Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 03:25:02 PM

Title: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 03:25:02 PM
This is a place to post your most inspiring/heart wrenching scenes from Armageddon over the years. (More than a year old and not containing any characters that  you know to still be alive of course.)

I cant remember who I was playing at the time, but I remember years ago watching my Byn Sergeant Stevith give "burial rights" to a fellow Bynner of ours who died. I cant remember how they died, I want to say it was from IMM animated gith we ended up defeating. Either way I remember we covered the body with a cloak, of course we took what items were more interesting in true Bynner spirit, and then we left the corpse to the buzzards, the way it should be. I remember watching my Byn Sergeant and I truly felt like the player of that character was feeling the loss of one of his beloved underlings. Back in the city, he proceeded to get a bit drunk, and then punch an elf in the face out of saddness turned to anger.

It was epic, and it made me love the game just that much more.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 03:29:44 PM
I was playing a Byn Sergeant named Rellion at one point a while back and me and my men were out doing a "spider run" for a templar.

Well we were riding along and wouldnt you know there just happened to be eight tarantulas all in the same square who rushed us. I was leading and pulled the men away before the spiders could aggro-attack us, but they started beating on a Trooper of mine named Marta before I could get away, so I led the entire group blindly back into the fray in an attempt to save the lone Trooper. (Probably not a smart decision, but a noble and honorable one. My Sergeant loved his Troopers like they were his own children, long emotional story there.) The spiders proceeded to whoop us down. Marta got away as far as I know. BUT, there was a kid Trooper of mine, I cant remember his name but he was awesome and my character thought of him as a son. I couldnt flee due to some special code that I wont go into and I knew I was going to die, and I kept shouting for my men to break off and run, to save themselves, but that kid stayed with me to the end. It was epic, and I dont exaggerate when I say my heart was more broken for the loyalty that kid showed my character than I was over losing my character.

Kudoes to you kid, you rocked.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: fourTwenty on October 14, 2008, 03:45:45 PM
Posted this before but it still stands as the most heartfelt scene I've seen yet.

Standard hunting trip with my Byn Trooper another Byn Trooper and our Sergeant. We were set upon by like two beetles and a flyer all at once. The Sergeant and the other Trooper (who happened to be his girl) both got away by my PC was bashed over. Sergeant comes charging back in and just goes fucking agro on everybody. I mean like wound beetle, switch target, wound flyer, switch target, bash, kick, charge, yell, cuss, agro! Yells at me and other Trooper to Run! Once we were clear he ran, making sure to go slow enough to draw the beasties away. My PC and the other Trooper go running back to 'Nak waying another Trooper to come help while we're beating on the gates. We managed to actually get a Templar to not only open the gates but lead an expedition in the middle of the night to go find our Sergeant. We eventually found his body and he was given a full funeral pyre by that Templar at the Temple .
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: brytta.leofa on October 14, 2008, 04:11:12 PM
Quote from: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 03:29:44 PM
Marta got away as far as I know. BUT, there was a kid Trooper of mine, I cant remember his name but he was awesome and my character thought of him as a son.

Qal, right?

Marta never made it back, AFAIK.  Wonder if her player is still around.  Or Qal's.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: jhunter on October 14, 2008, 04:19:34 PM
Durg's burial. Or the burial of what was left of him I should say.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: tortall on October 14, 2008, 04:26:00 PM
Quote from: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 03:25:02 PM
I cant remember who I was playing at the time, but I remember years ago watching my Byn Sergeant Stevith give "burial rights" to a fellow Bynner of ours who died.

I remember Stevith. My PC was more scared of him than Zak.

Most emotional moment:
When Xanto, who I believe was working for the Naki militia, jumped up onto a table at the Gaj, pulled out a ring, and proposed to my char. It was SOOOO cute. I almost cried IRL. Later when I hadn't been able to log on for a few days he apparently though I had died and got really drunk and stumbled around the Gaj wailing that I was dead. I learned about this MUCH later.

Then there was the wedding for the same char. Fale estate. She used to be a Bynner. I think I still have that log... Good times man!

Yes, I KNOW people don't have big marriage things. It was fun. The Fale Lord(Kojiro) was the one who "married" us.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 05:15:02 PM
Quote from: brytta.leofa on October 14, 2008, 04:11:12 PM
Quote from: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 03:29:44 PM
Marta got away as far as I know. BUT, there was a kid Trooper of mine, I cant remember his name but he was awesome and my character thought of him as a son.

Qal, right?

Marta never made it back, AFAIK.  Wonder if her player is still around.  Or Qal's.


I could never remember his name.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 05:18:54 PM
Quote from: tortall on October 14, 2008, 04:26:00 PM
Quote from: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 03:25:02 PM
I cant remember who I was playing at the time, but I remember years ago watching my Byn Sergeant Stevith give "burial rights" to a fellow Bynner of ours who died.

I remember Stevith. My PC was more scared of him than Zak.

Most emotional moment:
When Xanto, who I believe was working for the Naki militia, jumped up onto a table at the Gaj, pulled out a ring, and proposed to my char. It was SOOOO cute. I almost cried IRL. Later when I hadn't been able to log on for a few days he apparently though I had died and got really drunk and stumbled around the Gaj wailing that I was dead. I learned about this MUCH later.

Then there was the wedding for the same char. Fale estate. She used to be a Bynner. I think I still have that log... Good times man!

Yes, I KNOW people don't have big marriage things. It was fun. The Fale Lord(Kojiro) was the one who "married" us.

I was always infinitely more afraid of Zak. (Amurac)

But, Stevith treated my pc more like his little buddy and Zak treated me more like the little pain in the rear I was lol.

It was also heart wrenching when Zak announced he would be leaving the Byn. I really did miss him and watching him leave just felt like a major part of my character was leaving with him.

I am pretty sure I remember that wedding too...Did your PC marry Kyros?

Well even if that wasnt you, another one that got me that I thought was great was when Alleria and Kyros, two Bynners, got married in game. It was a very cool time to be in the Byn.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Barzalene on October 14, 2008, 07:14:53 PM
My first pc (second, but the first that lived long enough to have a story) played then. I think I died with Kyros. I died. I'm not sure if he did.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Clearsighted on October 14, 2008, 07:37:44 PM
I've witnessed alot of heart wrenching and inspiring scenes in the Byn. It really brings out the best and worst in you.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Pale Horse on October 14, 2008, 08:57:13 PM

Around a year and a bit ago.  One of the first elkran character's I've had.  Rajal/Rahaj.  She ended up getting involved with some..renegade gemmed, an association that brought a lot of fun to her (and myself, of course), but ultimately caused her death...violent death.

Was the first torture scene I've participated in, and oddly enough, it was actually the first time I've had a satisfying death.  Go figure  ;)
Made me want to get back in there and play, play, play!

