Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: Vanth on April 01, 2008, 05:01:17 PM

Title: Arm 2.0, a new direction
Post by: Vanth on April 01, 2008, 05:01:17 PM
After long consideration, we've decided to scrap our work on the current Arm 2.0 and go with a new idea.

The new world will now be thousands of years in the future, with a space theme.  We're calling it Armageddon 2, The Rise of the Vestrics.
Here's a quick overview of some of the playable races:
Space Vestrics - 2000 years after a cataclysmic event, vestrics have gained supremacy over all other races and invented space travel. Superstitious and ritualistic, the vestrics rule everyone with the threat of their great power--the ability to disintegrate living creatures with the wriggle of a nose.
Space Gith - Slaves of the vestrics, space gith are used for all manual labor, most living meager existences. A few very talented gith are used as entertainers and bards by the vestrics, who enjoy their tribal dancing.
Space Mantis - The warrior-servants of the vestrics, space manti are often used as an invasion force to conquer new sectors of space for the vestric empire.
Space Elves - The remnants of Zalanthas' human and elven populations, these people would be more properly called half-elves, as pure humans and pure elves no longer exist, having interbred or killed each other off. Many form the merchant classes or skilled occupations of the vestric empire, or fill positions not taken by other races. Others, based in secret hideouts on the surface of Zalanthas' two moons, fight a rebellion against vestric rule.

And some classes and clans:
Kuraci Space Pirates - This House is best known for the the quality spaceships they construct. Their sleek ships don't rumble or shake, but instead glide through the galaxy. Rumors abound that these swashbucklers of space use their ship construction business as a front to hide a successful raiding enterprise. (clan)
Kadian Outfitters - Kadius is known for engineering luxurious anti-gravity suits and the finest spaceship accessories. They were fine heavily and briefly fell out of favor with the masses after one enterprising Agent introduced the vestric feather lined Zero G Suit. Bobble-head dolls for spaceship dashboards featuring prominent Templars are giving this House a new rise in popularity. (clan)
Salarri Arms Syndicate - Salarr is spoken of far and wide as the premier supplier of legal (and occasionally illegal) weaponry for the whole of Zalanthas.  Their research and development teams are unparalleled, rumored to be developing powerful particle cannons of high yield.  Recently, they have begun branching into defense systems for spacecraft.  (clan)
Jihaen and Lirathan Templars - Ruling the Tuluki Federation, the gender-segregated Jihaens and Lirathans have skills depending upon faction. Jihaens, renowned for their expert starship piloting, and engineering skills, rule upon their namesake moon, with special red colored spaceships. Lirathans are expert hackers and snipers, with supreme marksmanship skills famed the galaxy over. Their white spaceships are also very bitchin'. These fearless leaders of the Tuluki federation battle tirelessly against the reign of the vestrics, on the final frontier of space. (class/clan)
Kruth Astrologist - Kruth astrology is a highly technical form of con artistry. Good Kruth astrologists can make more than any other profession, due to the high demand for them from the superstitious space vestrics. Bad Kruth astrologists cease to exist. (class)

Stay tuned for more updates!

Title: Re: Arm 2.0, a new direction
Post by: Morgenes on April 02, 2008, 11:16:19 AM
In case you didn't figure it out, this was an April Fool's Joke, we have not scrapped our plans and moved on.