Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: TiberiusAlaric on August 30, 2006, 04:53:15 PM

Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: TiberiusAlaric on August 30, 2006, 04:53:15 PM
"the massive, sun-bronzed female half-elf
This muscular half-elven woman has dark, sun-bronzed skin that shines brightly in the light. Her body is massive, almost comparable to a mul of the same gender. She has thick legs that show obvious lower body power and endurance, the large muscles bulging beneath her skin. Across her stomach are muscles sprouting from everywhere, rippling with the slightest movement. Enormous chest muscles span her torso, dwarfing the considerable muscle in her shoulders, which hold bulky, muscular arms. She has a thick bull-neck that supports a face that may have once been beautiful, but is now masculine and scarred. She has thin, cracked lips, tiny scars surrounding them in appearance of chaos. She has a thin, crooked nose, bumps showing from the many breaks. The splendor of her light blue eyes is dampened by the rugged look of her face, particularly the long scar running from the corner of her eye down her cheek. Above her eyes is the beginning of her coppery hair, which has been pulled back tightly into a bun"

I found this description to be very peculiar given the information provided for on Half-Elves and their physique. And while I understand they are more sturdy than Elves, how can they even begin to compare to a Mul? Just thought this was strange and was curious to see if anyone else noticed it.  :?
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Jherlen on August 30, 2006, 05:03:16 PM
That does seem somewhat odd, yeah.

A truly massively scary human might be comparable to a mul. A half-elf can pass as a human, but... that's sort of stretching it.
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Manhattan on August 30, 2006, 06:56:29 PM
Whoa...I didn't know half-elves came in beastly-buff sizes.  :shock:
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Ryker on August 30, 2006, 10:47:31 PM
huh... I guess I'll be a bit more careful around half-elves now. Heh heh
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Ryker on August 30, 2006, 10:47:31 PM
huh... I guess I'll be a bit more careful around half-elves now. Heh heh
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Ghost on August 30, 2006, 11:04:41 PM
Besides it is 40 something character.

And mul?  Relative.  Maybe has broad shoulders and muscular chest and arms.  But after all they are resembling humans, close to them in shape.  Don't think they would look like mul in any case.
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Vesperas on August 30, 2006, 11:52:18 PM
I once played what was supposed to be considered a truly massive, beyond-the-norm, brutish human.  I chose to codedly go with the max height and weight to match the description and the concept.

For the most part, folks played along appropriately and I got a lot of enjoyment out of the double-takes and being the butt of a few jokes.

Of course, that was before I encountered half-elves in the game.  Not only did one compltely ignore my description, which was very explicit, he simply assessed me and actually pointed out ICly that I was smaller than they were (in front of another player who was trying to play along with me).  

I didn't know how to respond to this, so I just played it off, but ever since then I've always wondered why half-elves can codedly be both much taller and much heavier than a normal human.
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: TiberiusAlaric on August 31, 2006, 12:41:36 AM
Quote from: "Vesperas"
I didn't know how to respond to this, so I just played it off, but ever since then I've always wondered why half-elves can codedly be both much taller and much heavier than a normal human.

An average Half-Elf is proportionately going to be larger than an average human. Their height and weight must scale much like a human's would in proportion to each other or they would die due to either being extremely emaciated or morbidly obese.

Look at Yao Ming.
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Vesperas on August 31, 2006, 02:34:37 AM
That doesn't exactly explain elves, who are taller than half-elves and lighter than humans.  When I'm talking about weight, I'm talking about general muscular bulk,  not whether or not someone is emaciated or obese.

Elves are very tall but do not (usually) have heavy, muscular builds.  This does not mean they are emaciated, just that they are built differently.  

Half-elves are described as having some traits from both of their parents.  They are stronger than elves, but not as strong as humans, and are taller than humans but not as tall as elves.  

Guess what I'm stuck on is the idea that my massive, brutish muscle-mutant human would be much lighter than the wiry half-elf pointing it out.  It puts me in a position where I can't really argue, because the code says its so, but the descriptions and roles just don't make any sense.  Perhaps if I were just obese (since fat weights less than muscle), it would make more sense.. but that just wasn't the case.
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: EvilRoeSlade on August 31, 2006, 02:53:07 AM
If you want somebody who is beyond the normal for height and weight, then special apply for it.  Don't get upset because people are merely going by what the assess command tells them.  You wouldn't be the first person who chose max height and weight.