Heart Wrenching

A couple of characters later, I was running another elkran, who, this time, managed to stay alive for a decent amount of time.  She ended up gemmed, after zapping a would be kank-thief, who survived, (kudos to whoever that nervous thief was, sharing that cave with her!) and becoming utterly convinced that said thief was going to blab about her.  So!  She turned herself in, and opened up a great path for fun with the magicker population (all 3 of them) in the quarter, at the time.  The scene where she confessed herself to the templar who gemmed her will always stick in my mind as being one I'm rather proud of (kudos to you, templar man, from Kara the elkran.  You know who you are  ;))

Ended up living through the re-opening of the CAM, and even "heading" it, though that felt more like an exercise in herding cats, for both myself and her (I loved playing with you guys, honest!  Wouldn't have changed a thing).  Do you have any idea how nerve wracking it is, trying to enforce rules on magickers, if you're not a templar or don't have access to legions of soldiers or funds?

Her death was one that I loved hearing about, but at the time, was one of those moments when you sit, slack-jawed, in front of your screen, telling yourself that what you just saw couldn't really have happened.

..That was a down time for me, once the message got to my brain... :'( 
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Winterless on October 14, 2008, 09:37:41 PM
Too recent, damn it. Find me in another year, it's one hell of a story. -_-
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Iota on October 14, 2008, 10:08:16 PM
Quote from: Pale Horse on October 14, 2008, 08:57:13 PM
A couple of characters later, I was running another elkran, who, this time, managed to stay alive for a decent amount of time.  She ended up gemmed, after zapping a would be kank-thief, who survived, (kudos to whoever that nervous thief was, sharing that cave with her!) and becoming utterly convinced that said thief was going to blab about her. 

Haha. Aww.

I think I actually met you with two or three different characters that RL day: first with my Arabeti PC (who died in some ridiculous way), then with that thief you mentioned. I still remember that curved yellow bone sword she shook at you and how she literally leapt out of the saddle when you zapped her in the ass. Haha. Then the same day or the next, I think, I played that narcoleptic Rukkian gemmer who you told about my thief PC while we exchanged worried glances.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Pale Horse on October 14, 2008, 10:22:28 PM
Quote from: Iota on October 14, 2008, 10:08:16 PM
Quote from: Pale Horse on October 14, 2008, 08:57:13 PM
A couple of characters later, I was running another elkran, who, this time, managed to stay alive for a decent amount of time.  She ended up gemmed, after zapping a would be kank-thief, who survived, (kudos to whoever that nervous thief was, sharing that cave with her!) and becoming utterly convinced that said thief was going to blab about her. 

Haha. Aww.

I think I actually met you with two or three different characters that RL day: first with my Arabeti PC (who died in some ridiculous way), then with that thief you mentioned. I still remember that curved yellow bone sword she shook at you and how she literally leapt out of the saddle when you zapped her in the ass. Haha. Then the same day or the next, I think, I played that narcoleptic Rukkian gemmer who you told about my thief PC while we exchanged worried glances.

Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Archbaron on October 14, 2008, 10:31:40 PM
Quote from: Winterless on October 14, 2008, 09:37:41 PM
Too recent, damn it. Find me in another year, it's one hell of a story. -_-
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Fathi on October 14, 2008, 11:05:26 PM
Sergeant Tarq leaving the Byn.

Hearing that Smoke the Krathi had been killed during Luirsfest.

Losing my PC at Luirsfest the very next day. Though my character was unconscious and bleeding to death through most of it, what I could gather of the reactions of the other characters present was pretty emotional.

Hearing the story of Sergeant Fathi's death told as a parable to explain that sometimes you can love a job or thing or person so much that it leads to your eventual downfall... to the character I played right after Fathi. By a character who never met her.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Marauder Moe on October 14, 2008, 11:08:09 PM
Quote from: Pale Horse on October 14, 2008, 08:57:13 PMEnded up living through the re-opening of the CAM, and even "heading" it, though that felt more like an exercise in herding cats, for both myself and her (I loved playing with you guys, honest!  Wouldn't have changed a thing).  Do you have any idea how nerve wracking it is, trying to enforce rules on magickers, if you're not a templar or don't have access to legions of soldiers or funds?
Yes!  It's exactly like herding cats!  :D
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Semper on October 14, 2008, 11:13:38 PM
Quote from: Archbaron on October 14, 2008, 10:31:40 PM
Quote from: Winterless on October 14, 2008, 09:37:41 PM
Too recent, damn it. Find me in another year, it's one hell of a story. -_-
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: AmandaGreathouse on October 15, 2008, 12:03:49 AM
Quote from: Semper on October 14, 2008, 11:13:38 PM
Quote from: Archbaron on October 14, 2008, 10:31:40 PM
Quote from: Winterless on October 14, 2008, 09:37:41 PM
Too recent, damn it. Find me in another year, it's one hell of a story. -_-

I can't wait until I've been playing long enough to share some of mine.  :'(
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Desertman on October 15, 2008, 11:01:55 AM
I once played a Ranger/assassin by the name of Vadec and I was hired to kill the entire Stel family by a rival merchant in game.

The Stel family was a pc family composed of a little girl merchant, and a few of her older brother rangers.  The whole family was very well played and I was kind of sad to see them go, but, sids are sids. (Kudoes to you guys, I liked the whole family and tracking/watching you folks interact with each other really made me appreciate family RP.)

Well I ended up trading with the little girl for a bit, until she finally invited me back to her apartment to trade some stuff with her there. I killed the little girl there. Yes, I am a bastard, I kill little girls. But in my defense, the payoff was a large and a half per every Stel head.

She was the easy kill of course. The hard part was figuring out how I was going to track down her brothers who were always on the move, and as such would be a lot harder to corner. As luck would have it, one of her brothers had spoken with the NPC at the entryway to the apartment complex and luckily, the old guy had remembered my character so well from the two times he had seen him pass completely hooded (entering and leaving) that the older brother knew exactly who I was when he saw me in a tavern. *snicker* (I'm sure there wasnt any IM/Email happenings going on there, I'm just sure of it.)

Anyways, the brother ends up challenging me to a fight in the Allanaki arena, and the entire time I am like..."Look fella', I have no idea what you are talking about, the last time I saw the girl was weeks ago and she was still alive."

A Templar nearby got tired of hearing us argue and actually DID throw us into the arena together. (I did pay the templar five small to do it...*nudge* *nudge*)

The best part to the whole thing was when this Stel brother and I were down in the arena, and I had him near death...I rush up to him and emote getting close to him, locking our blades together, and whisper something like..."Thats right you little shit, your going to die, just like your little sister did, but maybe you wont cry as much as she did eh?"

The guy then shouts..."HE DID IT, HE DID IT!!!"


I loved that moment. I laughed wickedly about it for months and that one pc has inspired me to go on and make other assassin pc's in the future. I love playing a good assassin, and also hiring good assassin's with my merchants. Its a beautiful thing that makes a ton of fun for all parties involved.

Subsequently the final brother insta-joined the militia so I couldnt get to him, but the merchant who had hired me to kill the family considered the job completed since the family would no longer be a trading competitor on the market.

(To the Stel family, especially the little girl, I just wanted to let you guys know that I wasnt just randomly apartment killing you folks for your leet boots or anything. There was actually an entire storyline and you were all bought and paid for marks, not just random killings. The best part was, its not like you were being killed off because some special app House pc who just wanted to spend his stipend to get someone killed, you actually were killed off because another indy merchant saw you guys as competition, and hired an assassin to come after you folks. There isnt enough indy merchant on indy merchant trading competition like that. Kudoes again to you folks.)

Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Clearsighted on October 15, 2008, 11:22:48 AM
Quote from: Desertman on October 15, 2008, 11:01:55 AM

Well I ended up trading with the little girl for a bit, until she finally invited me back to her apartment to trade some stuff with her there. I killed the little girl there. Yes, I am a bastard, I kill little girls. But in my defense, the payoff was a large and a half per every Stel head.

When will people learn, that when their defenseless, to not invite people or follow them into their apartments? I've seen so many deaths because of that. Would you let a random, armed stranger into your house?

It almost ranks up there with a ranger thinking his best means for avenging his sister to be a straight, one on one fight in the arena.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Desertman on October 15, 2008, 11:33:20 AM
Quote from: Clearsighted on October 15, 2008, 11:22:48 AM

When will people learn, that when their defenseless, to not invite people or follow them into their apartments? I've seen so many deaths because of that. Would you let a random, armed stranger into your house?

Well, in her defense I was a very 'nice' guy for a couple of RL weeks and traded with her pretty often. It didnt seem like there should be an issue with inviting me back to her place to carry that really heavy bag of goods I had brought in "this" time.

Quote from: Clearsighted on October 15, 2008, 11:22:48 AM

It almost ranks up there with a ranger thinking his best means for avenging his sister to be a straight, one on one fight in the arena.

Well, my pc was pretty blatantly ranger class also in his defense.

I forgot to mention that the brother also took the time to ask me..."CAN YOU KILL RAPTORS?"...To which I responded..."Krath no. Well, just with my bow." (I could actually kill two at a time. And that was before he jumped to his feet after figuring out he could probably codedly kill me and proclaim he knew I had killed his sister because "The guy at the front of the apartment complex told him". I guess I passed the "code test" for his ability to slay me. lol)

He went on to ask me if I could kill gith, beetles, and silt flyers, and finally at this point the templar, with my urging and offer of coins through the Way, got tired of the obvious code sniffing, and tossed us in the arena.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Is Friday on October 15, 2008, 11:40:06 AM
Getting banished from Allanak with nothing but some pants and I think maybe a shirt of some kind.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: roughneck on October 15, 2008, 11:47:15 AM
I had a half-elf commit suicide in public in a last ditch effort to feel in control of his destiny and escape his shame.  It was after I had brought down some rich Tuluki ranger and I returned to find the whole city searching for me.  A Tor noble contacts me with the way after having my desc passed on and I agreed to go meet her on caravan road where she offered me the arena or banishment.  My pc went on a tirade about his shameful existence and then shoved a sword through his gut.  They decided to torture me anyways but it was a fun scene and one were I never more fully experienced the shame and beat-downedness of commoner life in Allanak or life as a half-breed.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Desertman on October 15, 2008, 11:48:55 AM
Oh man, just a few more months and the year limit will have passed and I have this AWESOME torture scene I am submitting to the logs. I cant wait.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: UnderSeven on October 15, 2008, 11:49:30 AM
Quote from: tortall on October 14, 2008, 04:26:00 PM
Quote from: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 03:25:02 PM
I cant remember who I was playing at the time, but I remember years ago watching my Byn Sergeant Stevith give "burial rights" to a fellow Bynner of ours who died.

I remember Stevith. My PC was more scared of him than Zak.

Most emotional moment:
When Xanto, who I believe was working for the Naki militia, jumped up onto a table at the Gaj, pulled out a ring, and proposed to my char. It was SOOOO cute. I almost cried IRL. Later when I hadn't been able to log on for a few days he apparently though I had died and got really drunk and stumbled around the Gaj wailing that I was dead. I learned about this MUCH later.

Then there was the wedding for the same char. Fale estate. She used to be a Bynner. I think I still have that log... Good times man!

Yes, I KNOW people don't have big marriage things. It was fun. The Fale Lord(Kojiro) was the one who "married" us.

People often tell me of these scenes I was a part of that I forget.  In part because I'm a method rper.  so when I rp a bynner I do so covered in @#$@.  When I rp a Tor I get all dressed up in fine military wear.  When I play a Kuraci I do it with a joint.  When I play a completely insane Fale Noble who faked their death, frequently cross dressed, and did a whole lot of other things I'm not proud of at night with Mansa, well.. lets just say it took a lot of drug intervention and rehab in order to get my life back in order again.  

P.S. My most heart breaking scenes.. I think one time I discovered to my horror the entire estate was empty of drinks (as that particular noble).  The last scene (as known by planned retirement) was something else. Much else would be a bit recent.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Gimfalisette on October 15, 2008, 11:56:35 AM
Quote from: Is Friday on October 15, 2008, 11:40:06 AM
Getting banished from Allanak with nothing but some pants and I think maybe a shirt of some kind.

Unless you've been banished from Nak more than once, I'm pretty sure we threw you out nekkid, after stripping you down at the intersection of Caravan and Commoner's. I'd have to check my logs to be sure, many beatings, torture sessions, and harsh disciplinary actions tend to run together in one's mind over time.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on October 15, 2008, 01:53:03 PM
Quote from: roughneck on October 15, 2008, 11:47:15 AM
I had a half-elf commit suicide in public in a last ditch effort to feel in control of his destiny and escape his shame.  It was after I had brought down some rich Tuluki ranger and I returned to find the whole city searching for me.  A Tor noble contacts me with the way after having my desc passed on and I agreed to go meet her on caravan road where she offered me the arena or banishment.  My pc went on a tirade about his shameful existence and then shoved a sword through his gut.  They decided to torture me anyways but it was a fun scene and one were I never more fully experienced the shame and beat-downedness of commoner life in Allanak or life as a half-breed.
That was you? That was the strangest moment of mundane play I have ever experienced. You shoulda been dead, too ... if only a staffer coulda put the bleed code on you so that you actually died. I kept roleplaying that you were dead ... but you weren't, so I suppose the rack was the way to go thereafter.

Kudos on doing something off the wall and cool.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: roughneck on October 15, 2008, 02:26:05 PM
Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on October 15, 2008, 01:53:03 PM
Quote from: roughneck on October 15, 2008, 11:47:15 AM
I had a half-elf commit suicide in public in a last ditch effort to feel in control of his destiny and escape his shame.  It was after I had brought down some rich Tuluki ranger and I returned to find the whole city searching for me.  A Tor noble contacts me with the way after having my desc passed on and I agreed to go meet her on caravan road where she offered me the arena or banishment.  My pc went on a tirade about his shameful existence and then shoved a sword through his gut.  They decided to torture me anyways but it was a fun scene and one were I never more fully experienced the shame and beat-downedness of commoner life in Allanak or life as a half-breed.
That was you? That was the strangest moment of mundane play I have ever experienced. You shoulda been dead, too ... if only a staffer coulda put the bleed code on you so that you actually died. I kept roleplaying that you were dead ... but you weren't, so I suppose the rack was the way to go thereafter.

Kudos on doing something off the wall and cool.

