Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: The Apparently Loud Man on March 22, 2003, 12:44:32 AM

Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: The Apparently Loud Man on March 22, 2003, 12:44:32 AM
I find it highly amusing that someone sitting at a bar across a room described as: "a general constant roar of conversation." Can not only hear what I say standing near in the exit on the entire opposite side of the room, but comment on it :)

So my suggesstion is like 'room sections' maybe divide a room in sections like top middle bottom, or side middle side where depending on the entrance you come in your put on that side, then you can choose to walk to a different portion and 'talk' at this place like you would at a table.

On the eastern side of the room, the apparently loud man speaks, nodding.

This I think would be a dynamic way to make rooms as large and noisy as they seem. So people cant talk to each other across rooms, or overhear things. Seems everytime someone wants to talk privately they move to a table.

Some people might just move to a corner, or the side of the room.

Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: The apparently loud man on March 22, 2003, 12:46:12 AM
Forgot to add that you can just 'say' as normal, to speak to the whole room, or whatever.
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: Carduus on March 22, 2003, 12:46:34 AM
You can currently sit at the bar, or at a table, and use talk <message> to only talk to the people at your piece of furniture.
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: creeper386 on March 22, 2003, 12:50:17 AM
This, SECTIONING is a really big hassel. I've seen it instituted before where you have to be in different sections to do different things and the combat code was completely based on it. It was a pain in the but to have to codedly walk through a room.

Basically, you can RP that you hear or you don't hear. It's the same that these rooms ARE a constant roar and there are people moving about and there is lots of room... And still people are expected to see and bow to nobles and templars and what not, but still people deal with it and RP things out, and it still normally works.

Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: Loud Man on March 22, 2003, 01:16:14 AM
well Im not saying you have to walk through just to walk through... but they are like tables you can 'stand on'. That represent large portion of the room.

Like -stand east- You stand on the eastside of the room.

It would have nothing to do with walking through.

And Carduus I think you missed the point, I shouldnt have to sit at a table to talk so that everyone in the room cant hear. Especially in a room described as having such a loud atmosphere. I should, if I wanted to, stand off in the side of the room, and have just as much privacy as a table.

I mean come on its not like these tables are offices, the air around a table is just as close to where the people's heads are, yet I cant stand next to a table and gain the same benefit from sitting at one.

I dont think its that hard, just make like 4 or so table per these large rooms that you can stand at.

Like middle, east, west, north, south.

It would have no effect on walking, and you could still 'say' normally to talk to the room.

Just adds an element to rooms.
like I might be coming into a room, dont have time to sit at a table but want a private word with someone. So I pull them off to the side.

Anyways... I guess people wouldnt like it.
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: crymerci on March 22, 2003, 01:47:57 AM
Have you considered whispering?
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: Hrm on March 22, 2003, 02:18:20 AM
Cant whisper to groups... or multiple people.
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: Callisto on March 22, 2003, 02:52:27 AM
Theres an idea, a group whisper command.

whisper <person> <person> <person> Creepers a toad.

You whisper to the long-haired hippy, the lank human, and the slutty templar, in sirihish:
    "Creepers a toad."

Wouldn't be too hard to code, I don't think.
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: HaiWolfe on March 22, 2003, 03:18:13 AM
Problem with that is, how would the code distinguish <person> from the beginning of the whispered message?
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: creeper386 on March 22, 2003, 05:39:20 AM
Could be done with a similar thing as now... Like...

whisper (In a low raspy voice) (man woman templar) blah blah blah

Or something. I don't know. But making sectioning isn't a good idea. And you would still have to change from one to another and it's a big hassle. And next people well want you to have to be in the same section as another to start a fight and soon you have to walk through five sections per each room and blah blah blah. It leads on and on to more hassle. When it's not really a benefit. Most the time if your RPing something it gets acrossed. If you just beleive everyone is going to know that you just walked in and are standing by the door and sometimes one emote isn't going to settle it that you are in one place. At least thats what happens with me.

It's like with anything else, like ignoring a templar or noble. If you do it without emoting and RP it's likely to get you in trouble. You RP through it and they seem less likely to really care. RPing acctually does get things acrossed. Perhaps this "section"ing would quiet taverns down some, but I'd rather just see large taverns consisting of different rooms instead of sections. It'd be neater.

