Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: Dalmeth on June 03, 2006, 05:00:19 PM

Title: Wounds
Post by: Dalmeth on June 03, 2006, 05:00:19 PM
You know, I had an idea this morning.  What if you could put wounds on your locdesc that would disappear after an IG week or so?  You could probably do it through the same sort of thing as scars now.  Maybe it could even come from particularly grievous blows in combat.  Wouldn't it be fun to come out of a sparring session with various bruises?

The primary problem I see is that they might replace scars on a certain bodypart and the bodypart will show as completely clean once the wound "heals."
Title: Wounds
Post by: Larrath on June 03, 2006, 05:07:24 PM
I support this.
It would also open the door for henna tattoos, and those are just completely awesome.
Title: Right
Post by: Desertman on June 04, 2006, 07:33:24 PM
I like this idea, in fact I like it alot. I wouldnt want to see it be auto placed though....But if you could hop into an OOC room to add your fresh wounds the way you can hop into one to add your scars that would be really kickass. I would also like for there to be a set command to eliminate the wound instead of it going away after a time. Seems like that would be easier to code.
Title: Wounds
Post by: SpyGuy on June 04, 2006, 07:38:10 PM
I'd just like to see something similiar to the SoI system in place of combat adding wounds automatically, of their healing slowly over time, etc. etc.  I think it'd add to realism in a good way.

But this wouldn't be a bad addition either.
Title: Wounds
Post by: desert_spider_eater on June 04, 2006, 07:41:42 PM
Quote from: "SpyGuy"I'd just like to see something similiar to the SoI system in place of combat adding wounds automatically, of their healing slowly over time, etc. etc.  I think it'd add to realism in a good way.

But this wouldn't be a bad addition either.

In the absence of armor, at least, I think it would be automatic.  But I think the simplest route is like the one suggested, offering the option of bruises, cuts, gashes, festering gangrenous wounds, etc.  After a time, they could be removed, transformed into relevant scars, or have the code do so automatically.  Great idea.
Title: Wounds
Post by: jstorrie on June 04, 2006, 07:46:18 PM
I'm with SpyGuy on this one: if you take a serious hit to a body location, slap an automatic wound on there that will heal over time. Good first aid or magick can prevent scarring. The type of wound/scar can be randomly selected from a small list for each damage type (bludgeoning/slashing/piercing/stabbing/fire/etc.)
Title: Wounds
Post by: SpyGuy on June 04, 2006, 09:03:02 PM
Quote from: "jstorrie"I'm with SpyGuy on this one: if you take a serious hit to a body location, slap an automatic wound on there that will heal over time. Good first aid or magick can prevent scarring. The type of wound/scar can be randomly selected from a small list for each damage type (bludgeoning/slashing/piercing/stabbing/fire/etc.)

And the fact that wounds could then have a real chance to impact your PC.  Fall off the shield wall and live?  You might codedly have a broken leg and for a period of time walk slower or have less movement than you would normally.

Some people might say this takes away from your ability to choose and RP your own wounds.  I say it doesn't, it just enforces a new degree of realism in how wounds must be dealt with.  It also makes the skill bandage, not to mention Vivaduans, infinitely more useful.
Title: Wounds
Post by: MorganChaos on June 04, 2006, 09:24:51 PM
If this happened I'd want to be able to target body parts with bandage. bandage arm, bandage head. Just bandage would either select a random wound or bandage the most severe wound.
Title: Wounds
Post by: Delirium on June 04, 2006, 09:26:05 PM
If this happened, I want wounds to show up only in 'assess'.

The feedback from 'look' is cluttered enough already.

<insert gratuitous grumble about the 'carrying nothing' blurb>
Title: Wounds
Post by: John on June 04, 2006, 11:01:19 PM
A simple "nothing" scar would be fine, then just add wounds to the scars. That would still be player-controlled and fadeable (by replacing it with the none). Would it be abusable? Sure. Just as having "a faint scar" is abusable now.
Title: Wounds
Post by: Beldin on June 05, 2006, 03:36:49 AM
I like the idea of coded scars, but only for extremely severe wounds.  The more interesting option to me though, as was suggested, is allowing PCs to add scars as they want, just like adding tattoos, and maybe allow them to choose the severity.  If it's a severe wound, the scar may last for months, or years, but if it's a minor wound, it may only last for a week or maybe only days.  Maybe something like this.

> change wound <location> <type> <severity>

Where the locations would be the same as locdesc locations, the type would be the same as attack types (slash, pierce, stab, fire, etc), and the severities would range from 1 to 10.

