When you email the clan email addresses such as bards@armageddon.org it is automatically CCed to mud@armageddon.org. CCing mud explicitly actually means we get it twice. Thanks!
Just wanted to bump this as a reminder. If you email clanname@armageddon.org it is already getting sent to MUD, so there's no need to add mud@armageddon.org in the 'To:' or 'CC:' line.
Also, it's tremendously helpful to all staff if you put your clan name in the subject line.
Quote from: "example email"
To: tuluki_nobles@armageddon.org
From: bobsyeruncle@email.com
Subject: [House Winrothol] This one time, at bard camp...
ZOMG Muk Utep was at bard camp and he recited dirty limericks for like, 3 hours straight!