Armageddon General Discussion Board

Staff-related => Staff Announcements => Topic started by: Morgenes on April 12, 2006, 09:50:02 AM

Title: New commands: Silent Emote
Post by: Morgenes on April 12, 2006, 09:50:02 AM
We have added a pair of new commands to allow you to specify silent emotes, semote and psemote.  They should be used for exactly what they sound like they should be used for, that is emotes that would make ABSOLUTELY no sound.

We realize this is a long time coming, and warn you to carefully read the helpfile on this, as it is not exactly what was described in many of the threads  where you guys discussed this subject.

Quote from: "silent emote helpfile"Silent emotes should only be used to express actions that are completely silent.  They will only show to people who can see you, so if they are asleep, dying, or otherwise unable to see you, they will not get any indication you did something.

  > semote quietly moves around some boxes, trying to remain hidden

  > semote smiles to himself

It has the same syntax and handling as the regular emote command (so you can do things like use @ to put your short description anywhere in the silent emote).

Please read over this carefully and if you have any questions about using these, please post a discussion thread, or if you'd rather discuss it in private, mail and cc