Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: My 2 sids on March 21, 2003, 10:49:23 AM

Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: My 2 sids on March 21, 2003, 10:49:23 AM
I understand how FLEE represents a pannic run in any given dirrection for safty, but why cant FLEE work when one is in a group?

I was following in a group when attacked.  The problem was to break from fighting we all ended up fleeing in different directions.   Shouldnt there be someway (esp. when you are leading/following someone) that groups all flee in the same dirrection?
Title: Re: A question about FLEE
Post by: Anonymous on March 21, 2003, 10:54:20 AM
Quote from: "My 2 sids"Shouldnt there be someway (esp. when you are leading/following someone) that groups all flee in the same dirrection?

This should be handled via RP, IMHO.

say (As he stumbles back) Everyone run back towards the city!
flee west

I don't particularly like or see the realism in a command that allows everyone to break from combat in an organized form.
Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: Moe on March 21, 2003, 12:38:35 PM
Another thing you can do if your not directly being attacked is disengage, which will remove you from the immediate melee.

From the help files:

DISENGAGE  (Combat)  

This command allows anyone who is not the 'main' fighter in combat to stop fighting. Being the main fighter means that your character is the one getting hit. This command is superior to the flee command (q.v.) in that one does not need to leave the room in order to stop fighting, and is especially useful for spellcasters who can stop combat in order to prepare new spells, or archers who wish to shoot an opponent to assist a friend.



Moe the Schmoe
:evil:  :twisted:
Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: Carduus on March 21, 2003, 01:45:48 PM
Also, the skill rescue will keep another person from being the target of the enemy.

The problem with being unable to flee in the same direction as a group is that flee is seen as, not a tactical retreat, but a drop-your-weapons-and-book-it-out-of-there sort of thing. Think of rioters fleeing when a tear gas cannister lands amongst them.

That being said, I would be interested in looking into a watered-down flee command called withdraw or something which would still run away, but have less of a chance of success (because you're covering your back and not trucking it out of there) and if you've withdrawn, have a bonus if you're the first to attack when the enemy follows you. Sort of like guerrilla warfare.

Actually, now that I think of it, I'd love to see some group-based skills where if you're grouped with someone else with the skill, it becomes more effective. Likewise, these skills would barely work, or not work at all, if not grouped with others with similar skills. This would simulate the soldier ability to fight side-by-side with comrades effectively.
Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: Gorobei on March 21, 2003, 03:40:39 PM
I don't like the sound of your guerilla warfare theory, Carduus.
When you flee, especially in the desert, outside of the code it's not like you acctually make it a whole room away before the opponant starts to follow.  If you withdraw, then he/it's going to be right there, about to smack you around if you stop.
Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: Carduus on March 21, 2003, 05:14:47 PM
I suppose you're right, to an extent. As opposed to warfare in terrain with easy quick hiding places, the desert isn't the best place to do that. And obviously you can't run past the horizon. ;)
Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: 5 day lifespan on April 18, 2003, 11:41:07 AM
CRW wrote:
I don't particularly like or see the realism in a command that allows everyone to break from combat in an organized form.

You dont?  What about army combat?  Tactical retreats happen all the time.  It seems to me that if you are in Tor or the Byn (maybe) and have recieved extensive military training, your whole unit should be able to withdraw as one.  It could be a branch of flee, or something that happens as you progress in the skill, as undisciplined or rookie troops are likely to break and run, while vets will wthdraw in an orderly fashion.  In that sense, Withdraw is an excellent idea.

But what do I know, I only have a
5 Day Lifespan
Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: Lazloth on April 18, 2003, 12:27:03 PM
You sorta have that right now.

#one#> disengage
#one#> fol $whoever

#two#> disengage
#two#> fol $whoever

#three#> flee

This, of course, only works when #three# is the only guy engaged. I think it'd be possible but kludgy to pull off a withdraw command.  What's the logic you want to emulate?

if (!(player->group_leader) && (player->following_someone)) {
if (player->group_leader) {
 if (check_skill_level(WITHDRAW) == SUCCESS) {
   for (all_players_currently_following) {
     if (affected_by(WANTS_TO_WITHDRAW))  {
       if (check_skill_level(WITHDRAW) == SUCCESS) {
        } else {
           // think up failure cases

Actually, looking at that little snippet, I think it's possible to pull it off.  Would have to ensure any movement zaps the WANTS_TO_WITHDRAW bit, etc.
Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: Stroker on April 18, 2003, 02:16:11 PM
I completely agree with 5 day lifespan on the idea about organized retreat.
Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: krelin on April 18, 2003, 06:16:36 PM
Arm has a grouping system now?
Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: creeper386 on April 18, 2003, 08:31:39 PM
I think in his little snippet.... the check for "group leader" would be just checking if anyone is following him. Not that they are "grouped." But, this sort of thing WOULD be a start of some sort of group code beyond follow.

Title: A question about FLEE
Post by: EvilRoeSlade on April 18, 2003, 11:20:55 PM
Nobody seems to realize that there is another function to flee beyond its most basic use.

When you flee, you can type flee (direction), and if you succeed in your skill check then you will flee in that direction.  As your skill increases, you will get the "you flee, head over heels" message less, and you'll usually know what direction you've fled to even if you fail.

Why did your unit scatter when a retreat was ordered, My Two sids?  Because you don't practice flee enough, thats why.