Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Angela Christine on April 12, 2003, 06:38:16 AM

Title: Weather paradox?
Post by: Angela Christine on April 12, 2003, 06:38:16 AM

What's up with that?  The sky is clear and the air is silent, but stinging sand swirls around me?  I don't mind the storms, but according to the weather command there is no storm. When there is a wind, you can use the direction of the wind to make a guess about where the storm will be less severe and act accordingly.   But in the last few days there seems to be pockets of spontanious bad weather, with no source, that can't be predicted.

Title: Weather paradox?
Post by: John on April 12, 2003, 08:41:48 AM
bug it. Obviously a code change has been incorporated that caused a bug to occur ;)

I can't think of ANY other reason for that to happen.  :roll:
Title: Weather paradox?
Post by: Bestatte on April 12, 2003, 09:15:35 AM
How about...

A rukkian branched some kinda spell and cast it on AC's character, thus causing her to be surrounded by sand wherever she goes?


A whiran did the same thing...


Whira is playing mindgames intentionally with everyone.

I recall an odd weather/temperature thing happening not long ago, where I saw echoes of the weather changing and the temperature changing, yet when I typed WEATHER, it was exactly what it had been before I saw those emits. I later found out this was definitely -not- a bug.

Could be that AC's experience is a bug, but considering our zany fun-loving IMM and IMP type people, I wouldn't count on it necessarily.
Title: Weather paradox?
Post by: John on April 12, 2003, 09:34:04 AM
I thought the same thing. But if a magicker was causing a sandstorm to be around an area/person you'd think "weather" would still represent that wouldn't you? Unless AC has been sniffing some spice of course........ :roll:
Title: Weather paradox?
Post by: on April 12, 2003, 01:48:31 PM
I'm pretty sure that happens when you move from a sandstorm area to a non sandstorm area. It seems that the check to display the sandstorm message is done in the room you're leaving from, without checking where you're going.
Title: Weather paradox?
Post by: creeper386 on April 12, 2003, 06:31:45 PM
Tony, the room she went into she couldn't see anything because of the sand. SO, it'd assume she didn't move into a region without sand or else she could probably see.

Title: re: Weather
Post by: Savak on April 13, 2003, 09:57:20 AM
I've said it before and I'll say it again -- the weather code is a fickle and stubborn beast which has simply not been tamed.

Any clearly magickal effect will be...-clearly- magickal.  A more obscure magickal effect, if any, is up to your interpretation.  From AC's example, your character might simply think of themselves in a still pocket of the storm, or the eye of the storm, with raucous power raging around them.  Or your character might be convinced Whira is protecting them from her fight with Ruk, or Nilaz is passing by in the midst of the commotion.  Or whatever.

Suffice it to say for now that these inconsistencies are not intended to be overtly magickal-appearing affairs, and unfortunately the weather code being what it is we can't readily find & fix the problems.  There is, however, one possible alternative explanation which does not depend entirely on the weather code -- if you see this problem consistently in the SAME room or series of rooms (week to week, RL), please typo/bug it (so I can have the room number) and briefly email me.


Title: Weather paradox?
Post by: Angela Christine on April 13, 2003, 10:08:07 AM
Thanks for the input everybody.  Maybe I should just make a city character, then I wouldn't have these problems.   :wink:

Title: Weather paradox?
Post by: creeper386 on April 14, 2003, 12:25:50 AM
I've also noticed something else. I was walking around. There was no storm, or sand blowing. I was walking around and didn't get the sand swirling about me. Then it went dark. And I saw the...

It's pitch black, there is sand swirling about you.

Or whatever message. I tried weather... and everything, no sand. I lit a torch and walked around. No swirling sand.

Is there no "non-sand" can't see message?
