Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: Sanvean on August 20, 2006, 01:54:22 PM

Title: Special Applications
Post by: Sanvean on August 20, 2006, 01:54:22 PM
I just finished a new batch of special applications.  If you have sent me one, you should have received an approval, a denial, or a request for more information.  If you didn't get any of these, feel free to email me.

If you have recent negative notes, you are best off waiting a while before sending an application, or you can try the route in which you convince me that you will really add something to the game and totally understand the concept of <whatever> roleplay.

Please do include the character description and background.  If you are applying for a magicker, you would do well to read through the appropriate documentation on the website first.  The same goes for special races - read through the available docs.

I tend to do the apps in batches, so it may take 2-3 weeks for yours to be replied to, depending on where it hits the cycle.  Inquiries about the status of the application generally do not speed up this process.

You are heartily encouraged to create an interim character to play.  If you become so attached to the interim character that you want to keep playing it, the option can be used for the next character if it has been approved.
Title: Special Applications
Post by: Sanvean on August 27, 2006, 02:19:16 PM
I just finished a new batch of special applications. If you have sent me one, you should have received an approval, a denial, or a request for more information. If you didn't get any of these, feel free to email me.
Title: Special Applications
Post by: Sanvean on September 02, 2006, 03:48:52 PM
I just finished the most recent batch of special applications.  If you have sent me one, you should have received an approval, a denial, or a request for more information. If you didn't get any of these, feel free to email me.
Title: Special Applications
Post by: Sanvean on September 12, 2006, 12:20:39 PM
I just finished the most recent batch of special applications. If you have sent me one, you should have received an approval, a denial, or a request for more information. If you didn't get any of these, feel free to email me.
Title: Special Applications
Post by: Sanvean on October 01, 2006, 11:26:07 AM
Finished up a batch of these yesterday.  If you have sent me one, you should have received an approval, a denial, or a request for more information. If you didn't get any of these, feel free to email me.

Some reminders:
Include your account name

I'm more inclined to say yes to the requests that have put some time and thought into it and present me with a complete character write-up, including desc and background, than the ones that say "I always wanted to run a sorc, can I?"

We generally will not say yes to requests that create a need for codework to support the role.

Similarly, we do not generally do special items.  I would make both of those blanket statements, but I'm sure an exception would immediately pop up.
Title: Special Applications
Post by: Sanvean on October 17, 2006, 01:31:37 PM
Just finished clearing out the most recent batch of special applications. If you have sent me one, you should have received an approval, a denial, or a request for more information. If you didn't get any of these, feel free to email me.