Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Anael on February 25, 2007, 02:52:23 PM

Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Anael on February 25, 2007, 02:52:23 PM
The question is exactly what the title says.

The reason why I ask is that -due to the fact that I travel a whole lot- I am doomed to play almost exclusively via my PDA, which makes typing slow and brings all the pains of raw telnet - it's true that I see an echo of what I type, but with too many actions, emotes and discussions in the room around my PC, it's near impossible to follow these echoes, which results in rather frequent typos that sometimes average up to a typo per two emotes/says etc.

Does this waste your game experience too much or do you think it's fine?

Oh and, a sincere apology to those who witnessed the results of this already.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Maybe42or54 on February 25, 2007, 02:56:23 PM
If they mispell a word and I read it aloud and I figure it out, then nothing is wrong. If they type slow, it doesn't matter, unless it is in a really life threatening situation.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Marauder Moe on February 25, 2007, 02:57:55 PM
They don't bother me much.  What does bother me is when people OOC, adding a whole other line, to correct something where the intent is obvious.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Tisiphone on February 25, 2007, 03:04:11 PM
As long as they aren't so egregious that it looks as if you shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard, I'm not bothered.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Lizzie on February 25, 2007, 03:30:11 PM
Typos don't bother me as much as constant misspellings. Slow typing bothers me, but only because I type very fast. What's the absolute most annoying, is a combination - where someone wants to type out a really long emote, but types slow, and then misspells half the words. That's when I usually come up with some IC excuse to find something else to do, somewhere else.

A typo here and there doesn't bother me at all though. When it becomes evident that it isn't a typo, but instead a blaring, repeated, constantly used misspelling, then yeah it gets jarring.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Ghost on February 25, 2007, 03:35:20 PM
Typos do not bother me at all.  No matter how frequent they are.

I can't stand to slow responses.  If someone I interact is responding slowly (whether due to slow typing or some other reasons) I look for an excuse to cut it short.  And I try to avoid interacting with slow responding characters.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Hymwen on February 25, 2007, 03:48:11 PM
Slow typing doesn't bother be that much unless it's really, really slow. As long as  I don't have to wait several minutes for each reply, I'm fine. The occasional typo doesn't get to me either, but a player who is truly bad at spelling does. One of the most jarring things, to me, is broken english.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: X-D on February 25, 2007, 04:38:26 PM
I don't care about typos at all, unless they constantly correct them, either by OOC or re-entering. Something I think should only be done if its something that really can get you killed. Bad spelling, Heh, I'm horrid at spelling, makes me feel good to know that others are as well. :)

Very slow response...UGH, Like another said, I will find a reason to go someplace else.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Maso on February 25, 2007, 06:24:54 PM
I'm a pretty fast player, so slow people tend to bug me from time to time, however I try to patient. Typo's don't bother...spelling mistakes tend to jar me a little but I don't judge people for them, I know we have a lot of players who don't speak english as a first language and they a damn good job of making it seem otherwise.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Dresan on February 25, 2007, 10:45:22 PM
After taking a significate about of time off (couple of months) between characters, I become both a slow typer and a really bad speller and poor emoter. Nothing extreme but i myself still notice. Therefore i'm usually pretty kind to others i find that have the same problem so long as i see them trying.

I do sometimes notice that some people begin ignoring or avoiding my character at the begining because of it just like some people avoid obvious new PC or newbies. Still like with all things, eventually i start to get back into the swing of things, and lo and behold its usually those who ignore you that seem to be the slowest and worse typers. No worries though i take pity on them too.

Moral of the Story is:

Don't judge other, lest you be judge in return.

Seriously be patient with people esspecially if you can tell they are trying hard to RP.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: manonfire on February 25, 2007, 10:48:32 PM
Is answer to the OP's question:

Not nearly as much as crashes during an RPT.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Fragmented on February 25, 2007, 11:11:32 PM
All I can say is.. I'm damned glad I don't type slow, typo often, or spell it "Sargent" (which happens to annoy me as well). If I did any of those, I may never have anyone to rp with! Shame on you! Shame shame!
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Lizzie on February 26, 2007, 08:06:11 AM
What bothers me isn't so much when people type slow, or typo often, or misspell. It's when they type slow, AND typo often, AND misspell. Imagine a very typical common scene:

Your gang has been planning to take down the dreaded elf-lord for the past two months. You've finally located his lair and are now gathered to leave your city with your unit of uber buff gladiator-assassins, because your secret elf spy has just informed you that the elf-lord is too busy having sex with his gith-mate to run quite yet, and will be available for killing until mid-day tomorrow (game time).

Everything is going smoothly, but Amos is missing. So you way him. Five minutes later:

Amos psis you, "im geting my kank meet u in teh stables"

So you wait - 10 minutes, a full game hour, not including the time it's taken for him to respond his psi to you.

He shows up and tosses in the obligatory emote, which takes another 5 minutes:

Walking into teh stables Amos smiles and waves and reaches for his tiket from the figure in the dark, hooded sandcloth cloak.

Amos oocs, "lol woops try again"

5 minutes later:

Walking into teh stables Amos smiles and waves and reaches for his tiket from the figure in the dusty dark, hooded sandcloth cloak.

Amos oocs, "hehehe"

In the meantime, the elf-lord has gotten laid, twice, and is smoking a fat one and thinking about going for a run tomorrow. And you are still in the stables, with you thumb up your ass, trying hard to keep from stabbing said thumb in Amos's throat.

He is trying, sure. I give him credit for that. But he's also holding up the ONE chance the gang has had in the past two months to finally kill the evil dreaded elf-lord, and who knows when the gang will have that chance again, if ever. It makes you want to just..

ooc Just get your fucking ticket and stop trying to emote.

But you don't because that would be unkind, since the guy really -is- sincerely trying. So - eventually you get halfway up the main road to the other side of the world, but it's already almost mid-day and the elf-lord's player always logs out this time of day so you blew your chance because Amos, knowing that he's a slow typist, and a constant typo-maker, has decided to keep trying even when he knows that this RPT was dependant on the elf-lord's player's availability.

So not only do we all have to miss out on the chance, we miss out on it, while having to endure the endless typos and misspellings of the one who caused us to miss it.

This - does not make for fun roleplay. And sometimes - you have to just not try to dish out emotes, get your kank, and join the group. You can emote plenty on the way from point A to point B while someone else is leading, and people will be more inclined to appreciate them, typos and all, when they aren't harried from having to wait.

L. Stanson
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Hot_Dancer on February 26, 2007, 08:25:34 AM
I didn't know slow typers existed in Armageddon and typos don't bother me. If someone is taking too long to respond to a scene I accuse them first of being busy in other screens or potentially using psi to set up some scheme against my character in the silence.

Then my pc vacates the area.

Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: corona on February 26, 2007, 09:27:42 AM
Hecks, most times I typo, I say get on with your bad self. I typo more when I type fast, it's usually cause I'm not paying attention to myself and busy watchin' other stuff... conversations and junk. I think it's cool you're deticated enough to play from your PDA.  I think it's all good, unless you continuously misspell the same words often and are obviously tied up with something else outside of the game and intentionally hold up the rp for everyone else that'll make me a bit annoyed.

I know I'm not perfect so I try not to be picky and overbearing about it, cause that'll just make folks not wanna be your PC's friend, cause you can't get past a lil bad grammar and some iffy typing skillz.  :D
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: fourTwenty on February 26, 2007, 11:58:08 AM
I am a pretty fast typer but I can't spell worth a shit. When I'm high or drunk the typing gets slower and the typos get worse, though I try not to get involved in RPT's at these times. I can agree with really slow people getting annoying, but as far as typos go, I am on the band wagon that if I can tell what you meant it's all good. And yeah, I hate people who correct their stuff unless it was a seriously egregious error.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: moab on February 26, 2007, 12:27:42 PM
Quote from: "fourTwenty"When I'm high or drunk the typing gets slower and the typos get worse, though I try not to get involved in RPT's at these times.

...probably shouldn't spar either, just in case you miss someone's "disengage" message and kill them...
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: fourTwenty on February 26, 2007, 12:41:47 PM
Quote from: "moab"
Quote from: "fourTwenty"When I'm high or drunk the typing gets slower and the typos get worse, though I try not to get involved in RPT's at these times.

...probably shouldn't spar either, just in case you miss someone's "disengage" message and kill them...

Heh-heh. :? If your refering to the incident I think your refering to - that's my bad. But, I was completly sober, gotta blame that one on the spam. Besides, I check mercy compulsivly so hopefully I wont kill anyone.

