Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => World and Roleplaying Discussion => Topic started by: Salt Merchant on November 05, 2007, 04:09:46 PM

Question: How do you as a player feel about vowel-altered profanity like shet and feck?
Option 1: I hate it. Stop it! votes: 12
Option 2: I don't like it very much. votes: 10
Option 3: I don't care/I don't have an opinion. votes: 12
Option 4: I'm okay with it. votes: 17
Option 5: It adds welcome spice to roleplay. votes: 18
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Salt Merchant on November 05, 2007, 04:09:46 PM
Some people seem to detest adaptations of common swear words, producing things like "shet" and "feck" or "fekk".

Let's plump the depths of the discontent here.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Marauder Moe on November 05, 2007, 04:14:07 PM
I don't care, though I have difficulty reacting to it as though it were as foul as real swearing, and suspect most others do too.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: X-D on November 05, 2007, 04:15:00 PM
Hate them, just seem silly.

And have no backing IG, like What exactly is Shet? Plus, no OOC backing, so, simply carries no weight with the player making it more work to react like its a real swear word. Sorry, just cannot react to somebody saying kankfecker...Kankfucker on the other hand.

And just makes the world less harsh...I mean, Supposed to be a harsh world, why soften up the grittiness...specialy considering its a text based adding pink bunnies to the picture.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Lizzie on November 05, 2007, 04:15:30 PM
I say, if your character is prone to utter profanities, then go for it. Spell the damned word out. In some games, the admins have actual policies against profanities. But those policies don't exist in Armageddon so I see no reason to type "fek" when I mean "fuck."
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Malken on November 05, 2007, 04:31:29 PM
Zalanthas is really New Zealand.

Are ya injoyen yoursilf in 'nak ye piece o' shet kunkfecker?
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Maybe42or54 on November 05, 2007, 04:34:14 PM
I don't really have an opinion, but IG, I attribute them saying "shet" as "shit" with an accent.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Rhyden on November 05, 2007, 04:38:48 PM
I used to hate them.

But now I love them for some reason.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Briarfox on November 05, 2007, 04:39:57 PM
Fek is better then fook.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Ashes on November 05, 2007, 05:18:52 PM
They're just part of an accent, to me.

Some people ask ye if y'wanna go t'th'Barrel fer a swig o' ale.

Some people just call you a kank-feckin' piece of shet.

Same thing.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Fathi on November 05, 2007, 05:36:37 PM
I always assumed people doing that were doing it to add to their PC's accent, not circumvent actually cursing.

'Feck' is an interesting case, because I have seen it used so often by hardly anyone other than 'Rinthi PCs, that I have come to associate it with that accent. It's very jarring to me to see a southsider or a Tuluki bust out with 'feck' and 'fecker' because I so strongly associate it with the 'Rinth.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: jstorrie on November 05, 2007, 05:53:39 PM
Slightly lame, but not so much that I'd rag on people for it.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Kennath on November 05, 2007, 06:31:05 PM
It's weird for me, if I'm cursing AT someone I will go ahead and freely tell them to fuck off. If I'm cursing for flavor, I tend to use the Zalanthan Feck, or sometimes Fack. Never used shet, because it sounds retarded, and I always imagine it pronounced in spanish, which is probably retarded on my part.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Zalanthan on November 05, 2007, 08:07:25 PM
Personally, I hear feck -far- more often than I hear fuck in-game.

Shet is ridiculous and I've thankfully never seen it used.  If you're looking for the feck equivalent to shit I would suggest using shite.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Zoltan on November 05, 2007, 08:23:43 PM
For shet and feck, I just assume it's an accent thing. I had a character that said feck instead of fuck before. It was just the accent; the two words had the same meaning for him.

I don't have a preference either way, though.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Simple on November 06, 2007, 04:42:22 AM
I would use feck and fuck, shit and shite equally in real life. So I use them equally in Arm. That's just my dialect.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Ghost on November 06, 2007, 03:12:02 PM
I don't give much about it but then I do not understand why it is so hard to throw a "Fuck" or a "Shit" so that people go around funny ways.

If it is an accent of the PC though, then it is slightly more understandable.

