Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ritley on April 26, 2006, 05:37:19 PM

Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Ritley on April 26, 2006, 05:37:19 PM
The topic from ask the staff made me interested, in what people like to play, and how they play them.

Personally, I prefer magickers. They're great fun.. love 'em... but since I don't have much karma, I go for warriors, rangers, and assassins. (never played a pickpocket, and only one burglar) I like clans, but also like being a unclanned solo character. My favourite clans, tend to be the great houses of either south or north. Not merchant houses like Salarr. I like playing rough struggling to live types, just comes across as Zalanthian to me...

Favourite race is Dwarf.. easy. Love 'em.. had me best times with 'em. Love their focus.. and if I can RolePlay one thing really well, it's the dwarven focus. (No means to boast) but.. I'm not at all good at roleplaying merchants, or half elves... or city elves, although I'm pretty good with the odd Delf.

How about you?
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: mansa on April 26, 2006, 05:39:36 PM
I like to play Burglars who pretend to be merchants or who pretend to be guards.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Xygax on April 26, 2006, 05:51:11 PM
I consider dwarves and desert-elves among the -most- difficult races to play correctly.  Racially-speaking, I -love- humans.  They have such a wide array of possibility on day one, and a human warrior can aspire to nearly anything; something many other race/class combinations cannot lay claim to.

That said, I do love to occasionally play a stealthy type, and I very much enjoyed the one semi-short-lived merchant I've played (also human).

-- X
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Marauder Moe on April 26, 2006, 05:52:46 PM
I haven't played enough characters to really say what my favorite type is.  All I know is that my current PC is my favorite.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: LauraMars on April 26, 2006, 05:53:15 PM
Favorites? I haven't tried them all yet!

However, I notice I've a tendency to lean towards Skulking Folk, deviants, and social outcasts, or some combination of these.

Definately not a clan type of girl at the moment, and haven't really been since my first character - which is not to say I haven't played in clans.

Mages have been good to me, fun-wise, but I haven't played enough of any class or race to pass final judgement...
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Larrath on April 26, 2006, 05:53:20 PM
I'm a magick whore.  The only reason why I haven't tried, like, every kind of magicker out there is that I'd feel guilty about doing that.

Other than that, I usually tend to focus on more social aspects of the game.  I'm a low-combat high-social player, but not by choice.  Give it time, and then I'll plot against the clan you've been building up for eight months and kill you in person.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: FiveDisgruntledMonkeysWit on April 26, 2006, 05:54:04 PM
I'm very open to all roles except stealth-heavy roles (pickpockets that are actually pickpockets, burglars that are actually burglars). They seem quite difficult, but mostly, the whole fantasy archetype of the artful trap-disarmer never really appealed to me.
The fantasy archetype I've always loved, however, was the magician, the sorcerer, the enchanter. So I love me some magicker characters... but I do make a conscious effort to play non-karma based characters, and honestly, the no-karma characters are definitely just as fun.
If I'm busy, and need to make use of that desert-quit, nothing beats a hard-drinkin', hard-workin' indy ranger.
I enjoy all the races, except muls and half-giants, but I like humans because their accessibility allows me to make them a bit more three-dimensional.
My longest-lived characters are usually clanned human warriors. If I want a real bildungsroman sort of character, I'll make one of those.
Yeah, that about sums it up for me.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: LauraMars on April 26, 2006, 06:00:23 PM
Quote from: "Larrath"I'm a magick whore.  The only reason why I haven't tried, like, every kind of magicker out there is that I'd feel guilty about doing that.

I'm going to grow up to be just like Larrath.  I just know it.  :oops:
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: ThirdEye on April 26, 2006, 06:05:39 PM
One word: 'Rinth.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Larrath on April 26, 2006, 06:06:28 PM
Quote from: "LauraMars"
Quote from: "Larrath"I'm a magick whore.  The only reason why I haven't tried, like, every kind of magicker out there is that I'd feel guilty about doing that.