Edited to add: Also, it really helps if you shout break or something. Instead of just relying on the "This dude-here stops attacking you". Which is like, one small little line and hard to notice.
This dude-here shouts:
is a little eaiser to pick up on. But again, My bad. :roll:
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: moab on February 26, 2007, 12:51:12 PM
lol.  This is totally going to get deleted, but np.  If we're talkin' about the same thing - well someone may have emoted stopping combat.  :D

No RL hard feelings.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Fathi on February 26, 2007, 01:49:16 PM
If someone's responses are really slow, I generally assume lag. Mostly because I'm a fairly fast typist with a shitty connection.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Apocalyptic_Cow on February 26, 2007, 04:19:05 PM
I think this thread makes the situation seem worse than it is. I have never had a problem with someone being too slow a typer to play with, unless they were having connection trouble. Everyone typoes. I'm sure I meet my own quota. Unless someone is typoing really bad, and frequently, I won't pay notice. If I notice, what can I do other than try to show by example? If it's a single word over and over, I'll have my character use the word the way common usage would suggest. I've also had this done to me, and it actually made me chuckle.
Is it that big a deal? No. The best thing I've found to make someone better with typing, emoting, spelling, and description is Armageddon.

The only stylistic choice that I find to be really jarring is the refusal to capitalize, despite the examples everywhere in the game. Sorta makes Arm feel a little less like an RP intensive story, and more like an AIM conversation. But again, I'm usually just content to be immersed in the environment with another player. Rather play with, than without.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Gimfalisette on February 26, 2007, 04:28:28 PM
Quote from: "Apocalyptic_Cow"The only stylistic choice that I find to be really jarring is the refusal to capitalize, despite the examples everywhere in the game. Sorta makes Arm feel a little less like an RP intensive story, and more like an AIM conversation.

Typos I don't mind. They happen...even to me! :)  But players who just won't capitalize or use punctuation...ARGH. That's laziness.

The karma-restricted character says to you, in sirihish:
    "how are you this lovely day"

Example pretty much straight from in-game. That just ain't right.

Oh yeah, and if you typo or mis-target, please don't OOCly apologize or correct it, OR ICly re-throw the emote or say, unless it's so horrendous that the roleplay can't continue without your correction.

As to slowness...usually when I'm RPing with just one other person, no matter how fast they are, I have to be doing something else as well, like having a Way conversation, or surfing the web, or doing the dishes, or watching a documentary on TV. So do your best, but the truth of the matter is, in text we're all too slow.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Tisiphone on February 26, 2007, 04:31:54 PM
Quote from: "Gimfalisette"Oh yeah, and if you typo or mis-target, please don't OOCly apologize or correct it, OR ICly re-throw the emote or say, unless it's so horrendous that the roleplay can't continue without your correction.

As to slowness...usually when I'm RPing with just one other person, no matter how fast they are, I have to be doing something else as well, like having a Way conversation, or surfing the web, or doing the dishes, or watching a documentary on TV. So do your best, but the truth of the matter is, in text we're all too slow.

That sums up my feeling right there.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Bebop on February 26, 2007, 05:08:03 PM
I don't care about typos we all do it as long as what you are typing is legiable.

As far as slow typing I can't stand leaders who type slow and force you to be in prolonged situations or people who constantly go AFK in the middle of "passionate" or "tense" situations.

Likewise when the game goes down in those situations - that sucks too X_X
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Ayashah on February 27, 2007, 06:36:59 AM
Slow typing doesnt bother me unless its the slow typing associated with setting up so much color with each sentence that a normal conversation with such a pc would take the whole IC day. I use to OOCly cringe every time I saw this one pc come. They were VERY descriptive about the flow of the cloth and the glistening of the sweat, dont get me wrong. VERY nicely worded talk emotes but it would be about the maxe you could do and still get a few words out before the next one. Maybe it would have been more bearable if each one didnt seem to take about 5mins to set up. I would seriously get up, go to the bathroom, let the dogs out and come back with a drink between my emote and that pc's next.


Typos dont bother me too much as long as I can make out what they are saying. If I cant, well, my pc might just take what was said wrong just like in RL when you cant understand someone. :)
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: alger on February 27, 2007, 11:01:34 AM
I tend to have a lot of typos when I'm...
1. groggy because I just woke up.
2. thinking of the work I'm supposed to be doing.
3. about to fall asleep.

Sadly, when I'm playing arm one or more of those are usually present.

I have a solution though!  "kill <rpfreaks>"  No typos and straight to the point... actually I should alias it and make triggers to capture names just to make sure I don't make any mistakes.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: bardbard#4 on February 27, 2007, 11:38:36 AM
I don't mind slow typing so much as I hate slow replies during netsex when I'm desperately trying to FADE FADE FADE and the other person just doesn't get it.

Seriously.  When you see 'so-and-so kanks you to within an inch of your life then has a smoke and collapses on the bed asleep, away from you', that doesn't mean it's time to emote out the details of your favorite position.  GOSH!
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: LoD on February 27, 2007, 11:43:08 AM
Quote from: "Hot_Dancer"If someone is taking too long to respond to a scene I accuse them first of being busy in other screens...

