Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Sandlord on March 27, 2003, 11:29:07 AM

Title: making Redstorm better
Post by: Sandlord on March 27, 2003, 11:29:07 AM
I think the town of Red Storm is awesome and has a lot of potential and has good rp but i hate being the only pc there for 4 rl weeks then having someone visit for a day then go away. So i thought of how alittle more people could come to Red Storm, and why i mean little i mean have about 12 people max in red storm.

Idea #1 have a PC Kuraci Presence
Have  Kuraci merchant or 2 run the operation down there and have some Kuraci spice hunters who venture out to the sea of silt and get the merchant his spice. Also have a desert wear crafter.

Idea #2 have a group in red storm that smuggles spice into Allanak. Have they be based in Red Storm and ahve them buy large amounts of spice travel up to nak sell it illegaly to thier contacts and then return to red storm for some rest before doing it again.

idea #3 Open up the Red Storm Milita
this would be great have they protect the city and occasionally leave the gates and make sure the road to nak is safe

idea #4 have a city elf tribe in red storm
they dont have to be shady like the haruchkemad they could be more buissnessor bardically or more family inclined.

idea #5 havea  group of ecaped/freed gladiators and slaves from nak live n red storm, they could be a family unit for each other and occasionally  go up to nak and attack guards and caravans.

These are just a few things that id like to see make red storm alive, and amybe one day for a short duration red storm could be the most popular place before the cycle returns to Tuluk or nak

thanks, the Sandlord
Title: You can handle it!
Post by: Quirk on March 27, 2003, 12:16:37 PM
I think it's quite possible if you're prepared to put some work into it, especially the tribal elf idea. What I'd do if I were you would be to make an elven character with a Red Storm city elf tribe in his background and get a few days of play on him (generally the longer a character lives, the higher the probability each day that they will be able to survive the next day, politics apart). Write up the tribal docs in some detail; if you've played a desert elf in any of the larger tribes you'll be better equipped to do this, but it's not essential. Get a couple of knowledgeable friends to give you feedback on the docs, then maybe send a copy of them to the imms. Start pestering friends who lose characters to come play with you, so you can get over the first hurdles and get up to 3 or 4 active PCs. Once you have the core of an active clan, advertise on the GDB Announcements section that you're looking for people. You're likely to get some interest from people interested in tribal RP who don't have desert elf karma, and that will help you grow. It's perhaps particularly beneficial if you find the best RPers you can persuade to join you to form the initial core, as it sets a tone for the clan and sets a good example for the no-karma tribal RPer that you'll be aiming to pull in to emulate.

I'd be willing to help out some, though having a respectably-aged PC of my own at the moment in no immediate danger of death, it would be a while before I could assist beyond advice and perhaps documentation. PM me if you're interested in taking it further.

Title: making Redstorm better
Post by: Sandlord on March 27, 2003, 12:36:12 PM
thanks quirk, i'll take you up on that idea

Also i was thinking what if red storm had some events?
like the tavern has a annaul drinking contest?
the Milita has a boxing tournament
and the city holds the yearly  the Sand Festival
more people might come down. Bardic troupes espically would be hired to come down and play for the festival.
Title: More splitting?
Post by: gfair on March 27, 2003, 01:08:58 PM
Taking any more people away from the two major cities, Nak and Tuluk, is a bad idea. There's already been an aparent raiding of Nak since the rise of Tuluk, and it's now sparsely populated, aparently, according to another thread.

There's a great environment in Arm, but unfortunately that is starting to split the player base a lot, from what I see.  Tribals, several cities, many Houses.  Eventually, if the existing playerbase fractures too much, EVERY city will be a ghost town, and not just the Red Storms, Luirs, RSE, and others.

So while your ideas are good, pulling 12 players from anywhere else will have a marked impact on that other place.  Do you want to build an exciting Red Storm at the expense of even further diminished populations of players in other towns?

I'd suggest first asking the IMMs if they think the current situation is an issue at all, and if not, then pursue your idea, but if it is, I think you will face an uphill battle trying to get players to keep their chars in Red Storm.
Title: making Redstorm better
Post by: Rindan on March 27, 2003, 02:46:28 PM
I tend to agree with those that do not want to see a permanent presence in Red Storm, simply because the player base is fractured as it is.  Personally, I would also like to see less tribal people and far less desert elves too.  That is not to say that Red Storm can't play a role.  Namely, Red Storm can function as a base of operations for a clan that has contact with other populated places.  This has been done very successfully in the past, and for a while Red Storm was actually a hopping place with this clan.  The clan was the only permanent presence, but others stopped by often for one reason or another to do business with them.  Doing the above is just a matter of getting a PC leader who is dedicated to the cause.
Title: *grin*
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on March 28, 2003, 04:34:07 AM
Yes, in the Past, RS was a very happening place, truth be told. It was because of a few PCs who stayed there. They visited Tuluk, Luirs, and all over, as much as the sandstorms and politics allowed us. They had business contacts, and those business contacts came to RS to visit. Why? Because they were there.

There was so much going on in RS just because of those three core PCs, in fact, that a NOBLE house paid a visit, and other members of other Houses came through, just to interact with those PCs.

