spicemustflow on December 28, 2010, 07:24:14 PM
Cool. Does it work with objects and corpses?
some objects.. unusual as they are.. icly you must experiment to appease ya curiosity.
Help Buy
Alternatively, you can submit 2 additional arguments to the buy command,
and purchase an item that adheres to the 'normal' racial sizing of a race
of your choice.
buy <item>
buy <item> <merchant> <race>
Quote from: Sam on January 02, 2011, 09:26:07 AM
Help Buy
Alternatively, you can submit 2 additional arguments to the buy command,
and purchase an item that adheres to the 'normal' racial sizing of a race
of your choice.
buy <item>
buy <item> <merchant> <race>
That last bit never works for me.
....... I didn't know that at all.
Quote from: Sam on January 02, 2011, 09:26:07 AM
Help Buy
Alternatively, you can submit 2 additional arguments to the buy command,
and purchase an item that adheres to the 'normal' racial sizing of a race
of your choice.
buy <item>
buy <item> <merchant> <race>
That is -so- cool! I didn't know you could have it presized! Yay! Now I can buy my halfling friends presents that fit!
It still won't necessarily fit. If you are taller than the average elf, and pick it for elf, you'll stilll need to have it sized. But it'll cost less than if you got it at halfling size and had to have 4 square yards of fabric added :)
This clan comman may be used by any non-leader in a clan. It will cause
your character to reject his/her own clan membership. This takes effect immediately.
List song for a coded bard
QuoteSYSTEM: Please log out as quickly as possible so that we can reboot. Remember you can quit anywhere, anytime while we're shutting down.
I never knew that ...
Quote from: Thunkkin on January 26, 2011, 11:00:19 AM
QuoteSYSTEM: Please log out as quickly as possible so that we can reboot. Remember you can quit anywhere, anytime while we're shutting down.
I never knew that ...
Be sure it's a "safe" place though. Coming back into the world in a room where kryl generate.... well... it wouldn't be pretty.
key .
best command ever.
don't forget the period
Quote from: shadeoux on January 26, 2011, 09:52:28 PM
key .
best command ever.
don't forget the period
Quote from: Pale Horse on January 27, 2011, 08:47:20 AM
Quote from: shadeoux on January 26, 2011, 09:52:28 PM
key .
best command ever.
don't forget the period
I use
key . container or
key keyword container more often than I use
look in container.
Why is that bad?
brief combat. best command of all time
i want to suggest a commaned that is the opposite of steal; something you slip onto someone else. "slip" doesn't seem to work when its slipping something onto someone else.
i also want to suggest more housing in each apartment, or more apartments. every apartment complex i seem to look at appears to be full or close to. having four more rooms in each apartment would be pretty awesome; it shows how crowded cities are, and gives small places like Red Storm a few more rooms. i also like the variety present in different rooms and in different apartment complexes.
Quote from: i can haz mantis on January 02, 2011, 03:10:53 PM
Quote from: Sam on January 02, 2011, 09:26:07 AM
Help Buy
Alternatively, you can submit 2 additional arguments to the buy command,
and purchase an item that adheres to the 'normal' racial sizing of a race
of your choice.
buy <item>
buy <item> <merchant> <race>
That is -so- cool! I didn't know you could have it presized! Yay! Now I can buy my halfling friends presents that fit!
this works? i always see that I get something like, "This item is too small for you to wear" or something, so i never thought there would be a rule like this. is there for only some merchants or something?
You want an opposite of 'steal'? Already exists. It's called 'plant' and uses the 'steal' skill to determine success/failure.
Staff have pretty much said they think the apartments, or rather number of them, is right where they want it.
For these things, I think you were looking for the Random Tiny Wants thread. This is for highlighting neat things that already exist.
Quote from: Marshmellow on February 07, 2011, 05:00:49 AM
You want an opposite of 'steal'? Already exists. It's called 'plant' and uses the 'steal' skill to determine success/failure.
Staff have pretty much said they think the apartments, or rather number of them, is right where they want it.
For these things, I think you were looking for the Random Tiny Wants thread. This is for highlighting neat things that already exist.
aw crap.
yeah, thanks.
You're welcome. :)
Quote from: Marauder Moe on January 27, 2011, 11:18:17 AM
Why is that bad?
Because to me, it's like your character isn't even looking in there, I consider the 'key' command to be an OOC command over the 'look' command.
Quote from: Cindy42 on February 07, 2011, 06:36:15 AM
Quote from: Marshmellow on February 07, 2011, 05:00:49 AM
You want an opposite of 'steal'? Already exists. It's called 'plant' and uses the 'steal' skill to determine success/failure.
Staff have pretty much said they think the apartments, or rather number of them, is right where they want it.
For these things, I think you were looking for the Random Tiny Wants thread. This is for highlighting neat things that already exist.
aw crap.
yeah, thanks.
Reading help files and the little things at the bottom which lead to related and relevant skills helps a lot.
Quote from: Reiteration on February 07, 2011, 02:10:21 PM
Quote from: Marauder Moe on January 27, 2011, 11:18:17 AM
Why is that bad?
Because to me, it's like your character isn't even looking in there, I consider the 'key' command to be an OOC command over the 'look' command.
Your character sees everything in the room (that is openly visible). Key helps you, the player, parse the text the game throws at you and figure out what exactly it is your PC can see.
Quote from: Reiteration on February 07, 2011, 02:10:21 PMQuote from: Marauder Moe on January 27, 2011, 11:18:17 AMWhy is that bad?
Because to me, it's like your character isn't even looking in there, I consider the 'key' command to be an OOC command over the 'look' command.
Okay, but look doesn't echo when you look into a container unless you take the time to add an emote to it, so you wouldn't see it anyway.
And to put another spin on it, I once sent in a question regarding the keyword command. I had discovered that it gives unexpected observational powers on sandy nights. You know, the nights where you can't see a thing; sand swirls around you. You can still get a list of shapes to target if you use the keyword command, though look is useless. I was told: "This is on purpose. Really bad storms are not supposed to be the same as complete darkness."
In my opinion, that implies that keyword is just another facet of your character's ability to make sense of their surroundings. Perfectly IC, and perfectly acceptable.
To me, keyword feels like using the minimap in a dungeon crawl. Its more rewarding to stumble round and find the loot the hard way, but, in the end , I still use it.
Quote from: Marshmellow on February 08, 2011, 04:38:43 AM
Quote from: Reiteration on February 07, 2011, 02:10:21 PMQuote from: Marauder Moe on January 27, 2011, 11:18:17 AMWhy is that bad?
Because to me, it's like your character isn't even looking in there, I consider the 'key' command to be an OOC command over the 'look' command.
Okay, but look doesn't echo when you look into a container unless you take the time to add an emote to it, so you wouldn't see it anyway.
It is capable of echo though.
look in chest (dropping to ^me knees and rummaging inside)
Quote from: Feco on January 27, 2011, 09:51:08 AM
Quote from: Pale Horse on January 27, 2011, 08:47:20 AM
Quote from: shadeoux on January 26, 2011, 09:52:28 PM
key .
best command ever.
don't forget the period
I use key . container or key keyword container more often than I use look in container.
take item chest (sticking his arm in blindly and magically pulling out what he wants)
Quote from: Reiteration on February 08, 2011, 09:21:18 PM
Quote from: Marshmellow on February 08, 2011, 04:38:43 AM
Quote from: Reiteration on February 07, 2011, 02:10:21 PMQuote from: Marauder Moe on January 27, 2011, 11:18:17 AMWhy is that bad?
Because to me, it's like your character isn't even looking in there, I consider the 'key' command to be an OOC command over the 'look' command.
Okay, but look doesn't echo when you look into a container unless you take the time to add an emote to it, so you wouldn't see it anyway.
It is capable of echo though.
look in chest (dropping to ^me knees and rummaging inside)
Quote from: Feco on January 27, 2011, 09:51:08 AM
Quote from: Pale Horse on January 27, 2011, 08:47:20 AM
Quote from: shadeoux on January 26, 2011, 09:52:28 PM
key .
best command ever.
don't forget the period
I use key . container or key keyword container more often than I use look in container.
take item chest (sticking his arm in blindly and magically pulling out what he wants)
Someone using key is also capable of adding an emote afterward, and still getting everything they got from look in a form they prefer.
Using the command isn't twinky because it is to give you, the player information. Since look doesn't default to giving a message, using keyword is no twinkier. As pointed out, you are also capable of typing an emote in addition to using the keyword command, so what's the problem?
Quote from: tortall on December 25, 2009, 10:03:21 PM
"key ."
Shows you EVERYTHING lookable in the room. Found a painting in the tavern in Freils that I never knew what there before.
Getting an OOC list of everything in the room is why I don't use that command, it breaks immersion for me when I can find stuff I would have otherwise overlooked or if the object was hidden in some method. So yes, I do consider it twinky IMO.
Quote from: Reiteration on February 09, 2011, 10:21:58 AM
Quote from: tortall on December 25, 2009, 10:03:21 PM
"key ."
Shows you EVERYTHING lookable in the room. Found a painting in the tavern in Freils that I never knew what there before.
Getting an OOC list of everything in the room is why I don't use that command, it breaks immersion for me when I can find stuff I would have otherwise overlooked or if the object was hidden in some method. So yes, I do consider it twinky IMO.
Then the opposite is true as well: maybe your PC would be observant enough to pick up on everything even if the player wouldn't normally except when using a list. ;)
Quote from: My 2 sids on February 09, 2011, 10:28:11 AM
Quote from: Reiteration on February 09, 2011, 10:21:58 AM
Quote from: tortall on December 25, 2009, 10:03:21 PM
"key ."
Shows you EVERYTHING lookable in the room. Found a painting in the tavern in Freils that I never knew what there before.
Getting an OOC list of everything in the room is why I don't use that command, it breaks immersion for me when I can find stuff I would have otherwise overlooked or if the object was hidden in some method. So yes, I do consider it twinky IMO.
Then the opposite is true as well: maybe your PC would be observant enough to pick up on everything even if the player wouldn't normally except when using a list. ;)
That depends if your PC usually sees:
On a long, stone bar:
A few tall, stone mugs
1. a tall, stone mug
2. a tall, stone mug
3. a tall, stone mug
4. a tall, stone mug
don't use keyword.
that weird feeling i get for getting an extra OOC help for a situation i don't need and/or shouldn't be getting computer OOC help in breaks my immersions.
my character is not omnipotent, nor are most of my characters perceptive. i consider this a perceptive command and therefore can't use it.
You don't always get how cluttered a room is until you key . it.
But anyway, I don't feel twinky doing it, I still use count command if I need to count how much I have of something, and I don't "key ." every five seconds to remain omnipotent.
Sorry? Eh, not really.
On that note, has count been mentioned?
count <keyword>
count <keyword> <container>
count <keyword> room
oh no, not really. key's fine. it just isn't for me.
i only use key when i craft and get confused about not having something i need.
which is four times total, i think
Quote from: Feco on February 09, 2011, 08:37:51 PM
You don't always get how cluttered a room is until you key . it.
But anyway, I don't feel twinky doing it, I still use count command if I need to count how much I have of something, and I don't "key ." every five seconds to remain omnipotent.
Sorry? Eh, not really.
On that note, has count been mentioned?
count <keyword>
count <keyword> <container>
count <keyword> room
I'm fine with key in general as a utility command, but I don't really like the sound of people claiming they use it more than the look command.
The <key .> discussion has ran on long enough, please take it to another thread and move this one back on topic before it gets locked and we loose a very valuable tool for noobs and veterans alike.
Quote from: FantasyWriter on February 09, 2011, 09:10:05 PM
The <key .> discussion has ran on long enough, please take it to another thread and move this one back on topic before it gets locked and we loose a very valuable tool for noobs and veterans alike.
Edit: My neat little thing that is way too under used.
Sniff (General)
Sniffing is the act of inhaling something, for the purpose of either
smelling, or gaining the pleasurable effects of the inhalant. On Zalanthas,
there are many things one can sniff, the most prevalent being the addictive
spices (of which House Kurac is the foremost dealer in the Known World).
You can sniff people in order to see what they smell like, as well. Some
rooms have scent descriptions "sniff room" will present these to you.
sniff <object>
sniff <person>
sniff room
> sniff zharal
> sniff templar
Oh good, I am not the only person who is a habitual sniffer.
I sniff <name> when I can't remember which name goes to which sdesc. :(
i sniffed a weird smell off of someone one time, for seemingly no reason other than (ic-sensitive), when i was indirectly taught about the sniff command, a RL month ago. until then i thought they were joking or that that group of people in that place were all RPing it and i just didn't know (ic-sensitive).
Everyone else smells like dust and sweat. I would like to ask wtf they smelled like (ic-sensitive) but i'm gonna have to wait eleven months.
There are multiple means to change your odor in this game. Find them in game. :)
Non-IC-sensative (read:common sense) ways to change your smell: purfume, spice, being piss drunk, handling poo.
I always get excited whene someone posts in this thread.
>forage spice
What the heck?! When did they add this? I bet I'm the only dumbass that actually rides around and looks for this stuff.
Quote11/11/2010: Spice deposits may now be foraged in silty areas, primarily near the Eternal Sea -- Tiernan
edited, wrong section.
discuss npc hi
discuss npc topics
Resets ALL the cards back into your deck.
Including the ones that have been JUNK'd!!
Wow, I've wasted SOOOO many decks of Kruth cards...
Quote from: My 2 sids on February 27, 2011, 08:36:08 AM
Quote from: DesertT on February 12, 2011, 02:37:55 PM
discuss npc hi
discuss npc topics
Works with "talk" too
Talk npc topics
talk npc hi
This, of course, can lead to random talk's at the table you're sitting at.
Discuss > talk
Beep (General)
You are able to cause another player's terminal to audibly beep (if their terminal has such capability). This can be used to check that another player has not gone link-dead, as may be the case if they have not indicated (via the ooc or gone commands) that they are occupied in real life, but also have not performed any visible actions with their characters for some time. Use this command very sparingly, if at all.
beep <character name>
beep savak
See also:
gone, ooc
Quote from: Reiteration on February 28, 2011, 03:51:09 AM
Beep (General)
You are able to cause another player's terminal to audibly beep (if their terminal has such capability). This can be used to check that another player has not gone link-dead, as may be the case if they have not indicated (via the ooc or gone commands) that they are occupied in real life, but also have not performed any visible actions with their characters for some time. Use this command very sparingly, if at all.
As I recall, this beep sounds much like the 'BEEP!' - Mantishead death combo, so if your friend is just tabbed out quick browsing something and you beep them it might lead to rapid heart palpitations as they frantically switch back to their mud client to see who died. :)
Quote from: Praetorian on February 28, 2011, 08:37:48 AMQuote from: Reiteration on February 28, 2011, 03:51:09 AMBeep (General)
You are able to cause another player's terminal to audibly beep (if their terminal has such capability). This can be used to check that another player has not gone link-dead, as may be the case if they have not indicated (via the ooc or gone commands) that they are occupied in real life, but also have not performed any visible actions with their characters for some time. Use this command very sparingly, if at all.
As I recall, this beep sounds much like the 'BEEP!' - Mantishead death combo, so if your friend is just tabbed out quick browsing something and you beep them it might lead to rapid heart palpitations as they frantically switch back to their mud client to see who died. :)
Good! Means they'll get back to the mud window that much faster! :D
Heh, my system alert sound is a scream followed by the "zombie getting gibbed" sound from Quake, so that's what I hear every time I kill something.
I once beeped someone while hidden with a raider to make sure I wasn't doing anything to a linkdead pc.
the player did a 'flee self'. Apparently in a panic, which is funny because if he beeped that would have meant his pc was already dead.
Still smile thinking about that one.
Quote from: Majikal on March 01, 2011, 01:44:02 AM
I once beeped someone while hidden with a raider to make sure I wasn't doing anything to a linkdead pc.
the player did a 'flee self'. Apparently in a panic, which is funny because if he beeped that would have meant his pc was already dead.
Still smile thinking about that one.
They fled because of a beep? Seems a little... against the rules no?
IC reaction without IC cause. I'd say that's pushing the limits at the least. I would trust the player of that character less in the future.
Just to play devil's advocate, if a player only understands the beep as something very IC (i.e. - the grim face of death), then I think tucking tail and running with nary a look back is a reasonable response when you hear a beep and can't even tell where it is coming from. For all they know, it could be an unfamiliar aspect of magik. One could equate it with 'Someone rustles in the bushes nearby' but even more sinister.
Moreover, if they literally typed "flee self," they were probably being funny/roleplayish. "ru;n;e;n;e" is far more efficient amirite.
Quote from: brytta.leofa on March 01, 2011, 06:02:43 PM
Moreover, if they literally typed "flee self," they were probably being funny/roleplayish. "ru;n;e;n;e" is far more efficient amirite.
Till your off the shield wall or over a cliff.
Quote from: brytta.leofa on March 01, 2011, 06:02:43 PM
Moreover, if they literally typed "flee self," they were probably being funny/roleplayish. "ru;n;e;n;e" is far more efficient amirite.
No, you're not right. Whoever did that knew exactly what they were doing.
I'm with Synthesis.
Quote from: Drayab on March 01, 2011, 05:47:35 PM
Just to play devil's advocate, if a player only understands the beep as something very IC (i.e. - the grim face of death), then I think tucking tail and running with nary a look back is a reasonable response when you hear a beep and can't even tell where it is coming from. For all they know, it could be an unfamiliar aspect of magik. One could equate it with 'Someone rustles in the bushes nearby' but even more sinister.
I think that is not a reasonable response, as that implies you are reacting to a death you didn't see.
Quote from: Synthesis on March 01, 2011, 07:30:12 PM
Quote from: brytta.leofa on March 01, 2011, 06:02:43 PM
Moreover, if they literally typed "flee self," they were probably being funny/roleplayish. "ru;n;e;n;e" is far more efficient amirite.
No, you're not right. Whoever did that knew exactly what they were doing.
Ahhh. Helpfile is my friend.
Quote from: brytta.leofa on March 01, 2011, 11:32:26 PM
Quote from: Synthesis on March 01, 2011, 07:30:12 PM
Quote from: brytta.leofa on March 01, 2011, 06:02:43 PM
Moreover, if they literally typed "flee self," they were probably being funny/roleplayish. "ru;n;e;n;e" is far more efficient amirite.
No, you're not right. Whoever did that knew exactly what they were doing.
Ahhh. Helpfile is my friend.
Wow, that's in the helpfile? And here I was being obtuse about it....
You get the beep when something dies, an IC event. Unless staff say otherwise, it is debatable whether it's an OOC construct to warn the player, and not to be taken as IC. It's not the first time something like this has come up, because people debate whether keyword is IC or OOC as well.
Who's to say that the beep doesn't represent your character's sense of being in the presence of death? By observation of the reality our characters live in, I think it's a perfectly reasonable interpretation (if fruity).
Do you resist the urge to make your character look if you get a beep during heavy combat? If you think the beep is OOC, then you are taking IC action based on OOC information. You're just as guilty as the guy who typed 'flee self.' YOU HYPOCRITE.
FYI: Don't take me too serious about this derail. I just like to argue.
Taking the "beep" as something IC would make me want to climb through the internet and punch you. Just saying.
Some clients don't even support a beep. Does that mean my choice of client affects my character's "sense of being in the presence of death?"
Yes, it does.
That is silly and you should feel silly.
Quote from: Drayab on March 02, 2011, 12:43:45 AM
Do you resist the urge to make your character look if you get a beep during heavy combat?
FYI: Don't take me too serious about this derail. I just like to argue.
I sort of do take offense to your arguements. Please start a new thread.
Okay: http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,40735.0.html
I appreciate being able to forage for food. That s*&t is so much fun!
Quote from: Cindy42 on March 02, 2011, 04:01:41 PM
I appreciate being able to forage for food. That s*&t is so much fun!
I also find this perversely entertaining. Especially when it lets you have lines of ants in your inventory - that always leads to emoting fun.
I really appreciate craft fails which don't end with "you're screwed out of all your work"
You can eat food that's not in your inventory.
You can craft items not in your inventory :-*
Quote from: Marc on March 17, 2011, 12:44:46 PM
You can craft items not in your inventory :-*
I think Synth already posted this in this very thread, but if you do "craft x" on something in the room, it moves that item to the top of the item list. This is great for organizing things without the need to pick anything up and redo arranges.
help scribble
>Help me helpfile: "it's too late, you're too far gone"
Wear pouch on belt
Quote from: Barsook on March 24, 2011, 08:23:58 AM
Wear pouch on belt
close cloak -> things on the belt are no longer visible
Quote from: hyzhenhok on March 24, 2011, 09:58:31 AM
Quote from: Barsook on March 24, 2011, 08:23:58 AM
Wear pouch on belt
close cloak -> things on the belt are no longer visible
containers and sheaths no one suspects are such. they are godsends, and the demise of many an unwitting player to shadows in the night <3
Quote from: Taven on March 23, 2011, 02:42:03 PM
Quote from: Marc on March 17, 2011, 12:44:46 PM
You can craft items not in your inventory :-*
I think Synth already posted this in this very thread, but if you do "craft x" on something in the room, it moves that item to the top of the item list. This is great for organizing things without the need to pick anything up and redo arranges.
After looking, he did, about 15 months ago. He also mentioned the crafting x bit to rearrange rooms. But so long ago! We both get credit for reminding people. hi5 o/\o
NLT: title to control mount spam. Even if you don't call your kank Daisy, you can still title it Malekskank. That way when shit hits the fan and you inevitably get unhitched you don't have four people all switching mounts to get the correct ones when things are right again. Also helps to aim emotes so you target your splotchy-shelled kank and not Amos' green-shelled kank. Just remember the title clears when you rent your kank.
Don't want people to call you by your real name? Are you a spy, raider, sneak, or just plain shy? You don't have to have to pull out some random keyword from your sdesc or design your sdesc to give you a code name.
Just use 'addkeyword'.
Want people to call you Tarn?
> addkeyword Tarn
Quote from: SMuz on April 13, 2011, 02:47:19 AM
Quote from: Gunnerblaster on April 13, 2011, 02:15:55 AM
Same with throwing someone off a cliff. If I codedly subdued you, emoted dragging you to a cliff's edge, and typed 'throw man west' (while he was subdued) - I would promptly push your silly ass over the edge.
Ha, awesome. I didn't know that throw works on people too.
All the syntax related to Skill_Subdue are as follows:
>subdue <target> Self explanatory.
>release <target> Releases subdued target.
>release <target> <target> Releases subdued target to targeted recipient.
>throw <target> <direction> Releases subdued target towards direction.
Quote from: Gunnerblaster on April 13, 2011, 03:02:50 AM
Quote from: SMuz on April 13, 2011, 02:47:19 AM
Quote from: Gunnerblaster on April 13, 2011, 02:15:55 AM
Same with throwing someone off a cliff. If I codedly subdued you, emoted dragging you to a cliff's edge, and typed 'throw man west' (while he was subdued) - I would promptly push your silly ass over the edge.
Ha, awesome. I didn't know that throw works on people too.
All the syntax related to Skill_Subdue are as follows:
>subdue <target> Self explanatory.
>release <target> Releases subdued target.
>release <target> <target> Releases subdued target to targeted recipient.
>throw <target> <direction> Releases subdued target towards direction.
I had a character that used to make common use of the last bit in the Labyrinth. I found it more fun for both parties than just straight out killing them.
Walk into a room. 'key .'. Those shelves that like to hide themselves without any mention in the roomdesc are now revealed for you to be looting.
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- sit with <character name>
- sit on <item that is large enough>
- You can look east (squinting) and it will echo - same for items and a general look
- Look tables - you can use () to echo an emote here, too
- pull quiver - get an arrow from a quiver and wield it in one command
- Light command and extinguish command (useful for strapped glows or a dropped tdesc lantern)
- Pagelength <number> - sets the number of lines the game records to your terminal
- count <keyword> <container>
- key <item> <container> - easily see all the variations on one keyword contained
- light <item> <item> - ex: Light lamp candle
- look <character>'s <bodypart> - see a tattoo or other feature
- list <merchant> <keyword> - ex: list ugly.merchant pants would show all the pants the ugly merchant has
- drop (<emote>), ~ <arrangement> - ex: drop bag (wincing as it slips from the edge of ~table) contents spilling out onto the floor, ~ lies on its side beneath a small table.