I'm going to grow up to be just like Larrath.  I just know it.  :oops:

Most likely, yeah.

I think this means LauraMars' favorite character to play is Larrath.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: marko on April 26, 2006, 06:07:27 PM
I like playing.. hmm

Political roles.

In-your-face-outrageous roles.

Sometimes I get a desire to be a magicker.  

I guess I like trying a broad spectrum of different roles - I've done everything from a magicker who didn't realize they were a magicker all the way to nobility and templars.

My desert elves were fun.  I played a bard that I enjoy an insane amount (again, if anyone has any desire to speak poems and the like try out a born Circle bard - it's incredibly rewarding).  I've done a few shady types that were successful.  

Typically, the character I like to play after my last one is one that is really different.  So, if I played a noble I go on to a desert elf.  If I played a a Desert Elf I switch to a social role like a bard.  From there I go... well, you get the point.

It's easier to say what I don't enjoy - and that is dwarves.  I really dislike dwarves.  I have a hard time wrapping my mind around their focus and ways.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Medena on April 26, 2006, 06:12:56 PM
I don't think I've had enough characters yet to have developed a favourite type. So many characters to play and so little time! I mean, I may only be playing this another 20 years or so.

Until quite recently all of my characters were human, mainly non-combat, mainly stay-in-the-city types.  And now that I have varied from that there are about 100 more characters I want to play.  I've yet to play a magicker and perhaps I should be afraid of the day I do. I don't want to be Larrath and LauraMars. No no no no.    :wink:
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: jmordetsky on April 26, 2006, 06:16:20 PM

I love rinthis. Love the gangs, the crime, the lingo the culture the knowing someone can kill you whenever they want. Love all of it.

After rinthi, city elves. I like being hated.

After city elves, human or half-elven Bynners.

After that, ungemmed Magickers. But not too much.

Desert Elves bore me. I just don't get dwarves and Gemmed magickers (really magickers in general) just don't float my boat.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Ktavialt on April 26, 2006, 06:21:48 PM
I'm sorta big on rogue magickers myself.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Tamarin on April 26, 2006, 06:27:31 PM
All my characters are vain attempts to portray the subtle archetypes that make up mansa's psyche.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Delirium on April 26, 2006, 06:35:50 PM
I like playing characters that are complete 180's of my last ones.

I like trying out brand new concepts.

So I guess I don't really have a favorite race or class.

What I do love is playing through conflict.  Without conflict, I get bored.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Intrepid on April 26, 2006, 06:50:12 PM
I loved playing a psi and I really want to again.

Wind mages...I may have played too many of these, actually.  There is
a great modicum of freedom in playing one, especially when they're
rogues.  I really got a kick out of playing a lightning mage once as well.

In the mundane categories, I love stealthy pcs like Assassins.  Burglars
and Rangers I love because of the sheer grab-bag of skills they have for
seemingly any occasion.

Race-wise, I prefer human, elves of both stripes and half-elves.

In regards to location...Allanak, Cenyr (if I can find it) and especially
Red Storm.

For concept types, I like being in a clan but having some freedom to
move, either as an explorer or a forward agent of some kind.  If worse
comes to worse, I will be a free agent, but I prefer to have some kind of
membership to support an existing clan.  Unfortunately, most of the
classes I choose do not lend themselves well to being political.  If I had
the chance, I would love to play a political psi someday.  Or even a Nilazi
in the political arena.

I know, a crackdream.  But you can't stop me from dreaming.
Title: Hrm
Post by: Dakkon Black on April 26, 2006, 07:03:38 PM
I make chars pretty wierd. When I need one I sorta just start flipping a coin to see what comes up, and start picking things, filling in the blanks as I need.

If I could pick just one class though. Mmm, I'd have to go Elkrosian.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Maybe42or54 on April 26, 2006, 07:05:57 PM
I love to play things that have an overall idea of what I can't do IRL.

