Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 03, 2008, 08:53:28 AM

Title: Devotions
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 03, 2008, 08:53:28 AM
What happened to the automated Templar that would lead devotions in Allanak?
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: Tisiphone on June 03, 2008, 08:54:06 AM
The staff took him out for some reason we haven't yet been made privy to. I think it has something to do with that being the wrong flavour for Allanak, but I dunno.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 03, 2008, 08:55:01 AM
I thought that really highlighted the flavor of Allanak.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: Ghost on June 03, 2008, 09:46:01 AM
There was a GDB post quite a while ago where someone said that devotion templar was taken out because a few twinks repeatedly killed him?

I am not entirely sure if this was really the reason or someone just speculated it
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: brytta.leofa on June 03, 2008, 10:01:40 AM
Quote from: Ghost on June 03, 2008, 09:46:01 AM
There was a GDB post quite a while ago where someone said that devotion templar was taken out because a few twinks repeatedly killed him?

Allanak should have a solution for that...  8)

As a Christian IRL, I do find devotions unaccountably creepy when, as they occasionally do, they seem too much like Your Modern Church Relabeled.  But I surely do love Allanak's zealots.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 03, 2008, 10:17:18 AM
Quote from: brytta.leofa on June 03, 2008, 10:01:40 AM
As a Christian IRL, I do find devotions unaccountably creepy when, as they occasionally do, they seem too much like Your Modern Church Relabeled.  But I surely do love Allanak's zealots.

Yeh, agreed. For a long time, I couldn't wrap my mind around the way a Citizen of Allanak does. But then I realized that we serve God for an entirely different reason than Allanakis serve Tektolnes. We serve him out of love - they serve him out of fear. What's more, my personal approach to roleplaying this aspect of the game is that I do not worship Tektolnes. I treat him more like a ... uncle with money and power. A Mob Boss, if you will. It makes it easier for me to do what is right IC and OOC at the same time.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: UnderSeven on June 03, 2008, 11:20:52 AM
I'm going to have to disagree.  I think Tek can be served for a wide variety of reasons.  For instance, does the devote militia member fear the sorcerer king?  Maybe, but they probably have some sort of faithful loyalty go on.  After all the wrath of tek would nnneever be visited on him, he's devote, unlike all you unbelievers.

I guess my point is it's probably an individual thing.  Some serve tek for fear, some for love, some just pay lip service and some hate everything he represents.

I wouldn't personally draw any connections between highlord worship in arm to any modern religion really.  I think we're talking apples and oranges completely here folks.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 03, 2008, 11:28:50 AM
You have a good point. I suppose there can be many reasons. For the sake of my own RL beliefs, I am going to choose to ignore your good points. *grin*
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: mansa on June 03, 2008, 11:35:05 AM
I wanted to kill the npc dwarf with the gigantic drum that you could wear on your chest that followed that templar, but I never had the balls to do that.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: staggerlee on June 03, 2008, 11:44:39 AM
This is somewhat off topic, but I've often looked at it like respecting nobility or templar. There's a series of codified rituals you go through to demonstrate your profound fear and respect for them.  You don't expect to be noticed by them, you don't want to be noticed by them, you sure don't ask for things.

You prostrate yourself in the crowd, you invoke their name, etc because they're massively powerful, and because it's a ritual token of fear and respect.   Hopefully they never notice you, but if they do you really want to make sure you've crossed your t and dotting your i.

Fear is mixed with respect and reverence of course, but the point is that it's as much about demonstrating that you're a good little citizen that isn't going to be any trouble.  And it looks good too.  If you're at devotion every morning it's less likely that you're going to be accused of being some kind of northern sympathizer or something, which could destroy the reputation and future of your average nakki citizen.

So it's a big public ritual where you march down the street, flop down in front of a massive statue in a huge crowd and then go home.  I don't see private prayer and personal faith as having as much a role, because who wants HIM to notice them?
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: jcljules on June 04, 2008, 07:31:18 PM
I haven't had a chance to play in Allanak yet, but is there something similar in Tuluk? Like a devotion to Muk Utep?
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: Ourla on June 04, 2008, 07:36:41 PM
Quote from: jcljules on June 04, 2008, 07:31:18 PM
I haven't had a chance to play in Allanak yet, but is there something similar in Tuluk? Like a devotion to Muk Utep?