- Sometimes you can look at things from room mdescs, such as murals
- pour <thing containing water> <location> - this can be done in areas that support plant life and will help it, or on light sources, which has a varying effect
- when you're falling and type up it gives you an extra save but drains stun
- steal 1. <target's> pack - steals the first thing in a target's pack
- put <item> <container> - this works for items you are wearing, no need to remove
- buy <item> <merchant> <race> - ex: buy thong Amos half-giant buys a half-giant sized thong. This only works if the merchant has an unlimited supply.
- Spice Run hints (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408206.html#msg408206) - Spice Run is an IC coded game
- The "exit" command always works, even in low light (although it doesn't give specific info and uses 1 point of stamina)
- Emote ~, ^, !, etc. Chart (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408426.html#msg408426)
- Arrange object blah blah ~ blah - ex: arrange chest Sitting here pretty, ~ is filled with flowers. Returns: Sitting here pretty, the plain chest is filled with flowers.
- Shake tent - people inside the tent can see when their tent is shook
- "Stand" breaks hide - useful for if you're not sure if you're hiding
- Useful Notepad/Arm Notetaking Comments (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg410187.html#msg410187)
- tell <person> (<emote>) <sentence> - You can do this instead of the say command
- The "taste" command and the "sip" command
- Assess -v <person> is a wonderful way to find out a PC's age and build in comparison to yours for role-playing purposes
- For magickers "alias spells skills magick" will make it so that when you type "spells" you get only your magick skills
- The brief command - It simplifies things, of your choice
- The stop command - Stops and gets rid of any commands in the que
- You can rent things to the bank, which will give you a ticket in return. You can take your item out again for a 150 coins
- There's a thread "Coming Soon" (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,24087.0.html) that details neat stories about the game
- The "Change Objective" command lets staff know what you are doing (and if you are waiting on an important request, if you set it to that)
- "Help teapot" for everything related to teamaking
- Magickers can do "help spell <spellname>" if they know a spell
- You can arm wrestle in some places - help arm wrestling
- You can use brooms to clean sawdust - "clean room broom"
- "Help cage" tells you the commands for cages (there are a few in Zalanthas)
- If you have someone subdued, you can do these commands (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg597983.html#msg597983)
- For the bards in Tuluk - put <charmname> <instrumentname>
- "get <seat> <table>" and "put <seat> <table>" (When the seat is on the floor) - If you are playing a half-giant, just remove a stool to sit at the bar
- "rent time" lets you know how many days you have left before the lease runs out
- Social emotes, such a "nod," are listed here (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg449848.html#msg449848)
- pull branch - you can pull bark from branches, or sometimes logs
- The "flip" command can be helpful, sometimes (vagueness)
- Tdesc - the temporary description command, for wounds, aging without a stat change, and bynner shit all over you
- "behead <unlucky>" - unlucky must be dead first
- The "wiz" command - lists all Armageddon staff, active and retired
- This page (http://www.armageddon.org/general/staff.php) tells you what the current staff responsibilities are
- Locdescs - Your PC can get coded scars
- Sometimes bars have "invisible" bar stools in them - you can use "key barstool" to check
- If a tray is too heavy to be held, you can "etwo" it
- Hold staff - For when walking with a staff or cane, and you don't want people mad you're brandishing it
- Typing "stand" removes long descriptions
- You can offer to trade an item for another item at a shop - offer <your item> <their item>
- There is a quaff command for potions
- help map zalanthas - this shows you a map of Zalanthas
- If you have a client, you can alias "look all" to all of the look commands, so one command will look all directions
- pour <container> <container 2> - this works with bags and chests, and is very useful for organizing
- There is an "assist" command for combat, to make sure to help your friend with their foe correctly
- For prompts, %s shows your current position, and when fighting will show who you are fighting
- If a weapon is poisoned, you can unpoison it by going "pour waterskin <weapon>"
- You can "beep" players to get their attention, or check if they are linkdead. Use sparingly!
- pack <mount> - checks for things packed to a mount; pack <container> <mount> - packs item to mount (unpacking too); unpack all <mount> - unpack everything with less
- You can flip a coin by dropping it and typing "flip coin" - you must be standing to do this. You can flip other "coin" objects with them in your inventory.
- With emoting ( ) comes before your action, and [ ] after
- Using the "@" symbol to place yourself in an emote - It can be used to include vNPCS (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.200.html) as long as you
don't make them speak
- Flip doesn't work in combat, instead use the "use" command
- Semote is a great command for emoting when hidden/invisible, if what you're doing cannot be heard
- "key ." shows every item in the room you can see, including ones not immediately obvious
- "vis" makes you visible (breaking hide and some spells)
- You can use emotes when packing and unpacking a mount
- "skills <type>" shows you only skills of that type - ex: "skills language" shows you only what language skills you have
- Break bottle - If you are holding a bottle, you can use this command to make a weapon
- Count doesn't work if you're wearing an item; you can use the key command to count it in this case (such as with a quiver of arrows)
- To use an incense burner, drop it in the room, put in the incense, and close the burner. Viola!
- You can use the "craft" command on an item in the room to move it to the top of the room list (you do not actually craft it)
- Using "/n" at the end of your prompt skips to a new line (it makes things less spammy)
- You can use "Weather <direction>" to see what the weather is like in that area (such as outside a tent, or outside a tavern)
- "Land" is a helpful command if you aren't...landed.
- How common guilds are in Zalanthas (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg516491.html#msg516491)
- The salvage command lets you get things from items (ie, a cloak can be salvages for cloth scraps)
- If you are writing a bio or tdesc the ".x" lets you make a command outside of it. Ex: ".x say SHUDDUP."
- When you sleep with 0 stamina, you can't wake up until you have almost all of it back
- Rebel - This command immediately removes you from your clan
- When Armageddon is being closed for a reboot and there's a staff announcement for you to log out, you can quit out anywhere
- The "plant" command is the opposite of steal and you can try to put things on people (like spice)
- You can use perfume, booze, spice and poop to change your scent
- You can forage spice now (primarily in silty areas, like the silt sea)
- Shuffle deck reset - refills the card deck and restores all cards to the deck
- Discuss - This is a command you can use with npcs. Ex: Discuss bartender topics
- You can eat food not in your inventory
- You can craft with items not in your inventory
- The scribble command - You can draw on things, and they fade over time
- Wear <item> on belt - You can wear pouches and waterskins on your belt
- Closing your cloak makes your belt and the things on it hidden (but they can still be stolen)
- You can "title <mount>" to name your mount, and the name stays until it's in a stable. Useful for RPTs.
- You can use the "addkeyword" command to give yourself an alias. Ex: Addkeyword Amos
I noticed that in the last couple pages we've had a ton of repeats of things that have already been said. Sometimes if it's buried back on page 5, bringing up something again can be good an useful. Sometimes, things get mentioned only a month after there was a derailing discussion of them. This is a comprehensive list of everything in this thread that has already been said. I recommend reading it, there's some neat stuff in here! :)
another awesome thing about salvage? Use it on big stones, and you get small rocks, which can be 'load'ed into slings!
Quote from: maxid on April 20, 2011, 01:29:19 AM
another awesome thing about salvage? Use it on big stones, and you get get small rocks, which can be 'load'ed into slings!
I'll add this to the list after the thread clears another page, if I remember. Great idea! :)
To interact with objects listed in key ., you can refer to them using the numbers seen.
> key .
In the room:
1.. - that guy
In Equipment:
2.. - that thing
In the room:
3.. - that table
> look 1..
> remove 2..
> sit at 3..
First time players having an "N-tag" so I can identify who it's okay to grief and who I'll have to wait a month or two to attempt to grief.
Maybe players playing in a new city for the first time too, I could imagine a first time tuluk PC saying "his shadow" to another tuluki which may or may not cause heavy IC consequence for OOC ignorance.
Quote from: NOFUN on April 28, 2011, 06:40:27 AM
First time players having an "N-tag" so I can identify who it's okay to grief and who I'll have to wait a month or two to attempt to grief.
Is this already in the game? How do you spot it?
Quote from: SMuz on April 28, 2011, 06:46:48 AM
Quote from: NOFUN on April 28, 2011, 06:40:27 AM
First time players having an "N-tag" so I can identify who it's okay to grief and who I'll have to wait a month or two to attempt to grief.
Is this already in the game? How do you spot it?
Er, I just realized this isn't the tiny code wants thread.
Ah, I heard from some of my other friends new at Arm that there was such a tag. Or maybe I'm confusing it with another RPI.
If you are wearing a shirt with a hood, and a cloak with a hood, you can lower (cloak) then lower (shirt). I never would have figured this out.
Chalton leather boots are the N-tag you speak of.
I want to say starter gear but it can be very misleading.
Quote from: Cindy42 on April 28, 2011, 07:16:29 PM
I want to say starter gear but it can be very misleading.
Tuluk - Pretty difficult to pick out whose a "new" character.
As for Luirs and Allanak - Pretty easy.
Red Storm - Everyone looks the same, anyways.
Quote from: Gunnerblaster on April 28, 2011, 07:51:19 PM
Red Storm - Everyone looks the same, anyways.
That's racist.
Multiple keywords. For those RPTs with several PCs and similar keywords. ;)
nod tall.muscular.man.amos
look grey.eyed.woman (sharply)
tell green.haired.elf Watch it elf!
draw bone.longsword
Quote from: Rhyden on April 29, 2011, 08:50:03 PM
Multiple keywords. For those RPTs with several PCs and similar keywords. ;)
nod tall.muscular.man.amos
look grey.eyed.woman (sharply)
tell green.haired.elf Watch it elf!
draw bone.longsword
Made me laugh at a rinthi scene in my head:
A dark alley [N, S]
Some description
The figure in a dark, hooded cloak is here.
The figure in a dark, hooded cloak is here.
The figure in a dark, hooded cloak is here.
The figure in a dark, hooded cloak is here.
The figure in a dark, hooded cloak is here.
In a rushed voice, the figure in a dark, hooded cloak whispers to you, in rinthi-accented sirihish:
"Hurry up and stab him."
> backstab dark.hooded
Quote from: NOFUN on April 28, 2011, 06:40:27 AM
First time players having an "N-tag" so I can identify who it's okay to grief and who I'll have to wait a month or two to attempt to grief.
Maybe players playing in a new city for the first time too, I could imagine a first time tuluk PC saying "his shadow" to another tuluki which may or may not cause heavy IC consequence for OOC ignorance.
Sometimes, for your convenience, the newbies also make it really, really easy to tell that they are newbies from a staggering, unsurvivable ignorance of Arm code. Its the semi-newbies that getcha.
I don't know if this is in the list, but I noticed lately you can now: raise hood (to hide ^me face) and it will echo! This works on lowering hoods too.
Quote from: Whiran Luck on May 13, 2011, 09:36:25 PM
I don't know if this is in the list, but I noticed lately you can now: raise hood (to hide ^me face) and it will echo! This works on lowering hoods too.
You can also raise (lifting it up with a sudden jerk) hood (covering all but ^me chin).
Quote from: maxid on May 14, 2011, 01:25:36 AM
Quote from: Whiran Luck on May 13, 2011, 09:36:25 PM
I don't know if this is in the list, but I noticed lately you can now: raise hood (to hide ^me face) and it will echo! This works on lowering hoods too.
You can also raise (lifting it up with a sudden jerk) hood (covering all but ^me chin).
raise hood (lifting it up with a sudden jerk) [covering all but ^me chin]
Having clothes on when you begin play.
Seriously, I appreciate that.
Quote from: Cindy42 on May 18, 2011, 07:24:22 PM
Having clothes on when you begin play.
Seriously, I appreciate that.
This thread is more about neat things about code that people may not have known about. Everybody knows that you start with clothes and it's not really code-specific. Maybe if you posted in Random Armageddon thoughts instead? :)
That sounds like it gets dangerously close to IC, and again, it's not a code thing. What we're really looking for is specific neat things about code. It might help you to look over the list, to get an idea and find some examples. :)
..Coded brawling, if only. I don't like how quickly people reach for a weapon.
There is coded brawling in specific places. Sadly, a lot of people ignore emotes and just spam 'hit hit hit hit hit' to win.
A note: If someone IS doing that, and you want to slow it down so you can emote/move away? Stand at (table) renders them unable to spamhit to show how uber they are.
Quote from: maxid on May 19, 2011, 01:42:01 AM
A note: If someone IS doing that, and you want to slow it down so you can emote/move away? Stand at (table) renders them unable to spamhit to show how uber they are.
Nice. I approve.
Quote from: maxid on May 19, 2011, 01:42:01 AM
There is coded brawling in specific places. Sadly, a lot of people ignore emotes and just spam 'hit hit hit hit hit' to win.
A note: If someone IS doing that, and you want to slow it down so you can emote/move away? Stand at (table) renders them unable to spamhit to show how uber they are.
Er, what I meant was kind of like a coded brawling skill in the same catergory as slashing piercing chopping and bludgeoning. Maybe as an idea guards wouldn't interfere in a brawl (every one loves to watch a fight!) and the brawl should then end when a character reaches a certain % of health. Drawing a weapon during a brawl or a certain time after the brawl should attract guards, or people might brawl some one to low health then back stab them. Or maybe it was a terrible idea to begin with. I just think it'd be good idea to be able to codedly fight without causing another character serious harm/getting ganked by all the guards in the city for putting that mouthy breed in his/her place.
Quote from: NOFUN on May 19, 2011, 03:47:55 AM
Quote from: maxid on May 19, 2011, 01:42:01 AM
There is coded brawling in specific places. Sadly, a lot of people ignore emotes and just spam 'hit hit hit hit hit' to win.
A note: If someone IS doing that, and you want to slow it down so you can emote/move away? Stand at (table) renders them unable to spamhit to show how uber they are.
Er, what I meant was kind of like a coded brawling skill in the same catergory as slashing piercing chopping and bludgeoning. Maybe as an idea guards wouldn't interfere in a brawl (every one loves to watch a fight!) and the brawl should then end when a character reaches a certain % of health. Drawing a weapon during a brawl or a certain time after the brawl should attract guards, or people might brawl some one to low health then back stab them. Or maybe it was a terrible idea to begin with. I just think it'd be good idea to be able to codedly fight without causing another character serious harm/getting ganked by all the guards in the city for putting that mouthy breed in his/her place.
There is, it's called the hit command, and is usable in certain public areas, like the Gaj. Guards will not interfere with it, and yes your skill at fighting in general does contribute to it's overall success. AND the hit command is unusable if the target or yourself is below a certain % health.
When this command was implemented it was hailed as the "brawl code."
Has some pretty evocative descriptions, too.
A note on brawl code, however:
Yes, it will stop when they get to a certain %, and you will get an echo that you kicked their ass. However, nothing -stops- them from still emoting and talking shit about how you're such a tregil even though you beat them into the ground.
So, as a general reminder: When you're brawling, you just had like seven mugs smashed into your face and a slew of elbows to the gut. If you lost, lose gracefully, and don't keep spitting up blood and insults because you know the person can't hit you anymore.
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far #2(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- sit with <character name>
- sit on <item that is large enough>
- You can look east (squinting) and it will echo - same for items and a general look
- Look tables - you can use () to echo an emote here, too
- pull quiver - get an arrow from a quiver and wield it in one command
- Light command and extinguish command (useful for strapped glows or a dropped tdesc lantern)
- Pagelength <number> - sets the number of lines the game records to your terminal
- count <keyword> <container>
- key <item> <container> - easily see all the variations on one keyword contained
- light <item> <item> - ex: Light lamp candle
- look <character>'s <bodypart> - see a tattoo or other feature
- list <merchant> <keyword> - ex: list ugly.merchant pants would show all the pants the ugly merchant has
- drop (<emote>), ~ <arrangement> - ex: drop bag (wincing as it slips from the edge of ~table) contents spilling out onto the floor, ~ lies on its side beneath a small table.
- Sometimes you can look at things from room mdescs, such as murals
- pour <thing containing water> <location> - this can be done in areas that support plant life and will help it, or on light sources, which has a varying effect
- when you're falling and type up it gives you an extra save but drains stun
- steal 1. <target's> pack - steals the first thing in a target's pack
- put <item> <container> - this works for items you are wearing, no need to remove
- buy <item> <merchant> <race> - ex: buy thong Amos half-giant buys a half-giant sized thong. This only works if the merchant has an unlimited supply.
- Spice Run hints (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408206.html#msg408206) - Spice Run is an IC coded game
- The "exit" command always works, even in low light (although it doesn't give specific info and uses 1 point of stamina)
- Emote ~, ^, !, etc. Chart (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408426.html#msg408426)
- Arrange object blah blah ~ blah - ex: arrange chest Sitting here pretty, ~ is filled with flowers. Returns: Sitting here pretty, the plain chest is filled with flowers.
- Shake tent - people inside the tent can see when their tent is shook
- "Stand" breaks hide - useful for if you're not sure if you're hiding
- Useful Notepad/Arm Notetaking Comments (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg410187.html#msg410187)
- tell <person> (<emote>) <sentence> - You can do this instead of the say command
- The "taste" command and the "sip" command
- Assess -v <person> is a wonderful way to find out a PC's age and build in comparison to yours for role-playing purposes
- For magickers "alias spells skills magick" will make it so that when you type "spells" you get only your magick skills
- The brief command - It simplifies things, of your choice
- The stop command - Stops and gets rid of any commands in the que
- You can rent things to the bank, which will give you a ticket in return. You can take your item out again for a 150 coins
- There's a thread "Coming Soon" (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,24087.0.html) that details neat stories about the game
- The "Change Objective" command lets staff know what you are doing (and if you are waiting on an important request, if you set it to that)
- "Help teapot" for everything related to teamaking
- Magickers can do "help spell <spellname>" if they know a spell
- You can arm wrestle in some places - help arm wrestling
- You can use brooms to clean sawdust - "clean room broom"
- "Help cage" tells you the commands for cages (there are a few in Zalanthas)
- If you have someone subdued, you can do these commands (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg597983.html#msg597983)
- For the bards in Tuluk - put <charmname> <instrumentname>
- "get <seat> <table>" and "put <seat> <table>" (When the seat is on the floor) - If you are playing a half-giant, just remove a stool to sit at the bar
- "rent time" lets you know how many days you have left before the lease runs out
- Social emotes, such a "nod," are listed here (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg449848.html#msg449848)
- pull branch - you can pull bark from branches, or sometimes logs
- The "flip" command can be helpful, sometimes (vagueness)
- Tdesc - the temporary description command, for wounds, aging without a stat change, and bynner shit all over you
- "behead <unlucky>" - unlucky must be dead first
- The "wiz" command - lists all Armageddon staff, active and retired
- This page (http://www.armageddon.org/general/staff.php) tells you what the current staff responsibilities are
- Locdescs - Your PC can get coded scars
- Sometimes bars have "invisible" bar stools in them - you can use "key barstool" to check
- If a tray is too heavy to be held, you can "etwo" it
- Hold staff - For when walking with a staff or cane, and you don't want people mad you're brandishing it
- Typing "stand" removes long descriptions
- You can offer to trade an item for another item at a shop - offer <your item> <their item>
- There is a quaff command for potions
- help map zalanthas - this shows you a map of Zalanthas
- If you have a client, you can alias "look all" to all of the look commands, so one command will look all directions
- pour <container> <container 2> - this works with bags and chests, and is very useful for organizing
- There is an "assist" command for combat, to make sure to help your friend with their foe correctly
- For prompts, %s shows your current position, and when fighting will show who you are fighting
- If a weapon is poisoned, you can unpoison it by going "pour waterskin <weapon>"
- You can "beep" players to get their attention, or check if they are linkdead. Use sparingly!
- pack <mount> - checks for things packed to a mount; pack <container> <mount> - packs item to mount (unpacking too); unpack all <mount> - unpack everything with less
- You can flip a coin by dropping it and typing "flip coin" - you must be standing to do this. You can flip other "coin" objects with them in your inventory.
- With emoting ( ) comes before your action, and [ ] after
- Using the "@" symbol to place yourself in an emote - It can be used to include vNPCS (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.200.html) as long as you
don't make them speak
- Flip doesn't work in combat, instead use the "use" command
- Semote is a great command for emoting when hidden/invisible, if what you're doing cannot be heard
- "key ." shows every item in the room you can see, including ones not immediately obvious
- "vis" makes you visible (breaking hide and some spells)
- You can use emotes when packing and unpacking a mount
- "skills <type>" shows you only skills of that type - ex: "skills language" shows you only what language skills you have
- Break bottle - If you are holding a bottle, you can use this command to make a weapon
- Count doesn't work if you're wearing an item; you can use the key command to count it in this case (such as with a quiver of arrows)
- To use an incense burner, drop it in the room, put in the incense, and close the burner. Viola!
- You can use the "craft" command on an item in the room to move it to the top of the room list (you do not actually craft it)
- Using "/n" at the end of your prompt skips to a new line (it makes things less spammy)
- You can use "Weather <direction>" to see what the weather is like in that area (such as outside a tent, or outside a tavern)
- "Land" is a helpful command if you aren't...landed.
- How common guilds are in Zalanthas (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg516491.html#msg516491)
- The salvage command lets you get things from items (ie, a cloak can be salvages for cloth scraps)
- If you are writing a bio or tdesc the ".x" lets you make a command outside of it. Ex: ".x say SHUDDUP."
- When you sleep with 0 stamina, you can't wake up until you have almost all of it back
- Rebel - This command immediately removes you from your clan
- When Armageddon is being closed for a reboot and there's a staff announcement for you to log out, you can quit out anywhere
- The "plant" command is the opposite of steal and you can try to put things on people (like spice)
- You can use perfume, booze, spice and poop to change your scent
- You can forage spice now (primarily in silty areas, like the silt sea)
- Shuffle deck reset - refills the card deck and restores all cards to the deck
- Discuss - This is a command you can use with npcs. Ex: Discuss bartender topics
- You can eat food not in your inventory
- You can craft with items not in your inventory
- The scribble command - You can draw on things, and they fade over time
- Wear <item> on belt - You can wear pouches and waterskins on your belt
- Closing your cloak makes your belt and the things on it hidden (but they can still be stolen)
- You can "title <mount>" to name your mount, and the name stays until it's in a stable. Useful for RPTs.
- You can use the "addkeyword" command to give yourself an alias. Ex: Addkeyword Amos
- You can use emotes when raising and lowering your hood. Ex: raise hood (lifting it up with a sudden jerk) [covering all but ^me chin]
- Not to circumvent code, but if someone is spam brawling and you want to slow it down so you can emote/move away you can "Stand <table>" and it renders them unable to spamhit to show how uber they are.
I noticed that in the last couple pages we've had a ton of repeats of things that have already been said. Sometimes if it's buried back on page 5, bringing up something again can be good an useful. Sometimes, things get mentioned only a month after there was a derailing discussion of them. This is a comprehensive list of everything in this thread that has already been said. I recommend reading it, there's some neat stuff in here! :)
(I'll try to repost and update this list for every time this thread gets to a new page)
I think you may be missing:
change hands (from) (to)
being: ep es or etwo
change opponent
It COULD be there, but I don't think I saw it... it's a long list.
Quote from: Taven on May 19, 2011, 01:57:21 PM
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far #2
(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- The "flip" command can be helpful, sometimes (vagueness)
Also with in the "flip" command, once in action one needs to know to "use" for the same effect.
Awesome compilation Taven! Thank you.
You can drink yourself till blackout
and you can spice yourself to death!
Give it a TRY!
Quote from: perfecto on May 21, 2011, 02:07:53 AM
You can drink yourself till blackout
and you can spice yourself to death!