Thanks man, it was pretty natural on my end with the character I had but I could tell everyone else was kinda stunned.  It was cool that people let me follow through with it all without subduing me or something.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Is Friday on October 15, 2008, 04:53:05 PM
Quote from: Gimfalisette on October 15, 2008, 11:56:35 AM
Quote from: Is Friday on October 15, 2008, 11:40:06 AM
Getting banished from Allanak with nothing but some pants and I think maybe a shirt of some kind.

Unless you've been banished from Nak more than once, I'm pretty sure we threw you out nekkid, after stripping you down at the intersection of Caravan and Commoner's. I'd have to check my logs to be sure, many beatings, torture sessions, and harsh disciplinary actions tend to run together in one's mind over time.
Maybe it was naked.

She went on to do awesome stuff, too.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Is Friday on October 15, 2008, 04:54:37 PM
Quote from: roughneck on October 15, 2008, 02:26:05 PM
Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on October 15, 2008, 01:53:03 PM
Quote from: roughneck on October 15, 2008, 11:47:15 AM
I had a half-elf commit suicide in public in a last ditch effort to feel in control of his destiny and escape his shame.  It was after I had brought down some rich Tuluki ranger and I returned to find the whole city searching for me.  A Tor noble contacts me with the way after having my desc passed on and I agreed to go meet her on caravan road where she offered me the arena or banishment.  My pc went on a tirade about his shameful existence and then shoved a sword through his gut.  They decided to torture me anyways but it was a fun scene and one were I never more fully experienced the shame and beat-downedness of commoner life in Allanak or life as a half-breed.
That was you? That was the strangest moment of mundane play I have ever experienced. You shoulda been dead, too ... if only a staffer coulda put the bleed code on you so that you actually died. I kept roleplaying that you were dead ... but you weren't, so I suppose the rack was the way to go thereafter.

Kudos on doing something off the wall and cool.

Thanks man, it was pretty natural on my end with the character I had but I could tell everyone else was kinda stunned.  It was cool that people let me follow through with it all without subduing me or something.
I was under the impression that suicide was a fairly rare thing to hear/see in Zalanthas.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on October 15, 2008, 05:08:26 PM
That's why it was so damned strange.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Ender on October 15, 2008, 05:49:24 PM
Quote from: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 03:25:02 PM
I was playing a Byn Sergeant named Rellion at one point a while back and me and my men were out doing a "spider run" for a templar.

Well we were riding along and wouldnt you know there just happened to be eight tarantulas all in the same square who rushed us. I was leading and pulled the men away before the spiders could aggro-attack us, but they started beating on a Trooper of mine named Marta before I could get away, so I led the entire group blindly back into the fray in an attempt to save the lone Trooper. (Probably not a smart decision, but a noble and honorable one. My Sergeant loved his Troopers like they were his own children, long emotional story there.) The spiders proceeded to whoop us down. Marta got away as far as I know. BUT, there was a kid Trooper of mine, I cant remember his name but he was awesome and my character thought of him as a son. I couldnt flee due to some special code that I wont go into and I knew I was going to die, and I kept shouting for my men to break off and run, to save themselves, but that kid stayed with me to the end. It was epic, and I dont exaggerate when I say my heart was more broken for the loyalty that kid showed my character than I was over losing my character.

Kudoes to you kid, you rocked.

I was there too as a trooper, though I can't remember which Byn PC of mine it was.  It was a pretty intense scene.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Elieson on October 15, 2008, 07:08:18 PM
Didn't really matter to anyone else, but I'd been playing the character for nearly four years.

She had a major spice addiction, and I never let up on it.  She snorted spice at regular intervals and got unusually uncomfortable and unstable without it.  I kept that spice addiction up for a year and a half.  I logged in one day, roleplayed waking up, rolling over, picking up her spice tray, sniffed her normal spice wakeup call and *beep!*.  Mantishead.

I was so shocked that I cried (feel a little stupid about crying, but... well... yeah, I did).
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Sakra on October 15, 2008, 07:15:17 PM
Quote from: Desertman on October 14, 2008, 03:25:02 PM
This is a place to post your most inspiring/heart wrenching scenes from Armageddon over the years. (More than a year old and not containing any characters that  you know to still be alive of course.)

I cant remember who I was playing at the time, but I remember years ago watching my Byn Sergeant Stevith give "burial rights" to a fellow Bynner of ours who died. I cant remember how they died, I want to say it was from IMM animated gith we ended up defeating. Either way I remember we covered the body with a cloak, of course we took what items were more interesting in true Bynner spirit, and then we left the corpse to the buzzards, the way it should be. I remember watching my Byn Sergeant and I truly felt like the player of that character was feeling the loss of one of his beloved underlings. Back in the city, he proceeded to get a bit drunk, and then punch an elf in the face out of saddness turned to anger.

It was epic, and it made me love the game just that much more.

I played Stevith, and I'm sad to say I only have vague memories of that. I get involved with every character, and that was a -long- time ago.

As for heart wrenching stories, the worst one I ever had was when my characters mate died in childbirth. He broke down and drank himself stupid, he never really recovered.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: brytta.leofa on October 15, 2008, 07:40:57 PM
My character's rakish but much-loved boyfriend was Allanak.

Everyone knew what had happened, but no one would tell her.

I blame Sakra.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Reiloth on October 15, 2008, 08:28:11 PM
Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on October 15, 2008, 01:53:03 PM
Quote from: roughneck on October 15, 2008, 11:47:15 AM
I had a half-elf commit suicide in public in a last ditch effort to feel in control of his destiny and escape his shame.  It was after I had brought down some rich Tuluki ranger and I returned to find the whole city searching for me.  A Tor noble contacts me with the way after having my desc passed on and I agreed to go meet her on caravan road where she offered me the arena or banishment.  My pc went on a tirade about his shameful existence and then shoved a sword through his gut.  They decided to torture me anyways but it was a fun scene and one were I never more fully experienced the shame and beat-downedness of commoner life in Allanak or life as a half-breed.
That was you? That was the strangest moment of mundane play I have ever experienced. You shoulda been dead, too ... if only a staffer coulda put the bleed code on you so that you actually died. I kept roleplaying that you were dead ... but you weren't, so I suppose the rack was the way to go thereafter.

Kudos on doing something off the wall and cool.

I watched this hidden in the crowd, and it was disturbing.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Cutthroat on October 15, 2008, 08:33:14 PM
Anything with that damned pit was heart wrenching.

Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Only He Stands There on October 15, 2008, 10:04:20 PM
Watching a funeral/wake of my favorite character about a day after it died.

Hearing people talk about my past characters way, way after they're gone.

It always inspires me to know that I affected PCs long beyond the grave.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: RogueGunslinger on October 16, 2008, 12:33:02 AM
Quote from: Cutthroat on October 15, 2008, 08:33:14 PM
Anything with that damned pit was heart wrenching.


Were you there for that one time?

That was fucking awesome on my end.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Fathi on October 16, 2008, 01:02:18 AM
Quote from: RogueGunslinger on October 16, 2008, 12:33:02 AM
Quote from: Cutthroat on October 15, 2008, 08:33:14 PM
Anything with that damned pit was heart wrenching.