Perhaps we should create a spell that instantly kills the character if the player is alt-tab'd into another window in the middle of a conversation or scene.

>cast 'vista un cancel or allow' willowy
Electrical energy surges forth to see if the willowy young man is in another window.
The willowy young man crumples to the ground.
The willowy young man cries out in pain.

Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: bardess on February 27, 2007, 12:07:19 PM
Being a slow typist and a typoer myself, I can't really comment except that I hate the people who, like me, are trudging along at thirty to fifty WPM and then write these huge long emotes.  I try to avoid that.

But here's a funny typo story.  One night it was late and I was trying to log out of Arm to make it to another MUD for an RPT.  Needless to say, I didn't make it.  I was trying to be quick but I was with someone, so I had to roleplay.

I had just made a comment about washing dishes and my boss on the other screen.  Well, I was in the Arm window and I hit the up key to go west again, but forgot that the buffer was shared between screens.  I ended up entering this really bizarre comment about washing dishes and this guy named Finbar.  I think my partner was ticked ;-)
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Only He Stands There on February 27, 2007, 12:21:39 PM
Quote from: "Gimfalisette"The karma-restricted character says to you, in sirihish:
    "how are you this lovely day"

Example pretty much straight from in-game. That just ain't right.

I know exactly how you feel. <twitch>
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Agent_137 on February 27, 2007, 03:08:31 PM
i couldn't give a shit about typos. Shit happens. And don't repeat the line to fix a typo i can figure out, ok?

Now, bad spelling, something that's repeated, that'll get old real quick, about as quick as poor grammar.

Slow typing . . . can be dealt with. If you're a slow typer, don't use flowery emotes. And don't type out long anything. I hate sitting and waiting and waiting and going for a drink and coming back to see that you've FINALLY said something.

Get it out in short bursts, so I know you're still AT the keyboard.



'How are you??

'I'm fine!

'Looks, let's go over there . . .

'And take that guy's boots.

^^^^ that's fine. I'm happy with that. But if you compress it all into one line and it takes you five minutes, I'm walking off OOCly, and maybe ICly too.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Agent_137 on February 27, 2007, 03:12:51 PM

I never know for sure, so I never get pissed about it, but I'd definitely be pissed if I found out someone is reading their email, playing with their cat, or doing the dishes while interacting with me. Play the fucking game! Emote your surroundings! Don't just react, play the -krath- damn game. That's why you're here, right? Play with your cat while solo spamming skills, not interacting.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: InsertCleverNameHere on February 28, 2007, 12:30:30 AM
Like several someones have said. Typos happen. If anyone says they've never made a mistake, it just means they haven't noticed.

 Being a bit slow due to this or that is fine, being consistently slow to the point what should be a ten minute exchange takes thirty and you have to cut it short without finishing because a person is slow.. Not okay. Or getting suspiciously slow during 'intimate' moments (which I didn't personally mind emoting out, but I didn't want to spend an hour doing).
 A while back I had a PC (we will call them PC X) who happened to get involved with another PC (who was involved with a few other PC's who I spoke/speak with via IM, and we all ICly and OOCly knew of these involvements so had no problem speaking OOCly on it and 'comparing notes'). And it was a known fact that every time things started getting busy (Yeah, that kind of busy), PC X would get progressively slower. First it'd be three or four minute pauses. Then five, seven... Ahem. Anyway.

Back to the original topic. Typos don't bother me as much as constant misspelling of words, simple words especially. If it's not someone I interact with often I usually just sigh and move on, but there's been occasion where it wore on my nerves so much, the minute I saw the word, I would immediately toss out an emote with the same word spelled correctly hoping they'd catch on.

More than typos, constant misspells or even slowness, punctuation and capitalization are the worst peeves. Occasionally missing one isn't such a big thing, I've had my fingers get ahead of my mind and hit enter before hitting my punctuation before. But all the time just makes it painful to read and I'll intentionally avoid someone who does it, and seems to make no attempt, whatsoever to do contrary. And just a word for some people.. Capitalizing a word for emphasis on a text game which has no italics is fine. But just Randomly capitalizing words, With no apparent reason, Does not make it better, Nor do You seem More Intelligent.

The end.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: LiquidShell on February 28, 2007, 02:20:41 AM
I'd like to shoot Lizzie, anyone with me?
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Jherlen on February 28, 2007, 02:23:19 AM
Shut up dude. Lizzie rocks.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Ghost on February 28, 2007, 02:48:41 AM
Quote from: "LiquidShell"I'd like to shoot Lizzie, anyone with me?