But remember though, my characters never, ever swear.  Honest.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on November 06, 2007, 03:46:44 PM
I hate it. Stop, you fuckers.

If you're going to cuss, cuss. I like 'Krath' and 'Drov' and shit like that, but the fecks and shets and stuff ... nah. Drop that mess.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Agent_137 on November 06, 2007, 04:08:09 PM
i don't think cuss words need to have the same force as they do in real life.

so vowel changes are great, in my opinion. I'm here to roleplay, how a cuss word impacts me is unimportant to how i play. in fact, the less the cussword impacts me, the better, so that i can stay truer to my character.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Forest Junkie on November 06, 2007, 04:08:58 PM
I use different versions of curse words depending on the accent of my character.

One pc in particular used "fuggin'" for "fuckin'", or sometimes "shat" for "shit". It's just variants of the actual words.

Meh. Who cares.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Malken on November 06, 2007, 04:12:44 PM
Feck ye I won't do what ye tell me!
Feck ye I won't do what ye tell me!
Feck ye I won't do what ye tell me, mothakanker!!!
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Rindan on November 06, 2007, 06:04:50 PM
I can't help but see feck as the wussified version of fuck.  It is like saying "god darn it!" instead of saying "god damn it!"  One sounds like you meant it, the other sounds like Ned Flanders.  To each their own, but I can't help but hear/read feck and shet as mild exclamations rather than the real deal.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Cale_Knight on November 06, 2007, 07:15:32 PM
Quote from: "Rindan"To each their own, but I can't help but hear/read feck and shet as mild exclamations rather than the real deal.

Sometimes you want the real deal and sometimes you just want a mild exclamation.

I use both, according to my mood.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Rhyden on November 06, 2007, 07:25:15 PM
Feck is more comical.
Fuck is more serious.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Forest Junkie on November 06, 2007, 07:40:15 PM
So, what's the general consensus here folks?

If you use 'fuck' you rock, and if you use 'feck' you're a pussy?
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Malken on November 06, 2007, 07:41:49 PM
Quote from: "Forest Junkie"
If you use 'fuck' you rock, and if you use 'feck' you're a pussy?
Or a dwarf. (Not that dwarves are pussies, but ALL dwarves are also scottish.)
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: jstorrie on November 06, 2007, 07:56:02 PM
All dwarves are pussies. Real men/women aren't scared to play a race without awesome stat modifiers.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Ashes on November 06, 2007, 08:00:13 PM
Quote from: "jstorrie"All dwarves are pussies. Real men/women aren't scared to play a race without awesome stat modifiers.

Now say that to a dwarf's face.

... Or, y'know, the general area above it.  If you have neck problems.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Agent_137 on November 06, 2007, 08:51:24 PM
you guys are fucking retarded.

feck isn't used in real life. it's strictly for the game, so it can't be a weaker version of fuck. It's just the armageddon version of fuck.

To me, it's immersive.

It'd be one thing if people were saying, "frack." "Shat" even, is defintely a weak version of shit, and not zalanthan.

But Feck and Shet? That's zalanthan. It just like describing something as tuajje-blue instead of steel-blue. And so I prefer it.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Rindan on November 06, 2007, 09:12:50 PM
Quote from: "Agent_137"But Feck and Shet? That's zalanthan. It just like describing something as tuajje-blue instead of steel-blue. And so I prefer it.

No, if the word was abacr and shorka, those would be Zalanthian words.  Feck and shet are fuck and shit with the vowels replaced with e's.  Either that, or the Zalanthian version of fuck and shit just so happen to be spelled with just one letter changed and have exactly the same meaning.

Quote from: "Agent_137"you guys are fucking retarded.

Ouch, that hurt dude.  That word really cut me to the core.

Quote from: "Agent_137"you guys are fecking retarded.

Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Ashes on November 06, 2007, 10:08:17 PM
With a yellowed grin, the dusty, unshaven man says, in southern-accented sirihish:
    "Too feckin' old for this shet.

His expression grim, the dusty, unshaven man says, in southern-accented sirihish:
    "Too fuckin' old for this shit."

There's a distinct difference in the feel you get for the character.  In one, you get a grizzled, battle-weary, and amiable-because-he's-seen-so-much-crap.  The other is just grizzled, battle-weary, and gith-the-fuck-out.