Were you there for that one time?

That was fucking awesome on my end.

I seem to recall having a pretty intense scene with your first character, Rogue. If that was you.

Exiled blind and burnt up and stumbling from the gates of Allanak only to run into an unstable fat merchant with a penchant for violence. That guy had some luck.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Marauder Moe on October 16, 2008, 10:12:19 AM
There were a few instances where a character of mine was forced to execute someone he considered a friend, and for reasons he disagreed with.  If the players of any of those characters are reading, I'm sorry.   :'(

Also there was a certain player's first character who fell in love with a certain gemmer of mine and got pregnant.  They argued a lot, though.  They had some of the best fights ever, including one where they were both being dragged off to jail by the militia but were still shouting at each other.  Eventually my character outright made plans that once the baby was born he and his gemmer cronies were going to steal it and possibly kill the mother.  It never came to that, though, as one day she decided to go hunting alone, got shot up by gith, and consequently lost the child.  There was a touching scene where they went and buried the child in the desert.  Afterwards he told her that he never wanted to see her again, and he never did.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Kiri on October 16, 2008, 11:17:42 AM
The most amazing death I have ever experienced... and also probably the most traumatic... my PC's lover had disappeared for nearly an IG year (for OOC reasons that I didn't know about) and she had an affair with a Templar. When [edited] came back, he [had something nasty occur to him], and when he found out about her affair (and she lied to him, which he couldn't forgive) they had this huge scene in a dirty little room there near the Barrel.

She professed her love and said she would die for him. He said, "Will you, really?" And cut her still-beating heart out with a knife she had given him as a gift. Then [stuff that should probably remain entirely in-character happened] just before BEEP.

I heard later he carried her heart around for a while. And talked to it. Until he ended up dead himself.

-edited by Nyr
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Desertman on October 16, 2008, 11:21:07 AM
Quote from: Marauder Moe on October 16, 2008, 10:12:19 AM
There were a few instances where a character of mine was forced to execute someone he considered a friend, and for reasons he disagreed with.  If the players of any of those characters are reading, I'm sorry.   :'(

Also there was a certain player's first character who fell in love with a certain gemmer of mine and got pregnant.  They argued a lot, though.  They had some of the best fights ever, including one where they were both being dragged off to jail by the militia but were still shouting at each other.  Eventually my character outright made plans that once the baby was born he and his gemmer cronies were going to steal it and possibly kill the mother.  It never came to that, though, as one day she decided to go hunting alone, got shot up by gith, and consequently lost the child.  There was a touching scene where they went and buried the child in the desert.  Afterwards he told her that he never wanted to see her again, and he never did.

I threatened to gut that gicker lovin' bitch and feed tha' baby to my mount.

You paid the Guild to have me killed, and it worked.

I loved that storyline.  :)
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Marauder Moe on October 16, 2008, 11:38:25 AM
It remains one of my favorites ever too.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Iota on October 16, 2008, 12:23:46 PM
One time, my PC and her lover were in Red Storm, and she dropped something and an NPC elf picked it up. My lover's PC, "Pookums," (I kid you not) wanted to start a fight with it and went "hit brawltest," but apparently neglected to note that NPCs are not subject to the brawl code and died in an amazing NPC spamfest.

I had to quit playing for awhile to bury my face in a pillow and cry. I've only cried like six or seven times in the five or so years I've played here, but this was particularly bad for me for some reason in spite of a complete lack of drama surrounding the death.

She was pretty upset about it, too, and she didn't know what to do with the body. She didn't want to leave it out in the sand or in that nasty pile by the water temple, so she took it home to her apartment in Allanak and put it in her bed and cried herself to sleep beside it.

Later on, maybe like a few IC days later, she brought someone home to mudsex with and I completely forgot about leaving body there. We were about halfway through the act when I realized that she'd never taken the body out and I went "exa" on the bed we were on and saw that it was still there. I started crying again because it was so awful. She started crying horribly, too, and I think that guy who she was screwing thought it was just because she was having a really good time or something and started doing it so hard the bed started to shake with all three of us on it. It was all really horrible.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Marauder Moe on October 16, 2008, 12:32:24 PM
OMG!  :o

Did he ever realize there was a corpse in the bed?
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Shiroi Tsuki on October 16, 2008, 12:35:55 PM
That is absolutely hilarious.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Iota on October 16, 2008, 12:37:19 PM
Quote from: Marauder Moe on October 16, 2008, 12:32:24 PM
OMG!  :o

Did he ever realize there was a corpse in the bed?

Apparently not. I think by the time we were done, it had decayed (codedly disappeared) or something. It was pretty surreal, and I felt like a terrible person/twink. I roleplayed putting the body in the hamper and leaving it out on the street. I think an NPC beggar ended up picking it up.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: pyrogaseous on October 16, 2008, 12:41:04 PM
[Story edited by Nyr.  This all occured well within the last year--please do not post stories or IC details from the past year. - Nyr]
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Marauder Moe on October 16, 2008, 12:41:55 PM
Aww.  You should have emoted that it was there.  That would have been epic.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: NoteworthyFellow on October 16, 2008, 12:54:51 PM
Pyrogaseous, I knew that character, and I'm glad you had a ton of fun with him, even though my character's interactions were fairly limited.

Though, er, that might be a little too recent/too specific.  You might want to edit a name or two out.  :-\
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: staggerlee on October 16, 2008, 01:03:11 PM
Might want to make sure these stories are over a year old. ;)

Edit: Er sorry, noteworthy already said that.   Ignore me.  Actually I'm pretty sure a few of these have happened within the last year... since I remember them.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Nyr on October 16, 2008, 01:38:59 PM
I edited a story that was way too recent (even after editing names out it was pretty obvious who was who).

Please do not write about anything that happened IC in the last year. add that I also edited parts of another story that contained pretty sensitive information.  Just because it's past the year mark doesn't make everything okay to post--some things are better left in-character!
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Desertman on October 16, 2008, 03:20:42 PM
I cant get the image of some dead guy rocking back and forth on the bed as a couple of dirty Zalanthans are going at it like drunk monkeys next to him.

I think I might bust my spleen laughing.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: FantasyWriter on October 16, 2008, 04:20:58 PM
Quote from: Iota on October 16, 2008, 12:23:46 PM
One time, my PC and her lover were in Red Storm, and she dropped something and an NPC elf picked it up. My lover's PC, "Pookums," (I kid you not) wanted to start a fight with it and went "hit brawltest," but apparently neglected to note that NPCs are not subject to the brawl code and died in an amazing NPC spamfest.

I had to quit playing for awhile to bury my face in a pillow and cry. I've only cried like six or seven times in the five or so years I've played here, but this was particularly bad for me for some reason in spite of a complete lack of drama surrounding the death.

She was pretty upset about it, too, and she didn't know what to do with the body. She didn't want to leave it out in the sand or in that nasty pile by the water temple, so she took it home to her apartment in Allanak and put it in her bed and cried herself to sleep beside it.