Give it a TRY!
hell yeah!
i like how you can't bring ridiculous amounts of water with you into the wild without it weighing you down to the point where you wish you didn't bring that water. if that made sense.
Quote from: Shepard on May 20, 2011, 09:46:42 PM
I think you may be missing...
My quick search with "find" doesn't turn anything up, so it's probably not on the list. I'll review it when I repost it.
Quote from: Potaje on May 20, 2011, 11:08:33 PM
Also with in the "flip" command, once in action one needs to know to "use" for the same effect.
I'll probably try to update that entire section, thanks. :)
Quote from: Rhyden on May 20, 2011, 11:10:40 PM
Awesome compilation Taven! Thank you.
Thanks! It took awhile, but it's worth it, I think. The plan is to keep updating it, with each new page. If I keep updating it like that, it's just a tiny amount of work more, as oppose to saving it up, and it's easy to reference.
We might also just see if the admins would let us start a new stickied thread, with that in the op. That would make finding it easier than going to page 18+, for newer people.
Quote from: X-D on June 13, 2011, 12:51:23 AM
Shooting in works fine, But you don't use "in" You replace the direction with the object.
shoot elf wagon will shoot the elf in the wagon. Same for throw, throw dagger elf wagon.
You can put food items on a table, and then CRAFT USING THE FOOD ITEMS ON THE TABLE. WHAT.
My mind is blown. I was so excited I wished up about it (note: don't do things like this).
Any chance we can get Taven's post shoved to the archives?
Quote from: Nao on June 16, 2011, 08:16:43 AM
Any chance we can get Taven's post shoved to the archives?
Would it be helpful if I made a new thread in "Play Collaboration" that was solely a comprehensive post of everything here? It wouldn't be very collaborative in that I wouldn't want people to post in that thread, but it would be in that I was taking everyone's comments and putting them there.
The problem with an archived post is that I can't update it, so it would quickly become outdated.
As it is, I'm making sure to have an updated compilation of the post on each new page, so that it is fresh, new, and easy to reference. The only potential problem with that is for anyone who looks at pages prior to when I began doing it, but eventually they would find it. It's also more likely that they'd start on the last page, in which case, they could find it.
I think it would, yes.
Log out with barrier on? Log in with barrier on.
Quote from: bcw81 on June 23, 2011, 06:10:59 PM
Log out with barrier on? Log in with barrier on.
Did not know that. That's pretty cool.
Quote from: Archbaron on June 25, 2011, 02:01:51 PM
Quote from: bcw81 on June 23, 2011, 06:10:59 PM
Log out with barrier on? Log in with barrier on.
Did not know that. That's pretty cool.
In retrospect, it would seem necessary for some.
Some may laugh but this took me a long time to figure out
change ldesc none - reverts to code generated ldesc
awesome, no more change ldesc stands here
does that work even if you're hooded or some-such?
Indeed it does - It'll set you back to the correct hooded desc for generally standing there.
Quote from: Yasbusta on June 29, 2011, 03:56:56 AM
Some may laugh but this took me a long time to figure out
change ldesc none - reverts to code generated ldesc
awesome, no more change ldesc stands here
I wish this was standardized somewhat. Not all of the things you can 'change' revert to being cleared when you use none. I actually didn't know change ldesc none existed, because I -think- either change mood, change objective, or both don't revert, but instead set your mood/objective to 'none.' (Or I'm completely misremembering)
Quote from: Yasbusta on June 29, 2011, 03:56:56 AM
Some may laugh but this took me a long time to figure out
change ldesc none - reverts to code generated ldesc
awesome, no more change ldesc stands here
Typing "stand" while standing also rests ldescs. It's 11 less keystrokes. (as well as sitting while sitting, and resting while resting. But resitting on furniture will make you get up and sit down, but it too clears the ldesc.
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far #3(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- sit with <character name> seats you at the table that character is sitting at
- sit on <item that is large enough> allows you to sit on items not typically regarded as seats, e.g. footlockers, trunks and chests
- You can look east (squinting) and it will echo - same for items and a general look
- Look tables - you can use () to echo an emote here, too
- pull quiver - get an arrow from a quiver and wield it in one command
- light <item> <item> to light one flammable item with another - ex: Light lamp candle
- Pagelength <number> - sets the number of lines the game records to your terminal
- count <keyword> <container>
- key <item> <container> - easily see all the variations on one keyword contained
- light <item> <item> - ex: Light lamp candle
- "scan status" tells you whether you are scanning
- look <character>'s <bodypart> - see a tattoo or other feature
- list <merchant> <keyword> - ex: list ugly.merchant pants would show all the pants the ugly merchant has
- drop (<emote>), ~ <arrangement> - ex: drop bag (wincing as it slips from the edge of ~table) contents spilling out onto the floor, ~ lies on its side beneath a small table.
- Sometimes you can look at things from room mdescs, such as murals
- pour <thing containing water> <location> - this can be done in areas that support plant life and will help it, or on light sources, which has a varying effect
- when you're falling and type up it gives you an extra save but drains stun
- steal 1. <target's> pack - steals the first thing in a target's pack
- put <item> <container> - this works for items you are wearing, no need to remove
- buy <item> <merchant> <race> - ex: buy thong Amos half-giant buys a half-giant sized thong. This only works if the merchant has an unlimited supply.
- Spice Run hints (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408206.html#msg408206) - Spice Run is an IC coded game
- The "exit" command always works, even in low light (although it doesn't give specific info and uses 1 point of stamina)
- Emote ~, ^, !, etc. Chart (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408426.html#msg408426)
- Arrange object blah blah ~ blah - ex: arrange chest Sitting here pretty, ~ is filled with flowers. Returns: Sitting here pretty, the plain chest is filled with flowers.
- Shake tent - people inside the tent can see when their tent is shook
- "Stand" breaks hide - useful for if you're not sure if you're hiding
- Useful Notepad/Arm Notetaking Comments (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg410187.html#msg410187)
- tell <person> (<emote>) <sentence> - You can do this instead of the say command
- The "taste" command and the "sip" command
- Assess -v <person> is a wonderful way to find out a PC's age and build in comparison to yours for role-playing purposes
- For magickers "alias spells skills magick" will make it so that when you type "spells" you get only your magick skills
- The brief command - It simplifies things, of your choice
- The stop command - Stops and gets rid of any commands in the que
- You can rent things to the bank, which will give you a ticket in return. You can take your item out again for a 150 coins
- There's a thread "Coming Soon" (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,24087.0.html) that details neat stories about the game
- The "Change Objective" command lets staff know what you are doing (and if you are waiting on an important request, if you set it to that)
- "Help teapot" for everything related to teamaking
- Magickers can do "help spell <spellname>" if they know a spell
- You can arm wrestle in some places - help arm wrestling
- You can use brooms to clean sawdust - "clean room broom"
- "Help cage" tells you the commands for cages (there are a few in Zalanthas)
- If you have someone subdued, you can do these commands (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg597983.html#msg597983)
- For the bards in Tuluk - put <charmname> <instrumentname>
- "get <seat> <table>" and "put <seat> <table>" (When the seat is on the floor) - If you are playing a half-giant, just remove a stool to sit at the bar
- "rent time" lets you know how many days you have left before the lease runs out
- Social emotes, such a "nod," are listed here (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg449848.html#msg449848)
- pull branch - you can pull bark from branches, or sometimes logs
- The "flip" command can be helpful, sometimes. Apparently the use command is also helpful, sometimes. (vagueness)
- Tdesc - the temporary description command, for wounds, aging without a stat change, and bynner shit all over you
- "behead <unlucky>" - unlucky must be dead first
- The "wiz" command - lists all Armageddon staff, active and retired
- This page (http://www.armageddon.org/general/staff.php) tells you what the current staff responsibilities are
- Locdescs - Your PC can get coded scars
- Sometimes bars have "invisible" bar stools in them - you can use "key barstool" to check
- If a tray is too heavy to be held, you can "etwo" it
- Hold staff - For when walking with a staff or cane, and you don't want people mad you're brandishing it
- "List song" displays a list of songs that can be sung by an NPC bard in certain places. Use the "Buy song #" syntax to listen to the NPC sing.
- Typing "stand" removes long descriptions (ldesc). You can also reset your ldesc by typing "change ldesc none", but tying "stand" is shorter.
- You can offer to trade an item for another item at a shop - offer <your item> <their item>
- There is a quaff command for potions
- help map zalanthas - this shows you a map of Zalanthas
- If you have a client, you can alias "look all" to all of the look commands, so one command will look all directions
- pour <container> <container 2> - this works with bags and chests, and is very useful for organizing
- There is an "assist" command for combat, to make sure to help your friend with their foe correctly
- For prompts, %s shows your current position, and when fighting will show who you are fighting
- If a weapon is poisoned, you can unpoison it by going "pour waterskin <weapon>"
- You can "beep" players to get their attention, or check if they are linkdead. Use sparingly!
- pack <mount> - checks for things packed to a mount; pack <container> <mount> - packs item to mount (unpacking too); unpack all <mount> - unpack everything with less
- You can flip a coin by dropping it and typing "flip coin" - you must be standing to do this. You can flip other "coin" objects with them in your inventory.
- With emoting ( ) comes before your action, and [ ] after
- Using the "@" symbol to place yourself in an emote - It can be used to include vNPCS (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.200.html) as long as you
don't make them speak
- Flip doesn't work in combat, instead use the "use" command
- Semote is a great command for emoting when hidden/invisible, if what you're doing cannot be heard
- "key ." shows every item in the room you can see, including ones not immediately obvious
- "vis" makes you visible (breaking hide and some spells)
- You can use emotes when packing and unpacking a mount
- "skills <type>" shows you only skills of that type - ex: "skills language" shows you only what language skills you have
- Break bottle - If you are holding a bottle, you can use this command to make a weapon
- Count doesn't work if you're wearing an item; you can use the key command to count it in this case (such as with a quiver of arrows)
- To use an incense burner, drop it in the room, put in the incense, and close the burner. Viola!
- You can use the "craft" command on an item in the room to move it to the top of the room list (you do not actually craft it)
- Using "/n" at the end of your prompt skips to a new line (it makes things less spammy)
- You can use "Weather <direction>" to see what the weather is like in that area (such as outside a tent, or outside a tavern)
- "Land" is a helpful command if you aren't...landed.
- How common guilds are in Zalanthas (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg516491.html#msg516491)
- The salvage command lets you get things from items (ie, a cloak can be salvages for cloth scraps)
- If you are writing a bio or tdesc the ".x" lets you make a command outside of it. Ex: ".x say SHUDDUP."
- When you sleep with 0 stamina, you can't wake up until you have almost all of it back
- Rebel - This command immediately removes you from your clan
- When Armageddon is being closed for a reboot and there's a staff announcement for you to log out, you can quit out anywhere
- The "plant" command is the opposite of steal and you can try to put things on people (like spice)
- You can use perfume, booze, spice and poop to change your scent
- You can forage spice now (primarily in silty areas, like the silt sea)
- Shuffle deck reset - refills the card deck and restores all cards to the deck
- Discuss - This is a command you can use with npcs. Ex: Discuss bartender topics
- You can eat food not in your inventory
- You can craft with items not in your inventory. This means items in the room, and can also be used on items sitting on a table.
- The scribble command - You can draw on things, and they fade over time
- Wear <item> on belt - You can wear pouches and waterskins on your belt
- Closing your cloak makes your belt and the things on it hidden (but they can still be stolen)
- You can "title <mount>" to name your mount, and the name stays until it's in a stable. Useful for RPTs.
- You can use the "addkeyword" command to give yourself an alias. Ex: Addkeyword Amos
- You can use emotes when raising and lowering your hood. Ex: raise hood (lifting it up with a sudden jerk) [covering all but ^me chin]
- Not to circumvent code, but if someone is spam brawling and you want to slow it down so you can emote/move away you can "Stand <table>" and it renders them unable to spamhit to show how uber they are.
- You can do "change hands <from> <to>" with the from and to being either your main hand (ep) or your secondary hand (es). This means you don't have to remove each item, and then wield and hold, it's all in this one command.
- You can use the command "change opponent <target>" to change who you're fighting to a new target.
- If you log out with your barrier up, you log in with your barrier up.
I will update this list for each new page of the thread. Please consult it before posting, to see if what you're pointing out has already been mentioned! Yes, I have added everything new. If it's not at the end of the list, it's because I added it to a bullet point with a similar topic.
I'd like some opinions on this question:
Would it be helpful if I made a new thread in "Play Collaboration" that was solely a comprehensive post of everything here?
I have one vote for yes so far, and no other responses.
It sounds like a good idea I suppose, but honestly what I think would be even more helpful is if we took some of this stuff and checked to see if it's in an easy to reach, intuitive spot in the help files somewhere. And if it isn't, submit a revision of said help file to update it.
Like the thing with X-D and being able to shoot into/out of wagons or buildings and what not. That should totally be in the help file for archery and throw if it isn't already.
Quote from: musashi on June 29, 2011, 07:08:51 PM
It sounds like a good idea I suppose, but honestly what I think would be even more helpful is if we took some of this stuff and checked to see if it's in an easy to reach, intuitive spot in the help files somewhere. And if it isn't, submit a revision of said help file to update it.
Like the thing with X-D and being able to shoot into/out of wagons or buildings and what not. That should totally be in the help file for archery and throw if it isn't already.
That still sounds like a good use for the Player Collaboration forum, because we can post revisions to help files in the thread. +1 to Taven's idea and Musashi's idea combined.
I'll say it's a good idea too. I love this thread.
Done! (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,41588.msg618493.html#msg618493) Feel free to post about helpfiles there (info in the intro post).
I don't know what the time investment for this would be, but some of the vaguer summaries would benefit from linking back to the original post.
Quote from: Ocotillo on June 30, 2011, 04:05:14 PM
I don't know what the time investment for this would be, but some of the vaguer summaries would benefit from linking back to the original post.
You'll need to give examples about which ones are unclear if you'd like me to look into this.
The ones I remember offhand -
"You can use perfume, booze, spice and poop to change your scent."
"List song; buy song <#>."
Hard to decipher, they are.
Quote from: Ocotillo on June 30, 2011, 04:47:32 PM
The ones I remember offhand -
"You can use perfume, booze, spice and poop to change your scent."
"List song; buy song <#>."
Hard to decipher, they are.
The original posts are as follows:
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on August 08, 2009, 10:32:03 PM
list songs
buy song <song #>
Quote from: FantasyWriter on February 10, 2011, 06:25:31 AM
Non-IC-sensative (read:common sense) ways to change your smell: purfume, spice, being piss drunk, handling poo.
I could update the scent one to be clearer, if it's an issue, but it's pretty similar already.
"Contact " (with the space) = Contact the last person you were in contact with.
For those that spar and don't want to break their newbish opponent immediately.
Nosave combat
Keeps you from attacking back, though kicking/bashing/typing kill <target> will start your offense you'll otherwise only defend against the attacker. Important to not forget to toggle this one back off though. heh.
you can forage for food in the dark with good weather and moonlight.
Quote from: Cind on July 19, 2011, 05:14:42 PM
you can forage for food in the dark with good weather and moonlight.
So you mean that you can forage for food when it's not dark?
Quote from: Nyr on July 20, 2011, 08:41:27 AM
Quote from: Cind on July 19, 2011, 05:14:42 PM
you can forage for food in the dark with good weather and moonlight.
So you mean that you can forage for food when it's not dark?
I think he means, when its -less- dark.
For example, with one moon in the sky, its not "dark" but its not "light" either, is it? And you can not forage.
But if both moons are in the sky (Lirathu and Jihae) you can forage at night, because its "light enough" even though it is still mostly -dark-.
Gah, that is confusing, lets just change the word dark to night and that should fix it. You can forage at night when you have enough moonlight.
the weather was clear and there was one moon. i don't remember being able to greb rocks or other stuff at night at all.
You can forage at any time if you can see well enough to do it. That might be better, maybe?
Quote from: Nyr on July 20, 2011, 03:25:37 PM
You can forage at any time if you can see well enough to do it. That might be better, maybe?
+1 because it isn't just the moons that generate light outside during the evening. You could make a big bonfire and accomplish the same thing if you just really cannot wait till morning to keep grebbing!
Quote from: musashi on July 20, 2011, 07:41:28 PM
Quote from: Nyr on July 20, 2011, 03:25:37 PM
You can forage at any time if you can see well enough to do it. That might be better, maybe?
+1 because it isn't just the moons that generate light outside during the evening. You could make a big bonfire and accomplish the same thing if you just really cannot wait till morning to keep grebbing!
+1 Played a ranger that lived only in the wilderness, cooked only on campfires. Some nights he would have only enough wood to start a fire and would forage by campfire just to keep it going. Was a lot of fun.
I played that game too :D
A lot harder to do in the south let me tell ya!!!
I tried that game once, in the Pah. Fell down a hole an hour in, logged out as I needed to go to bed (still down there), logged in and 2 carru were down there.
makes sense. wtf about the carru, though.
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far #4(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- sit with <character name> seats you at the table that character is sitting at
- sit on <item that is large enough> allows you to sit on items not typically regarded as seats, e.g. footlockers, trunks and chests
- You can look east (squinting) and it will echo - same for items and a general look
- Look tables - you can use () to echo an emote here, too
- pull quiver - get an arrow from a quiver and wield it in one command
- light <item> <item> to light one flammable item with another - ex: Light lamp candle
- Pagelength <number> - sets the number of lines the game records to your terminal
- count <keyword> <container>
- key <item> <container> - easily see all the variations on one keyword contained
- light <item> <item> - ex: Light lamp candle
- "scan status" tells you whether you are scanning
- look <character>'s <bodypart> - see a tattoo or other feature
- list <merchant> <keyword> - ex: list ugly.merchant pants would show all the pants the ugly merchant has
- drop (<emote>), ~ <arrangement> - ex: drop bag (wincing as it slips from the edge of ~table) contents spilling out onto the floor, ~ lies on its side beneath a small table.
- Sometimes you can look at things from room mdescs, such as murals
- pour <thing containing water> <location> - this can be done in areas that support plant life and will help it, or on light sources, which has a varying effect
- when you're falling and type up it gives you an extra save but drains stun
- steal 1. <target's> pack - steals the first thing in a target's pack
- put <item> <container> - this works for items you are wearing, no need to remove
- buy <item> <merchant> <race> - ex: buy thong Amos half-giant buys a half-giant sized thong. This only works if the merchant has an unlimited supply.
- Spice Run hints (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408206.html#msg408206) - Spice Run is an IC coded game
- The "exit" command always works, even in low light (although it doesn't give specific info and uses 1 point of stamina)
- Emote ~, ^, !, etc. Chart (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408426.html#msg408426)
- Arrange object blah blah ~ blah - ex: arrange chest Sitting here pretty, ~ is filled with flowers. Returns: Sitting here pretty, the plain chest is filled with flowers.
- Shake tent - people inside the tent can see when their tent is shook
- "Stand" breaks hide - useful for if you're not sure if you're hiding
- Useful Notepad/Arm Notetaking Comments (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg410187.html#msg410187)
- tell <person> (<emote>) <sentence> - You can do this instead of the say command
- The "taste" command and the "sip" command
- Assess -v <person> is a wonderful way to find out a PC's age and build in comparison to yours for role-playing purposes
- For magickers "alias spells skills magick" will make it so that when you type "spells" you get only your magick skills
- The brief command - It simplifies things, of your choice
- The stop command - Stops and gets rid of any commands in the queue
- You can rent things to the bank, which will give you a ticket in return. You can take your item out again for a 150 coins
- There's a thread "Coming Soon" (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,24087.0.html) that details neat stories about the game
- The "Change Objective" command lets staff know what you are doing (and if you are waiting on an important request, if you set it to that)
- "Help teapot" for everything related to teamaking
- Magickers can do "help spell <spellname>" if they know a spell
- You can arm wrestle in some places - help arm wrestling
- You can use brooms to clean sawdust - "clean room broom"
- "Help cage" tells you the commands for cages (there are a few in Zalanthas)
- If you have someone subdued, you can do these commands (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg597983.html#msg597983)
- For the bards in Tuluk - put <charmname> <instrumentname>
- "get <seat> <table>" and "put <seat> <table>" (When the seat is on the floor) - If you are playing a half-giant, just remove a stool to sit at the bar
- "rent time" lets you know how many days you have left before the lease runs out
- Social emotes, such a "nod," are listed here (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg449848.html#msg449848)
- pull branch - you can pull bark from branches, or sometimes logs
- The "flip" command can be helpful, sometimes. Apparently the use command is also helpful, sometimes. (vagueness)
- Tdesc - the temporary description command, for wounds, aging without a stat change, and bynner shit all over you
- "behead <unlucky>" - unlucky must be dead first
- The "wiz" command - lists all Armageddon staff, active and retired
- This page (http://www.armageddon.org/general/staff.php) tells you what the current staff responsibilities are
- Locdescs - Your PC can get coded scars
- Sometimes bars have "invisible" bar stools in them - you can use "key barstool" to check
- If a tray is too heavy to be held, you can "etwo" it
- Hold staff - For when walking with a staff or cane, and you don't want people mad you're brandishing it
- "List song" displays a list of songs that can be sung by an NPC bard in certain places. Use the "Buy song #" syntax to listen to the NPC sing.
- Typing "stand" removes long descriptions (ldesc). You can also reset your ldesc by typing "change ldesc none", but tying "stand" is shorter.
- You can offer to trade an item for another item at a shop - offer <your item> <their item>
- There is a quaff command for potions
- help map zalanthas - this shows you a map of Zalanthas
- If you have a client, you can alias "look all" to all of the look commands, so one command will look all directions
- pour <container> <container 2> - this works with bags and chests, and is very useful for organizing
- There is an "assist" command for combat, to make sure to help your friend with their foe correctly
- For prompts, %s shows your current position, and when fighting will show who you are fighting
- If a weapon is poisoned, you can unpoison it by going "pour waterskin <weapon>"
- You can "beep" players to get their attention, or check if they are linkdead. Use sparingly!
- pack <mount> - checks for things packed to a mount; pack <container> <mount> - packs item to mount (unpacking too); unpack all <mount> - unpack everything with less
- You can flip a coin by dropping it and typing "flip coin" - you must be standing to do this. You can flip other "coin" objects with them in your inventory.
- With emoting ( ) comes before your action, and [ ] after
- Using the "@" symbol to place yourself in an emote - It can be used to include vNPCS (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.200.html) as long as you
don't make them speak
- Flip doesn't work in combat, instead use the "use" command
- Semote is a great command for emoting when hidden/invisible, if what you're doing cannot be heard
- "key ." shows every item in the room you can see, including ones not immediately obvious
- "vis" makes you visible (breaking hide and some spells)
- You can use emotes when packing and unpacking a mount
- "skills <type>" shows you only skills of that type - ex: "skills language" shows you only what language skills you have
- Break bottle - If you are holding a bottle, you can use this command to make a weapon
- Count doesn't work if you're wearing an item; you can use the key command to count it in this case (such as with a quiver of arrows)
- To use an incense burner, drop it in the room, put in the incense, and close the burner. Viola!
- You can use the "craft" command on an item in the room to move it to the top of the room list (you do not actually craft it)
- Using "/n" at the end of your prompt skips to a new line (it makes things less spammy)
- You can use "Weather <direction>" to see what the weather is like in that area (such as outside a tent, or outside a tavern)
- "Land" is a helpful command if you aren't...landed.
- How common guilds are in Zalanthas (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg516491.html#msg516491)
- The salvage command lets you get things from items (ie, a cloak can be salvages for cloth scraps)
- If you are writing a bio or tdesc the ".x" lets you make a command outside of it. Ex: ".x say SHUDDUP."
- When you sleep with 0 stamina, you can't wake up until you have almost all of it back
- Rebel - This command immediately removes you from your clan
- When Armageddon is being closed for a reboot and there's a staff announcement for you to log out, you can quit out anywhere
- The "plant" command is the opposite of steal and you can try to put things on people (like spice)
- You can use perfume, booze, spice and poop to change your scent
- You can forage spice now (primarily in silty areas, like the silt sea)
- Shuffle deck reset - refills the card deck and restores all cards to the deck
- Discuss - This is a command you can use with npcs. Ex: Discuss bartender topics
- You can eat food not in your inventory
- You can craft with items not in your inventory. This means items in the room, and can also be used on items sitting on a table.
