Armageddon General Discussion Board

General => Code Discussion => Topic started by: slipshod on April 22, 2006, 02:19:31 AM

Title: Psst. Whispering to more than one person...
Post by: slipshod on April 22, 2006, 02:19:31 AM the same time, that is.  I would like to be able to.  Does anyone agree, and if so, what do you think the limit on a "huddle" size should be?
I'm thinking that it would be sufficient and realistic to be able to whisper to two people at once.  If three people were standing together, I think the one in the middle at least could whisper so the other two could hear, if he wanted to.  While we're at it, why not be able to target more than one person for other types of communication?  People constantly address more than one person when giving orders, and just use emotes.  Why not:

tell/ask/whisper amos-malik (glaring between the two) You idiots.  What did you do this time?
Title: Psst. Whispering to more than one person...
Post by: John on April 22, 2006, 02:22:12 AM
If this were to be coded, then it should only be slightly harder then overhearing someone talk at a table.
Title: Psst. Whispering to more than one person...
Post by: Cale_Knight on April 22, 2006, 02:23:26 AM
A whisper is more than talking quietly. It's so quiet that even someone with excellent hearing who's standing right next to you probably won't pick it up. We're talking about lips right up against the other person's ear.

I don't see how you could realistically speak to two people in that way.
Title: Psst. Whispering to more than one person...
Post by: slipshod on April 22, 2006, 02:28:52 AM
Hmm, well, that's one interpretation of a whisper.  a super secret kind.  When I whisper in real life, it's usually not that quiet.
Even so, if we can focus our eyes on people in game with 'watch', why not make it take an effort on the part of the addressees to pick up the whisper?
Listen <speaker>
and stay close to hear.
Title: Psst. Whispering to more than one person...
Post by: Cale_Knight on April 22, 2006, 02:35:28 AM
Quote from: "slipshod"Hmm, well, that's one interpretation of a whisper.  a super secret kind.  When I whisper in real life, it's usually not that quiet.

And when you're not whispering very quietly, other people will be able to hear you.

Just do:

say (lowering his voice, speaking to ~bob and ~amos) Booga booga.

That would be a not-so-quiet, non-super-secret group whisper.
Title: Psst. Whispering to more than one person...
Post by: Folker on April 22, 2006, 04:13:59 AM
Quote from: "Cale_Knight"

Just do:

say (lowering his voice, speaking to ~bob and ~amos) Booga booga.

That would be a not-so-quiet, non-super-secret group whisper.

One that would be heard 3 leagues away in the desert. I'm all for it being overheard in the same room ofcourse, listen activated or not. But not other rooms.
Title: Psst. Whispering to more than one person...
Post by: flurry on April 22, 2006, 08:58:24 AM
I would like to see something along these lines, but I agree it shouldn't be as hard to overhear as whisper.  It shouldn't be as easy to overhear as say.

Basically, it would be nice to have something that functions like talk that can be used while standing, riding, or in rooms without tables.
Title: Psst. Whispering to more than one person...
Post by: Only He Stands There on April 22, 2006, 11:17:49 AM
Make it so that "talk" can be used to speak with anyone following you, that you are following, or that is following the person you're following. Basically, anyone in your group.