I love to play nasty, dirty, Pcs, because I can't be dirty, or nasty.
I love to play Homosexual tendency, "Get it where you can," types, because I don't IRL.

Humans and elves are all I've really played for right now, and all I currently like.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Kalden on April 26, 2006, 07:07:34 PM
I pretty much play only 'rinther shady characters and desert elves these days. I've played enough of the others to know that it's not for me. One of these days I'll get the urge to do a human warrior again, but it's just too much time invested at such a slow pace in the clans.

I prefer the classes assassin and ranger, respectively.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Angela Christine on April 26, 2006, 07:22:39 PM
I like to wander around.  It is like movement commands are my favorite kind of commands.  That means a lot of rangers, and some magickers who can go different places or see different things.  It also means that my characters live an average of three weeks.   :cry:   If I have a character restricted to the city I've been comforted by wandering around inside the city, if I can come up with an excuse to "patrol" the city on a regular basis.  Spending all my time in just 3 or 4 locations bores me to tears.

While wandering around, I like to make maps with graph paper and pencil crayons.  Not so much to have a map of places I've been, though I do hope to someday compile all my map fragments and make a wall map of the known world, because that would be cool.  The real reason to map is to make the blank spots where I've never been  more obvious.  I try to avoid using text on my maps and just fill them in with colours or tiny drawings, so as to make them more like a map you might actually find in Zalanthas.  I tried Zmud's automapping, but even when I could get the automap to work right it just didn't feel as satisfying as a messy paper map that I can hold in my hand.

Angela Christine, virtual cartographer
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: John on April 26, 2006, 07:29:57 PM
I like playing new character concepts. Political characters from Allanak were a favourite of mine, but lately I've been having so much fun just playing different characters in different locations, I'm going to keep at it for a while. Now seems to be the best time to live in somewhere besides Allanak. Red Storm is lively (for Red Storm) and Luirs Outpost is even livelier. Tuluk I'd say is on par with Allanak.

So yeah, completely new character concepts is my favourite at the moment. Although yeah, I do have my next political character concept in mind and ready to roll, I'm having too much fun outside of Allanak at the moment. That Desert Elf trader? I hope to make him very soon (well, not very soon, but in one or two characters time). And lots of others too, but I don't want to give the concept away :P
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: jstorrie on April 26, 2006, 07:36:02 PM
I often think I like to play crafters and sneaks, and create them comparitively often, but tend to not enjoy the roles. I like leadership roles as long as they are participatory - so sergeants much less than nobles. I like merchanting if it requires a lot of exploring and wheeling-dealing, but not if it requires tavern-sitting and spam-crafting dresses. I seem to have the most fun playing rangers yet create them the least.

The characters I enjoy the most are the ones who differ greatly from their surroundings, and thus have a complex relationship with their environment and peers. Cowardly or sneaky Bynners, extremely honourable or dishonourable soldiers, thinkers of all types, and heroes or villains. I don't need to stand out externally - one of my favourite characters was essentially the paragon of an obedient Nakki sheep citizen - but I like the potential for active conflict or cognitive dissonance.

I generally prefer characters who have a wide range of freedom, which unfortunately makes the regimented drudgery of nascent soldiers, crafters or magickers very unenjoyable for me. Conversely, when there are a plethora of interesting directions to explore, such as for an independent trader, skilled caster, powerful warrior, or experienced ranger, I am at my best. For about three days, anyway, until I see the mantis and start from the bottom again.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: amoeba on April 26, 2006, 07:37:02 PM
I like to play characters with either external or internal conflict of some kind.  I don't care much for the chatty social types, mine tend to have a very independent streak about them in some fashion or another and tend to not fit in well with the group. I enjoy exploring, finding things I haven't seen before.