Dude you are the reason the whole rpt is over.  Lizzie rocks.  Don't you dare to emote ever again.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: LiquidShell on February 28, 2007, 03:23:24 AM
Quote from: "Ghost"Don't you dare to emote ever again.

What are you talking about? I never emoted to begin with!  :lol:

But it's a large peeve of mine when people criticize other's grammar, and spelling, and typing speed, and all of that crap.  I mean this game doesn't have a sign saying *only good writers can play* No it's for everyone, you get the good and the bad.  And games like this eventually help the bad become pretty damn decent.  So yeah, people with Lizzie's philosophy make me want to go berserk.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Anael on February 28, 2007, 07:31:15 AM
Thanks for your kind (or less-kind) answers.

QuoteIf it's not someone I interact with often I usually just sigh and move on, but there's been occasion where it wore on my nerves so much, the minute I saw the word, I would immediately toss out an emote with the same word spelled correctly hoping they'd catch on.
I believe that's actually quite a good way to discreetly and politely point out someone's mistake. You know, there's quite a few of us non-native English speakers. While I belive (hope!) I don't misspell words unless it's a typo, I remember I used to use a wrong preposition in some phrase from time to time. If you ever learned some language, especially from a diferent language family than your native language, you'll agree that prepositions are sometimes quite confusing. Anyway, one player noticed that and simply used it in the correct form in one of his emotes. I realized my mistake and never made it again. Simple.

Constant misspellings annoy me too. Constantly omitting capitals or interpunction irritate me even more.

The other day, when I managed to play from a real compugter with a real keyboard, so I was suddenly typing fast, I got impatient about other players' slowness. Shame on me!

A few more notes, though.
Someone being slow at responding doesn't necessarily mean slow typing. It could be multiple Way interactions, for example. Even worse, I remember times when I got so caught up in my PC's thinks that I forgot to keep the interaction with other PCs going.

I agree that in situations like the one I am in, one should adjust his emoting style. For example, when my character lies to someone, I always add in a think or feel to reflect that. Now, when afflicted with this stupid 1x2inch keyboard, I usually just go 'think I lie.' It's straight to the point, gives the necessary information in case an Imm (or someone else) is watching, and it's easy to throw it in without slowing down the actual interaction.

Oh and, I noticed I am getting faster with time!
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Lizzie on February 28, 2007, 08:22:06 AM
OMG I have a fan club. What a scary notion!

But to gently respond to Liquid, I am not a good writer. I don't expect anyone else to be a good writer, or a fast typist, or a writer who never misspells or typos.

I'll repeat, more clearly because I think you misunderstood:

Roleplaying with someone who regularly and consistently takes a long time to do something poorly is annoying.

That's really all I was saying. And I said it, because someone asked.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Ender on February 28, 2007, 09:04:07 AM
I can't really fault anyone for making typos.  For some reason I type things out a bit too quickly so I make a lot of really stupid typos.

Or the worst is I'll type something out and decide to change a word or two and not stop to think that I've totally screwed up the grammatical structure of  what I had typed.  That happens to me more than I'd like to admit.  I bet people playing with my PC probably think English is my second language.

I always notice it too right after I hit enter, and then I just want to run away and spam hide.

The only pet peeve I have when it comes to typos is when people constantly go OOC to correct themselves.  99% of the time this is completely unnecessary as everyone and their dog is going to know exactly what you meant.

As for slow typists I don't really mind.  What I do mind is someone who spends a huge amount of time making certain they have the most flowery emote possible.  

My opinion is emoting should be descriptive, but if you're taking two to three minutes to craft the perfect emote when you could have just taken ten seconds to write out a concise and to the point emote it drives me crazy.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Fathi on February 28, 2007, 12:04:00 PM
Quote from: "Lizzie"
Roleplaying with someone who regularly and consistently takes a long time to do something poorly is annoying.

That's really all I was saying. And I said it, because someone asked.

That's what gets me, in the end. I don't mind waiting a minute or two in between emotes if your emotes are good or even just decent, but waiting for long stretches of time for an emote that's poorly-spelled, fragmented all to shit, and difficult to understand makes me want to spend my in-game time elsewhere.

The only thing that makes me want to get up and leave the room the second I see it are long emotes that ramble on incoherently with no breaks for dialogue, no punctuation, and no point.

Opening the footlocker pushing it open pulling out a bundle of cloth, the tall wavy-haired merchant hombre gets his pair of frilly white silk sleeves from a white bone footlocker.

Unfolding his pair of frilly white silk sleeves the tall wavy-haired merchant hombre examines them for a moment then hands them over to you.

