Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: hater on April 11, 2003, 04:58:41 AM

Title: bow pulls
Post by: hater on April 11, 2003, 04:58:41 AM
Ok its gonna get confusing but here goes i have the same bow skill as someone else but he is sweaker he sees a bow just right for him it is too weak for me do we still ghet the same bonuses .what i mean it if i got a bow too weak for me would it make me not as good as a person who sees it right for them when they have the same skill in shooting as me?
Title: To put an end to it...
Post by: Harcroft on April 11, 2003, 02:37:18 PM
Your ability to use a certian bow, is based not on the skill itself, but your strengh. A halfling would need a bow made of maybe a twig and some spider web for a string. While a half-giant would need a flexible log with a massive rope for a bowstring. So you and your friend probably have different strength's, especially if you are different races. So while your friend can use this big stiff bow, you may have to use a bow with a slightly ligher pull. Between Allanak, Tuluk and Luirs I'm sure you'd be able to find something that is about right for you. I hope this clears it up for you, good luck.
Title: bow pulls
Post by: deviant storm on April 11, 2003, 03:20:43 PM
Why can't we all just get along?

Everyone's turned this into a witch-hunt thread, mostly.

Guest new person, the strength of the bow I don't think has anything to do with whether you're going to be able to raise your skills at archery. Or your friend, either. Unless it's too strong and you can't use it, of course.

Keep in mind it's about role play and having fun here, okay?

That's all I have to say.
Title: bow pulls
Post by: Fedaykin on April 11, 2003, 03:30:41 PM
I've already answered this question for "hater" privately but figured I might as well post it here for anyone else wondering the same thing since I'm not sure if anyone else actually answered it.

Without getting into the actual game mechanics of what effects what specifically, which I don't claim to know anyways:

Think of Goldielocks and the Three Bears.  Now, there was three of everything, right?  Take the beds: too soft, too hard, and just right.  This is sort of like the different types of bows you might find: too weak, too strong, and just right.  Now, realistically, Goldielocks could sleep in any bed, but which is she going to sleep best in?  The one that is just right.

While you can't use bows that are too strong for you, I think its safe to say that people are going to better off using bows that are "just right" for them as opposed to ones that are too weak, similar to Goldielock's predicament.  Its "just right" or too weak for a reason after all, isn't it?
Title: bow pulls
Post by: Kurano on April 11, 2003, 03:50:10 PM
I deleted a lot of posts from this thread because we already have several dedicated to the topic of poor grammar and spelling, so I don't see the need to hijack yet another one.
Title: bow pulls
Post by: Kalden on April 15, 2003, 02:25:32 AM
Is there a command to see if the pull is right for you other than just viewing the bow at a shop?
Title: bow pulls
Post by: Plazgoth on April 15, 2003, 11:32:42 AM
I don't think so. If there is it would be great to know it. In the past I have had to sell my bow to see if it is just right for me and then buy it back.  :(
Title: bow pulls
Post by: Kalden on April 15, 2003, 09:03:23 PM
Yeah... that is seriously information that should be available on look, if it's available by viewing it at a shop. Any chance of that happening, or something equivalent?

I think this should also apply to how much a container can carry. We should be able to tell which has more space, our backpack or our cloak, especially if we can view it at the shop.
Title: bow pulls
Post by: Kalden on April 15, 2003, 09:04:58 PM
Yeah... that is seriously information that should be available on look, if it's available by viewing it at a shop. Any chance of that happening, or something equivalent?

I think this should also apply to how much a container can carry. We should be able to tell which has more space, our backpack or our cloak, especially if we can view it at the shop.
Title: bow pulls
Post by: Delirium on April 15, 2003, 09:14:18 PM
You -can- test the pull of a bow without having to sell and rebuy it. You can test a bow out by going:

Shoot <near/far> <direction>  I'm fairly sure. It's either that, or Shoot <direction> <near/far>.
Title: bow pulls
Post by: Lazloth on April 15, 2003, 09:39:58 PM
That works if the bow's too strong for you, yeah.
>shoot kfdskjhgd down

The point is, I imagine, that this is an ugly kludge, and doesn't help if trying to ascertain if the bow is too weak for you.
Title: bow pulls
Post by: Kalden on April 15, 2003, 09:45:44 PM
Yeah, and that still doesn't address seeing how much an item can carry with something other than view.
Title: bow pulls
Post by: Plazgoth on April 15, 2003, 11:26:34 PM
Yeah you can easily find out if the bow is too strong for you. But not if it is too weak or just right.
Title: bow pulls
Post by: on April 16, 2003, 06:17:44 PM
It would be wonderful to have both the bow and container suggestion added into assess.
Title: Re: To put an end to it...
Post by: hater on April 17, 2003, 05:11:53 PM
Quote from: "Harcroft"Your ability to use a certian bow, is based not on the skill itself, but your strengh. A halfling would need a bow made of maybe a twig and some spider web for a string. While a half-giant would need a flexible log with a massive rope for a bowstring. So you and your friend probably have different strength's, especially if you are different races. So while your friend can use this big stiff bow, you may have to use a bow with a slightly ligher pull. Between Allanak, Tuluk and Luirs I'm sure you'd be able to find something that is about right for you. I hope this clears it up for you, good luck.
No I mean if I had a bow too weak for me would it still be as good for someone else if they saw it as just right for them???????????
Title: bow pulls
Post by: creeper386 on April 17, 2003, 05:21:59 PM
QuoteNo I mean if I had a bow too weak for me would it still be as good for someone else if they saw it as just right for them???????????

I'm not entirely sure, but as if someone said, if the bows just right for you it's probably going to work better then if it's too weak, and they used a nifty analogy or something like that on similar lines of something else.

So I'm guessing the bow would work better for someone if it was just right as opposed to you if it's too weak, but I don't know how exactly it works, but it does make sense.

Also, the bow thats just right for you is going to work better in terms of better distance most likely, certainly hit harder as it's stronger then a bow thats too weak.