I enjoy playing half-elves because of the limitations the world places on them coupled with their particular mindset.  I enjoy playing desert elves because of their mobility and the tribal culture, the ability to dig into and explore their culture.  I also enjoy how they are so disconnected from the cites and their inhabitants, the culture clash is interesting to me.

I like playing magickers not because of the powers necessarily but because it is so easy to build conflict into them.  Both internal, coming to grips with who they are, and external, being almost universally hated and feared.  Keeping an independent one alive is sometimes quite a challenge.  I also enjoy the discovery aspect of them, seeing what they are capable of.

I'm not much into raw combat. Sparring tends to bore me.  Hunting I do a little better at, but after a point it is too easy to predict the code.  I am not much of a PK'er. I've killed a couple, been pk'ed three times, but it is not what I seek to do.  That being said, I -love- a manhunt. Either hunting or better yet being hunted.  It is the outsmarting another player that I find enjoyable.

The races that don't interest me yet are dwarfs, as I haven't come up with a cool concept yet, and half-giants.  I still can't get a really interesting, playable concept for a half-giant.  I need to try a noble once.  I thought I never would, but I'm slowly warming up to the idea.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: jhunter on April 26, 2006, 08:15:40 PM
I like to play alot of different things. I sometimes come up with oddball concepts that are really interesting and (I think) interesting for others to interact with. Unfortunately these ones don't last long.  :P

Sometimes I model pcs after movie/book/tv characters and those are pretty fun too.

Strange thing is that none of my interesting creations last very long. My longest lived pcs have been the most completely blah pcs I've created IMO. Sure, they might've grown over time but they started out really uninteresting.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: MorganChaos on April 26, 2006, 08:25:52 PM
Most of my roles have been characters who can concievably have a conversation that sounds massively sketchy to anyone who walks in at the wrong time. Like a long conversation about the wood I have for someone before I show a large branch of baobab and get several palmface emotes from the crowd that has gathered.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Larrath on April 26, 2006, 08:29:07 PM
jhunter likes to play characters that fart frequently.  It's true!
One of his farts once destroyed a plot I've been scheming for like two RL weeks and caused the death of my beloved character mere days before he was going to get filthy rich and settle down with a hawt babe he met, start a family and lead a good life.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: jhunter on April 26, 2006, 08:31:12 PM
Quote from: "Larrath"jhunter likes to play characters that fart frequently.  It's true!
One of his farts once destroyed a plot I've been scheming for like two RL weeks and caused the death of my beloved character mere days before he was going to get filthy rich and settle down with a hawt babe he met, start a family and lead a good life.

Lol! That one really was the fart heard around the world.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Mudder on April 26, 2006, 08:38:52 PM
I couldn't say. I only have played two pc's so far and the first one was a clanned warrior that last a rl year and the second is a magicker. I enjoy both of them so far, but I know I will have plenty more to come.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Rhyden on April 26, 2006, 09:34:22 PM
I almost always play humans. Although I'll play the completely random role too at times. But I usually stick to clans with my common folks whether I planned on it or not. I guess I like leader positions best though.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Anonymous on April 26, 2006, 09:44:07 PM
Anything funny.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: moab on April 26, 2006, 09:52:13 PM
I love playing Templars and characters that worship the city-state gods.

I think I love playing nobles, but it turns out that I prefer to play characters that have to strive for every darn thing they put in their mouth.   Considering the number of nobles and family members I've stored in the past, it's something that has taken me awhile to figure out.

I really like dirty, rough and tumble types (magick or no) the most.  Always with a bit of dark in them to a lesser or greater extent.  I love Bynners, Kuraci grunts and the hidden magicker type (as they have to struggle to survive). Same goes for muls.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Bebop on April 27, 2006, 12:37:26 AM
I <3 rangers.

But I guess I do favor that guild, but my enjoyment is not limited to that for the most part.

I don't like being walled in.

