Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: rufus on September 13, 2006, 05:58:28 AM

Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: rufus on September 13, 2006, 05:58:28 AM
Besides getting some ginormous half-giant to subdue a person, couldn't we codedly tie or shackle the person to a rock.. or a wall.. or just simply impede movement?

Depending on where you're shackled, wrists for example, you might have a hard time using weapons, getting something, riding, and so on.  If someone shackled your ankles together, you would obviously have a hard time running or walking at a quick pace.

Shackles for wrists and ankles, gags for the mouth, blindfolds for the face.. earplugs maybe?  Even simple rope could be used in place when in a pinch.  Apparently, they would have to be subdued or unconscious for this to work without the victim struggling or fighting back.

Since these things would be made of bone, wood, stone, or plant, they could be broken after a time of stress.

Any comments?
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Djarjak on September 13, 2006, 09:39:32 AM
it's on the long list.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: rufus on September 13, 2006, 02:05:54 PM
Oh, cool then.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Moofassa on September 13, 2006, 02:34:13 PM
How about coded blindfolds?
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Beux on September 13, 2006, 05:09:50 PM
Quote from: "Moofassa"How about coded blindfolds?

Ohh, that would be so cool. Blindfolds that stop you from seeing, gags that stop you from speaking, shackles that stop you from walking, and cuffs that stop you from doing anything that requires hands.

Though you'd be screwed if someone managed to get them all on you at once.  :?
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Yang on September 13, 2006, 05:33:16 PM
i'd wear a blind fold all the time.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: jstorrie on September 13, 2006, 05:35:42 PM
Zatoichi-style, pwning newbs with a handicap just because.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: WarriorPoet on September 13, 2006, 10:03:34 PM
I definately remember having a lecture in a clan about the use of a shackles item and I could have sworn you could codedly lock a prisoner up with them. That's been a long time and it may just be a fuzzy memory with an item that was just for prop.

If you had someone subdued or otherwise incapacitated and emoted tying them securely, I'm sure they would be game to play along. Especially if you wished up and asked an Imm to keep an eye on the scene.

-WP thinks blindfolds would be useful.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Djarjak on September 14, 2006, 09:13:57 AM
Quote from: "Moofassa"How about coded blindfolds?

Also on the long list.

I have seen entries for scripts that shackle and/or blindfold. However, there were various problems with them that didn't make them practical for real use. It is an interest I share in getting working. Just an issue of code.

For example, we have to address what happens if someone attacks a shackled character. What about a shackled character who is starving or dying of dehydration? Does the captor have to unshackle them to feed/water them? How do we prevent situations where someone is shackled and then his captor goes link dead or logs out, leaving him shackled...

Just for an idea.

And yes, I know, there are solutions to all of these. It's a matter of priority.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Cale_Knight on September 14, 2006, 02:17:19 PM
Wouldn't a blindfold be tons easier, though? We already have code for a blind state.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Djarjak on September 14, 2006, 06:32:40 PM
Quote from: "Cale_Knight"Wouldn't a blindfold be tons easier, though? We already have code for a blind state.

In theory. I can't remember what the prevailing problem with that one was. Real life has been eating my brains for the last three weeks. I desperately need a new job. =)

Oh - I think the logical question was theft of the object causing blindness...

Either way - not insurmountable. Just time.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Arrak on September 17, 2006, 05:22:18 PM
Well, the fighting styles mentions training while blinded is the best way to learn blind-fighting. Is this only an RP-thing, or is it really coded? I was expecting to find a blindfold for my training, rather than wait for a dark night and drop my torch after the fight ensues.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Djarjak on September 18, 2006, 09:11:42 AM
Being "blind" can also mean "in the darkness", I think.

I don't think that the people who coded a blind fighting skill really had the intention of a bunch of people in a sparring ring  tying sacks around their heads and practicing whacking at each other like pinatas.

Although, if you do, call me. I think that'd be hilarious.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Olaf on September 18, 2006, 09:27:49 AM
Training for blindfighting?

BEN: This time, let go your conscious self and act on instinct.

LUKE: (laughing) With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?

BEN: Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them.

Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Djarjak on September 18, 2006, 10:07:43 AM
Exactly. But still hilarious. ;)
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Cale_Knight on September 18, 2006, 03:08:18 PM
Quote from: "Djarjak"I don't think that the people who coded a blind fighting skill really had the intention of a bunch of people in a sparring ring  tying sacks around their heads and practicing whacking at each other like pinatas.

Every good martial arts movie with a training flashback montage features the  "learn to fight while blind" scene.

Hell - Bloodsport hinged on it.
Title: Tie 'em up!
Post by: Djarjak on September 18, 2006, 04:37:56 PM
I didn't say that I wouldn't expect that people would do this.

I just didn't think that most people imagined how funny it might be to see people RP actually practicing this. heh.