Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: Kyleite on May 10, 2003, 08:19:37 PM

Title: Weapon Combat Fighting
Post by: Kyleite on May 10, 2003, 08:19:37 PM
While I was practicing Kendo(Japanese Sword fighting) once, I thought of Armageddon, how come the fighting that you use can't be changed user comand wise?

Like being able to slash, stab, chop, cut, slice, ect. I have even kneeled once when I was practicing to get away form a cut right above my head (when I was kneeling)

I thought that that would be a great way to make the arm weapon combat fighting system even better, I can see it. I even think that people that slash, ect. should be able to block in diffrent ways also:

the tall, dark man slashes at you missing your leg
You slash at the tall dark man, blocking his slash
The tall, dark man kneels down and misses your slice

Although my way is more of a rock paper sisors way, and I haven't thought about how you could find diffrent ways to block or dodge, beside the kneeling down one.

Another thing you would have to relize is that Slashing is Diagnal cut (or somthing else that you make up) stabing is a lunge or thrust of your weapon (" " ") cut is horizontal (" " ") slice is Vertical (" " ")

Another thing you could use, for more skilled at it, allow a double cut-slash cut

This would make things very confusing to new players, but I think would make a more realistic environment for the ones that figure out how to use it.

You could even allow (Advanced fighting on/off) that way, it would show if the other PC or NPC you fight has it on and you can use that way. I would think though that people that have it on should be able to fight that way with every NPC they incounter.
Title: Weapon Combat Fighting
Post by: HaiWolfe on May 10, 2003, 09:00:39 PM
This would be really hard to do what with the lag already built into the combat code.  By the time you saw someone trying to slash at you it would be too late for you to enter the slice command to block it or whatever.

Also, it's not necessary to hard code something that could just as easily be achieved through emotes.
Title: Weapon Combat Fighting
Post by: on May 11, 2003, 08:09:12 PM
I'm not sure that the terms "cut, slice and slash" have any real distinction when it comes to using a sword, my instructor for the past three years has used them all interchangeably, and she's been studying this for about seventeen years.

But onto the idea, I see what you're saying, with the lunge/thrust/stab, since most swords have two methods of attack, a slash and a stab. As well as Halberds would have a chop and stab, and on and on... I think though, it's best to assume that the echoes given in combat should be taken in a more general sense. Perhaps you think your finishing "Viscious wounding" slash with your sword to the body was actually running them through, it's up to you to emote it.

Now, I remember there was some talk about a 'flip' command, which allows you to take certain weapons, and use the handle as a bludgeoning weapon, but I forget the details.
Title: Weapon Combat Fighting
Post by: on May 11, 2003, 10:45:57 PM
Im pretty sure Zalanthas isnt combatively cultured like that.
There are some intricately designed weapons that could be used by gifted fighters, but alot of common swords are an edged length of obsidian on a bone handle. Or a sharpened length of crude bone.

Now if your holding an edged blade with maybe no point on it, there isnt much you can do in the way of technique with it but slash.

Now slice, slash, chop... they are all essentially the same when you get down to it. Slice might imply a cleaner narrower cut, a chop is usually implied as a downward or horizontal hack with the edge being vertical, and a slash is typically diagonal, or thats what comes to mind right away.

But just because the damage noun for a weapon is set as something, doesnt mean you cant do otherwise. Ive chopped down at people with a slashing sword, and stabbed people with the pointed end of a weapon that is predominantly slashing. Or sliced people with the sharp stabbing edge of a dagger.

You dont need to be restricted, just like some people change bash to be 'Shieldbash' when holding a shield, or use Disarm as handstrike or something. Just have fun with combat :)
Title: Weapon Combat Fighting
Post by: X-D on May 12, 2003, 04:40:47 AM
Also, I know of at least one mud that combat does work in basicly the manner that Kyleite mentions and man in my opinion, it really sucks.

Combat is EXTREMLY slow and no way to take into account different connection speeds or possible lag for one player...well could but then it would be totaly turn based and that would suck even more.