Both have their place, really.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: WarriorPoet on November 06, 2007, 11:11:28 PM
Feck always makes me think of Dr. Elliot Reid's 'frick', so it always makes me snicker, but...

I would rather see a good, meaty fuck. The word has weight to it.

Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: alger on November 07, 2007, 04:15:46 AM
I think "fuck" as an english word is already weak.  In my opinion of all the languages I know, english probably has the most boring curses.  It's just bland.  So ig it doesn't really make a difference to me.

Though why are you guys so anal?  Go concentrate on your own RP, dammit!  You all SUCK and need improvement! Stop waisting time criticizing other people's RP.  SUCK I tell you... SECK!...
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Boggis on November 07, 2007, 05:23:10 AM
Quote from: "Agent_137"feck isn't used in real life. it's strictly for the game, so it can't be a weaker version of fuck. It's just the armageddon version of fuck.

Well, uh, actually it is but just not in the US. Feck is used pretty extensively in Ireland as part of our dialect of English. If you come to Ireland you will hear it regularly - especially in more rural areas. It is a weaker version of fuck here and doesn't carry the same weight at all.

Having said all that I generally prefer to use it IG as it's got a nice Zalanthas feel to it in my opinion. The docs (help curses) also state that it carries the same weight as fuck. If we can accept people riding giant insects, people shooting flames from their hands, people being able to read the minds of other people then I'm sure such healthy and vibrant imaginations can also stretch just that tinsy bit more to let feck be a proper meaty curse.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Agent_137 on November 07, 2007, 08:58:28 AM
Quote from: "Boggis"
Quote from: "Agent_137"feck isn't used in real life. it's strictly for the game, so it can't be a weaker version of fuck. It's just the armageddon version of fuck.

Well, uh, actually it is but just not in the US. Feck is used pretty extensively in Ireland as part of our dialect of English. If you come to Ireland you will hear it regularly - especially in more rural areas. It is a weaker version of fuck here and doesn't carry the same weight at all.

oh sweet. Well, I still stand by my earlier argument since i'm sure the 19 people who voted against feck aren't irish.

If they are irish, well, I hope they're as enlightened as you, and not a bunch of fecking githclits.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Whira's Luck on November 07, 2007, 01:28:25 PM
I've always seen 'feck'  as a dialect thing with neither more nor less weight behind it than the word fuck. Or other altered obscenities.

That being said, it doesn't really matter what you use to curse. You can use no 'profanity' to say some eloquently violent and obscene things. Profanity and obscenity in its most purest form is the natural use of language to describe things in unnatural and ugly ways. In many respects, it's no different than telling a tall tale or yarn. There are people who can make the most profane things sound beautiful and wise, simply by the way they use the words, and what they say with them, and conversely, use beautiful, harmless words in ways that would turn the air blue around them.

So feck, fuck, coont, cunt, ass, arse, shit, shite -- these things don't matter. They're just a few letters strung together to form a word -- it's what you say around them and their timing that make them either sound natural or like you're trying too hard (to be less/more obscene).
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Zoltan on November 07, 2007, 04:37:51 PM
Quote from: "Agent_137"If they are irish, well, I hope they're as enlightened as you, and not a bunch of fecking githclits.

"Fecking githclits". Oh man, that got me laughing. Good word, good word.
Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Aquarian on November 07, 2007, 09:36:29 PM
Quote from: "Ashes"They're just part of an accent, to me.

Some people ask ye if y'wanna go t'th'Barrel fer a swig o' ale.

Some people just call you a kank-feckin' piece of shet.

Same thing.

Title: Vowel-altered profanity
Post by: Viagra_Kank on November 09, 2007, 04:57:06 PM
I usually type out fek instead of fuck and similar euphemisms.  

My reasonins is as follows -- I curse when I relax and video games (i.e. Arm) are part of my relaxing time.  Therefore I curse when I Arm.

However, I worry that some sixteen year old's mom is going to walk into the room and read over his shoulder while he's playing, so I want him to at least have plausible deniability that he's playing anything dirty or weird, in case he has overly religious parents.  

It's kind of a long shot but I feel really bad for kids like that and I see no reason to make things harder on them.