- The scribble command - You can draw on things, and they fade over time
- Wear <item> on belt - You can wear pouches and waterskins on your belt
- Closing your cloak makes your belt and the things on it hidden (but they can still be stolen)
- You can "title <mount>" to name your mount, and the name stays until it's in a stable. Useful for RPTs.
- You can use the "addkeyword" command to give yourself an alias. Ex: Addkeyword Amos
- You can use emotes when raising and lowering your hood. Ex: raise hood (lifting it up with a sudden jerk) [covering all but ^me chin]
- Not to circumvent code, but if someone is spam brawling and you want to slow it down so you can emote/move away you can "Stand <table>" and it renders them unable to spamhit to show how uber they are.
- You can do "change hands <from> <to>" with the from and to being either your main hand (ep) or your secondary hand (es). This means you don't have to remove each item, and then wield and hold, it's all in this one command.
- You can use the command "change opponent <target>" to change who you're fighting to a new target.
- If you log out with your barrier up, you log in with your barrier up.
- "Contact " (with the space) makes you contact the last person you were in contact with.
- "Nosave combat" will keep you from attacking back, but kicking/bashing/typing kill <target> will start your offense again. Otherwise you will only defend against your attacker. This is useful when sparring fragile newbies.
- You can forage at any time if you can see well enough to do it. Thus, at night when moons are out or if you light bonfires, you may be able to forage.
I will update this list for each new page of the thread. Please consult it before posting, to see if what you're pointing out has already been mentioned!
Yes, I have added everything new. If it's not at the end of the list, it's because I added it to a bullet point with a similar topic.
It looks like there are a few doubleups there, like the "Contact " one, and you spell it "queue" :P
I was copy/pasting that particular repeat, to make use of the list function at the beginning of it, without needing to re-type. I obviously pasted it twice and then only went over one of the pastes (thus leaving it repeated). I have edited it out.
I also fixed the spelling mistake.
Quote from: Nyr on July 20, 2011, 08:41:27 AM
So you mean that you can forage for food when it's not dark?
Unless things have changed, this may be misleading.
There is no standard way someone can tell if an area is dark, so simply stating that you can forage freely when both the moons are out and the weather is clear should be sufficient.
I would state that most light-based penalties are removed when both moons are in the sky with the exception of looking distance, and is quite a nice feature most people don't really know or take advantage of enough.
Quote from: Nyr on July 20, 2011, 03:25:37 PM
You can forage at any time if you can see well enough to do it. That might be better, maybe?
hence the clarification :)
Tired of removing the wrong item when wielding/holding an item with a similar keyword as one that is worn? Use these hidden gems instead. No keyword is necessary and they support () and [].
rp - remove primary
rs - remove secondary
rtwo - remove etwo
.s shows what you've written so far in the editor.
.x lets you do stuff in the editor.
You can change hands without typing "change hands ep es". Change hands does this for you.
Quote from: zakattack on July 26, 2011, 03:38:44 PM
Tired of removing the wrong item when wielding/holding an item with a similar keyword as one that is worn? Use these hidden gems instead. No keyword is necessary and they support () and [].
rp - remove primary
rs - remove secondary
rtwo - remove etwo
Duuuude, awesome.
Quote from: Kismetic on July 29, 2011, 12:12:56 PM
Quote from: zakattack on July 26, 2011, 03:38:44 PM
Tired of removing the wrong item when wielding/holding an item with a similar keyword as one that is worn? Use these hidden gems instead. No keyword is necessary and they support () and [].
rp - remove primary
rs - remove secondary
rtwo - remove etwo
Duuuude, awesome.
Yeah, this is great!
peek <character name>
peek <character name>'s <item>
> peek azroen
> peek krrx's backpack
Anyone can use the peek command if your victim is rendered helpless.
Note that you can still fail, and produce echoes to the room even if they
are helpless.
You can sniff a person or a room. Try it with food objects, and people - you'll figure out "deodarant" hasn't been invented on Zalnthas. You can also sniff spice, if you are so inclined, and do not wish to have a light pin-pointing your location in the darkness.
sniff <object>
sniff <person>
sniff room
> sniff zharal
> sniff templar
If you follow someone who is at a bar or table you can hear what's being said there a lot easier!
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on September 01, 2011, 12:17:12 AM
If you follow someone who is at a bar or table you can hear what's being said there a lot easier!
No shit?
Quote from: Feco on September 01, 2011, 07:42:16 PM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on September 01, 2011, 12:17:12 AM
If you follow someone who is at a bar or table you can hear what's being said there a lot easier!
No shit?
Very useful for HG's
You can... er... what was it again!!!!!
Sheath <weapon> back.
Also, "vis" is another command useful for breaking hide. It's confirmed to work!
You don't have to type in the exact amount of coins you want to put away - you can put them all in by typing an amount greater than the amount you have. Eg:
You are carrying:
186 obsidian pieces
'put 444 coins pouch'
You don't have 444 (444) coins, putting 186 coins instead.
You put your pile of allanaki coins into your nifty coin pouch.
or you can type 'put coins pouch' :)
(I, too, remember when you had to use exact change)
Quote from: Delirium on September 13, 2011, 09:31:13 AM
or you can type 'put coins pouch' :)
(I, too, remember when you had to use exact change)
I did not know this. That's pretty handy. I'm always using the "inv" command to check my coin count.
Holy Cow. Who else knew you could look at items while they were on things?
>look bag cot
you'll get a description of every bag on the cot, but still!
Can I say (maybe again) how much I enjoy that our PCs have coded games to play?
Quote from: Chettaman on September 25, 2011, 12:15:54 PM
Holy Cow. Who else knew you could look at items while they were on things?
>look bag cot
you'll get a description of every bag on the cot, but still!
Quote from: Samoa on September 25, 2011, 03:39:41 PM
Quote from: Chettaman on September 25, 2011, 12:15:54 PM
Holy Cow. Who else knew you could look at items while they were on things?
>look bag cot
you'll get a description of every bag on the cot, but still!
That's new!
Quote from: Chettaman on September 25, 2011, 12:15:54 PM
Holy Cow. Who else knew you could look at items while they were on things?
>look bag cot
you'll get a description of every bag on the cot, but still!
My question is, can you look IN the bag on the cot? This would be a life saver for PCs with shitty strength.
Yeah. Pretty sure you've been able to since I first joined, five year ago. Maybe I'm mistaken though.
I tried to and it didn't work.
I wanna.
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far #5(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- sit with <character name> seats you at the table that character is sitting at
- sit on <item that is large enough> allows you to sit on items not typically regarded as seats, e.g. footlockers, trunks and chests
- You can look east (squinting) and it will echo - same for items and a general look
- Look tables - you can use () to echo an emote here, too
- pull quiver - get an arrow from a quiver and wield it in one command
- light <item> <item> to light one flammable item with another - ex: Light lamp candle
- Pagelength <number> - sets the number of lines the game records to your terminal
- count <keyword> <container>
- key <item> <container> - easily see all the variations on one keyword contained
- light <item> <item> - ex: Light lamp candle
- "scan status" tells you whether you are scanning
- look <character>'s <bodypart> - see a tattoo or other feature
- list <merchant> <keyword> - ex: list ugly.merchant pants would show all the pants the ugly merchant has
- drop (<emote>), ~ <arrangement> - ex: drop bag (wincing as it slips from the edge of ~table) contents spilling out onto the floor, ~ lies on its side beneath a small table.
- Sometimes you can look at things from room mdescs, such as murals
- pour <thing containing water> <location> - this can be done in areas that support plant life and will help it, or on light sources, which has a varying effect
- when you're falling and type up it gives you an extra save but drains stun
- steal 1. <target's> pack - steals the first thing in a target's pack
- put <item> <container> - this works for items you are wearing, no need to remove
- buy <item> <merchant> <race> - ex: buy thong Amos half-giant buys a half-giant sized thong. This only works if the merchant has an unlimited supply.
- Spice Run hints (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408206.html#msg408206) - Spice Run is an IC coded game
- The "exit" command always works, even in low light (although it doesn't give specific info and uses 1 point of stamina)
- Emote ~, ^, !, etc. Chart (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408426.html#msg408426)
- Arrange object blah blah ~ blah - ex: arrange chest Sitting here pretty, ~ is filled with flowers. Returns: Sitting here pretty, the plain chest is filled with flowers.
- Shake tent - people inside the tent can see when their tent is shook
- "Stand" breaks hide - useful for if you're not sure if you're hiding
- Useful Notepad/Arm Notetaking Comments (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg410187.html#msg410187)
- tell <person> (<emote>) <sentence> - You can do this instead of the say command
- The "taste" command and the "sip" command
- Assess -v <person> is a wonderful way to find out a PC's age and build in comparison to yours for role-playing purposes
- For magickers "alias spells skills magick" will make it so that when you type "spells" you get only your magick skills
- The brief command - It simplifies things, of your choice
- The stop command - Stops and gets rid of any commands in the queue
- You can rent things to the bank, which will give you a ticket in return. You can take your item out again for a 150 coins
- There's a thread "Coming Soon" (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,24087.0.html) that details neat stories about the game
- The "Change Objective" command lets staff know what you are doing (and if you are waiting on an important request, if you set it to that)
- "Help teapot" for everything related to teamaking
- Magickers can do "help spell <spellname>" if they know a spell
- You can arm wrestle in some places - help arm wrestling
- You can use brooms to clean sawdust - "clean room broom"
- "Help cage" tells you the commands for cages (there are a few in Zalanthas)
- If you have someone subdued, you can do these commands (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg597983.html#msg597983)
- For the bards in Tuluk - put <charmname> <instrumentname>
- "get <seat> <table>" and "put <seat> <table>" (When the seat is on the floor) - If you are playing a half-giant, just remove a stool to sit at the bar
- "rent time" lets you know how many days you have left before the lease runs out
- Social emotes, such a "nod," are listed here (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg449848.html#msg449848)
- pull branch - you can pull bark from branches, or sometimes logs
- The "flip" command can be helpful, sometimes. Apparently the use command is also helpful, sometimes. (vagueness)
- Tdesc - the temporary description command, for wounds, aging without a stat change, and bynner shit all over you
- "behead <unlucky>" - unlucky must be dead first
- The "wiz" command - lists all Armageddon staff, active and retired
- This page (http://www.armageddon.org/general/staff.php) tells you what the current staff responsibilities are
- Locdescs - Your PC can get coded scars
- Sometimes bars have "invisible" bar stools in them - you can use "key barstool" to check
- If a tray is too heavy to be held, you can "etwo" it
- Hold staff - For when walking with a staff or cane, and you don't want people mad you're brandishing it
- "List song" displays a list of songs that can be sung by an NPC bard in certain places. Use the "Buy song #" syntax to listen to the NPC sing.
- Typing "stand" removes long descriptions (ldesc). You can also reset your ldesc by typing "change ldesc none", but tying "stand" is shorter.
- You can offer to trade an item for another item at a shop - offer <your item> <their item>
- There is a quaff command for potions
- help map zalanthas - this shows you a map of Zalanthas
- If you have a client, you can alias "look all" to all of the look commands, so one command will look all directions
- pour <container> <container 2> - this works with bags and chests, and is very useful for organizing
- There is an "assist" command for combat, to make sure to help your friend with their foe correctly
- For prompts, %s shows your current position, and when fighting will show who you are fighting
- If a weapon is poisoned, you can unpoison it by going "pour waterskin <weapon>"
- You can "beep" players to get their attention, or check if they are linkdead. Use sparingly!
- pack <mount> - checks for things packed to a mount; pack <container> <mount> - packs item to mount (unpacking too); unpack all <mount> - unpack everything with less
- You can flip a coin by dropping it and typing "flip coin" - you must be standing to do this. You can flip other "coin" objects with them in your inventory.
- With emoting ( ) comes before your action, and [ ] after
- Using the "@" symbol to place yourself in an emote - It can be used to include vNPCS (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.200.html) as long as you
don't make them speak
- Flip doesn't work in combat, instead use the "use" command
- Semote is a great command for emoting when hidden/invisible, if what you're doing cannot be heard
- "key ." shows every item in the room you can see, including ones not immediately obvious
- "vis" makes you visible (breaking hide and some spells)
- You can use emotes when packing and unpacking a mount
- "skills <type>" shows you only skills of that type - ex: "skills language" shows you only what language skills you have
- Break bottle - If you are holding a bottle, you can use this command to make a weapon
- Count doesn't work if you're wearing an item; you can use the key command to count it in this case (such as with a quiver of arrows)
- To use an incense burner, drop it in the room, put in the incense, and close the burner. Viola!
- You can use the "craft" command on an item in the room to move it to the top of the room list (you do not actually craft it)
- Using "/n" at the end of your prompt skips to a new line (it makes things less spammy)
- You can use "Weather <direction>" to see what the weather is like in that area (such as outside a tent, or outside a tavern)
- "Land" is a helpful command if you aren't...landed.
- How common guilds are in Zalanthas (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg516491.html#msg516491)
- The salvage command lets you get things from items (ie, a cloak can be salvages for cloth scraps)
- If you are writing a bio or tdesc the ".x" lets you make a command outside of it. Ex: ".x say SHUDDUP."
- When you sleep with 0 stamina, you can't wake up until you have almost all of it back
- Rebel - This command immediately removes you from your clan
- When Armageddon is being closed for a reboot and there's a staff announcement for you to log out, you can quit out anywhere
- The "plant" command is the opposite of steal and you can try to put things on people (like spice)
- You can use perfume, booze, spice and poop to change your scent. To tell what someone's scent is, you can use the sniff command ("sniff <object>", "sniff <person>" or just "sniff" sniffs the room). Only sniffing the room will echo.
- You can forage spice now (primarily in silty areas, like the silt sea)
- Shuffle deck reset - refills the card deck and restores all cards to the deck
- Discuss - This is a command you can use with NPCs. Ex: Discuss bartender topics
- You can eat food not in your inventory
- You can craft with items not in your inventory. This means items in the room, and can also be used on items sitting on a table.
- The scribble command - You can draw on things, and they fade over time
- Wear <item> on belt - You can wear pouches and waterskins on your belt
- Closing your cloak makes your belt and the things on it hidden (but they can still be stolen)
- You can "title <mount>" to name your mount, and the name stays until it's in a stable. Useful for RPTs.
- You can use the "addkeyword" command to give yourself an alias. Ex: Addkeyword Amos
- You can use emotes when raising and lowering your hood. Ex: raise hood (lifting it up with a sudden jerk) [covering all but ^me chin]
- Not to circumvent code, but if someone is spam brawling and you want to slow it down so you can emote/move away you can "Stand <table>" and it renders them unable to spamhit to show how uber they are.
- You can do "change hands <from> <to>" with the from and to being either your main hand (ep) or your secondary hand (es). This means you don't have to remove each item, and then wield and hold, it's all in this one command. Furthermore, you don't actually have to type "change hands ep es", you can just type "change hands".
- You can use the command "change opponent <target>" to change who you're fighting to a new target.
- If you log out with your barrier up, you log in with your barrier up.
- "Contact " (with the space) makes you contact the last person you were in contact with.
- "Nosave combat" will keep you from attacking back, but kicking/bashing/typing kill <target> will start your offense again. Otherwise you will only defend against your attacker. This is useful when sparring fragile newbies.
- You can forage at any time if you can see well enough to do it. Thus, at night when moons are out or if you light bonfires, you may be able to forage.
- You can remove items without using keywords by using "rp" (remove primary), "rs" (remove secondary), and "rtwo" (remove something held with both hands). These features also support ( ) and [ ] for emoting.
- When in the editor (used for biographies, tdescs, and board posts) you can use ".s" to show what you have written so far.
- When in the editor (used for biographies, tdescs, and board posts) you can use ".x <command>" to do a command outside of the editor. Be warned, however, that you cannot receive Ways when editing.
- Anyone can use the peek command if your victim is rendered helpless. However, you can still fail and produce echoes to the room (even if they are helpless).
- If you're codedly following someone sitting at a bar or table, it's a lot easier to hear what they are saying. This is very useful for Half-Giants, who may not always fit at the bar.
- You can "sheath <weapon> back".
- The "vis" command is not just good for special status, but also breaks hide. (IE, if you are hiding and type "vis", you will no longer be hiding).
- You can do "put coins couch" and it will put all the coins you have out on the couch. Alternatively, you can say a number more then the coins you have, and it will put all your coins on the couch. (IE, if you have 102 coins you can say "put 200 coins couch" and it will put them all there). The first way (simply "put coins couch") is probably more convenient.
- You can look at items that are on things. "Look bag cot" will look at the bag on the cot. However, it will also look at every bag on the cot, not just the first bag. Note that you cannot look IN the bag, only AT it.
I will update this list for each new page of the thread. Please consult it before posting, to see if what you're pointing out has already been mentioned!
Yes, I have added everything new. If it's not at the end of the list, it's because I added it to a bullet point with a similar topic.
The keyword has to be unique when you're looking at things on/in something.
Say we have a white fedora on a cot.
>look white cot
while you're wearing something white will result in looking at your white object.
>look fedora cot
will work (as long as you are not also wearing a fedora).
QuoteIf a weapon is poisoned, you can unpoison it by going "pour waterskin <weapon>"
Careful with that one though, it is still sorta buggy, you can turn a weapon into NOT a weapon.
Also, on the falling one, Trying to move in ANY valid direction will let you scramble in attempt to stop the fall. Keep in mind, It costs more then just stun to try. (or did, I've not tried it since recent climb changes)
Quote from: X-D on September 28, 2011, 12:48:06 PM
QuoteIf a weapon is poisoned, you can unpoison it by going "pour waterskin <weapon>"
Careful with that one though, it is still sorta buggy, you can turn a weapon into NOT a weapon.
Wait, what?
I'm really not sure if I can say more and stay inside the rules of talking code on the GDB.
Quote from: X-D on September 28, 2011, 12:48:06 PM
QuoteIf a weapon is poisoned, you can unpoison it by going "pour waterskin <weapon>"
Careful with that one though, it is still sorta buggy, you can turn a weapon into NOT a weapon.
Also, on the falling one, Trying to move in ANY valid direction will let you scramble in attempt to stop the fall. Keep in mind, It costs more then just stun to try. (or did, I've not tried it since recent climb changes)
No, it does, but losing sixty HP from scrambling is a lot better than the 115 you're going to lose when you get to the bottom of that 5 room fall.
Unless you scramble, lose 60 hp, and then die at the bottom of a 2-room fall you would otherwise have survived. ;)
Well scrambling is a tactical choice. It's saved my character from certain death before.
You can smoke an already-wrapped tube of spice in a pipe.
fleeing in a random direction
it's neat when you are engaged in mounted combat at the base of shield wall and when you flee, randomly scale the cliff face (leaving your mount behind)
Do we have the fact that...
No, you don't, that's something you should discover in-game or IC. -Nyr
If you can't find it in a helpfile or on the website, do not post it as common knowledge without confirmation from staff, please.
You can salvage an animal object. Usually results in the death of the poor thing.
That sounds like a bug.
Quote from: Culinary Critic on October 09, 2011, 09:27:51 PM
You can salvage an animal object. Usually results in the death of the poor thing.
For a moment, I thought you meant mobs. I was like... dayum.
Quote from: Feco on October 10, 2011, 09:21:44 PM
Quote from: Culinary Critic on October 09, 2011, 09:27:51 PM
You can salvage an animal object. Usually results in the death of the poor thing.
For a moment, I thought you meant mobs. I was like... dayum.
You can also cook a lot of those buggers.
Dead things now keep their main desc!
I just discovered the most amazing thing:
If you have a mount hitched...
>pack bag
>unpack bag
All work without having to type the name of the mount. My mind is boggled!
You can even just type >unpack if you only have one thing packed!
You can also command emote them
You can also >UNPACK when you have a mount full of things. It'll pull everything off one at a time, though.
Also, 'unpack all' if the mount is hitched and you have multiple bags packed to it.
Quote from: Calavera on January 24, 2012, 02:05:13 AM
Upon further experimentaton, you can shorten it down to this and it will still work:
cha l s
The wear all command.
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far #6(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- sit with <character name> seats you at the table that character is sitting at
- sit on <item that is large enough> allows you to sit on items not typically regarded as seats, e.g. footlockers, trunks and chests
- You can look east (squinting) and it will echo - same for items and a general look
- Look tables - you can use () to echo an emote here, too
- pull quiver - get an arrow from a quiver and wield it in one command
- light <item> <item> to light one flammable item with another - ex: Light lamp candle
- Pagelength <number> - sets the number of lines the game records to your terminal
- count <keyword> <container>
- key <item> <container> - easily see all the variations on one keyword contained
- light <item> <item> - ex: Light lamp candle
- "scan status" tells you whether you are scanning
- look <character>'s <bodypart> - see a tattoo or other feature
- list <merchant> <keyword> - ex: list ugly.merchant pants would show all the pants the ugly merchant has
- drop (<emote>), ~ <arrangement> - ex: drop bag (wincing as it slips from the edge of ~table) contents spilling out onto the floor, ~ lies on its side beneath a small table.
- Sometimes you can look at things from room mdescs, such as murals
- pour <thing containing water> <location> - this can be done in areas that support plant life and will help it, or on light sources, which has a varying effect
- when you're falling and type up it gives you an extra save but drains stun
- steal 1. <target's> pack - steals the first thing in a target's pack
- put <item> <container> - this works for items you are wearing, no need to remove
- buy <item> <merchant> <race> - ex: buy thong Amos half-giant buys a half-giant sized thong. This only works if the merchant has an unlimited supply.
- Spice Run hints (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408206.html#msg408206) - Spice Run is an IC coded game
- The "exit" command always works, even in low light (although it doesn't give specific info and uses 1 point of stamina)
- Emote ~, ^, !, etc. Chart (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg408426.html#msg408426)
- Arrange object blah blah ~ blah - ex: arrange chest Sitting here pretty, ~ is filled with flowers. Returns: Sitting here pretty, the plain chest is filled with flowers.
- Shake tent - people inside the tent can see when their tent is shook
- "Stand" breaks hide - useful for if you're not sure if you're hiding
- Useful Notepad/Arm Notetaking Comments (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg410187.html#msg410187)
- tell <person> (<emote>) <sentence> - You can do this instead of the say command
- The "taste" command and the "sip" command
- Assess -v <person> is a wonderful way to find out a PC's age and build in comparison to yours for role-playing purposes
- For magickers "alias spells skills magick" will make it so that when you type "spells" you get only your magick skills
- The brief command - It simplifies things, of your choice
- The stop command - Stops and gets rid of any commands in the queue
- You can rent things to the bank, which will give you a ticket in return. You can take your item out again for a 150 coins
- There's a thread "Coming Soon" (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,24087.0.html) that details neat stories about the game
- The "Change Objective" command lets staff know what you are doing (and if you are waiting on an important request, if you set it to that)
- "Help teapot" for everything related to teamaking
- Magickers can do "help spell <spellname>" if they know a spell
- You can arm wrestle in some places - help arm wrestling
- You can use brooms to clean sawdust - "clean room broom"
- "Help cage" tells you the commands for cages (there are a few in Zalanthas)
- If you have someone subdued, you can do these commands (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg597983.html#msg597983)
- For the bards in Tuluk - put <charmname> <instrumentname>
- "get <seat> <table>" and "put <seat> <table>" (When the seat is on the floor) - If you are playing a half-giant, just remove a stool to sit at the bar
- "rent time" lets you know how many days you have left before the lease runs out
- Social emotes, such a "nod," are listed here (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg449848.html#msg449848)
- pull branch - you can pull bark from branches, or sometimes logs
- The "flip" command can be helpful, sometimes. Apparently the use command is also helpful, sometimes. (vagueness)
- Tdesc - the temporary description command, for wounds, aging without a stat change, and bynner shit all over you
- "behead <unlucky>" - unlucky must be dead first
- The "wiz" command - lists all Armageddon staff, active and retired
- This page (http://www.armageddon.org/general/staff.php) tells you what the current staff responsibilities are
- Locdescs - Your PC can get coded scars
- Sometimes bars have "invisible" bar stools in them - you can use "key barstool" to check
- If a tray is too heavy to be held, you can "etwo" it
- Hold staff - For when walking with a staff or cane, and you don't want people mad you're brandishing it
- "List song" displays a list of songs that can be sung by an NPC bard in certain places. Use the "Buy song #" syntax to listen to the NPC sing.