No, we're mostly just hippies.  I'd love to see something like this, though.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: manonfire on June 04, 2008, 07:39:13 PM
Quote from: jcljules on June 04, 2008, 07:31:18 PM
I haven't had a chance to play in Allanak yet, but is there something similar in Tuluk? Like a devotion to Muk Utep?

Yeah. Muk Utep is pleased when you sit at bars and are needlessly cryptic.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: musashi on June 04, 2008, 09:02:25 PM
I thought there was a clan of the sun king, or something like that?
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: Shiroi Tsuki on June 04, 2008, 09:23:54 PM
Quote from: manonfire on June 04, 2008, 07:39:13 PM
Yeah. Muk Utep is pleased when you sit at bars and are needlessly cryptic.

There is no such thing as 'needlessly' cryptic.

L2subtle.  Loser.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: manonfire on June 04, 2008, 09:33:54 PM
Quote from: Shiroi Tsuki on June 04, 2008, 09:23:54 PM
Quote from: manonfire on June 04, 2008, 07:39:13 PM
Yeah. Muk Utep is pleased when you sit at bars and are needlessly cryptic.

There is no such thing as 'needlessly' cryptic.

L2subtle.  Loser.

Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: Agent_137 on June 05, 2008, 12:43:37 PM
I don't understand why some people have issue playing a character who worships Tek but not a character who murders and fornicates. I would except more common people to revere tek as an actual full on god. After all what else do they have to compare him to? They don't have the biblical idea of god, they don't even have well developed animistic religions. Templars wear his sigil, and they call magick, and they keep the bad guys and bad bugs out, and he's been around for kings ages upon kings ages. That's pretty god-like, esp. when you don't have anything else to compare it to.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 05, 2008, 01:34:44 PM
Maybe that's a good point, Agent. Still ... that's my hangup.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: Jenred on June 10, 2008, 06:35:04 AM
I believe reading somewhere around the time it was removed, which was some time ago, that it was too religious a flair for a markedly non-religious people. Alot of people turned it into a worship-type thing, which... is inaccurate I believe with the flavor of the game. I believe it was Bhag? or someone that a comment to this extent, but I could be mistaken. I remember it being a long-named staffer.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 10, 2008, 09:03:14 AM
Errr, too religious? Non-religious? We have a temple to the Highlord, a dragon statue that most of the populous go pray or give thanks at at least once a week.

Too religious?
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: Jenred on June 10, 2008, 06:49:05 PM
Quote from: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 10, 2008, 09:03:14 AM
Errr, too religious? Non-religious? We have a temple to the Highlord, a dragon statue that most of the populous go pray or give thanks at at least once a week.

Too religious?

The problem was that people assumed they should be praying to the statue. Zalanthans shouldn't have the notion of prayer like we do.

The idea that you mentally give thanks and praise to a being more powerful than yourself while supplicating in front of an idol, would not be ingrained in the average Allanaki like it would a generation raised with Christian values. And somehow devotions got started, and everyone assumed they should, or had to (especially when the templars started forcing people to).

The statue is more of an intimidation thing, in my opinion. like... remember, this is who owns this city, do as he commands or else. Not a... this wonderful place is brought to you by Tektolnes, please leave a prayer after the beep.

The only mention of religion on the site is that there is no religion, other than the worship of the Kings. Which even worship can be stretched in different ways.

Eitherway, the whole discussion is a different discussion. I was just saying that around the time the devotions code was removed, it was stated that it gave a heightened sense of religiosity to the city that was not conducive to the environment.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: Southie on June 10, 2008, 07:10:31 PM
Quote from: Jenred on June 10, 2008, 06:49:05 PM
The problem was that people assumed they should be praying to the statue. Zalanthans shouldn't have the notion of prayer like we do.

The idea that you mentally give thanks and praise to a being more powerful than yourself while supplicating in front of an idol, would not be ingrained in the average Allanaki like it would a generation raised with Christian values. And somehow devotions got started, and everyone assumed they should, or had to (especially when the templars started forcing people to).

The statue is more of an intimidation thing, in my opinion. like... remember, this is who owns this city, do as he commands or else. Not a... this wonderful place is brought to you by Tektolnes, please leave a prayer after the beep.

I disagree. I think religion in either city-state can be born out of either love -or- out of fear for the King/templarate.

