Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: Naiona on October 01, 2006, 07:04:36 PM

Title: If you have ever played a Borsail noble (or bastard)...
Post by: Naiona on October 01, 2006, 07:04:36 PM
I'm looking for information on past Borsail family PCs for a project.  Anyone who has ever played a Borsail is invited to send a brief note containing your Borsail name, a quick few sentences with any achievements of note (or tragedies of note) and anything that might have been considered 'famous' about them.

I am also looking for family information from past PCs.  If you remember the names of family members (PC, NPC or VNPC), please include them in your email.  Likewise, if your PC had any children, please mention that.  

Lastly, I need to know if your PC died or was stored and left virtually alive and if you think they might have had virtual children later.  

Thanks!  Please send your info along with your account name to