Be longliving. Be charismatic. Be successful. Be you. PCs will come see you, and RS will have life.

A tip, however, is not to play a mul, or a dwarf, or a elf. Play a human, specifically on the first attempt.

Racial biases, since many of those capable of creating large-scale events are humans, make your potential contact more geared towards simply killing those not humans, and never mind the politics.

As a human, you can achieve more. You have a chance of living past a single conflict. It is just a fact. However, you can hire as many muls and elves and dwarves and half-elves and half-giants as you like. :lol:

Venomz - the ex-RS RPer and one day returner to the ways of the Sandlord, the real Sandlord.
Title: making Redstorm better
Post by: Cenghiz on March 28, 2003, 07:08:46 AM
Be a twink... Convince new people to the game, prepare their first histories together so they point Red Storm. I'm not alone at the moment 'cause I did it. Even one person is enough, believe me. And... OK. I'm usually in 'nak and will at least pay visits with my friends to spice up your RP. Just PM me your playing times. I know the feeling of loneliness, so at least I may do that. I may easily find IC reasons to pay visits to Red Storm. And... none of us probably will be eager to kill you, it's not a trap...... i hope :twisted:
Title: making Redstorm better
Post by: My 2 sids on March 28, 2003, 09:12:15 AM
An idea I have for Red Storm (or any location or house/group) is to have it be described OOCly as a place for non-peek players.  By this i mean a group you know will have players that are logging in during non-peek hours.  At any given time I can see 6-13 players logged in, only to find they arnt where i can find or interact with them.

just an idea
Title: RS conquored?
Post by: gfair on March 28, 2003, 03:53:50 PM
Perhaps RS could be conquored by a group, say a tribe or two - or there's a powerful tribal pulling other tribals to his banner to form a powerful third regional center of power.
Title: Input
Post by: The Lonely Hunter on March 28, 2003, 04:38:37 PM
Quote from: "My 2 sids"An idea I have for Red Storm (or any location or house/group) is to have it be described OOCly as a place for non-peek players.  By this i mean a group you know will have players that are logging in during non-peek hours.  At any given time I can see 6-13 players logged in, only to find they arnt where i can find or interact with them.

just an idea

I really like this idea.
As a non-peek player myself this I would be willing to set something up. Red Storm is great, when I played in the clan mentioned above there I had tons of fun and it was really developing nice...untill one bad day heh.

Red Storm is great and I dont think the answer is not letting it grow. It should get as much attention as the other cities -if- the PBase grows there. I don't think it's really cool to say 'keep it down so nak and tuluk have more', people play to have fun. If they want to be in those cities they will...but don't make them. It broke my heart to see a couple semi-iso clans get closed.
Title: Re: More splitting?
Post by: Angela Christine on March 28, 2003, 05:25:44 PM
Quote from: "gfair"
There's a great environment in Arm, but unfortunately that is starting to split the player base a lot, from what I see.  Tribals, several cities, many Houses.  Eventually, if the existing playerbase fractures too much, EVERY city will be a ghost town, and not just the Red Storms, Luirs, RSE, and others.

I disagree.  "Forcing" PCs into the cities doesn't necessarily lead to more PCs in the cties, anymore than raising taxes in Sim City necessarily leads to more cash in the city coffers.  If some people really want to play a loner, tribal, or semi-iso character, making those roles unavailable on Arm would force people to choose between playing the character type they want to play or playing in the MUD they want to play in.  It isn't like there are 300 players who have no choice but to but to play here on a regular basis, taking away valid roles for the environment is as likely to make people stop playing as it is to encourage them to play the roles you want them to play.

D-elfs, tribals, and other remote characters don't have to empty the cities.  Certain well-known raiders may find that they are unwelcome in every city, but most isolated characters can go into town whenevery they want.  Unless you are a totally hard-core survivalist, you recognise that it is easier to trade for some items than to make them yourself.  How often would a tribe send traders into the cities?  3 times a year, 6, 10, more often?  I think it would be reasonable for a tribe to send traders into the two nearest towns a couple times per OOC week, and perhaps more distant cities once every week or two.  A character who spends 95% of his life outside the cities could spend 50% of his logged in time in the cities without raising an eyebrow from me.  There are plenty of tribal NPCs "visiting" the cities at any time, and there no reason why tribal PCs (including d-elf PCs) can't do the same.  A "secret" magicker can spend half his life practicing his art in some wasteland hole, and the other half in town pretending to be a simple crafter or scavenger.  That reclusive half-elven ranger has to come in and sell his hides, and while he is at it he stops at an inn for a few days to catch up on the news and see what is in demand.  Once you find a water source and a couple food-bearing plants or animals you never need to visit the cities, but that doesn't mean you can't or won't.  Having visitors from the wastes adds flavor to the cites.  A few exotic visitors can be more fun than a few more bored guards.

Dealing with Red Storm specifically, there is no reason why characters or clans based in Red Storm can't visit Allanak a few times a week if they want to.  There is plenty of trade between 'nak and Red Storm, and PCs can carry out some of that trade and smuggling.