Handing the fabric over smiling to you with a wink, the tall wavy-haired merchant hombre says, in sirihish:
  "These are expensive I assure you they are still the most comfortable sleeves you will ever wear would you like to try them on"

Punctuated even a little to break it up, this wouldn't be bad roleplay. But it's jarring to read anything longer than a line--especially dialogue--that's utterly lacking punctuation other than what the game automatically inputs.

And also, a word of apology on behalf of at least myself--when I first started playing Arm I did a lot of random capitalisation because in my native language you capitalise all nouns. I've weaned myself of this but it still sneaks through from time to time.  :oops:
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Twilight on February 28, 2007, 12:15:38 PM
I don't mind slow typers.  What I do mind is people who have a lack of respect for the RL time they might be taking of the other character.  It can be a fine line between the two, but I've seen slow typers who do great emotes when we were just chilling together, suddenly stop the emotes when we start to actually do something together.  I find this good, otherwise I might be spending an additional RL half an hour getting something done because the other person can't type fast.  Whereas other people continue to emote, or gap the sequencing of any commands I can see several minutes between each, which to me can equate to a simple lack of respect for the other person's RL time.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Nao on February 28, 2007, 02:49:22 PM
Quote from: "Fathi"
And also, a word of apology on behalf of at least myself--when I first started playing Arm I did a lot of random capitalisation because in my native language you capitalise all nouns. I've weaned myself of this but it still sneaks through from time to time.  :oops:

I used to not capitalize at all when I started paying, I think. In German, all nouns are capitalized as well and since that's a bit annoying, no one really does it on the internet.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: LiquidShell on March 02, 2007, 03:57:01 PM
I played a mud where it required gnomes to type like this.  "Iwenttothemallandhadsomelunchitwasgoodmmhmmmwouldyouliketogoplaywithme."
Standard rp, if you didn't do it, you weren't a gnome.  After seeing that for a few months none of this really seems to bother me.  You kids just like to moan too much.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: psionic fungus on March 02, 2007, 05:33:52 PM
I started that trend on a mud, "Oblivion", and it got carried over to a clone called "Dawn of Time".

Boy, they sure sucked... But playing Illusionist Gnomes -is- fairly entertaining.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: HoD on March 16, 2007, 12:48:24 AM
I first started mudding when I was about 10 or so. Hack and slash then RPI. But anyway. When I first started, I was slow as hell, my spelling was shit (still is) but look at it this way, im now 21 and because of time mudding, I managed to put the skills i learnt to good use - and paid for my education (a total of 10,500) with data entery jobs in about 4 months.

I dont care if your slow as hell, trouble spelling, whatever the case - Just as long as over time I can see improvement.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Wykydtronn on March 16, 2007, 03:34:12 AM
Typo's never bother me, mainly because I'm extremely guilty of them myself.

Slow typers on the other hand... ergh.

Funny story though: I once walked into the Gaj and almost as soon as I emoted sitting down at the bar, another player starts interacting with my character.  His first reply was fast... after that it slowed down to almost 10 mintues per emote.  I got so fed up, I just left my cilent on while I went out to go pick up a pack of smokes.  When I came back 8 minutes later, he had yet to reply.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Morfeus on March 16, 2007, 07:31:12 AM
I think waiting ten minutes for a reply is not about slow typing, but about not-paying-attention or doing-something-else.

I tend to type slowly when I am trying to express something what is hard for my English. I could be terribly slow then - but I doubt my answer in such case takes more than three minutes anyway.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Mezzy on April 23, 2007, 05:03:28 PM
Misspellings aren't a problem usually, what bugs me is when people talk like this.

<Shield Wall>

Noob exits to the north.

Other Noob says "hay dood w8 up"

It's not even the horrible typing, it's the lack of punctuation, I could deal a BIT(Not much) with the typing, but lack of caps and punctuation is overt laziness and is an easy way to make me dislike you.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Tarx on April 23, 2007, 05:25:19 PM
I'm glad I've never seen someone say that IC.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Maso on April 23, 2007, 05:30:24 PM
Thinking about it, typo's bother me far more than slow typing. I would rather someone took the extra 20 seconds to check whether they had made any typo's. Bad spelling I can handle, as I am well aware that a lot of players don't speak english as a first language. In some cases the sentence structures and grammar I have seen come from 'non english-native speakers' has been strangely compelling and actually added a foreign atmosphere to Arm. I LIKE IT.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Rhyden on April 23, 2007, 08:14:36 PM
What bothers me most is when someone makes a typo and then they use the OOC channel to correct it.

With me, if I make a mistake in an important action, I'll fix it with another emote. Maybe.