- Typing "stand" removes long descriptions (ldesc). You can also reset your ldesc by typing "change ldesc none", but tying "stand" is shorter.
- You can offer to trade an item for another item at a shop - offer <your item> <their item>
- There is a quaff command for potions
- help map zalanthas - this shows you a map of Zalanthas
- If you have a client, you can alias "look all" to all of the look commands, so one command will look all directions
- pour <container> <container 2> - this works with bags and chests, and is very useful for organizing
- There is an "assist" command for combat, to make sure to help your friend with their foe correctly
- For prompts, %s shows your current position, and when fighting will show who you are fighting
- If a weapon is poisoned, you can unpoison it by going "pour waterskin <weapon>". (There may be some sort of bug with this? Something about turning a weapon into not a weapon (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg637421.html#msg637421) sometimes).
- You can "beep" players to get their attention, or check if they are linkdead. Use sparingly!
- pack <mount> - checks for things packed to a mount; pack <container> <mount> - packs item to mount (unpacking too); unpack all <mount> - unpack everything with less
- You can flip a coin by dropping it and typing "flip coin" - you must be standing to do this. You can flip other "coin" objects with them in your inventory.
- With emoting ( ) comes before your action, and [ ] after
- Using the "@" symbol to place yourself in an emote - It can be used to include vNPCS (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.200.html) as long as you
don't make them speak
- Flip doesn't work in combat, instead use the "use" command
- Semote is a great command for emoting when hidden/invisible, if what you're doing cannot be heard
- "key ." shows every item in the room you can see, including ones not immediately obvious
- "vis" makes you visible (breaking hide and some spells)
- You can use emotes when packing and unpacking a mount
- "skills <type>" shows you only skills of that type - ex: "skills language" shows you only what language skills you have
- Break bottle - If you are holding a bottle, you can use this command to make a weapon
- Count doesn't work if you're wearing an item; you can use the key command to count it in this case (such as with a quiver of arrows)
- To use an incense burner, drop it in the room, put in the incense, and close the burner. Viola!
- You can use the "craft" command on an item in the room to move it to the top of the room list (you do not actually craft it)
- Using "/n" at the end of your prompt skips to a new line (it makes things less spammy)
- You can use "Weather <direction>" to see what the weather is like in that area (such as outside a tent, or outside a tavern)
- "Land" is a helpful command if you aren't...landed.
- How common guilds are in Zalanthas (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg516491.html#msg516491)
- The salvage command lets you get things from items (ie, a cloak can be salvages for cloth scraps)
- If you are writing a bio or tdesc the ".x" lets you make a command outside of it. Ex: ".x say SHUDDUP."
- When you sleep with 0 stamina, you can't wake up until you have almost all of it back
- Rebel - This command immediately removes you from your clan
- When Armageddon is being closed for a reboot and there's a staff announcement for you to log out, you can quit out anywhere
- The "plant" command is the opposite of steal and you can try to put things on people (like spice)
- You can use perfume, booze, spice and poop to change your scent. To tell what someone's scent is, you can use the sniff command ("sniff <object>", "sniff <person>" or just "sniff" sniffs the room). Only sniffing the room will echo.
- You can forage spice now (primarily in silty areas, like the silt sea)
- Shuffle deck reset - refills the card deck and restores all cards to the deck
- Discuss - This is a command you can use with NPCs. Ex: Discuss bartender topics
- You can eat food not in your inventory
- You can craft with items not in your inventory. This means items in the room, and can also be used on items sitting on a table.
- The scribble command - You can draw on things, and they fade over time
- Wear <item> on belt - You can wear pouches and waterskins on your belt
- Closing your cloak makes your belt and the things on it hidden (but they can still be stolen)
- You can "title <mount>" to name your mount, and the name stays until it's in a stable. Useful for RPTs.
- You can use the "addkeyword" command to give yourself an alias. Ex: Addkeyword Amos
- You can use emotes when raising and lowering your hood. Ex: raise hood (lifting it up with a sudden jerk) [covering all but ^me chin]
- Not to circumvent code, but if someone is spam brawling and you want to slow it down so you can emote/move away you can "Stand <table>" and it renders them unable to spamhit to show how uber they are.
- You can do "change hands <from> <to>" with the from and to being either your main hand (ep) or your secondary hand (es). This means you don't have to remove each item, and then wield and hold, it's all in this one command. Furthermore, you don't actually have to type "change hands ep es", you can just type "change hands".
- You can use the command "change opponent <target>" to change who you're fighting to a new target.
- If you log out with your barrier up, you log in with your barrier up.
- "Contact " (with the space) makes you contact the last person you were in contact with.
- "Nosave combat" will keep you from attacking back, but kicking/bashing/typing kill <target> will start your offense again. Otherwise you will only defend against your attacker. This is useful when sparring fragile newbies.
- You can forage at any time if you can see well enough to do it. Thus, at night when moons are out or if you light bonfires, you may be able to forage.
- You can remove items without using keywords by using "rp" (remove primary), "rs" (remove secondary), and "rtwo" (remove something held with both hands). These features also support ( ) and [ ] for emoting.
- When in the editor (used for biographies, tdescs, and board posts) you can use ".s" to show what you have written so far.
- When in the editor (used for biographies, tdescs, and board posts) you can use ".x <command>" to do a command outside of the editor. Be warned, however, that you cannot receive Ways when editing.
- Anyone can use the peek command if your victim is rendered helpless. However, you can still fail and produce echoes to the room (even if they are helpless).
- If you're codedly following someone sitting at a bar or table, it's a lot easier to hear what they are saying. This is very useful for Half-Giants, who may not always fit at the bar.
- You can "sheath <weapon> back".
- The "vis" command is not just good for special status, but also breaks hide. (IE, if you are hiding and type "vis", you will no longer be hiding).
- You can do "put coins couch" and it will put all the coins you have out on the couch. Alternatively, you can say a number more then the coins you have, and it will put all your coins on the couch. (IE, if you have 102 coins you can say "put 200 coins couch" and it will put them all there). The first way (simply "put coins couch") is probably more convenient.
- You can look at items that are on things. "Look bag cot" will look at the bag on the cot. However, it will also look at every bag on the cot, not just the first bag. Note that you cannot look IN the bag, only AT it.
- You can salvage and cook many animal objects.
- If you have a mount hitched to you, you do not need to use it's name to pack and unpack it. You can do "pack <item>" or "unpack <item>" and just "unpack" (which will unload items one at a time). You can also "unpack all".
- You can command emote mounts.
- To change a language you can simplify it to "cha l <first letter of the language>". For example "cha l a" will change your speaking language to allundean.
- There is a "wear all" command.
I will update this list for each new page of the thread. Please consult it before posting, to see if what you're pointing out has already been mentioned!
Yes, I have added everything new. If it's not at the end of the list, it's because I added it to a bullet point with a similar topic.
Quote from: Kismetic on January 24, 2012, 07:26:40 PM
You can also command emote them
Is this true? Can you really command emote mounts?
Quote from: Barsook on May 04, 2012, 05:09:33 PM
The wear all command.
How does this work, anyway?
Sure, like:
mount inix (climbing atop the large lizard's back) [settling and tugging the reins]
rest/dismount (sliding down the side of the scaly beast) [kicking up a cloud of dust as ~boots hit the sand]
I believe one of these has a punctuation error, however, and instead of subbing a period for a comma, it has both.
If you are doing a craft that produces multiple items, but your inventory does not have enough space to hold the finished products, the remainder will fall to the ground of the room you're in.
When crafting an item, you do not need to type out its entire sdesc.
>craft hide
You could make a shiny, red belt from that
You could make a lovely, fragrant wrap from that
You could make a short, waist-high skirt from that.
>craft lovely
You begin crafting your piece of hide into a lovely, fragrant wrap.
Yeah, but some need the whole thing because of the same keyword in more than one of them.
That goes for every situation in the whole game, not just this particular one.
On the crafting, you just need a unique string for that item - it doesn't have to be a whole word. Pretty sure Synthesis or Yam mentioned that somewhere before... I think...
They did? If they did, it's not in Taven's list.
Quote from: Riya OniSenshi on May 11, 2012, 10:44:05 PM
On the crafting, you just need a unique string for that item - it doesn't have to be a whole word. Pretty sure Synthesis or Yam mentioned that somewhere before... I think...
Quote from: Patuk on May 11, 2012, 10:52:32 PM
They did? If they did, it's not in Taven's list.
I'm pretty sure someone mentioned it before too, but it's not on the list. I may have skipped over it somehow or missed it. At any rate, I will add it to the list when we get onto the next page.
'put all <container>' will put everything in your Inventory into the specified container (such as a bag). This container can be one you're holding, which will circumvent the error message 'You cannot put <container> into itself,' which you would get en-mass if the <container> happened to be in your inventory.
Quote from: BadSkeelz on May 14, 2012, 02:57:51 AM
'put all <container>' will put everything in your Inventory into the specified container (such as a bag). This container can be one you're holding, which will circumvent the error message 'You cannot put <container> into itself,' which you would get en-mass if the <container> happened to be in your inventory.
Also "get all.keyword," "drop all.keyword," and "put all.keyword container."
Didn't see it on the list.
You can have get and put going at the same time to make switching containers easy.
Does anyone feel like sorting the list into sections of stuff, or have suggestions for sections?
It's getting to be really large, and some sort of sorting would be easier to read.
I love this thread.
I also feel like such a newb.
Your stun goes down when you do all kinds of neat things, addicts like me, can tell when it's time to type listen because our stun just went up.
Typing 'ar' by accident brought up:
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say (situating the patch over his eye) Arrrrrr!
Quote from: Schrodingers Cat on August 07, 2012, 04:46:09 PM
keyword . container > returns with every item in the container, even revealing the exact number of multiple items. Very useful when one can't use the count command because the container may be worn or equipped.
Sorry, but I had too.
Not sure if this was mentioned but if you get all.(whatevs) and then put all.(whatevs) at the same time then you'll execute both commands one after the other.
Basically it just makes unloading all of a specific item out of containers, or loading them into containers, a lot more automated.
Quote from: SpyGuy on August 14, 2012, 09:54:32 AM
Not sure if this was mentioned but if you get all.(whatevs) and then put all.(whatevs) at the same time then you'll execute both commands one after the other.
Basically it just makes unloading all of a specific item out of containers, or loading them into containers, a lot more automated.
I do that. get all.blue pack;put all.blue chest
When you're actually holding the container that needs emptying, it's less spammy to just 'empty pack chest'. It comes with a bit of lag, which I've noticed is equivalent to how many items are transferred, but at least there's not a hundred lines of text involved.
Pull <bell object> rings the estate bells of the noble houses in Tuluk. I thought that was neat.
If you log into the Armageddon webpage, you can see your characters' biography entries.
That means that you can use <ctrl-f> to search your bios. Which is awesome!
Quote from: Morrolan on September 02, 2012, 01:36:20 AM
If you log into the Armageddon webpage, you can see your characters' biography entries.
That means that you can use <ctrl-f> to search your bios. Which is awesome!
The implementation of this was such a blessing. You have no idea. Thank god. I used to have all my bios saved as one gigantic, clunky .txt and it was just eeegughghg.
so, when you're done creating a character you have to lists of options, U submit, X exit, A age, M main descrption, and O options... going into to O without really keeping track of what I was doing, got me into trouble... after you go with O, it litst the options P page length, B back to creation, and E ending field editing... this refers to the character you can enter to show that you are finished with writing a main description, background, or temporary description... this is normally ".q" or "~~"... but you can change it to any character... I put mne on k... and then forgot that i did it... So when my character expires and I go to make a new one... It appears to "eat" my posts... Then I finally figured out it was the letter k, and went into Options and fixed it
Quote from: MeTekillot on September 14, 2012, 02:45:40 AM
TL, DR: if you alias a letter key to do ".q", you will have difficulty creating a character. Not sure if it's a neat little thing as much as a "don't do this," but it's something to know.
I know it's wrong. But now I'm tempted.
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far - PART ONE(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- sit with <character name> seats you at the table that character is sitting at
- sit on <item that is large enough> allows you to sit on items not typically regarded as seats, e.g. footlockers, trunks and chests
- You can look east (squinting) and it will echo - same for items and a general look
- Look tables - you can use () to echo an emote here, too
- pull quiver - get an arrow from a quiver and wield it in one command
- light <item> <item> to light one flammable item with another - ex: Light lamp candle
- Pagelength <number> - sets the number of lines the game records to your terminal
- count <keyword> <container>
- key <item> <container> - easily see all the variations on one keyword contained
- "scan status" tells you whether you are scanning
- look <character>'s <bodypart> - see a tattoo or other feature
- list <merchant> <keyword> - ex: list ugly.merchant pants would show all the pants the ugly merchant has
- drop (<emote>), ~ <arrangement> - ex: drop bag (wincing as it slips from the edge of ~table) contents spilling out onto the floor, ~ lies on its side beneath a small table.
- Sometimes you can look at things from room mdescs, such as murals
- pour <thing containing water> <location> - this can be done in areas that support plant life and will help it, or on light sources, which has a varying effect
- when you're falling and type up it gives you an extra save but drains stun
- steal 1. <target's> pack - steals the first thing in a target's pack
- put <item> <container> - this works for items you are wearing, no need to remove
- buy <item> <merchant> <race> - ex: buy thong Amos half-giant buys a half-giant sized thong. This only works if the merchant has an unlimited supply.
- Spice Run hints (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg408206.html#msg408206) - Spice Run is an IC coded game
- The "exit" command always works, even in low light (although it doesn't give specific info and uses 1 point of stamina)
- Emote ~, ^, !, etc. Chart (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg408426.html#msg408426)
- Arrange object blah blah ~ blah - ex: arrange chest Sitting here pretty, ~ is filled with flowers. Returns: Sitting here pretty, the plain chest is filled with flowers.
- Shake tent - people inside the tent can see when their tent is shook
- "Stand" breaks hide - useful for if you're not sure if you're hiding
- Useful Notepad/Arm Notetaking Comments (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg410187.html#msg410187)
- tell <person> (<emote>) <sentence> - You can do this instead of the say command
- The "taste" command and the "sip" command
- Assess -v <person> is a wonderful way to find out a PC's age and build in comparison to yours for role-playing purposes
- For magickers "alias spells skills magick" will make it so that when you type "spells" you get only your magick skills
- The brief command - It simplifies things, of your choice
- The stop command - Stops and gets rid of any commands in the queue
- You can rent things to the bank, which will give you a ticket in return. You can take your item out again for a 150 coins
- There's a thread "Coming Soon" (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,24087.0.html) that details neat stories about the game
- The "Change Objective" command lets staff know what you are doing (and if you are waiting on an important request, if you set it to that)
- "Help teapot" for everything related to teamaking
- Magickers can do "help spell <spellname>" if they know a spell
- You can arm wrestle in some places - help arm wrestling
- You can use brooms to clean sawdust - "clean room broom"
- "Help cage" tells you the commands for cages (there are a few in Zalanthas)
- If you have someone subdued, you can do these commands (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg597983.html#msg597983)
- For the bards in Tuluk - put <charmname> <instrumentname>
- "get <seat> <table>" and "put <seat> <table>" (When the seat is on the floor) - If you are playing a half-giant, just remove a stool to sit at the bar
- "rent time" lets you know how many days you have left before the lease runs out
- Social emotes, such a "nod," are listed here (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg449848.html#msg449848)
- pull branch - you can pull bark from branches, or sometimes logs
- The "flip" command can be helpful, sometimes. Apparently the use command is also helpful, sometimes. (vagueness)
- Tdesc (http://www.armageddon.org/help/view/Tdesc) - the temporary description command, for wounds, aging without a stat change, and bynner shit all over you
- "behead <unlucky>" - unlucky must be dead first
- The "wiz" command - lists all Armageddon staff, active and retired
- This page (http://www.armageddon.org/general/staff.php) tells you what the current staff responsibilities are
- Locdescs - Your PC can get coded scars
- Sometimes bars have "invisible" bar stools in them - you can use "key barstool" to check
- If a tray is too heavy to be held, you can "etwo" it
- Hold staff - For when walking with a staff or cane, and you don't want people mad you're brandishing it
- "List song" displays a list of songs that can be sung by an NPC bard in certain places. Use the "Buy song #" syntax to listen to the NPC sing.
- Typing "stand" removes long descriptions (ldesc). You can also reset your ldesc by typing "change ldesc none", but tying "stand" is shorter.
- You can offer to trade an item for another item at a shop - offer <your item> <their item>
- There is a quaff command for potions
- help map zalanthas - this shows you a map of Zalanthas
- If you have a client, you can alias "look all" to all of the look commands, so one command will look all directions
- pour <container> <container 2> - this works with bags and chests, and is very useful for organizing
- There is an "assist" command for combat, to make sure to help your friend with their foe correctly
- For prompts, %s shows your current position, and when fighting will show who you are fighting
- If a weapon is poisoned, you can unpoison it by going "pour waterskin <weapon>". (There may be some sort of bug with this? Something about turning a weapon into not a weapon (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg637421.html#msg637421) sometimes).
- You can "beep" players to get their attention, or check if they are linkdead. Use sparingly!
- pack <mount> - checks for things packed to a mount; pack <container> <mount> - packs item to mount (unpacking too); unpack all <mount> - unpack everything with less
- You can flip a coin by dropping it and typing "flip coin" - you must be standing to do this. You can flip other "coin" objects with them in your inventory.
- With emoting ( ) comes before your action, and [ ] after
- Using the "@" symbol to place yourself in an emote - It can be used to include vNPCS (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.200.html) as long as you
don't make them speak
- Flip doesn't work in combat, instead use the "use" command
- Semote is a great command for emoting when hidden/invisible, if what you're doing cannot be heard
- "key ." shows every item in the room you can see, including ones not immediately obvious
- "vis" makes you visible (breaking hide and some spells)
- You can use emotes when packing and unpacking a mount
- "skills <type>" shows you only skills of that type - ex: "skills language" shows you only what language skills you have
- Break bottle - If you are holding a bottle, you can use this command to make a weapon
- Count doesn't work if you're wearing an item; you can use the key command to count it in this case (such as with a quiver of arrows)
- To use an incense burner, drop it in the room, put in the incense, and close the burner. Viola!
- You can use the "craft" command on an item in the room to move it to the top of the room list (you do not actually craft it)
- Using "/n" at the end of your prompt skips to a new line (it makes things less spammy)
- You can use "Weather <direction>" to see what the weather is like in that area (such as outside a tent, or outside a tavern)
- "Land" is a helpful command if you aren't...landed.
- How common guilds are in Zalanthas (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg516491.html#msg516491)
- The salvage command lets you get things from items (ie, a cloak can be salvages for cloth scraps)
- If you are writing a bio or tdesc the ".x" lets you make a command outside of it. Ex: ".x say SHUDDUP."
- When you sleep with 0 stamina, you can't wake up until you have almost all of it back
- Rebel - This command immediately removes you from your clan
- When Armageddon is being closed for a reboot and there's a staff announcement for you to log out, you can quit out anywhere
- The "plant" command is the opposite of steal and you can try to put things on people (like spice)
- You can use perfume, booze, spice and poop to change your scent. To tell what someone's scent is, you can use the sniff command ("sniff <object>", "sniff <person>" or just "sniff" sniffs the room). Only sniffing the room will echo.
- You can forage spice now (primarily in silty areas, like the silt sea)
- Shuffle deck reset - refills the card deck and restores all cards to the deck
- Discuss - This is a command you can use with NPCs. Ex: Discuss bartender topics
- You can eat food not in your inventory
- You can craft with items not in your inventory. This means items in the room, and can also be used on items sitting on a table.
- The scribble command - You can draw on things, and they fade over time
- Wear <item> on belt - You can wear pouches and waterskins on your belt
- Closing your cloak makes your belt and the things on it hidden (but they can still be stolen)
- You can "title <mount>" to name your mount, and the name stays until it's in a stable. Useful for RPTs.
- You can use the "addkeyword" command to give yourself an alias. Ex: Addkeyword Amos
- You can use emotes when raising and lowering your hood. Ex: raise hood (lifting it up with a sudden jerk) [covering all but ^me chin]
- Not to circumvent code, but if someone is spam brawling and you want to slow it down so you can emote/move away you can "Stand <table>" and it renders them unable to spamhit to show how uber they are.
- You can do "change hands <from> <to>" with the from and to being either your main hand (ep) or your secondary hand (es). This means you don't have to remove each item, and then wield and hold, it's all in this one command. Furthermore, you don't actually have to type "change hands ep es", you can just type "change hands".
- You can use the command "change opponent <target>" to change who you're fighting to a new target.
- If you log out with your barrier up, you log in with your barrier up.
- "Contact " (with the space) makes you contact the last person you were in contact with.
- "Nosave combat" will keep you from attacking back, but kicking/bashing/typing kill <target> will start your offense again. Otherwise you will only defend against your attacker. This is useful when sparring fragile newbies.
- You can forage at any time if you can see well enough to do it. Thus, at night when moons are out or if you light bonfires, you may be able to forage.
- You can remove items without using keywords by using "rp" (remove primary), "rs" (remove secondary), and "rtwo" (remove something held with both hands). These features also support ( ) and [ ] for emoting.
- When in the editor (used for biographies, tdescs, and board posts) you can use ".s" to show what you have written so far.
- When in the editor (used for biographies, tdescs, and board posts) you can use ".x <command>" to do a command outside of the editor. Be warned, however, that you cannot receive Ways when editing.
- Anyone can use the peek command if your victim is rendered helpless. However, you can still fail and produce echoes to the room (even if they are helpless).
- If you're codedly following someone sitting at a bar or table, it's a lot easier to hear what they are saying. This is very useful for Half-Giants, who may not always fit at the bar.
- You can "sheath <weapon> back".
- The "vis" command is not just good for special status, but also breaks hide. (IE, if you are hiding and type "vis", you will no longer be hiding).
- You can do "put coins couch" and it will put all the coins you have out on the couch. Alternatively, you can say a number more then the coins you have, and it will put all your coins on the couch. (IE, if you have 102 coins you can say "put 200 coins couch" and it will put them all there). The first way (simply "put coins couch") is probably more convenient.
- You can look at items that are on things. "Look bag cot" will look at the bag on the cot. However, it will also look at every bag on the cot, not just the first bag. Note that you cannot look IN the bag, only AT it.
- You can salvage and cook many animal objects.
- If you have a mount hitched to you, you do not need to use it's name to pack and unpack it. You can do "pack <item>" or "unpack <item>" and just "unpack" (which will unload items one at a time). You can also "unpack all".
- You can command emote mounts (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg678658.html#msg678658).
- To change a language you can simplify it to "cha l <first letter of the language>". For example "cha l a" will change your speaking language to allundean.
- There is a "wear all" command.
- If you're crafting, and that craft makes multiple items, if you can't carry all of the extra, the bottom will fall to the ground. For example, if you craft to make 5 travel cakes, but can only hold 3, the extra 2 will fall to the ground of the room you're in.
- When crafting, instead of typing out the whole thing that you're trying to craft, you can type a keyword from that (for example instead of "a lovely, fragrant wrap", you can type "craft blah into lovely" if there are no other options with "lovely"). This idea also apparently works for strings of letters, rather then an entire word.
- If you use the "put all" command, you can target a bag you're holding, which avoids the error message that you cannot put the item in itself.