Also as an observation, a lot of people say that rangers like RPing alone.  Not true, I just like having something to do and rangers can find something to do.  If there is no one around in the taverns there is something to be done for the benefit of your character outside of the city.  I have been putting myself in clans lately and I find I am doing more solo RP in the clans then as a ranger because of the times I play.  I play during peak hours but I also like to play late at night, and there is no one around.  Not to mention there are certain duties sometimes one must attend on a daily schedule in a clan which forces you to RP alone alot of the time.  X_X
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Many Faces on April 27, 2006, 01:38:31 AM
I really enjoy most anything, but the roles that I dearly love are the ones that force me to think.  I love playing intelligent characters, not always schemers, but just intelligent.  Architects, engineers, strategists.  I've I'm a warrior, I'm more of a tactician.  If I'm a mage, I tend to find some crazy mundane facet of a problem that I can easily solve with magick and try to figure a mundane way around it that is Guinness BRILLIANT!.  I seem to have a player flaw in that I can never get a mage to uberpower.

Most of my more favored characters have been wilderness folk without wilderness abilities.  Someday I'll have my merchant from Cai'Shyzn.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: ale six on April 27, 2006, 01:57:38 AM
I enjoy playing ambitious characters, I've noticed. That takes different forms... some of them wanted promotions within their clan, one wanted to destroy an entire city-state, and some were just hopeless outcasts trying to become accepted and live happily (For a half-elf rinthi gemmed whore I'd call that ambitious). In general I like playing in clans.

I haven't had many PCs, though most have been fairly long lived. My shortest run so far has been two weeks.) I enjoy playing PCs who live, I guess. :P. I like to play social types, who usually also moonlight doing shady things in sekrit. I haven't played a straight-up thief or assassin yet but it feels like a really good role for Tuluk.

Only played one fighter type. I might enjoy playing another warrior or a ranger someday, but in general I think I like roles heavier on the politics and lighter on the combat.

Haven't had a chance to play too many mages either, but they do make me drool. I'd say I'm going to grow up to be Larrath too but actually I'll be much cooler.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: SpyGuy on April 27, 2006, 03:13:06 AM
I'm one of the alternators.  I go from effeminate male aide type to hardcore foul Bynner to 'rinthi elf to desert elf ranger.  I basically just pick random concepts and go with it, so I've tried a little of everything.  I tend to play rangers a lot but am beginning to get sick of them after my last long lived ranger, I feel like I've done what I can with that class.  They're great for independents because of survivability but since I feel I've seen enough of the game world as an independent I now want to explore clanned roles deeper.  I probably have 10 short lived ranger roles in addition to the longer lived ones

That said I've always had a penchant for my long lived clanned characters.  They tend to have fewer wild moments and close calls with death but overall I think my RP with them is better and deeper.  I'm loving my current role just for the freedom and chance to do things independently it has while remaining active in the political sphere.  I've tried a noble and always felt hamstrung by the lack of active leadership (those that can play a noble/active leader amaze me).  Maybe one day I'll try a nakki templar, that is a role I'm constantly trying to think up the perfect background/style for.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Vesperas on April 27, 2006, 05:11:55 AM
I sort of flip-flop from one concept type to the next with no REAL preference, so long as the idea seems cool to me.  

Trends, that I've noticed though:

I -SUCK- at shady roles.  I just do.  No getting around it.

I love subserviant roles.  I will choose to play someone's servant, slave, or punch-bag any day over the independant warrior-god.

Humans are good.  Every so often I get a taste to play something else, but humans have boundless possibilities.

Elves are bad.  I'm not clever enough to do one of these well, desert or city variety.  Not that I've TRIED desert... I just know I'd suck.

I don't really favor any guilds since I usually end up playing PCs that never use their skills.  Although, because I suck at 'shady' tpes, I play FAR fewer pickpockets and burglars.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: bloodfromstone on April 27, 2006, 05:13:57 AM
I've yet to explore all of the races/guilds of Armageddon. I will say that very little other than humans interest me, race wise. Maybe a dwarf, when I come up with a really neat focus sometime. Maybe a HG when I feel like being scary for a little while... But no d-elves. Die, tribals! Ahem.