If it's in speech, I leave it and roll with it like my character made a mistake. Which characters actually do sometimes, people. We're not all flawless.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Spud on April 24, 2007, 01:17:50 PM
Quote from: "Rhyden"We're not all flawless.

Speak for yourself.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: adrien on April 25, 2007, 01:17:17 PM
I make alot of typos becuase things always get jammed going from my brain to my to my hands or I type faster then i can think sometimes.

what really is annoying is when you cant keep up with situation becuase the scroll bar wont let me go back far enough sometimes to read what i missed due to multipule emotes or people talking alot.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: satine on April 27, 2007, 12:25:03 AM
typos don't bother me.... but i have one typo i make constantly. It's a simple one and most people don't understand why i make it.


I hit the h and e key at the exact same time when i am typing... in -everything-. Trust me, it will always bother me far more then it will ever bother you. I am very sorry if it has bothered you.  

i also ooc correct from time to time if i think the word would not be readable, or if i typed the wrong word or forget half a sentence.

Slow posting bugs me. I should not be able to smoke a cig between the time i hit enter, and the time you hit enter. I do not mean people that take a few seconds to think about the post they are making, those long pauses are annoying.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Angela Christine on April 27, 2007, 02:56:17 AM
Those Es are tricky.  I don't know how many times I've tried to cook some emat (meat) or sell an elaf (leaf). I've typoed leaf so often that eventually I just embraced it and named a character elaf.  Yes, I've gone through so many characters that I've started using typos as names.  Names are hard to think up.  Wait, did I have a point?  Yes, yes I did.

I think transposition typos are partly due to trying to type fast.  If I'm using a word processor I hardly ever make those kind of typos.  But in time sensitive online activities they crop up everywhere.  So, in a way, you could consider the occasional typo to be evidence good intentions, in that other players are trying to keep up the pace.   :D
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Synthesis on April 27, 2007, 01:01:52 PM
Ha, I typo "sheathe" as "sheahte" so much that I have "sheahte" aliased.

I also have le, ln, lw, ls, lu and ld aliased, because I'm always running those together when I'm looking around like a paranoiac.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: sarahjc on April 30, 2007, 11:54:51 AM
I type fast, I misspell all the time, I also use the wrong spellings of words all the time. It has never held back my RP. If I really mash something up, I will retype it.

One thing that has happened to me a couple of times recently, which is mildly irritating, Is taking a clearly ooc Typo and turning it into an IC event. For instance, someone acting on a misdirection typo, like your PC bowing to the wrong person.  

If a Templar walks in and I accidentally bow to Shelly at the end of the bar, most folks know who I was bowing to. It drives me nuts when Shelly gives a chuckle and makes a comment about me bowing to her.  At least give me a moment to retype. That stuff is just sort of silly and always takes me out of character, because I have to retype after the joke was made or OOC that it was a misdirect.

Other than things like that.. I never care about slow typing or spelling and grammar. The only things that really matter to me is Capitalization at the beginning of a sentence and Punctuation at the end. That and as long as they don't use 1337 speak, I'm good.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: jmordetsky on April 30, 2007, 12:04:47 PM
I don't mind typos, or misspellings. I do hate lack of capitalization.

That said I think if your RP is full of any of these things, it shows a lack of careful consideration about what you are contributing to the story. But once in a blue...who cares.

That said, one thing that I do, that I hate when other people do. but I know I do it as well, is spam say/emote. IE saying one thing will encompass three says instead of one, making it hard for another person to know where to jump in.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Halaster on April 30, 2007, 12:50:30 PM
I typo fairly often (I'm even notorious for it in Immland) because... I'm lazy.

I know I've made a mistake, but I just really don't feel like fixing it.  You know what I mean, most of the time, anyway.  When making a post on the GDB or something like it, I'll spend the time to fix my mistakes if I find them.  But online?  Forget it, there's no point when you know I meant "the" instead of "teh".
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: mansa on April 30, 2007, 03:12:18 PM
Quote from: "Halaster"I typo fairly often (I'm even notorious for it in Immland) because... I'm lazy.

I know I've made a mistake, but I just really don't feel like fixing it.  You know what I mean, most of the time, anyway.  When making a post on the GDB or something like it, I'll spend the time to fix my mistakes if I find them.  But online?  Forget it, there's no point when you know I meant "the" instead of "teh".

If you ever get an echo and it has 'teh' in it...  blame Halaster.

I recall that Halaster once echoed to the room this, a long long time ago:

"the trapdoor explodes in the face of the bard"

Correct me if I'm wrong, Halaster?
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Maso on April 30, 2007, 04:40:08 PM
Quote from: "mansa"
Quote from: "Halaster"I typo fairly often (I'm even notorious for it in Immland) because... I'm lazy.

