Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: Zhaky on June 21, 2006, 04:30:41 PM

Question: what do you think?
Option 1: good idea votes: 11
Option 2: it will be too much work votes: 0
Option 3: who would wanna do that? votes: 27
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Zhaky on June 21, 2006, 04:30:41 PM
I have never seen a cmd for this so I guess it is not there, but I think it would be cool if you could lower you HP, stun or stamina in case it would be realistic with the RP fx.

if you RP that you have done 100 push-ups, you could lower your stamina a bit, so that it would seem like you were tired after all those push-ups.

if you RP that you fall and hit your head, then maybe you could lower your stun.

if you are working with some sharp tools fx, and you RP that the tool slips out of your hand, and you get cut, then you could lower you HP a bit.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: bloodfromstone on June 21, 2006, 04:39:41 PM
I've always wanted to be about to do that sort of thing. I understand that it would make it easier to suicide to roll better stats or whatever, but, really, how hard is that to begin with?

It would be awesome to be able to cut yourself, would self 35, then tell the militia that Stinky the Elf tried to kill you.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Lavalamps on June 21, 2006, 05:06:31 PM
I can see how this would be useful, but, from my (limited, noobish) perspective, I can see a few problems:

1. Judging exactly how damage an accidental injury would do.
2. Making this easier to commit twinkicide (but like you said, its not hard to kill yourself in the 1st place)
3. Giving someone this much control over such an important aspect of their character could be abused.

However, I can see quite a few pros as well:

1. Actually being able to RP a suicide (with IC reasons of course!) eg, emote plunges dagger into heart
2. Being able to frame people, like bloodfromstone said.
3. RP other events more realistically.

So idunno, I guess it's got its ups and downs.
This could be quite useful though!
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Twilight on June 21, 2006, 06:29:07 PM
You talking about current, or max?

I'm not sure about current.  For example, then it would be just way too easy to practice bandage relatively safely.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: bloodfromstone on June 21, 2006, 06:54:21 PM
I hadn't thought about practicing bandage. That is one place where it could be used twinkishly.

I still think it would be a worth while trade-off. If you ask me, people will find ways to twink whether or not they have the tools places directly in front of them or not. I'm sure people have, in the past, made a habit of bashing the sparring dummy until they can fail a few bandages on themselves. Two for one! But I don't think any roleplayer worth their salt would have their character slash their arms open just to bandage them back up.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Angela Christine on June 21, 2006, 08:20:23 PM
You can fake it a bit.  

If you want to get tired from excersice include some running/jogging as part of your routine.  Even in the city you can drop some stamina by running a few rooms, or back and forth between two rooms.

If you want drop some stun points you can misuse psionics.  Try contact soldier or contact AngelinaJoilie.

You can't drop hp.  Maybe they could introduces a "cutting" skill for all those depresed half-elves and muls?   :P

Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Anonymous on June 21, 2006, 08:23:53 PM
You can't hit self anymore?
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: bloodfromstone on June 21, 2006, 08:28:44 PM
Sure, you can fake it. I had a character pass out from shock once, so I tried contacting mickeymouse until I toppled. But this would be a nicer, cleaner way of doing it.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: MorganChaos on June 21, 2006, 09:06:38 PM
I like this. I've had times when realistically my character's stam shouldn't have gone above 60 or 70, realistically, but I was stuck playing it without the code support. The code is a little halfassed in places, and this is one of them.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Nao on June 22, 2006, 08:00:19 AM
Me wants...

this could be useful when someone else roleplays out hurting you, too... Templars torture, anyone?

Would make them actually have to watch out to not kill their prisoner ^^

And yes, self-mutilating half-elves *grin*
slipping with a knife
Actually making a long-lasting injury like a broken arm long-lasting
etc etc...
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 22, 2006, 08:47:38 AM
I kinda like this idea. Is it really twinky to kill yourself? Under the right circumstances, no. And I imagine that it can't be any worse than people running into the wild to die.

I say, yes.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Halaster on June 22, 2006, 09:18:57 AM
Not happening.  They're fine like they are - for playability sake.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Nao on June 22, 2006, 11:11:03 AM
Quote from: "Halaster"Not happening.  They're fine like they are - for playability sake.

Huh *scratches head*

I think the OP was suggesting to be able to lower your own current hp/stamina/stun by a command in certain situations, not the max hp/stamina/stun or hp/stamina/stun in general...

If that's what you mean then I don't get how this would affect playability...
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Malken on June 22, 2006, 11:16:27 AM
I quickly read the poll.. I thought he meant that he wanted the overall of HPs, Stuns, etc.. To be lowered from what we currently have.

After rereading the poll, I'm thinking that I, and many others, misread what he meant :)
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Halaster on June 22, 2006, 11:25:30 AM
Quote from: "Nao"
Quote from: "Halaster"Not happening.  They're fine like they are - for playability sake.