- You can do "get all.keyword," "drop all.keyword," and "put all.keyword container". If you do two commands at once, you can have yourself getting all things from one container and putting them in the other, with no pauses. Be careful that you don't accidentally target the same container, or this will put you on an unending loop.
- Typing "ar" will bring up details about the Armageddon game design team.
- Pull <bell object> rings the estate bells of the noble houses in Tuluk.
- You can type your character's biographies through the website, and then later easily browse all of your characters bios (even dead ones). This means that you can use <ctrl-f> to search your bios.
- In the character creation portion of Armageddon, you can use "O" to access options. There's a way to change the character(s), normally ".q" or "~~" that exit out of the editor for history or character description. Be sure not to accidentally alias the ".q" to something else, or it will make it very difficult (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg709493.html#msg709493) to write characters. You can fix this the same way.
I will update this list for each new page of the thread. Please consult it before posting, to see if what you're pointing out has already been mentioned!
Yes, I have added everything new. If it's not at the end of the list, it's because I added it to a bullet point with a similar topic.
Items #6 and #9 are identical :)
The commands
>l r
>look room
Will both give you the rdesc of whatever room you're in, minus all the ldescs of occupants. A useful tool if you habitually walk around with 'brief room.'
QuoteYou can do "get all.keyword," "drop all.keyword," and "put all.keyword container". If you do two commands at once, you can have yourself getting all things from one container and putting them in the other, with no pauses. Be careful that you don't accidentally target the same container, or this will put you on an unending loop.
I believe you can end the loop by typing 'stop'.
Quote from: BadSkeelz on September 28, 2012, 05:22:23 PM
The commands
>l r
>look room
Will both give you the rdesc of whatever room you're in, minus all the ldescs of occupants. A useful tool if you habitually walk around with 'brief room.'
What if all you want is the ldescs?
>brief room
Didn't see this mentioned so I thought I'd throw it in.
When you assess someone, the taller/shorter than you message factors in whether or not they're wearing high-heeled shoes.
Quote from: Sanvean on November 29, 2012, 12:53:43 PM
Didn't see this mentioned so I thought I'd throw it in.
When you assess someone, the taller/shorter than you message factors in whether or not they're wearing high-heeled shoes.
This mud really does have everything now.
Quote from: Delirium on November 29, 2012, 01:56:32 AM
>brief room
Cool, thx!
Is there a neat little thing for checking the open/close status of all the containers you're wearing (without having to check each one individually i.e., cc, cb, cp, etc.)?
Quote from: benegesseritwitch on November 29, 2012, 04:18:04 PM
Quote from: Delirium on November 29, 2012, 01:56:32 AM
>brief room
Cool, thx!
Is there a neat little thing for checking the open/close status of all the containers you're wearing (without having to check each one individually i.e., cc, cb, cp, etc.)?
The closest thing I can think of would be to set up an alias like >nosey (alias: l i pack; l i belt; l i quiver; l i bag; l i 2.bag, etc). Down side would be having to change it for each PC or each time you added a new container.
Quote from: FantasyWriter on December 01, 2012, 05:53:37 PM
Quote from: benegesseritwitch on November 29, 2012, 04:18:04 PM
Quote from: Delirium on November 29, 2012, 01:56:32 AM
>brief room
Cool, thx!
Is there a neat little thing for checking the open/close status of all the containers you're wearing (without having to check each one individually i.e., cc, cb, cp, etc.)?
The closest thing I can think of would be to set up an alias like >nosey (alias: l i pack; l i belt; l i quiver; l i bag; l i 2.bag, etc). Down side would be having to change it for each PC or each time you added a new container.
This would be fairly easy to change in MushClient. And if you didn't remember if you removed a container or not, it would tell you if you removed it!
Actually I might set up this alias myself for whenever I can't find something I'm looking for in all the containers I keep on myself.
Something neat like
>think Argh where did I leave my chisel?
find *
keyword %1 pack
keyword %1 belt
keyword %1 cloak
keyword %1 quiver
On trigger "elf has arrived" : close pack;close pouch;close belt;watch elf
Quote from: Morrolan on December 04, 2012, 05:03:09 AM
On trigger "elf has arrived" : close pack;close pouch;close belt;watch elf
Bahahahaha. Elves.
You can CC character reports to multiple other clans rather than just an extra clan by ctrl+clicking.
Quote from: MeTekillot on December 11, 2012, 10:12:35 AM
You can CC character reports to multiple other clans rather than just an extra clan by ctrl+clicking.
Oooh, cool.
sit <chair> <table>
If you want to sit at a specific chair, you can! I never knew this before.
grab <item>
If it's not reachable.
Quote from: Barsook on January 11, 2013, 05:44:53 AM
grab <item>
If it's not reachable.
Shut the front door!
Quote from: ShaLeah on January 11, 2013, 07:16:11 AM
Quote from: Barsook on January 11, 2013, 05:44:53 AM
grab <item>
If it's not reachable.
Shut the front door!
What?! No.
From another container? I can't log in to check and now I AM CURIOUS.
Grab is an alias to hold.
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far #8(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- PART ONE - CLICK HERE! (http://www.zalanthas.org/gdb/index.php/topic,33156.msg712568.html#msg712568)
- "Brief room" will show all of the occupants, but not the room description.
- "Look room" (and its abbreviation, "l r") will show you the room description of the area you're in, without the occupants. If you walk around with "brief room", this is extremely helpful.
- When you assess someone, the taller/shorter than you message factors in whether or not they're wearing high-heeled shoes.
- You can CC character reports to multiple other clans rather than just an extra clan by ctrl+clicking.
- sit <chair> <table> - If you want to sit at a specific chair at a table, you can.
- grab <item> - This command is the same as the "hold" and "es" commands.
I will update this list for each new page of the thread. Please consult it before posting, to see if what you're pointing out has already been mentioned!
Yes, I have added everything new. If it's not at the end of the list, it's because I added it to a bullet point with a similar topic. Also, if you see any repeats, please let me know! I sometimes accidentally list something more then once.
I split it into two parts, since the post had "exceeded 20000 characters", and it won't let me post them. It shouldn't make reading it harder, though, since I linked the last post with everything in it. The new additions are in this post. :)
^.^ Amazing!
You can access armageddonmud.org through some filters that block Armageddon.org. I know this works with websense at the moment.
Quote from: bcw81 on January 18, 2013, 02:58:10 PM
You can access armageddonmud.org through some filters that block Armageddon.org. I know this works with websense at the moment.
I got all excited when I read this.
Then I tried it here at work.... no such luck.
The actual game itself, no, cannot be accessed because companies normally turn off all ports except their specific ones and the internet. But the website can - At least through Websense - be accessed like that.
It was the website I tried, no luck. :(
Slow times at work would be perfect for catching up on request tool/bio stuff.
Quote from: FantasyWriter on January 18, 2013, 11:24:39 PM
It was the website I tried, no luck. :(
Slow times at work would be perfect for catching up on request tool/bio stuff.
You could always write your bios in a word document (or even in notepad), and then put them in to the game/bio tool later.
>wave self
>You wave your hand in front of your face.
>wave mug
>You wave a tall, ceramic mug.
Quote from: FantasyWriter on January 18, 2013, 05:15:30 PM
Quote from: bcw81 on January 18, 2013, 02:58:10 PM
You can access armageddonmud.org through some filters that block Armageddon.org. I know this works with websense at the moment.
I got all excited when I read this.
Then I tried it here at work.... no such luck.
Back when I was Security at a Casino I would have to do at least 2 hours at the back door where I checked in staff. Which, was boring at 2 am, and they used Windows XP. Which, still used Telnet. And I was able to connect, and play. IT even caught me and was like " Meh, I don't care, nerd" LOL.
Also: I wish removing your pack, while wearing something on the torso, did not reveal back tattoos.
Quote from: Fredd on January 30, 2013, 05:31:10 PM
Also: I wish removing your pack, while wearing something on the torso, did not reveal back tattoos.
This thread is for neat little things the code actually does, not neat little things you wish it did...just an FYI.
At least we fixed/added this thing:
12/11/2012: Fix to issue with hiding ankle/shoulder/wrist descs -- Morgenes
12/11/2012: Added ability to specify what wrist/ankle/shoulder to wear -- Morgenes
What if shoulder stuff isn't hiding properly, still? Tattoos, etc.?
Quote from: Wolfsong on January 31, 2013, 01:53:03 AM
What if shoulder stuff isn't hiding properly, still? Tattoos, etc.?
It will hide if you have something you're wearing over that shoulder.
This engine does not have the support to have your badass cloak cover your badass shoulder tattoo and also your badass body.
Oops, sorry. I missunderstood what they were asking.
Quote from: Nyr on January 30, 2013, 10:52:58 PM
Quote from: Fredd on January 30, 2013, 05:31:10 PM
Also: I wish removing your pack, while wearing something on the torso, did not reveal back tattoos.
This thread is for neat little things the code actually does, not neat little things you wish it did...just an FYI.
At least we fixed/added this thing:
12/11/2012: Fix to issue with hiding ankle/shoulder/wrist descs -- Morgenes
12/11/2012: Added ability to specify what wrist/ankle/shoulder to wear -- Morgenes
Ooops wrong thread! But I do LOVE that update. can't say how many times i'v needed that in the past.
Just typing 'Eat" with nothing after, will eat the last object you picked up.
Typing "Eat Roguegunslinger", however, will yield an entirely different result.
Whisper now allows targeting yourself causing mumbling.
Quote from: greasygemo on January 12, 2013, 02:09:54 AM
^.^ Amazing!
OMG, does this mean wearing heels will make it slightly easier to bash/harder to be bashed?... Seems kind of, wrong, but, maybe.
>nod body
I don't know, but I like shit like this.
When you need to load multiple quivers, and do not need to load the first one, if you ">put arrow 2.quiver" that container will move to the top of your list, so that afterwards you need only ">put arrow quiver."
Not sure if it saves you any time, but it's something I've noticed.
Quote from: BadSkeelz on June 11, 2013, 05:54:27 PM
When you need to load multiple quivers, and do not need to load the first one, if you ">put arrow 2.quiver" that container will move to the top of your list, so that afterwards you need only ">put arrow quiver."
Not sure if it saves you any time, but it's something I've noticed.
This happens with all containers (bags, packs, etc) I hate it personally, because usually when I am doing this I am transferring items from one bag to the other and it becomes a complete nightmare.
Yes, the last saved item generally moves to the #1 position. Quiver, container ... whatever.
In your inventory:
three large bags
there's no god here
He is holding several large bags
large bags should be a karma-required item.
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far #9(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- PART ONE - CLICK HERE! (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg712568.html#msg712568)
- "Brief room" will show all of the occupants, but not the room description.
- "Look room" (and its abbreviation, "l r") will show you the room description of the area you're in, without the occupants. If you walk around with "brief room", this is extremely helpful.
- When you assess someone, the taller/shorter than you message factors in whether or not they're wearing high-heeled shoes.
- You can CC character reports to multiple other clans rather than just an extra clan by ctrl+clicking.
- sit <chair> <table> - If you want to sit at a specific chair at a table, you can.
- grab <item> - This command is the same as the "hold" and "es" commands.
- You can access armageddonmud.org through some filters that block Armageddon.org - The website, not the game.
- "Eat" without anything after it will eat the last thing you picked up.
- "whisper self" will cause mumbling.
- Something about bag order and quiver loading (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg758547.html#msg758547)
I will update this list for each new page of the thread. Please consult it before posting, to see if what you're pointing out has already been mentioned!
Yes, I have added everything new. If it's not at the end of the list, it's because I added it to a bullet point with a similar topic. Also, if you see any repeats, please let me know! I sometimes accidentally list something more then once.
Note: Edited to fix the link, which used zalanthas.org instead of gdb.armageddon.org
Quote from: HailTheAbyss on October 08, 2010, 02:41:43 PM
whisper me ....
You can't seem to get your mouth close enough to your ear...
I found this cute little gem... funny because now we can do this.
Quote from: FantasyWriter on July 28, 2013, 11:17:58 AM
>list merchant shield
(shows only the items with shield as a keyword)
Quote from: i can haz mantis on July 19, 2013, 11:24:30 PM
Quote from: HailTheAbyss on October 08, 2010, 02:41:43 PM
whisper me ....
You can't seem to get your mouth close enough to your ear...
I found this cute little gem... funny because now we can do this.
This is already on the list above. If you could check before posting things so we can avoid repeats as much as possible, that would be great. :)
It is funny the part you shared, but even a pre-fix like "I know this is listed already, but I found this old gem..." or what have you is wonderful.
Quote from: Barsook on July 28, 2013, 11:28:44 AM
Quote from: FantasyWriter on July 28, 2013, 11:17:58 AM
>list merchant shield
(shows only the items with shield as a keyword)
This is also already on the list. On the first part of the list (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg712568.html#msg712568) it's the 12th thing down. I know the list is getting long (it's too big for one GDB post), but I appreciate if you check it before posting. If you don't, I have to later. :-\
I would suggest speaking to staff to try to get a page on the main website set up for this.
Then once a month or so, you could send a request in with updated information.
That would help consolidate the information in a more accessible format, perhaps even find some way to sort them by category.
I'm not sure this would be useful as a helpfile. It's a massive list of things that are available already (or that should be available) in other helpfiles. Probably better to start a new thread and archive this one.
Would be better to sticky the most recent list that Taven made and archive the rest?
The most recent list links to an older list that has a ton of broken links in it due to the new website and GDB move. It's probably better to just make a new thread so that I can archive this one.
I see and why not, might be the best idea.
Quote from: Nyr on August 09, 2013, 10:41:44 AM
The most recent list links to an older list that has a ton of broken links in it due to the new website and GDB move. It's probably better to just make a new thread so that I can archive this one.
I have fixed all of the links on the older list, I believe.
I don't know if you want to start a new thread or not, but it should work now.
I feel like everyone should know that...
If you have a tent item and you want to live outside. That's fine.
Because if...
QuoteWindswept grassy plains NSEW
dood you're in the grass plains and there are bugs and birds and stuff. And grass. lots of grass.
>drop tent
>make tent
Windswept grassy plains NSEW
dood you're in the grass plains and there are bugs and birds and stuff. And grass. lots of grass.
A sand colored tent is pitched here.
****** AND THEN THE GAME CRASHES or they do maintenance and everything you just dropped disappeared!
no no no... not the tent.
QuoteWindswept grassy plains NSEW
dood you're in the grass plains and there are bugs and birds and stuff. And grass. lots of grass.
A sand colored tent is pitched here.
Why? Because the tent saves. And is a save room. So even the stuff you left in the tent will still be there. Yes. If any of you have wondered if this is possible. Yes. Anyplace that hase [save] is a save room and the stuff you leave there will not disappear during resets or crashes.
+NOTE - sometimes the game crashes before your save or something. Just send in a reimbursement request. The staff is real cool.
+NOTE - Yes. Even your mount will be saved in a save room
+NOTE - No. ... there is no law in the desert.
+NOTE: Tents aren't big enough to store mounts and mounts are only saved if you are in the same room as them when the game crashes/you quit... At least that's what I remember.
+NOTE: Sometimes if the game crashes even after you save you can lose stuff that you saved, so make sure you keep accurate records.
+NOTE: Leaving tents unattended welcomes thieves.
All your points are correct! (which is why I mentioned them) except that mounts do indeed save in save rooms. - which is also why I mentioned save rooms outside of your tent.
I know I saw it on here, I can just not remember the command. What is the command to add a temporary description to your long description?
Quote from: original on March 18, 2014, 02:24:18 PM
I know I saw it on here, I can just not remember the command. What is the command to add a temporary description to your long description?
Tdesc (http://www.armageddon.org/help/view/Tdesc)
Quote from: Molten Heart on March 18, 2014, 02:35:26 PM
Quote from: original on March 18, 2014, 02:24:18 PM
I know I saw it on here, I can just not remember the command. What is the command to add a temporary description to your long description?
Tdesc (http://www.armageddon.org/help/view/Tdesc)
So love tdesc I use this so much. Hair style changes, how dirty you are, if you got all bruised and banged up, rough night... This is a most excellent RP enhancement.
I've been playing for close to 14 years and here's something I just stumbled across by accident, and I'm not sure is doable on all clients, but..
You can (in CMUD at least) move around by making use of the directional keys on the keypad, instead of typing in what direction you wish to move.
Mudlet has that too. I think MUSH does too.
Good grief Pale Horse. Experiment much?
Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on April 22, 2014, 10:33:14 PM
Good grief Pale Horse. Experiment much?
So I'm a creature of habit..sue me!
It's SO much easier than typing every direction. Having Stop mapped to 5 has saved me so many time now as well....
Couldn't you just type in "n","w","e", and "s" (and also "u" and "d")? It's not that hard.
(enter after one of those)
Quote from: Barsook on April 23, 2014, 08:19:50 AM
Couldn't you just type in "n","w","e", and "s" (and also "u" and "d")? It's not that hard.
(enter after one of those)
See, that is what I have been doing all these years. And I still do, but now that I know about the directional keys..I may have to switch.
Quote from: Pale Horse on April 23, 2014, 11:09:55 AM
Quote from: Barsook on April 23, 2014, 08:19:50 AM
Couldn't you just type in "n","w","e", and "s" (and also "u" and "d")? It's not that hard.
(enter after one of those)
See, that is what I have been doing all these years. And I still do, but now that I know about the directional keys..I may have to switch.
I've known about these for years and I still type it in.
It's like 50% more efficient and all the directions are right there, instead of spread out across the keyboard. And then you can disable single direction commands like "n" so whenever you accidentally miss the L in "look north" or just "l n" you wont accidentally walk off the shield wall or away from your group.
Oh, right, DUH!
I don't use ^me in emotes but in aliases it can be nice. Also I like how you don't have to close the parentheses on action emotes:
alias o open pack (bringing it around to ^me front)
alias o close pack (shrugging it onto ^me shoulders)
> o
Bringing it around to your front, you open your leather pack.
> c [and then sigh
Shrugging it onto your shoulders, you close your leather pack, and then sigh.
Quote from: CodeMaster on April 24, 2014, 03:10:42 PM
I don't use ^me in emotes but in aliases it can be nice. Also I like how you don't have to close the parentheses on action emotes:
alias o open pack (bringing it around to ^me front)
alias o close pack (shrugging it onto ^me shoulders)
> o
Bringing it around to your front, you open your leather pack.
> c [and then sigh
Shrugging it onto your shoulders, you close your leather pack, and then sigh.
Stop being lazy. Your sex scenes will suck without the symbols.
what sex scenes?
Another cool trick I saw another player use: send an emote and a kill command to the MUD at the same time (or as close as possible: emote does a triple ninja flip!!; kill chef) and they stack up without a space between them. Almost as good as a command emote (which maybe there should be for the kill command).
Quote from: CodeMaster on April 24, 2014, 04:53:13 PM
what sex scenes?
say (shaking ^me head as #me sighs heavily) Newbs.
See, macros are nothing for movement...
Where they really shine is the look commands.
Quote from: slvrmoontiger on April 24, 2014, 05:56:12 PM
Quote from: CodeMaster on April 24, 2014, 04:53:13 PM
what sex scenes?
say (shaking ^me head as #me sighs heavily) Newbs.
Being a primarily FTB player who has rarely played the "stealth" guilds, I occasionally ask if it is really as bad as people make it out to be.
The answer is, by all accounts, a resounding yes.
Talking about Neat Little Things.
I like sniff room. I only discovered it recently, but there's some pretty neat descriptions for different rooms.
More NPCs than you think have talk scripts.
sniff room... Huh.
Quote from: MeTekillot on April 28, 2014, 02:10:32 AM
More NPCs than you think have talk scripts.
Most that I encounter do not, unfortunately.
That I do too.
Crappy. Every last one should have one, even just normal soldier npcs.
I want to see how long the code-lines are for just Discuss <NPC> name without the other parts before I say I want this.
I have a feeling the reason this is done only for specific NPC's is that it's both time consuming, code intensive, and would require a larger database (and therefore higher server rental) than we have at the moment.
Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 18, 2014, 08:09:18 PM
Crappy. Every last one should have one, even just normal soldier npcs.
I know I remember wanting to refer to a stable worker, and I was stuck with using a mix of the mdesc and sdesc...
You'd figure with what you trust some of these people (NPCs) with, you'd might learn their name over a time.
Although I could imagine all the work that be involved in trying to track down every NPC and find a unique name for each one.
You can drop an item and arrange it at the same time.
We all know about command emotes using square and round parentheses:
> l i bag (holding it open) [shaking its contents]
Holding it open, you look in your large bag, shaking its contents.
Did you know about the loosely documented asterisk version?
> l i bag [shaking its contents] *holding it open*
Holding it open, you look in your large bag, shaking its contents.
> l i bag (holding it open) *shaking its contents*
Holding it open, you look in your large bag, shaking its contents.
> l i bag *holding it open* *shaking its contents*
Holding it open, you look in your large bag, shaking its contents.
I like using keystrokes without needing the shift key. That is why I use em not ~ to start an emote.
Quote from: Bushranger on August 31, 2014, 10:16:18 AM
Quote from: Barsook on August 31, 2014, 10:15:11 AM
Quote from: Cutthroat on August 31, 2014, 10:14:01 AM
2) It will sit you on the seventh piece of furniture, whatever that may be (a table, a bar, a giant pillow, etc). 'look tables' will give you the numbered list.
Isn't "keyword table"?
Keyword is a modern addition to the code. Look tables is the legacy code specifically for tables/furniture in taverns.
Never knew this one.
Always start your arrange or drop descs with a ~ and a space to avoid that awful mandatory "is here"
No! Never begin a style guideline with Always.
Sometimes start an arrange or drop description with ~ and sometimes place ~ elsewhere in the sentence where it fits.
arrange MeTekillot Facing the wall ~ stands in the corner.
Probably something that everyone else already knows....but being a relatively new player, and completely new to
trying to incorporate thinks and feels, i recently discovered this thing that I thought was neat
Pc's can Dream if you use the 'think' command when sleeping!
Quote from: ShaLeah on April 24, 2014, 04:11:14 PM
Quote from: CodeMaster on April 24, 2014, 03:10:42 PM
I don't use ^me in emotes but in aliases it can be nice. Also I like how you don't have to close the parentheses on action emotes:
alias o open pack (bringing it around to ^me front)
alias o close pack (shrugging it onto ^me shoulders)
> o
Bringing it around to your front, you open your leather pack.
> c [and then sigh
Shrugging it onto your shoulders, you close your leather pack, and then sigh.
Stop being lazy. Your sex scenes will suck without the symbols.
You can do a variation on this to brighten up combat, if you're careful. You do NOT want to overuse stock emotes in combat, because they quickly loose all meaning. But, for example, I had a gladiator PC once. For each special action (kick, bash, disarm, subdue) I typed up not just one emote, but several possible ones I could use, as well as failure options. Ones for grabbing my weapon and so on. Because when you're a gladiator, it's your job to entertain, and you're gonna die pretty fast. Here's some examples:
Alias Name | | Movement/Action | | Emote |
a1 | | Attack | | shout (the finger bones clinking in ^me braids with each pounding step as #me rushes into the fray, swords swinging) AIIIIIIIIIIIE! |
a2 | | Attack | | Cautiously, @ circles, eyes narrowed. Only cursory attention is given to the red, blood-stained stand, and the corpses littering it--only enough attention as is needed to avoid tripping. Then, with a sudden movement, #me lashes out, snake-like. |
om1 | | Opponent's attack misses | | em Side stepping an attempted blow, @ brings both swords in a slashing arc at ^me opponent |
m1 | | Your attack misses | | em snarls as ^me swing narrowly misses ^me opponent, the blade's keen, bloody edge barely missing skin. |
rw1 | | Recovering your weapon | | em Snarling as ^me sword is knocked away, @ twists to the side, stooping for ~2.sword while trying to fend off attacks with ~sword
Those may not be the best examples, but you get the idea. If you program your aliases client side, you can make them responsive so you can actually target your opponent. In addition, you can also stack commands within the alias--IE, when you're trying to emote picking up that sword, you can actually add in the command to the alias to pick up the sword, as well.