Guildwise, I'd like to try them all eventually. Mages don't interest me a whole lot, but that might change once I've played one.

Really, the most important thing to me is really 'clicking' with the character, and getting immersed in interpersonal relationships out the ass. My very favorite character ever was full of it. Best friends, cheating lovers, deceptive companions, bonds formed through strife and forged with time. Ah, it was so fun. That is what Armageddon, and all good RP, is to me. I will piss myself with glee if I ever wind up getting as attached to and into a character as I did that one.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Boggis on April 27, 2006, 06:51:16 AM
Nearly always human just for the sheer variety they offer. Usually a city-based character split between ordinary and magicker (gemmed or ungemmed are both good). Never been much for combat roles, unless I'm on a break from a long city stay, preferring intruige, connivery and political RP. Generally start in Allanak as I do like a good criminal underworld to be around. I pretty much have little trouble at all hitting the 20+ day mark with those kind of roles which I find helps me make characters that have more life in them - I tend not to flesh out my character's personality too much beforehand preferring to let IC events shape it. Lastly, I love playing roles where I find out something new about Zalanthas that answers some of the questions I had in my mind about it's history, magick, the Way or whatever.
Title: I like to play characters.
Post by: Yang on April 27, 2006, 07:25:35 AM
These days I stick with humans. Alternate between male and female. Prefer the so called 'mundane' classes as I played more magickers than you could shake a spoon at before karma even came in. Booooring. Shame on you ALL *shakes his spoon, SHAKES HIS SPOON!*
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Pale Horse on April 27, 2006, 09:16:41 AM
I usually stick to Delfs (cower in your stinking walls, walkers!).  Love the sheer sense of "ability", as I see it, that comes with playing one.  Sure, the're not as versital as humans, and when you get sick of rping it alone in the desert and the rest of your tribe-mates arn't logged on, does get kinda boring.  This is a good thing, in my mind.  When this happens, it helps me to refocuse on my rp and drill it into my skull that their is a virtual world beyond the coded NPCs and such.

I've played half-elves and humans before.  Never quite got down the half-elve's bi-polar mindset, but loved them for their independent streaks, something I've got in RL.  With humans, I loved their ability to just dive into any aspect of Zalanthas.  They can go places and do things that none of the other races have the ability to, thus opening up many avenues for great rp.
I've never played a dwarf, half-giant or mul.  Something about them just sems to disinterest me.  Perhapse one day I'll relent and try one of them, but I don't see that day coming in the near future.

As for which guilds I stick to..Ranger comes out as #1 by a landslide.  LOVE their l337 skillz!  I have to agree with the thought that states that an uber ranger can pretty much own on any of the other classes.  Warrior comes next; only played 1 merchant and he got stored early.  I've not touched a pick-pocket nor the burgler class..I just don't really have the mentality for them.  Elves have the racial bent for thievery, but I just chalk this up as the urge to prove themselves superior and try to work it in like that.
I love playing Magickers, gemmed or non-gemmed(preference for gemmed though).  Unfortunatly, I had this insane mentality before that led me to get the vast majority of my characters killed within a couple weeks when I first started playing.  This carried over into my magicker play and I went through them like a cannable at a PETA convention(don't ask me how that makes sense..) :( Soon after this, I asked the staff to remove their options from my account until I felt that I could handle one again.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Nao on April 27, 2006, 11:10:38 AM
I like the down-low types.. I haven't had a chance to try many kinds of characters yet because even my solo-hunters last long, but as for now, nobles/merchants/aides just don't interest me.
I like half-elves and the kind of character that is a complete mental fuckup - and sometimes they turn out that way even if that wasn't planend at all.