Maybe a new wound would appear as a fresh stab wound on his head while an old wound, over a year or so, would be a very old burn on his arm.

Eh, just a noob's two cents.  I've always thought something like this would make gameplay more interesting.  If you walk into a bar and see a friend sitting there with a huge gash in his side it seems that should be pretty obvious without them having to point it out.

PS.  Maybe only very severe wounds should appear when a character is looked at.  I agree that it's already a little bit of a jumbled mess when looking at someone.
Title: Wounds
Post by: Ava on June 05, 2006, 02:57:05 PM
(1) I dislike the idea of getting scars added automatically, mainly because I don't want sparring with blunt weapons to leave permanent marks. I've added unattractive scarring before and will again, but I'd like discretion on when to do so.

(2) I like the idea of coded wounds that heal over time, with the condition that normal, "realistic" sparring is unlikely to cause them. People often do a nice job of RPing out major injuries over several days, but there's no code to support this. And I've occasionally run into the "Aye, I've been shot full of arrows and am near death, but I'll be fine with a few hours sleep" folks.  There's a fine line here between playability and realism, though, and I'd rather we continue to err on the side of playability, if we must err.

(3) I love, love, love the idea of wounds being identifiable after death. Any fool should be able to look at a corpse and see whether it's poked full of holes or not. It would be neat if Physicians could extract additional information (type of weapon, etc.), but that's not crucial: I just want to be able to tell whether someone died from poison or from being hacked to pieces. There are circumstances in which this makes a huge difference, plot-wise.
Title: Wounds
Post by: Oxidised Lizard on June 05, 2006, 03:44:41 PM
I agree with most of what Ava said...
Dislike the automatic scar idea, not particularly bothered about the automatic wound idea, and really like the idea of physicians, and anybody to a lesser extent, being able to diagnose the cause of death.
Title: Wounds
Post by: Dalmeth on June 05, 2006, 04:05:41 PM
I too don't like the idea of automatically getting wounds, I just suggested it because I knew several others would.  I especially don't like the idea of wounds that give scars automatically.  Especially so when the wound might not exactly match the weapon.  I prefer having the ability to determine the details myself.

Quote from: "Ava"(3) I love, love, love the idea of wounds being identifiable after death. Any fool should be able to look at a corpse and see whether it's poked full of holes or not. It would be neat if Physicians could extract additional information (type of weapon, etc.), but that's not crucial: I just want to be able to tell whether someone died from poison or from being hacked to pieces. There are circumstances in which this makes a huge difference, plot-wise.

This is probably the only new suggestion mentioned in a while, and it is probably the best.  I would be thrilled to come across a corpse and get some impression of how it died.  If it was burned to death in a smoldering inferno, this is the sort of thing I would want to know.  So I could run away.  Very fast.
Title: Wounds
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on June 05, 2006, 09:14:51 PM
I actually do like the idea of dynamic wounds.
Title: Wounds
Post by: desert_spider_eater on June 05, 2006, 10:24:26 PM
Quote from: "Ava"(3) I love, love, love the idea of wounds being identifiable after death. Any fool should be able to look at a corpse and see whether it's poked full of holes or not. It would be neat if Physicians could extract additional information (type of weapon, etc.), but that's not crucial: I just want to be able to tell whether someone died from poison or from being hacked to pieces. There are circumstances in which this makes a huge difference, plot-wise.

And perhaps a general idea of how long they've been dead.
Title: Wounds
Post by: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit on June 05, 2006, 10:26:40 PM
An autopsy skill would be orgasmically good (not to mention useful), and if this was put in, I think it'd be one step closer.
Title: Sweet idea.
Post by: gfair on June 07, 2006, 06:08:23 AM
This idea is great. Though bloody clothing usually hints at where the person was wounded, anyway. Generic (i.e. doesn't reveal what placed the wounds)

And an additional skill for physicians. "Identify wounds" or something like that. Will let them see what exactly placed the wounds. Weapon, scrab claw, tarantula fangs, etc.
Title: Re: Sweet idea.
Post by: Nao on June 07, 2006, 06:23:12 AM
Quote from: "gfair"And an additional skill for physicians. "Identify wounds" or something like that. Will let them see what exactly placed the wounds. Weapon, scrab claw, tarantula fangs, etc.

Oooh - thinkign about it, you could kill someone with scrab pincers/terantula fangs, then, and pretend he was killed by one of those... And make only someone really really skilled at the autopsy skill have a chance to figure this out..