The thing to remember is
DO NOT OVER USE OR ABUSE THIS because there's a point where pre-typed anything ceases to be an emote and starts to be spam. If every time you get disarmed, you use the same pre-aliased emote
there is something wrong. Aliases like the above are meant to help spice up special combat where you just don't have time to type.
Comprehensive List of Neat Little Things So Far #10(Avoid Repeats and Discussion Derails)
- PART ONE - CLICK HERE! (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg712568.html#msg712568)
- "Brief room" will show all of the occupants, but not the room description.
- "Look room" (and its abbreviation, "l r") will show you the room description of the area you're in, without the occupants. If you walk around with "brief room", this is extremely helpful.
- When you assess someone, the taller/shorter than you message factors in whether or not they're wearing high-heeled shoes.
- You can CC character reports to multiple other clans rather than just an extra clan by ctrl+clicking.
- sit <chair> <table> - If you want to sit at a specific chair at a table, you can.
- grab <item> - This command is the same as the "hold" and "es" commands.
- You can access armageddonmud.org through some filters that block Armageddon.org - The website, not the game.
- "Eat" without anything after it will eat the last thing you picked up.
- "whisper self" will cause mumbling.
- Something about bag order and quiver loading (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg758547.html#msg758547)
- Some MUD/MUSH clients support using the arrow keys to move directions, so you don't have to type out the direction or first letters of them
- If you set up a tent and the game crashes, it may still be there -- more details here (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg802352.html#msg802352)
- You can use the alias command to make your emotes have more flavor (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg817055.html#msg817055). Note that you don't want to over use this, because it will stop seeming like an emote to add pizzazz, and more a routine thing. It can also be useful for special combat cases (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg846339.html#msg846339).
- If you use the "think" command when sleeping, you will dream
- In addition to using () and [] to append emotes, you can also use ** (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,33156.msg838136.html#msg838136)
I will update this list for each new page of the thread. Please consult it before posting, to see if what you're pointing out has already been mentioned!
Yes, I have added everything new. If it's not at the end of the list, it's because I added it to a bullet point with a similar topic. Also, if you see any repeats, please let me know! I sometimes accidentally list something more then once.
I hope this a code related one:
Quote from: Tlaloc on August 30, 2003, 04:07:10 AM
It is possible to also 'Talk' to some NPCs, and some of them might have information on how to craft certain things. Look around in game, and explore the world. ;)
Quote from: Barsook on October 04, 2014, 08:44:31 AM
I hope this a code related one:
Quote from: Tlaloc on August 30, 2003, 04:07:10 AM
It is possible to also 'Talk' to some NPCs, and some of them might have information on how to craft certain things. Look around in game, and explore the world. ;)
This is already on the list, in part one:
Quote from: Taven on September 24, 2012, 06:09:31 PM
- Discuss - This is a command you can use with NPCs. Ex: Discuss bartender topics
"Discuss" is better then any of the other communication commands, because if it fails, it won't awkwardly echo.
Quote from: Taven on October 04, 2014, 02:50:51 PM
Quote from: Barsook on October 04, 2014, 08:44:31 AM
I hope this a code related one:
Quote from: Tlaloc on August 30, 2003, 04:07:10 AM
It is possible to also 'Talk' to some NPCs, and some of them might have information on how to craft certain things. Look around in game, and explore the world. ;)
This is already on the list, in part one:
Quote from: Taven on September 24, 2012, 06:09:31 PM
- Discuss - This is a command you can use with NPCs. Ex: Discuss bartender topics
"Discuss" is better then any of the other communication commands, because if it fails, it won't awkwardly echo.
Now why have I never been using discuss? That's good to know.
Related: Sometimes 'discuss <npc> topics' has nothing to offer but 'discuss <npc> name' does. (Assuming it works the same as 'talk' that is.)
I'm not sure how related this is to everything else here, since it's not really code, but it is technical, and having it multiple spots is good.
Quote from: Talia on October 23, 2014, 02:35:45 PM
Something that players probably don't know that might be helpful to know: If you submit your question as a non-clan question, instead of as a clan-related question/request, then your Storyteller can't answer it, only an Admin+ can. If you want your Storyteller(s) to read and answer, and assuming it's something actually related to your clan role or environment, submit it as a clan-related question/request.
Two things:
1. WRITE BOARD. This has happened to me once, and I've noticed it happen to a lot of people a lot. To save a message written to a board you have to WRITE BOARD afterwards. (Yeah, it's in the help, but it seems a lot of us forget.)
2. Can the Neat Little Things compile list go into FAQ or somewhere (or stickied there) or linked from there? I spent a lot of time trying to find this (I admit I'm terrible at searches). I remembered it was out there, but couldn't remember what it was called. I checked General Discussion first, and then Player Collaboration. Didn't suspect Code Discussion.
Quote from: nauta on October 27, 2014, 06:17:32 PM2. Can the Neat Little Things compile list go into FAQ or somewhere (or stickied there) or linked from there? I spent a lot of time trying to find this (I admit I'm terrible at searches). I remembered it was out there, but couldn't remember what it was called. I checked General Discussion first, and then Player Collaboration. Didn't suspect Code Discussion.
It is in Player Collaboration as well--I updated the list there (http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,41588.msg618493.html#msg618493). I think it was talked about being a helpfile or something else, but it's really just a giant conglomeration of things that can be found elsewhere, so it was opted against.
I hope that helps.
The 'squeeze' command.
Quote from: Recharge on October 31, 2014, 02:43:18 AM
The 'squeeze' command.
Please elaborate, I am unfamiliar with this command.
I tried it and it does appear to be a command.
Where, what, how, WHO ? ? ?
EDIT: Added spaces between the question marks to avoid the emoticon.
Another suggestion: VALUE. I used to think only people with the skill could use this command to get weights and values of objects. I love the list of neat little things, by the way. Love it!
Just remember that without the skill it is only an approximate weight/value (and may be wildly inacurate).
Have an item in your inventory or perhaps in you primary or secondary hand?
Simply type:
'squeeze <item>'
And you too, can enjoy this neat little feature!
Warning: do not try on kalan fruit unless you want all of your items to get the "fruity" tag.
For the record, squeeze is just one of the old build in emotes like laugh/cough/nod/shrug etc.
Did not know ...
Quote from: Morgenes on April 03, 2006, 11:43:15 AM
I've put in a change that will give a bonus to contact the person who is in contact with your mind. So if you contact back while your boss is still in contact with you, you'll have a greater chance of success. If your boss has moved on to contact another of his flunkeys, you'll be at where you were.
Quote from: Morgenes on June 10, 2009, 07:06:47 PM
In addition, we are adding a few bonuses to contact. Using a character's true-name to contact them will increase your chance of contacting them. Also, using multiple keywords will provide a smaller, limited benefit, showing that you are forming a more complete picture of who you are contacting. Neither of these bonuses affect PVP psionic contests (such as with barrier).
Glance command: http://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,17235.0.html
That's not in the game.
Oh, never mind.
Gloves cover rings, some cloaks will cover your torso and leg items when closed, and wearing things over your shoulders will hide things worn or tattooed on those shoulders.
In the middle of a hectic combat scenario and still trying to emote like the golden boy you are?
Ctrl+a, Ctrl+c, throw off a few coded actions, then ctrl+v and finish your emote. Don't worry about having to re-type your emotes ever again!
emote spinning in place, @ whips out
A scrab pinches at you, but you dodge out of the way.
ctrl+a, Ctrl+c, delete line
kick, bash
emote spinning in place, @ whips out a pair of scimitars, as well as a vicious kick.
Crt + x works better since that's cut. Saves you a step.
You can pre-arrange things in your inventory, and drop them later, and they will show
to the room however you arranged them.
Quote from: WanderingOoze on February 24, 2015, 11:58:16 AM
You can pre-arrange things in your inventory, and drop them later, and they will show
to the room however you arranged them.
Amazing. Another way to accomplish this is in the drop helpfile:
> drop head Flies buzzing around it, ~ is stuck on a stake here.
But I love your way to preload the arrangements. Definitely a nice segue from MeTekillot's post.
Is there away to return a fixed object to its default ldesc, apart from remembering to copy it before you change it?
Quote from: solera on February 24, 2015, 12:49:25 PM
Is there away to return a fixed object to its default ldesc, apart from remembering to copy it before you change it?
Hammer-code approach.
Arrange object .
<- extra periodwill result in
Object showing its default description .
<- extra period is extraCopy-Paste "showing its default description" portion
Arrange object ~ showing its default description
<- no extra periodwill result in
Object showing its default description.
Where reason fails, force prevails.
Thank you! You are a genius sir/madam. How do you know this stuff?
If you are sitting at a table, even if it is the 7th table in the room, when you put/get "table", it automatically uses the table you are sitting at.
Quote from: Down UnderIf you are sitting at a table, even if it is the 7th table in the room, when you put/get "table", it automatically uses the table you are sitting at.
Cool! Be warned that this doesn't appear to work for 'roll dice table,' though.
Will show all ranks in your clan - not sure if it works if you don't have recruiter/leader as a job.
Pssssst, the syntax for using those dead drops is to look at/examine a keyword in the room description and then open/close 'keyword'.
Quote from: Beethoven on February 25, 2015, 01:00:00 PM
Quote from: Down UnderIf you are sitting at a table, even if it is the 7th table in the room, when you put/get "table", it automatically uses the table you are sitting at.
Cool! Be warned that this doesn't appear to work for 'roll dice table,' though.
Craft a keyword for your table and it will put it first in the room's keywords for table. Roll dice table will work then.
Useless but neat.
If your overburdened PC drags their burden to another room, the arranged ldesc goes with it and drops with the burden.
Quote from: MeTekillot on February 27, 2015, 07:55:22 PM
Quote from: Beethoven on February 25, 2015, 01:00:00 PM
Quote from: Down UnderIf you are sitting at a table, even if it is the 7th table in the room, when you put/get "table", it automatically uses the table you are sitting at.
Cool! Be warned that this doesn't appear to work for 'roll dice table,' though.
Craft a keyword for your table and it will put it first in the room's keywords for table. Roll dice table will work then.
How do you "craft a keyword" for a table, please?
Craft broad.table
It will put the broad table first in the room keywords for table.
You guys have been using an alias for your emotes?
The only time i use 'alias' is when i play someone who can do magick things.
I have it for languages and disengage. But nothing else.
Quote from: Barsook on February 28, 2015, 05:28:46 PM
I have it for languages and disengage. But nothing else.
That takes out all the fun, then there are no more accidental sparring deaths :(
Isn't fleeing a better choose through?
Depends on how badass you want to look.
I think you can already type "dise" for disengage. Maybe even "dis"--not sure.
Dis is disarm, but dise will work.
Sweet, thanks for the tip.
You can be hidden in the city while leading a visible mount, making it look like the mount is walking around on their own.
Quote from: i love toilets on March 05, 2015, 06:11:43 AM
You can be hidden in the city while leading a visible mount, making it look like the mount is walking around on their own.
You can. If I do it, it's a complete accident, because it's one of those scenarios where I can only weakly justify not being visible. If there was a 'middle' degree of hide success that allowed you to be hidden from further away, but as people moved closer it becomes apparent there's something that makes you stick out, it'd be different.
Really just commenting to say it's neat, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend using this neat thing. :P
I've always wanted to grab a group of ten sneakies and make people shit themselves by dropping in with mounts.
I could be wrong, but I also believe that if you subdue a rat, and are hidden/sneaking it looks as if the rat is dragging itself along.
Life saving at the very least, yes.
Some of the first things I do after making a new PC.
>alias dis disarm
>alias we weather
>alias k asdfasdf
>alias go flee self
For mundanes who want to avoid accidental "You utter a useless incantation."
>alias cast asdfasdf
Quote from: FantasyWriter on March 14, 2015, 10:52:02 PM
Some of the first things I do after making a new PC.
>alias dis disarm
>alias we weather
>alias k asdfasdf
>alias go flee self
For mundanes who want to avoid accidental "You utter a useless incantation."
>alias cast asdfasdf
I thought dis already disarmed?
Oops, I meant:
>alias dis disengage
Quote from: FantasyWriter on March 14, 2015, 11:13:25 PM
Oops, I meant:
>alias dis disengage
I know Dise is disengage too, so it kind of isn't needed?
I use disengage much more than I do disarm, so I would rather have to disa than dise.
If you hold a keyring and use (un)lock, it allows you to find the right key and (un)lock that door that key goes to.
Quote from: Barsook on March 15, 2015, 07:59:20 AM
If you hold a keyring and use (un)lock, it allows you to find the right key and (un)lock that door that key goes to.
Funner fact
The more keys you have.
The longer it takes!
So that Met that somehow got into your apartment is going to make unlocking that door somehow more dramatic!
draw .
Draws the next available weapon from your belt, no matter what it is.
Quote from: CodeMaster on March 16, 2015, 06:14:54 PM
draw .
Draws the next available weapon from your belt, no matter what it is.
I love you for this. This is very helpful.
Command emotes can be seen from a distance with watch - unlike emotes done with the actual command "emote".
wave - you wave. (can be seen from a distance with watch)
emote wave - the so and so person wave. (cannot be seen from a distance with watch)
This also includes emotes after a command. Such as;
eat pie (face first) - with watch you will see that the person at the pie face first.
emote eats the pie face first - with watch you won't see that the person eats the pie face first.
[ed: sorry about this, it looks like there is some bug in the bbcode when quote and code tags are next to each other.]
[code][quote author=CodeMaster link=topic=33156.msg872904#msg872904 date=1426544094]
draw .
Draws the next available weapon from your belt, no matter what it is.
Turns out if some non-weapon is on your first belt slot, this won't work. So you have to:
> she <weapon>
> wear <belt pouch> on belt
in that order. Otherwise, if you hang these items on your belt in the opposite order, 'draw .' will try to draw the <belt pouch> instead of the <weapon>.[/code][/code]
No, that's it.
Just break.
Seriously, it's a command. Use it to get things in the wilds. I've had so many situations in which I was like "I wonder why I can't get X material"
You can also use break to break a bottle you're holding for a makeshift weapon. It has to be a bottle, though.
You can also use break to break open gurth shells. But don't do BREAK SHELL if you have an inix nearby.
Quote from: nauta on April 11, 2015, 08:13:52 PM
You can also use break to break open gurth shells. But don't do BREAK SHELL if you have an inix nearby.
While the Gurth is alive or?
I always just did "kill shell"
Quote from: nauta on April 11, 2015, 08:13:52 PM
You can also use break to break open gurth shells. But don't do BREAK SHELL if you have an inix nearby.
Break shell will not cause you to attack your inix.
Kill shell may yield bad results. However.
Who was the sadistic bastard who gave inix the fucking "shell" keyword anyway? Shelled I understand, but shell?
Yeah. Retcon that shit.
Quote from: MeTekillot on April 12, 2015, 01:34:07 AM
Who was the sadistic bastard who gave inix the fucking "shell" keyword anyway? Shelled I understand, but shell?
It's really only one inix that has that, and that has been changed as of this morning.
Quote from: Nyr on April 13, 2015, 09:29:46 AM
Quote from: MeTekillot on April 12, 2015, 01:34:07 AM
Who was the sadistic bastard who gave inix the fucking "shell" keyword anyway? Shelled I understand, but shell?
It's really only one inix that has that, and that has been changed as of this morning.
It was fixed by closing Tuluk! Zing!
(I know they grow in the wild and I know the inix seller will be in Tiny Tuluk.)
Quote from: nauta on April 13, 2015, 06:49:07 PM
It was fixed by closing Tuluk! Zing!
(I know they grow in the wild and I know the inix seller will be in Tiny Tuluk.)
With a quick tug, you pick a brown-shelled inix from a heavily drooping lizard tree.
This is neat:
Quote from: Rhyden on May 17, 2015, 09:40:11 PM
Also adding an emote to wearing something about the throat works a little differently than normal.
You have to do: "wear scarf (sweeping it around ^me shoulders) about throat"
Not necessarily neat, but probably helpful:
Quote from: Nyr on May 26, 2015, 02:34:01 PM
There was a change to room weight code calculations a few years back to better deal with such things (so that you can't actually put something down that would put you over the weight limit in a room).
This might help in understanding the problem with whatever room you are in:
- An empty container takes up the same amount of space that a full container might. Your bags, while empty, could take up as much space as a full bag, so the code won't let you drop them.
- Furniture (things that you can put things "on") can modify the overall weight limits of a room upwards.
- A combination of the above can mean that removing things from a room may well reduce its overall total capacity and you still can't put things down anywhere.
Best practices:
use "key ." to find the items in the room. Get rid of the things you don't need. If you have gotten rid of everything you don't need and there is still the same problem, you still have the same problem: too much stuff in the room.
You can thank packrats and hoarders of days gone by for this code. :)
Not really a code ''trick''.
But did you know it's possible to attack people's mounts?
As a raider that could be a great roleplay tool. Kill the mount and then what do they do? Run? How far?... When they're tired you then force them to roleplay. If they have to be somewhere ooc they can either quit out OOC-like or you can quit for them. (kill them)
or just let them go. You could even give them your mount so they can get someplace safe.
Quote from: Chettaman on June 30, 2015, 08:07:14 AM
Not really a code ''trick''.
But did you know it's possible to attack people's mounts?
As a raider that could be a great roleplay tool. Kill the mount and then what do they do? Run? How far?... When they're tired you then force them to roleplay. If they have to be somewhere ooc they can either quit out OOC-like or you can quit for them. (kill them)
or just let them go. You could even give them your mount so they can get someplace safe.
Fair warning: most mounts will rip your head off and squeeze a fist-size ball of dung down your neck.
Quote from: Synthesis on June 30, 2015, 09:36:09 AM
Quote from: Chettaman on June 30, 2015, 08:07:14 AM
Not really a code ''trick''.
But did you know it's possible to attack people's mounts?
As a raider that could be a great roleplay tool. Kill the mount and then what do they do? Run? How far?... When they're tired you then force them to roleplay. If they have to be somewhere ooc they can either quit out OOC-like or you can quit for them. (kill them)
or just let them go. You could even give them your mount so they can get someplace safe.
Fair warning: most mounts will rip your head off and squeeze a fist-size ball of dung down your neck.
As a side note, if they are out on a mount, they better have set some side aside to play. If I don't have a half hour to sit and play, I don't walk from 'Nak to 'Storm, a lot can happen in the waste (and usually does)
Not necessarily a trick to do with Arm specifically, but if you have awk installed and keep your logs together in a plaintext directory:
awk '/.* says, out of character:/{getline; print}' *.txt
will print out all the OOC your characters have ever heard.
Could also be useful for printing out everything you've heard a particular PC say (at least while unhooded).
When you view your biography entries on the website, they are timestamped with both the OOC time and IC time that you started the entry (not the last time you edited it).
You can make sure your timestamps are accurate by creating your bios in a timely fashion. Just drop a quick placeholder:
bio write Accepted into the Byn
and you can always change the title and contents at a later date.
Quote from: CodeMaster on August 14, 2015, 10:24:18 PM
bio write Accepted into the Byn
I've been doing this for awhile and it's super handy for remembering ooc when your year in a clan is up or whatever.
Hella useful.
Quote from: CodeMaster on August 14, 2015, 10:24:18 PM
When you view your biography entries on the website, they are timestamped with both the OOC time and IC time that you started the entry (not the last time you edited it).
You can make sure your timestamps are accurate by creating your bios in a timely fashion. Just drop a quick placeholder:
bio write Accepted into the Byn
and you can always change the title and contents at a later date.
Brilliant! Except it's 'add' not 'write'.
The timestamp for your first bio entry is also a handy reference for your PC's IC birthday, if you are playing the kind of character who would be aware of his or her birthday!
I didn't know this, thanks!
Quote from: Beethoven on August 15, 2015, 03:13:49 PM
The timestamp for your first bio entry is also a handy reference for your PC's IC birthday, if you are playing the kind of character who would be aware of his or her birthday!
Want to 'enter' that tunnel and don't feel like typing out tunnel?
en .
[Looks like your inventory's got to be empty for this one to work]
>shake person/object shakes the object or the person's hand.
Quote from: The Silence of the Erdlus on November 05, 2015, 08:13:29 PM
>shake person/object shakes the object or the person's hand.
And shake tent echoes to the people inside the tent.
Someone shakes the tent.
the search command will alert you if something has been buried in the room.
To search for buried items Forage artifacts will let ya do it.
I think
Pretty sure.
Happy treasure hunting.
Quote from: LauraMars on November 24, 2015, 06:23:42 PM
Quote from: Hauwke on November 24, 2015, 06:20:53 PM
No i dont write bios after they are dead. I cant log so I dont rofl. But I did write the bios you can do while they are alive. I think I wrote a few.
You can write biography entries after a character has died if you do it from the website.
Log in to your account on armageddon.org, select "biographies" from the dropdown menu, and then choose your deceased character. At the bottom of the list of biography entries will be a green "new entry" button.
I did not know this!
>Junk (without a target)
will junk the first item in your inventory.
Quote from: Chettaman on January 28, 2016, 08:16:51 AM
>Junk (without a target)
will junk the first item in your inventory.
FYI Not so cool when it's your backpack and you don't notice.
> get hat shelf
You get a leather hat from the shoe shelf.
> get cap shelf
You get a silk cap from the shoe shelf.
> get helm shelf
You get a chitin helm from the shoe shelf.
> put . case
> put . case
> put . case
You put a chitin helm in the hat case.
You put a silk cap in the hat case.
You put a leather hat in the hat case.
Change Tdesc can be shortened to just 'Tdesc' to start up the text editor. Who knew!
tell him Git outta here.
You say to the tressy tresses man, in sirihish,
"Git outta here.
If your target is the only male/female or maybe top stacked male/female character in the room, can use him/her as a keyword.
Quote from: Akariel on January 29, 2016, 07:59:45 AM
Change Tdesc can be shortened to just 'Tdesc' to start up the text editor. Who knew!
I actually thought that was the normal syntax, as SOI veteran where it's just 'dmote' not 'change dmote' [description 'emote'].
follow has no delay associated with it, so you can change who you're following (or follow self) while you're consumed by Way lag, movement lag, or combat lag.
Often times scan will only be good enough to pick up someone hidden in, say 1 out of 3 'looks'. If you're having this problem and want to target the thing, I suggest you spam 'watch shadow' a couple times, and then you'll keep it in sight so you can target it for emotes or other things without having to spam the command. Useful in certain situations.
Follow just allow will tell you who you are following.
Teapots eat things ( and thus make the world a little neater). :-\
So for all the people who might not know about keyword, it's by far the most powerful tool I've found in Arm. "keyword ." will list everything you can see in the room, with their orders. "keyword him"/"keyword her" will list everyone of the given gender. It can be used on containers too, including ones you are wearing, something that count doesn't have the ability to do. "keyword red backpack" will list out all the red items in the backpack in the order they're in. If a group rolls up on you and start using names, "keyword name" will let you know who is talking to who as well.
Quote from: lostinspace on May 16, 2016, 04:50:48 PM
So for all the people who might not know about keyword, it's by far the most powerful tool I've found in Arm. "keyword ." will list everything you can see in the room, with their orders. "keyword him"/"keyword her" will list everyone of the given gender. It can be used on containers too, including ones you are wearing, something that count doesn't have the ability to do. "keyword red backpack" will list out all the red items in the backpack in the order they're in. If a group rolls up on you and start using names, "keyword name" will let you know who is talking to who as well.
Adding on, but you can now use "k ." in lieu of "keyword ."
Quote from: BadSkeelz on May 16, 2016, 05:06:07 PM
Quote from: lostinspace on May 16, 2016, 04:50:48 PM
So for all the people who might not know about keyword, it's by far the most powerful tool I've found in Arm. "keyword ." will list everything you can see in the room, with their orders. "keyword him"/"keyword her" will list everyone of the given gender. It can be used on containers too, including ones you are wearing, something that count doesn't have the ability to do. "keyword red backpack" will list out all the red items in the backpack in the order they're in. If a group rolls up on you and start using names, "keyword name" will let you know who is talking to who as well.