All characters have been outside-ish so far but something like a rinthi, or a combat type witha a house that never leaves the city, or some pickpocket sound really appealing, too..
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Yokunama on April 27, 2006, 11:36:49 AM
Quote from: "Bebop"I <3 rangers.

But I guess I do favor that guild, but my enjoyment is not limited to that for the most part.

I don't like being walled in.

Also as an observation, a lot of people say that rangers like RPing alone.  Not true, I just like having something to do and rangers can find something to do.  If there is no one around in the taverns there is something to be done for the benefit of your character outside of the city.

Ranger lurve!
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Hot_Dancer on April 27, 2006, 12:08:43 PM
Desert Elves.

Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Ritley on April 27, 2006, 12:23:35 PM
Quote from: "Hot_Dancer"Desert Elves.

How did I guess  :roll:

Seriously though.. the variation of what everyplayer likes is amazing. Although I'd say 50 % are addicted to rangers. I meself, don't like them really.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Aldiel on April 27, 2006, 12:46:07 PM
My first couple characters were wars, and I loved them, but I loved them because I had some fantasy of being the best warrior in the world.  These days I tend to focus almost entirely on social scenes as I feel that's where the real RP goes down.  Oddly enough, I finally got my dream of being a kick ass war, but only years after I stop trying for it.  Magickers are cool too, but I enjoyed them for the same reason I enjoyed wars.  I played a dwarf a little while ago.  I had a great time with him.  It's so hard to roleplay a focus without being cliché, but I think in the end, I had a good grasp on it.  I'd play a stubby again in a blink.  So to answer your quest, I love social roles and races and positions that require me to define my RP in a way I've never tried before.  I generally like to keep my character's persona something like mine because when I stray too far from it, I can't relate, and I have a time with RPing them.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Cuusardo on April 27, 2006, 12:46:31 PM
I've only been playing for three years!  Once I've tried everything, then I'll let you know.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: The7DeadlyVenomz on April 27, 2006, 03:26:45 PM
I favor mul warriors.

Second choice are mulish rangers.

No, it's not just the scary factor. It's the hunt, the run, the discovery of yourself, the search for yourself, the despair because there are no answers that you don't make yourself. The struggle, the confusion, the power, and the hate and anger all drive me.

Second is humans.

Anyone else is fodder, altthough I'll prolly never play an elf again.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Moofassa on April 27, 2006, 04:07:51 PM
The hawt ones. Get it? play? Har!
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Ghost on April 27, 2006, 06:08:54 PM
Assassins.  Rinther assassins.  I love the criminal world.  Human or half elves are my favorite races.  My favorite one so far was a half-elf rinther assassin.

I am not good with magickers.  So far I only gave one shot, though my next char will definitely be a magicker.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Majikal on April 27, 2006, 09:41:43 PM
Gotta say my most enjoyed was a human assasin though some of the most interesting times where with a half-elven elkrosian. I like the mindset of a half-elf and especially love the different personality aspects of a magicker. But I haven't tried everything yet so I suppose those are my favorite temporarily.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: williamson on April 27, 2006, 09:54:19 PM
Merchants are my all time favorite characters to play. However, its one of the few roles you can play without having to choose the guild with the same name. A close second to the merchant has to be the templar. I haven't played one in the north. However, Allanaki templars are extremely fun characters.

Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: da mitey warrior on April 27, 2006, 11:34:01 PM
Human warriors.  Maybe Human Ranger if I'm feeling like having someone with extra abilities and less combat power.   Warriors that are very direct sorts, who solve their problems with bone bastard swords.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: WarriorPoet on April 28, 2006, 10:03:09 AM
Rinth human. No doubt. Warrior or Assassin. The Labyrinth  is the sheeeit.