Later on, maybe like a few IC days later, she brought someone home to mudsex with and I completely forgot about leaving body there. We were about halfway through the act when I realized that she'd never taken the body out and I went "exa" on the bed we were on and saw that it was still there. I started crying again because it was so awful. She started crying horribly, too, and I think that guy who she was screwing thought it was just because she was having a really good time or something and started doing it so hard the bed started to shake with all three of us on it. It was all really horrible.

Heh!  Reminds me of A Rose for Emily.  (don't think she ever did the nasty in the bed with her decaying fiance, though)
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Malifaxis on October 17, 2008, 04:52:41 PM

Kicking it hardcore out on the eastern sands with two hundred of my closest friends because some idiot northerner had gotten it into their mind that a big ball of metal belonged to them.  Bullshit.  That was -our- copper, and by gum, we were going to make sure they knew it!  On my right, my good man Bashar, badass of Allanak, draped with demons.  On my left, a keg of spiced brandy, aged to perfection.  Under my ass was the most comfortable chair Zalanthas has ever seen.  If you know the chair, you've most likely thought "Hey, I should steal that chair."  A few of you did, eventually.

Anyhow, I'm talking with Bashar, chatting up some members of the militia, hobnobbing with the robes, and some jackass gets it into his head that something 'dangerous' is going on.  People begin to scatter.  I sigh.  Bashar, well, he looms.  The sky begins to grow dark, which I'm fine with, because really, it was too damn hot.  So hot that it was fucking barbaric.  That's really how we knew the Tuluki were close... too much sand, too much heat.  Jerks.  I take another hit off my tube, another sip of brandy from my covered glass, and watch the sky roll black.  People begin to really freak out, and the militia starts telling me to get into the wagon, to get under protection.

Oh really?

Oh.  Really.

Some jerk Sargeant who thinks he's "All That" just because he's an arena champion of some sort tries to order me into the argosy.  Oh really?  Um.  No.

I had more faith than George Michael, and twice the ass.  I tell the Sargeant that if he -truly- believes in Tektolnes, that he'll ride this 'storm' out.  Those words uttered, I relax further back into my chair as the sky is cut by jags of lightening.  Bashar takes one, writhes for a moment, and holds his ground.  Some poor fuck gets nuked to unconciousness, and the animals begin to panic around the encampment.  I kept smoking and drinking, and talking to Bashar's charred ass.  Someone else comes running out and tries to get me to go inside, they get zapped, I laugh.

Eventually, I got bored, and I heaved my slender form out of the chair and shouted at the storm that I had had -quite- enough, and it could go away now.  It took a while, but eventually it sulked off, listening to my wisdom and fearing my wrath, which is precisely how I gained the title of Lord Senaj Ozzixilloxis Zarquod Fale, Stormbreaker of Allanak.  A title I rapidly discarded out of boredom.

Most Heart Wrenching?  By gum.  So many choices.

It had taken upwards of about five to ten years Zalanthas time, but eventually I had fully and absolutely convinced this half-ear Benjari that she was my daughter, because for all I knew, she actually was.  It's not like it's hard to talk a Benjari into a bedroll for a silvertongued tok like me.  So after forging this relationship, I actually felt myself growing closer and closer to this precious possible daughter of mine, even going so far as to lavish her with some pretty wicked gifts including one of the most baddest-assed swords ever to carve a mantis.  We grew thick as thieves, which was perfect, me being an elf, her a Kuraci, and we settled down to many a drink and a smoke, sharing stories and tall tales from all over the world.

After a very, very long absence to the eastern mountains, I came back to find her still alive, and was quite glad.  After a few meetings with her, she informed me of an upcoming par-tay that the folks on the Wall were going to throw, so I ran my skinny ass off to gather up some booze after telling her "I'll see you again soon."  Smelling a sale, I slapped two thin kegs across my back, and tied another with ropes across my abdomen.  I had some Soh and others running with me, carrying a bit themselves.

Well, as you all know, carru -really- like beer.  This merchant I had was so damn bad assed that he really didn't fear carru.  I saw one on the road, had a pack of fierce fuckers at my back, and charged in.

I guess I had forgotten how heavy beer is.

The carru didn't.

Last words were, "Bring it, Grandfather Carru!  I have no fear of you!  I'll send your kin to chase Mocks The Void in Drov's Realm!"  My last thoughts were, "Shatuka, my daughter, I'll see you through darkened eyes when you come to me in Drov."

Ding goes the mantis.

But from what I heard, the party was a real good time.

(edited to change 'words' to 'thoughts' in the third to last line)
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: NoteworthyFellow on October 17, 2008, 05:24:49 PM
Quote from: Malifaxis on October 17, 2008, 04:52:41 PMEventually, I got bored, and I heaved my slender form out of the chair and shouted at the storm that I had had -quite- enough, and it could go away now.  It took a while, but eventually it sulked off, listening to my wisdom and fearing my wrath, which is precisely how I gained the title of Lord Senaj Ozzixilloxis Zarquod Fale, Stormbreaker of Allanak.  A title I rapidly discarded out of boredom.

This story can only be described as mind-numbingly excellent.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on October 17, 2008, 05:31:53 PM
Mali's characters are hyper real ... anyone blessed to play with him is doing ok for themselves, friends or foes.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Desertman on October 17, 2008, 05:40:14 PM
Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on October 17, 2008, 05:31:53 PM
Mali's characters are hyper real ... anyone blessed to play with him is doing ok for themselves, friends or foes.

I'll go ahead and second, third, and fourth this statement.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: X-D on October 17, 2008, 06:25:48 PM
QuoteI had more faith than George Michael, and twice the ass.  I tell the Sargeant that if he -truly- believes in Tektolnes, that he'll ride this 'storm' out.  Those words uttered, I relax further back into my chair as the sky is cut by jags of lightening.  Bashar takes one, writhes for a moment, and holds his ground.  Some poor fuck gets nuked to unconciousness, and the animals begin to panic around the encampment.  I kept smoking and drinking, and talking to Bashar's charred ass.  Someone else comes running out and tries to get me to go inside, they get zapped, I laugh.

Of course Malifaxis did not mention the black clad gemmed vivaduan (my PC) Standing next to him, also laughing at the storm and healing him when he did indeed get struck.

But yes, it was a great scene.

Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: brytta.leofa on October 17, 2008, 06:36:07 PM
Quote from: X-D on October 17, 2008, 06:25:48 PM
Of course Malifaxis did not mention the black clad gemmed vivaduan (my PC) Standing next to him, also laughing at the storm and healing him when he did indeed get struck.

I accidentally* X-D's Vivaduan.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: AmandaGreathouse on October 17, 2008, 06:40:31 PM
Quote from: brytta.leofa on October 17, 2008, 06:36:07 PM
Quote from: X-D on October 17, 2008, 06:25:48 PM
Of course Malifaxis did not mention the black clad gemmed vivaduan (my PC) Standing next to him, also laughing at the storm and healing him when he did indeed get struck.

I accidentally* X-D's Vivaduan.

The whole thing?
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: RogueGunslinger on October 17, 2008, 06:48:25 PM
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: brytta.leofa on October 17, 2008, 06:49:33 PM
Quote from: AmandaGreathouse on October 17, 2008, 06:40:31 PM
Quote from: brytta.leofa on October 17, 2008, 06:36:07 PM
Quote from: X-D on October 17, 2008, 06:25:48 PM
Of course Malifaxis did not mention the black clad gemmed vivaduan (my PC) Standing next to him, also laughing at the storm and healing him when he did indeed get struck.

I accidentally* X-D's Vivaduan.

The whole thing?

That honor|shame goes to the grey, three-fingered mul, a unit of Borsail Wyverns, a unit of Borsail Wyverns, a human Allanaki soldier, a human Allanaki soldier, a human Allanaki soldier, the half-giant soldier, the human soldier, and a ragtag array of gladiator slaves.

Or, possibly, to a quick-footed northie witch.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Kassindra on October 20, 2008, 04:22:31 PM
I'll post in about a year :(
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: bardbard#4 on October 22, 2008, 08:50:13 AM
Blowing up the grain silos in Red Storm.

Holy fuck.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: BuNutzCola on October 26, 2008, 07:48:17 PM
Most inspiring:
Dozens and dozens of situations involving a certain Salarri and a certain Kadian of mine.

Most heart wrenching:
A character of mine being interrogated by a Templar and his assistant, subsequently being forced to reveal information he'd desperately trying to hide. It was one of the more badass experiences I've had with other pc's. You two know who you are.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Bushranger on October 27, 2008, 12:24:36 AM
More fear inspiring than heart wrenching, one of the best character deaths I've had on Armageddon:

I had a hard as nails ranger, not very experience but naturally tough, travelling with a group of colleagues - some experienced and some less so - and we went to fight some Weezers. The first part of the fight was awesome, and we did pretty well and obtained the things we were hunting them for. That's when it changed from 'A hunting trip' to 'OMG have I waked into a set from the movie Aliens?'. One by one the people who were with us fell, or got lost as we tried to run, sometimes in our heads asking for help for a moment and sometimes just gone. We came across a few of the bodies as we tried to get away to safety and some we never saw again. Finally it was just me and the most experienced of us left together, trapped and desperate for a way to safety, we had a touching scene where my character went a little crazy (Almost yelling out "Game Over, Man! Game Over!" but toning it to something more Zalanthas as I typed) and my experienced friend snapping me back to the situation with a plan to get away. Our chance came and I was told that "Soon as you can, just run north!" We broke our way out of the defensive Weezers, and I ran north but my friend was being attacked by several of them. I had a decision to make, do I go back to try and help him kill these weezers so we can both live? Or do I save myself and keep running north?

I chose poorly, and went back to try and save my friend.

Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: number13 on October 27, 2008, 12:58:07 PM
^^awesome story.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Sakra on October 27, 2008, 05:41:01 PM
Being involved in blowing up the Tor academy.
We snuck our team of rebels into the city, met up with a spy who told us where our barrels of flashpowder and our target was. Under cover of a bad sandstorm, we paralyzed, then swiftly killed all the guards, dragged the explosives inside, then lit the fuse. It didn't explode. So our leader volunteered to light it. BOOM. We never saw her again. Now the team is down to me, and one experienced rebel. Apparently the guards heard him fighting earlier, but not me, and as soon as we left the immediate area, he was dragged off by the city guards, and I couldn't rescue him in the storm. So here my poor rebel giant is, wandering blind and lost through an enemy city, that's just been riled up with a terrorist bombing.

Somehow he stumbles onto the previous nights secret meeting place, ways the rebel spy, and she tells him how to leave the city. He slips out the east gates, makes it down to Red Storm, and ways back a mission successful. More rebels come down to pick him up, and  he makes it safely home. Unfortunately, our captured comrade was being tortured, over a few weeks, and kept waying us to beg for poison to end it all. :(
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Sajoi on October 27, 2008, 06:52:15 PM
Wow that is a really cool story in a few months I will post my most inspiring scene (just gotta make sure that everyone was with me is dead now..).
But truely that sounds absolutely bad ass.  :D
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Marauder Moe on October 28, 2008, 11:04:07 AM
Later in the life of an Oash aide of mine, he met a woman who seemed like the perfect match for him.  The irony (well, one of the ironies) was that I suspected (and later confirmed) that she was played by someone who's previous character was an underling of his and had given herself a built-in reason to dislike and avoid my character specifically.  However, it backfired and the fact that she was afraid of him made him try very hard to befriend her.  Had she not been set up to dislike him he probably wouldn't have noticed her at all!  Anyway, being a wealthy and influential aide as well as naturally smooth and charming, he quickly assuaged her fears and wooed her.

Now, working for Oash often entails having to get used to the presence of magickers.  Early on in his career I certainly roleplayed out that initial discomfort, but eventually he got used to them.  However, to keep things interesting, I had him retain a phobia of Drovians.  Now, it wasn't like he collapsed into a fetal position and cried whenever he saw one, but rather I expressed it by having him subtly mistreat the Drovian PC that was in the clan at the time.  I thought I was being too subtle, but to my delight one day the Drovian confronted him about it, demanding to know why he didn't like her.  Anyway, to tie this back into my tale, during his conversation with her it was revealed that the woman he was in love with was herself an ungemmed Drovian.

After roleplaying the appropriate shock and some soul searching, he decided he would try and get over his fear and went to confront her.  At first she didn't believe it herself, thinking it wasn't her but a protective shadow spirit.  In the end he convinced her that she was, in fact, a magicker and needed to be gemmed.  He agreed to give her a little time to settle matters before she went to a templar.  However, during this time he was rather sloppy about it.  He had brought her into the Oash compound and discussed the matter openly, where NPCs could overhear.  On top of that, somehow this woman had gotten tied up in some messy business in the 'rinth, though she said she wasn't actually involved (and I believed her).

She did finally get gemmed, and after that he recruited her into House Oash for her protection.  Unfortunately, rumors that he had delayed reporting her and brought her into the House ungemmed got to his Lady and she was not pleased.  In an unfortunate public scene, Lady Oash had her stripped of employment and arrested.  My character kind of fell to his knees in shock and generally cried and made a fool of himself.

Eventually, she was interrogated by a militia sergeant.  My character confronted him and demanded to know what became of her.  In response, the sergeant gave him her thumb and said she was dead.  Right there, in public, I was ready to have my character draw his sword and try to kill him, even though I knew it was pretty much suicide.  I had literally turned nosave off and typed the commands into the input bar and was hovering over the enter key.  However, the woman had a vNPC daughter and my character promised he'd look after her, so he storms out instead.

Senses fully regained, he goes back home to take care of things the way a proper Oash servant would: he finds the mind of his contact in the Guild and asks how much a hit on a militia sergeant would cost.  The price was 4000 coins.  He accepted immediately.  Alas, said sergeant got himself killed in battle before he could be assassinated.  That character spent the rest of his life being generally reserved and bitter.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Riev on October 28, 2008, 11:17:02 AM
I can't believe a hit on a militia Sergeant would be four large. Woah.