Huh *scratches head*

I think the OP was suggesting to be able to lower your own current hp/stamina/stun by a command in certain situations, not the max hp/stamina/stun or hp/stamina/stun in general...

If that's what you mean then I don't get how this would affect playability...

Oh, if that is what he meant, then I definitely misunderstood them.  I also thought they meant max.. woops, my bad.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Zhaky on June 22, 2006, 04:35:27 PM
I knew that it could be misused, but I made the idea based on the hope of every armplayer being a honest RPer and not some twink.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Bogre on June 22, 2006, 11:00:41 PM
I'd like to see it as a 'damage self' kind of command.

That way, you don't have full control of it.

em slices open her wrists
The gothic, emo half-elf slices open her wrists.

damage self

think Arg...this doesn't relieve the pain, I think I'm dying, I've cut too much!!! Help me argg arg I need a medic!!!!
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Moofassa on June 23, 2006, 12:32:27 AM
I like this idea. I often wish up for this sort of thing, and while the immortals are generally kind enough to oblige, it would be amazing if the players were able to do it to themselves.

Perhaps at 10hp, you'd need immortal assistance to lower it any further.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Nusku on June 23, 2006, 01:31:34 PM
With regard to the original idea, keep in mind that any numeric concept - like hit points - isn't an 'absolute' concept, but instead, completely scalable. That's very abstract, so let me give an example to explain.

Let's say you have 90 hit points. What does 90 mean? I could just as easily say that you have 900 hit points. In fact, if I said you have 900 hit points, but everything that affected your hit points was 10 times as effective, it would be no different than having 90 hit points. So instead of taking 1 point of damage out of 90, I would make you take 10 points of damage out of 900. Taking 1 out of 90 is the same effect as taking 10 out of 900. I could also give you 9 hit points, and take .1 hit points out of 9.

So the actual numbers aren't the problem. 90 hit points is nothing but a number; what you really want to talk about are things that change that number, like taking damage. So, if the question is, "Do PCs take enough damage?" I think the answer is "Yes. Yes they do." Death can happen very quickly, and I'm ok with the rate at which people get demolished.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: LauraMars on June 23, 2006, 01:35:12 PM
Quote from: "Nusku"So, if the question is, "Do PCs take enough damage?" I think the answer is "Yes. Yes they do." Death can happen very quickly, and I'm ok with the rate at which people get demolished.

I don't think that's the question.

The point of this post is that someone wants to be able to lower their hitpoints voluntarily.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Nusku on June 23, 2006, 01:38:18 PM
Hmm. SO IT IS. I have no thoughts on that. I blame Vanth.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Cyrian20 on June 23, 2006, 03:38:14 PM
Quote from: "Nusku"Hmm. SO IT IS. I have no thoughts on that. I blame Vanth.

I blame Vanth also.

As for this subject I am totally on this. Maybe just give a person the ability to
take away up to 10 hp from their max. If your already injured or bleeding you
don't need to take more to rp it.

So I say if your at full hp a cmd to lower 5-10 hp would have little room for
abuse (except bandage and it is so twinky to do that I say lets have it and
let the imms rain down fire on the uber twinks)
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: InsertCleverNameHere on June 23, 2006, 11:44:07 PM
I like the idea. I have a suggestion though.. I agree the exact amount of damage should be somewhat variable, but as you're OOCly making a concious decision to injure your character ICly, maybe have a minimal control over it? Like... damage self small/medium/large/critical...

Say someone has 50 hps (I'm sorry for you, person) and they did a 'damage self small' then small could be anywhere from 1-6, this is the person who sliced their hand cutting bread but it's not so bad.  Medium could bring it from 7-12, etc etc. Large would be a bad bleeder, critical would be a gusher. Gives the person a small amount of control, but if they aren't careful about the usage they could end up with more damage than they bargained for.
I also (think I) know that as a skill when you bandage, the damage has to be over a certain amount.. The amount I don't know, but if you try to bandage someoen who's just a little hurt, it'll tell you they're fine. So if you're tring to twink the bandage skill, just slicing their fingertip isn't going to do any good, it has to be worthy of using that bandage. And what PC would intentionally want to hurt themselves that badly just to bandage?
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: Zhaky on June 24, 2006, 07:30:28 AM
of course I meant the current, cause it doesn't seem very logical that just because you do a lot of push-ups, you won't be able to have a big amount of energy after that, it would only seem logical taht you just were a bit exhausted.
Title: lower HP, stun and stamina
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 24, 2006, 08:37:05 AM
I don't really see anything wrong with being able to kill yourself with the command. How is it possible to abuse this any worse than abusing the Law Code or the Mean Animals?

I kind of dislike the inability to commit suicide independant of staff support.