As for half-elves, it isn't generally possible for them to weigh more than humans.  If you meet one that weighs more than 9 ten-stones, then you've met an unusual specimen.
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Vesperas on August 31, 2006, 03:14:51 AM
Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"If you want somebody who is beyond the normal for height and weight, then special apply for it.  Don't get upset because people are merely going by what the assess command tells them.  You wouldn't be the first person who chose max height and weight.

As for half-elves, it isn't generally possible for them to weigh more than humans.  If you meet one that weighs more than 9 ten-stones, then you've met an unusual specimen.

The point I was trying to make was not "Wah, someone was bringing up assess in an IC situation", but it was:

I don't see how a particularly muscular human is going to weigh less than a particularly muscular half-elf.
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: EvilRoeSlade on August 31, 2006, 03:16:35 AM
They shouldn't be, they both have the same weight range in character generation.
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Vesperas on August 31, 2006, 03:25:30 AM
Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"They shouldn't be, they both have the same weight range in character generation.

Odd.  Well, if its true, then it kills my argument.  ^.-
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: TiberiusAlaric on August 31, 2006, 03:26:36 AM
Quote from: "EvilRoeSlade"They shouldn't be, they both have the same weight range in character generation.

That doesn't really make any sense given that they're supposed to be in between both.  :?
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Cenghiz on August 31, 2006, 03:32:16 AM
Assess -v should be taken IC. It's IC information. If you want to make a character out of standarts, do it via special application. (Seen it done I guess, or maybe it was magick, I'm not sure)
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Vesperas on August 31, 2006, 03:58:52 AM
Quote from: "Cenghiz"Assess -v should be taken IC. It's IC information. If you want to make a character out of standarts, do it via special application. (Seen it done I guess, or maybe it was magick, I'm not sure)

Mmmm.  You mean like this?

The enormous, brutish man enters from the west.
The wiry, blond-haired half-elf enters from the east.

The scrawny girl looks up at the enormous, brutish man and cringes.
The scrawny girl looks at the wiry, blond-haired half-elf and says, in Gibberish, "He sure is big!"

The wiry, blond-haired half-elf looks at the enormous, brutish man.
(Wiry does:  assess -v brutish)
--- The enormous, brutish man is shorter than you.
--- The enormous, brutish man is lighter than you.

The wiry, blond-haired half-elf smirks.

The wiry, blond-haired half-elf says, "Haha.  I'm bigger than you, Tiny."

I think its sort of silly to have to 'special app' being a human on the heavier side of the scale that would naturally be heavier than a half-elf on that exact same side.

NOTE:  I'm sure that my experience is just a singular, personal one.  I've also confirmed that the player in question was acting somewhat out of spite (haha, she's trying to play a big PC, but codedly mine's bigger, I think I'll point it out and make things weird).  But what truly bugs me is that this is so easily possible and is probably a lot more common than is obvious.
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Cenghiz on August 31, 2006, 04:13:48 AM
I stand my ground. If you want to be as much tall as a tall half-elf, special app. If he assesses you and finds out that he's bigger than you, he codewise is, he RPwise is... he is.
If half-elf max weight is equal to/more than a human max weight, it's a bug I believe.
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: Vesperas on August 31, 2006, 04:23:51 AM
Quote from: "Cenghiz"I stand my ground. If you want to be as much tall as a tall half-elf, special app. If he assesses you and finds out that he's bigger than you, he codewise is, he RPwise is... he is.

My problem wasn't with height.  Half-elves SHOULD be taller.

Quote from: "Cenghiz"
If half-elf max weight is equal to/more than a human max weight, it's a bug I believe.

:P  Ding.

The effect was like a man calling a mul tiny because he could see over the mul's forehead.

Anyhow, back to the main topic... if I read that desc, I'd probably think of in terms of relativity... I think by bringing up a mul in the half-elf's desc isn't saying that she looks like one, just that she's got attributes that easily come to mind when thinking of a mul (muscles).
Title: Sample Half-Elf Description: Strange
Post by: spawnloser on August 31, 2006, 01:09:57 PM
Weight range is the same.  I know this.  Height range is different.

If someone is taller but weighs the same, they are thinner due to the fact that the weight is stretched out over a longer frame.

Half-elves are thinner, not lighter.