I really wish I could think of some really Wrenching or Inspiring scenes from my character's lives, but in the beginning, they were barely above animated NPCs with no personality or unique characteristics. I am just as bad IG as I am in RL.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Ghost on October 28, 2008, 12:06:27 PM
Quote from: Riev on October 28, 2008, 11:17:02 AM
I can't believe a hit on a militia Sergeant would be four large. Woah.

I really wish I could think of some really Wrenching or Inspiring scenes from my character's lives, but in the beginning, they were barely above animated NPCs with no personality or unique characteristics. I am just as bad IG as I am in RL.

Those were the days the "crime code=death".  So it was rare to buy assassinations, it was rarity in rarity to get a contract on a sergeant
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Hot_Dancer on October 29, 2008, 08:47:42 PM
Man, Malifaxis. You terrible spreader of sensitive info (sarcasm). There's still a certain elf alive
who tells the story of that Skinny's ending now and then.

Great character, by the way.

Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Bogre on November 01, 2008, 05:12:36 PM
I remember the Stel's being murdered off. I think my character might have been paid not to take and interest in it, or have forced someone else to ignore it...I can't remember now but I don't think he liked them much at all.

I remember Malifaxis, Bashar, and that chair. It's been a while now, but I hope you know that you were sleeping across the hall not only from myself and a certain arena champion, but also the void mage I wanted to keep near me for protection. :)

The one I personally remember as being the most heart-wrenching was sitting in the Guillotine with a certain templar, and making a bond of brotherhood because we were both alone in the world.

Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Bebop on November 02, 2008, 03:54:00 PM
Quote from: Desertman on October 16, 2008, 11:21:07 AM
Quote from: Marauder Moe on October 16, 2008, 10:12:19 AM
There were a few instances where a character of mine was forced to execute someone he considered a friend, and for reasons he disagreed with.  If the players of any of those characters are reading, I'm sorry.   :'(

Also there was a certain player's first character who fell in love with a certain gemmer of mine and got pregnant.  They argued a lot, though.  They had some of the best fights ever, including one where they were both being dragged off to jail by the militia but were still shouting at each other.  Eventually my character outright made plans that once the baby was born he and his gemmer cronies were going to steal it and possibly kill the mother.  It never came to that, though, as one day she decided to go hunting alone, got shot up by gith, and consequently lost the child.  There was a touching scene where they went and buried the child in the desert.  Afterwards he told her that he never wanted to see her again, and he never did.

I threatened to gut that gicker lovin' bitch and feed tha' baby to my mount.

You paid the Guild to have me killed, and it worked.

I loved that storyline.  :)

Ha ha... those were such good times.  Not to mentioned she cheated on him (and then tried to blame it on him) about two million times.

That one time where they got dragged off together though.   That was just perfect.  I wish I'd knew about logs then.

The whole city was talking about that one if I recall correctly.

Then I died in such a stupid, stupid way.  I was not happy.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Bebop on November 02, 2008, 04:06:53 PM
My first karma was with a character that was a half elf.  But she didn't want anyone to know and she got by because she looked human.  She hated herself for it though.  And only ever confided what she was to one person.  Her mate.  She joined Salarr and completely abused the half elves in her unit.  Calling them "It" and "Ugly" and snubbing them worst of all. 

This isn't really emotional but OOC but it was kind of exciting IC!  I couldn't believe how well a little IC deception worked off.  There was a dwarf that was above her in rank and the only one better than her in the ring.  One day he decided to go off and find some "friend" in the desert.  Before he left he asked my character if I had any water.  She said no.  (She did.)  So off he went, asking her for directions into the Red Desert (she kindly pointed him in the direction to the largest gith nests she could think of.)  A few hours later he was running around dehydrated and in my head begging me to tell the Sergeant he needed help and water.  I assured him I was doing just that (I wasn't).  At his worst the Sergeant came 'round and found his head.  In his urgency the dwarf never mentioned me... and died a square or so inside the gates.  I never got caught!  Mwahaha.  After that I "mourned" him with everyone else in my unit.

With the same character she eventually got into some deep shit with a magicky item.  Having not reported said item she was beaten and the ranking family member ordered the other to kill her and left.  But the Journeyman in charge told her to leave to talk to the Templarate after beating her half to death.  Even though they had taken all of my things I gathered up some stuff and an erdlu (back then they were bugged) so I got a little ways from the city before I realized I couldn't actually back on the thing to ride it.  (Argh!)  My friend helped me and it wasn't long before she was magickally involved and practically going insane with forces that were way beyond her (or even my ooc) understanding.

Her mate eventually caught up with her and she told him the whole thing, knowing she could never go back to civilization she lingered in the wild a little, cut off from everyone.  After her mate (a Borsail soldier) ultimately betrayed her and told everyone her story, she turned herself into the Allanaki Templarate and gave some befuddled recounting of all of the crazy events that had occured before being killed in her jail cell cursing her mate in their heads the whole way.  From what I understand her mate was eventually thrown into the pit in Allanak for his involvement with her.

Ah, another Zalanthan love story.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Delstro on November 03, 2008, 03:39:23 PM
The last character that I fleshed out completely from A to Z and everything in between, was a 13 year old female character that I had planned from beginning to death at the age of 86 years old. Well, everything was going good, I was recruited into the Atrium as planned and worked/lived there for a good couple weeks. Well, I was getting really into the role of her craftiness when I would make specific house goods, then sell them to people at discounted prices or to the grocery store. Well, it went good for a week and a half before my teacher pulled me into the room of many deaths. Her gypsy lover started screaming at me because his brother just got murdered at the gates for having spice. Cool. Well, then he killed me. I was screaming, pleading, and emoting my ass off, thinking, and just really trying to save my character. My two killers were emoting well and really made the whole scene come alive. Alas, I was brutally murdered, rolled up into a carpet and then discarded across town.

My brand new PC after that just happened to be a room away from where he dropped the body, watching it the whole time. It was truly a complete coincidence that I was there; I was heading down to buy a chisel from a shop, I came directly from buying clothes in the bazaar which was directly from the Gaj. My pc confronted him later in the tavern, and then I was struck down by the Imms for carrying information from a previous character. Heh. Go figure.
Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Clearsighted on November 03, 2008, 03:45:54 PM
The laziest and easiest way to PK someone is definitely to lead them into ye olde locked room. It preys on certain people's natural social tendencies.

Title: Re: Heart Wrenching/Inspiring Scenes
Post by: Akaramu on November 17, 2008, 06:36:27 AM
Quote from: Marauder Moe on October 28, 2008, 11:04:07 AM
On top of that, somehow this woman had gotten tied up in some messy business in the 'rinth, though she said she wasn't actually involved (and I believed her).

To the best of my knowledge, that woman (my PC) really wasn't involved in rinth matters. She was scared of rinthers and tried her very best to avoid them. I don't know where the rumors were coming from, at some point later the PC was approached by a rinther who also mentioned 'some rinth business' she was supposedly involved in (a big HUH? moment for me) and tried to convince her to work for them. I can only guess that at some point there was a successful scheme in which my PC's identity was used by someone else, or rumors were spread to achieve some unknown goal.

That's one of the Arm stories I'll never forget myself, Moe. :)