Adding on, but you can now use "k ." in lieu of "keyword ."
"Key" also works.
I use it all the time!
Quote from: lostinspace on May 16, 2016, 04:50:48 PM
So for all the people who might not know about keyword, it's by far the most powerful tool I've found in Arm. "keyword ." will list everything you can see in the room, with their orders. "keyword him"/"keyword her" will list everyone of the given gender. It can be used on containers too, including ones you are wearing, something that count doesn't have the ability to do. "keyword red backpack" will list out all the red items in the backpack in the order they're in. If a group rolls up on you and start using names, "keyword name" will let you know who is talking to who as well.
Holy shit. How long has this been in the game?
Quote from: WarriorPoet on May 18, 2016, 08:10:48 PM
Quote from: lostinspace on May 16, 2016, 04:50:48 PM
So for all the people who might not know about keyword, it's by far the most powerful tool I've found in Arm. "keyword ." will list everything you can see in the room, with their orders. "keyword him"/"keyword her" will list everyone of the given gender. It can be used on containers too, including ones you are wearing, something that count doesn't have the ability to do. "keyword red backpack" will list out all the red items in the backpack in the order they're in. If a group rolls up on you and start using names, "keyword name" will let you know who is talking to who as well.
Holy shit. How long has this been in the game?
Quite a long time.
If you have a lot of something, and the merchant is out of coins, you can still offer to sell it at a loss, e.g.:
>offer sandwich
The blistered, dark-skinned man says to you:
"Let's keep the price at 30 obsidian coins, shall we?"
The blistered, dark-skinned man says to you:
"I don't have that much money. Wanna sell it for less?"
>offer sandwich 20
The blistered, dark-skinned man says to you:
"That sounds good to me."
You give the blistered, dark-skinned man a sandwich in exchange for 20 obsidian coins.
I find myself selling a whole bunch of things to merchants for 0 coins. As if I were selling one item for like 70 coins as well as some little bits just because I do so much business with them anyway and I wanna see them prosper.
Off-topic-ish but I wish merchants would respond with, "I can't afford to give you what I normally would, but I can give [insert how much coin they have left]."
Extinguish the light source you're holding.
Quote from: Dan on May 26, 2016, 05:06:20 PM
Off-topic-ish but I wish merchants would respond with, "I can't afford to give you what I normally would, but I can give [insert how much coin they have left]."
sometimes they lie to you.
All the time I'll be selling something and they'll be like,
"Nah, you're worse than a nomad!"
and then I'll offer something else and sometimes - very seldom do they respond with,
"I'll give ya 10 coins."
or am I just crazy? I swear I've thought this for the passed 10 years.
also - I effing love you, codemaster.
I hate typing the whole word out. Just when I thought there were no more little things to learn.
I'm a noob, but maybe some people browsing here don't know:
You can just 'put <item> <container>' even if it's worn on your form and the code will automatically remove it first. Hurrah!
Heh. I just figured that out a couple of weeks ago. The Diku base doesn't allow for it, only checking inventory for items, so I never expected that such functionality existed here. :)
Quote from: Miradus on June 21, 2016, 10:44:08 AM
Heh. I just figured that out a couple of weeks ago. The Diku base doesn't allow for it, only checking inventory for items, so I never expected that such functionality existed here. :)
It gets wonky with things you are EP/ESing. I think DIKU rears its head there, and doesn't recognize that you have anything in your inventory, so you have to remove them first.
I have no trouble using this function with things I'm ep/esing. I'm talking about tools, anyway. As for weapons, I'm not sure.
It will also sometimes cause some wonkiness *FUN* with keywords.
(primary hand) a bone longsword
An enormous half giant in a dun cloak and looking for action says, "Hey, stupid. We don't allow you to wield weapons here."
put bone pack
[Removing them first]
You put the bone-reinforced pants into your canvas pack.
An enormous half giant's eyebrows go up.
'put bone.longsword pack' easy as that.
To find out what your 'healing point' is for hitpoints, it's 55% of your maximum, rounded up.
Now -that- is interesting armaddict. I have always wanted to know that.
Quote from: Molten Heart on September 08, 2016, 11:18:51 PM
A coin of black-painted soapstone lies here.
>Flip soapstone
You flip a black-painted soapstone coin and it comes up: a smiling face.
>Flip soapstone
You flip a black-painted soapstone coin and it comes up: many small bubbles.
Those coins you can flip from your inventory. White ones too.
Obsidian coins you can flip if they're in the room.
If you get a single obsidian coin it acts really weirdly. You can drop it in the room and flip it, yes, but you can't hold it or target it very effectively.
Quote from: path on September 10, 2016, 12:30:11 PM
If you get a single obsidian coin it acts really weirdly. You can drop it in the room and flip it, yes, but you can't hold it or target it very effectively.
That's because DIKU was actually created by satan to frustrate roleplayers.
shove a tablet into the mouth of someone who is sleeping/paralyzed/subdued.
-The victim is unconscious (small chance they will choke and spit it up)
-The victim is paralyzed (small chance they will choke and spit it up)
-The victim is subdued (chance to resist)
This made me so, so giddy.
Quote from: Majikal on September 12, 2016, 04:59:33 PM
shove a tablet into the mouth of someone who is sleeping/paralyzed/subdued.
-The victim is unconscious (small chance they will choke and spit it up)
-The victim is paralyzed (small chance they will choke and spit it up)
-The victim is subdued (chance to resist)
This made me so, so giddy.
>use black.tablet amos
What a wonderful time to be a warrior.
I just want to point out that the new bit of code is for vials, not tablets. You still can't shove a tablet into someone's mouth; using a vial is the way to go.
subdue yousuff
use black.tablet.vial yousuff
Quote from: Talia on September 12, 2016, 06:32:49 PM
I just want to point out that the new bit of code is for vials, not tablets. You still can't shove a tablet into someone's mouth; using a vial is the way to go.
Can there be a nosave for subdued vial application? Or can nosave subdue be modified to include not resisting something forced down your throat?
Saves from subdue... drink this or die... resist... um... shit.
Quote from: Talia on September 12, 2016, 06:32:49 PM
I just want to point out that the new bit of code is for vials, not tablets. You still can't shove a tablet into someone's mouth; using a vial is the way to go.
>subdue talia
>use vial talia
Happy? ;D
Quote from: whitt on September 12, 2016, 06:58:37 PM
Can there be a nosave for subdued vial application? Or can nosave subdue be modified to include not resisting something forced down your throat?
Saves from subdue... drink this or die... resist... um... shit.
If you don't want to resist it...just have them hand it to you and drink it yourself? :P
Quote from: yousuff on September 12, 2016, 07:05:31 PM
>subdue talia
>use vial talia
Happy? ;D
Well, you can TRY, but it's unlikely you'll pass your check on a giant spider...
Quote from: Talia on September 12, 2016, 07:07:09 PM
If you don't want to resist it...just have them hand it to you and drink it yourself? :P
I don't think you can if you are currently subdued. I might be wrong.
Quote from: whitt on September 12, 2016, 08:04:31 PM
Quote from: Talia on September 12, 2016, 07:07:09 PM
If you don't want to resist it...just have them hand it to you and drink it yourself? :P
I don't think you can if you are currently subdued. I might be wrong.
Why would they have you subdued if you willingly wanted to drink something?
Quote from: yousuff on September 12, 2016, 08:18:42 PM
Why would they have you subdued if you willingly wanted to drink something?
Um, they wouldn't?
Gal A and Gal B accost Fella C.
Gal A Subdues Fella C.
Gal B says, "Now. You're gonna drink this or my friend there kills ya."
Sure, Gal A could release the subdual, then Gal B could give the vial to Fella C, and Fella C could drink it after which Gal A subdue Fella C again... or...
Gal B pours vial Fella C.
use vial, whitt. use vial.
Was there a trick to get an object to revert back to its database ldesc with 'arrange'?
If you 'get object' then 'drop object' it will, but some objects are too heavy to get.
Quote from: whitt on February 24, 2015, 01:55:48 PM
Quote from: solera on February 24, 2015, 12:49:25 PM
Is there away to return a fixed object to its default ldesc, apart from remembering to copy it before you change it?
Hammer-code approach.
Arrange object . <- extra period
will result in
Object showing its default description . <- extra period is extra
Copy-Paste "showing its default description" portion
Arrange object ~ showing its default description <- no extra period
will result in
Object showing its default description.
Where reason fails, force prevails.
Things you can do with tents:
> shake tent
You shake the tent.
> break tent
You quickly destroy a small, white tent.
(See HELP TENT for 'make tent' and 'roll tent' as well.)
wait, BREAK TENT is a thing?
your mudsex-in-a-tent days are over motherfuckers.
I don't know if it works while people are inside it -- I'd hope not!
I discovered it while thinking "I'll break camp." Then: break tent. Oh fuck.
Tents can absolutely be destroyed while people are inside.
Quote from: Delirium on September 27, 2016, 11:17:06 AM
Tents can absolutely be destroyed while people are inside.
By NPCs no less.
Quote from: nauta on September 27, 2016, 11:14:11 AM
I discovered it while thinking "I'll break camp." Then: break tent. Oh fuck.
This made me laugh.
someone needs to make a tent that cant be broken with the break or kill command. or a small wooden hut on wheels.
Quote from: Cabooze on September 27, 2016, 04:56:45 PM
someone needs to make a tent that cant be broken with the break or kill command. or a small wooden hut on wheels.
A wagon?
So, in case this hasn't been mentioned:
Syntax: pull bark branch.
If it has been mentioned, then you probably didn't know that some type of meat (read the mdesc for more detailsl) can now do:
Syntax: pull guts meat.
Yay! Thanks, Imms!
Edited to add:
You can apparantly 'pull sinew legs' too.
You can specify which drink to drink by the keyword of the drink itself, not just the container!
Syntax: drink ale
an empty mug
put ale bar
You don't see that here.
Idea - craftable trenchcovers. Give them a decent wood frame, thick leather.. And then you also require a shovel to place them. While closed, it behaves as a hidden room. It requires high-advanced scan to detect them unless they are open. The inside is a a decent-sized space. Maybe bigger if you get more covers and wish up??? idk. We need things that we can solo-build out in the wastes. Give us that feel like we can do anything in the game world.
Quote from: Cabooze on October 05, 2016, 01:47:04 AM
Idea - craftable trenchcovers. Give them a decent wood frame, thick leather.. And then you also require a shovel to place them. While closed, it behaves as a hidden room. It requires high-advanced scan to detect them unless they are open. The inside is a a decent-sized space. Maybe bigger if you get more covers and wish up??? idk. We need things that we can solo-build out in the wastes. Give us that feel like we can do anything in the game world.
I know of a few 'hidden' areas that would work as a little base in the sands.
That being said most are in the north and simply work because I dont see people up there often.
Quote from: Kankman on October 03, 2016, 10:47:47 PM
You can specify which drink to drink by the keyword of the drink itself, not just the container!
Syntax: drink ale
an empty mug
put ale bar
You don't see that here.
Works with spice too. Sniff kemen.
May be the wrong thread to ask, but can anyone help me with the syntax to pike a -beheaded- head on a spear?
Quote from: gotdamnmiracle on October 17, 2016, 09:24:21 AM
May be the wrong thread to ask, but can anyone help me with the syntax to pike a -beheaded- head on a spear?
Unless I'm crazy you actually can't but you just use arrange on the head.
Yeah, afaik, you'd have to arrange the head (which would decompose after a while) or the spear (which wouldn't decompose).
Quote from: Jihelu on October 17, 2016, 09:34:27 AM
Quote from: gotdamnmiracle on October 17, 2016, 09:24:21 AM
May be the wrong thread to ask, but can anyone help me with the syntax to pike a -beheaded- head on a spear?
Unless I'm crazy you actually can't but you just use arrange on the head.
I feel like I've been living a lie.
hold flute
play flute
With various musical instruments, you can use the 'play' command. I never knew this! I always tried 'use' and failed or made up the emote.
Quote from: nauta on November 19, 2016, 03:36:32 PM
hold flute
play flute
With various musical instruments, you can use the 'play' command. I never knew this! I always tried 'use' and failed or made up the emote.
I only just found out myself! They are simplistic but the echoes are great!
What does it do? Does it act like recite where you input what and how you ware reciting, similar to an emote?
Quote from: gotdamnmiracle on November 19, 2016, 11:32:34 PM
What does it do? Does it act like recite where you input what and how you ware reciting, similar to an emote?
If I recall, it's very basic and generic.
It says something like:
You play a tune on <instrument>.
The syntax is 'play instrument' and the echo is 'you play a tune on 'instrument'. (I think)
It produces a generic echo associated with the instrument (so it's not the same echo for all instruments). Some are kind of interesting and helpful.
Quote from: manipura on November 20, 2016, 12:04:04 AM
Quote from: gotdamnmiracle on November 19, 2016, 11:32:34 PM
What does it do? Does it act like recite where you input what and how you ware reciting, similar to an emote?
If I recall, it's very basic and generic.
It says something like:
You play a tune on <instrument>.
The syntax is 'play instrument' and the echo is 'you play a tune on 'instrument'. (I think)
Can you add an emote to it with open and closed parentheses? I like the idea, to start off a music session at least, so people know that you're about to rock some jams, but it seems like emoting the rest of it is pretty appropriate.
It is not an emote that accepts commands. It's almost like a stock emote usable only when an instrument is held.
It's a good way to keep ambiance in a room, or if you are in a bar, to hit intermittently so newcomers know what is happening.
You can also use pose to "is here, playing a flute". In that regard, newcomers would (maybe) notice what's going on.
pose = change ldesc? neat.
You can continue to 'taste' a food after you're too full to eat, although you're going to eat it in tiny amounts.
Quote from: evilcabbage on November 21, 2016, 01:50:54 AM
pose = change ldesc? neat.
Yeah, sorry. It's change ldesc.
It's pose on another mud I play and to avoid confusion I'd aliased 'change ldesc' to pose here. :)
or alias change ldesc to pose on the other mud. we are superior. our commands are superior.
you will join us or die.
Quote from: a french mans shirt on November 21, 2016, 06:50:42 AM
You can continue to 'taste' a food after you're too full to eat, although you're going to eat it in tiny amounts.
Further, you can taste things you normally wouldn't eat, such as herbs, and often derive neat information from it.
taste wafer
This tastes thin.
Quote from: Nergal on November 26, 2016, 02:15:08 PM
When you scribble, it has a default ldesc, but the scribble is an object like anything else. You can 'arrange' it to say whatever you want, for example: arrange scribble ~ is on the wall here.
Most awesome thing ever.
' is say.
Quote from: nauta on November 19, 2016, 03:36:32 PM
hold flute
play flute
With various musical instruments, you can use the 'play' command. I never knew this! I always tried 'use' and failed or made up the emote.
This is, if I recall correctly, a Sanvean addition to the game.
We can look at expanding the 'use' command to do the same thing as 'play' since that may be why so many are unaware of it.
Quote from: nessalin on January 23, 2017, 03:37:04 PM
Quote from: nauta on November 19, 2016, 03:36:32 PM
hold flute
play flute
With various musical instruments, you can use the 'play' command. I never knew this! I always tried 'use' and failed or made up the emote.
This is, if I recall correctly, a Sanvean addition to the game.
We can look at expanding the 'use' command to do the same thing as 'play' since that may be why so many are unaware of it.
This is by far one of the coolest things in the game. If it got linked to use, it'd see a bit more use... but can these be tailored to each individual instrument? Or can the echos reach other rooms? I love that "play" when using a whistle produces a shrill sound, but if its only for in room the possibilities are kinda meh.
Heheheheh. Whistles scare the crap out of people in adjacent rooms.
Quote from: WithSprinkles on January 24, 2017, 03:34:26 AM
Heheheheh. Whistles scare the crap out of people in adjacent rooms.
Is this legit? I want to knoooow.
Might vary by whistle. Some don't seem to be loud enough.
Quote from: Riev on January 23, 2017, 03:45:37 PM
Quote from: nessalin on January 23, 2017, 03:37:04 PM
Quote from: nauta on November 19, 2016, 03:36:32 PM
hold flute
play flute
With various musical instruments, you can use the 'play' command. I never knew this! I always tried 'use' and failed or made up the emote.
This is, if I recall correctly, a Sanvean addition to the game.
We can look at expanding the 'use' command to do the same thing as 'play' since that may be why so many are unaware of it.
This is by far one of the coolest things in the game. If it got linked to use, it'd see a bit more use... but can these be tailored to each individual instrument? Or can the echos reach other rooms? I love that "play" when using a whistle produces a shrill sound, but if its only for in room the possibilities are kinda meh.
Instruments have an instrument type. Some are normal like 'drum' 'flute' others are more esoteric. Each type has its own message.
While the regular instrument only work for in-room messages, there are some one-off items that message adjacent rooms.
We used to make whistles for halflings and mantis that would send messages 1-5 rooms away. The mantis because they don't really talk like mammals and were simple whistles that everyone heard the same message. For halflings they were for hunting. non-halflings would have a minor chance to see an echo about random bird song, halflings would hear specific messages in the whistle 'flee' 'help' 'prey here' 'hide'.
Every time I hear about halflings, I cry. Why, Nessalin, why? Why do you make me cry?
But this just gave me a plot idea.
Also, all this is so very cool.
Quote from: nauta on January 24, 2017, 10:46:24 AM
Every time I hear about halflings, I cry. Why, Nessalin, why? Why do you make me cry?
But this just gave me a plot idea.
Also, all this is so very cool.
Did you know...
If you have a mount hitched, you can just type 'mount' to mount it. You don't need to try to target it at all.
Also, if you are riding a mount, you can type 'rest' to dismount AND rest the mount.
If you have multiple mounts hitched, "mount" by itself will always target the most recently hitched mount.
>hitch sunlon
>hitch war
You mount the war beetle.
what is the code syntax to use the izdari sets?
Not sure if this has been said, but I just realized when emoting you can use different symbols on yourself!
i.e. %me for sdesc's/your or !me for him/her/you
Not necessary I guess, but I thought that was neat.
Quote from: rohenne on March 14, 2020, 04:51:44 AM
what is the code syntax to use the izdari sets?
See this link to the staff announcement about Izdari boards! You must have the board in order to "use board help" I believe.
Brief taste removes the echos from food and drink.
asses room helps you to know who is at state, if in combat.
It takes some practice for me, but I like that you can both emote your drop and arrange it, with a single drop command as in (from the helpfile): drop (shoving it on a stake) head [and wipes ^me hands] Flies buzzing around it, ~ is stuck on a stake here.
Also, Barsook, you put the emPHAsis on the wrong syLABle.
Look wounds body/on body
I use it for forensic analysis
If you have a heavy bag to carry around in a city why not "hold it" in your es hand? It'll contribute less to your burden thataway.
Quote from: Lotion on December 19, 2021, 05:52:41 PM
If you have a heavy bag to carry around in a city why not "hold it" in your es hand? It'll contribute less to your burden thataway.
Sometimes it is too heavy to 'use'
If a PC is not wearing ANY clothing, the game adds 'naked' to their sdesc, so instead of seeing 'The tall, thin man stands here.' you see 'The naked tall, thin man stands here.'
Quote from: Fragmented on January 15, 2022, 09:17:56 PM
If a PC is not wearing ANY clothing, the game adds 'naked' to their sdesc, so instead of seeing 'The tall, thin man stands here.' you see 'The naked tall, thin man stands here.'
Also, if you only wear some wispy garments ... like shifts. :|
Naked is when you have no items that would cover your "trunk" I think it is, this means "on legs", "around body", and "on trunk" slots are empty. You can run around wearing a shirt, boots, and still be naked.
Quote from: Lotion on January 20, 2022, 03:28:27 AM
Naked is when you have no items that would cover your "trunk" I think it is, this means "on legs", "around body", and "on trunk" slots are empty. You can run around wearing a shirt, boots, and still be naked.
Naked is when you don't have anything on the pelvis location, so as long as you've got your underoos on, you're good!
Did you know? 'craft X' when X is an object in a room will bring that object to the top of the 'look' list, as if you had picked up and dropped that item. Helpful for changing order of items that you can't or don't want to pick up and drop.
It will also do the same if the object is on/in the first container item.
Then I learn: "use <oil> self"
A 'Lootbag' is a filthy, dark leather bag.
It can be held in either hand (unless changes have happened. As of 0ct 17th, you can at least es it).
If you do es lootbag (a hidden keyword bag the way, you can discover hidden keywords by tossing items into other rooms) then the weight of that bag is reduced, it's less weight than in your regular inventory.
People with low agility can hold more items by filling up their inventory, es'ing an item, picking up one more, then rs'ing that item. For instance, if you're holding that lootbag, you can just get all, put all lootbag, and when it's full, you rs lootbag and draw your weapons. Now you're loaded down and armed again, but you can drop your bulk with one item to be ready for a fight. Or, kindly walk up and offer it to someone, then attack them. Why not, i don't know you. Use this appropriately.
Lootbags are made for criminals in that they are also closeable, some of the few 'bags' that are closeable. IIRC they have very large capacity.
Now, get out there and custom craft something similar, but completely disguised so we can have new power items that only you and those who explore and rp find out about. Happy Arming.
Quote from: Feu de Joie on October 17, 2023, 12:09:34 PMA 'Lootbag' is a filthy, dark leather bag.
It can be held in either hand (unless changes have happened. As of 0ct 17th, you can at least es it).
If you do es lootbag (a hidden keyword bag the way, you can discover hidden keywords by tossing items into other rooms) then the weight of that bag is reduced, it's less weight than in your regular inventory.
People with low agility can hold more items by filling up their inventory, es'ing an item, picking up one more, then rs'ing that item. For instance, if you're holding that lootbag, you can just get all, put all lootbag, and when it's full, you rs lootbag and draw your weapons. Now you're loaded down and armed again, but you can drop your bulk with one item to be ready for a fight. Or, kindly walk up and offer it to someone, then attack them. Why not, i don't know you. Use this appropriately.
Lootbags are made for criminals in that they are also closeable, some of the few 'bags' that are closeable. IIRC they have very large capacity.
Now, get out there and custom craft something similar, but completely disguised so we can have new power items that only you and those who explore and rp find out about. Happy Arming.
I'm in favor, but only because my OSRS-Armageddon hybrid game surely cannot arrive soon enough
Quote from: Feu de Joie on October 17, 2023, 12:09:34 PMOr, kindly walk up and offer it to someone, then attack them. Why not, i don't know you. Use this appropriately.
"Yes, that would probably get you force stored." (https://gdb.armageddon.org/index.php/topic,54106.msg1019606.html#msg1019606)
Another neat little thing. For those of you like me, whose jokes go unnoticed, you can use /s at the end of a sentence to denote a joke. Otherwise, some people will take you seriously.
Most scenarios that can be justified in the player's mind as 'In all of history, it has to have happened at least ONE time! It must be possible, under some crazy, outlying circumstance', aren't usually scenarios that can be justified.
Here's another neat little thing- nosave receive
Turning this on can make it where you do not accept gifts, because at one time, we had a problem with people immediately attacking after giving big, bulky items, and for those of us who lived through these terrible times, nosave receive was a gift from above./s It wasn't that bad.
if you are an interesting character people will often let you get away with SO MUCH bullshit because they just wanna see what will happen next
'Key .' shows all items in a room, including semi-hidden items/objects and enterable things. (Like poop, some plants in some places etc.)
It also shows items on tables, cots and storage items that you can put stuff ON, but not in.
Also 'key . all' will search through all open containers.
Quote from: cnemus on July 11, 2024, 01:46:55 PMAlso 'key . all' will search through all open containers.
...in the room. Sadly, it does not seem to search containers you are holding/wearing currently. Would be a great addition to awesome code. :D
You can 'arrange' a scribble.