Who's to say Tek/Muk might not take notice if you pray and devote to them on a regular basis? Maybe the next time a templar takes notice of you, the King will direct them to spare your life for being faithful. Maybe Tek controls your destiny and put that dead body filled with loot in your path as a reward for being righteous.

On the other hand, maybe the King will notice if you DON'T respect his city. Maybe he can see into your very soul and will punish you for not acknowledging his ultimate supremacy. Maybe he will curse the next thousand generations of your family with herpes if you don't supplicate yourself to his idol.

Religion can and should definitely exist in Zalanthas. I think it's when that religion becomes Judeo-Christian in appearance (sacraments, beliefs in heaven/hell, benevolent Gods who will deliver you from sin) that it gets bad.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: Shoka Windrunner on June 11, 2008, 12:34:00 PM

Growling and lifting his gleaming copper scimitar to point at you, the hard nose templar says in sirihish,
   "Bow you 'tok, and place yourself on the Infinitesimal Mercy of your God King, Highlord Tektolnes!"

Quivering in fear with wide eyes, you fall to your knees and place your forehead on the ground.

In a powerful, dark, disembodied voice, the steel statue of a dragon says in sirihish,
   "I see into your mind, your heart, your very soul.  I know all your secrets and thoughts.  Your desires and dreams.  You fears and nightmares."

You breathe in ragged, wild eyed breaths, the hot tepid air from your lungs scattering dust as you prostrate before the steel statue of a dragon with your forehead to the sand,
causing the dust and sand stirred by your panicked breaths to cling to your sweat covered face.

In a powerful, dark disembodied voice, the steel statue of a dragon says in sirihish,
   "You have lived a life in service to me.  You have walked in My Shadow every day of your life.  You obey my laws faithfully.  I know the man you have slain with your blades
was a traitor to the gleaming city of Allanak.  You have not displeased me.  Templar...set this faithful citizen free.  And reward his loyalty."

Smirking and jerking you to your feet by your hair, the hard nosed templar says in sirihish,
  "You have been blessed by the Highlord and granted your life.  Continue to walk in His Wide Winged Shadow and your life will continue at His pleasure."

Stumbling to his feet, his face covered in sweat, tears and dirt, you twist your face in pain and anguish as you are lifted to your feet by your dirt covered hair.

Turning to a nearby soldier, the hard nosed templar says in sirihish,
  "Give this citizen his reward."

A human soldier of Allanak steps forward and thrusts a small skin of water and a loaf of bread into your hands.

Giving you a hard shove towards the gates of the city, the hard nosed templar says in sirihish,
  "Bring the next to be judged by the God King, Highlord Tektolnes."

You stumble away from the hard nosed templar and drop a quick shaky bow as you back up a few steps before turning and walking quickly towards the gates,
your hard leather waterskin and your loaf of crusty bread clutched to your chest.

A line of figures, surrounded by soldiers of Allanak moves a step forward as the shifty eyed, rank breathed man stumbles forward, eyes wide in fear, falling to his knees
in the dust before the hard nosed templar.

Growling and lifting his gleaming copper scimitar to point at the shifty eyed, rank breathed man, the hard nose templar says in sirihish,
   "Bow and avert your eyes!  Place yourself on the Infinitesimal Mercy of your God King, Highlord Tektolnes!"

The shifty eyed, rank breathed man grovels in the dirt before the steel statue of a dragon, whimpering piteously.

In a powerful, dark, and disembodied voice, the steel statue of a dragon says in sirihish,
  "I know you Malik.  You have hid yourself from the Blessing of My Shadow for all of your life.  You have stolen fruit from the Bazaar.  I am displeased."

The hard nosed templar raises his copper bladed scimitar in the air above the shifty eyed, rank breathed man, the light of Suk-Krath reflecting upon the blade and shining
across the steel statue of a dragon.

Face lifting slightly from the dirt so he can speak, the shifty eyed, rank breathed man says in sirihish,
  "Almighty Lord!  I was only trying to feed my family!  They will starve without me!"

You back slowly away from the spectacle of the shifty eyed, rank breathed man, clutching your waterskin and loaf of bread to your chest.

In a powerful, dark and disembodied voice, the steel statue of a dragon says in sirihish,
  "Then I will show them My mercy.  Your body will be drained of blood, your flesh removed from your bones.  It will be delivered to your family, so they will have food
and drink."

