Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: spicemustflow on March 18, 2008, 06:41:09 AM

Title: Think I'm finally getting it...[the game]
Post by: spicemustflow on March 18, 2008, 06:41:09 AM
Before I was complaining about the tyranny of choices, that is my inability to enjoy my current character. Instead I was thinking, hm, wish I had that other subguild, maybe a different starting location, or, hell, a completely different character! During my last reincarnation I was somehow able to overcome it, and not think about other options, it was like I had this one life and I could only enjoy it. And I did. Had great plans, some adventures, a couple of scars, all in all had fun, which was cut short by a certain bull-like creature. After a brief mourning period, I'm ready to make something new, and look forward to it very much.

Hm, this isn't really important to anyone, just thought I'd share...

[edited by Vanth to make the subject clearer]
Title: Re: Think I'm finally getting it...
Post by: Fnord on March 18, 2008, 08:24:28 AM
Quote from: spicemustflow on March 18, 2008, 06:41:09 AM
Before I was complaining about the tyranny of choices, that is my inability to enjoy my current character. Instead I was thinking, hm, wish I had that other subguild, maybe a different starting location, or, hell, a completely different character! During my last reincarnation I was somehow able to overcome it, and not think about other options, it was like I had this one life and I could only enjoy it. And I did. Had great plans, some adventures, a couple of scars, all in all had fun, which was cut short by a certain bull-like creature. After a brief mourning period, I'm ready to make something new, and look forward to it very much.

Hm, this isn't really important to anyone, just thought I'd share...

Sounds like you're learning to enjoy the game more and that's always a good thing.
Title: Re: Think I'm finally getting it...
Post by: Irulan on March 18, 2008, 09:49:04 AM
I think that we've all started out that way. It takes time to learn the mechanics of the game, and how to enjoy your current character to its fullest. Everyone was a n00b at one point or another. Hell, I've been playing almost five years now, and I still sometimes run across something that makes me feel all n00b like, or learn a new way to roleplay (or a new way for your PC to bite the dust). That is part of what makes this game so darn addicting. Plus, there is almost always something new to try. I remember after a few months when things sort of 'clicked' in my brain. It is a really fun feeling.

Kick back, have fun with your next character, and add to this amazing world with your roleplay.

Title: Re: Think I'm finally getting it...
Post by: Reiloth on March 19, 2008, 05:11:31 PM
I stilll from time to time drink cleaning fluid from a keg, and i've been here for almost 6 years.

I don't think I hit that 'point' you are talking about, spice, until about my second year. I was so deeply entrenched in the H&S mindset, that it was really difficult for me just to let go. Now, the majority of my characters seek very little coded power, in order to further enrich the game with my PC's RP. Sure...I'll spar. Sure, i'll try to branch something. But I might want to smoke some spice and get laid, first. Or throw rocks at VNPC children from the roof of a building in the 'rinth. Or discover why that dwarf over there has more than one ding-dong.

It takes a real epiphany to step away from the 'skills' command, and to instead use the 'bio' command (Though it is a recent addition). Fleshing out the 'character' is 100% of the fun for me, in Armageddon, now. Interacting with the plethora of personalities imagined out there, is great. Intrigue, and fucking shit up for other people, is also high up there on my list. Having enemies, and having lovers, and having friends.

I think the first ten characters I played were the 'stoic badasses that didn't take shit from no one, and only like smoking spice and getting in fights at bars, but not actually fighting people in bars, because they are too afraid of getting crimflagged and dying from an OOC standpoint'. Or 'Hai guys i'm a merchant, buy my stuff plz? I'm going to go cut wood in a sandstorm of epic proportions, bai.' Now, I prefer the 'I had a really messed up childhood and if anyone mentions the word 'sand trap' in a sentance, I go balistic and start ripping them to shreds.' or 'Hi, I am a Bynner that does none of his jobs properly, and only think about titties and spice when on a serious mission, because I don't really care about any of these guys or gals.'