Most of my favorite moments ingame came in this reeking hole of a Quarter. I love the -feeling- of being so dirty and crooked. Mmm. Aside from my current incarnation, my favorite character was a plain ole human Rinthi warrior. He did nothing at all, skill-wise, but accomplished more than all the rest of my characters, plot-wise. I think he sparred twice and was never a real threat to -anyone-, yet he was very trusted by his superiors, had a hand in a dozen-odd murders, dealt in spice, whores, booze and gambling, and made far, far more coin than any other character I've had.

Next? Probably Byn. Human/warrior. I've probably been through Runner training a dozen times, and, overall, served a large number of RL months as Trooper, and I plan to return eventually.

Finally? Eh. Human ranger, preferably Storm or Nak based. Sooooo much to occupy you, as you can do whatever the hell you want, be it politicking, hunting, salting, spicing, whoring, or fighting.

I obviously prefer humans, preferably fighters. Elves are fun but tedious, never played a serious dwarf, and my HG's suck. Merchants bore me, as do magickers.

Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: FightClub on April 29, 2006, 03:47:40 AM
This goes without saying, I love and prefer warriors.  In every game I've played, warriors are the first, and usually last thing I play.  I prefer to play them, gritty, brutal, violent, and mentally unstable.  It's just more beautiful that way.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Morrolan on April 29, 2006, 03:16:32 PM
After all the discussions on the sneaky threads, I want to play a breed or DE ranger/thief with a penchant for stealing things from gith.

say (with a shake of his head, tossing a bundle of arrows on the ground) I don't think they'll be shooting at us anymore.  Who needs arrows?

drop arrow
drop arrow
drop arrow
drop arrow
drop arrow
drop arrow
drop arrow
Title: On another note..
Post by: Ritley on April 30, 2006, 02:15:56 PM
I've got a few things I would like to play as well.

A drovian; these would be great. These would be my best friend if I had the karma.. and..

A nilazi; these would not be my best friend.. these would be my bestest, bestest friend... I would love to play one.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Akaramu on April 30, 2006, 04:53:58 PM
half of my 9 characters have been magickers, I think that says it all.  :lol:
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Hymwen on April 30, 2006, 07:50:57 PM
What were the other 4½?
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Cale_Knight on April 30, 2006, 08:16:28 PM
Quote from: "Hymwen"What were the other 4½?

Nine halflings.
Title: Right
Post by: Desertman on April 30, 2006, 08:49:50 PM
Half-elf rangers are by far my most loved role. I love being a loner, and not just an indy pc...To sit out in the wilderness for RL days at a time...Its great.

Its when your kank starts talking back to you when you start to worry. At one point back when I was putting in 15 hours a day 6 days a week (Summer vacation in High School) I swear I thought I was truly starting to understand the flow of Zalanthan nature and seriously thought I could tell when the weather was going to change and could determine if anything dangerous was in the area by watching the signs from wildlife....And I wasnt even playing in the SimDesert....If I had a volley ball I probably would have started calling it Wilson...When that PC died I had some serious down time for a while.

Anyways....I love half-elf rangers.

I would have to say that 85% of my pc's have been in this role.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Akaramu on May 01, 2006, 05:26:58 AM
Quote from: "Hymwen"What were the other 4½?

A pickpocket, an assassin, and 2 merchants. Thats 4 non-magickers of 9.  :oops:
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: path on May 02, 2006, 03:24:51 PM
I like to play humans. Mainly human women. Someday I may play a desert elf...but at this point it seems unlikely.
Once I played a human man and it was really fun, because the other boys all want to chill with you and fight stuff and mine 'sid. I got way more playerbase interaction that way.

I don't have a favorite to play. My favorite dead. She's dead and there's nothing I can do about it. She's been dead a while. She begged them not to kill her at the end, but it didn't do any good.
Title: Characters you like to play..
Post by: Cale_Knight on May 02, 2006, 04:24:12 PM
I've only played three characters that lived any appreciable length of time and did anything particularly exciting, and two of them were human warriors.

And if I could do the third one over again, he would have been a human warrior too.

So I guess what I'm saying is that human warriors are kind of fun.