A look of absolute horror passes over the shifty eyed, rank breathed man's face before he attempts to climb to his feet.

Crying out as his copper bladed scimitar plummets through the air towards the shifty eyed, rank breathed man's neck, the hard nosed templar exclaims in sirihish,
  "You have been deemed unworthy of the God King's Infinitesimal Mercy!"

The shifty eyed, rank breathed man's head rolls free bumping into a three cord pile of disembodied heads near the gates as his lifeless body slumps to the ground.

Cleaning the blood from his blade with a piece of black sandcloth, the hard nosed templar says to human soldier of Allanak,
  "Take this one to the slaughterhouse.  Have the Highlord's will done and deliver his blood and flesh to his family, so they may eat.  Next supplicant come forward!"

Swallowing hard and dropping to his knees at the side of the road as the human soldier of Allanak drags the headless body of the shifty eyed, rank breathed man past the road,
you prostrate yourself before the dragon, your hard leather waterskin and loaf of crusty bread clutched to your chest as tears run down your cheeks.

You feel a wave of relief, nearly overwhelmed by all encompasing awe and horrific terror mixed in a cocktail of pounding blood and sweaty palms.

You think awe and terror mixed in equal parts,
  "Highlord be Praised!  Highlord!  Be Praised!"

You push yourself to your feet and pass between the gates bowing at the pair of Templar overseeing the gate guards.

Bowing as he walks past the pair of Templars, you say in sirihish,
  "May His Wide Winged Shadow cover you for all your days my Lord and Lady."

That's...that's actually what I've always hoped that the world and the God King's would be like.  Love Him, and Fear Him, for when you are in His Infinitesimal Mercy you hope...(not don't pray in Zalanthas)...that the Omnipotent and Omnipresent Immortal God King has noticed that you follow his laws and walk in His Shadow.

That was what I was hoping for when I first came to Arm.  However, since Tektolnes does not ever see those who are to be put on'll never happen like this.  Krath it doesn't even have to be the Highlord making the Dragon statue speak.  Just a high ranking black robe perhaps.  Making whims and mercies in his own judgement as the Highlord's will.  In Dark Sun terms, I've always thought of Tektolnes to be similar to the Lion King of Urik.  Which probably mean nothing to anyone other than me.  But I remember most vividly the Lion King and his interactions with Pavek of the Yellow Robes.  Most...interesting.
Title: Re: Devotions
Post by: Jenred on June 12, 2008, 06:57:38 AM
Quote from: Shoka Windrunner on June 11, 2008, 12:34:00 PM

Growling and lifting his gleaming copper scimitar to point at you, the hard nose templar says in sirihish,
   "Bow you 'tok, and place yourself on the Infinitesimal Mercy of your God King, Highlord Tektolnes!"

Quivering in fear with wide eyes, you fall to your knees and place your forehead on the ground.

In a powerful, dark, disembodied voice, the steel statue of a dragon says in sirihish,
   "I see into your mind, your heart, your very soul.  I know all your secrets and thoughts.  Your desires and dreams.  You fears and nightmares."

You breathe in ragged, wild eyed breaths, the hot tepid air from your lungs scattering dust as you prostrate before the steel statue of a dragon with your forehead to the sand,
causing the dust and sand stirred by your panicked breaths to cling to your sweat covered face.

In a powerful, dark disembodied voice, the steel statue of a dragon says in sirihish,
   "You have lived a life in service to me.  You have walked in My Shadow every day of your life.  You obey my laws faithfully.  I know the man you have slain with your blades
was a traitor to the gleaming city of Allanak.  You have not displeased me.  Templar...set this faithful citizen free.  And reward his loyalty."

Smirking and jerking you to your feet by your hair, the hard nosed templar says in sirihish,
  "You have been blessed by the Highlord and granted your life.  Continue to walk in His Wide Winged Shadow and your life will continue at His pleasure."

Stumbling to his feet, his face covered in sweat, tears and dirt, you twist your face in pain and anguish as you are lifted to your feet by your dirt covered hair.

Turning to a nearby soldier, the hard nosed templar says in sirihish,
  "Give this citizen his reward."

A human soldier of Allanak steps forward and thrusts a small skin of water and a loaf of bread into your hands.

