I'm taking care of this clan while Sanvean's gone, and just wanted to note a few things not everyone may know.
You don't need to app to the clan to make a Poet's Circle PC. Just follow these steps:
1) Read the general docs here http://www.armageddon.org/general/music/bards.html
2) Apply as you would any normal character. All bards must start out at the Apprentice rank and work their way up. You can choose to be born into a Circle with parents who were bards, or have joined a Circle prior to the character's creation*. Email bards@armageddon.org if you have questions or need access to more documentation.
3) Send in a request through the request tool, to be added to the clan boards.
4) Send in a separate request asking to be clanned and given instrumentmaking - 'skill change' is a good category for this.
*You can choose to audition ICly rather than start a character already in the clan. To set up an audition with a master bard, email bards@armageddon.org