Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: Cavaticus on May 19, 2008, 05:24:55 PM

Title: Clan Forum Requests
Post by: Cavaticus on May 19, 2008, 05:24:55 PM
Hey guys. I'd just like to pass on a little request to y'all along with some information.

When you put in a request, via the request tool, to join a clan forum, a copy of that request automagickally gets emailed to the staff of the clan in question. So it's redundant to both email AND fill out a request.

If you have a reason to send a separate email, like because you want to let me know that your character is actually a spy sent by the Dragon to seed the world with Elvis action figures, that's super cool. Or even if you just want to give a bit of extra info about your character in general. That kind of stuff is awesome. But if the email is just a repeat of the "join a forum" request, go ahead and leave it out.

Thanks a bunch!
-Your friendly neighborhood spider-imm.