Giving you a hard shove towards the gates of the city, the hard nosed templar says in sirihish,
  "Bring the next to be judged by the God King, Highlord Tektolnes."

You stumble away from the hard nosed templar and drop a quick shaky bow as you back up a few steps before turning and walking quickly towards the gates,
your hard leather waterskin and your loaf of crusty bread clutched to your chest.

A line of figures, surrounded by soldiers of Allanak moves a step forward as the shifty eyed, rank breathed man stumbles forward, eyes wide in fear, falling to his knees
in the dust before the hard nosed templar.

Growling and lifting his gleaming copper scimitar to point at the shifty eyed, rank breathed man, the hard nose templar says in sirihish,
   "Bow and avert your eyes!  Place yourself on the Infinitesimal Mercy of your God King, Highlord Tektolnes!"

The shifty eyed, rank breathed man grovels in the dirt before the steel statue of a dragon, whimpering piteously.

In a powerful, dark, and disembodied voice, the steel statue of a dragon says in sirihish,
  "I know you Malik.  You have hid yourself from the Blessing of My Shadow for all of your life.  You have stolen fruit from the Bazaar.  I am displeased."

The hard nosed templar raises his copper bladed scimitar in the air above the shifty eyed, rank breathed man, the light of Suk-Krath reflecting upon the blade and shining
across the steel statue of a dragon.

Face lifting slightly from the dirt so he can speak, the shifty eyed, rank breathed man says in sirihish,
  "Almighty Lord!  I was only trying to feed my family!  They will starve without me!"

You back slowly away from the spectacle of the shifty eyed, rank breathed man, clutching your waterskin and loaf of bread to your chest.

In a powerful, dark and disembodied voice, the steel statue of a dragon says in sirihish,
  "Then I will show them My mercy.  Your body will be drained of blood, your flesh removed from your bones.  It will be delivered to your family, so they will have food
and drink."

A look of absolute horror passes over the shifty eyed, rank breathed man's face before he attempts to climb to his feet.

Crying out as his copper bladed scimitar plummets through the air towards the shifty eyed, rank breathed man's neck, the hard nosed templar exclaims in sirihish,
  "You have been deemed unworthy of the God King's Infinitesimal Mercy!"

The shifty eyed, rank breathed man's head rolls free bumping into a three cord pile of disembodied heads near the gates as his lifeless body slumps to the ground.

Cleaning the blood from his blade with a piece of black sandcloth, the hard nosed templar says to human soldier of Allanak,
  "Take this one to the slaughterhouse.  Have the Highlord's will done and deliver his blood and flesh to his family, so they may eat.  Next supplicant come forward!"

Swallowing hard and dropping to his knees at the side of the road as the human soldier of Allanak drags the headless body of the shifty eyed, rank breathed man past the road,
you prostrate yourself before the dragon, your hard leather waterskin and loaf of crusty bread clutched to your chest as tears run down your cheeks.

You feel a wave of relief, nearly overwhelmed by all encompasing awe and horrific terror mixed in a cocktail of pounding blood and sweaty palms.

You think awe and terror mixed in equal parts,
  "Highlord be Praised!  Highlord!  Be Praised!"

You push yourself to your feet and pass between the gates bowing at the pair of Templar overseeing the gate guards.

Bowing as he walks past the pair of Templars, you say in sirihish,
  "May His Wide Winged Shadow cover you for all your days my Lord and Lady."

That's...that's actually what I've always hoped that the world and the God King's would be like.  Love Him, and Fear Him, for when you are in His Infinitesimal Mercy you hope...(not don't pray in Zalanthas)...that the Omnipotent and Omnipresent Immortal God King has noticed that you follow his laws and walk in His Shadow.

That was what I was hoping for when I first came to Arm.  However, since Tektolnes does not ever see those who are to be put on'll never happen like this.  Krath it doesn't even have to be the Highlord making the Dragon statue speak.  Just a high ranking black robe perhaps.  Making whims and mercies in his own judgement as the Highlord's will.  In Dark Sun terms, I've always thought of Tektolnes to be similar to the Lion King of Urik.  Which probably mean nothing to anyone other than me.  But I remember most vividly the Lion King and his interactions with Pavek of the Yellow Robes.  Most...interesting.

Alot of the reason it doesnt happen like this in Allanak, and definetely never in Tuluk is because of stuff too IC to talk about really.

It would be neat, but it won't be like that.