Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: UnderSeven on November 06, 2006, 06:48:34 PM

Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: UnderSeven on November 06, 2006, 06:48:34 PM
How do you people feel about an 'artist' subclass?

The idea of this class would be that it would come with the 'draw' skill
which would enable the artist to draw opun stuff and do paintings and such.

Basically it would work like writing, only it would be a language that anyone could understand.  

For abuse I would suggest it having somewhere a tag which made it clear the picture was done using the 'draw' skill and therefore anyone could quickly tell if it were relaying an inappropriate messge, such as actual words.

I would also suggest making it a karma required class to be an extra safe guard from abuse.

Anyway, ideas thoughts?
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: jmordetsky on November 06, 2006, 07:01:22 PM
Dig it.
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: spawnloser on November 06, 2006, 07:24:57 PM
Have draw attach an image to an object that can then be seen by typing 'look object's image' or the like maybe?
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: Beux on November 06, 2006, 08:13:18 PM
I'm pretty sure this has been discussed thouroughly in a previous post....
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: Ghost on November 06, 2006, 08:20:08 PM
I can see it as a subguild.  Though I would rather see "draw" working as "sing".  You can write down in detail what you are drawing and people come and read the description.  How much you suck at it, is determined by your RPing it, not skillwise (as in how well you sing it is determined by your emotes and choices of words)
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: Cale_Knight on November 06, 2006, 09:08:54 PM
I love the idea of karma-restricted subguilds.
Title: Yeah
Post by: Dakkon Black on November 06, 2006, 09:17:16 PM
Oh please. Oh please oh please oh please.
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: Yang on November 06, 2006, 09:43:22 PM
Quote from: "Beux"I'm pretty sure this has been discussed thouroughly in a previous post....

It's an awesome idea and I think it should be fleshed out and discussed more, if the staff is open to changing the current system for painters etc. If it has been discussed, Beux, I think it's customary to try and find the link to the past thread?
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: Sokotra on November 06, 2006, 11:47:05 PM
How about a 2nd subguild for smaller little itsy bitsy things like being able to draw or arrange flowers or make dung-pies or walk and chew gum at the same time.
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: rufus on November 07, 2006, 02:54:30 AM
No.. dislike it.. make scribbling on items available to all.
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: Reiloth on November 07, 2006, 04:54:28 AM
Anyone can sing.

Bards can sing pretty good. Probably, better than Amos the Butcher.

Thats why theres a Bard Subguild.

It signifies that in your background, you spent some time doing..Well..Bardic things. Maybe fiddling with a lute for a few years, singing while you take a sand..bath..You know. Bard things. Killing people.

But seriously, I think having a karma restricted sub_guild "Artist" is a great idea.

Everyone can draw, but there was only one Picasso. Or perhaps, to put it better, in Zalanthas, even in the RINTH, there are communities of "artists" that should be codedly able to do things that are nifty. Like paint. Or make sculptures on the fly.

Like "sculpt rock" and then entering a writing prompt. It submits to a staff, live, to await approval, maybe through the request command. It goes in, boom. Your sculpture exists!

The karma would come in with the staff trusting a player enough to not be an impeccably perfect artist from the get go..Make imperfect pieces, and perhaps with time, become a really good artisan.

Seeing as theres no restrictions on how good Bards are off the bat...I THINK ITS A BOMB IDEA.
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: Marauder Moe on November 07, 2006, 09:05:15 AM
I'm not sure how I feel about a whole new subguild yet, but one idea for a draw skill would be to scramble the description (like the language filters) of what you draw based on your profeciency.
Title: Though I often don't like posting ideas..
Post by: Rhapsody of Zalanthas on November 07, 2006, 11:00:47 AM
Scrambling would only prevent people from -seeing- what you have made, in a coded way. Your character still made exists...just PCs can't understand what's there if the words are scrambled.

Rather, I'd like to see an artisan subguild, but as bard's have sing, just with the difference in background and chosen profession, artisans can just 'draw', with a few other skills that would be useful to an artisan like haggle, assess, value, tool making, etc.

If it is the creation of a large object like a sculpture, players already have the option to change the ldesc of the item through each progress, and roleplay crafting and shaping, or painting, the object. Once it is completed, and in a reasonable amount of time IG (half a year, IG, for example, on a large piece of work) then they can send it in via submission to have it approved and coded by the staff, with a log of the crafting attached.

Never done it before...but I figure that is how it is done.  :wink:

And I vote no for making it a karma restricted subclass. There's ways a bard can be abused, being a professional straight from day one of playing, but there's enough trust in players to roleplay it well. I think we could do the same with the artisan subguild. If it gets to become too much work for the staff due to abuse of the 'draw' command (players submitting their 'special' work earlier than would be realistic IG) then they can consider making it a 1 karma subguild, but not until we've tested it.

Another limiter would be clans and a support base. Without having the materials, the pay, and such, an artisan likely wouldn't be able to start on any of his/her work anyway. For whichever House or Noble they work under, the imms of that clan can moniter how the artisans under their pay are doing...if they want to.  :wink: