Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: Belenos on October 12, 2008, 03:35:12 PM

Title: Special Applications
Post by: Belenos on October 12, 2008, 03:35:12 PM
It's role switch time again, and I will be taking over special applications from Nessalin.  There are a few points to be made as we switch the process over.

It takes time to process a special application.  We have to solicit feedback from other staffers that have had experience with your characters and we also have to survey the landscape and see if what you are wanting to play is a good fit with the gameworld.  Having twenty new mind benders show up at once is not a good thing. The rules for how many of X is too many is subjective and something we need to evaluate each time.

I think a reasonable amount of time is two weeks. That being said, real life sometimes interferes with schedules, so at times it may be longer, sometimes shorter.  If it has been three weeks since you put in an application, and you have not received a response, then feel free to shoot over a short email to me (cc'ing the mud always).  I will post here each time I clear out the queue.  If you haven't received a response then, feel free to inquire.

Some tips on a successful special application...

1. Take the time to think out what you want to play. Spend the time laying out your idea in a clean, easy to read format.

2. Paragraphs are your friend, embrace them, nurture them.

3. Don't try to re-revise your application after you have sent it in.  This is an application, -not- a negotiation.  Begging isn't helpful either.

4. No queries, just applications.  This means don't send in emails asking if there is room for another mind-bender.  These type of inquiries will be ignored.  They are not applications, they are pesty.

5. Don't IM me, or other staff members.  At best I will put your application at the end of the list, at worst, deny it due to not being able to follow the rules.

6. Suicide is not painless, it is frustrating.  Researching a player and seeing if that player is a responsible player, signing off on him, then watching him suicide his current player so he can play his new krathi underwater basketweaver does not give us warm and fuzzies.  It certainly does not help your chances next time around.

Why all the rules?  It's a matter of fairness and sanity.  It's only fair that all applicants play by the same rules.  I do not go by the adage that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. My feeling is that if it is squeaky, it gets replaced.  In terms of sanity, we by the very nature of the process have to say no a lot.  This is not fun.  Adding the additional pressure of players trying to push through the process makes the job less 'funner'.   If everyone plays by the guidelines, the special application process will go along much faster. 
Title: Re: Special Applications
Post by: Belenos on October 20, 2008, 01:40:03 AM
An Update: 

I was hoping to finish all applications in the queue by tonight, but it looks like it won't be until Tuesday the 21st that I will have it cleared out.  I will keep you updated, and yes, in advance. I have your application.
Title: Re: Special Applications
Post by: Belenos on October 23, 2008, 01:48:58 AM
I am down to three special application left. I need to do some more looking in to those requests, and I will have them finished tommorow, one way or the other.  Fair warning, I also got a crap load of email in in response to that last round of applications.  It will take me a little while to get through them.