Creeper owner of the four-roomed main-room tavern.
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: Bestatte on March 22, 2003, 07:37:24 AM
l tables

at 1:
Big brown wood table.
The green man, the blue man, the orange girl, and the fake-mustachioed dwarf are all here.

whisp table1 Hey check out the bazooms on the chick over by the door.

You whisper to the people at the big brown wood table, in sirihish, "Hey check out the bazooms on the chick over by the door."

fail message:

whisp brown d00d u no wher i cn get eq

You're not sitting with the brown, hairy-nosed woman.

whisp wood Oh there's lord Templar Hardnose again, the farging baistige.

You're not sitting at the broad purple table.

Whisp group There's that greasy 'rinther who calls me a farging baistige. I'mma cut his balls off and feed them to my mul.

You whisper to everyone in your party, in Tatlum, "Blah blah blah"

(since someone following you with the "shadow" command shouldn't necessarily be revealed by your whispering to a group, make the echo "to everyone in your party" or "to your group" or some other vaguery.)

Only change necessary would be to make the numeric values of the tables actually useable without having to type "at." Table1, table2, table3 would work if they were placed as keywords and didn't shift whenever someone interacted with any of them as they do now.
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: Midland on March 22, 2003, 10:38:20 AM
I like the idea of making it different sections. Yes, people can chose to not 'hear' what was said but alot wont chose to 'not' hear no matter if they are sitting at a bar and their intended target is sitting across the busy tavern at a table. I find it vastly annoying when people abuse the whisper command to 'whisper' across a busy tavern from the bar to a table. Get up first!!!! Then atleast one can assume you walked over nearby.

What I would like to see implimented more than sections is changing the listen code to have to be more specific.

listen templar

listen 2.table

listen bar

listen noble

And for the general 'listen', put it in with more randomness for listening. Perhaps only catching every fourth to fifth sentence said at any given table/bar.  Maybe through in a general ldesc change when used with something like the following.

The long-haired, dark-skinned man sits at the bar with a look of concentration on his face.

Granted, anyone can change their ldesc to whatever but its just an idea.
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: Lazloth on March 22, 2003, 11:57:51 AM
Real translation:
No one uses 'talk' anymore at a table; bars become nothing but shuffling whispers [which you have en masse anyway].
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: Carduus on March 22, 2003, 12:46:20 PM
My question is: If you've got information to give that's so god-awful important to keep secret, why are you giving that information in a tavern? That's like the worst possible place for someone to hear you, whispering or not.
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: Midland on March 22, 2003, 02:43:40 PM
No one said it was 'secret' or very important information that is being spoken in these places. But that its annoying when someone listens to the whole room and responds to everything everyone is saying no matter where they are sitting.  Uber ears. :)
Title: Room noises or the lack there of
Post by: Angela Christine on March 22, 2003, 03:02:35 PM
It's annoying, but not a major problem.  If you want more realism hang out in one of the multi-room taverns, like the Bard's Barrel.  Including the balcony, the Barrel has 5 "rooms" with seating in every room.  Up north, the Tembo's Tooth has 5 rooms with seating, and the Sanctuary has a few rooms plus a private room.  In Luir's the Silver Wheel has several rooms with seating, and even the tavern in Red Storm has a couple rooms.  A listener will have to wander from room to room looking for a good conversation to eavesdrop on.

Another option is to walk and talk.  Stroll slowly through town with a couple sentances in each room, or walk quickly with a sentance in every second or third room if you want more privacy.  Many people will hear snippits of your conversation since anyone in the room with you won't even need to be listening to hear you, but no one will hear very much of it.  (There is a small chance that someone could be shadowing you and listening, but this is unlikely unless your characters are important enough for someone to go out of their way to spy on, in which case you wouldn't have sensitive conversations in public).

It is unrealistic for someone in a large, noisy tavern to hear every word of every PC conversation.  But it isn't a deal breaker, at least not for me.  It gives guards and slaves who have to stand around doing nothing for long periods of time the option to live vicariously through the conversations of others.  Being stuck in a tavern waiting for something and unable to join in is dull, really dull, so catching up on the lastest gossip making the rounds at least gives you something passive to do.  And when there are many conversations going at once they are self-garbling, it is a pain in the ass to keep track of 4 (or more) conversatoins at 4 different tables, usually it's easier to just turn listen off and concentrate on the conversation at your own table/bar.