I know I've made a mistake, but I just really don't feel like fixing it.  You know what I mean, most of the time, anyway.  When making a post on the GDB or something like it, I'll spend the time to fix my mistakes if I find them.  But online?  Forget it, there's no point when you know I meant "the" instead of "teh".

If you ever get an echo and it has 'teh' in it...  blame Halaster.

I recall that Halaster once echoed to the room this, a long long time ago:

"the trapdoor explodes in the face of the bard"

Correct me if I'm wrong, Halaster?

What? Not "teh trapdoor exploeds in teh face of teh bard"??
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: LiquidShell on May 03, 2007, 10:35:45 AM
This entire forum, and its members bother me.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Maso on May 03, 2007, 01:58:00 PM
Quote from: "LiquidShell"This entire forum, and its members bother me.

Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Agent_137 on May 03, 2007, 07:40:57 PM
Quote from: "Maso"
Quote from: "LiquidShell"This entire forum, and its members bother me.

Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Fedaykin on May 03, 2007, 08:50:58 PM
Yes, but other people's typos don't annoy me at all, yet everytime I see one of my own it pisses me off.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Wolfsong on May 04, 2007, 08:32:15 AM
Yeah-- I hate it when I typo. It irritates me to the point of spamming 'look' so I don't have to see it sitting there, all smugly, on the screen.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: manonfire on May 04, 2007, 08:43:41 AM
Quote from: "LiquidShell"This entire forum, and its members bother me.

Categorical imperative, bitch.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: daedroug on May 06, 2007, 07:25:30 PM
It doesn't bother me that much really however another question would be, if someone does typo would you rather see it left alone, corrected with ooc, or resent with the corrected typo?
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Xio on May 06, 2007, 07:55:58 PM
I don't care about typos, mainly because my keyboard is in braille, I can't read braille, and I typo too. Slow typing, I don't care that it slow. I just hate not knowing if they are actually typing or not. Cause sometimes they aren't going to reply so I'm just sitting waiting for something y'know? Other times they are about to reply and I wait then type something and cut them off and feel like jack ass.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Tarx on May 06, 2007, 08:00:47 PM
...Xio, you just confused me...
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Fathi on May 06, 2007, 08:04:51 PM
Quote from: "daedroug"It doesn't bother me that much really however another question would be, if someone does typo would you rather see it left alone, corrected with ooc, or resent with the corrected typo?

I'd rather see mistakes left alone, or if it's something that could possibly affect how other characters react to the emote/say/whatever (i.e. a mistarget rather than a typo), then resending with a correction is okay.

If the other PCs involved don't realise you made a mistake and it's something that would change how your character is reacted to or reacts to the scene, I think it's okay to use the OOC command sometimes, as well.            

For example, if a PC emotes sneering and gesturing rudely toward the red-robed templar when the red-skinned elf just walked into the tavern, it's pretty obvious what happened, but I wouldn't get all bent out of shape if the person who made the mistake repeated his emote with the correct targeting or did a little 'OOC: Except I was sneering at you, not that dude.'
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Xio on May 06, 2007, 08:07:33 PM
Quote from: "Tarx"...Xio, you just confused me...

I don't hate slow typing. Its just I'm not impatient and tend to just type something, not waiting for a slow typer to respond. Slow typing doesn't annoy me, but I often annoy slow typers.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Wolfsong on May 07, 2007, 07:27:41 AM
I'm confused, too.

But I think typos/misdirects should only be fixed if they're, well, dangerous to leave misdirected. Like kicking templars, or emoting swinging a wicked obsidian longsword at someone when you meant to swing your sparring sword.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: Tarx on May 07, 2007, 08:36:46 AM
I meant that you had a braille keyboard but don't read braille.
Title: How much do typos and slow typing bother you?
Post by: enigma on May 14, 2007, 12:46:55 PM
Normally slower typing, typos, they don't bother me.  What does bother me is this kind of stuff:

Important person: I'll talk to you about becoming a recruit.
Peon: Okay!  (sits down with important person)
Important person: What's your name?
Peon: Amos, sir.

(This is followed by over ten minutes of non reaction from Important person, while Peon just sits there not knowing what to do.  Important person doesn't even leave a gone message or anything, just sits there idle.)

Important person: (over ten real minutes later) What's your name?
Peon: Amos, sir.

Honestly, a conversation to recruit somebody that goes like this isn't going to make Peon want to join your clan, if a conversation that should take five minutes takes well over half an hour.  It gives me the impression that Important Person's player was not paying attention to Armageddon, and really doesn't care that much about this important role he's in.